Newspaper Page Text
T own matters.
£oftenivtKk> (3a«, 1871.
Thr I»ir.\le Saturday.
Although the day was dark and chilly,
,n I old horeas 1 Ifw an incfsvant blast dnr- j
i, t(t thf ontire d*f, ye*, notwithstanding the |
forbidding and uatowardcircutnsJancesthus
linked together, which stripped the occa
, ~ti of one of it* most prominent and inter
ring features, previous announcement and
j reparation haring been made, agreeable to
ir r»ngeinent the ears on the Cherokre Kail
road from Taylorsville arrived in Carters
,jlle on ochrdufe time, on Saturday morn*
, n( ( last, as 1 a goodly number of our young
folks, mab nd female, and old folks, too,
. *li young*’3«ta, with heavily laden bas
kets. Hocked u the depot and cosily seated
themselves on board the train, while the
tempting notes of the Cartcrsville brass
flsnd rang out upon the chilly breeze as if
in queet of faint-leaned volunteers, who,
while they were not exactly ready to faint
between the porch and the altar, were show
ing evident signs of distress in determining
the point whether to g with the crowd to
the picnic or stay at home and ply their
daily routine of duftiee. Some yielded at
the sight of, not tht lass they were about to
leave behind them, btrt the one that had pre
pared te go before them, and went along
with them; others reviewed the situation
with repressions of auxiety and sorrow de
picted in their features, first glancing their
eyes #k) ward as if to endeavor to read the
usual fate of pic-nicers in the drifting cloud
heads that floated in ether and obscured the
smiling face of old m*l, the light of whoae
countenance is soewntial to msrry spirits
and gay hearts on such excursions of plea
sure, and, aecomlly, failing to discover any
rsy of hope from behind the frowning hori
zon, their eager glance dropped from the
sad scene above and rested upon another
one not so sad to sight, but to memory dear,
from which emenalcd such bewitching
Mmlfs and enchanting voices ns to effectually
eztort the cry, that come weal or woe, come
sunshine or rain, come business or pleas
ure, I’ll gladly go with you to the pic-nic,
and they went, too ; others yet struggled
with their misfortunes, having two desires
to go and enjoy the ride, the music, the so
cial intercourse and friendly greetings, and,
sbpv* aIL » good dinner, and none to
spend a half dollar to pay their transporta
tion; another yet. my crowd ain’t going and
therefore I’ll not go; others, too, there were,
who deeired to take the recreation and en
joy the pleasure but feared the pain that
exposure would subject them to; while some
did not go because they didn’t want to.—
Hut, out of all, a train load chose to brook
the dangers and encounter the evils that
they might sip the sweets of the trip on a
may-day to Shelman's spring. Freighted
with its precious burden of human souls and
“good eatings," under the eye of a true and
tried pilot, our model Conductor, Captain
Smith, the signal was given and the train
moved off and glided smoothly on to her
destination, which was about six miles south
of west from our starting place, which point
we reached after a run of half an hour
At Shelman’s spring we were met by a like
crowd from Taylorsville, Stilesboro, Kuhar
lee. and the neighboiing vicinage, and upon
arriving at the spring, the first thing that
enliated attention was the selection of a tree
or place, underneath or upon which the rich
vianda were to be spread out, when that in
teresting part of the pragramrac of the day
should be reached; this done, each mesa then
proceeded to gathrr up wood and build fires,
after old soldier fashion. Noaooner had the
curling amoke begun to aacend than a circle
of shivering formii surround-d the blazing
f*Kf°ts, a very unusual scene for a may
day festival. All over the catnpus were
groupes assembled around their repective
fires, some standing, some sitting on rude
•eats eonstjuoted of fence rail#, 4c., vfhile
all eyes seemed to be weeping, and ever end
anon the conversation turned on smoke and
ugly folks, attended by a slight moving a
round the circle. Just out a little distance
from the cracking fageots is another groupe
iiurdUd together, all young fclki, several of
them of the frying size, they are making up
• game of croquet; yonder passes a gentle
man, with a violin in one baud and his head
•lightly inclined to one side with one eye
about half ajar, moving with rapidity from
groupe to groupe, and as he appro ch«s we
hear him aay something about Shelman’s
gin-house and a dance. Just over the way,
seated on a ledge of rocks on the side of the
bluff breaking off abruptly above the spring,
is a trio of gentlemen gazing intently at a
m photograph artist’s kamera a little distance
to the front; the arti.ts are the Moseley
Itrothers, and the gentlemen can be seen at
their gallery ia this place, one, however, we
recognized as the President of a certain Ktu
rn igr at ion Cos., who is preparing to take a
trip soon, and haring, not hair enough to
spare a lock to each of his friends, hit upon
this idea to supply the deficiency. The be.u
ttful, rippling waters of Raccooa creek mur
mur hard by our quarters, but one roving
band only does honor at its shrine by indul
ging in the piscatorial sport, and soon that
!1 abandoned. t*ome are promeoading the
campus in search ©i’ something to see or hear.
