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About The Cartersville semi-weekly express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1871 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1871)
, IN M ATT MRH. f> H rt(‘rsviHp» 1 )' 24> I Nil. I»i«-Afe— Shflnwn’N Mprlng on Nftturduy next, 6th or Tlay \,.r((>«bl« to arrangements tliere wiil be \| iv bay Fie Nic, for the entertainment , 4 n who may with to attend, at Hitman's I j -ing. on tb ’’ Gherokee, formerly Carters c £ Van-Wert Railroad, some six miles lU th of treat from Cartersville, on Satur v nex t, 6th of Mny. Parties attending j be expected to provide their own pro [ ,|,ions, as i 8 usual on such occasions. The Cartersville Brass Band, and per . the Stilesboro’ String Band, will be I 1 ,• . . . (Mcnt to enliven the occasion with sweet music. . I* i"» The following gentlemen will act as the ! committee of Arrangements: Cartersville.— J. A. Erwin, Abda John son, and W. R. Hughes. Euharlee. —Thos. Tumlin, Win. H. Stiles, Frank Aycock. Stilesboro’. —W. L. Rowland, R. IT. Can- : non, and Pleasant Shelman, jr. Taylorsville.—J •0. Colbert, Wm. Cun vus,'and Jos. Smith. The following schedule will be run on „n the Cherokee Railroad, on that day, for th-' accommodation of those wishing to at tend : I,c,n e Taylorsville at 7 o’clock, a. m. Stilcsltoro at.* 7:30 “ a. in. htuTniau'i* Soring, at 7:45 “ a. m. Arrive at« aiVenm11e,........ 8:30 “ a. in. I .rave (’artersviklo,..*...** ...0:00 “ a. m. Vrrivc at "helman’s Spring, 9:30 “ a. in. I,euve shelman’# Spring, 4:00 “ p. ra. Utivc at Cartersville,. 4:30 “ p. m. i.ea,e Cartersville, l. i 4:45 “ p. m. Arrive tft Slfeftnan’s Spring,. 5:15 “ jj. in. “ “ Stilesboro,. 5:30 “ p. in. “ “ Taylorsville, 0:00 “ p. m. fare from|< artersville toShelman’s Spring ami return, 50 cents; From Tuylorsville to shel- : man’s Spring ami rat urn. 60 cents; From Stiles- | ,or<> to Shelman’s Spring and return, 25 cents. \ll parties will he required to purchase tickets before getting on the train. „ . . It. W, K. I*£ACpCF, Gen’l. Ag t. Standard please copy. Our riiurcliesi-Thc Young. The question “Upon whose shoulders is the mantle to fall after the older members of the Church have passed away,” is bes c „ m ing one of grave and serious import ance, in the town of Cartersville, in these times of religious declension. Who are the young men preparing to step into the shoes of the older ones and become the standard hearers of the banner of the cross so long and faithfully borne by them in the glori ous warfare waged between the powers of light, ft.'id the powers of darkness ? Who arc tin young men of religious promise in our churches, and how many are t here of them? How many of them will offer pub lic prayer, venture to give a word of exhor tation, or, even ruise and lead a hynin of music in social worship ? What efforts are being made, by our church authorities, to call out and develop the gifts and graces of the rising generation in our midst ? Our sabbath schools, we admit, are doing much towards directing the minds and hearts of the young in this channel, and moulding thorn after the monil image of the great head of the church, but they are the pro curing, while the church must be tlie exe cuting, cause; i. e., the sabbath school pre pares and qualifies them for the work, the church must employ them in the work, or they will never learn to be useful where tlieir labors are most needed. Take, for in stance, vocal music. Children in sabbath school learn to sing, and their music is per fectly heart-ravishing and soul-inspiring, but how many of them ever sing in church during social worship ? They usually learn to sing sabbath school songs, but few of which are adapted to congregational devo tions. We doubt not, but that this is one of, if not the, prime reasous why our young people manifest such little interest in pub lic worship; and, it does not apply here a hme; we who are advauced in life and the heads of families, as a community, do not manifest that degree of pride and interest iu our young men, neither in church nor slate, in putting them forward in business, and in encouraging them with our pecuni ary means, and with smiles and words of cheer, which becomes a great and generous people—we are too miserable selfish, we awfully fear; and the result is that several of our most, worthy young men have been forced to seek their fortunes in other quar ters, while others are struggling to rise in their vocations with but little prospect of success. But to return to our subject. Put hymn books in the hands of the children, and learn them to sing congregational hymns also, and