Newspaper Page Text
Carteruville, On*, April 14th, 1871.
W**-The accounts of Capt. Ben. G.
Poole, on the score of bis horse Lex
ington, has been left with Mr. A
Knight, where those indebted to him
will please call and settle either with
the money or by note, immediately.
Lexington will l>e on exhibition a
gaiu this full. apr. 4- -lm
Wlro is now receiving an
entirely new and fresh stock
of Staple ami Fancy DR I*-
4200 MPS, Dress Goods ,
CLOTH TNG, <?Cwhich
have been bo tight at bottom
price*, for CASH!
The advantages of having a
resident buyer in New York, of
long experience, enables me to
offer advantages to cash llliy
which cannot be overlook
ed by any one who will con
sult their own interest. All I
ask is an examination of
•■to convince you that I will do
;all I say.
I will afcain remind my
long-winded customers that I
occasionally need money, and
hope they will find it conveni
ent to call and pay.
Cartersville, Ga.
Liberal. Advances made to
Planters on Cotton, to ship for
immediate sale, or, to hold.
April 13, 1871.-swtf
Wu The following words actually
formed the peroration of the counsel’s
plea for his client in an assault and
battery case in Athens, Ala.: “Let the
humble ass crop the thistle of the Tal
ley 1 Let the sagacious goat browse
upon th« mountains brow; but. gentle
men of the jury, I say John Gungle is
not guilty 1”
Messrs. TRAMMELL & NORRIS have
just received a choice stock of
Having the advantage of Cash Purchases,
they are prepared to sell at very low figures.
They only ask that you give them a trial,
Cartersville, apr. 13-swtf
(Give in your Tax for 1871.
I will attend the Council Room in the
fCourt-House, on Tuesdays and Fridays,
from 10 o'clock, A. M., until 2 o’clock, P.
,M., commencing on the 25th instant, and
• ending on Friday, the sth of May proximo
All who fail to give in their Town Tax with
in the time above specified, will be assessed
a double tax.
By order of the Board.
J. C. MADDOX, Secy
Cartersville, apr. 13-swtd
No use in saying so, the evidence that
t Satterfield, Pyron & Cos. propose to adduce
in proof that they not only sell bargains,
but that they sell great bargains in goods,
is a trial.
For Sale!
For Cash!
THE Private House and Lot,
And the Business House and Lot,
Os Capt C. B. Blacker, separately or to
gether, on the East side of the Railroad, in
’ the town of Cartersville. The former occu
pied now by his family, and the latter as a
Barber Shop. To be sold for cash only.—
apr. 13-swtf Cartersville, Ga.
Having Dissolved Copartnersdip with
Has returned to and opened a flrst-class
at hib old stand, where, in the future as in the
past, my old customers and the public generally
will always find good LIQUORS to drink.
apr. 13-wly Cartersville, Ga.
UXi r^® TA . T *» internal revenue)
Assessor s Office, 4tii Districs Ga >
Atlanta, April 7th. 1871. ” >
l Nineteen, act of
receive froml^ 6 Doti<;e «*at I will
annual lists of this rofi«^? nS * s ? essed on the
includes INGOMK Tatfs ? 1 'strict, which
and SPECIAL TAXFS f ?u the year 1870,
April 30th, 1872, relative to°»nv » year en ding
cessive valuation, enumerafci«.? rroneous or ex ‘
at my office, in the city of '' r , assessment,
mencing on Mondy. 24th inst 7/?’ ’ a ;\ co . m '
until Friday. 28th inst. All ntlnu,n *
made in writing. PPeals must he
Inter nal Revenue
4th Collection District n f nW 1 •
April 14 1871—lit 'strict of Georgia.
Episcopal Convention.
The forty-ninth animal Convention
of the Protestant Episcopal Church,
diocese of Georgia, will commence in
St. Peter’s Church of this city on the
10th of May. Verily Rome is full of
honors, and the year 71 will he a
bright one in her history,— Home Com .
.T. T. Gibson, Local Fxlitov.
W. Mt'RPiiT Dour authorized Agent
&n<t Collector. To receive ami receipt for Sub
scription to the KXprc**. and to collect claims.
BSy-Ttcv. W. F. WEEMS is our authorized
local and traveling A (rent, to receive and re
ceipt for subscriptions to the Express.
j|®r*Owing lo sickness—our Local Edit
or being confined to his room and bed with
chills and fever—our local columns are bare
of their usual variety of items, in this issue
of our paper. We foope he will scon be up
and at bis post again, when he will attend
promptly to all cases demanding his atten
tion at the present.
the best Fewing Ma
chine manufactured is Grover & Baker's.
—a >n»
Farmers and all others who have butter,
eggs, chickens, &c., to sell, are requested to
get up a good supply of these necessary
articles for table use, by next week, and
then bring them into this market, and they
will command the best prices, owing to the
meeting of the Baptist State Convention in
this place, on the 21st instant. The citi
zens of Cartersville will need them for the
use of delegates and visitors to said Conven
tion who will be in attendance upon the
same. Many strangers will be in our midst,
and the reputation of our growing and pros
perous town will be staked upon the recep
tion and entertaiument tendered them while
they are sojourning with us. Let all things
be done decently and in order.
Satterfield, Pyron &. Co’s is the place to
buy good goods, fine goods, and fashionable
goeds, real cheap.
