Newspaper Page Text
T OWN MAT r V Kl* W.
Cartemille, tta-» April Uth, *B7l.
Mauri*o, at the residence of the Brule’s
father, near Stilesboro’, on the morning of
the 6th instant, by Rev. Wm. Cunyua, Mr.
Elias Skauxal, of Bossier Parish, Louisi
an*, to Miss Nansie J., cMcat daughter of
p. B. Ccxrrs, of Bartow County.
At 8 o’clock. A. M., the youthful couple
left the bridal home for the Stilesboro’ De
pot, C. k V-W. R. R., accompanied by sev
eral young friends as far as Cartersville,
then a final adieu for their in the
f ft r West May their wedded life be as
bright aud lovely as their bridal morning.
On Swearing.
Cowper wrote some lines about
swearing, which it, would be worth
while for every one to learn:
It chill* n»T blood to hear the blest Supreme
Rradely appealed toon each trilling theme:
Maintain vour rank vulgarity despise—
To swear Is neither brave, polite nor wi*e,
Too would not swear upon a bed of death :
Reflect! Vour Maker may now stop your breath.
Our Trip to Taylorsville.
On Friday afternoon last, in company with
Col. Abda Johnson, President, and Capt. D.
W. K. Peacock, Sec’y and Treas., of the
Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad, Judge
J. JR. Parrott, A. R. lludginß, Z. W. Jack
eon, of Cartereville, and Messrs. Sims and
Cannon, of Stilesboro, we made a hasty trip
over said road to Taylorsville and back.—
This was our first trip to that point since
the cars have been running there. It is, by
trail, about 13] miles from Cartersville to
Taylorsville, and about miles from there
to Van-Wert, the present terminus of the
road, or as far as it has been graded. Be
tween the latter points two are considerable
obstructions to the progress of the road, in
the shape of Sugar and Deaton’s hills, upon
both of which hands are now actively at
work—ono of which is a deep dirt cut while
the other is being excavated, inch by inch,
by drill and blast. These obstructions pass
ed over, we believe, nothing remains to com
pletc the road to Van-Wert and Rock Mart
but laying down the track. We long for
the moment to arrive when the last spike is
driven which shall weld together the for
tunes of Cartersville and these points.
Taylorsville, (formerly Summerville,) is
% spang-firc new place, through the center
of which runs the line between Bartow and
Polk Counties. A hack runs in connection
■with the train from here to Van-Wert and
iCcd&rtown. There is a private dwelling at
this point where travelers can find accom
modations, and where Summerville once liv
ed, whence its original name. Its present
name is called after Col. Taylor, ono of the
railroad authorities. One store, one groce
ry, and one blacksmith shop is now in full
blast, while quite a creditable store house is
just receiving the finishing touch, belonging
to Mr. J. M. Smith, which he will rent or
sell to any clever gentleman wishing to en
gage in the mercantile business there. In
addition to this, there are several steam
saw mills in the neighborhood, ripping up
►large quantities of timber and supplying a
vast quantity of lumber, shingles and laths,
for the market, which is daily transported
•over this road. Euliarlec creek runs hard
by affording ample water power ior propell
ing machinery, and making its bottoms very
fertile and remunerative to the laborer
The viflagc is located in the midst of an al
most unbroken forest of the finest oak tim
iber, while in sight is the almost inexhaus
■table belt of pine timber, where the steam
saw mills are at work.
Having to remain at this point for two or
three hours, a portion of our party whiled
away the time pleasantly in cracking jokes
and relating anecdotes, in which the Judge,
big gun and Dr. vied, asto who should carry
off the palm, and it wound up by a relation
of the exploits and adventures of Hudge and
the big gun, in the northeast counties of this
State, in the days of coon and possum skin
currency. This is a sequel to the problem
why these two gentlem en are eo slenderly
formed—it was climbing dogwood and per
simmon trees after possums to get their
skins to make change for their customers.
Our time having expired, we were soon
all aboard the train, and after a run of four
miles the train stopped at Stilesboro Depot,
where we received additions to our number,
of the female persuasion, and lost one or two
males, the Dr. among the number. We could
not see the classical village of Stilesboro, as
a beautiful forest growth, between the two
points, shuts out the view, only the Institute
was observable by a str ight avenue at the
end of which it stood, about half a mile dis
tant from the depot . Between two and three
miles ftirther on towards Cartersville, we
passed Shelman’s Spring. This spring is
immediately on Raccoon Creek, and in sight
of the railroad, surrounded by a beautiful
grove, and right here, with the eo operation
<ol‘the citizens of Cartersville and Bartow
county, and all others who may wish it, we
propose a May- Day Pic-.N ic. Last year this
Bpring could not be reached by the railroad,
though altogether desired by all. This year
it can be, and is just about midway between
Stilesboro and Cartersville. Let’s go to
work and have the festival to come off there.
heaving the spring, after running up the
lovely valley and along the banks of the
gently rippling Etowah, across the same,
and across Pettit’s creek and up its charm
ing valley, we reached Cartersville in time
to attend the ladies’ concert and supper at
the court-house, that night, which was an
entire success, giving full satisfaction to all
who patronized it, and fully meeting all the
ends for which it was designed
JHs£“A New Hotel.—A Joint Stock Cos.,
we are glad to learn, is being organized, in
Cartersville, with the view of building a
nice, commodious hotel in this place. We
urge upon every citizen, who can, to aid in
this very laudable enterprise. For particu
lars consult Judge Parrott or A. R. Hudgins.
