Newspaper Page Text
; o >VN
lfJ>T illo, I<»m April 2*tH, *s<!•
* -H "" |(., p(i»t SI "itcConvention
* «fliotin»injr. on Monday night last,
, ,j, e following vole of thank*:
' vH> Tkat «(' k'nikrmir thanks tr> <t»o
i |;| ' ,,, 1 ,|'ihp < artwsville ( hunii, and the
I ’ , y n»ui unity, forth** «levant ho*-
j i, « itl' which they have entertained this
the wtbor denominations fertile u«) of
I ['/,of Wop* hip: and to tin* several
I ,| . which Tvft'temt to delegates return
••of charge.
jti/c i* of Cartels villc, Irrespective *f
,ii,,iinl Ida*, feel profoundly thankful
-.rivilcgo of entertaining suchncorps
l soiled aiul honoralile Christian guest*
„,*cd this e<*< U*J>i**»ic:ii .body, and will
~i die future, revert to this delightful oc
ono ol the brightest pages in the his
young hut growing town. The pre
iiul labor*, to -ay nothing of godly ei
rlf great a number of faithful ami
j|.le> of the meek an l lowly Jesus,
' in these days of religious declon
(ln hiitnhly trust and believe, will wield
ihicnce for good that shall he seen and felt
\ liuv -to come. Not a thing transpired
■ the entire se-sion to mar the happiness,
, ■nipt the peace, or, in the least, to inter-
I ~t . with the Christian greetings, fellowship
«jotl-will which marked ilie intercourse
I Voivihren, of all denominations, socially and
I iirjotisH. during their brief sojourn in our
I ,|.t “behold ! how pleasant it is for nreth-
I ren to dwell together in unity.”
I These are not alone the feelings and senti-
I „ | lt .s oftheciti/a us oft ni tersv.He and vicinity,
I u t read w hat a stranger, who was in attend-
I , c-uiHuiJthe deliberations of the Convention,
I , -av about it. AVe.<i<jyy fj;o!}i the Atlan-
I ■ j i twotltutifn '
\ The Baptist Convention that assembled
Ii (' :| rt< rsville, was the largest held in the
I s ate lor tilt: past thirty, yparf. For inlel-
I pity am] ghr’istinn zeal, the members
I,; that Cdnvcutiorf stood imsuVpfissed. Its
I ;r .•siding oflieer, Rev. I’. H. Mcll, is ac-
I wlcdgcd to have no superior in. the
I w ledge of Parliamentary law. lie rules
I Idly, firmly and impartially. The ppos-
Ii- of a measure would much rather have
I in preside* titan take (hp floor.
The Convention was harmonious and
I nlrisant. The vexed question relative to
I ;n removal of Mercer University, lias been
I ...tiled. Ttie litigati ou mitalii-d by tho cUi-
I n iis of Pcnficld is to be withdrawn. The
I I nivcrsify is to go on ft* Macon without let
I . r pindrattoe, and a school is to be estub-
I | ~ir I at I’enfield, to be called Mercer High
I- iiool. Tiie Oenvention took a flrtn and
|., I'l stand against conformity to tho
i!d—theater going, dancing drunken
ness, gambling of all kinds. The delegatee
I from Atlanta were active and efficient—Dr.
I iirmiily. Ex-Gov. llrown, and Wj M. Janes,
I Ksi|., taking prominent positions.
\ State Sunday School organization was
I perfected, and a committee appointed to
I Mart a Baptist Orphans’ Home, from Atlan-
I tint).".
The people of Cartersvillc mot the dele- I
I giite* with open arms and warm hearts. — j
I Their hospitality was extended in unstinted
I measure, and with a heartiness and good
I will unmistakable, One of the brightest 1
I j.uges in the memory of tiiose who attended
I the (’oureution, will be the kindness and
I generosity shown thein by tho citizens of j
I Cartersvillc. Cartersvillv |U»s established !
I : reputation for hospitality that places her ,
I in the front rank. JEtio perpeiua.
Rev. Dr. Tucker and KcY. I'r. Wills have J
recently been appointed and oDlakted Bish- |
I ops of their respective denominations. If
I happened in this wise: The directors of a
I certain railway compiany had under consid-
I oration the granting of tickets to ministers
Inf the gospel. A resolution giving to rain-
I -ters of good standing in their respective
I ltnomi nations while engaged in ministerial
f ilniy, tickets at, half rates had been unani-
I mmisly passed, when a director who was
I in Episcopalian, declared that he must have
Ia free ticket, for Bishop Beckwith. A ivletli
[ mlist director amended by inserting one
: r Bishop Pierce. 'J’lie President of the j
I Imard (a Baptist) remarked that the Bap-
I ti-ts and Presbyterians had no regular High- !
op, because all the ministers were Bishops,
ami he therefore wanted tickets for all the
Baptist and Presbyterian Divines. This the
Hoard thought too much of a good thing, and
consequently they said to the Presidcn*:—
“We will authorize you to appoint and or
dain a Bishop for Hie Baptists and Presby- |
teriaus.” In accordance with this authori- j
j tv lie appointed and ordained a Baptist I’ish-
I "p. Rev. 11. If. Tucker and as Presbyterian
I Bishop. Rev. David Wills, and gave them
free tickets accordingly. Vive la Bishops I
Tucker and Wills. '
A member of the Convention got off seve
ral conundrums on the names of delegates;
among them were*: Who represents a green
j vine? Ivy! Who cuts smooth and clean ?
A Shaver ! Who is a good worshipper ? A i
Dev.itie! Who is good in music? A Toon !
bho took after the oil and the wine? A
I Butler ? What is indulging not to excess ?
\ Horn-a-day ? Who does execution at a j
| mg range? A Cannon! Who keeps up
the fire? Wood!—At. Constitution.
fcgrw e are happy to congratulate our neigh
“i'i> ol the Standard on the accession of an ele-
Kam ucw ey Hinder press to their office. The
'milleofthcir.jssueof the titth is printed upon
“ 1 lie imp rfcssiefTis clear and handsome, re
nting much credit upon the press anti printer.
