Newspaper Page Text
town matterh.
Cartersville, €>••> May 2«, 1871.
fVlio Wamfs a l otion Fac
tory ?
Everybody—citizens of Cartersnlle, and I
of Bartow County, and of Cherokee Geor
gia, and of the State of Georgia, and of the |
South, who feel any interest in the building'j
of a Cotton Factory in Caitersville or its i
vicinage, are respectfully requested to meet ;
at the Town Hall, in this place, on Saturday 1
afternoon next at 4 o’clock, to talk over the
matter, and advise together about it.
Remember the New Drug Store is
the place to go if you want Pcbe and Fresh j
Drugs and Medicines, cheap.
May sth,-tf.
New Market. — John L. Wikle has opened
a marke* on West Main Street, near Wm
Edwards’ “ Gear Shop,” where he will keep
constantly on hand nice, fresh beef, mutton,
pork, and sausage. Give him a trial aud
test his meet and prices.
Bgfc, Fine assortment of Gents Dress
Shirts, Fancy Shirts, Collars and Cuffs
just opened by Satterfield, Pyron &
Cartkrsviilk Ga., May 23, 1871-
To Superintendents of the several Sabbath
Schools of Bartow'County — Methodist , Pres
byterians and Baptist:
1 am iustucted by our Commi'tce of Invi
tation to extend to you aid your several
schools, an invitation to attend our Grand
Union Sabbath School I’io-Nic, to be had on
the 9th of June, nit, at this place. Ar
rangements Will be made for transportation
over the Kailroadif at half fare. We expect
the Sabbath Schools of Marietta, Acworth,
Calhoun, and Dalton; and our committee
have determined that any thing likea general
table will be impossible on such an occasion
They therefore suggest that all come with
well tilled baskets. We expect you all, and
anticipate a most delightful time. Come,
let us assemble en masse, and mingle happy
voices in our Sabbath School buttle song.
I am, Very Respectfully,
Thomas W. Milner,
Secretary Committee Invitation.
W. A. Railbovd Cos., 'j
President’s Onfice. r
Atlanta, Ga., May 24, 1871. )
Tuos. W. Milner, Esq.,
Cartersville. Ga.,
Dear Sir:
Your let
ter bus been recievcd, and I am direc
ted by the President of this Company,
to inform you that the road will carry
persons connected with toe Sabbath
Schools invited to the pic-uic at Car
ters vdle, at half fore as you request.—
Mr. E. B. Walker, the Master of Trans
portation, will give the necessary di
rection to the agents at the points
mentioned, and you will please corres
pond with him if you desire any fur.
tiler information on the subject.
Very Respectfully,
Your Ob’t Servant,
C. K. Maddox, Secy.
P. S.—Mr. Walker iuformes me that
it will be impossible to furnish cars on
the Ist, 2nd or 3d June, as all are en
gaged for those days, for other excur
sions. Please appoint another day, as
soon after the 3d as you can and cor
respond with Mr. Walker.
C. K. M.
It will be observed from the above,
that it is impossible to get transporta
tion for the Sabbath Schools on the
2nd of June, consequently the pic-nic
has been postponed until Eriday, the
9th, proximo.
Dalton Citizen,- Calhoun Times and
Marietta Journal please copy.
Advertisements.—The* flaming
advertisement of Messrs. Anderson & Wells,
dealers in Agricultural Implements, etc.,
Atlanta, Ga , appears elsewhere in to-day’s
Express, to which we invite the attention
of our readers. This is a first class house,
and is filled with a first class stock, and all
who wish to purchase anything in their line
would do well to call aud look through their
-stock before buying elsewhere in that city,
Also, see the flashy advertisement, else
where displayed in this paper, of Messrs.
Tommey, Stewart & Beck, Atlanta, Georgia,
Hardware Merchants, and Agents for Shin
gle Machines, Steam Engines, Mill Stones,
Bolting Cloths, Rifle and Blasting Powders,
Scales, Ac. This is one of the oldest and
most reliable houses in that city, and the
proprietors arc perfect gentlemen.
The Sa3seen House has just been opened
in city of Atlanta, by our esteemed friend
and model hotel keeper, E. R. Sasseen, late
of the U. 8. Hotel of that city, and more re
cently of Calhoun, Ga. Everybody, nearly,
has, in time, been his guest, and all agree
that he feeds and lodges well, and that his
charges arc moderate. See card.
See new change of Schedule on the West
ern & Atlantic Railroad in another column,
hose having claims against said rail-road,
would do well to file them by the 15th day
of June proximo. See notice. I
order ° f pr eacUi n g at tfae Me - th .
odist E. Church m this place, in fut we
learn from the preacher in charge Rev
uohn T. Norris, will be as follows :
Ist Sabbath in each month, morning, Dr
Wm. 11. Felton. Night, Pastor.