enioin it upon them. Let them feel that, they are expected to aid in the services of the sanctuary, and, in this way their young hearts may be fully enlisted in religious exercises, and they will become useful as well as ornamental in our church assemblies. For the young men, let a week ly prayer meeting be held for their special benefit, and let it be known as the Young Men’s Prayer Meeting, and attended only by young men and pastors of the churches only, Let each young man, in turn, read a portion of scripture and a hymn of his own selection, and make remarks, if he feels 80 disposed, and then offer prayer. If this programme is kept up a few weeks, pastors nifty withdraw and commit the conduct of 'be meeting solely into their hands, and 'bey, having been fully initiated, can con 'inue to initiate others, and, in this way our churches may be supplied, and kept sup plied, with active, praying, working mem bers. , ®g“Mrs. Wm. L. knTuHD wi’J please accept our thanks for a mess of Irish Po tatoes, of this year’s growth, from her beds. These are the first of the season, and are the finest we have ever before seen so early 'a the season, some of them being as large as a goose egg. ftaT idessrs. I. C. Mansfield & Cos., of ' Ur new steam flouring mills, known as the Holly Mills,” have brought us under obli vions for a sample sack of flour, for which bey will please accept our thanks. The flour T excellent quality, especially eonsider n" it is the production of a bran new steam from old wheat. We predict for these 11 1,8 a successful career. Suits of Clothes from $2,00 to KOO at Satteufeild, Pyron & Co’s. LOCAL ITEMS. J. T. Gibson, Local Editor. Mr It. VV. MI'RPHY is our authorized Agent and Collector. To receive au.l receipt for Sub scription to the Express. and to collect claims. ®Sjr Itcv. w. K. WKKMS is our authorized local ami traveling Agent, to receive and re ceipt for subscriptions to tbe Express. New Spring and Summer Goods, by th* thousands, for sale, at S. & M. Liebrnan’s. Satterfield, Pyron A Co's. Is the place to buy good goods, fine goods, and fashionable goods, real cheap. B£*srI.EIBMAN HAS RETURNED FROM market with his magnificent stock OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Sunday School Celebration. The Anniversary Celebration of the Cartersville Methodist Sunday School will be held at night, on Thursday, 4th May, in the Court House. At the close of the School exercises Rev. C. A. Evans, of Atlanta, will deliver the An nual Address. The public are invited to attend. Exercises will commence at quarter before 8 o’clock. J. A. Euwi.v. Supt. Ink spots, mildew, or any vegetable stain are at once removed by applying Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid. The prettiest, cheapest, richest and most captivating ladies’ Dress Goods, in town, have just been received and opened by Sat terfield, Pyron 6c (Jo. Globe Flow’er Cough-Syrup cures Asthma Nocturnal Storms, accompanied by wind, rain, thunder and lightning, is the programme in this section of late. The Baptist of this place have pur chased a bell for their Church, which weighs five or six hundred pounds, and can be heard for miles around. ggjjp* It is hard to tell which is scarcest in Cartersville at present, local items or money. We are wholly unable to muster either. B?%*. Mansfield & Co’s. New Steam Mill is in full blast, and makes beautiful flour.— We wish these enterprising gentlemen the greatest success. QiqSP’ Os course everybody will attend the pic-nic at She’tnan’s Spring, next Saturday. Those who fail to go will iss a treat, and their names will be promptly recorded in our “Old Fogy” book, for future reference. Jeff. Briiuilon, at Satterfield Pyrou & Go’s, would be pleased to see all his old friends at that place, where he proposes to sell them goods as cheap as they can get them elsewhere in town. QHf£r We don’t know what to write about; the weather, our old hobby, is in such con dition at present, that we ean’t speak with any degree of certainty concerning it; the Spring fights have been unusually unin teresting this season, none of any conse quence having transpired, a perfect lulj pervades the matrimonial market: gossip pers find great difficulty in properly filling their situations ; slanderers have taken in their sign am! abandoned the business in utter disgust with themselves and all man kind ; worshippers at the shrine of Bacchus have almost ceased to worship there; the dog-law having gone into effect, not a single canine note is wafted on the breeze; the feline population, fearing that they might incur the displeasure of our town Fathers, and cause them to pass