The special advertisement of J. D. Head,
can be found in another column of this pa
per, to which we invite attention. He talks
to the point, and means just what he Bays. —
Read it, and it will make you wiser, and, in
all probability, make it very much to your
interest financially, as well as add much io
your personal appearance and comfort.
Pemberton’s Comp’d Ext. of Stillingia re
moves all old mercurial taint and cures Sy
One among the many improvements of our
town which is daily receiving the marked
attention of the people, is the model Market
Stall kept by Mr. Vai-divere. He fully un
derstands his business and the wants of his
customers. His fresh meats are always
clean, nice and fat—the of good se
lections of stock, and better judgement in
Pemberton’s Compound Extract of Stillin
gia—the great Blood Purifier.
New Hotel, opphing of Rowland Springs,
New Church, New Institution of Learning,
Opening the extension of Erwin Street to
Tumlin’s Mills, and spanning the river with
a free bridge at that point, free bridge near
MeClatchy’s mill, New road from Carters
ville across the mountains in the direction
of old Etowah Iron Works, Blast Furnace
in or near Cartersville, Extension of Erwin
Street to the Cemetery, Baptist State Con
vention, Sunday School Anniversary, Pic-
Nic at Shellman’s Springs the 6th May, the
style of dress, the beautiful goods our mer
chants are receiving, cooks, gardens, crops,
the weather, &c., are all interesting topics
for discussion. **
want a real genuine, number
one Sewing Machine, buy Grover & Baker's.
Our talented, sociable and clever friend
and brother quill-driver, Whipbv, Local
Editor of that live, spirited paper, the At
lanta Constitution, called in to see us, on
yesterday morning. He is in attendance
upon the afinual meet ing of the stockholders
of the Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad, to
gether with Hon. H. I. Kimball, Col. Dever,
and others, lie is looking healthy, and as
pretty as ever. There is a slight difference
between the corporeal dimensions of the
two representatives of this paper—the Fat
Boy and “ye Local,” both of whom have re
cently visited this burg.
Buy your goods of Satterfield, Pyron &
Cos., and success is yours, beyond a doubt.
The jurisdiction of three Presiding El'
derß on as many districts, extends over por
tions of Bartow county —Marietta, Ryburn;
Palton, Scott; and Rome, Pearce.
In buying the Grover & Baker Sewing
Machiuesyou buy no humbug.
The District Meeting of the Marietta Dis
trict, M. E. Church South, is appointed to
convene at Acworth, this year.
Grover & Baker's Sewing Machines are
fully up to all that is claimed for them.
For sale for cash—Capt. Blacker’s resi
dence and business house in Cartersville.
See adv.
Globe Flower Cough Syrup breaks up
W hooping , lough and Croup, as if by magic.
||Shellman’s Springs, Saturday. May 6th.
Pic-N’ic or no Pic J\ic. All may speak at
once, if they choose.
The prettiest, cheapest, richest and most
captivating ladies Dress Goods, in town,
have just been received and opened by Sat
terfield, Pyron <St Cos.
Between the first and seventh of May, the
Methodist Sabbath School of this place wilj
b*ve their annual anniversary celebration,
in the courthouse, at night, when Gen. C.
A. Evans, of Atlanta, will be present and
deliver an address, together with other dis
tinguished speakers.
The enterprising wholesale Dry-Goods
firm of Moore & Marsh, of Atlanta, Ga , has
contributed ♦OO 00 towards building the
new Methodist E Church in Cartersville.
Let our merchants make a note of this fact.
After a considerable lapse of time, the
boilers for the Car Factory have arrived,
been axamined and rejected, and others are
now on the way to fill their places, rioon
"e shall sec this enterprise in full blast.
Ihin. li. l. Kimball, of Atlanta, was elect -
j <‘d President of the Cartersville £ Van-Wert
j Ra,l,oad y cst Me learn, vice A John.
i son, President pro tem. ' '
The Singer 'Sewing M»«*I»lne.
No «ewing machine, in this or any other
country, has met with more success, or been
universally patronized, than the patent
known as the Singer Sewing Machine. As
an evidence of its extensive patronage and
popular use, it will be seen that over forty
thousand of these machines, in excess of the
n ext most popular, viz.: Wheeler & Wilson s
patent, were sold in 1870, and that they
have taken the premium at fairs all over the
country, and a: the World's Fair they look
the premium as having the highest sale Os
a ! l others.
They are truly wonderful pieces of Me
chanism, and will compare not only favora
bly with all others, but in point of variety
of accomplishment, will probably exceed
other machines. There are numerous styles.
The family machitie is adapted to the u«c
of the family in domestic purposes, and will
accomplish any species of work —embroider-
ing Cording, tucking, gathering, hemming,
felling, and braiding—in the neatest and
most beautiful manner, fringing the most
delicate of labrics, in a manner truly sur
prising, an 1 frilling: all of which is done
with a neatness, and beautiful finish ana
evenness far superior to that which could bd
done by hand.
A peculiur advantage of this machine is
that the work all goes from the person per
forming it, and in such a way ns to enable
one to see elearly whether or not it is
There are also machines for doing tailors'
work and for the boot-maker. These have
the long arm, and can drive the needle
through a great thickness of cloth or leather
Also, the Nos. 2 and 3 large leather manu
facturing machines, capable of doing such
heavy work as none other can perforin.