Let’s go to work to build it—work, and not
is what we want.
&aT*The ladies’ Concert and Supper, at
Court-House, on last Friday night, was
& decided success. The audience was not
ks large as we have seen, but sufficiently
» r ge to fully accomplish the object for which
* Cntertainment was « iven * The ladies
gentlemen concerned acquitted them
c ’ w handsomely, and satisfactorily to {ill.
.T. T. Gibson, Uaoonl K<litor.
W. Ml'KTßir b our authorized Agent
and < Collector. To reoeivc and receipt for sub
scription to the Express, and to collect claims.
Rev. W. F. WEE.VIS is our authorized
Ideal and traveling Aieent, to receive aud re
ceipt for subscriptions to the. Express.
The weather is lovely, and warm
enough for April.
i Divine service a t all the
Churches, on Subbath last. As regards
religious facilities, Cartersville is sec
ond to no town in the State. Her min
isters, of the several denotnintions are
able, zealous and pious. The Sabbath
Schools are also large and interesting,
and are great auxiliaries to the Church
Satterfield, Pyron & Co’s is the place te
buy good goods, fine goods, and fashionable
goads, real cheap.
fl«rPic-Nic season is rapidly ap
proaching, and we know of no prettier
or more suitable place for one, than
Shelman’s Spring on the Cartersville
& Van Wert Railroad. Let’s have it.
Who will take the lead in the matter.
Don’t ail ■speak at once. The gentle
man of the high hat and spotted trows
ers has the floor.
Wo would again remind our
merchants of the fact that we are pre
pared to do their job work as neatly
and cheaply as they can get it done
elsewhere in the State. Give us a tri
al, and if we do not give entire satis
faction both as to price and style, we
will not charge you a cent. There is
no gas about this thing; we mean ev
ery word of it, and would ask you to
bear it in mind.
Undoubtedly, the best Fewing Ma
chine manufactured is Grover & Baker’s.
aka?" Our clever friend G. L. McDon
ald has just received an elegant stock
of new Spring goods, as pretty and as
cheap as any in town. The only thing
needful now, is an advertisment in the
Express, which would sell them in a
very short space of time, and we are
ready to bet cents on it.
Bag* A young gentleman friend of
ours, President of a certain Emigra
tion Society in tovr? discharges the du
ties of his office admirably, and we dis
like to give him up, but according to
the rules and regulations of the organ
ization, he will have to take passage
on the first aerial craft that leaves,
and thereby necessitate the election of
another officer, for he will bo
“Up iua balloon, boys,
Up in a balloon,
All among the little stars
Sailing round the moon.”
Buy your goods of Satterfield, Pyron &
Cos., and success is yours, beyond a doubt.
t&r Messrs N. Gilreath 4’ Son have
received their Spring goods, and as
usual, they are as pretty as pretty can
be. Lieutenant Jim, knows how to
select a stock of goods, and what will
suit the people, and himself, Miller,
and the old gentleman, all know how
to sell them. The ladies all say Mr.
Gilreath displays such good taste in
the selection of his goods ! and so he
does. One of those “Opera” hats and
a pair of those beautiful shoes, will
marry off any young man in town.—
We are going to have them.
We are requested by a good
lookingyoungbuck, en ville, to state that
the Hon. i>. Latimer will have a sing
ing cor cert in this town every 4th of
July for all time to come, provided he
should live that long. We suppose the
young man is to assist in the exercis
es, as he is distingushed for his vocal
you want a veal genuine, number
one Sewing Machine, buy Grover & Baker’s.
Our young friend, 0. H. Mil
ner, it is said immortalized himself by
a speech at Euharlee on Saturday last.
“Pomp” is no sardine.
t&T Spring clothes are all the rage ?
! now, the ladies! oh, how pretty thev
do 1 ok, dressed out in these beautiful
new goods, “cut of the latest fashion,”
we know a fellow who says, that every
time one of these beauties passes him,
that it makes his heart go “flip-it-a
flop,” like unto a churn dasher.
Grover & Baker’s Sewing Machines are
fully up to all that is claimed for them.