2nd Sabbath, morning, Rev. J. W Har
ris - Night, Rev. S. H. Smith.
3rd Sabbath, morning, Pastor. Night
Jlov. p, u Brewster.
4th Sabbath, morning, Dr. W. W. Leak.
Night, Rev. Warren Akin.
■'h Sabbath, morning, Pastor. Night,,
oft °P e “ t 0 he supplied by the Pastor.
The Third Quarterly Meeting for Carters-
S , tation wili be held on the Second
* “ >*th and Saturday before in June prox .
.T.T.GilMon, Local l'klitor.
fcgP*'lt. W. Jimmy iaonr authorized Agent
and Collector.. To recenre and receipt for .•Sub
scription to the Kxprm*, and to Collect claims.
W. K. WEEMS is our authorized
local and traveling Agent, to receive aud re
ceipt for subscriptions to the Express.
Wo are having clear, beautiful,
balmy Spring weather, at present.
Owing to the fact that we will
mote our printing office to the new
brick building, of Col. Harris', one
door East of Col. Montgomery’s store,
after this issue, there will be no pa
per printed at this office, until Friday,
of next week.
In consequence of being unable
to procure transportation, the Sunday
School Union Pic-Nic, which tvas to
have come off, at Caitersville, on
Friday, the 2d of June, has been post
poned to the following Friday, June
the 9th.
The prettiest vehicle in town*
is the express wagon, belonging to the
“Holly Mills,” which delivers all the
' lour and Meal, ground there, to cus
tomers who reside in town, free of
im »
Bj&F Gibson’s Diodora, 15 years old-
The best whisky on the market, at the
Star Saloon.
May 26,-tf.
We advise eveiy man who wishes to
“keep peace in the family,” to go to
Skinner & Clayton’s, and buy some of
those nice “White Pearl Grits.”—
We have tried them, and being a
judge of such things, unhesitatingly
assert, there is nothing better.
tetT* Mr. W. It. Mouutcastle, is the
oldest, and one of the best Wittch aud
Clock Repairers, in town. Carry him
your work, and our word for it, it will
not be slighted.
Star Saloon is the place
to get the finest and the cheapest ci
gars in Cartersville, and no mistake.
May 26,-tf.
Our Job Printer, Mr. O. P.
Heath, has bought an interest in Dick
Sparks’ Shoe Shop, and they say that
they will make boots and shoes cheap
er and better than anybody in town-
Dick, it is said by parties who know,
is an excellent workman. Give them
a trial. Mr. Heath will still do the
Job Work of this establishment which,
at present, is not an onerous under
taking, by a great deal.
Finest and Purest Liqours in
town, at the Star Saloon.
May 26,—tf.
We most earnestly call the at
attention of the Town Council to the
wretched and almost impassable con
dition of the side-walk, or plat of
ground, immediately in front of the
Methodist Church, and hope sincerely,
they will lose no time in having it fix
ed up. In its present condition, it
is dangerous for gentlemen, to say
nothing of ladies, to walk over it ; we
have been requested repeatedly, by
both ladies and gentlemen, to call at
tention to this matter, and now that
we have done so, and but utter the
sentiments of a majority of our citi
zens, we feel confident that our very
efficient Aldermen will have those large
roots dug up, gulleys filled, and the
whole of it put in “apple-pie” order.
PUP All our citizens should attend,
without fail, the meeting at the Town
Hall, to morrow, (Saturday,) for the
purpose of taking steps towards build
ing a Cotton Factorv!
Confectioneries of all kinds at
the Star Saloon, in fact, you can get
anything you want there, cheaper than
elsewhere iti town.
May 26,—tf.
•SL. Henry Hemphill, colored, while
engaged iu cleaning out the public
well on the West side of the
on Wednesday morning last, was
struck on the head by a piece of curbing
which knocked him senseless into the
water below. The vessel with which
they were drawing the water out of
the well, being below, had to be drawn
up, before any assistance could be ren
dered the drowning man. When the
vessel had reached the top, Dan Ray, a
colored man, who was less excited
than the rest of the crowd, stepped in
to it, and ordered them to ltfc him
down, which they did, and just as he
struck the water Henry was sinking
the third, and doubtless, the last time;
Dan caught him by the hair of the
head, and by a manly effort succeeded
in bringing him to the top, with barely
life in his body. Dan deserves great
credit, not only for rescueing his fel
low, but for maintaining his presence
of mind so perfectly.