' Another peculiarity and advantage which
they possess over all others is the hand at
tachment, which is a piece of mechanist}) al
lowing an instantaneous change from the
working by the foot to a crank which can
be used by persons unable to use the other
style. This is done with the family machine
alone, and reburies but a moment to
accomplish the movement. The larger
styles are worked with perfect ease, and any
one acquiring the use of the smallest family
machine can work any other. They are
truly valuable accessions to the household,
and no one able to have a sewing machine
; should fail to call at the Store of Satter
field, Pyhon kCo., Agents, in Cartersville,
Ga., and see and judge for themselves.
Brooks county, it is said, hasn't a scala
wag or carpet-bagger within its limits to
tamper with the negroes by practicing upon
their ignorance ; and there is not a while
man in the county who approves of Bullock’s
pilfering, rascally administration. The
people of Brooks are certainly blessed.- Cit:
Bullock recently offered SI,OOO for the
arrest of one Aaron Lamb. Lamb was
arrested; the thousand dollars pa and; and in
less than two months thereafter this infa
mous Governor pardons the aforesaid Lamb
from jail. Can any one doubt thgt a part
of that s'l’,ooo did uot find a lodging place
in Bullock's pockets ?— Citizen.
Ink spots, mildew, or any vegetable stain
are at once removed by applying Darby’s
Prophylactic Fluid.
From the Daily Sun.
Half Hour at Pease & hi§ wires
In these days of big hotels and
style, when a hungry guest is expected
to sit quietly and behave himself while
the tardy servant serves him divers
dishes, it is refreshing to drop in at
tlx* restaurant of Pease and hia wife
and get all round and over a clean
marble top table—give an order for a
dozen firied shad or a roasted oyster,
and then back against the wall and
listen to the chat going on among the
guests. Occasionally a long, lean,
lank, cadaverous chap steps in, and
after spelling over the bili-01-fare, asks
the servant what he has to eat. The
long list of dishes are called over, and
perhaps this customer orders bacon
and greens and a glass of water.
Auotner gentleman puts in his appear
ance —he looks like Arnos Fox—is
larger round in the middle than any
where else, which shows that he knows
what good things are made for. He
commences with soup and goes through
the bill, finishing up with coffee, or
perhaps something stronger, to assist
digestion. This kind of customers are
very garrulous, and we listened to one
of them dilsting upon the luxury of
eatiug, and really felt sad to know
that oysters and birds are passing
away, as we knew bis kind would suf
fer in the flesh. Oh ! how eloquently
he talked of duck stuffed with oysters,
and deplored the scarcity of wild
duckey and venison in the market.
But we were comforted at the sight of
a genteel young clerk, who came
quietly in and took a seat, called for
a 25 cent steak, ate it and departed.
We know this young man had a
natural appetite for this substantial
dish, and that’ he returned to his place
of business in a good working condi
tion—not too full for the utterance of
those sweet, pretty words that are
often necessary to prove to fair
customers that the goods offered are
beautiful and the prices low. And so
on, through the whole catalogue of
mankind. They visit Pease and his
w.fe from all sections; and there you
can find any sort of a man you wish ;
and you can hear any sort of a con
versation you desire. The affairs of
State are discussed as well as the
latest fashions, and, perhaps the
scandal of the city has an occasional
Blackberries and frogs are ripe
m Florida.
See Revenue and Town Tax Notices.
Globe Flower Cough-Syrup cures Asthma
The Marrietta paper mill is rebuilt
and turning out paper.
Mr. E. J. Sirmons, of Clinch county,
claims to be the first white man born
in Lowndes county.
Texas will hold her annual State
Fair next mjuth. Horace Greeley
will deliver the oration.
Since the commencement of the
union religious services at Columbus,
two months siuce, about one hundred
and forty persons have joined the
various churches there, as follows:
Presbyterian, forty-five; Baptist, thirty
five; Methodist, sixty.
The presidential chair of the Male
College, which has beou vacant during
the past year, has recently her n tided
by he election and acceptance of Rev.
B. Arbogast, - President of. Martha
Washington College, Yu,
WWI. fl. HOW A*D
Ls Agent for the
Churches, Schools,
Halls, anl Parlors.!!
Ma<!e in America, viz:
Mason & Uamlin's, & G. A. frince & Co’s.
Also, Agent for
A Splendid Piano,
Guaranteed hy Written War
rantee to keep in Perfect Order
for Five Years I!
Also, Agent for
Various Smallor
Cal! on me and get my
Call and see Illustrated (Jata
loiiTte and Price List.
Don't forget tills Advertisement.
W. If. Howard,
Cartersville, Georgi-i.
march 28th, ’“l—s\v 3m.
Cartersville Prices Current.
Corrected Semi-Weekly by A. K- Hudgens,
Grocery .Ytorehani.
Cotton .....