-he older and more domestic ones are sit
*'ng around their camp-fires, indulging in
lie luxury of a smoke, cracking an occa
sional joke, rehearsing the experience of the
past and surmising the future. Gab and
gossip seem, to be the order of the day, a.
the wandering parties returD from
w.ndenngß. «, ft, j,,,,
Direct lj the plc.,i 0£ ia and
n»a, e.raptured '<Ulo»._u» i„, el
r *ma, is vividly spread out, upon can
™J® b * in ‘* n “Asd by drummoml light or
magic lantern, but upon clean linen table
cloths on the gronxd, not only to be seen by
mortal eyes but intensified by ravenous ap
petites. Dinner was announced, and never
‘lid spartan troops charge more valiantly the
batteries of an enemy, than did our party
the heaps and stacks of “creature comforts”
so temptingly inviting them on te the ’fray.
I bi* was the part ofthe programme in which
*ll hands united with a hearty good will—
not a single straggler disgraced our corps,
were at their pouts, and the colored as well
c white troops fought nobly. We, individ
-7 ana coll ectiv«ly, did our whole duty’
and we did it well, and eoa confidently
vouch for many of our eomradns in arms.—
Just on our flanks ware two valiant enrps
led on by heroic officers. One was a com
mander of oollossal proportions, while the
other, though in stature low, was posseoaed
of wonderful capacity for freighting provis
ions. Dinner over, the Hand discoursed
a few mellow notes of music, while the he
roes of the victorious assault retired from
the contest in good order, if not all covered
over with glory, they were with smiles of
contentment superinduced by gratified ap
petites. Having seen all that was to be
seen, heard all that was to be heard, said
all that ought to be said, enjoyed all that I
was to be enjoyed, and eat all and a good j
deal more than was necessary, and the hour '
for returning home hav : ng rolled around, !
all aboard the cars, one half hour elapsed
and we all landed in Cartcrsville, well pleas
ed with ourselves and all mankind.
JT. T. GibKon, Local Editor.
fear It. W. Me nr Hr is our authorized Agent
imTCelleetor. To receive and receipt for .Sub
scription to the Express, and to collect claims.
(STlti‘r. W. F. YVEKMS is our authorized
local and traveling Agent, to receive and re
ceipt for subscriptions to the Express.
S&- The weather for the past few
days, reminds one more of December
than May.
Remember the New Drug Store is
the place to go if you want Pea* and Fbesh
Drugs and Medicines, cheap.
May sth,-tf.
Imjr The Methodist Sabbath School
Celebration on Thursday night last,
wiis o complete success, and reflected
much credit on Supriutendeut, Teach
ers and Pupils. The address, by Rev.
C. A. Evans, of A’lauta, was well timed,
chaste, simple, and altogether appro
priate on that occasion. In the con
clusion of the exercises, Dr. Win. H.
Felton, was called for, who mounted the
stage amid the applause of the almost
entire audience, ana made a few brief
and pointed ltmarks, which were well
received. Iu the conclusion of his
speech, he asked for money to be ex
pended iu behalf of the Sunday Schools
of Bartow, when that liberal-hearted,
public-spirited gentlemen, Col. Robert
A. Crawford, headed the list with
twenty-five dollars; he was followed
by others who give ten and five dol
lars and less. The amount received*
we learn, was abou t one hundred and
fifty dollars.
After the collection, the congrega
tion was dismissed with the benedic
tion by Rev. C. A. Evans. These
Subbath School Celebrations are to
us all, what the oasis is to the traveler
in the desert of the Great Sahara.—
They are green spots iu the journey of
life, and memory often reverts to them
in after years. May the Sunday
School Cause prosper throughout the
entire length and breadth of our
A Large lot of Qlaav, Oils,
&c., for sale CHEAP, at the New Drug
Store. May sth,-tf.
Business of all grade* is to! ra
bly good in our town.
