The Cartersville semi-weekly express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1871, June 27, 1871, Image 2

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ygE Saa-WEF.irT.Y EXPRESS. ’ A! 1 11 Aitiu.s and SAM’L H. SMITIh . _ AND PHOPKIFTfIRH. CARTkrsVILLK.GA., JUNE 27 * , 871 Subscription Club Rates. " or, * cr place tU« Skmi- Wkkki.y Cartkm ii i,r hxraiaj.s ill every family in tlie n n*!ty of B:i rtmv .11 id ailj.HM-nt counties, we will n, l it one year to any adJress (or TWO DOL PAIIS flgv- fSTITfCYLY IX A T>VA XCE.'.jpft *ld subscribei> can avail themselves ol'our new ' rnis by paying tip arrearages. TO AGENTS: A:, y n >an who will send :i' Five Names of new and Ten Dom. aus, will be entitled to one copy of the Skmi- Weeket Kxj’Rkss, one year gratis, juiJ for every additional five, an extra copy of the s:nno or an ARKlCt'i.Tl'RAt. MoNTyu.v. one year. Kkmemkkk that you got two copie-, of t.b(‘ paper every week. Tire Tribune announces that the recent lettcnn (of Horace Greely) from Texas and the South-West, with his speech on his return to New York, will soon be issued in pamphlet edition and will be sold at 25 cents per copy.--* The “instincts of the animal,” show themselves in this little speculation in Hearth of the needful. Barton in his biography of the philospher of the Tri bune, says that when a boy, while other boys fished for sport, Horace “Juskad for jbh,” and now while with one eye on Grant and the White House, he would not refuse a nomination fir the Presidency, no not he, with the other ho looks to the main chance all the while, and in the little affair of ‘25 cts. pur copy, first esme first served,’ the old fever o f his hopeful youth dis plays itself as of yore, and st ill he ‘fish es for the fish.’ Wo suppose it will sell, for who so gullible as the sensa tional crew for whom he writes and speaks. Torn O’Connor and a friend were sleeping in the hotel at Dalton, when a thief stole two hundred and fifty dollars. O’Connor walked down into the saloon of the hotel and look ed around awhile and filially walked up to a skooter standing by the bar and collaring him, says: “You are the mat that stolo my money. Give it up,” and the man sure enough pulled it out and paid it over. Rev C. A. Evans. —The La Grange Reporter says: Wo had the pleasure of an introduc tion to this gentleman the present week. He was a brave Brigadier in the Confederate service and won dis tinction as a military man. He is now the Pastor of Trinity M. E. Church in Atlanta, and is very popular with his people and his denomination, and eve rybody generally who appreciate the Christian gentleman. The Kingston East Tennessee an states that rich mineral deposits have been discovered in Laurel Yalley, on the proposed route of the Central Pacific Railroad, consisting of silver, copper, zinc, iron and coal, with indi cations of petroleum. The location of these discoveries is in a valley between Obed river and Dodge creek, on the Alleghany range of the Cumberland Mountains. fl^ 1 The wheat crop in the Valley of Virginia is tho best that has been harvested for several years. Hkif* Lieutenant-General Jubal A. Early will deliver an address before an association known as the “Confederate Survivors,” at Columbia, South Caroli na, in November next. Athens has a bust of the lament ed Bishop Elliott. Immense deposits of coal have been discovered in Alaska. Mrs. Mary Potter died iu Ox ford last week, aged sixty-five. St. Louis is to have a grand union depot. It will cost 51.500.000. A thousand people per day, on an average, cross tho Missouri river be tween Omaha and St. Joseph, seeking homos. Experiments iu the army tmke ry at Washington have shown that 802 one pound loaves of bread can be made ficm one barrel of flour The steam power employed in the Dinted States does the labor of 130.000 000 men; while that of Great Britain is equivalent to 100.000.000. fNif ' A son of Napoleon the Great aud-of Georges, the well-known gets $96 a year as an attache of the National Library in Paris, vlhle the natural son of Bcruadotte, King of Sweden, plays the big fiddle at La Seala, Milam FIIOM VERMONT. Burlington, June 17.