Axe* per doz. $13.00 to sls IX)
Butter—Goshen tb 50 (ft, G >.•
“ Country 25 (3) 30c
Beeswax tb 20 (a 25
Brimstone & sulph. tb 8 (ft. 15
milestone tb tb 15(3)21)
Borax lb 50 (it, GO
Crackers—Butter Tt> 8 25
“ Soda 7 2 bid 5
“ Cream... 18.'3.20—Fane.v> Ift'fttl)
“ ' Stick 10 n.30
Coffee—Rio ...tb 18Cbr25
“ Java 26:r( 28
Cream Tartar, tb 50 3.75
Camphor—Gum, tb 1.25*2.0)
Cotton Cards, doz $7.50(«,3.00
Epsom Sat t 5,... tb ... Bb. 15
Grain—Corn, bush. 75'<£80
“ Wheat,—GO
“ live... 75«90
“ Peas I.4ft tfis2
** Oats sft',rGO
“ Clover Seed $9.50-12
Sugar—Brown, tb ... 13(ft14
“ C 14: <1.15
“ a lbtifteiG*;
“ Crushed 1C *£(3)18
“ Powr’d 18 <<2o
Syrup—Muscova. gal 40®50
“ Golden 90(3)1.00
■ “ Ex. Golden $1)3)1.25
“ New Orleans 80(ft.$1
Oil—Tanner’s, gal $1.10—40
“ Kerosene...... 4s'ftfiO
Linseed, raw $1.25(3)1.40
“ “ boil’d $1.35/60.50 |
Itope—Manilla lb 283)30 I
“ Machine 11(3)15 ]
“ Cotton 373)401
Cotton Yarns, bun. 1.30-1,40 I
Brown Sheetings, yd. 10(<$14 |
Dried Peaches, hush $1.50-75
“ Apples .. $1.75 1
Vinegar—Cidar, gat 50'3)75 |
Office Mobile Oil Milts, 1
•Mobile, February 7, 1871. /
To the Editor:
In another column you advertise the Lang
don Fertilizer, the price of which has been
S6O per ton. Although this is below the
price of any other reliable commercial ma
nure in the market, yet I have determined to
make the price still lower. The Langdon is
a home production, made from well known
articles produced here, 'Bones and Cotton
Seed Meal mainly) and I can afford to man
ufacture and sell it cheaper than any foreign
manufacturer can put his product in this mar
Again, I have this year so developed and
perfected my works as to reduce the cost of
manufacture considerably; and lastly, so
generous has been the support of this new
Southern enterprise by our planters, in giv
ing the Langdon their preference, that I pro
pose to reciprocate by giving them all the
advantage I possess in the production of the
The price hereafter will be only SSO per
ton for lots of five or more tons, $55 for less
amounts, and $3 per hundred pounds for
amounts less than a ton. At this low price
every good farmer will use fertilizers.
Please give this a few insertions for the
benefit of your planter readers.
Very Respectfully,
»Y. D. MANN,
Proprietor Langdon Fertilizer.
Bear in Mind
When disease has undermined the health,
and the physical system has become pros
trated, a stimulant that will not only
strengthen, but remove the cause, should be
immediately resorted to. Mental distress is
also a fruitful source of the breaking down
of the constitution, and the ravages of this
enemy to health are truly alarming. For
all such maladies Hostetler’s Stomach
Bitters have been found unsurpassed. By
acting directly upon the digestive organs,
they remove the heavy, disagreeable feeling
after eating, so often complained of by
persons of & delicate temperament. As soon
as digestion is restored, the patient finds
his strength increasing, and his general
health improved.
Thousands of persons certify that it may
be relied on in all cases of weakness or
nervous debility attendant upon sedentary
habits. The generality of Bitters are so
disagreeable to the tvste that they are ob
jectionable to a weak stomach. This is not
the case with Hostetter’s Bitters, which Will
be found mild and extremely pleasant. Bal
samic plants, barks and roots contribute
iheir restorative juices to render it soothing
and strengthening. Its basis is the only
pure stimulant which has ever been pro
duced, containing no fusil oil, or any other
deleterious element. The most careful and
skillful chemists have analyzed the Bitters,
and pronounce them harmless. This i<
scientific testimony; but the testimony of
the hundreds of thousands who have expe
rienced the preventive and curative effects
of the great vegetable tonic and altera
tive of modern times is still more conclusive
In Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia, Billiousness.
Nervous Complaints and general debility it
is as nearly infallible as anything in this
fallible world can be.
Ufo and ( uinpaigtM of Gen. £*>©.
l lie great standard work of the day.
the Life ud times of the beloved and
lamented Southern Military Chieftain,
Geu. R. E. Lee, with a full reecord of
the campaigns and heroic deeds of his
companions in arms, by a distinguished
Southern Jouruawst, 850 pages, 30 life
like steel engravings of confederate
Geneials, Ac., just out of the press,—-
Price $3- 75. Rev, A. M. Bamfori\ A
gent. for Barlow and Polk Coqutieff.—
He is also agent to receive and re
ceipt for subscription to tfic p.aa.ji .
Th ' P \tv Ktt.brn is he universal consent
allowed to have w>n for it<**lfa reputation
üß.cn'pwC>i in the l: is to »• 7 rsf m" lie.-i! pro
paestHotr*. fts rfls'i ur.n *t ts effect ii the
eradication and extinct nos Pain in all ; t«
various form* iti*'ii -at to
and the unsolieit and written an 1 v m'L.V testi
mony of the mis-o-s in is faro*-, hare hee.i
and are its own h *st advertitjemr il *
The ingredients of the P\in Kit.i.rn. b'-
ing purely Vkcr.nßu; render it perfectly
safe and efficacious remedy taken internally,
as well as tor external applies’ions. when
used according to directions. The stain up
on linen from its use is readily removed hy
washing with alcohol.