.?ta*r We think: Gtu Skinner haa t»
spite at us and is trying to terminate
our mortal existence as speedily as
possible by feeding us 00 strawberries
and goobers, but if he thinks he cau
accomplish it iu tbl ß Wft yi *fi right;
we’ll masticate several pinders and
strawberries first. This is the way we
propose settling all our difficul ties.
tfag" Loyless' Pearl White Lead is war
ranted equal to any in town, and sold for
less. Maysth,-tP
Tbe learned Beu Lattimer, (a
gentleman oI table complexion,) upon
being interrogate! a* to wUat was the
cause of the cold weather we are har
ing, learnedly, egotistically aud em
phatically replied: “It is ’kashuned by
de dog star(e,) vener, crossin' de sun,
so de ulmanic says, and ob course es
dat star(e,) vener, done cross de sun,«
it’s obleeged to be cold.” How high
is that for Astronomy ?
The pic-nic on Saturday last
was a succsaa ootwithsteudiug th«j nn
favorableness of the weather. For
particulars, see expatiations of our
senior editor, in another column, who
was promptly ou Wud at diuuer
time, to our certain knowledge.
Ladies, don’t forget there i* a nice
lot of Handkerchief Eitraet#, Cologne*.
Toilet Powder#, Comb#, Brushes, Ac., at
the New Drug Btor*. May 6th-ts.
V&. Mrs. Meeker, the Authoress of
“Kernwood,” “Castle Malone” sod
“Eliza Boss,” a Southern lady, well
known in this community, will Lect
ure at the Town Hal*, ob Monday
night ne*t, the 15th instant. Subject:
"Matrimony as it was and Is* Admis
sion, 25 cents. Mrs. Meeker’s Lect
ures have been received with much
applause by the ekte of the Diamond
State and the old Dominion. No
Woman’s Eights in the question.—
Come out, and hear what a Southern
lady has to say on this all-absorbing
Hie press, wherever she has lectured
speak m the highest terms of her ef
forts—both in a literary and moral
May 9th, 2t
Have BmlrM the
2Ct ; ■*' f Hr* : ft 1 -
jjL ’I ~ .
Best Selected
Ladies’ and Gents’
Furnishing Goods,
Wo will save the public 25 per
Cent, in buying goods of us.
We have a large stork, and
will sell lower than an j
other house In town.
& 6 M. LIEU MAX,
apr 22 w2m CA H TERS VILLE.
9&F Suits of Clothes from $2,00 to
$4,00 at
Satteufeild, Ptron Sl Co’s.
Youug men and boys who are
addicted to snoring, should ba careful
not to go to sleep in Church.
The Mess. Mosley Brothers will
please accept this local’s thanks for a
“Dinner Scene” taken by them at the
pic-nic Saturday. They hare some
beautiful ones. They are splendid
artists, and all who wish correct por
traits of themselves can get them by
giving those gentlemen a showing at
their phisiognomy.
WaF*Mr. Jeff. Brandon, at Satterfield'
Pyron & Co’s, would be pleased to nee
all his old friends at that place, where
he proposes to sell them goods as cheap
as they can get them elsewhere in
Bad Cause.
A Western woman recently claimed
a divorce on the ground that her hus
ban 1 was “an infernal fool!” If mar
riages can be dissolved for this cause
£4Mawvers may expect a rich harvest
of fees.
The prettiest, cheapeat, richest and most
captivating ladies’ Dress Goods, in town,
have just been received aud opened by Sat
terfield, Pyron A f'o.
Glsbe Flower Cough-Syrup cures Asthma
Major Madison Bell. —ln a coversa
tion with the popular gentleman, we
learn that the taxable property of the
State for 1870, amounts to $210,-
000,000, being an increase over 1869,
of $20,000.000,
A young lady takes this method of
informing a certain young man that
the next time he desires to gaze upon
her forty-five mortal minutes without
winking his eyes, she will consider her
self highly favored if he will clom his
mouth, and not sit there like a young
robin awaiting the parent bird.
Tk Squkwjnx.—The instrument is
made of tin, like a drum, with but one
bead in it Through the centre of
that head a hole fs bored and a cat
gut inserted. The music is made by
drawiug the hand over the said string.
Tbs contrivance is a simpls one, easily
made, or can be purchased. We advise
every boy in town to procure one im
mediately. Tlie innsic is a happy com
bination of all the discords.
“Is your note good ?” asked a
merchant the other day of a person
who offered a lot of goods. “Well,”
replied the purchaser, “I should think
it ought to be; every body h s got one
of them.**
CxrfenvQle Prices Carreit.
CvrrwM liil-W—My *y A. IU Rv4|wu,
Groosry Merehnmt,
Cotton ......