" expect to follow suit at an early day.
set? W e made a flying visit to th e once pros
i rious, bv now almost obliterated, town oft’ass
' li', on \\ ednesday last—decoration day—and
' ’X' truly gratified to observe the efforts which
•'re now being made to revive the memory of
t! ' it time-honored and once lovely village, by
rebuilding residences upon a goodly number of
'He choicest lot;-. It will he remembered, by
many of our vendors, that this plat-e fell a vic
tim to the destructive torches of Sherman, dur
ing the war, and was well nigh totally burned
U P- because the name of the place had been
•■Ranged, by the Legislature, from Cassvill* to
Mcuuassah, in liouor of the first illustrious bat
he ground of the war. Dp to the time of its de
traction Cassville was the county site offtinu
°Hy ( ass, but then Bartow county, and was
maced by a neat two-storv brick court-house
two prosperous colleges-male and female—two
', n Bhahlo hotels, three thriving chnrehcs, from
te ® w twenty bnsfness houses and offices,
newspaper and job printing office, a mtm
r ot wood, blacksmith, Tailor, and shoe shops*
agether with an indtistrious, intelligent and
tbiui) population of between live and seven
"•ndred inhabitants. Nothing, of all this, was
H sht« the three churches and a half dozen
r Mdcuces, and the sacred repository of the
of fortifications running oen
a"y through it. while tho citizens were scat
tered, homeless and destitute
tarns to the seaboard. we, e - m ° U ?‘
more ardentl, attached to & IZ7 X
the old citizens of Cassville to that ill - fated vT
Kc; the devoted Jews in Babylonian eat
Buty. never turned their eyes more longingw
_>'l yearningly towards Jerusalem, than did
. e po °l >lo awards CassvUic, and up bitterer
t-is shed and sighs heaved at the renjeißber
n' c of Jcrnsalem than by these at theremem
t];r "’ lc f °fCassville. No Mhmder, tlteu, that on
' ' "vlit and lovely spring day— J he 2«th day
t ; i' ri ‘ -amidst the^eetTay?of aattui’smin
fUw( .madevtoubly sweet by-the, majestic lian-
of God as dLsplayed in II is beautiful
I Ca-sville Memorial
, OD ' together with tJieir friends and
with asseni t»k>d Uigether to decorate
! ami wi,h ,h ° ir to *' tr!, t,,c
rv > v atuoble , baud of confederate
a H mav \"' *! remaiiOS klcrp hard by noner,
'•ut eherish!’, ~earer * ,OTOcl o»cs in that solitary
lives i n ,' ho e( I "T 4Ve " yar ' l ~ vvho ‘sacrificed their
’ n heap* of , defencc of the very homes that lay
,Sh £‘.r and them, and upon wkiic h
Un ßled woodlfi 1 * R,lrt * SllC *’ ar,rl ■ charred and’
°° dblaCS evergeens the modest
little vine had -; :rr sup and wormed its slen
der form and aroand which twined its delicate
tendrils, and. w ith head erect, h;td bud*led and
blown a beautiful rose of colors rich and rare,
and emitting a fragrance as sweet to olfactory
»cnse as the memory of the b*\c*d depai id ones
was dear to the hearts oi those who strew them
over the graves. Out of the mins of desolated
homes had sjirung the sweet, fragrant flowers
which, on that day. beautified and adorned the
casket* from which had escaped the precious
j ewets— heroes' spirits.
< assville, though baptised with blood and fire,
will yet rise from her grave of seeming obliv
ion, and in the not very distant future, will
bloom as the rose. Already she is again begin
ning to assume the appearance of a village,
and. ere long, upon those classic hill tops where
once the Cassville Female and Cherokee Bap
tist Male Colleges flourished, will again spring
up from their ruins, other and still more pros
perous institutions of lea ruing.
.I.T'.Gihson, Editor.
R. W. MtrßfiiY is our authorized Agent
and* ollertor. To receive mid receipt for Sub
scription to the Kxpress, and to collect claims.
£PrS'*Rcv. \V. K. WFILMS j- our authorized
locafand traveling Agent, to receive and re
ceipt tor subscriptions to the Kxpress.
New Spring and Summer Goods, By
thousands, for .sale, at S. &. \I. Liebman's.
f&jjr Don’t forgot the Fancy Dress
Skatinfj Carnival at the Rink in this
place, to-night, (Friday.) To those;
who are fond of skating, and those
who love to see others skate, wo pre
dict much fun. 80, don’t fail to go. —
Fancy Skaters, from a distance, ex
Satterfiel I, Byron A Go’s. Is the place to
| buv good goods, fine goods, and fashionable
I goods, real cheap.
Bk3>j“ News items are scarce iu this berg,
as precious stones, almost.
Gttgr Wo not iced in our perambulations
around town yesterday, several new and
elegant buildings in course of construction.
This shows that Cartersvillc is on the high
road to prosperity, and we are proud to see
it.-I -t«y*yt w , , „ . .
&3P’* Oil Wednesday morning last, we, in
company with the Carteiqrvilje
set out for Cassville to attend the deco
ration of the Confederate Soldiers’ Graves.
Mr Joint Bogle furnished us transportation,
and he being xylint the 'inimitable Judge
Jones terms a ' loose driver,” landed us
safely ftt (’assville Cemetery on schedule
time, i. c., half-past ten o’clock.
Upon arriving, we found a large number
of ladies and gentlemen, from Gartersville,
Cassville and vicinities, assembled to assist
in the sad and solemn, yet pleasant duty of
perpetuating the memory of the brave Con
federates who sleep there, by strewing flow
ers upon their silent graves. The order of
tlicday was announced by Mr. TV. A. Chunn,
as follows:
J’rayer—By Rev. Mr. Gohlwire.
Music—By the Band.
Address—By* Col. Jno. A. Crawford.