This Medicine, justly celebrated for the
cure of so miry of»he afll eTions i-i' d'nt to
the human family, h is new b«efl before tlie
public over Thirty Years, an ! has found its
way into almost every corner of tire world :
and wherever it has been used, the same
opinion is expressed of its medical properties
In auy attack, where prompt action upon
tlie system is required, the Pain Killer is
invaluable. Its almost instantaneous effect
in relieving pain is truly wonderful: and
when used according to directions, is true
lo its name, a Pain Killer.
j| i
5 W& patent; HBEmOI
■ 4- : 2 V '"
: v‘‘ ’• by. *.•;-• 'A*-iijfcyVffi^y-tV• • .'*. S T>‘■ 7.q
ojl mills
per lb. 10 to 13
Hhouhlers It* 12rtrJ3
(Hear rl) side 12*VM5
Plain hams 14 5.15
Ciinv. hams IS (h, ‘2O
Fresh pork OrtfilO
Cheese, This 'a, 22
Cigars, M J-TO-a.Sh)
*• Dovn. sls.'a-$n
Tobacco lb fiO'fr.7o
- Meiiium 707 t 75:-
“ Va Leaf2om 25
“ Smoking 75 eIOO
Eifgs, doz. 12(<llfi
Flour, ewt. -; 4>o
La id, tb ...14,'(lf>
Meal, bush. 75lh.«X>
Lime, bhl. 1.757(2.59
llice, lb . . .tG/12» ,
Salt, sick 2.35-’</.2.4.1
s«d:i. It) .. 7(l It)
Starch. Tb 8'a.15
Soap-Bar It. Sat, 12'.;
Shot, hag $2.75(5)3.00
Shovels, Am. $1.50
Iron, It) ...sht!t
Puttv, lb B(csto<’
Indigo Tt> $1.7501,2.00
Tallow, lb 10(8112?.;
Tea. lb $1.2.Yq,1.r>0
Feathers tb 65(3175
Pepper, tb 25(8)35
Mack'l. kit $2-2.75
Potatoes, Ir. 75(8)85
“ Sweet $2.00
Twine, bag. 80-5)35
Gandies. tb 1 iVitil)
Lumber 51 slfi-S2O
Wool, wash. 20(240
Osnalmvgs v 15(218
Turpentine 75(&51
Rags, cot lin 1b 3U
White Lead 10(cpr>
Estrella Oil 49&H0
Onlj i*t*r 'lfwes, in St'ive
T«iu Lob.
this List year, and the MOST FAVORABLE
REPORTS are hoard from it. Its PL 111 I'V and
SI RENu I'll are guaranteed. The value of
as a manure, is known to everv SCIENTIFIC
AG RICH LT URAL IST. These articles form the
bulk (4-5) of the “LANGDON," to which are
added proper quantities of POTASH, GY PS Cm
and SALT. These tive ingredients form the
Large Capital invested here in the Works,
affords a security for the guarantee ol'its PU
110A Y . €. C. LI^G3)ON
(Agricultural Editor Mobile Register, )
givos advisory supervision to the production of
this Fertilizer.
NO HIGH FREIGHTS from the far East, nor
have to he paid, as must be true of an article of
foreign (Northern) manufacture, and hence the
“Laugdeu” can he sold, and IS SOLI) CHEAP
ER, than auy Standard Fertilizer in the mar
The COTTON SEED MEAL is produced at
the Works, and the RAW BONES are gathered
from tlie surrounding country and ground at
mv Mills.
bile Oil Mills and witness the Operation of pro
ducing the Langdon Fertilizer.
Planters should instruct their Merchants to
buv for them
Because it is a simple composition of articles
known to he Purity of
which is insured.
Because it is sold at a lowef’ - price than any ar
ticle of like quality could be, 'Which is
brought from a distance,-
Because it will give greater returns from its
use, pound for pound, than any other
Fertilizer, no matter whut the (Vice.
practical men, these are here given;
Tuscaloosa, Ala., 1
December 22d,1870s f
Col. W. n. Jfa an :
Sir.—Ycmr Circular Os the Is* inst. came to
Hand. As we found the Langdon Fertilizer the
best that we tried, 1 give you mv experience
with it. Our land is poor, red hill land. Used
200 lbs. to the acre. We used one ton of Gillum's,
ats7s; three tons of Zell’s, at $55 per ton; two
tons of the Longdon, at stk) per ton. The land
was all worked alike, and the some quantity
used of each. 1 did not keep the weights of each
field separate, but attended to the picking ami
weighing myself, and khow that there was more
cotton gathered to the acre on the Langdon than
any other part of the place. The Zell’s was next.
From my own experience, and in the opinion of
all farmers who took notice of it, the Langdon
Fertilizer was far superior to auy that we used.
Respectfully vours, «c.,
Mr. Thom as H. Kennedy, of .Meridian, AIL*.,
after recounting his experience in the use of the
Langdon Fertilizer, says; “When I lived on mv
plantation in Alabama, I used manv kinds of
Manure, but I never used anything that would
begin to compare with the Langdon Fertilizer.”
in five ton lots. $55 for a single ton. $1 per 100
lbs. for small lots.
It js exchanged for Cotton Seed, 300 pounds, in
strongsacks, delivered free on board boat or cars
at Mobile, for one ton Cotton Seed, free at the
lauding or depot up country—sacks and twine
furnished by the Alms.