Aim per *lo*. RAW) to |U9I
Butter—(WMh«n A 30 B:
“ Country 9%mMc
n> 30 4 35
Hrim«ton* A sulph. ft 8(415
Blue*t<»nr P> .. . .ft 154'-'*
Borax • 30*4 SO
Ararkrrs —Butter 10 8 *415
•* Soda .734-413
“ Crc\m .. 15. 430
Candv— F.viirv a>*t. ft 19 4n»
•• Stiek . .. I»4*>
UoflTev—Kiu ...ft.—litwdfcß
“ Java 3*4*B
Cre-un Tartar, ft.— 90475
Camphor—Oum. 1% 1 CtlA)
Cot lf»n Card•, do* s7.srtfß.(» !
F.ii—>ia Salta,.... TV ... efil-V |
Grain— l Earn. bu-h. 7Y4SI!
Wheat, red. 1.30-41
** It re fVfiSW
“ I Van .1.4040
“ Oat* 50430
“ I lover >ee4 $9.40-11
*ur»r—ltrowß, TV ... 11**14
" C. 14415
“ A. 15t,(41*S
** Crushed I3V-419
•* Powt’d .... 1*430
Syrup—M uaeovo. gal 40.4-Vt
“ lOt.ddea .... 90*1.00 ;
“ Ex. Gnldea $1(41.33 |
“ Sew Orlmna |
Oil—Tanner't, gal sl.lo—lo j
“ Kerevena 4-V4OO |
** Linseed, raw $1.*Y41.40 !
“ - boil’d $1.3541.50 I
Rope—Manilla 1% pM)
Machine .... 11 415
“ (Cotton 37.4 W
Cotton Tarn*, bun. 1.30-t.40
Brown sheeting's, yd. 10*11
liried Teaches, bush $1.30-75
•* Apples .... . .. $1.75
Vinefar—Cidar. qal 50*75
I will attend at thr following p’a***.* and times
for tha purpose of receiving tax returns fur 1871.
to- wit:
*th District, May I*l, lHth, and 79th.
Adalrsville, ** ’ 3nd, feth. and 90th.
Kingston. “ 3rd, 17th. and 3Ut.
17th District, “ 4tic. 18th, and Ist June.
Costville, *♦ sth, 19th, an 1 ?nd
Tine Log, “ fth, 10th. and srd “
Wolf I’eri. 44 Bth, Sind, and sth 44
Lower Stamp er 44 9tn, 13rd, and «th * 4
Allatoona. “ 10th. 54th, and 7th 44
Cartersrille. 44 11. 11. 55.16 th. Bth A 9ih 44
All persons are requested to give in their
Land* by Numbur*. Jicrtions and Districts.
W. T. GORDON', T. R. K. C.
FAR.VEEB ! ! !
Who is notv receiving an
en tirely new and fresh stork
of Single and Fane# DU F
€t OOfPS, Dress ibfoarls,
CLOTHING, $G\, which
ha ve been bough t at bottom
price* , for CASH!
The advantages of having a
resident buyer in New York, of
long experience, enables me to
offer advantages to cash buy
ers, which cannot be overlook
ed by any one who will con
sult their own interest. All I
ask is an examination of
to convince you that I will do
all I hay. v •'•• ■'
I will again remind my
long-winded customers that I
occasionally need money, and
hope they will find it conveni
ent to call and pay.
Cartrrsville, Ga.
Lideial Advances made to
Planters on Cotton, to ship for
immediate sale, or, to hold.
April 13, 1871.-»wtf
I* Agent for the
Churches, Schools,
; Halls, and Parlors.!!
Made in America, vis:
Mmob A H amlin’*, a G. A. Prtaee A Co's.
Also, A sent for
A Splendid Piano,
Guaranteed by Written War
rantee to keep In Perfect Order
for Five Year# ? |
Also, Agcut for
Various Smaller
Calf on me and get my
Call and see llhistratod Cata
logue aji<l Price List
HM»n*t forget till* Advertisement.
H W.W. Howard,
Cartersvllle, Georgia..
march *th, ’’7l—*w 3m.
GKOKOfA. BARTOW €or>TY.-Whereas
Daniel B. Cunyus, Administrator of the
Estate of John f. B« rge,<}f ceased, represent* to
the Court, inlJs petition, duly Hied and eijjpred
upon recent, that he ha# fully administered
Juo I*. Burge's estate. This is, therefore to cite
all persons cenceraed, kindred and Creditor# to
•how e*M*e, if any they can, why said Admin
ii»tr»tor, should not be uischnrged from his \d
ministration, and receive Lett*** of lift mission
ad the llrU Monday In August, lew. Given un
der my hand ahd seal of Office, this Mav Ist
um. J.B.HOWARO.Od'yi
Georgia bartow oo rxt vXrour
afterdate application wUI he made to the
Court of Ordinary of #atd Couintv for leave to
sell the lands belonging to the estate or Francis
Murphy, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of said deceased.