Jtetf* The ladies of Cartersville have
a mania for pretty flower-yards, and so
have we, and by the way, there are
some beautiful ones in town. We are
no botanist, and can only distinguish
a gourd-leaf from any other “herb,” by
the odor, but like flowers nevertheless,
our favorites being dog-fennel, poppies,
cabbages and irish potato-tops.
Kg’* Something that sounds like
business Car Factory
and Building Association.”
In buying the Grover & Baker Sewing
Machinesy.ou buy no humbug.
W L. Kirkpatrick, Snperiu
tendent of the Presbyterian Sabbath
School, requests us to state the school
will meet in the forenoon, at 9 o’clock,
hereafter, instead of the afternoon as
Globe Flower Cough- Syrun cures Asthma
Is Agent for the
Churches, Schools,
Halls, and Priors,!!
Made in America, viz:
Mason ft Hamlin’s, ft G. A. Prince ft Co’s.
Also, Agent for
A Splendid Piano,
Guaranteed by Written War
rantee to keep in I’erTeot Order
Tor Five Years \ !
Also, Agent for
Various Smaller
Call on me and get my
Call and see Illustrated Cuta
lojgne and Price List.
Don't forget till* Advertisement.
W. 11. Howard,
Cartersville, Georgia.
march 28th, ’7l—sw 3m.
Cartersville Priees Current.
Corrected Semi-Weekly by A. R. Hudgens,
Grocery Alorclmut.
Cotton • • • • • •
Axes per doz. $13.00 to $15.00
Butter—Goshen tb 50 360 r,
“ Country 25 3 300
Beeswax tt> 20 OP 25
Brimstone .t sulph. tt>B 315
Bluestone lb tb 15320
Borax lb 50 OP B 0
Crackers —Butter tb 8(P 25
“ Soda 7^315
“ Cream... 18320
Candy—Fancy 19,340
“ Stick 19330
Coffeo—Rio.... tt> 18^325
“ Java 26328
Cream Tartar, tb 50375
Camphor—Gum, lb 1.25.t2.00
Cotton Cards, doz $7.50(3.8.00
Epsom Salts,... lb ... 8315
Grain—Corn, bush. 75380
“ Wheat, red. 1.50—60
“ live 75(390
“ I’eas 1.403«2
“ Oats 50(3,60
“ Clover Seed $9.50-12
Suvar—Brown, lb— 133,14
“ C 14315
“ a \f>y a (p™%
“ Crushed 16^3 1S
“ Powr’d .... 18320
Syrup—Muscova. gal 40350
“ Golden 9031-00
“ Ex. Golden sl3l-25
“ New Orleans 803$1
Oil—Tanner’s, gal $1.10—40
“ Kerosene 45360
*• Linseed, raw $1.2531 .40
“ “ boil’d $1.3531.50 |
Rope—Manilla tt> 28380 I
“ Machine .... 11(315 |
“ Cotton ...‘....37340 1
Cotton Yarns, bun. 1.30-1.40 !
Brown Sheetings, yd. 10314 !
Dried Peaches, bush $1.50-75
“ Apples . $1.75 I
Vinegar—Cidar, gal 50(3)75 I
Are uow
|g 0 0 -0 ||,
Hats, Boots,
and Shoes,
IN FACT, Everything, nearly, kept in the Mer
cantile Line, all Departments, is sold hy us
at the lowest possible prices. Everybody is iu
vited to call aud look through our extensive
Establishment. HOWARD A ERWIN.
npr. s.—wtf
Rev. Mr. Pinkerton of the Pro
testant Episcopal Church, preached at
the Academy in this place on Sunday
afternoon last, to a large congregation,
and a most excellent sermon it was.—
He speaks of visiting our town soon
for the purpose of delivering a series
of lectures.
•©-We don’t want the Broom Fac
Pemberton’s Compound Extract of Stillin
gia—the great Blood Purifier.
We Lave been taking lessons
on one of Mason & Hamlin’s Cabinet
Organs, for several weeks, and to the
utter astonishment, of ourself and
friends, we have learned to perform
with “grace and ease,” the new and
popular air of “Go and tell aunt Rho
dy the old gray goose is dead.”
•»*?“ As this is a busy season with
the farmers, they do not come to town
often. That’s right gentlemen, by
paying close attention to business, now,
when you do come to town, you will
have the “spondulix,” and won’t that
be joyful.”
Pemberton’s Comp’d Ext. of Stillingia re
moves all old mercurial taint and cures Sy
Interesting to Planter*.