M usic and Decoration of the Graves.
The prayer was a very appropriate and
feeling one. and from which many good and
valuable lessons might be learned ; a hand
some tribute was paid to the noble dead bu
ried there; inn word, it was well-timed
pointed, instructive, and the true se tiinent, j
of the Christian gentleman’s heart, who ut- 1
tered it. After the prayer the Bond dis
coursed a piece of music, after which, Mr.
W. A. Chunn, introduced to the audiences
Col. Jnc. A. Crawford, who proceeded to ad
dress them. While we consider the speech
of Col. Crawford ns truthful, and a thorough
exposition of the oppressions and wrongs,
which are unmercifully being perpetrated
upon the Southern people, we did not think
it entirely appropriate on that occasion.—
But as wc remarked above,it was truth every
syllable of it, and we cordially concur with
him in the opinion that the Cause for which
those heroes, whose memory we desire to
perpetuate, battled and sacrificed their lives?
is not hopelessly lost. We believe that as cer
tain as God lives and rules, that just
certain, ere the lapse of many years, the
very Cause which the Southern people went
to battle for in 1860, will Be recovered aud
established. You may ask upon what wc
found this opinion ! It is this: Look at our
condition lour or fix'd years ago, surrounded
by wreck and ruin, poverty-stricken and
penniless, and slaves to those in whose
hands we were ; forced to live under a
system of government which we despised,
| and which afforded us no protection ; our
j homes were desolated, our towns burned,
; our farms devastated, and to us, the future
; was as black as erebus, and living line
a pall around us ; we were almost bereft of
hope, our hearts almost sank within us,
when we viewed our surroundings, and we
were almost persuaded to give up without
an effort. This is a picture, and not an
over drawn one of our deplorable situation
five years ago. JN’ow, compare our condi
j tion !ht, » with the present, and ask upon
what we found the opinion expressed above!
1 he* dawn of anew and glorious era is at
hand; the clouds of blackness, which bat a
short time ago gathered over our political
horizon, are rapidly parsing away, and the
future grows Brighter and brighter, and
the signs of the times, we think, are suffi
; ciently encouraging to fully sustain us in
our belief.
Taken as a whole, Col. Lrawford’s speech
wus an able and t'loquent. one, and did him
great credit.
After the address, the Band playing, the
ladies and gentlemen proceeded to decorate
the graves, which, when completed, conclu
ded the exercises of the day.
After dinner, we knocked around Cass-
Ghe awhile, meditating upon what vast
changes had been wrought, when up rolled
our vehicle, in which we were to return, and
cut short our reverie, aud wc got aboard
bound for CartersyUle via Cass Depot, at
w ich latter point, we disposed of about
I 16e hundreds pounds of our corporeal car
go, m the person of Judge Jones, o whom we
! re,urn thanks for special favors.
T he ladies of Cassville deserve great cred
it for the very deep interest they manifest
, m the Confederate dead who are intoned
j thcrc ’ aml ‘he nice, neat manner in which the
I ct »>ete*ry is kept. May their rewards he
peace and prosperity through life, and as
-1 ter the day of hfe is o’er, a home in Heaven.
El RY <!AUzIN(j ON
J. I). HEAD,
Who is now receiving an *
entirrh/ new and fresh stock
of Staple awl Fanes; OK I*-
aoons, oeessr
BOOTS and WO tiff, ff /TS,
CLOTHTXn, sa, which
have been hoag/it a/ bottom
price*, for C. ISIf !
The advantage’? of having a
resident buyer in New York, of
long experience, enables me to
offer advantages to CASh buy
ers, which cannot he overlook
ed by any one who will con
sult their own interest. All 1
ask is an examination of
to convince you that I will f*o 1
all I say.
I will again remind my
long-winded customers that I
occasionally need money, and,
hope they will find it conveui- j
ent to call and pay.
J. D. HE AD, I
Cartrrsville, Ga.
Liberal Advances made to j
Planters on Cotton, to ship for
immediate sale, or, to hold.
April 13, 1871.-swtf
Is Agent for tlio
Churches, Schools,
Halls, and Parlors, !!
Made in America, viz: j
Mason & Hamlin’s, 4fc G. A. Prince & Co’s.
Also, Agent for
A Splendid Piano,
Guaranteed by Written War
rantee to keep lu Perfect Order
for Five Yearn ] l
Also, Agent for
Various Smaller
Call on me and get my
Price 4?.
Call and see Illustrated Cata
logue and Price List.
Don’t forget tliiji Advertisement.
W. 11. Howard,
Cartersvillc, Georgia.
march 28th, ’7l—sw 3m.
Globe Flower Cough- Syrup cures Asthma
BißiuThe Town Council are sparing nei
ther time nor money to put our streets and
side-walks in good condition, for which they
have the thanks of all our citizens. These
gentlemen have tho interest of the town at
heart, and it can be truthfully said of them
that they arc the right men in the right
The prettiest, cheapest, richest and most
captivating ladies’ Dress Goods, in town,
have just been received aud opened by Sat
terfield, Byron & Cos.
g?|F=-Mr. R. \V. Murphcy, is agent for
the ‘‘Liverpool and London and Globe”
Insurance Company, one of the most, staunch
and reliable companies in the world. The
fact that Gen. Jos. E. Joliuston is
Agent for this Company is a sufficient guar
antee that it is a bona fide Institution, and we
advise those who wish to insure to apply to
Mr. Murphey, and take out a policy in this
perfectly reliable Company.
Ink stots. mildew, or any vegetable stain
are at once removed by applying Darby's
Prophylactic Fluid.
Father Fitch, of the Griffin Star,
takes occasion, in his last issue, to read us a
lecture, in which he gives us some whole
some advice, and for which, we return
thanks. Mr. Fitch says we are a graduate
of the t?tar Office, and so we are ; wc grad
uated in all the branches; lie was our tutor,
and ever since \va received our diploma, we
have endeavored to follow in the foot-steps
of our illustrious preceptor, but provided we
are successful in this undertaking, where he
will lead us, we are utterly unable to divine.