a law which would result in great injury to them, have left off their nightly serenades, and take their pere grinations in “silence, in grief and alone.” In view of this total absence of anything to write about, we are almost tempted to “hang our harp on the willow tree,” to “bid farewell to every fear,” and quit cry' ing; to apply for the agency of anew pat ent tooth pick, and part our hair in the middle, quit the local business, and take the field as a drummer—that sociable, talk ative, familiar, know ’ern-nll class of the human family that our jovial friend, A. It- Hudgins, so much admires. We have told the people that Cartersville is as large a town, according to its size, as we ever saw» and that it has as many people in it, consid ering the number, as any other town. We have told them about our mountains, and what untold wealth lies imbedded there; we have told them of our rivulets, creeks and rivers; of our fertile and lovely valleys; of our salubrious climate and splendid water ; we have told them that ours is a picturesque and romantic country, one that the most gifted poet’s pen, or artist’s brush would fail to portray; we have heralded to the world our superior advantages for manufac turing puposes ; we have told them that we welcome all good people to our midst; we told them many things, in fact, all we snow, and “that’s what’s the matter with Hannah,” at this identical moment. We “are out of soap,” and it’s not our fault; wc are going to close this article, now, for we are “tired and sleepy too,” so friends, don’t “view us with a critic’s eye, (we have a reason for this,) but pass our imperfections by,” and we will ask you to do the same thing again. a fortune-teller, name Howell, who resided in the neighborhood of Stilesboro, had an altercation with a negro, a employ ee of the Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad, on Friday last, in which the negro struck him a blow on the head with his gun-barrel, from which he died that night. The negro was arrested, and is now in jail at this place. Mr. Howell, we understand, was in toxicated. We did not learn what the diffi culty originated from. The 17th district of this county is infested by horse-thieves. Several horses ha3 e been stolen from there, right recently. Ihe Moseley Brothers are having their Photograph Gallery renovoted and rc moddelcd, and iu a short time, will be pre pared to take pictures beautifully. Skinner & (Hayton have a large lot of nice, fresh butter,—remember picnic day is approaching lapidly, and of course the butter is selling the same way. Go at once, if you want any—its cheap. The “goobers” are not quite gone either. FAKNERI ! ! ! LOOK TO YOUK INTER ESTS ! AND 4A YE NON. EY BY CALLING OY J. D. HEAD, Who is now receiving an entirely new and fresh stock of Staple anr! Fancy tPII\ m €* OOW V, BP r ess (woods, 800 TS av and SIIO ES, IT. ITS, CLOTHLYG, SC., which ha ve been bought at bottom price*, for CASK! The advantages of having a resident buyer in New York, of long experience, enables me to offer advantages to CTSII buy ers, which cannot be overlook ed by any one who will con sult their own interest. All 1 ask is an examination of GOODS AND PRICES, to convince you that I will do all I say. I will again remiiul iny long-winded customers that I occasionally need money, and hope they will find it conveni ent to call and pay. J. D. HEAD, Catitrrsville, Ga. Liberal Advances made to Planters on Cotton, to ship for immediate sale, or, to hold. April 13, 1871.-swtf WM. H. HOWARD Is Agent for the BEST CABINET ORGANS FOR Churches, Schools, Halls, and Parlors.!! Made in America, viz: Mason Jfc Hamlin’s, & G. A. Prince Si Co’s. Also, Agent for A Splendid Piano, Guaranteed by Written War rantee to keep in Perfect Order for Five Years ! ! Also, Agent for Various Smaller MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS!!! WHEN YOU WANT ANYTHING IN THIS LINE, IT WILL PAY YOU TO Call on me and get my Prices. Call and see Illustrated Cata logue and Price List. Don’t forget this Advertisement. W. 11. Howard, Cartersville. Georgia. march 28th, ’7l—sw 3m. CauterßVille Progressive.— First a steam mill, then a foundry and machine shop, then two steam planing and matching door and sash manufactories, then a rail road and town hall; now another steam mill, car factory, new church, new college, new hotel, new bank, and, lust but not least, she has, already in full blast, anew COL LAR FACTORY ! Call at the ‘Gear Shop’ and see it. Nice lot of new clocks at J. T. Owen’s. Shall We UCtoet Again f “But tbe fiat of nature is inexorable. There is no appeal for relief from the great law which dooms us to dust.