KU We noticed, in a walk around
town the other day, four new dwell
ings in course of construction, and all
on adjoining lots.
tee" See new advertisements in this
tef* Those who design purchasing a
Sewing Machine, are requested to give
the Singer a trial. It is the best, Ma
chine now in use. If you wish to look
at one of these elegant and substantial
Machines, call at the Store of
Satterfield, Pvron & Cos.,
Sal terfield, Pvron A Cos. are
selling Ladies’ Dress Goods at greatly
reduced prices. Call and examine for
yourselves, and be convinced that we
are selling real Bargains.
BaT Just received at Satterfield, Py
rou A Co’s., I ull Line Ladies’ Dress
Trimmings, Laces, Edgings, Inserting,
Fringes, Ribbons, &c. Line Lawns,
Percales, Swiss and Nainsook Muslin.
Bishop and Victoria Lawns, which the}*
are offering at Extremely Low Figures.
you want the bestrewing Machine
ever manufactured—the father of them all—
call at Messrs. Satterfield, Pyron tk. Co.’-
SStore and buy one of Singer's unapproach*
ible, unrivalled, model machines.
Away with your l»ro »m Factory ! Carters
ville is ahead of that! She now boasts 01
a real, live COLLAR FACTORY ! Ask
Billy Edwards and Roger Williams!
Pemberton’s Compound Extract of Stillin
gia—the great Blood Purifier.
8. & M. Liebman have received the largest
lot and assortment of Trunks and Valises
ever before brought to this market.
England had her Cromwell! France het
Bonaparte, butCart srsville has her COLLAR
FACTORY, at Edwards’ ‘-Gear Shop.”
Globe Flower Cough Syrup breaks up
Whooping Cough and Croup, as if by magic
No use in saying so, the evidence that
Satterfield. Pyron & Cos. propose to adduce
in proof that they not only sell bargains,
but that they sell great bargains in goods,
is a trial.
Buy your goods of Satterfield, Pyron &
Cos., and success is yours, beyond a doubt
Cartersville Progressive.— First
steam mill, then a foundry and machine
shop, then two steam planing aud matching
door and sash manufactories, then a rail
road and town hall; now another steam mill,
car factory, new church, new college, new
hotel, new bank, and, last but not least,
she has, already in full blast, anew COL
LAR FACTORY ! Call at the ‘Gear Shop’
and see it.
Nice lot of new- clocks at J. T. Owen’s.
There is a live “Collar Factory” come to
town. Yes! a thing of reality, where they
are making all sorts of Collars—horse col
lars and mule collars; big collars and little
collars; white collars and black collars, in
the identical town of Cartersville, at Billy
Edward’s “Gear Shop;” w-e know it is so,
for we have been around aud seen 'em make
’em. If you would know it to be true, do as
we have done, go and see for yourself.
BLANKS for sale at this office.
You can buy watches, clocks and jewelry
as cheap at J. T. Owen’s as any where else,
or from any body else.
If you want anything done in the jeweler’s
line, cali on J. T. Owen.
Clothing! Clothing! ! Clothing !! !
Let the cry be extorted : “CLOTHING !”
For the rich and the poor, the high and the
low, the bond and the free, the white and
the black, all! of all qualities and prices, at
Ladies and Gentlemen: We da not pro
pose to detain you with lengthy remarks, ou
this occasion, but simply wish to say: “If
you wish to buy great bargaius in goods, go
There is a ranch on the Concho river,
Texas, where one man owns 70,000 head of
steers aud milch cows.
Merchants, Mechanics and Farmers.
—Buy your horse and mule Collars of Wm.
C. Edwards, and get better aud cheaper
ones, and, at the same time, encourage home
industry and enterprise.
French Cloths and Cassimers
for sale at extremely low figures
at Satterfield, Pyron & Co’s.
have on hand the following Choice Brands
of manufactured Tabacoo, which they offer
to trade as low as the lowest;
Brown’s Log Cabin,
Cabin Home,
Golden Choice,
Pike’s Peak,
Winfree’s Gold Leaf,
Pranly’s XXX,
Hyco Belle,
Peach Mountain,
Sunny Side,
McGhee’s 4 A,
Golden Rule,
Rosa Belle,
Globe Twist,
Crown, Navy,
May Apple.
And many other desirable brands not men
tioned 1 ; together with a fine variety of Smok
ing Tobaccos and Cigars.
Messrs. Gower, Jones &. Cos.,
Are still at their old trade -making,
selling, and repairing carriages, bag
gies, Wagons, <s’C. They are continu
ally enlarging their business in order
to supply the daily increasing demand
for their vehicles. They have the most
extensive carriage Repository and Man
ufactory in Cherokee Georgia, and the
reputation of their work unsurpassed
in the South. Long experience at the
business has won for them a notoriety
for substantial, diarahle, and style of
finish of work, seldom, if ever, attained
by any like establishment in the South
ern Siatea See advertisement.