—The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Matrons, by a unanimous vote, resumed allegiance to the General Grand Chapter of the Uui ted States, from which they seceded in 1860. Call at N. Gilreatii & Son’s ami buy yuur T ruit J&rnaud Jelly Guns. They liavc Xlason’s improved patent, 3t. Editori((l Misrel!if ny. The author of “Swiss Family Robin son,” the famous book of adventures, so popular with youths, ia dead. Judge Hopkins has refused the mo tion for anew trial in the case of Har rison Westmoieland. The case will bo taken to the Supreme Court. Over five hundred houses have been erected-in Atlanta since March last The Grand Jury of Fulton Superior Court yesterday indicted by special presentment, Foster Blodgett and Var ney A. Gaskill for larceny after a trust of some $8,500 of the funds of the State Road. It is the opinion of scientific men wbo have examined the subject, that the disastrous effect of the floods in the lower Mississippi cannot be guarded against by tho building of more or stronger levees, half so easily as it can by a depletion of the river near its mouth. This can be accomplished by cutting new channels that will give free discharge and a more rapid How, and a movement has been inaugurated to effect such improvements.— Sac. News. The negro cadet (Smith,) at West Point, found guilty of lying and ungen tlemanly conduct, was sentenced to be dismissed, but an order from the War Department, after approving the find ings and sentence, commutes the pun ishment to one year’s suspension. In i jraier times a convicted liar would not have been suffered at West Point, but now it seems ihut even morality and truth must give place to the policy of the Government. Alas! for such poli cy- I heard a hard-shell (Baptist) say of Baptism, that the minister of their church, if called upon, would not bap tize a man who had voted for Grant; that such a vote is not destined to be saved.— Cor. At. San. Governor Scott has returned to Co lumbia, and brings, the gratifying in telligence, that arrangements have been perfected iu New Yolk, f r pushing rapidly forward the work on tho Blue Ridge Railroad. The Baptist believe iu a floating if not in an itinerant ministry. A ware-house firm in this city receiv ed a letter from a planter opening thus graphically: ‘ Gentlemen: when Cir.cin natus abandoned his plow in the field, it was not, sirs, from motives of patri otism, but, I golly, he was running from the glass. —Macon Telegraph. Hon. Nelson Tift, of Albany, has traveled extensively over South-West ern Georgia, and expresses the opinion, that over half a crop of cotton in that region is wholy improbable. Noyes has been nominated by the Republicans of Ohio as candidate for Governor. flaT* The Book Committee o f the Book Concern of the Methodist Epis copal Church North finally suspended, Mr. Lanahau by a vote of eleven to four. Josh Billings says, “I has alwais no tised that when newspapers and thea tres is porest, they make the biggest fuss about their circulashun and pat ronige. A theatre that is well patrol led don’t need to say it has full hous es, and everybody sees whether a newspaper is took promiscuss or not. Dr. Jesse Boring, we understand will leavo Atlanta and make Thomas ville his future residence. Judge Itecse, appeared recently be foro the board of trade in Augusta Georgia, in advocacy of tho Madison & Griffin Railroad. After the speech, the subject matter was taken into con sideration and discussed, when a motion was passed and unanimously carried, to appoint a committee to canvass tho city for subscriptions, and to call on the Georgia Railroad to assist in the en terprise. The Atlanta Constitution says up to date $400,000 have been paid by the State Treasury for debts of the State Road. Tho funeral of Vallandingham was most imposing. Tho procession was two miles long and composed of per sons of all parties and professions.— Business was suspended during the past ago of tho college in the county and city. Many private buildings were draped in mourning. Many dis tinguished geutli men from all parts of the Union were present. A tcirific tornado has swept South ern Kansas, Eldorada was nearly de stroyed. Commodore M. F. Maury has been elected Ihcsident of the University of Alabama, aud will accept. Philadelphia, Juno 22d.