Office Mobile Oil Mim s, q
Mobile, February 7, 1171. f
To the Editor:
In anothe- column initadvertisetheLwG
dox FEaTiLiZKR. the of which has been
SJO per ton. \ls hough this is below the of any other reliable commercial ma
nur'o in the market, yet 1 have <let wmined to
make the price H! lower. The Langdon is
a home production, made from well known
arricl >s produce l here, IBoncs and Colt >n
Seed Meal mainly) and I can afford to man
ufacture and soil it cheaper fhan any foreign
manufacture:* cau put his product iu this mar
Again, 1 have this year so developed an l
perfecte 1 my works as to reduce the cost of
manufacture con adorably; and last y, so
generous has been the support of this new
Southern enterprise by our planters, in giv
ing the Langdon their preference, that I pro
pose to reciprocate by giving them all the
advantage I possess in the production of the
The price hereafter will be only s‘>o per
ton for lots of five or more tons, $ >;> for less
amounts, and $3 per hundred pounds for
amounts less than a ton. At this low price
every good farmer will use fertilizers.
Please give this a few insertions for the
benefit of your planter readers.
Very Respectfully.
iv. D. MANN,
Proprietor Langdon Fertilizer.
Sheriff Males lor May, ’7l.
WILL be sold, before the Courthouse door in
Cartersville. Bartow County, Ga., oti the
first Tuesday in May. 1871, within the us
ual hours of sale, the following property, to-wit:
One house and lot in the town of Kingston, ly
ing on the east side of the W. A A. R. R., where
on the defendant now resides, levied on as the
property of Emma C, Smith, to satisfy a fi fa is
iued from Bartow Superior Court in favor < "ice
re A. Smith, for t-lie use of the offices of Court,
against said Emma C. Smith.
ALSO, the plantation whereon the defendant
now resides, in the 15th (list, and 3rd sec. of said
county, containing three hundred and sixty-five
acres more or less, embracing lots of] and Nos.
105 and 106, in said dist., levied on as the proper
ty ol 11. W. Burnett, to satisfy a fi fa issued from
Bartow Superior Court, in favor of W. \V. Har
kins aud Mrs. M. F. Blalock, adm’rs. of W. C.
Blalock, dec’d, against said 11. W. Burnett, for
the purchase money.
Also, the plantation formerly known as the
Charles Sproull place, containing 160 acres more
or less, in the 17th dist. and 3rd sec, of Bartow
eo., levied on as the property of Elijah C. Jones,
to satisfy a Bartow Superior Court fi fa, iu favor
ol Thomas K. Sproull, adm’r of Charles Sproull,
for the purchase money.
Also, at the same time and pla< e, lots of land
Nos. 143 and 145, in thesth dist. and 3rd sec., lev
ied on as the property of J. It. Allin, to satisfy a
fi la issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor
of A. Johnson, against said J. R. Alliu, for the
purchase money.
Also, the plantation, whereon the defendants,
J. A. Crawford and John Crawford, now resides,
lying in the sth dist. and 3d section of Bartow
county, levied on to satisfy a ti fa issued front
Bartow Superior Court, in favor of Ayers & Hill,
against said J. A. Crawford and John Crawford.
Also, one house and lot in the town of Carters
ville, whereon the defendant now resides, levied
on as the property of Miller Collins, to satisfy a
fi fa issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor
ot Z. YV. Jackson & Cos., against said Miller Col
Also, lot ofland No. 484, 4th dist. and 3rd sec,,
containing 40 acres more or less, lying inside of
the incorporation of the town of Carters ville, lev
led on as the property of G. J. Salter, under an
attachment li fa issued from Bartow Superior
Court, iu favor of James Milner, against said G.
J. Salter.
Also, at the same time and place, 120 acres of
land in the 17th dist. and 3rd sec. of Bartow coun
ty, levied on as the property of George Under
wood, dec’d, to satisfy a tax fi fa, in favor of the
State of Georgia and Bartow county, vs John
L nderwood, agt. est. of George Underwood,
dec and. Levy made and returned to me by a Con
ALSO, at the same time and place, 2 acres of
laud in the town of Cartersville, known as the
Martin lot, lying on Tennessee Street. Levied
on as the property of 1). F. Bishop, to satisfy a
tax fi ta, in favor of the State of Georgia and
Bartow county, vs I). F. Bishop. Levy made
and returned to me by a Constable.
Also, at the same time and place, 200 acres of
land being parts of Lots Nos. 13, 31, and 123. in
the sth district and 3d Section of Bartow County.
Levied on as the property of S. S. Goodwin to
satisfy a tax 11 fa, m favor of the State of Geor
gia and Bartow County vs. \Y r . L. Aycock, agent
ofS. S. Goodwin. Levey made and returned to
me by a constable.
Also, at the same time and place, the house
and lot whereon W. L. Aycock lives in the town
of Cassville, the same containing 40 acres, more
or less, and being part of lot No. 95-, in the stl»
district ami 3d section of RartOtC Uoiiiltv. Lev
ied on as tlm property of YV. L. Aycock, to satis
n a tax fi fain favor of the State of Georgia and
Bartow. County vs. YV. L. Avcoc.k. Levy made
and returned to me by a constable.
Also, at the same time and place, 400 acres of
land,.and composed of lots Nos. 567, 436, 500, 501.