*}• B. F. Murphv.
J. J. Murphy.
Administrators Ac.
may, #nd. Jmt. __
sept W, ISTAwIy 1
a UM? W i?7_) la
P*r lb. 10 to 1$
I .Vl?.*!.:
t 9hould*rs lb I*4ll
I Clear rb side I**l3
| Plain bans 14415
I Caov. haiu. 18(4*1
I Fresh pork 9 4 10
| Chee>e. n» i* r* «
j Cigar*. M r»v*s(«i
“ IKun.
T«»haeeo ft AFkrV
** Me.lium 70*7V
** I'rime.l.oo 41.30
“ Va LraT 3$ 4X5
** Smoking 75*41 ijn
Kggv ilo*. 13r*l *
Flour, rwt. $4*44.50
Lard, ft ...l«4i«
Meal. I*u»h. 75490 c
I.ime, hbl. 1.75(43.50
Hire, ft ..
salt, ».trk X1.V45.4('
"Voda. ft 7 4h)
St.vrrh, ft ... R 415
ft H *l2*;
Shot. Hag $5 75*1.00
Shovels, Am. $1.30
Iron ft .. .v*9
Putty, ft B.*ioc
Indigo ft $1.7543.00
Tallow, ft 10*11 v
Tea. ft $1.5541.50
reathem ft fi.V*7s
Pepper, ft 254;«
Mack’l. kit $1—175
Potatoes, Ir. 75*485
** Sweet $5.00
Twine, hag. 30(435
('andlea. ft 19.440
Lumber M $l«-$30
Wool. wash. 30.440
Osuaburrs v 1.V418
Turpentine' 7V*sl
Rag*, rot lin ft .K
White te*vl 10**15
Estrella Oil 4»V4«0
The Pais fvit.LRR is by universal ermscnt
allowed to !.ave won for itself a reputation
un»uf|va«*e<l in th« history «f medical p»e
paratsen*. its instantaneous effect in the
eradication and extinction of Tain in all its
various forms incident to iht httm tn family,
and the an.«olieit*d written and reft'*’ testi
mony of the masses in its favor, have been
and are its owa best advertisements
The ingredient* of the Pais Kills*. b*-
ing purely VruKTABL* render it perfectly
safe and efflraciou* remedy taken internally,
as well as (or external applications, when
used according to directions. The stain up
on linen from it* use is readily removed by
washing with alcohol.
This Medicine, justly celebrated for the
cure of so many of the afflictions incident to
the human family, has now h»e»» b"for« the
public over Thirty and has found its
way into almost every corner of the world :
and wherever it has been used, the same
opinion is expressed of its medical properties
In any attack, where prompt action upon
the system is required, the Pain Killer is
invaluable. Its almost instantaneous effect
in relieving pain is truly wonderful; and
when used according to directions, is trtte
to its name, a P;iin Killer.
DESIRABLE building
of iartfruvllk, known a* the
Solomon Property,
ha* been Mirveved, F.rwin St met ext*- mled thro’
it. and It it lid iit a Lat* I>ai«t OIT, and it i*> now
offered (or sale. in quantities to «lift purchasers,
«po U reasonable terms. These lets are conve
nient to the iiusiness part of town, and In tx ,lo *l
neighborhood, making them the most desirable
lots now offered for sale.
apr. 17-swSia C’arteravltlle, Oa.
Pendergrass Property,
on Tennessee Straet, u offered f.»r #ale, in lots
of 4th Acre or more, as purchaser* desire.—
bach lot fronts on a street. Those wishing to
i secure home* in an elligihle locality, can uow
1 do so upon the most reasonable term*.
Apply to
apr. t7-*w»ni Carter#villa, Ga.
Bear In Rind
When disease has undermined the health,
and. the physical system ha* become pros
trated. a stimulant that will not ewiTy
strengthen, hut remove the cause, should be
immediately resorted to. Mental distress is
also a fruitful source of the breaking down
of the constitution, an 1 the ravages of this
enemy to health are truly alarming. Fot
all such maladies Hostetler's Stomach
Bitters have been found unsurpassed. By
acting directly upon the digestive organs,
(hey remove the heavy, disagreeable feeling
after eating, so often complained of by
persons of a delicate temperament. A* soon
as digestion is restored, the patient find*
his strength increasing, and his general
health improved.
