Newspaper Page Text
local TTipre. _ ;
Cftrtcrsrflle,Gft*» JuiwST) IS7I.
Igk Mrs. Harrison, of this place, we arc
informed by onr worthy town marshal, hm
calf seven or eight months obi, that, now j
about a quart of milk a day. Milking j
stock, that.
Our enterprising markctmnn, Mr. A. 0.
j ; Vandivere, is enlarging his borders and
el tcnding his field of nperatums by opening ;
I, new market house on the East side of the !
Kailroad, at the old stand of Jas. M. Lackey,
0 n the old Tompkin’s lot, for the conveni
ence of those of our citizens living on that j
side of town. He will also continue the one i
ft t his present stand on the West side of the
Kailroad, for the convenience of those liv
ing on this side of town, at both of which
stalls he will keep daily supplies of fresh
Messrs. J. T. Guthrie ami W. M. Wiklo
have sloughn off a piece of tho Arctic region
and located it at the Post Office, in this
burg, where you can go and pass through a
cooling off process which ia truly refresh
ing these hot days. They will keep con
stantly on hand a gushing fountain]of Ice
Soda Water, where you may slake your ra- j
ging thirst by quaffing tbe invigorating
beverage at tan cents a glass.
These gentlemen will please accept the
thanks of the editors of the Express for fa
vors conferred upon them. We aften hear
of editors expressing their warmest thanks
for like conferred favors, but this time it is
our good fortune to return our warmest
thanks for freezinq favors conferred.
The Grand Juvenile Concert of Mr- Kem
merer, assisted by liis large class of eighty
young singers, will give au entertainment
of Miscellaneous Music, in the Academy
Hall, on (Monday) to-night, June 26th.—-
Admission 25 cents. Come out! citizens of
Cartersville, and see what progress your
.eons and daughters have made in the pitas'-
ing art of vocal music.
We have often rea l and sung about the
land of “corn and wine,” and have as often
wished to visit it. We are now clambering
up tho hill from whose summit we expect
soon to enrapturingly scan it, that is if, in
the providence of Hod, the seasons continue.
The corn crop never looked finer, and black
berries were never more abundant.
The Marietta Free School, under the su
pervision of Kev. ,W. L. Mansfield, will give
a Concert and Exhibition, in Cartersville,
one night during this week, time and place
will be designated by handbills. They gave
au entertainment in Marietta, on Tuesday
night last, and tho citizens were so well
pleased with it, that they sent up a petition
to Mr. Mansfield, signed by twenty-throe of
the leading citizens of that place, asking
that it might bo repeated. The proceeds of
the entertainment aro to go to defray tho
expenses of the school. This is a home af
fair, gotten up by homo folks for the benefit
of the poor children of our people, who arc
seeking an education sufficient to read the
holy bible and the laws -of the land. It is
no itinerant concern gotten up to chouse
the people out of their money.
The finest field of upland cotton which we
have seen this season, is on the plantation
of Rev. r. G. Hawkins, bet ween Cassville
and Pine Log, on the old Fain place. It is
certainly entitled to a premium.
The Pine Log, Wolf-Pen, and Sixth Dis
tricts of this county, embrace a largo area
of fine meadow and clover lands, well
watered, and admirably adapted to the rais
ing of stock. These districts are traversed
by w oodland ridges and intervening valleys,
the latter watered by numerous bold springs
ami babbling brooks. The ridges afford
ample range for stock, while the vallies
bloom with clover and the grasses. This is
also a fine section for the growth of orch
ards and vineyards, and the culture of bees.