New Spring and Summer Goods, by the
thousand;*, for sale, at S. & M. Liebman’s.
Satterfield, Pyron A Co’s. Is the place to
buy good goods, fine goods, and fashionable
goods, real cheap.
Hauling and Plowing.
Asa A. Dobbs, having supplied himself with
a * mule and wagon, is prepared to Haul and
Plow for any one wishing his services.
Anti Dealers in
1, 2 & 4 Horse Wagons.
materials, ag.
ESP AIRING, of ail Linds, DONE
feb. 7, 1871. wly
Is Agent for the
Churches, Schools,
Halls, and Parlors.!!
Made in America, viz:
Mason & Hamlin’*, & G. A. Prince & Co’s.
Also, Agent for
A Splendid Piano,
Guaranteed by Written War
rantee to keep In Perfect Order
for Five Year* !!
Also, Agent for
Various Smaller
Call on me and get my
Call and sec Illustrated Cata
logue and Price List.
Don’t forget this Advertisement.
W. 11. Howard,
Cartersville, Georgia.
march 28th, ’7l—sw 3m.
Have Received (lie
Best Selected
Ladies’ and Gents’
Furnishing; Goods,
We will save the public 25 per
Cent, in buying goods of us.
We have a large stock, and
will sell lower than any
oilier house in town.
apr 22-wiim CARTERS VILLE.
s£l“ Loyless’ Pearl White Lead is war
ranted equal to any in town, and sold for
l eßs - Mayoth,-tP
See new advertisements in this pa
89L. A Large lot of Glass. Oils, Varnish,
Ac., for sale CHEAP, at the New Drug
Store. May sth,-tf.
Globe Flower Cough-Syrup cures A thina
w- '/ - ivn% ■ I
r- Hi!i»l itiTii -i
Travellers are nlwavs liable tosndden attacks
of Dysentery aud Cholera Morbus, ami these
occurring absent from home are very unpleas
ant. The Pain Killer maybe relied upon in
such cases. As soon a> you feel the syniptoins,
take one teas]>o< n'ul in a eill of tew milk and
molasses and a frill of hot water Stir well to
gether and drink hot. I’eneat the i->se every
hour until relieved. If the pains be severe,
bathe the bowels aud back with the medicine
The bites and scratches of dogs and cats are
soon cured by bathing with the Pain Killer
I* otioii* llediciiU'i.
The theory that the virus of disease can he
safely counteracted by doses of poison, is false
and dangerous. Within the last twenty-live
years, not le-s than a s -ore of virulent poisons
have been added to the repository of the medi
cal profession. Tfiev are given in small doses,
otherwise they would destroy life immediately;
but even in minute quantities, they produce,
ultimately, verv disastrous effects. It is un
wise and vnijihilisophical to employ, as reme
dies, powerful and insidious drugs, which, in
subjugating one disease, sow the seeds of an
other still more unmanageable. None of these
terrible medicaments operates with as much
directness and certainty upon the causes of dis
ease as Hostetter’s Stomach Hitters, atonic and
corrective, without a single deleterious :ngre
dient in its eoinoosition. Let invalids, for their
own sakes, try the Hitters before they resort to
the poisons. The relief they will experience
from a course of the harmless specific, will ren
der a recourse to the unsafe preparations re
ferred to, quite unnecessary.
Till: l,A\l> I\ THE TOWN
of Cartersville, known as the
Solomon Property,
lias been surveyed. Erwin Street extended thro’
it. and ltuildimj Tots Laid Off .and it- is now
offered for sale, in quantities to suit purchasers,
upon reasonable terms. These lots are conve
nient to the business po*;t of town, and in a good
neighborhood, making them the most desirable
lots ho** offered for sale.
apr. 17-sw3au. Cajtfcorsville, Ga.
Pendergrass Property,
on Tennessee Street, is offered for sale, in lots
of 4th Acre or more, as purchasers desire.—
Each lot fronts on a street. Those wishing to
secure homos in an elligible locality, can now
do so upon the most reasonable terms.
Apply to
apr. 17-s\v3m Cartersville, Ga.
—Myyw* ■mw | jmi hi—in ,m ji j
Cartersville Prices Current*
Somi-AVeekly by A. I*. Hudgens,
Grocery Merchant.