Mr. Fitch says that people who talk largely
through newspapers, are the veriest cowards
in the world; well, we won't dispute that,
as Mr. Fitch never says a thing unless he
knows it to be so, and knows it. from expe
rience. Gentlemen should practice what
they preach. Remember us in your morn
ing and evening devotions, Undo Fitch.
Sunday School Celebration.
The Anniversary Celebration of the
Cartersville Methodist Sunday School
will be held at night, on Thursday, 4th
May, in the Court House. At the
close of the School exercises Rev. C. A.
Evans, of Atlanta, will deliver the An
nual Address. The public are invited
to attend. Exercises will commence
at quarter before 8 o’clock.
J. A. Erwin, Supt.
Cartersrille PrH*«* Current.
Corrertut Sprai-Wprkl.v by V. Tt. Hudgens,
Grocery Merchan f.
Cotton , .!
Axe* per rt >/.. fl'i.UO t * fISJW
lintter—Go.tien tt» :/>:<s fid*
“ Country **s ‘k, fßc
Beeswax tt> *0 *(
Brim-tone & sulph. rt» 8 15 J
Bluestone th it, 15*490 I
Borax th 50 ;«t> ft)
Crackers—Butter th Bis 25
“ Soda 7V«tls|
“ Cream .. ls.tao
c.mdv—F.-tnev a<*tth 10 e.*i 1
“ St Irk . ... j
Coffee—’tin ~th |B>,
*• Java ’.*6 /,*'S |
Cream T irt.«r. th 50 0.75 I
Cain »?*•»!*—iiuin, th l.i-Wi-Oi j
< ott in t’ if Is, l*»z *7:.'»'rtHtt» '
KU'Otil Saits,... qt> ... i
Crtun—Corn, bu h- j
*• Wheat, 1*0*1.1.30-0)
“ itve 7 Ja.iW
“ Teas I.4*a»
** Oat*. 50<rfii
14 Clover Seed 50-12
Sugar-Brown, ib ...tVffil
*• c 14 <tl»
“ A....'
** Cruslmtl It! IS
“ i* nvr’-l is 1 2d
Syrup—Mns.-ovo. g.t! i) ./.V)
“ (loidcn .. t<o 'r.t-tt'i
“ F.v. Golden 41 '<,1.25
“ • Xeiv Orleans
Oil—T.iuuer’s. gal Jl.itj- J)
“ lver*»sene ... 4'»«0*»
** I.tnsefld, raw *t.ZVrtl.lo
“ ** hoil’.l st-T> f
Ro;x? —Manilla U> 28.hV)j
*■ Maeliine lUffll]
“ Cotton 37-r. to
Cotton Yarns, bun, t.‘W-1.10 j
Brown sheetings, yd. I!) id l |
Dried i’eaclies, bush $1.50 -75 '
*• Apples f 1.7.5 I
Vinegar—Cidar, g il A)'{is|
I will attend at the following ji’netis and times
for the purpose ol’rereiving tax returns for 1871,
to-wit; , - ...
Oth District, May Ist, 18 b, and *3O It.
A tlairsvjHlr. ** find, l»*Ui, ami 3UMt.
King-ton. “• tird, 17th, an<j >Bt. (.
17th District, “ Ith, 18th, and 1-t June, f
<.ass villa, >l‘ -sth, Hull, and 2ml ** t
i’ine Log, “ fi 11, 20;li. and :J.*.l “
Wolf Pen. ‘* Bth, iiiiifi, aiul sth “
Lower Stamper 9tn, S3r<4, and Oth
Allatoona. 4 * 10th. 24th, and 7th 44
Cartcrsvillq, “ 11, 12. 25, 4 3t»th, Bth .A Dth 44
All persons art* requested to give in their
Lamfs by Xumhvrs, Sections and Districts.
YF. T. Cvottnos-. T. R. B. C.
1 1 •" - 1 I
2 ua n le n i a jli> ln^
The lavd «\ ti»k town
nl'€arlcm iH<i, ki.«wn as the
* 1 1 U )
Solomon Property,
has been surveyed. Erwin street-extended thro’
it, and Building Lot* Laid Off, ami it is now
offered for sale, in quantities to suit purchasers,
upon reasonable terms. These lots are conve
nient to the business part of town, and in a good
neighborhood, making them Um «i >st uyjdrabl*
lots now offered fVir sale. '»< * v *
apr. 17-sw3in Cartersville, Ga.
T3 L E
Pendergrass Property,;
on Tennessee Street, is offered for sale, in lots j
of Half Acre or more, as purchasers desire.— j
Kacli lot fronts on a street. Those wishing to ;
sfleuro homes fu an elllgihlo locality, can now i
do so upon the most reason able terms.
Apply to
» : <r. 17-sw'hn Carte rs ville, (ki.
lalcrcjiliuy: to Planters.
Offick Moiiiia: Oil Mims, Y
Mjbilc, February 7, 1871. j !
To the Editor:
In another column you advertise tho T.\sri- ;
! don Fertiluzer, tiie price of which lias been I
SHO per ton. Although tliif? is below the I
! price of any other reliable commercial ma- l
nttre in the market, yet I have determined to |
make the price still lower. The Langdon is j
a homo production, made from well known
j articles produced here, (Bones, an l Cotton!
; Seed Meal mainly) and I can afford to man- j
ufactiuc ond sell it cheaper than any foreign |
i manufacturer c::o put his product in this mar- j
Again, I have this year se developed and
I perfected my works as to reduce ihe e-ost. of
manufacture con iderably; and lastly, so
! generous has been the support of this new !
j Southern enterprise by our planters, in giv- I
! ing tiie Langdon their preference, that I pro
-1 pose to reciprocate by giving them all the
advantage I possess iu the production of the
Tiie price hereafter will be only S3O per
ton for lots of five or more tons. $-35 for less
amounts, and $3 per hundred pounds for
amounts less than a ton. At this low price
! every good farmer will use fertilizers.