— We flourish and fade as the leaves of the forest, and the flowers that bloom and wither in a day have no frailer nold on life than the mightiest mon arch that ever shook the earth with his foot-steps. Generations of men will appear and disappear as the grass, and countless multitudes that throng the world to-day will to-morrow dis appear as the foot-prints on the shore. Men seldom think of the great event of death until the shadow falls across their own path, hiding from their eyes the traces of loved ones, whose smiles were the sunlight of their existence.— Death is the greatest antagonist of life, and the cold thought of the tomb is the skeleton of all feasts. We do not want to go through the dark val ley, although its passage may lead to Paradise; and with Charles Lamb we do not want to lie down in the grave, even with princes for our bed-fellows. “In the beautiful drama of Iron, the instinct of immortality, so eloquent ly uttered by the death of the devoted Greek, finds a deep l espouse in every thoughtful soul. When about to yield his young existence a sacrifice to fate, his beloved Clemantha asks if they shall not meet again, to which he re plies: ‘I asked that dreadful question of bills that seemed eternal, of the clear streams that flow forever—of the stars among whose fields of azure my raised spirit hath walked. As I look upon thy living face, I feel Unit there is something in thy love that cannot really perish. We shall meet again, Clemantha. There is a live “Collar Factory” come to town. Yes! a thing of reality, where they are making all sorts of Collars—horse col lars and mule collars; big collars and little collars; white collars and black collars, in the identical town of Cartersville, at Billy Edward’s “Gear Shop;” we know it is so, for we have been around and seen ’em make ’em. If you would know it to be true, do as we have done, go and see for yourself. BLANKS FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE. Cartersville Prices Current. Corrected Semi-Weekly by A. K« Hmltjeu*, Grocery Merchant. Cotton Axes i>er do*. to $15.00 Butter —Goshen lb 50 u, »>•- “ I (Mintrv “5 a. 30.- Beeswax tt> * 2U e* 25 Brimstone A sulph. m 8 * 15 Bluestoue It, tt> 15h2tt Borax th tV> Crackers—Butter lb 8(8125 Soda .....7', a.15 Cream... IiSVt2O— Faney a-st.tb l‘J,i Ml ** Stiek 19-til Coffee—Rio .. it* 18“<<r25 Java 2f.0.28 Cream Tartar, tt» 50-CD Camphor—Gum. tt> 125*2.00 i ottoa t .'anls d«*z ft.501*8.03 Epsom Salts,... th ...So 15 Grain—Corn, bush. 7,3*80 “ Wheat,—#o live 75-o.un “ Teas 1.400*2 “ < y)tiot “ Clover Seed $0.50-12 Sugar—Brown, It. Malt “ C 14 015 “ A lS'/odfiq “ Crashed it; /o.ts “ I’owr’d 150.20 Syrup—Museova. gal 4J-<rsrt ** Golden ... 00<t,1.00 “ Ex. Golden $(->*1.95 “ New Orleans SOo^l Oil—Tanner’s, gal $1.10—40 “ Kerosene CVcrGO “ Linseed, raw $1.25 « 1.10 “ “ boil’d $1.35:0,1.50 Rope—Manilla tb 28*633 “ Machine .... lUiHa “ Cotton 37 o>|o Cotton Varus, bun. 1.30-1.40 Brown Sheetings, yd. lOTtlt Dried Beaches, bush $1.50-73 “ Apples $1.75 Vinegar-—< 'idar, gal 50 a 73 TAX NOTICE, c I will attend at the following ptaers and times for the purpose of receiving tax returns for 1871, to-wit: Oth District, Mav Ist. ISth, and 20t h. Adairs ville, “ 2nd, loth, and 30tl». Kingston, " 3rd, 17th, and 31st. 17th District, “ 4th, 18th, and Ist June. ( ussville, “ sth, l!hh, ami 2nd •• Bine Log, “ fiili,-* 20ih. and 3rd *.* Wolf Ben. “ Brh, 22nd, and sth “ Lower Stamper “ Otn, Bird, and 6th Allatoona. “ 10th, 24th, and 7th “ Cartersville, “ 11, 12, 25, 26th. Bfh & 9t"» “ All persons arc requested to give in their Lands by Numbers, Sections and Districts. W. T. Gordon) T. R. B. C. S. & M. LIEBMAN, Have Received the ROST ELEOANT, Best Selected And Cheapest! . Vi STOCK OF •mi - DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishing Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, &C. We will save the public 25 per Cent, in buying goods of us. • / •- us *v. i I :\ .' * We have a large .stock, and will sell lower titan any other house in town. S. & M. LIEBMAN, npr 22-w2m CARTERSVILLE. Georgia, bartow count Y.-whereas Daniel B. Cunyus, Administrator of the Estate of John B. Burge, deceased, represents to the Court; in his petition, duly filed and entered upon record, that he has fully administered Jno P. Burge’s estate. This is, therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and Creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Admin istrator, should not be discharged from his Ad ministration. and receive letters of Dismission on the first Monday In August, 1871. Given un der iuv hand ahd seal of Oflicc, this Mav l<t. 1871. ' J. A. HOWARD, Od’y B. C. ('I EORGIA BARTOW COUNTY.