—A fire caused by the explosion of the city gas woiks, setting fire to the Atlan tic coal oil works, is now burning i terribly. It is said that 150,000 bar rels of oil are on the premises all of which will be lost. La Grange* has made an appropria tion of $25,000 in aid of tbe construc tion of tbe North and South Railroad from eolumbus to Rome, Georgia. JoMh Kilims* on Courtship. Cotirtin ia a luxury; it ia the pla spell of the solo. The man who has nev- j jer courted has lived in vane. Ho lias j j been a blind man among laud scapes, j ;ho has been a deff man in the land of i hand-or gans and by the side of rnur ; murin canals. Courtiu is like two little I springs of water that start out from ! under a rock at the foot of a mountain ami runs down hill side, singing, dau ein" and spatenn each other, eddyin anti frothiu, and kftskadin, and hidden 1 under the bank, now full of shudder, j bimby they jine and then go slow. 1 |am in favor of long courtiu; it gives | the parties a chance bo find out each other’s i rump cards. It is good oxercise, and is just an innocent as live marina lambs. * * * * Perilaps it is best I should state some good advice to the young men who are about to court with a view to matrimo ny as it was. Wn the first place, young men you ought to get your system all right; then find a young woman who is willin to be courted on the square. The next thing is to find out how old she is, which you can do by asking her, and she will sa she is 1 j years, and this you will find will not be far out of the wa The next is to begin moderate, sa once every nite in the week for tne fust six months, increasiu the dose as the pa silent seems to require. It is a fust rate way to court the girl’s mother a little on the start, for there is one thing a woman never de spises, and that is a little good courtiu if it is done on the square. After the fust year you will begin to like the business. There is one thing I always advise, that is to not swap photographs often - er than wunst every 6 claze, unless you forget how the gal looks. .Ockasionally you want to look sor row and draw in your wind as tho you had a pain; this will set the gal to tee zin you to find out what ails you. Even meetins are a good thing to tend. It will keep j our religion in tune, and if your gal happens to be there by accident, she can ask you to go home with her. Asa gonoral thing I wouldn’t brag on other girls much when I was court iu. It might look as though you knu tew much. If you court three weeks in this wa, all tUe time on the square, if you don’t sa it is the sleekest time ot your life you can go to the cheap store and get measured lor a plug hat at my j expense and pay for it. T3io Revenge of Outraged Na ture. Yicc-Presidcnt Culfax was seized with vertigo on Monday iu tho Senate Chamber, owing, as it is said, to the heat and bad air of the loom. But as none of the other occupants of the same room were similarly affected, the cause of his sickness must also be attributed iu great measure to the pre vious condition of his health. Had he not been already prepared for the se.zuiv, the circumstances in which he was placed would not have occasioned it, Mr. Colfax, though strictly absti nent from alcoholic drinks, has long been a great drinker of tea and coffee, uLd an excessive smoker of tobacco.— The morning of the day on which Le was prostrated he had smoked five or six strong cigars on an almost empty stomach, and iiad been incessantly bu sy writing letters. Tho treacherous ally on winch he had hitherto relied to supply a- physical energy which had been denied him, gave way at last, anil outraged nature took her revenge.— Mr. Colfax falling from his chair is an awful warning* against the the exces sive me of narcotics as a drunk >rd with the delirium tremens is against the excessive use of alcohol. - It is to be hoped that the press and the pulpit, and every one who has the nsporioibiiry resting upon him of di recting the opinions or conduct of others, will not fail to perceive and insist upon the lesson which Mr. Col fax’s unhappy case teaches. There is plenty of denunciation of drunken ness, but against the abuse of narcot ics far too little is said. Let our youth, especially, who think it so fine to smoke big cigars and toss off' their cups of strong coffee, consider what they are preparing for themselves, and learn that it is tiieir duty to be tem perate in all tliir gs, and not in the use of alcoholic drinks aloue. Let, too, the preachers of total abstinence from alcohol learn