Thousands of persons certify that it may
be relied on in all cases of weakness or
nervous debility attendant upon sedentary
habits. The generality of Bitters are so
disagreeable to the taste that they are ob
jectionable to a weak stomach. Thi* is not
the case with Hostetter’s Bitters, which will
be found mild and extremely pleasant. Bal
samic plants, barks and roots contribute
their restorative juices to render it soothing
and strengthening. Its basis is the only
pure stimulant which has ever been pro
duced, containing no fueil oil, or any other
deleterious element. The most careful and
skillful chemists have analyzed the Bitters,
and pronounce them harmless. This i»
scientific testimony; but the testimony of
the hundreds of thousands who have expe
rienced the preventive and curative effects
of the urkat vkoxtari.k tomic and ai.tkka
tive of modern times is still more eouclusive
In Fever and Ague. Dyspepsia, Billiousness,
Nervous Complaints and general debility it
is as nearly infallible as anything in this
fallible world can bo.
Administrator's Salle.
Y3Y VIRTUE of an order from the Court of
J3 Ordinary or Hartow county, will be sold on
the first Tuesday in Jana, 1171, at the Court House
door, in said county, between the legal sale
hours, the reversioner/ interest to hsifof lots of
laud Nos. 17» and *)6, in ftth dist. and 3rd sec. of
Hartow county, the *alu lot* being the dower of
Mr*. Nancy Denman, widow of Felix «. Den
man, decM; the said roversionery interest sold
a* the property of said dec’d. Possession of the
•sine given at the death of said Nancy Denman.
Sold for the benefit of the heir* and creditors of
said Felix G. Deiun iii, dec’d. Terms of sale
cash. April Wod, 1871. 11. W. Kite,
Adm’r F. G. Denman,
Satterfield A Wottard,
•8A&8 m
Prudoee. >
A T the old »tan<l. East side of (he rail
road, where we promise to sell on as
good terms, and as low down in price, as
any grocery house in town, either by the
WliolcHulo or liotail.
Ceme and pee us and test oar rineerity.
Hm tt.m F1 TTIUL.O, Agent
mm marshes.
4 j,. on
Ken nnd Boy*’ Clothing
Male oa the Moat BeasoadMe Tern*.,
In fact, almost any description of
As Cheap as tho Cheapest!
TtIEt7NnKR-.fGV K s » has GO FIX. FOODKR.
Md OA Ky lor nt kiiii rfiidpyri*
near this place. WltldS Bg'lll ’
t.artersrille, Ga., April *
Component Part*—Fluid Ft tract Rtubnrb,
and Fluid Kx tract Catawba (* r tpe
containing no mercury, mine
rals OH DELETERIOUS drugs.
These Pills are the most delightfully pleas
ant purgative, superseding castor oil, salts,
magnesia, etc. There is nothing mote ac
ceptable to the stomach. They give tone,
ami cause neither nausea nor griping pains.
They are composed of the fine*! ingredient*.
After a few days’ use of them, such an in
vigormtion of the entire system take* place
as to appear miraculous to the weak and
enervated, whether arising from imprudence
or disease. 11. T. Helm bold's -Compound
Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Tills are not
sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar-coat
ed Tills do not dissolve, but pas* through th*
stomach without dissolving, consequently do
not produce the desired effect. THE CA
TAWifII GRAPE TILLS, being pleasant in
taste and odor, do not necessitate their be
ing sugar-coated. PRICE 50 eta. Ter Box.
Henry T. HelmbolUs
Will rndisally exterminate from the system
Scorfula, Syphilis, Fever Scores, Ulcers,
Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore
Head, Bronchitis, sSkin Diseases, Salt Rhe
um. Canker*, Runnings from the Ear, White
dwellings, Tumors, Cankerous Affections.
Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swellings. Night
Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of all kinds.
Chrome Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all dis
eases that have been established in the sys
tom for years.
Being prepared express;/ for the above
complaints, its Blood-Purifying properties
are greater than any other preparation of
Sarsaparilla. It gives the complexion a clear
and healthy color, and restores the Patient
to a state of Health and Purity. For Purify
ing the Blood, removing all Chronic constitu
tional Diseases arising from an impHre state
of the Blood; and the only reliable and effect
ual known Remedy for the cure of Pains and
Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of the
Throat and ia'gs, Blotches, Pimples on the
Face, Erysipelas and nil Scaly Eruptions of
the Skin, and Beautifying the Complexion.
Price, $l5O par bottle.