Please give this a few insertions for the
benefit of your planter readers.
Vcry Respectfully.
Proprietor Langdon Fertilizer.
Bear la Miacl
TV lien disease has undermined the health,
and t lie physical system has become pros-'
Gated, a stimulant that will not only
strengthen, hut remove the cause, should be
immediately resorted to. Mental distress is
also a fruitful source of the breaking down
! of the constitution, and the ravages of this
enemy to health are truly alarming. For
! all such maladies Boetctfcr’s Stomach
I Bitters have been found unsurpassed. By
acting directly upon the digestive organs,
they remove the heavy, disagreeable feeling
j after eating, so often complained of by
j persons of a delicate temperament. As soon
as digestion is restored, the patient finds
his strength increasing, and liis general
health improved.
j Thousands of persons certify that it may
be relied on in all cases of weakness or
| nervous debility attendant, upon sedentary
! habits. The generality of Bitters are so
! disagreeable to the taste that they are ob
jectionable to a weak stomach. ThisTs Wot
: the case with Hostetler’s Bitters, which will
|be found mild ajul extremely pleasant. Bali
sautUi plants, barks and roots contribute
their restorative juices to render it soothing
and strengthening. Ds basis is the only
purQ. stimulant which has ever been pro
duced, containing no fnsil oil, or any other
i deleterious element. The most careful and !
j skillful chemists liave analyzed the Bitters, I
; and pronounce them harmless. This is I
scientific testimony; biff th! testimony of
tko Ltyudreds of thousands who, expe
rienced the preventive and curative effects
Tivjf of jnodern,tiroes is still raor*e oonulusive
In Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia, Billihusncss,
Nervous Complaints And general debilitv it
is as nearly infallible as anything in this
fallible world can be.
Administrator’ll Sale.
BY VIRTUE? of an Ardor from the Court of
Ordinary oi Bartow county, will be sold on
the tlrst Tuesday in June, 1871. at the Court House
•loot-, in said county, between tho legal sale
hours, the reversloqery interest to half of lots ~f
laud Nos. 17‘J and 20f>, in 6th (list, and 3rd see, of
Bartow county, the said lots being the dower of
Mrs. Nancy Denman. widow of Felix (7. Deb
man, 1 dec’d; the said rever-donory interest sold
as the property of said dec’ll. I’pssessMm of the
same given at the death of said Nancy Denman.
Sold for t fie no nod t of the heirs and creditors of
said E'olix G. Denman, dcc’d. Terms of sale
cash. April 22nd, 1871. 11. W. Fite,
Adm’r F. G. Desman,
iBOT 1 From this date the Rhik will
be open Wednesday afternoons, and
Friday' nights from to 10 o’clock
apr. 18th 1871 ts.
j The Pair is by universal consent
■ allowed s o ’ are won for itself a rcpnfat'ufn j
j unsurpassed in the history of medical pre- j
i parations. Its instantaneous effect in the I
eradication an 1 exAmU >n >i Pain in all its I
various forms incident to ««•* Itti n in family. |
and t!i>’ nnsoiicit and and v.-rlm’ t-*sti- j
many of the m isses in i s favor. Iruo bce:t j
| and are its own lo st advertisements
The ingredient* of the IVux Kti.ti:tt. h— I
in - purely VKrtß rertdef if p. rfeeGv
safe and efficacious remedy fatten internal!r.
'as well as for external applications, when
I used according to direc'ion*. The stain up
-lon linen from its use is readily rumored by
i washing with nlc-dvd.
This Medicine, justly celehrafed for the
! cure of so in tuy of the alHietiou < lit to
j the human fini ly, lias now b-en h-fore tlic
| public over Thirty Voa-s, ail ha< found its
way into almost every corner of the world ;
and wherever it has boon u.«nd, fh** same
t opinion is expressed of its medical properties
In any attack, where prompt action upon
the system is required, the Pain Killer is
1 invaluable. Its almost instantaneous effect
in relieving pain is truly wonderful; and
when used according to directions, is true
to its name, a l\iiu KUlei*.
per lfi. 10 to 13
I shoulders tt> 12**1 :i
j Clear rhside 12»<f15
; Plain hums 14*1.5
Canv. li.iuis 18 at 3U
i Fresh pe*-k 9(a 10 t
I Cheese, tb 18 *<s 2*> .
| I’ig ir*. M f70%00 '
j “ Dom. $150M%5 j
; TohA'-ro sh fij tcTOe '
r .. M »<ii u»ii TW'bTVc i
| ** I'rimrJ.ililfr.ijo
•* Va la*arst»<*3s
! 4 * s*.»ioki.ny7.Vlut)
Ugzs. doz. lei r,lfi
Flow. ywt.44 J 14.50
I.mi. fl* . .11 uHfi •
hti>h. 7.V«f*).-.
Lim *, hat. i ffi.JO 1
Ui.e, ffi 1.. tkCiffi.
B.*i r . sst k-.'*>,0,2.4*)
s >l:i. It* .... 7-<tlo I
St.nn*h, th ...fez 15
S.n sp - Bar ts s i ]
sli'it. t>agl
,■-hovels. Aim. fi.ju
i r»Hi sh ...V*nt( j
Putty, th B'<l).* / [
finligo ShD IJ otiK) J
Tallow, tH It) <V (2;; •
Tea. tl* |f.25 .fj.V|
Feathers lti 115*J75
Pepper, Tb 2.5<t3n
M.wk’l, kit *2-2.75
i l .t■ CI i'. 7.><
** S\v«et 59.00
Twine, h.tsr. 4Ds.:£»
Cimljy.S pc.ftHO
LumhJr M
Wool, wash. 20,'a.Ti)
0-n ih'u-''s v 1555.18
Turpentine' 73{<t|l
Rrzs. cot lin tb 3*;
White Lea<l iuols
Kstrella Oil 40 a. (to
A:. - \>„4,;
i iMMnI
Only !*('r Tom, in iive
Ton 2L0«%. !
ru.vrnis i'r.n:»
This last’year, and the MOST FAVORABLE:
ERROR US are heard from if. its PUiU UY ami
S UtiHA GTH are guarantee!. The value of
«s a manure, is known to every SCIENTIFIC
■Mi UR 1 1 HU t EA LIS U. These articles form tin*
bulk (1-5) of the “LWGDO.V,” to whieti are
a<bltalproper quantities of PoTASIf, liYPSUM
and SAU P. These live form the
Large Capital invested here in the Works,
affords a security for the guarantee of its PU
Mmf. C. V. LA^(|}l>D.\
(Agricultural Editor Mobile Ueuistek,)
gives advisory supervision to the production of
this Fertilizer.