The nerthern portion of this county is be
ginning to assume many of the features of
West Virginia and East Tennessee, in the
cultivation of grain, clover, the grasses, and
the erection of barns, and introduction of,
fine brood stock and improved agricultural i
implements, while the southern portion is
being much exercised about manufacturing
and railroad enterprises, coupled with the
development of material resources; and it is
thus wc travel on. v
Wc are repeatedly asked if Bartow coun
ty is to have an agricultural fair this fall,
and if so why have no premiums, neither
general nor special, been offered to contend
ers for premiums ? We find a good many
of our citizens fixing up something for the
occasion, but, as nothing is said about the
Holding of a fair, they aro at a loss to de
termine whether it is necessary to make any
further preparation. The most of the coun
ties contemplating holding fairs, have pub
lished tlieir premium lists. We are unable
to say what our Executive Committee in
tend doing in the premises, but have been
under the impression that they expected to
bring oft’ the fair in October next. We
would remind them of the importance of a
movement, of some sort, in that direction at
an early day. Owing to the dissatisfaction
existing among some of our citizens about
the tournament, which they are pleased to
call horse racing, we respectfully recom
mend that no purses be offered or allowed
for anything, and that nothing but premi
ums and diplomas be awarded, so as we may
have a fair, of such a strictly moral caste,
as will not prove repugnant to the most
Tobacco is a great weed, according to our
estimation, although those who don’t use it
Dink otherwise. It is certainly agrcatlux
lll7, to say the least of it. Chewing and
Smoking good tobacco, such as is sold by
Jcurdan, Howard & Harralsgn, the largest
holesale tobneoo dealers in the South, At-
Ga., ig a great solace to the troubled
-“Rid, and a great companion around the
' ciy hearthstone or on a wearisome jour-
L L is food for the hungry, and water
• the thirsty, and far better than '“sper
fits.” *
plcndid new Wilcox & Gibb’s Sewing
ac ine lor sale. Apply at this office.
A nice new cottage residence with nine!
acres of lend, good will of water, young or- |
chard and viuy-ttrd, in the suburbs of Car-j
tcrsville, on tint Domhitts ferry road, is of- 1
sored for rale, in which will be sold a bar
gain, by applying to J. W. Pritchett. See
I < > W \ A T l I : u s!
J.T.Gibson, Local Edit or.
tSjT It. W. Murphy is our authorized Agent
and Collector. To receive and receipt for Sub
scription to the Kxpre#ji, and to collect Claims.
agSMtcv. IV". E. Is our authorized
local and traveling Agent, to receive uad re
ceipt for subscriptions to the Express.
***»-, "Weather sultry. Soda Water
in demand. Paper collars not water
proof, melt like snow before tho rays
of tbe snn. Business dull, and mer
chants look morose and cross. Clerks
living in clover. Local items, not
any. Fat gentlemen use their fans
with a rush, and sigh for a slight
shower to cool off things. Dogs 101 l
out their tongues, and growl ferocious
ly at every passer-by. Blackberries
on the market. Colored troops real
ize what it is to be free by lounging in
the shade, with nothing to disturb
their repose, save the myriads of flies
which around them do swarm, where
upon the troop is heard to whisper,
‘ Shoo, Fly, don’t bodder me.” ‘'Boys
of the Period,” perambulate the streets
with a self-important air, and the
“Jaybird” percheth himself “on a hick
ory limb.” Thus endetli the chapter.
jfcar I "’armors of this county are
availing themselves of the dry weather
which we have been having for several
days past, to kill grass, and they have
succeeded admirably.
While Ben Lattimer, colored,
was standing in the Grocery store of
Mr. A. 11. Hudgins, Saturday last, as
ho said, “discoursing Dr. Leland on
a subject which was of considerabel
intrust to dis wholo immunity,’ some
of the boys desirous of having a little
fun, filled his pockets with coffee, lem
ons, oranges, &c. After had got
ten through with the Doctor, liis at
tention was called to his pockets, and
he was advised to run, which he indig
nantly refused to do. He said “I’m
not gwine to run; dey trieel to elevas
ticate my character; but I wouldn't
run.” He spoke for about an hour
and such speaking, we never heard
before, anel wound up his remarks by
positively affirming that “if ever I
finds out who put dem things in my
pockets, I’ll prosecute ’em lov trigonom
etry” anel Ben never prevaricates.
Rev. Dr. W. \V. Leak, preach
ed a most excellent and feeling ser
mon at the Methodist Church in this
place, on Sunday last.