50’-. 428, 508, 429 and 344, in the 17th district and
3d section of Bartow Countv. Levied on as the
property of John Brooks, deceased, to satisfy a
tax li fa in favor of the State of Georgia and
Bartow County vs. W. L. Aycock, Administra
tor of said J. Brooks, deceased. Levy made
and returned to me by a constable.
apr6, W. W. RICH Sheriff.
Bear in mind
When disease has undermined the health,
and the physical system has become pros
trated, a stimulant that will not only
strengthen, but remove the cause, should be
immediately resorted to. Mental distress is
also a fruitful source of the breaking down
of the constitution., and the ravages of this
enemy to health are truly alarming. For
a\l such maladies Hostetter’s Stomach
Bitters have been found unsurpassed. By
acting directly upon the digestive organs,
they remove the heavy, disagreeable feeling
after eating, so often complained of by
persons of a delicate temperament. As soon
as digestion is restored, the patient finds
his strength increasing, and his general
health improved.
Thousands of persons certify that it may
be relied on in all cases of weakness or
nervous debility attendant upon sedentary
habits. Ihe generality of Bitters are so
disagreeable to the taste that they are ob
jectionable to a weak stomach. This is not
the case with Hostetter’s Bitters, which will
be found mild and extremely pleasant. Bal
samic plants, barks and roots contribute
their restorative juices to rcuder it soothing
and strengthening. Its basis is the only
pure stimulant which lias ever been pro»
duceil, containing no fusil oil, or any other
deleterious element. The most careful and
skillful chemists have analyzed the Bitters,
and pronounce them harmless. This is
scientific testimony; but the testimony of
the hundreds of thousands who have expe
rienced the preventive and curative effects
of the okeat vkoktablk tonic and altera
tive of modern times is still more conclusive
In Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia, Billiousness,
Nervous Complaints anu general debility it
is as nearly infallible as anything in this
fallible world can be.
per lb. 10 to 13
Shoulders tb 12313
Clear rb side 12315
Plain hams 14315
Canv. hams 18 3 20
Fresh pork 9 310
Cheese, lb 18 3 22
Cigars. M $703*90
“ Dorn. $153530
Tobacco lb 60370 c
“ Medium 70375 c
“ Prime,1.0031.50
“ Va Leaf 20325,•
“ Smoking7s3loo
Eggs, doz. 12316 c
Flour, cwt. $434.50
Lard, tt>.... 14316 c
Meal, bush. 75390 c
Lime, bbl. 1.7532.50
Rice, fb ... 9312 H
Salt, sack 2.3532.40
Soda, lb —. 7310
Starch. 1b .. 8315
Soap-Bar lb
Shot, hag $2.75,33.00
Shovels, Am. $1.50
Iron, It) 539
Puttv, tb 8310 c;
r n and i go tb $1.7532.00
Tallow, tb 10312
Tea. tb $1.2531.50
Feathers tb 65375
Pepper, tb 25335
Mnck’l, kit $2 —2.75
Potatoes, Ir. 75385
“ Sweet $2.00.
Twine, hag. 30335
Candles, tb 19330
Lumber M sl6-S2O
Wool, wash. 20340
Osnaburgs y 15318
Turpentine 75351
Rags, cot lin tb 3}-£
White Lead 10315
Estrella Oil 40300
Private Entcranco and Sped nlDining
Saloons for
ElJegaut Sleeping Rooms will be
FuruiiiiUed at 75 Cents
Anil you can Dine at
fL At any Hour you Wish, and get
what you Want, and Pay for
What you Get, and no More !!
dee 15-sw tfo
The Pvn Kii.t,kr is by nnirersal consent
allowed to have won for itself a reputation
unsurp-isjed in the history of me lion! pro
para!ions. Its ins - avtan tons fff«ct in the
eradication and *fiot nos Pain in all it«
various forms incident to the Vim an family,
and the unsolicit' 1 written an 1 verba' testi
mony of the masses in is favor, have been
and are its own best advertisements
The ingredients of the Pain Killfb, be
ing purely V BOktablE render it perfectly
safe and efficacious remedy taken internally,
as well as for external applications, when
used according to directions. The stain up
on linen from its use is readily removed by
washing with alcohol.
This Medicine, justly celebrated for the
cure of so many of the afflictions incident to
the human family, lus n%w been before the
public over Thirty Years, and ha* found its
way into almost evc r y corner of the worliT;
and wherever it lias been used, the same
opinion is expressed of its medical properties
In any attack, where prompt action upon
the system is required, the Pain Killer is
invaluable. Its almost instantaneous effect
in relieving pain is truly wonderful; and
when used according to directions, is true
to its name, a Pain Killer.