—Four weeks JT alter date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said County for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Francis Murphy, deceased, for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of said deceased. J. B. F. Murphy. J. J. Murphy. Administrators Ac. may. 2nd. 1871. barlni) band IronT the Vulcan IVork s, OF CHATTANOOGA, Offer for sale, for cash, ail extensive and full assortment of BAR AND BAND lliO> I Manufactured from Charcoal Pig, At the Prices of Northern Iron. In large or small quantities, mar 10-swlm .. iw*r th. 10 so 19 Meats: Sh<»ut‘h r- Tb 1 -y-r 1:i Clear rbsidel*«ls Plain hams 14a15 C.-VUT. hams 18(<r 20 Fresh j»urk S» sio Cheese, this fg k Cigars, M s7oflfcsUU “ Dom. Tobacco tt> fiO-aTO.- •• Mcditim 2D.< Tsc •* Brim xl.OOdci 50 “ Va Leal 20 ,1 25 - •* Smoking 7.3mtO t ) Eggs, do/„ 12 ,>ii; ■ Fb*ur, evvt. $4 r 1.50 l.trd. th .. .14 'T.lfi M *al. bush. 7VfifOc Lime, bbl. 1.7.Va,2.f>0 Rice. Tb ... ! Salt, sack 2.35w#2.40 Soiltt> .... 7rf 10 . Starch, th ... St. 15 sw>ap-Bar n,B'rtl2i. i Shot, big $2.75-(t{ oo ! Shovels, Am. $1.50 i Iron, tb .., Tyrf9 Butty, lt» B<iioc I Indigo t1>51.75(62 00 Tallow, tti 10,r12‘; Tea. th $1.25-rdAo- Feathers tt, ti.Vn;7s ! Pepper, tb 25n.:i3 M.ick’l. kit $2—2.75 , Potatoes. Ir, 7.V,i55 ' “ Sweet $2.00 I Twine, bag. 30i:i5 j Candles, tb 197i30 ! Lumber M slf*-S2O I Wool, wash. 20f<t40 Osnaburgs y1.V0.18 Turpentine 75'<t$l Rags, cot tin White Lead 10,0,15 K-tn-ll.t (>i| aiKoCO The Pvix Kh.lf.r is by universal consent allowed Jo have won for itself a reputation un*itrp&«ed in th '• h’~*'vry n r :n« licnl pro par Dions. Its in-*'•»*»*:,n-'<»n-» ••!f-»et in the eradication and extinction of Pain in all its various forms incident to i!ie iiornan family, and the unsolicit-<l written and verb.V lesti tnony of the masses in i's favor* have been and are its own best advertisements The ingredients of the Pais Kii.lbb. 1* •- in" purely Veoktari.k render it perfectly safe and efficacious remedy taken internally, as well as for external applications, when used according to directions. The stain up on linen from it. use is readily removed by washing with alcohol. This Medicine, justly celebrated for the cure of so many of the .afflictions incident to the human family, has now been before the public over Thirty Years, and lias found its way into almost, every corner of five world *: and wherever it has been used, the sartib opinion is expressed of its medical properties In any attack, where prompt action upon the system is required, the Pain Killer is invaluable. Its almost instantaneous effect in relieving pain is truly wonderful; and when used according to directions, is true to its name, a Paiu Killer. DEMIRAIiLE RIIEDIAG LOTS FOR SALE ! Tip3lll LA\l> l\ THE TOWX Ji. Carter** ill**, known as the Solomon Property,, has been surveyed. Krwin Street extended thro* it. and Building Lots Laid Off, and it is now offered tor -ale, in ijtntuiiiios to suit upon reasonable terms. These lots are conve nient lo the business part of town, and in a Rood neighborhood, m iking them the m.»st desirable lots now offered for sale. W. T. WOFFORD. apr. 17-sw3m Cartersville, Gn. ALSO, T II E Pendergrass Property, on Tennessee Street, is offered for sale, in lots of -lih Acre or more., as purchasers desire.— Each lot fronts On a street. Those w ishing to secure homes in an elligibli: locality, can lion do so upon the most reasonable terms. Apply to W. T. WOFFORD, or E. D. PUCKETT, apr. 17-sw3iti Cartersville, Ga. Bear in IVliml When disease has undermined the health, and the physical system has become pros trated, a stimulant that will not only strengthen, but remove the cause, should be immediately restated to. Mental distress is also a fruitful source of the breaking down of the constitution, and the ravages of this enemy to health are truly alarming. For all such maladies Hostetter’s Stomach Hitters have been found unsurpassed. By acting directly upon the digestive organs, they remove the heavy, disagreeable feeling after eating, so often complained of by persons of a delicate temperament. As soon as digestion is restored, the patient finds his strength increasing, and his general health improved. Thousands of persons certify that it may bo roUod on in all cases of weakness or nervous debility attendant upon sedentary habits. The generality of Bitters are so disagreeable to the taste that they are ob jectionable to a weak stomach. This is not the case with Hostetter’s Bitters, which will be found mild and extremely pleasant. Bal samic plants, barks