Cotton per lb. 10 to 13
Axes per doz. $13.00 to $15.00 Meats:
Butter—Goshen lb 50 (0 60c Shoulders tt> 121013
, “ Country 25 (0 30r, Clear rh side 12(015
Beeswax tl> .20 (0 25. Plain horns 14(«015
Brimstone & snlph. tb Bup 15, Camv. hoins 18 (a 20
Hluestone lb lb tfifapifr Fresh pork 9 (a) 10
Borax tb 50 (a, 60- Cheese, tb 18 (a? 22
Crackers—Butter tb 8(0 25 Cigars, M $700r.590
“ Soda T‘ 2 r«jls “ Doin. $15(a,530
“ Cream... 18:020 Tobacco tti.GOotTOc
•Candy— Fancy asst.tb 19(040 “ Medium 70(075c
“ Stick 19(030 “ Prime,l.oo(
Coffee—Rio ... lb
“ Java .... i... 20(1.28 “ Smoking7sloloo
Creant Tartar, lb 506475 Eggs, doz. 12(8*16e
Camphor—Gum, tt> 1.25*2.00- Flour, cwt. $4644.50
Cotton Cards.doz S7.6U@WkO«- , laird, itn.. .1 4.016,;
Epsom-Suite,... lb ... B(aps Meal, brush.7s(o9Oc.
Grain—Corn, bttoln 75(080 Lime, 1 >bft 1.75(02.50
“ Wheat, red. 1.50—60 Rice, tb- 9'u.l2>£
“ Uye 75(000 Sait, sack 2:35(02.40
“ I’eas 1.40(05* Soda, tb .... 7(010
“ Oats 50(000 Starch, tb ... 8(015
“ Clover Seed $0.50-12 Soap-Bar lb 8(012U
Sugar—Brown, 1b.... 1.T514 Shot, bag52.75(03.00
“ C 14(0.15 Shovels, Am. SLSO
“ A 15)£@16% Iron, tb 5(09
“ Crushed 16%(0I8 Putty, tb .. a^tOe
“ Powr’il
Svrup—Muscova. gal 40,'050 Tallow, tb 10(012%
“ Golden ...90(01.00 Tea, lb sl.2s'® 1.50
“ Ex. Golden $1(01.25 Feathers tb 65'075
“ New Orleans 80c®$t Pepper, tb 25-035
Oil—Tanner’s, gal $1.10—40 Maek’l, kit $2 —2.75
“ Kerosene 45(060 Potatoes, Ir. 75/085
*• Linseed, raw $1.25(01.40 “ Sweet $2.00
“ “ boil’d $1.35:01.30 | Twine, bag. 30(035
Rope—Manilla tb 28030 Candles, 11> 19030
“ Machine 14(015 Lumber M sl6-S2O
“ Cotton 37(®40 Wool, wash. 20040
Cotton Yarns, bun. t. 30-1.40 Osnaburgs y 15(018
Brown Sheetings, yd. 10(014 Turpentine 75(®$1
Dried Peaches, bush $1.50-75 Rags, cot lin tb 3%
“ Apples $1.75 White Lead 106415
Vinegar—Cidar, gal 50(075 Estrella Oil 40(060
«Y VIRTUE of an order from the Court of
Ordinary 01 Bartow county, will he sold on
the first Tuesday in J line. 1871. at the Court. House
door, in said county, between the legal sale
hours, the reversionery interest to half of lots of
land Nos. IT9 and 206, in 6th dist. and 3rd sec. of
Bartow county, the said lots being the dower of
Mrs. Nancy Denman, widow of Felix G. Den
man, deebu the said reversionery interest sold
as the property of said dec’d. Possession of the
same given at the death of said Nancy Denman.
Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of
said Felix G. Denman, dec’d. Terms of sale
cash,. April 22nd, 1871. If. W. Fite,
• Adiipr F„ G. Demi trail,
Grover and Baker Sewing Machine
THIS celebrated Sewing Machine has been in
us* for nearly twenty years, and is now us
ed by over three hundred thousand families,
and has gained a reputation far above anv oth
er sewing Machine. It has been awarded more
national prizes than anv other machine ip the
world; at the Great World’s Fair at New York,
it was awarded the Gobi Medal: at the London
Fair it won the very highest prize, and in 1867,
at Paris, it was awarded the Cross of the Legion
of Honor; besides this, it has won the First
Premium at all the State Fairs where it has
been exhibited. However, we do not claim that
premiums won at our State and Countv Fair*
any great honor or mark of distinction, as it
depends more on the operator than the machine
they seldom have judges who arc mechanics,
and judges of a Sewing Machine. At National
Fairs there are a sworn Committee, who are
judges ot machinery. The following are some
ot the reasons why the Grover A Baker is the
It is the lightest running Machine in use; it is
the simplest; it is more rapid in its movements;
sew s directly trom two spools without rewind
ing; sews all kinds of work without baisting,
can do twice an mneh work in a dav as anv
other machine; it is the most durable, and
almost noiseless; it sews equally well on all
kinds of goods, from the finest Swiss muslin to
the heaviest Beaver cloth; makes the-elastic
lock-stitch much the strongest in use, and every
machine is fully warranted. Who can desire
anv more in a sewing machine. There is everv
variety and size of these machines, from the
lightest family to the heaviest leather machine.