that the objects of their reprobation are not the only ones who deserve it, and give heed to tho fact teat the first remedy administered to Mr. Colfax was a glass of brandy. flair Wo clip tho following from the Greenville Sentinel: “A highly respectable citizen of this county, possessed of some broad, rich acres, sent a daughter of his to College in a neighboring county where a young chap whom we will call Mr. A, made the acquaintance of this young lady, whom we will call Miss 8., and for her or something in the prospect ive, formed an attachment. A few dnys since Miss B. returned to her home, and soon thereafter Mr. A. made a call, was received’and entertained by Miss 13. for some time, when the young lady being called away from the* pres ence of Mr. A a moment, an old person dad in the soiled garb of a laborer stepped upon the verandah, and took a seat by the young man. Air. A. tak ing him to be a hired laborer, said: “Tiiis old gentleman here has an inter esting daughter V” interesting, sir,” was tho response. “He has a good deal of she spin dultz, hasn’t he? 1 ” “Right smalt of it,” answered the old man. “Miss 13. will get a pretty good slice, won’t she 2” “1 expect she will/’ was tho reply. “How fnany children has the old genthman,” continued the young mercenary, but before tho ques tion was answered Miss 13. returned, and said, “Mr. A., my father!” It just i> qui re*] five seconds for Mr. A to get his hat. The Extiib tion of the Carters-! ville Male and Female High School' will be had at -he Town Hall, on M ednesckiy and Thursday nights next.! and all who attend may expect a rare i tieat. All thoso who have attended 1 entertainments of this kind in tho I past, gotten up and presided over bv j Mi. Johnson and his excellent Uuly. assisted by their pupils, can form some conception of w hat it 'will be, and, moreover, will not fail to attend. Me.vaa Goodwin & Collins, we understand, have sold their Grocery and Bar to Mr. George Briaut. George is no sardine;' he owns a con siderable portion >A Cartersvillo now, and is still spreading himself; he owns a whole square cn Tennessee Street and has erected thereon, throe or four neat, nice, comfortable dwellings. He is one of the go-a-head kind, who. when he undertakes a thing, never lags or halts until it is accomplished. He attends to nobody’s business ex cept George Briant’s, but does that well. Go it, George, we are bettin’ on you, and glad to see and know you are prospering. ~«e>— Satterfield, Pvron & Co’s, is the place to buy good goods, fine goods, and fashionable goods, real cheap. BQ*„Jf you want the beat Sewing Machine ever manufactured—the father of them all call at Messrs. Satterfield, Pyron & Co.’- Store and buy one ot Singer’s uuapproach* able, unrivalled, model machines. See new advertisements in this pa per. Just Rceived.—Tom Bridges has just received a large supply of the best Bottled Ale ever brought to this town and sells it cheap. Don’t fail to buy a bottle. It. If you want a glass of Porter, Tom Bridges’ Restaurant is the place to get it. It is an innocent drink, and powerful good. It.. Just received at Satterfield, Py ron & Co’s., Full Line Ladies’ Dress Trimmings, Laces, Edgings, Inserting, Fringes, Ribbons, &c. Lino Lawns, Percales, Swiss and Nainsook Muslin, Bishop and Victoria Lawns, which they are offering at Extremely Low Figures. Read the advertisement of the Carters ville Female High School, which will open in the Academy, on Wednesday, June the 28th. Good news for Cartersviile, mothers rejoice and daughters be glad! JY&w Advertiserlents. DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE NEAR CARTERSVILLE GEORGIA. 1 OFFER for sale My Place, Situated one mile from the depot, on the Douthitts Ferry road, containing- about NINE ACRES. Situation beautiful, comfortable NEW HOUSE with three rooms and good OUT HOUSES; Well of excellent freestone water; nice youmr ORCHARD AND VINEYARD. For a bargain apply immediately to Captain M. L. Pritchett, or J. W. PRITCHETT, c.trtersville, june2stn, ’7l-sw 2w. CxVRTERSVILLE FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL. <;a. ASSOCIATE PRINCIPALS: Miss. A. C. SAFFORD, Miss. C. MOON. HOARD OF TRUSTEES : J. R. PARROTT, ABDA JOHNSON, W. 11. GILBERT, P. L. MOON, JNO. W. WOFFORD. THIS INSTITUTION WILL OPEN ON WEDNESDAY JUIVI3 2§tli. mHE Trustees