ami roots contribute their restorative juices th render it soothing and strengthening. Its basis is the only pure stimulant which lias ever been pro duced, containing no fusil oil, or any other deleterious element. The most, careful and skillful chemists have analyzed the Bitters, and pronounce them harmless. This is scientific testimony; but the testimony of the hundreds of thousands who have expe rienced the preventive and curative effects of the GREAT VEGETABLE TOXIC and ALTERA TIVE of modern times is still more conclusive In Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia, Billiousness, Nervous Complaints and general debility it is as nearly infallible as anything in this fallible world can be. Administrator’* Sale. BY Y lItTUE of an order from the Court of Ordinary 01 Bartow countv. will be sold on the first Tuesday in .1 nue, 1871. at the Court I louse door, in said county, between the legal sale hours, the reversionei-y interest to half of lots of Jaud Nos. 179 and 20ti, in ffch Aist. and 3rd sec. of Bartow county, the said lots beiinr the dower of Mrs. Nancy Denman, widow of Felix G. Den man, dec’d; the said reversionery interest sold as the property of said dec’d. Possession of the same given at the death of said Nancy Denman. Soli! for the benefit of the lieirs and creditors of said Felix G. Denman, dec’d. Terms of sale cash. April 22nd, IS7I. 11. \V. Fite, Adm’r F. G. Denman, Dec’d. Satterfield & Wofford* m Family o it o c ERIES AND Fro Alice* CARTE HSYILLE, GA. 4T the old stand, East side of the rail road, where we promise to sell on as good terms, and ns low down in price, as any grocery house in town, either by the Wholesale or Retail. Come and sec us and test our sincerity. J II SATTERFIE'r D, apr 12wly J U WOFFORD. S. 11. FATTILLO, Agent GROVER & BAKER’S CELEBRATED eh ik mxamL BOTH THE ELASTIC 1 AID -SHUTTLE OR LOCKSTITCH, SUITABLE FOR ANY KIND OT FAMI LY SEWING- JIONE BETTER Hen and Boys’ C lathing Made on tlie Most Reasonable Terms. In fact, almost any description of SEWING done AsChenp ns the Cheapest! AND IY TIIE BEST STYLE. fORL FODDER, If AY, O ATS, &C. FO R SALE.! UNDERSIGNED has CORN. FtYDDKR, J HAY and OATS lor sale at his residence, near this place. WILLIS BEN HAM. Cartersville, Ga., April 11-2 t. HENEY T. HELMBOLD’S COMPOUND FLUID KXTK Lt r CATAWBA GRAPEPILLS. Component Part*—Fluid Extract Rhubarb, and Fluid Extract Calaa ba Gripe Juice. FOR. LIVER COMPLAINTS. JAUNDICE. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS, SICK OR NERVOUS HE\ 1) ACM E. COSTIVE NESS. Etc.. FUR ELY VEGETABLE, CONTAINING NO MERCURY. MINE RALS OR DELETERIOUS DRUGS. H These Pills are the most delightfully pleas ant purgative, superseding castor oil. salts, magnesia, etc. There is mulling more ac ceptable to the stomach. They give tone, and cause neither nausea nor griping pains. They are composed of the Jinctt ingredient*. After a few days’ use of them, such an in vigoratiou of the entire system take< place as to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from imprudence j or disease. 11. T. -Heltnbold s Compound | Fluid Extract Catawba Grape l’ills are not | sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar-coat- i ed Pills do not dissolve, but pass through tlm { stomach wit limit dissolving, consequently do j not produce the desired effect. THE CA TAWBd GRADE DILLS, being pleasant in taste and odor, do not. necessitate their be- I ing sugar-coated. PRICE 50 cts. Per Box. ! E Henry T. ilelmbnlj's HIGHLYCONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLU.D EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA Will radically exterminate from the system Seorfula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Month, Sore Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Salt Bhe- i uni, Cankers* Runnings from the Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cankerous Affections, j Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swellings. Night Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of all kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all dis eases that have been established iu the sys tem for years. L Being j repared expressly for tlie above complaints, its Blood-Pu-itying properties are greater than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. If gives The complexion a dem and healthy color, ar\d restores the Patient to a state of Health and Purity. For Purify ing tiie Blood, removing all Chronic coustitu tional Diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood; and the only reliable and effect ual known Remedy for the cure eYPains and •Swelling of the