NO llbill PIIEIGJITS from the, far East, nor
have to be paid, as m,u.« bt: true of an article of
foreign (Northern) iu.iuuf.ict arc, and hence the
“Luuxfleu” can be sold, and is SOLI) CfiHA P-
Elt, than any Stau lord Fertilizer in the mar
The COTTON SHED MEAL is produced at
the Works, and the RA’V HONKS are gathered
from the surrounding cOttit (Tv - as id ground at
mv Mills.
’FARM HRS ARE INVITED to visit the Mo
bile Oil Mills and witness the operation of pro
ducing the Langdosi Fertilizer.
Planters should instruct their Merchants to
buy for them
Because it is a simple composition of articles
known to he goo 1. and the Purity of j
which is insured.
Because it is sold at a lower price than any ar
ticle of like quality could lie. which is j
brought from a distanefe.
Because it will give greater returns from its
use, pound for pound, than any other 1
Fertilizer, no matter what the price.
practical men, these arc here given;
TraoAimosa. Ala.. )
JdeeguthwHid, IS TO. (
Col. IF. D. if<111)1:
Sir.—Your Circular of the Is, insf. came to
hand. As we found the Langdon Fertilizer the
best that wo tried. I giVo ydtf my experience
with it. Our land is poor, red hill land. Used
200 lbs. to the acre. We used one ton of Gillum's,
hi 1 575; three tons of Zell’s, at $55 per ton; two
tons of the Lpngdon, at SOO per toy. The laud
was all ducked alike, and the some, quantity
used of each; I did not keep the weights otoocn
field separate,.lmt attended to the picking auil
weighing myself,.and khow that there waVmoiV
cotton gathered to the acre on the Langdon than
any other part o' the place. The Zell’s was next.
From lay own experience, and in the opinion of
all farmers who took not fee of 4t, H»i La hr don
Fertilizer was far ssperkj - to any that vre used.
Respcetlully yours, Ac.,
Mr. Tidmas 1L Kennedv, of Meridian, Miss.,
after recounting his experience in tine use of the
Langdon Fertilizer, says; “Whan l'lived on mv
plantation in Alabama, I used many kinds of
M mure, but r never used anything th it would
begin to compare with flic Langdon Fertilizer.”
in live ton lots. $55 for a single ton. $-5 per I(XM
lbs. for small lots.
It IS exchanged for Cotton Seed, :»X) pounds, in
strong sacks, delivered free on board boat or cars
nt Mobile, for one ton Cotton {-ecd, free at tluai
LuuVin? or depot up and twinet
furnisbed by the Mills.
Os Its plieapnes.s. Col. Langdon save,: “Us
chaapnes.s—l am fully cojtvuin...h tba'f, &t the
price now fixe ! by you, to-wit: $55 per ton, it
is mueh the c.lie yaest l'c_rli lizer in unr market. |
Found l’or pound. “ e.*:tfiinei’ it more
than the preparatfrnis that are setting at $75 to.;
SBO. For my own use, I would greutlv prefer it !
to Peruvian Guano at the same price.” Os its-1
merits, heesays: “TliO result Is the best Fertil
izer in, the world for our Southern lands, in mv ,
opinion.” * !
Again: “It contains more fullv and complete
ly than any other, the elemeats' neeVessarv Tor '
production of Southern crops ;uu i the reno
vation of Southern soil.
I’rof. Charles C. Shepard. Jr.. M. D., Professor
ofChemistry South Carolina Medical College,
and Inspector of Fertilizers lor South Carolina. ,
who made a full and careful analysis of the |
Langdon Fertilizer, says of it: “It is a verv su
perior article.”
I also crush at the mil is. Raw Bones, which |
are ground fine. Price at the Mills, $45 per ton.
Ground Raw Bone is too well known us a strong
Fertilizer to need comment. For trees, shrub- j
h *ry and grapes, it has no equal. The Ground
Bone of the Mobile oil mills is warranted to con- i
tain nothing but Bone.
_ Address all orders for either of the above Fer- |
tilifcers. accompanied by the cash, or orders on |
your merchants here, to
P. o. 80x724. Mobile, Ala i
per ton, (Jash. paid for cotton seed
lelivered at the wharf or depot here—s icks anti t
twine delivered at your landing or depot.
earn* per toil will he paid for Bones d<div- I
ered at the Mills. It will pavto gather them 1
about the country and ship to the Mo' : tc oil
M ills.
fan. 10th, 1871. wly.
Component Parle—Fluid Extract R\uh irb,
ar.d Fluid Extract Catawba C'ipt
Juice .
'Flicse Pills’ a’e the most delightfully pleas
ure purgative, superseding castor oil, salts,
in ifu ’s.a.-eio. There i* indUing m»r« ar*
equable to lhe stomach. They £ive lone,
and cause neither nausea nor griping plains.