4 ' i
Imqbi« s
Only I*er ion, in Five
Ton Lois.
this last year, and the MOST FA YOU ABLE
REPORTS are heard from it. Its PURITY' and
STRENGTH are guaranteed. The value of
as a manure, is known to evarv SCIENTIFIC
AGRICULTURALIST. These articles form tile
bulk (4-5) of the *“LAXGIK>N,” to which are
added proper quantities of POTASH, GYPSUM
and SALT. These live ingredients form the
Large Capital invested here in the Works,
affords a security for the guarantee of its PU
(Agricultural Editor Mobile Register,)
gives advisory supervision to the production of
this Fertilizer.
NO HIGH FREIGHTS from the far East, nor
have to he paid, as must be true of an article of
foreign (Northern) manufacture, and hence the
“Langden” can be sold, and IS SOLD CHEAP
ER, than any Standard Fertilizer in the mar
The COTTON SEED MEAL is produced at
the Works, and the RAW RONES are gathered
from the surrounding country and ground at
my Mills.
bile Oil Mills and witness the operation of pro
ducing the Langdon Fertilizer.
Planters should instruct their Merchants to
buv for them
Because it is a simple composition of articles
known to be good, and, tbe Purity of
which is insured.
Because it is sold at a lower price than auv ar
ticle of like quality could be, which is
brought from-a distance.
Because it will give greater re Owns from its
use, pound for pound, than any other
Fertilizer, no matter wljat the price.
practical men, these are here given;
TracAi.oo.-4A, Ala.. 1
December 23d, 1870. f
Col. W. D. Mann : •
Sir.—Your Circular of the lsj inst. came to
hand. As we found the Langdon Fertilizer the
best that we tried, I give you my experience
with it. Our land is jioor, red liili land. Used
200 lbs. to the acre. \\ e used one ton of Gil lam’s,
ats7s; three tons of Zell’s, at $55 per ton; two
tons of the Longdon, at S6O per ton. The land
was all worked alike, and the some quantity
used of each. I did not keep the weights of each
Held separate, but attended to the picking and
weighing myself, and khowthat there was more
cotton gathered to the acre on the Langdon than
any other part of the place. The Zell’s was next.
From my own experience, and in the opinion of
all farmers who took notice of it, the Langdon
Fertilizer was far superior to any that we used.
Respectfully yours, Ac.,
0. (1. FITTS.
Mr. Tfiost.cs 11. Kennedy, of Meridian,
after recounting his experience in the use of the
Langdon Fertilizer, says; “When I lived ou my
plantation in Alabama, 1 used many kinds of
Manure, but I never used anything that would
begin to compare with the Langdon Fertilizer."
in live ton lots. $55 for a single ton. S3 per 100
lbs. for small lots.
It is exchanged for Cotton Seed, 300 pounds, in
strong sacks, (tel i ye red free on board boat or cars
at Mobile, for one ton Cotton Seed, free at the
landing or depot up couutrv—sacks and twine
furnished by the Mills.
Ot its cheapness, Col. Langdon says: “Its
cheapness—l am fully convinced that, at the
price now lTxed by you, to-wit: $55 per ton, it
is much the cheapest fertilizer in our market.
Found for pound, 1 consider it more valuable
than the preparations that are Helling at $75 to
SBO. For my own use, 1 would greatlv prefer it
to Peruvian Guano at the same price.** Os its
merits, he says: “The result is. the best Fertil
izer in the world for our Soutlicrn lands, in my
Again: “It contains more fully and complete
ly than any other, the elements' neocussarv for
the production of Southern crops aud the »eno
vation of Southern soil.
Prof. Charles fT. Shepard, Jr., M. D., Professor
of Chemistry South Carolina Medical College,
and Inspector of Fertilizers for South Carolina,
who made a full and careful analvsis of the
Langdon Fertilizer, says of it: “It is a very su
perior article.” m
I also crush at the niilis. Raw Rones, which
arc ground line. Price at the Mills, $45 per ton.
Ground Raw Roue is too well known as a strong
Fertilizer to need comment. For trees, shrub
bery and grapes, it has no equal. The Ground
Rone of tiie Mobile oil mills is warranted to con
tain nothing but Rone.
Address all orders for either of the above Fer
tilizers, accompanied by the cash, or orders on
your merchant** here, to
T\ O. Box 723, Mobile, ATa
per ton. Cash, paid for cotton seed
delivered at Hie wharf or depot here—sacks and
twine delivered at your landing or depot.
#S?*DS per ton will i*aid for Rones deliv
ered at tlirf Mills. It will pav to gather them
abo jit the country an l ship to the Mo : lc Oil
Jan. 10th, 1871. wty.
Comnonfut Pari*—• Fluid Ex'rad R <U?>.trh,
and Pi’a id Extract Cotatrba G* ipe
BILIOUS affections, sick ok
H .
These Pills are the moat delightfully pleas
ant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts,
magnesia, etc. There is nothiug more ac
ceptable to the stomach. They give tone,
and cause neither nausea nor griping pains,
They are composed of the finest in jrcMtnts.