Wanted—A local editor who
can manufacture items—write about a
thing as well where it aint as where it
is—puff everything and everybody—
write solemn and funny, too —be in
seven or eight different places at the
same time—wo can’t do it—we are too
little and shame-faced —in fact, we
aro “out of soap”—we’ve said every
thing we can think of already, and it
won’t make more than half a column
—won’t somebody take pity on im
anel get married, run a mule race, or
get up a sensation of some kind to
help us in tins, our most dire extremi
ty ?—we wait in almost breathless
anxiety to ascertain.
l-iiT Tom Bridges has just received
another fresh lot of bottled Ale, and
to say that it is good don’t express it.
Go and try it. He also has a varied
assortment of Confectioneries on hand,
and sells them cheap.
B&jT Billy Edwards’ Gear Shop is
turning out new, good harness .every
day, and tho beauty of it is, ho soils
Attention is directed to the
advertisement of Col. J. W. Prichett,
which will be found in another column
of this paper, in which he offers liis
placo for sale. A bargain can be ob
tained by early application.
thero any probability of tho
Town Hall falling down ? We have
been informed that it is liable to fall
at any time, and we ask for informa
ftST Useless Undertaking.—To at
tempt to choke a dog by feeding him
on buttermilk —we’ve seen that experi
ment tried on two-legged dogs, and
it proved very unsuccessful.
fiST Quite a number of gentleman
procured a two-horse wagon and seine
and proceeded to a magic pond on
Col. Tumlin’s .plantation, on Fridax
last, to gobble up a wagon load of
fish in a very short time. But alas!
Fate was against them, and they, re
turned very much disappointed and
chagrined, minus tho fish.
Xcuso this article. Our Jeff'
requested that we write a local, Com
mencing the first sentence with an
“X, and as Jeff is a “bully boy,” hail
ing from the “State” ol Gilmer, we
could t find it in oue heart to refuse
Globe Flower Cough- Syrup cures Asthma
There is an old negro ‘ woman
Residing near this town who has given
biith to twenty-: tun children, the
youngest one being about two months
old. “How high isb dat.”
B@ r "M:s. Sharpe has removed her
Millineiy shop from the room former
ly occupied by limy over M< ssrs. Stoko
ly A Williams’ store, to the building
recently occupied by Mrs. Crandall.
EgL, Wagon after w agon loaded with
lumber passes cm Office door, and be
fore it fairly bits the ground it is grab,
bed up by the woikmcn and Lh fore
you are fully aware of it, anew house
is being put up in some portion of
town, and that’s what goes with tho
lumber. We like to see it disappear,
especially when it goes that way.
Wo understand that four or
five surveyors arrived in town yester
day, enrouto for Van Wert, their ob
ject being to survey the Cartersville A
Van Wert, alia* the Cherokee Railroad
from that poiut (Van Wert,) to the
Alabama liue. Another move in the
right direction.
New Spring ami Summer Goods, by the
thousands, for sale, at S. & M. LiebmanV
50,000 busljels New Wheat,
for which we will pay the high
est market price. We are pre
pared With sacks and funds.—
Farmers wishing to sell will
please call at our office.
N- Gilreath & Son.
Cartersville, Jan. 21st, 1871.
- It.
Cartersville, Ga.
RC. & J. E. ROBERTS having associated
a themselves with R. D. MOON, in the
Sale an«l Livery Stable 2Stt
sincss, at the old stand of Ford & Moon, arc
now prepared to Buy and Sell Stock, Board
Stock, by the day, week, month, or year; and
also to supply private conveyances to the trav
eling public,' and accommodate all with carri
ages, hacks, buggies, and saddle liorses at mod
erate prices lor cash.
Cartersville, Ga., june 15th, 1871-s wtf
Prc p»arc to Avert It
WILL erect, in the most approved and
scientific manner, the
will put them up much cheaper, and on
better terms than parties from elsewhere.
They also do all kinds of PAINTING,
PER HANGING, &c., inthe style,
and on reasonable terms.
All work warranted to give entire satis
All orders left at the New Drug Store
will receive prompt attention.
June 2,-sw2m.
Just Received
A New Supply of Castors
in any.Sonthern market.
Wl 10 WARD
Is Agent for the
Churches, Schools,
Halls, and Parlors.!!