These machines arc now for sale at Cartersville,
Ga., by Leon A CAMP, in one of Judge Parrott’s
new Store Houses, under the City hall. Ma
chines will be delivered to customers either in
or out ot the city, and full instructions given
free of charge; and should anv of our machines
tall short of our recommendation, the money
will be cheerfully refunded or placed in its
stead any other machine in use. Old Machines
repaired and put in good order on the verv
shortest notice.
Cartersville, Ga.
J Daniel B. Cnnyus, Administrator of the
ot John P. Kurge, dec**asoct, represents to
the C ourt, in his petition, duly tiled aud entered
»P*» record, that he has fltUy administered
Jnol .13 urge s esiate. This i*, there tore taoite
all persons concerned, kindred and Creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, why said Admin
«.t;rat?r’ *. houllt n , ut be discharged from his Ad
ministration, and receive Letters of Dismission
on the first Monday in Angust, 1871. Given un
der my hand uhd seal of Office, this Mav Ist.
187a - J- A. HOWARD, Ord. BC.
J. WiLKit, Proprietor. R. H. McDokalb k Cos . Druggi*** R
Uen. AgouU, Sau IraocUco, CaJ. s and 34 Common:* N, Y«
| MILLIONS Bear Testimony to tholr
p Wonderful Curative Eflerts.
They are not s vile Fancy Driuk, Made of Poor
Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits and Refuse
Liquors doctored, spiced and sweetened to please ilia
taste,culled "Tonics," “Appetizers,” “Restorers, "Sic.,
that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and min,but are
a true Medicine.made from the Native Roots and Herbs
of California, free from nil Alcoholic Stimu
lants. They are the GHEAT BLOOD PI RI
a perfect Renovator and Invigorntor of the (System,
carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring thebluod
to a healthy condition. No jterson can take these Bit
ters according to directions and remain long unwell,
provided their bones are not de.troyed by mineral
poison or other means, and tlic vital organs wasted
beyond the point of repair.
They arc a Gentle Pnr*ntlve na well nan
Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting
as a powerful r.grnt in relieving Congestion or liillain
znation of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs.
old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at
the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have no equal.
For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheuma
tism and Gout, l)y«|t®iiiii or liuliceatiou,
Bilious, Remixwne and Fnterniliieat Fe
vers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kid
neys and Bladder, these Bittern have bean most
successful. Such Diaenaca are caused by Vitiated
Blood, which is generally produo and by derangement
of tho Digestive Organs.
ache,.Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the
Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach.
Bad Taste in tho. Mouth. Bilious Attacks. Palpitation of
the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain iu the re
gions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other patuful symp
toms, are the oflsprings of Dyspepsia.
They invigorate the Stomach ami stimulate the torpid
Liver and Bowels, which rouuer them of unequalled
efficacy in cleansing the blood of all imparities, and im
parting new life and vigor to the whole system.
FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions,Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car
buncles. Ring-Worms. Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipe
las. Itch. Scurf*. Discoloration* of the Skin. Humors and
Diseases of the Skju, of wnaterer name or nature, aie
literally dug up .and carried out of the system in a short
time by the use ot, these Bitters. One bottle in such
eases will convince- the most incredulous of their cura
tire effects.
Cleanse the Titrated' Blood wheneTer you find its im
purities bursting through the skin in Pimples,.Erup
tions or Sores ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed
and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul„
and your feelings will tell you when. Keop the blood
pure, and the health of the system will follow.
Pill, Tape, and other Wonun, lurking in the
system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed
and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist,
there is scarcely an individual upon the face of the
earth whose body is exempt front the presence of
worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the
body that worms exist, hut upon the diseased humors
and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of
disease. .No System of Medicine, no vermifuges, no
anthelmintics will freo the system from worms like
these Bitters.
J WALKER. Proprietor, ft. U. McDONALD * CO.,
Jlraggists and Can. Agents, San Francisco. California,
and 32 anti 34 Commerce Street, New York.
Sheriff Sales lor June, ’7l.