and Principals design toor l. ganize it. on a plan which will insure a thorough and comprehensive training in the elementary studies and in the highest branches, and will not overlook the cultivation of the physical and moral powers—thus preparing its pupils to take their places in society as true, intelligent, earnest women. The Principals have had an experience of some years in their profession, are fully endorsed by many former patrons, and will devote their whole time and energy to the interests of the school. GOVERNMENT: This will enforce habits of obedience, order and lady-like deportment in the manner deemed best to promote the happiness and improvement of those under its influence. COURSE OF STUDY, The whole course will embrace three depart ments—the Primary, Intermediate, and ad vanced. Special Attention will be paid to the first mentioned departments thorough grounding in the rudimentary and common brandies being essential to the satisfactory progress ot a scholar in the subsequent stage's of education. The Advanced course is designed to cover a range of study equivalent to that pursued in the best Female Colleges. It will comprehend four Departments, viz: Geography and History, Mathematics and Natural Science, Language, Literature, and Composition, Men tal and Moral Science. Pupils may enter any class in these departments for which they are properly qualified. Exercises in Spelling, Reading, Penmanship and Composition in quired throughout the course. Instruction in Ancient and Modem Lan guages given to those who desire it. There will be a weekly Bible lesson in Old and-New lestament History, but with no intention to exert a sectarian influence. Monthly reports of standing in classes and de portment will he sent to parents. apparatus. A small but carefully chosen set of Philoso phical and Chemical Apparatus, to which the l rmcipals hope to make gradual additions, will housed iu illustrating the respective sciences. A lull series ofobjeeis,—Botanical, Physiolog ical, &c., also furnished. TERMS PER MONTH. PaYABLL IN ADVANCE. PRIM ARY DKl* ARTMHNT $2 10 IN PER MEDIATE DEPARTMENT.... 3 00 A1) VA N CEi) COU USE 300 Latin and Greek taught w ithout extra charge Modern Languages at customary rates. If nec essary, arrangements will be made to provide instruction in Instrumental and Vocal Music, also ui Drawing ami Painting, at teachers’ prices. No-deduction made except for protrae ted illness. Tuition free Os charge to the daughters of ministers of all denominations. HOARDING. Persons wishing to send from abroad can ob tain board in good, families at $15,00 per month. 1 rivate board affords the advantages of home Inc and avoids the objectionable features of a large hoarding school. All needed card and at tention wtH- be extended to any pupils from a distance. 1 tut healthy anti accessible location of Car ters ville*. oilers a special inducement to parents in search <>l a school. Inquiries addressed to ei ther ot (lie Principals will receive prompt at tention. , June. 23d fB7l-s. w. ts. CUM ill I iV (i HIGH SCHOOL. O “Xihil sine Labotr , sod Lmbor omnia vincent.' O •T. I'. VINCENT, Principal, an.l Prefisssor of Makteematics, Greek ami German. Ukv. ,j. L. Ml LISTEN, a. M.‘ Professor of Latin, Natural, Mental and Moral Science. K. W. BALLEXGER Director in 1 run ary Deparfinent. < . 1). VINCENT, ’ Assistant in Primary Department. MISS SAI.I.IK TRIPP Director in Music Department. MISS M. U. BELL ' .... Assistant in Music Department. MISS LOU. UPSHAW, ’. ..!.”.! Teacher of Embroidery, Painting and Drawing. O EXPENSES: Tuition in Ltterary Department, .... fI.SO to $4.00 per month. do. Music Department, - 4.00 do. Embroidery', Ac .* S.W do. Board, (with private families,) - EDO <U>. Next Session opens (June) 19tli instant. For further particulars address the Principal, Gumming, Ga. June 12, ISTI-swiw M.HHMHIH. To be Gin Amy! ‘ ' THE SOUTH CAROLfNA A3TI> IM9IIOBATION ASSOCIATION auspices of the “South Carolina State Agricultural and Mechanical Society,” M ill give ?»r? v CONCERTS, at the Academy of Music, Charleston, S. C„ commencing October Ist, lbtl, for the purpose of raising a fund to enabler emigrants to settle upon lands set noted by the Association for homes of Northern and European farmers and others, in the State of South Caro lina, and for their transportation thither and support for the first year. REFERENCES IN SOI Til CAROLINA.