After a few days’ u*c of them, such an in
vigoration of the entire system takes place
as to appear miraculous to the weak and
enervated, whether arising from imprudence
or disease. 11. T. Helmbold’s Compouud
Fluid Extract Catawba Gfape Pills are not
sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar-coat
ed Pills do not dissolve, but pass through the
stomach without dissolving, consequently do
not produce the desired effect. THE C’A
TAWj.iI) GRAPE PILLid. being pleasant in
taste and odor, do not necessitate their be
ing sugar-coated. PRICE 30 cts. Per Box.
Henry T. ilelmboU’s
Will radically exterminate from the system
Scorfula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers,
Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore
Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Salt Rhe
um, Cankers, Runnings from the Ear, White
Swellings, Tumors, Cankerous Affections.
Nodes, Rickets. Glandular Swellings. Night
Sweats. Rash, Tetter, Humors of a’l kinds,
Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all dis
eases that have been established in the sys
tem for years.
Being prepared expressly for the above
complaints, its Blood-Purifying properties
are greater than any other preparation of
Sarsaparilla. It gives the complexion a clear
and healthy color, and restores the Patient
to a state of Health and Purity. For Purify
ing the Blood, removing nil Chronic constitu
tional Diseases arising from an impure state
of the Blood: and the only reliable and effect
ual known Remedy for the cure of Pains and
Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the
Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the
Face, Erysipelas and all Scaly Eruptions of
the Skin, and Beautifying the Complexion.
Price, $1 -30 per bottle.
Has cured every case of Diabetes in which
it has been given. Irritation of the Neck,
of the Bladder, and Inhumation of the Kid
neys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Blad
der, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the
Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Cal
culus, Gravel, Brick-Dust Deposit, and Mu
cous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfee
bled and Delicate Constitutions of Both Sex
es, attended with the following symptoms:
Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power,
Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease,
Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the
Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body
Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face,
Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of
the Muscuiar System, etc.
Used by persous from the ages of 18 to 23
and from 3 r > to 83 or in tho decline or change
of life, after confinement or labor pains;
bed-wetting in children.
Helmbold's Extract Buchu is Diuretic and
Blood-Purifying, nnd cures all diseasesaris
ing from Habits of Dissipation, and Excesses
and Imprudences in Life, Impurities of the
Bloou, etc. superseding Copaiba in affec
tions for which it is used, and Syphilitic af
fections—in these diseases used in connec
tion with Ilelmhold’s Rose Wash
In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the
Ext. Buchu is unequalled by any other rem
edy—as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu
larity, Paiufulness or Suppression of custom
ary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus state
of the Uterus, Luchorrhoea or Whites, Ster
ility, and for all Complaints incident to the
sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or
Ha hits of dissipation. It is prescribed ex
tensively by the mostemineut physician and
midwives for enfeebled and delicate consti
tutions, of both sexes, and all ages, (atteml
o 1 with any of the above diseases or symp
11. T. HelhlftnlfFa Ext. Buchu Cures Disea
ses arising from Imprudences, Hab
its of Dissipation, etc.
in all their stages, at little expense, little or
no change of diet, no inconvenience, and no
exposure. I*, causes a frequent desire, and
gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing
l obstructions, preventing and curing strict
! ures of the Urethra, allaying pain and infla
mation, -so frequent in this class of diseases,
and poisonous matter, Thousands who
have been the victims of incompetent per
sons, and who have paid fees to be
cured in a short time, have found they have
been deceived, and that the “Poison” has,
by the use of “powerful astringents,” been
dried up in the system, to break out in a
more aggravated form, and perhaps after
Marriage. Use Ilelmbold Ext Buchu for all
affections and diseases of the Urinary Or
gans, whether existing in Male or Female,
from whatever cause originating, aud no
matter of how loug stanU*ng. Price, $l5O
per bottle.
ROSE M ASH cannot be surpassed as a Face
Wash, and will be found the only specific
remedy in every species of cutaneous affec
tion, It speedily eradicates Pimples, spots,
Scorbutic Dryness. Indurations of CUTA
JVEOUS MEMBRANE, ect., dispels Hives,
Redness and Incipient luflamation, Hash,
Moth Patches, Dryness of scalp or 3kin,
Frost Bites, and all purposes for which salve
or ointments are used; restores the skin to a
state of purity and softness, and iusures
continued healthy action ta>the tissue of its
vessels, ou which depends the agreeable
clearness and . vivacity of complexion so
much sought and admired. But however
valuable as a remedy for existing defects of
the skin, II T. Ilelmbold’s Rose Wash has
long sustained its principle claim to un
bounded patronage, by possessing qualities !
which rentier it a toilet appendage of the !
most superlative and congenial character, I
combining in an elegant formula those prom- !
incut requisites, safety and eillcuey - the in- I
variable accompaniments of its use—as a,
preservative and refresher of the complex- ;
ion. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases ;
of a Syphilitic nature, and as an injection :
for diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising
from habits of dissipation, used in connec- i
tion with the Extract Buchu, Sn: sapar”’.a, '
aud Catawba Grape Pills, in such diseases
! as recommended, cannot be __
I Price, one dollar per bottle.