H»>aes, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Erysipelas aud all Scaly Eruptions of the Skin, and Beuutifyirig the Complexion. Price, -sloo per bottle, m HENRY T. IIEUIIIOLU’S CONCENTRATED FLUID EXTR’CT BUCHU 1 HE GREAT DIURETIC, Has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Irritation of the Neck, of the Bladder, and Infiamation of the Kid neys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Blad der, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Cal culus, Gravel, Brick-Dust Deposit, and Mu cous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfee bled and Delicate Constitutions of Both Sex es, attended with the follow-ing symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power, Lose of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness. Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, etc. Used by persons from the ages of IS tr> 25 j and from 35 to 85 or in the decline or change j of life, after confinement or labor pains; bed-wetting iu children. B Hehnbold’s Extract Buchu is Diuretic and Blood-Purifying, nnd cures all diseases aris ing from Habits of Dissipation, and Excesses and Imprudences in Life, Impurities of the Bloou, etc. superseding Copaiba in affec tions for which it is used, and Syphilitic af fections—in these diseases used in connec tion with Helmbold’s Rose Wash LADIES. In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the Ext. JBuchu is unequalled by any other rem edy— as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu larity, Painfulness or Suppression of custom ary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus state of the Uterus, Luchorrhoea or Whites, Ster ility, and for all Complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or Habits of dissipation. It is prescribed ex tensively by the most eminent physician and midwiyes for enfeebled and delicate consti tutions, of both sexes, and all ages, (attend e l with any *f the above diseases or symp toms)-. Q H. TANARUS; ITelinbohl’s Ext. Buchu Cures Disea ses arising from Imprudences, Hab its of Dissipation, etc. in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change of diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. It causes a frequent desire, and •gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing strict ures of the Urethra, ailayyigpain and infia mation. so frequent in this class of diseases, and poisonous matter, Thousands who have been the victims of incompetent per- I sons, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they have been deceived, aud that the ‘‘Poison” has, by the use of “powerful astringents,” been dried up in the system, to break out iu a more aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Use Helmbol 1 Ext Buchu for all affections and diseases of the Urinary ()r --gaus, whether exisliug iu Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long Price, s*l 50 per bottle. L HENRY T- HELM HOLD'S IMPROVED ROSE WASH c.annot be surpassed as a Face Wash, and will be found the only specific i remedy in every species of cutaneous affec tion. It speedily eradicates Pimples, spots, Scorbutic Dryness, [niurations of CUTA NEOUS MEMBRANE, ret., dispels Hives, Redness and Incipient Rash, Moth Patches, Dryness of scalp or pkin, Frost Bites, and all purposes for which salve or ointments are used; restores theskin to a ; state of purity aud softness, and insures continued healthy action to the tissue of its vessels, on which depends the agreeable clearness and vivacity of complexion so much sought and admired. But however valuable as a remedy for existing defects of the skin, H T. Helmbold's Rose Wash has long sustained its principle* c)aim to un bounded patronage, by possessing qualities which render it a toilet appendage of the ’most superlative and congenial character, combining jn an elegant formula those prom inent requisites, safety and efficacy-the in variable accompaniments of its use—as a preservative ami refresher of thercomplex ion. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases of a Syphilito na ure, and as an injection for diseases oftlie Ur'.nary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in connec tion with the Extract Buchu, Sargapnr ”a, aud Catawba Grape Pills, in such diseases as recommended cannot be surpassed Price* owe dollar per boule. D Full nnd explicit directions accompany ihe medic til us. Evidence of tlie most res ponsible and reliable character furnish e<l\ n a] plication, triili huirdreds'’ ’of living witnesses, ami upYvard ot 30,01*0 un so’icited certificates aud recommendatory letters, manv of ttliich are from the highest sources, including eminent physicians. Ulfcr gymett. Statesmen, etc. The froprier ir h.