Os its cheapness. Cot. Langdon says: “Its
cheapness—l am fully convinced that, at the
price now fixed by you, to-wit: $55 per ton, it
is much the cheapest fertilizer in our m irket.
Pound for pound. 1 consider it more valuable
than the preparations that are selling at $75 to
SBO. For my own use, I would great! v prefer it
to Peruvian Guam) at the same price.” Os its
merits, he says: "The result is the best Fertil
izer in the world for our Southern lands, in mv
Again: “It contains more folly and oom.detc
ly than any other, the elements nccuessarv for
the production of Southern crops and the reno
vation of Southern soil.
Prof. Charles U. Shepard. Jr., M. I).. Professor
of Chemistry South Carolina Medical College,
anti Inspector of Fertilizers lor South Carolina'
who made a full and careful analysis of the
Langdon Fertilizer, says of it: “It is a very su
perior article.”
1 also crush at the mil is. Raw Bones, which
arc ground line. Price at the Mills, $45 per ton.
Ground Raw Bone is too well known as a strong
Fertilizer to need comment. For trees, shrub
bery and grapes, it has no equal. The Ground
Bone of the Mobile oil mills is warranted to con
tain nothing but Bone.
Address all orders for cither of tho abovo Fer
tilizers, accompanied by thy cash, or orders on
your merchants here, to
_ . P. O. Box 72-1. Mobile, Ala
**»“*s 12- por ton. Cash, paid for cotton seed
delivered at the wharf or depot here—sack* and
Dynto delivered atyoqr landing or depot.
$%3 HIS per ton will be paid for Bones deliv
°r * *, thi ‘ MllK lYWii! pa-vto gather them
about the country an l ship to the Mo : le Gil
* an. lOfh, 1371. wly.
fN r> \ r> Tp "P ST T g Q
Ik h A £ il S a j a j >
Component I‘arU — Fx’rort R,»htrl>.\
and Fi.ud Ejdnirt CWaa Yi (■ tp*
NEiivors mi-;\d vriiE. gostive
JlAI.s UU i’ELH' p HKIOI'4S Dill GS.
! .. H
Tlies© PHN delimit fnl!j
ant purgative, superseding ca-tiot* oil, sails.
\ maffit 's.a, ete. There D notliing moi ® ac*
| eepiableto the stomach. They give toqtp.
| and cause neither nausea nor griping pains,
' They are composed of i !<c jun*t fnff.
After a few days’ u<e of them, sucii an in
: vigoration of the entire system takes place
as to appear miraculous to the weak and
! enervated, whether arising from imprudence
|or disease. H. T. Helmbohi s Goinpound
Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Tills ate not
sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar-coat
ed Pills do nat dissolve, but pass through ill.
stomach witbetit dissolving, consequent !y do
not produce the desired effect. T:IK (lA
TAWiIB GRAPE PILLS being pleasant in
! taste and oilor. do not necessitate their be
ing sugar-coated. PRICE «';0 cts. Per Box.
Henry T. llelmMtfs
Will radically exterminate from the system
Scorfula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers,
Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore
Head, Bronchitis, Skin diseases, Salt lihe
uni, Cankers, Runnings from the Ear, White
Swellings, Tumors, Cankerous Affections.
Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swellings. Night
Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of ad kinds,
Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all dis
eases that have been established iirtbo sys
tem for y firs.
Being prepared expressly for the above
coniplaitiis, its Blooi-Purifying properties
are greater than any other preparation of
Sarsaparilla. It gives the complexion a clear
and healthy color, and restores the Patient
to a state of Health and Purity. For Purify
ing the Blood, removing all Chronic constitu
tional Diseases arising from an impure state
of the Blood; and the only reliable and effect
ttal known Remedy for the cure of Pains and
•Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the
Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the
Face, Erysipelas and all Scaly Eruptions of
the Skin, aud Beautifying tho Complexion.
Price, $1 30 per bottle.
I Has cured every case of Diabetes in which
I it has been given. Irritation of the Neck,
of the Bladder, and Inhumation of the Kid
neys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Blad
der, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the
Prostrate Gland, Hone in the Bladder, Cal
culus, Gravel, Brick-Dust Deposit, and Mu
cous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfee
bled and Delicate Constitutions of Both Sc,x
! es, attended with the following symptoms:
! Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power,
j Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing,
Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease,
Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the
i Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body
Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face,
j Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of
j the Muscular Syst em, etc.
Used by persons from the ages of IS to 23
and from 33 to 8n or in the decline or change
of life, after confinement or labor pains:
bed-wetting in children.
Tlelrnbold's Extract Buchu is Diuretic and
Blood-Purifying, nnd cures all diseases aris
ing from Habits of Dissipation, and Excesses
and Imprudences in Life, Impurities of the
Bloou, etc. superseding Copaiba in affec
tions for which it is used, a,id Syphilitic af
fections—in these diseases used in connec
tion with llelmnold’s Hose Wash
In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the
Ext. Buchu is unequalled by any other rem
edy—-as in Chlorosis or Retention, lrregu
; larity, Pain fulness or Suppression of custom
' ary Evacuations, Ulcerated or. Schirrus state
| of the Uterus, Luehorrhuea or Whites, Ster
| ility, and for all Complaints incident to the
! sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or
Habits of dissipation. It is prescribed ex
tensively by the most eminent physician aud
midwivAS for enfeebled and delicate consti
tutions, of both sexes, and all ages, (attend
e I with any of theubovo diseases or symp
It-. T. iT-elmbold’s Ext. Buchu.Cures Disea
ses arising from Imprudences, Hab
its of Dissipation, etc.