Ha* cured every case of Diabetes in which
it has been given. Irritation of the Neok,
of the Bladder, and Incarnation of the Kid
neys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Blad
der. Retention of Urine, Diseases of the
Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Cal
culus, Gravel, Brick Dust Depeait,. and Mu
cous or Milky Dfscharges, and for Enfee
bled and Delicate Constitution* of Both Sex
es, attended with the following symptoms:
Indisposition to Exertion, Loss of Power,
Lons of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing.
Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease,
Wakefulness. Dimness of Vision, Pain in the
Back, Hot Hand*, Flushing of tire Body
Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face,
Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of
the .Muscular System, etc.
Used by persons from the ages of 18 to 2*>
and from 35 to 85 or in tho decline or ebang
of l.fe, after confinement or labor pains,
bed-wetting in children.
Hehnbold ■ Extract Buchu is Diuretic and
Blood- Purifying, nnd cures all diseases aris
ing from Habits of Dissipation, and Excesses
and Imprudences in Life, Impurities of the
Blood, etc. superseding Copaiba in affec
tions for which it is used, and Syphilitic af
sections—in theso diseases used in connec
tion with Helaihold’s Rose Wash
In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the
Ext. Buchu is unequalled by any other reel
ed/ —a* in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu
larity, Paiufulness or Suppression of custom
ary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Sckirrus state
of the Uterus, Luchorrhora or Whites, Ster
ility, and for all Complaints incident to the
sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or
Habits of dissipation. It is prescribed ex
tensively by the most eminent physician a:,d
midwives for enfeebled and delicate consti
tutions, of both sexes, and all ages, (attend
ed with any of the above diseases or symp
H. T. Hclmbold * Ext. Buchu Cures Discs
see arising from Imprudences, Hab
its of Dissipation, etc.
in all their stage-, at little expense, little or
no change of diet, no inconvenience, and no
exposure. It causes a frequent desire, and
gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing
obstructions, preventing and curing strict
ures of the Urethra, allaying pain and ir.fla
mation. so frequent in this class of diseases,
and poisonous matter, Thousands who
have been ths victims of incompetent per
sons, and «Hi» have paid k.?avy fees to be
cured in a short time, have found they hare
been deceived, and thst the “Poison” has,
by the use of “powerful astringents,” been
dried up in the system, to break out in a
more aggravated form, and perhaps after
Marriage. Use Hclmbold Ext Buchu for all
affections and diseases of the Urinary Or
gans, whether exlstiug in Male or Female,
from whatever cause originating, and no
matter of Iww long standing. Price, $1 50
per bottle.
KOHE WASH cannot ba surpassed as a Face
Wash, and will be found the only specific
remedy in every species of cutaneous affec
tion. It speedily eradicate* Pimples, spots.
Scorbutic Dryness. In juration* of CUTA
NEOUS MEMBRANE, cct.. dispels Hives.
Redness and Incipieut Inflaniatiou, Rash,
Moth Patches, Dryness of scalp or skin,
Erast Rites, and all purposes for which salve
or ointment* art used; restores the skin to a
state of purity and softness, and insures
continued healthy action to the tissue of its
oa tchich dej*tid|s the cyjtjeepJLile
clearness and vivacity of complexion so
much sought and admired. But however
valuable as a remedy for existing deft fits of
the skin, II T. Ilelmbold’s Rose Wash has
long sustained its prinoiple. claim to un
bounded patronage, by possessing qualities
which render It a toilet appendage of the
most superlative and congenial character,
combining in an elegant formula those prom
inent requisites, safety and eilicacy - the in
variable accompaniments of its use—as a
preservative and refresher of the complex
ion. It is an excellent Motion for diseases
of a Syphilitc nature, and as an injection
j f° r diseases'of the Urinary Organs, arising
1 u’oushabits of dissipation, used in connre
i tion with the Extract Buchu, Sursapar 'la,
and dutawba Grape Pills, in such diseases
as recommended, cannot be surpass _
Rrioe,.on« dollar per bottle.
Full and explicit directions nccon:p aB »
the to. dimn's. Ev.d'uce of the most rc ,L
p. nsible and reliable character furnish-. 1 on
spplteafion. with hundred* of thnn*»i.r]« ltt -'
liv.n; ivitn s cs, aod u, ward ot BO.tfiUun
*nijc te»l certificates and recommendatory
lc:|;-r*. many es which are from the highest
sources, including riuindi* physic;, ns, Cler
gymen, Statesmen, etc. The prop ietor hag
never resorted to their publics* on in the
newspapers; he does not do »lii• ftrtn the
fact that his arric ! e* rank as (Stard-
arntions. and do not neck to be pupped up
by certificates.