—GeneraI Wade Hampton, lion. B. F. Perry, Governor M. L. Bonham, General Johnson Ilaygood, Hon. Armistcad Burt, lion. -Tames Cltesnut, General John S. Preston, lion. W. D, Simpson, Andrew Simonds, Esq., lion. G. A. Trcnholm, Governor J. L. Manning, lion. J. I*. Campbell. $500,000 to be awarded to the Ticket Holders of the Series of Concerts to commence on the First of October, 1871, at the Academy of Music, Charleston, S. C., on which day the Drawing commen ce*. 150,000 Season Tickets of Admission, and no more, at $5 each. All Orders for Tickets directed to us or our Agents Strictly Confidential. All the premiums, including Deed and Certificate of Title to Academy of Music, will be deposit ed with the Nationel Bank of the Republic, New York. §500,000 iin Gr ifts. Ist Gift, Academy of Music, Charleston, S. C„ cost to build $230,000, having an annual rental of about $20,000 from Opera House, Stoves and Halls; the building being about 200 feet by 60 and situated corner of King and Market streets, in the centre of tile city, and well known to be the finest building and most valuable property in Charleston; valued at 250,000 Gift—Cash iqo',ooo 25. Gifts—Cash each 11,000 *’ *25000 25. Gifts—Cash each 500 12 500 000 Gifts—Cash..., .. each 25 .... . . 12 500 1250 Gifts—Cash each 10 .... .... .... .7.7 2,404 Gifts, amount to qqq BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY & CO., AGENTS SOUTH CAROLINA LAND AND IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION. General M. C, Butler, \ Jolm Chadwick, Esr*, > Charleston, S. C. General M. W. Gary, > COMMISSIONERS AND SUPERVISORS OF DRAWING: General A. R. Wright,-of Georgia. * Colonel B. 11. Rutledge, of South Carolina. General Bradley X. Johnson, ot Virginia. lion. Roger A. Pryor, of New York June stli, 1371-swlm J. & S. BONES & CO., IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN IRON lID STNMi, Harflware, CKllorr, Guns, ROME, CA. Besides having DECIDEDLY the LARGEST STOCK of IIAROWAKE, In all its l>e3>artnieiits 9 in the UJicro kee country. we are the Exclnshc Agents for the sale of Celebrated Portable, Stationary, AND Plantation Engines. PORTABLE CIRCILA ii SAW AND GRIST RILLS, AID MILL MACHIIERY OF ALL KUDS. Persous intending to erect Mills of any kind, would do well to consult with us, And eaii he furnished at Strictly Manufacturers Frices. Bcandy's Portable Steam Engines and Saw-Mills have taken the First Premiums at The United States Fair, The Ohio State Fair at Cincinnati, The Ohio State Fair at Dayton, The Ohia State Fair at Zanesville, The Ohio State Fair at Sandusky, The Indiana State Fair at Indianapolis, The Missouri State Fair at St. Louis, The Tennessee State Fair at Nashville, The Goergia State Fair at Macon, The Arkansas State Fair at Little Rock, The Agricultural Fair Association Ga. & Ala. Rome’Ga. The Kentucky North Western Agricultural Society. The Great Industrial Exposition at Cincinnati, And many other Fairs of less consequence, and never failed to heat all competitors, in any contest in which they were ever entered. We give a full square guarantee upon all the Machinery sold by us. Send for Catalogue ar and Price List. March 31, IS7I. J. & S. RONES & CO. To All Whom It may Concern. (GEORGIA, BAKTOW COUNTY.—James 1 M. Jackson, having in proper form ap plied to me, for permanent letters of adminis tration on the estate pf Willi ant Jackson late of said county, this is (o cite all and singular the creditors and next ol kin of William Jackson, to he and appear at my office within the time al lowed by law, ami show cause if any they can why permanent administration should not be granted to James M. Jackson, on William Jack son's estate. Witness my hand and official signature. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. J une lfith 1871. ATLANTA SACK FACTORY. WE arc prepared,, at all seasons, to fill or ders lur Ornin and Flour Sucks, of any size, quality, or quantity at oiir factory in At lanta, tia. W. A. MITCH EEL & CO sept»*26, lgTfr.wly 'RfQ-c Just received at Sattefiekl, Pyron & Co’s, a large and beautiful assort ment of gentlemen an ladies shoes, boots, slippers &c. juue 20 th-ts. Ladies’ low-heel Busliim slip-' pers, tin* prettiest in town, at Satter field Pyron & Co’s, une 20th, -ts. Ladies, don’t forget there is .