! D
I Full and explicit directions acenmpm, T
:he in diiMi-s. IJvid nee of tbe most rn.
ami reliable character furnish*,i , n
• application, with hundreds of thousands of
! living wit it, s-.c?. aud upward ot oO.tfHj „ u .
: suite ted certificates and reeonim ndstory
letters, many of which are from the high-.t
[sources, including eminent physicians. Cl, r
jynten, Statesmen, etc. The proprietor has
j never resorted to their pubiicst on in ifc e
, itewspaportf he does not do this ftr.m the
' fact that his articles rank ns Stand vri Prep-
I aratiotitC and do not n *ek to be propped up
! by certificates.
" H. T- Helmbold’s Gcnnino Preparation*,
delivered to any address. Secure fr»m ob
servation. Eat niff shed upward os S’* years,
Sold by druggists eVerywhere. Addrars
letters for information iff con ft. Wo to 11, T.
Helmbold, Dauggist afi and Cfifftrisf.
Only Depots: H’ T. Helmbold’s Drug and
Chemical Gatehouse, No. off! Br.-.ndway, N.
Y., or 11. T- Helmbold’s Medical I.epot, 104
South 10:h, st Pbilodelphia, Pa,
Beware of Counterfeits ! Ask for 11. T.
Heltubjlds!! Take no other !! !
WE ARE daily receiving and opening
a general Stock of
Purchased by a member of the firm, in per
son, in New York, with care, as to style,
price and quality, which we offer to the
trade at reasonable pricos, and 'invito our
friends to examine our alook, and trust wo
may share and merit a liberal portion of
their patronage.
Uartcrsvillc, Ga., apr. 5, IS7L
I> A It B Y’S
Prophylactic Fluid.
f IIHIS invaluable Family Me licrne, for puri
fying, cleasiug. removing had ndo»-« in »'* v ' ‘
for Erysipelas, rheumatism, anil all-skin <liseas-
'in.- .Mi mi mi ■ ~-fl —nil -i——
es: for catarrh, sore mouth, sore thYoat. iiii>the-~~
ri.v, for cholic, diarrhoea, cholera; as a wash to
-.often anil beautify the skin: to remove ink
spot*, mildew, fruit stains; taken internally as
well a« aoolied externally; so highly reeom
nil Druggists ami Uonntrv Merrhsnts. *?,<l m-r
he ordered directly of
Dec. fi, w-lv. 161 William Street, K. Y.
Are now receiving, and all
hands engaged, in opening and
exhibiting, ther superb stock of
Hats, Beets, Shoes,
House - Furnishing Goods,
&c., Ac.
Corner of Public Square ami Maine Street
Carteiwill, Ga.
Come and see us, one and all, and look through
our SUPERB STOCK OF GOODS, Ac., and buy
from us upon as good terms as any merchant
South of the Potomac can afford to sell.
apr. 5 wtc
baltimTire, MD.
Tho and best-telertaT stool bt"
SEEDS AND FETILIZERS ere/'offered:in Vtafr -
Our seedk are selerttil frcn’F tho most rt’
growers in the ccnwevy ;«*d Europe, rcirffttiug
of every description <tf the most'■approved
varieties of Garden Seed*.
Four Hundred Bushels Clover andTiiuothr
Two Hundred and Fifty Bushels Orchard and
Blue Grass.
Five Hundred Bushels Norway, Surprise, aud *
other varieties of OATS.
Two Hundred Barrel* Early Hose and other
varieties of Potatoes.
One Hundred Bushel* English aud American
Lawn Grass, White Clover, Lucerne, Swe*t
Vernal, and other grasses.
Five hundred Tons of “ The Andrew Coe” Su
perphosphate, manufactured exclusively by u».
with great care, and is the most reliable
Fertilizer in this niarkot. Price $25 per ton of
2,000 pounds, in bags.
Two Thousand Barrels of Plaster, (per sch’r.
Ocean Bird,) warrantud pure.
One Hundred Tons Pure Ground Bone.
100 Tons Missouri BONE MEAL.
Peruvian. Nevassa and Mexicuu GUANOS,
Manufacturers and Wholesale and Beta*
Dealers in all kinds of AGRIC ULTURAL IM
Hgk-See Ruble & Hight’s big adver
t'senient in another column.
BS5»The accounts of Copt. Ben. G.
Poole, on the score of his horse Lex
ington, has been left with Mr. A
Knight; where those indebted to him
will please call and settle either with
the money or by note, immediately.
Lexington will; be on- exhibilioc
gain this f 11. ' apr. I- Ini-