11. T. Helmbold’s Genuine Preparations,
delivered to any address. Sceni c frona ob
servation. Established upwaid o* 2 • year*,
Sold by drug" sts everywhere. Addict *
letters for information in eonfideee to H, T.
itelmbold, Pauggist and 'Chemist.
Only Depots; II T. Helinbold's Drug and
Chemical (tarehouse. No. 50* Broadway, N.
V.. or H.T- Helmbold s Medical I'cpot, 104
South 10: h. st Philodelphia, Pa,
Beware of Counterfeits! Ask for 11. T.
Helmbild’s I! Take no other !! !
DAK B \ 9 H
Prophylactic Fluid.
r|TH!S iWrafw. , >Ob'sf’»mHy Medicine, for pnr<-
fj lug. c leasing. removioe ***** l,,| "* < in » 11 **-'*»
for K rvs ipelas, rheumatism, and all skin dUcas
es; for catarrh, sore month. wore thr.'it, .tintlie
ria; for cholic, disrrhup.x, cholera; a* a wnli la
soften ami beautify th* skin; to remove iak
spot*, mildew, fruit stains; taken internally as
well ** amilied externally; .<* highly rfnm
alt 1 cyUu -tod fountrv Merehswt*. arut tnsv
l>e ori4ere«| ilirortlv of
DAitnv rnoPHV path. ct».,, w-ly. 161 William Street. N. T.
Are Daily EecMving and Opening One of the Finest & Largest Stocks of the Most Choice, Select and Fashionable
Ever before exhibited In the t ARTERNXILLE MARKET, and ‘-Want to Nell Them."
Xow’fi yoor time and hcre*H your place to buy a heap of tine good* for little money.—
t ome, one and all, and wee for yourNelve*. SATTERFIELD, PYRON & CO., CARTEHSVILLE.
Grover and Baker Sewing Machine
THIS celebrated Sowing Machine has keen !•
tu«. for nearly twenty Tears, and it now us
ed bt over three hundred thousand families,
and has gained a reputation far above an* oth
er sewing Machine. It Las been awarded ui*ie
national prizes than any other machine in the
world; at the Great World's Fair at Xevr York,
it was awarded the Gold Modal; at the London*
Fair it won the eery highest prize, and in 18C7,
at Faris, it wai awarded the c rot* of the Legion
of Honor; besides this, it h«s won the First
Premium at all the State Fairs where it has
been exhibited, However. wo do not claim tli.»t
premium* won at our State and County Fairt
any great honor or mark of distinction, at ip
depends more on the operator than the machine,
they seldom have judge* who aie- mechanics,
and judges of a Sewing Machine. At National
Fairs there are a sworn Committee, who are
judges of machinery. The following are tone
of the reasons why the Grover A linker is the
It is the lightest running Machine in use; it is
the simplest; it is more rapid in its movements;
jews dirsstly trom two spools without rewind
ing; sews »U kinds of work without hauling,
can do twice as tnneb work in a. day as atv
other machine; it is the most durable, and
almost noiseless; it sews equally well on all
kinds of goods, from the finest fcwiss muslin to
the heaviest Reaver cloth; makes the elastic
lock-stitch much the strongest in use, and every
machine i* fully warranted. Who can dcsiie
any more in a sewing machine. There is every
variety and size of these machines, from the
lightest family to the heaviest leather machine.
Theso machines are now for sale at Cartertville,
@a„ bvLeon A CAMP, iu one of Judge Parrott’s
new Store Houses, under the City hall. Ma
chines will be delivered to customers either iu
or out of the city, and lull instructions given
free of charge; and should any of our machines
fall short of our recoinmoudaXioii. the money
will be cheerfullv refunded or placed in its
stead any other niacliiue in use. Old Machines
repaired and put in good ordor on the very
shortest notice. ■*.
CartersTille. Ga.
Win, Suiierfield,
Haring Dissolved Copartnersdip with
GKO. J. 11K1ANT,
Has returned to and opened a first-class
at his old stand, where, in the future as in the
past, my old customers and the public generally
will always find good I.iyCOltS to drink.
Vi M.
apr. l%wky Cartcrsville, Ga.
For Sale!
For Fash!
THE Private House and T.ot,
Anti the Business House ami Lot^
Os Caj t <5. B. Blacker, separately or to
gether, on the Rust side of tlie Railroad, in
the town of Cartcrsville. Thy farmer qfcu
]>ied now by his f«m ly. and the iatteivas a
Barber Shop. T> he sold for cash only.' -
Apply to JOl L\W. WQFFORI),
apr. 13 sw:f Oa.