WILL bo sold, before the Courthouse door in
Cartersville. Bartow County, Ga., on the
first. Tuesday in June, 487 L. within the us
ual hours of saLe,t!ie following property„to-wit:
The property known as Bell wood Barov i Works
two miles from.Cartersville,. on Pettit’s Creek
containing one hundred and eighty acres,. iuor*»-
or less, with a good water, power,, and situated
in one of the best localities hi the county for a
custom mill. The lands are fine for cotton,,
grass or clover. This is not intended to include
the boilers, engine, or any of the machinery
used iu the Iron Works. The same pointed out
by defendants, auil levied on under an execu
tion in favor of Lewis-Tmnlin, vs. C. IV. Iluii
nicutt and others.
Also, at the same time and place, that pa«-t of
the house and thegxoun l occupied by the same,
known as the Stocks Livery Stable property
now occupied bv Mess. Claytons as a store
room, ami by T. J. -Bridges as an eating house
and confectionary, on Main street, in Carters
ville. This does not include the room occupied
by G. L. McDonald, but goes to the dividing
line in said building,,between said McDonald
and the property here levied upon, the lot, the
w idth of the stores alxvve described, in front,
and two hundred feet deep. Levied oa as the
property of John’G. Stocks to satisfy a li fa is
sued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of
James A- Casey, vs. said John G. Stocks,
Also, at the same time and place, lots of land'
Nos. 125,161, 124, 165, 166, lying in the 17th
district and third Section of Bartow Countv,,
containing two hundred acres of land, more or
less, levied on as the property of Otis 1.. Baily
Exocutorof F. C. Baily, deceased to sat isfy three
li fas issued from Bartow Superior Court, one
in favor of Jason T. Baily, one in favor of Sarah
E. Yarbrough, one in favor of Mrs. A. L. Nelson*
vs Otis L. Baily, Executor of F. C. Baily, dec’d.
Also, at the same time and place one settle
ment of land known as the Piles place, iu the
Seventh District and 3rd Section of Barton-
County. Levied on as the property of John
Underwood, Administrator of T. ('. Underwood,
deceased, to satisfy one fl fa issued from Bartow
Superior Court, in favor M. Me Murray vs. said
John Underwood, administrator ofT C Under
wood deceased.
Also at the same time and ]>laee, the jdanta
tion whereon Robert Speer now resoles, in the
17th district and 3rd section of Bartow
County. Levied on as-the property of the said
Itobert Speer, to satisfy one ti fa issued from
Bartow Superior Court', in favor of George J.
Dykes. Executor of Bennett Lawrence, uec'd,
vs. Robert Speer.
Also, at the same time and place, one Steam
Saw Mill and fixtures, in the Sixteenth District
and Third section of Bartow Conn tv. Levied on
as the property of J. M. Bishop & Cos., to satisfy
one ii ta issued from Bartow Superior Court iii
favor of .1. C. Milam, vs. J. M. Bishop ft Cos.
Also at the same time, lots of land Xos.
495 and 4%, in the 4th district and 3d section,
of Bartow county, containing 75 acres, more
or less. Levied on as the property of William
Wise, to satisfy two Justice Court 11 fas, issued
from the Justice Court of the 8-«nd district,
g. in., of said county, in favor of Mrs. M. A.
Blacker, vs said William Wise, for the purchase
money. _ Levy irmle and returned so me by Mil
ler Collins, Constable of said district.
Also at the same time and place, the house
and lot in the town of Carters ville, \>h reon John
J. Jones lives, levied on as the property of John
J. Jones, to satisfy a Justice Court fi la issued
from the Justice Court, of the 822nd district,
G. 31., Bartow County, in favor of Aunspaugh
ft Maxwell, vs said Johi\,J. Jones, on foreclosure
of lien for work done on said house, lew made
and returned to me by Miller Collins, Constable
of said District.
may3. W. W. RICH I Sheriff.
Satterfield & Wolford,
o It <H/ E » I R S
A T the old stand, East aide of the rail
!m road, wlier.e w.e promise to. sell on as
good terms, and as low down in price, as
any grocery house in town, either by the
Wholesale or
Come and see us and test..our sincerity.
opr 12wly J C WOFFORD.
I will attend at the following p»aces and times
for the purpose of receiving tax returns fur 1 sik
to-wit: 1 w> ‘
«th District, May Ist, 18th, and 29th.
Adairsville, “ 2nd, 16th, »«d 30th.
Kingston, “ 3rd, 17th, and 31st.
I7lh District, li 4di, 18th, and Ist Jane
Cassville, “ ssh, 10th, and 2nd “
I Pine Log, “ 6:li, 20th, and 3rd «
Wolf Pen, “ Bth, 22m1, and stli “
Lower Stamp cr “ 9tn, 23rd, ami rttli “
Aliatoona, “ 10th, 2-itli, and 7th
Carters ville, “ IC, 12, 25, 26th,8th ft 9th “
All persons are requested to give in their
LtUiuU by Xiauoi>rs v Sections an«l Districts.