They are composed of Ihe Hue*! ingredient*.
j After a few days’ use of theiu, sueh an in
vigoraiidn of tiie entire system lake* place
as to appear m ricuious to the weak and
i enervated, vvli dliei’ arising from imprudence
or disease. 11. T. Ilclmbold’s Compound
i Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Fills arc not
sugar-coated, front Hie fact that sugar-coat
ed Pills do it >t dissolve, hut pass through ih -
stomach witlii.ut dissolving, consequentlv do
not p’o.luce the desired effect. THE C.\-
TA\ViSII GRAPE l’l 1.1.8 being pleasant in
I taste and odor, do not ueees.suale their be
ing sugar-coated. PRICE 50 els. Per Box.
Henry T. llelnibol i’s
Wilt radically exterminate from the system
Seorfula, {Syphilis, Fever Ulcers,
Sore Eyes. Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore
Head, llroiichitis. Skin diseases. Sail lllie
um. Cankers, Runnings from the Ear, White
Swellings, Tumors, Cankeaous Affectiuus.
Nodes, liicket-S Gjau'lular Swellings, Nlghi
Sweats, lia.'jh, Tetigr, Humors of all kinds,
Chjrof ic Rheumafism’Dyspepsia, and all dis
eases that have.been established in the sys
tem for years.
Being } repared expressly for the above
complaints, Its Blood-Pu ifying properties
arc greater than any otuep prepayation of
Sarsaparilla' It gfvei* the complexion a etenr
anti liCaltlty C'dbr, and restores the Patient
to a -t«te of Health audibility. For Purify
ing the Blood, removing nil Chronic constitu
tional arising from an impure state
of the Bloods pud tlje,outy reliable and effect
ual known Remedy for-tke cure of Pains and
Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the
Throat and Legs, Blotch 's, Piiqp’.es ou. the
Face, Erysipela/ and «!f Scaly Enfptions of
tire Skin, nnd Beautifyilig the Complexion.
Price, *1 >0 per bottle.
If EMIT T. !3i;iJI»OU)S
Has cure«l every case of Diabetes in which
iit lias been given, lrritlnob of the Neck,
i of the Bladder, and InHamation of the Kid
neys, Ulecratiou of the Kidneys and Blad
der, Retention of Urine,- Diseases of the
Prostrate Gland, Photic in* tb»* ]s.U»tlder-Cal
culus, Gravel, Brick Dtfft'Dbposit,-and Mu
cou,, or Milky Discharges, and for Enfee
bled and Delicate Constitutions of Both Sex
es. attended with the following symptoms:
Indisposition to Exertion. Loss of Power,
i I.oss of Memory, Difficulty?’ of Breathing.
| Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease,
Wakefulness. Dimness of Yision.GMiu in the
I Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of-the Body
Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face,
Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude ot
j the Muscular System, etc.
! Used by persons from the ages of 18 to 2*»
and from d’> to 85 or in the decline or change
of life, after confinement or labor pains:
bed-wetting in children.
Ilelmbold s Extract Buchu is Diuretic and
Biood-Puvifying. nnd cures all diseases aris
ing from Hab’ts of Dissipation, and Excesses
and Imprudences in Life, Impurities of the
i Blood, etc. superseding Copaiba in affec
tions for which it is used, and Syphilitic nf
fcctions—ih these diseases used in connec
tion with Ilelmbold s Rose Wash
In many affections peoi’Awr
Ext. by any other rem--
cdy -as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu
larity, Painfulnessor Supprcssion of custom
ary Evacuations, Ulcerated or SChD’rus state
of the Uterus, Luchorrlieca or ■‘Whites; tff’er
ility, and for all Complaints incident to the
sex, whether arising from IndisCirtMirm or
Habits of dissipation. It is preserihed ex -
tensively bj’ the most, eminent physician and
rnMwivts for enfeebled and delicate consti
tutions, of both sexes, and all ages, (attend
i e I with of the aboT3 diseiuies or symp
tom sj.
11. T. Ilelmbohl’u Ext. Buchu Cures Disea
ses arising from Iniprudeuccs, Hab
its of Dißsipaiion, etc.
in all their stages, at little expense, little or
no.chango of dtgt, up inconvenience, and no
exposure. It causes a frenuept ( U*sire, and
gives Strength to Urinate, thereby removing
obstructions, preventing and curing’ strict
ures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inlla
mation, so frequent in this class of diseases,
and poisonous matter. Thousands who
have been the victims of incompetent per
sons, and who have paid heavy fees to be
cured in a short time, have found they have
been deceived, and tlmt the “Poison” has, i
by the use of ‘ powerful astringents,” been
dried up in the system, to break out in a
more aggravated form, nnd perhaps after
Marriage. Ure Helmboid Ext Buchu for all
affection* and diseases of the Urinary Or
gans, whether cxioting in Male or Female,
from whatever osuise originating, and no
matter of how long siatteiing. Price, sll o 0
per buWvv .
ROSE WASIt cannot be surpaspexl as a Fact*
Wash, and will be found the only specific
remedy in every speciei of cutaneous affec
tion. It speedily cradica es Pimples, spots,
Scprbutia Dryness, fadurations of CUTA-
cct.. dispels Hives,
Redness and incipient, Infl.un it ion, Rash,
Moth Pushes, scalp or skin,
FrostJ}i^cs s and all purposes tor which salve
or ointment arc-used; restores Ihe akin to a
state of purity and. softness, and insures
coifllHfUrdMiealti-y.-ot®t i-u 1 o thr tissueq»f it»
vessels, on which depends the agreeable
clcaruoss and vivacity of complexion so
much sought ouds admired. But however
valuable as a remedy for existing defects of
the skin, ID T. Holm bold s Rose Wash has
long sustaiued. itjs priaciple. claim to un
bounded patronage, by possessing qualities
which render it a to;Fct appendage of the
most superlative and congenial character,
combining in an c-legarw forrrwln’those prom
inent-requisites, safety smul tottbatay the in
variable accompaniments of its^nsc—as a
preservative and refresher of the complex*
ion.. It is an excellent Lotion for disease*
i of a SSyphilitc nature, and as an injection
| for diseases oftjie Urinary Organs, arising
I from habits of dissipation, used in connec
ts >n with the Extract Buchu, Saisapar‘*’a,
and Catawba Grape Fills, in such diseases
as recommended, cannot be surpassed
Price, one dollar per bottle.