' in all their stages, at little expense, little or
no change of diet, no inconvenience, aud no
exposure. I*, causes a frequent desire, and
gives sfsength to Urinate, thereby removing
obstructions, preventing and curing strict
ures of-the Urethra, ailaying pain aud inhu
mation, so frequent- in this cVhss oi diseases,
and poisonous matter, Thousands who
have been the victims of incompetent) per
: sons, and who have paid heavy fees to be j
! cured in a short time, have found ihcy have
j been deceived, and that the “Poison - ’ has,
| by the use of “powerful astringents,” been
dried up in the system, to break out in a
i more aggravated form, aud perhaps after
| Marriage. Use Ilchnbold Ext Buchu for all
affections and diseases of liie Urinary Or
gans, whether exi ting in Male or Female,
| from whatever cause originating, and no
I matter of how long Price, $l3O
per botde.
| ROHE WASH cannot be surpassed as a Face
i Wash, and will be found the only specific
remedy in every specie-; of cutaneous affec
tion. It speedily eradicates Pimples, sums,
Scorbutic Dryness. In luraiions of CUTA
NEOUS .MEMBRAN vet., dispeis Hives,
Redness and Incipient luffamation, Rash,
Moth Patches, Dryucss of scalp or skin,
i Frost Bites, aud all purposes for which salve
or ointments are used; restores the skin to a
| state of purity and softness, and insures
j continued healttiy action to the tissue of its
; vessels, on wuioh d.-pearls the agreeable
ieloivncss and vivacity of complexion so
i much sought and admired. But however
! valuable as a remedy for existing defects of
the skin, H T. Heimbuld's Rose Wash has
; long sustained its principle claim to un
: bounded patronage, by possessing qualities
j wiiioh render it a toilet appendage of the
, most superlative and congeuial character,
combining m an elegant formula those prom
inent requisites, safety and efficacy the in r
variable accompaniments of its use—as a
preservative and refresher of the complex
inti. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases
of a Syphilitic nature, aud as an injection
for disease of the Urinary Organs, arising
from habits of dissipation, used in connec
tion with the Extract Buohu, Sarsapar"la,
and Culawba Grape ILlls, in such diseases
»s recommended
Price, oue dollar pc, b tt’ " Ul pw-wj
Full and explicit q lr
thi medic-ues. fcv j,* nc ,, u * r ' n
ponsiblc and relist Io ~ Up r) '<-st t^p,
;i p|d*et! t ion. with hundreds 7 ’d r-n
bring witins t*. at.,’, n , WlP( j ~f
at* ic *®4 c rttficaie* nnd r ,. c<v • "'*d** m ‘
le tru. many ,*f wbfch are tc-." '
source#, fitoliidtiig emitter,: t hvG ' -t
gymeti, Suics(tteii, esc. q f *, e ‘ '• ' 't
never resorted to their pitblio.iV " r " '
newspapers; ho dots n<q .; 0 " 1 1
1 fact that his articles rank as Nia.,,l V* ' ; ’
1 aration*. and do no: nevk to h e 7,
! by certific.ffe#. *'* - if'
H. T. Hclmhohi s Genuine p rcT ,
delivered to any address. ,‘. r lr ‘’ *•
i Serration. EjuaWlslusl upward •; ' *
j Sold by druggists everyv.’•
I letters for information in emtfi i,. op , M j‘ ’
;' fl chuboM, Dauggist an! ( h-'im^t.
I: Only Depots: H F. HelisiholdT p, t ,,
! Übemtcnl On: chouse, No. 391 IT '/uie**- \
.f, or IT. T- Heltubo-d s Medical le ot i
i So*:f!i st I’hiloxlplphia, Pi,
i. Beware of Gonnl-ertVil#! A-k for H t
Helnibjlil s !! Take no other !! !
Prophylactic Fluid.
rjl'; IS itiValttable Family sle tii'inv. for pt-.i .
elcasing. remo ,-i ‘) - »•> •» ’
of -liekii'Ws~ for t»t)ni-.. so.v-, v> ,
for Erysi palaa, rheumatism,
e«; for etttarrh, sore maf.tti. Sore t'v -'t. ’’ ■ • -
ria; for cholic, diarrhus.i, cholera; as a wash >
soften and beautify the ski a; to reurove >
spots, mihlcw, fruit status; taken ittUrtrilho
weft -is anoited e\te'~itsl)'': s > hitrt)l_y_ri!£lEU
mended by all who have use,l it—is for sale oy
ail Hro'zclsis ami I'ft'mttT xH o )
tto •>:-iU‘l )‘d .lire‘-tt' !>*'
DAinn t-Rovii ii \ i "
Dec. 6, w-ljr. lfil -WiiU rn Street, s’.
Are now
I o 0 i) s.
Oothlng 9
Hats, Boots,
ami Nhoejg,
IN FACT, Everything, nearly, kept in t he Mer
cantile IJn e, all Lepartin’onls. is sola b> u
at the low est possible prices. Everybody is’ !u
--vitprl to call and look through oiir ext* - isivo
Establishment. HOWARD* ERWIN,
a nr. 5. —wtf
Sheriff for May, *7l.