Made in America, viz:
Mason & Hamlin's, & G. A. Prince & Co’s.
Also, Agent for
A Splendid Piano,
Guaranteed by Written War*
ran tec to keep in Perfect Order
for Fix e ¥«an ! 1
Also, Agcntfor
Various Smaller
Call on me and get my
Call and see Illustrated Cata
logue and Price List.
Don’t forget this Advertisement.
W. 11. Howard,
Cartersville, Georgia.
march 28tli ’7l—sw 3m.
Mr, B. F. Pick ten is Agent for
the “Celebrated Common Sense Sew
ing Machine.” tho best Machine for the
money in use. He requests all to call
at his Furniture Store aud eyauiino it.
j June 2-ts.
Fine assortment of Gents Dress
Shirts, Fancy Shirts, Collars and Cuffs
just opened by Satterfield, Byron X
| Cos.
Gibson’s Diodora, 15 Years old.
The best whisky on tho market, at tho
Star Saloon.
Slay 20,-?tf.
I Skeleton Corsets at Satterfield
Pyron & Co’s.
! ;
Those who design purchasing a
Sewing Machine, aro requested to give
the Singer a trial. It is the best Ma -
chine now in use. If you wish to look
at one of these elegant and substantial
Machines, call at the Store of
Satterfield, Pyron Sc Cos.,
Away with your Broom Factory ! Carters
ville is ahead of that! She now boasts ci
a real, live COLLAR FACTORY! Ask
Billy Edwards and Roger Williams !
Pemberton’s Compound Extract of Stillin
gia—the great Blood Purifier.
S. & M. Liebman have received the largest
lot and assortment of Trunks a'nd Valises
ever before brought to this market.
England had her Cromwell! France he:
Bonaparte, but Cartersville "has her COLLAR
FACTORY, at Edwards’ “Gear Shop.”
Globe Flower Cough Syrup breaks up
Whooping Cough and Croup, as if by magic
No use in saying so, the evidence that
in proof that they not only sell bargains,
but that they sell great bargains in goods,
is a trial.
Buy your goods of Satterfield, Pyron &
Cos., and success is yours, beyond a doubt
Cartersville Progressive. —First
steam mill, then a foundry and machine
shop, then two steam planing and matching
door and sash manufactories, then a rail
road and tow'n hall; now another steam mill,
car factory, new church, new college, new
hotel, new bank, and, last, but not least,
she has. already in full blast, anew COL
LAR FACTORY ! Call at the ‘Gear Shop’
and see it.
Nice lot of new clocks at J. T. Owen’s.
There is a live “Collar Factory” come to
town. Yes ! a thing of reality, whore they
are making all sorts of Cfollars—horse col
lars and mule collars; big collars and little
collars; white collars and black collars, in
the identical town of Cartersville, at Billy
Edward’s “Gear Shop;” • we know it is so,
for we have been around and seen ’em make
’em. If you would know it to be true, do as
we have done, go and see for yourself.
You can buy watches, clocks and jewelry
as cheap at J. T. Owen’s as any where else,
or from any body else.
If you want anything done in the jeweler’s
line, call on J. T. Owen.
Clothing! Clothing! ! Clothnig !! !
Let the cry be extorted : “CLOTHING !”
For the rich and the poor, the high and the
low. the bond and the free, the white and
the black, all! of all qualities and prices, at
Ladies and Gentlemen: We do not. pro
pose to detain you with lengthy remarks, on
this occasion, but simply wish to say: “If
you wish to buy great bargains in goods, go
SyP* Job Work done at this office, cannot
be excelled this side of Pekin, China; we
want to do a heap of it, too, and will do it,
and do it cheap.
Merchants, Mechanics and Farmers.
—Buy your horse and mule Collars of VVm.
C. Edwards, and get better and cheaper
ones, and, at the same time, encourage home
industry and enterprise.