Full and explicit directions acem-pnny
the medic ne*. Evidence of the most res.
i ponsibie and reliable character furnished on
application, with hundreds of thousands of
liv.Ug, and upward ol lii
soUc I®d certificates and recomm. ndaiory
le ters. many of which ar« from the highest
' eourccs, including eminent physicians. L'lei -
i gyinen. Statesmen, etc. The proprietor has
never resorted to their pub'.ics t cn in ti c
i newspapers: be does not do thi* stem the
fact that his articles rank as Liep
arulii ns. and do not neck to be pri jqed up
by certificates.
H. T Hclmbnld'a Genuine Frepsfation*,
delivered to sny address. Secure tf-*ni i-u«
| serration. Established upward v* 3>‘ years,
Isold by drugg at.« everywhere. Addreis
j letters fbr infvfmfftion in confidece to If. T.
{ Ilelmbold. Dauggist aft-l Uhnnist.
| Only Depots: II T. Helm bold s DriiK »nd
i t’hcffiical Oarehous**, No. oVt4 Broadway. N.
Y.. or 11. T- Ilelmbold s Mcslical l epot, lU4
j So th 10 I), *t Fhib.’clphiv P*.
Hcware of Counterfeits! Ask for 11. T.
Hetiutbir* lIA Take no other ! 1 1 ,
1> A It B1 ! S
Prophylactic Fluid.
fjMIIIS iovalu.aMc F'antilv^ Medicine, for posy
IV mg, vU’.Hsing, removing bad 0.1*:- in all k m ■»
of *icki»c»-: for <orcs. \v.i |, mb. st '. n _?Ai
lor Kr.\ vii»clu>, rlitfuinati-iu. and all >ki» .ti>to>»-
; f„p p.l wire m-an Vb. K.iro throat, .liiitbv
ri.V, lor cholic, dlarrlnra, clioterqj a» h w»>li f
soften and lu-antil'v tin) skill’, to rrinovo ink
spots., mildew, fruit stain*; taken iutei nally ,r
--xvll -is q-ntliod cvtern-»)l v: to bietilv rv. ->vn -
mended by all wins have used it—is tor sale by
qT? !i-i: ‘. and i '•ti'iifr
t*e ordered dire«’i|. ot
j) AItl» Y 1 IMFHY L A IK i U-
Dec. 6, w-ly." ’ ihlTviUjam Atreet. V. T.
Are Daily Receiving: and Opening One of the Finest & Largest Stocks of the Most Cxioicfe, Select and Fashionable
Ever bc'fore exlrfbitecl in thv €A«TER«VIEEE akitl Want! o Hell Them.”
\on%youi' time anti liere\ y«ur place to buy a limp of line good* lor little money.—
Come, one and all, and *ee for yoiitrselvcN. SATTERFIELD, PYRON & CO., CARTEIISVILLK
Grover and Biker Sewing Machine-'
11IIIS rdebnttfl Hewing Machine has been i 4
for nearly twenty<. and is now u«-
ed by overthrew hundred thousand fnmilie*,
and lias gained a reputation far above auv oili
er sewing Machine. • It 1 has been awarded luorij
national prizes than snv o'ticr hi the**"
world; at the Croat World's Fair at New York,
it was awarded the Hold Medal; af the
Fair it won ihe very highest prize, and in iJtf', •
at Paris, it was a’,yarded thn ■ ros*oflhs i.egi..f
of Honor; besides this, it has won the Fir-t
Premium at all tlie State Fair?, where it has
been exhibited. However, we do not claim th .1
premiums won at **»r State mad* County Fairs, -
any great honor or mark of distinction, a.-, ' iiT‘
depends more on the operator than the machine,
they seldom have judges who are mechanic*,
and judges of a Sewing Machine. At Nation.*!
Fairs there are a sworn Committee, who are
judges of machinery. The following are some
of Ihe reasons why ihe 4trover & Baker is the
It is the lightest running Machine in use; it is
the simplest; it is more rapid in its movements;
sews directly trom two spools without rewind
ing; sows all kinds of work without b.listing,
can do twice as in nr h work in a day as »i:r
other machine; it is the most durable, ai.d
almost noiseless: it sew* equally well on ail
kilids of goods, from the finest Kwiss muslin ts*
tlio heaviest Beaver cloth; make* Ihe elastic
lock-stitch pinch the strongest iu use. and eve- y
mnehiue is fuflv warranted. \£'ho enn desiie
any more in a sewing machine. There is evcvv
variety and site of these niacluiies. from the
lightest family to tlm heaviest lclUier machine.
These machines are now for sale at Oartgrsville,
Ha., by Leon A CAMP, in one of dodge Parrott's
new Store Houses, under the City hall. Ma
chines will be delivered to customers either in
or out of the city, and full instructions given
free of charge; and should any of our machines
fall short of our recommendation, the nionev
will be cheerfully refunded or placed in its
stead any other machine In use. Old Machines
repaired and put in good order ou ihe very
shortest notice.
I i . CartvreTille. Ha.
* 'azt LI TT —h .
Wat. Satterlielg,
Having Hissolrel Copartnersdip with
(180..1. KIM A ST. ?’
Has returned to and opened a first-claes
at hi* old stand, where, in the future as tu the
past, my old customers and the public generally
will always Dud good J.KJCOit.S to drink.
apr. 13-wly < artersville. Ha.
For Sale!
For Cash!
T|HE Private House and I,ot,
# Au<l the Business-House and. Lot,
Os Oapt C. B. Bi.scKur., - to
gether, ou the Host side of the U;>..«rdad. in *
t!ie town of (’artersville. ih? former '-co
pied now by his family, and the latter us . *, 1
Barber Shop. To he sold for cash on 1 ;
npr. 13-swtf Oagtciiville, oa.