W. T. GORDON, T. li. 13. C.
Prophylactic Fi ui(J
i Emwily Mrthviuy f
fyiug, cloasing. removing had in .„
! of xioknes*; for burn*, sores. ~~
, for Erysipelas, rite uni at ism, and ah .i: .
nil ~ • ~ ■■ 43 «*
i cs; for rvtarrh. sore month, aore thro o ""
i ria; for cholic, diarrhvsst, cholera; a.
| ■ ■ li '■» i
SoHejd j„j.
»I>ols, unl-K-w, fruit »t.tin.<; t.fktv
iwlUi^milirjUnitfrnilbUi^jivfcf»^, ft , i
| meuded by ail who have u-c<l it—is L.i- , a |, t
:lllDvu -i ml Con nt rv M.-r-h 'ir'g,. | ,
j he ordered dirortjv of
i DAUIiV l’HOl’im.ATlt U),^
Dec. 6, w-ly. 161 Btu*et. N. y.
and V EOROff, Bavloiv CtMintv.—M liereas. niauv
\ T citizen*, of said comitv have petitioned th«
| Court of Ordinary of said count v. while -if t *
for county purposes, to open a public, 1c ,•;.
I in r from Mu- Dallas attd Rome mad. near Tim,.
VV. Brandon's gin house, to ( G. Barger’., so
as to connect with the road for which there i>
already an order to the >tilesln»re Depot, to-w it
f.e tving the Dallas and Rom** road at the cor
ner of the fence, near the lime sink. leaving it
i to the east, thence along tho fence, as per marks
j on the trees, until it intersects the line recently
j cut out. ar.d thence until it Intersects the new
road near O. G. Barger’s resnienee: and. wliere
j as. Commissioners to review the said r*>.i<l have
I been appointed, hv the Court, and said Con»-
j niissioners having ro|K»ff,vl favorahlv as to'he
j utility; of said road, and reotHiaurad HW op o--
i ing of the same; therefore; ass |>ves*ms cofteoeit—
I ed are notified to he amt i*|)i«‘sr, at inv office,
| on or before the of J tine next, and show
cause. »r any they cam whv said road should
not be opened auii ; e>tabiislU'd. and tiuitfe a pul>-
li. road.
Given under mv baud and official sigrMri»»re,-
this May 2ud, 187 J. A A. H«»W \Rl>;
• Ortlinary It. (..
Tobacco, Segam,
Rail-lvoad National Hotel'
Block, ATLa.NT.I, HA.
Agent (or tlic sale of Virginia aud North
Carolina Tobaccos. may tt-wlj
For SttJlc.
rWILL SETVS..AT ITRUf .*n th«,
first I’uesday in Juue, lhtt,. before the courts
house door iu t al tersville., Ra.rv>w co.. Ga., i
lollowing land, to-wit :: Lot I.ajad, N«.J
in the stfl District and 3rd Section*of snkA.connr
ty. containing One Hnmlred and Fortv-Five
acres, more or less. The said lot is WELL.
TIMBERED, and lies about two miles from,
Cassville, joining the lands of Mr. John Mnith.
and the Mum ford farm. J, ROGERS,
may 2, lsHl-swtd
Are Daily Eeceiving and Opening One of the Finest & Largest Stocks of the Most Choice, Select and Fashionable
Ever before exhibited In the MARKET, and ‘-Want to Sell Them.”
low’ll your time and liere’w your plaee to buy a heap of fine for little money.—
Come, one and all, and see for yourselves. SATTERFIELD, PYRON & GO., CARTERSVILLE.
Successors to Geo. SHARP, Jn. f
Wholesale And Retail Jewelers.
We Keep a Large and Vaided Assortment of
mm mm w m,
We Mapnf.-nduac Tea. Sets, Pork?. Spoons
Goblets, Cups, Knivps, etc
ilfrcmiums Ufor Fairs.
Wc are prepared to fill aihy cuetior for Fairs at.
short nptice; also to give, any ijjfonmtlion ia
to J'rqmimn*.
Orders by mail or in pe>ason. will receive
prompt and careful antootkm. We a* k a com
parison of,Stock,.Bravos and Workmanship with
any house in line State.
Watches, aid Jewelry carefully Repaired
and Warranted. Masonic. B,tdgcq ami: Sunday
School Badges made to order.
Jfav- All Work Guaranteed.
May 23, swly. _________
Job Work done at this office. cannot
be excelled this side of l’ekiu, China; we
want, to do a heap ol it, too, ami will do it,
and do it cheap.