* nice lot of Handkerchief Extracts. .Colognes, Toilet Powders, Combs, Brushes, Ac., at the New Diug Store. May Otli-tf. F. M. Richardson, Dealer in Stoves, CU’ates, House - Furnishing Goods, TO WARE, At ~ Turner Whitehall and Hunter Streets, Atlanta, tiia. juu- 1, 187 1 wly NE\v a IJVE rAISEM EX Tg R. J.BIYBRS DEALER in real ESTATE* fr.vkliv, pa. TE » I>uj*s and sells inum»vp.i <.■» Un.u ~ UElici LAN'x'is —j CAROLING 0111 * **| IS GOOD FOR Hurtisand Seeilds Chilblains, ' nP “?*!*'*' Sprains a¥,d Hndses Pil ** I Chapped Hands, ' VCf-JP**' ; Fleet A Wound* FhtZl j Frost Hites, ’ * ' Xi ! n vc, External Poisons. < ”, / 4 ' ir " h V. Sand Crack-*, Strinnh^nV”™*- rgmy AU A.XS kid" 14 - Animals Insects, Pan phi Toothache, dc., etc., Lu, <- Duck . I.»rgeSl«., *1.00; Mril„ w . so.!' Twenty-Five Ceuts. The Gargling Oil bus been in nso ~ r ment for thirty-eight years. vil 1“ a , Lini fair trial, but be sure and follow diw*ti!L ls Ask your nearest druggist or dealer i,, 7 . ent medicines, lor one of <ntr \ i,,!. bat- Vade Mecums, and read what the A UKU 7 u ” 1 about the Oil. e P*opU say The Gargling Oi4 is for sale bv all ble dealers throughout the Unite,; other countries. * ***** and Our testimonial* date from 1883 to tt>» ent, and are unsolicited. Use the }nT '- . and tell your neighbors what tron.l ‘L’\ J '‘ ‘L We deal fair ami liberal witWl contradiction. Write for an Almanac '! cfv Hook. c or 1 0< jk, Manufactured at Loekport, N v —BY— ** f MERCHAT’S GARGLING OIL COMPANY JOII\ HOI)CE,Sc*f FRAGRANT SAPOUENE Cleans Kid Gloves and all kinds of Cloths »» > Clothing: removes Paint, Grease, Tar r l stoutly, without the least inmry fabric. Sold by Druggists and Fancy < Dealers. FRAGJBAKX SAPOUENE' co « Barclay St. New York, 46, La Salic St., Uliie'Lgv. CHEAP ADVERTISING-We an advertisement in Eight Hundred \,7 rican Newspapers for-. Six Dollars per n n l per week. One line one week will cost Six and, i lavs. Two lines will cost Twelve Dollars m t Ten lines will cost Sixty Dollars. Send'lor » Printed List. Address GfcO. P. ROW ELI ,t Advertising Agents, No, 41 I*ark Row, N. Y. ’’ Agents ! Read TMsl WE WILL PAY AGENTS A SAU\RY OF 830 PER WEEK and Expenses or allow a large commission to sell our new and wonderful inventions, Address M. WAGNfcR & CO., Marshal, Mich. O A T , )AY FOR ALL, with Stescil NPFtY Tools, Address E. A. Graham, Springfield, \ ermont. ijL X A month, horse and carriage fur nished. Expenses paid, Jl h Shaw, Alfred, Mo. A MILLION DOLLARS. Shrowed but quiet men can make a fortune hr revealing the secret of the luisiness to no one. Address GEO. WINSTEAD, 688 Broadway, New York. l ANNAMEE, m. D.. successfully curot • all classes of Chronic and Acute Disease*. Send stamp for circular containing partiulars and testimonials. Address Box 512d, New York. Mill CO.. ATLANTA, GEORGIA TO MERCHANTS. 500 C RATES of As- GRANITE ind Exactly suited to the wants of Country Merch ants, of our own Importation, packed to our own Order * IN EUROPE. Wc sell them for net cash for JiBO.OO Direct Importation OF TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery. Any New York bill of Cutlery. , Silver Plated Ware, and Croeltery, Duplicated. Save Freights, Breakage, and Delay, by buy ing from us. Manufacturer’s Agents for Glass-W are • The largest and cheapest stock of FIRST-CLASS in the South. SATE YOUR FRUIT. lor Price Lists. Mcßride & co. may 22-wly ATLANTA, GA (T KOBGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.—Four week* X afterdate application will be made to tne Court of Ordinary of said county, for lea™* 0 sell all the lands belonging to the estate of Wil liam 11. Edison, late of said county, deceases for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of sam deceased. This, April 3rd. 13H. THOS. 11. BOMAB, Adm’r de bonis non, cum testfimcnta anoto of said dscew 1 - _ <1 E< >IIGIA, BARTOW OOUNTF.—Notice i» X hereby given that Sixty days after o application will be ina«le to the Hon. o. ■ Howard, Ordinary of said County, lor leave sell the real estate belonging to the wards the undersigned, the minor children ol Felton, deceased. This Ist h day of May, VFn- LOUISA D. A. FELTON. Guardian, Hitiiling and Flowing. Asa A. Dobbs, having supplied himself with a mule and wagon, is prepared to Haul Flow for any on<3 wishing his services.