-.a never resorted to (heir publical on m the newspapers; he does not do this Item she fart that his articles rank us Stand-ud Piep arations. and do not neck to be propped up by certificates. H. T. Helmbold's Genuine Preparations, delivered to any address. Secure Iron* ob servation. Established upward os 2 1 years, Sold by druggists everywhere. Addrers letters for information in coutidecc to 11, T. Helm bold, Dauggist and Ulmnist. Only Depots: II T. Helmbold's Drug and Chemical On re lions**, No. 504 Broadway, N. V.. or 11. T- Helmbold's Medical Depot, 104 South lO.h, st Philo .elphia, Da. Beware of Counterfeits! Ask for 11. T. Helmbold's ! ! Take no other I ! DA It It Y ’ H Prophylactic Fluid. rjpifls inv.-dualdc Family Medicine, for |Mir ; - fyjnjj, cleasing, removing bad odor* in all kite Is of<icloi^^toi^»injn<^ores^^o)iuids^j^isr^ for Erysipelas, rhe uniat esMhreatanjrhojor(MuoiUh^orfl^lm*at^di])the^ ria; for cholic, diarrlio-a, cholera; at a wa>h to soften anil beautify the skin; to reuiov ink spots, mildew, fruit stains; taken |Eternally as well ‘is anidicd externally, so highly recoin - mended by all who have used it—is for sale l>v II l>r»i«—rists ;m«l iVuintrv Merchants, and may t»e ordered directly of DARKY TROPHY DA-TUTU., Dec. (>, w-ly. Hit William Struct, X. Y. SATTERFIELD, PYROST & CO., Are Daily (Receiving and Opening One of the Finest & Largest Stocks of the Most Choice, Select and Fashionable SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, CLOTHING. NOTIONS, HATS BOOTS, SHOES, &C„ Ever before exhibited in the CABTEBSTILLE MARKET, and 4 -Want to Sell Them.” Yow’m your time here’s your place to buy a heap of fine goods for little money.— Come, one and all* and see for yourselves. SATTERFIELD, PYRON & CO., CARTERSVILLE. G-rover and Baker Sewing Machine mills celebrated Sewing Machine has been in I. for pearly twenty years, and is now us ed by over three hundred thousand families, and has gained a reputation far above any oth er sewing Machine. It has been awarded more national prizes than auv other machine in the world; at the Great World’s Fair at New York, it was awarded the Gold Medal; at tiie Ixmdon Fair it won the very highest prize, and in 1567, at Baris, it was awarded the Cros.sof the Lcgiou of Honor; besides this, it has wbn the First. ' Premium at all-the State Fairs where it has been exhibited Jlowovcr* w<id-' ny* claim that * premiums won at our State and County FairsV any great honor or mark of ~QistHjci ion, as it depends more on the operator than the machine, they seldom have judges who are mechanics, and judges of*a Sewing Machine. At National Fairs there are a sworn Committee, who are judges of machinery. The following are some of the reasons why the Grover A Baker is the best: It is the lightest running Machine in use; it is the simplest; it is more rapid in its movements; sews directly tmm two s|>ools wirhoat rewind ing; sews all kinds of work without liaisting, can do twice as innch work in a day as any other machine; it is the most durable, and almost noiseless; it sews equally well on all kinds of goods, from the finest Swiss muslin to the heaviest Beaver cloth; makes tho elastic lock-stitch much the strongest iu use, and every machine is fully warranted. YVho can desire any more in a sewing machine. There is every variety and size of these machines, from the lightest family to the heaviest leather machine. These machines are now for sale at Cartersville, Ga., by Leon A CAMP, iu one of Judge Parrott's new Store Houses, under the City hall. Ma chines will be delivered to customers either in or out of the city, and full instructions given free of charge; and should any of our machines fail short of our recommendation, the money will he cheerfully refunded or placed in its stead any other machine in use. Old Machines repaired and put in good order ou the very shortlist notice. LEON A. CAMP, Cartersville, Ga. Wra. Satterfield# Having-,Dissolved Copartnersdip with GEQ. J. BUIANT, Has.returned tp and opened a first-class BAR-ROOM, at hi> old stand, where, in the future as in the past, iny old customers and the public generally will always find good to drink. ' ’ %Y.\J. SATTERFIELD, apr. 13-wly Cartersville, Ga. For Sale l • For Cash! THE Private House and Lot, .\nrl the Business House and Lot, Os papt C. B. Blacker, separately or to gether, on the KasJ, side of the Kailroft 1. >n the town of Cartersville. The fomie? occu pied now'by his famly. an 1 the latte: a- i Barber Step. To be solti for Cash only.—• Apply to JOHN W. WOFFORD, apr. 13-swtf Cartersville, Ga.