ILL he sold, before the ( ourthous* door in
IT Cartersvillc. Bartow Counts - , Ga., on the
first Tuesday in May, !S7l, within the ns
aal hours of sale, the following pro ncr*v. * - -i,-d •
One house and lot in the town of Kingston, lv
lngon the east sine of the \V . ,t A. ft. u., ,vneie
oa the defendant now resides, let ied on as the
property of Emma C. Smith, to satisfy a fi fa is
sued from Bartow Superior t >urt in favor Cice—
ro A. Smith, for the use of the offices of Court,
against said Emma C. smith.
Alsu, the plantation whereon the defendant
now resides, in the 15th dist. and 3rd sec. of said
county, containing three hundred and sixty-five
acres more or less, embracing lots ol land No.-.
105 and Itlti, in said dist., levied on as the proper
ty of H. \V. Burnett, to satisfy a fi 11 issued =rota
Bartow Superior Court, in favor of VC. VC. if u .
kins and .Mrs. M. F. Blalock, a Im’rs. of VV. t .
Blalock, dec’d, against said 11. VV. Burnett, for
the purchase money.
A MO, the plantation formerly known as th.
Charles Sproull place, containinglfiu acres more
or less, in the. 17th dist. and 3rd -ec. of Bariov.
co., levied on as the property of Elijah C. Jones,
to satisfy a Bartow Superior Court fi fa, in fan
of Thomas K. Sprcull. adln’rof Charles Sprot.; .
for the purchase money.
Also, at the -ame time and place, lots of land
Nos. 143 and 115, in thusih dist. and 3rd sec., lev
ied on aj the property of J. R. Allin, to sati.-c. a
(1 fa issued from Bartow Superior Court, in i’»vi.r
of A. Johnson, against said J. It. Alliu, for the
purchase money.
Also, the plantation, whereon the defendant-,
J. A. Crawford and John I rawford, now resides,
lying in the sth .list, am) 3d set lion of Barov,
county, levied satisfy a ti fa issued froui
Bartow Superior Court, in favor of Ayers A Gill,
against said J. A, Crawford and John Crawforu.
_A 1.80. one house uml lot in the town oft arte, -
vilie, whereon the defendant now resides, lev:
■»n as the property of Miller Collins, to satisfy a
Ufa issued from Bartow.Huperior Court, in favor
of/,. W. Jackson A Cos., against said Miller Col
Also, lot of land No. I*4, 4lh dist. and 3rd sec..,
containing 40 acres more or less. lying iunidc ■
the incorporation of the town of Carters vilie, lev
ied on as the property of G. J. Salter, under an
attachment fi fa issued from Bartow Superior
Court, in favor of James Milner, against said G.
J. Salter.
Also, at the same time and place, 120 acres of
land in thelitii dist. and 3rd sec. of Bartow coun
ty, levied on as the property of George Under
wood, dec.M. to satisfy a tax fi fa, in favor of the
state of Georgia au>f Bartow county, vs Job;,
Underwood, ugt. cst. of George Underwood,
dec’d. Levy made and returned to me by a Con
A at the saute time and place, 2 acres *■
land in the town of Cart ersvllle, known as I’m
51 .iron lot, lying on Te;;ic. -see Street. Levied
on as the property of !>. I'. Tiffs no >, to .satisfy
tax il la. in favor of the >iate of Georgia and
Bartow county,' vs i>. F. Bishop. Levy made
and returned to me by a Const tide.
Also, til the same time and place, SJO acres of
land being parts of Loss Nos. 13. 34. aii 123, in
the sth district and 3 l Se - ti«n of Bartow County.
Levied on as the property of s. s. Go i twin t >
. satisfy a tax fi fa. in favor of fit i State ofG. -
• gi land Bartow Count.- vs. W. L. Ayco k, agon .
; of S. S. Goodwin. Levey mu le ;.ud re.urue l ij
! me by a constable.
Also, at the sains time and place, the bourn
and lot whereon VV. L Avcoek lives in the tow 1
of Cassville, the same con taiuiag 4J acres, more
or less, and being part of lot No# Ho, in the 5 s
district and 31 section of Bartow County.
I ied on as the property of W. L. Ay cock, to su -
IV tt ix sis iin favor of the state of Georg..; vu t
Bartow County vs. W. L. AyV'ick. Le\\ m.iiu
1 and returned to me by a constah.e. .
j Also, at the tone *nd i’ j,‘
I land, and emu|>«se.l of lots Vos. y‘><, ■*•»*, •> -• ■> •
502. 428. 50s, 4«vand 341. iu tue district .w l
3 1 section of Bartow County. Levied on a* c.
■ro >crtv of John Brooks, «lere*sed. to s.uiso a
t »x* ti fa iu favor of the Hi ate m Uej rmi % a in. I
B.irtow County vs. VV. L. Ayeock. *. < f*
tor of said J. Brooks, dsoeased- Lcv> ma le
,u 1 returned to nu by a r.mstahie.
vp.*3 W, W. Sheriff,
I A ■;us KKNNCDY, D. Shff.
' }? C)! ‘& H icr I’t’s 1 ’t’s higH.lvcf
tiserueut iu another coluiau.