B®*, Fronch Cloths and Cassimers
for sale at extremely low figures
at Satterfield, Pyron & Co’s.
have on hand the following Choice Brands
of manufactured Tobacco, which they offer
to trade as low as the lowest:
Brown’s Log Cabin,
Cabin Home,
Golden Choice,
Pike’s Peak,
Winfree’s Gold Leaf,
Pranly’s XXX,
Hyco Belle,
Peach Mountain,,
Sunny Side,
McGhee’s i A,
Golden Rule,
Rosa Belle,
Globe Twist,
Crown Navy,
May Apple.
And many other desirable brands not men
tioned; together with a fine variety of Smok
ing Tobaccos and Cigars.
Messrs. Gower, Jones & Cos.,
Are still at their old trade —making,
selling, aud repairing carriages, bug
gies, Wagons, 4*c. They are continu
ally enlarging their business iu order
to supply the daily increasing demand
for their vehicles. They have the most
extensive carriage Depository and Man
ufactory in Cherokee Georgia, and the
reputation of their work unsurpassed
in tho South. Long experience at the
business has won for them a notoriety
for substantial, durable, and style of
finish of work, seldom, if ever, attained
by any like establishment in the South
ern States. See advertisement.
Finest and Purest Liqours in
town, at the Star Saloon.
May 2G,~tf.
B£§u,The Star Saloon is the place
to get the 'finest and the cheapest ci
gars in Cartersville, aud no mistake.
May 26,-tf.
The ‘‘Pain Killer” may jwtTj he stvfrd
the great medicine of the world, sot thero ie
ko region of the globe into which it has not
found its way, and been largely used and
highly prized. Moreover there is no clime
to which it has not proved to b ' well adapted
for the cure of a considerable-variety of dis
eases; it is a speedy and safe remedy for
burns, serious cuts, bruises, wounds and va
rious other injuries, as well as for dysente
ry, diarrhoea and bowel complaints general
ly, it is admirably suited for every race of
men on the face of the globe.
It is a very signfieant fact, that, nothwith
smndirtg the long period of years that the
“Pain Killer” has been before the world, it
has never lost one whit of its popularity, and
at no previous time has the demand for it
been so great, or the quantity made been so
large, as it is to-day.
Another significant faei is, that nowhere
has the s Pain Killer ever been in higher re
p\ite, or been more generally used by fami
lies and individuals, than, it has been here
at home, where it was first discovered and
and introduced. That the Pain Killer will
continue to be, what we styled it, tiie
GREAT medicine of the WOULD, t here can
not be the shadow of a doubt.—Providence
A Chapter of Facts.
Space is valuable in a newspaper, and it
is therefore proposed in this advertisement
to condense a variety of facts, important to
the public, into a small compass. Those
facts refer to Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters—
what that celebrated medicine is and what
it will do. In the first place, then, the arti
cle is a stimulant, tonic and alterative, con
sisting of a combination of an absolutely
pure spirituous agent with the most valua
ble medicinal vegetable substances that Bot
anic research has placed at the disposal of
the chemist and the physician. These in
gredients are compounded with great care,
and in such proportions as to produce a pre
paration which invigorates without exciting
the general system, and tones, regulates and
controls the stomach, the bowels, the liver,
and the minor secretive organs.
What this great restorative will do must
be gathered from what it has done. The
case of dyspepsia, or any other form of in
digestion, in which it has been persistently
administered without effecting a radical cure
is yet to be heard from, and the same may
be said of bilious disorders, intermittent fe
ver, nervous affections, general debility,
constipation, sick headache, mental disabili
ties, to which the feeble arc so subject. It
purifies all the fluids of the body, including
the blood, and the gentle stimulus which it
imparts to the nervous system is not succeed
ed by the slightest reaction. This is a chap
ter of facts which readers, for their own
sake.B, should mark and remember.
Have Received the
Best Selected
Ladies’ and Gents’
Furnishing Goods,
We will save the public 25 per
Cent, in buying goods of us.
We have a large stoeh, an<l
will sell lower than any
other house Iu town.
apr 22-w2m C.-lA’ TERS VILLE.
J. Walker, Proprietor. R. H. McDowakr A t>.% A
Gen. Agent*, San Fr»ncisco» Cah, and 3i Commerce atreot , N, Y.
1 MILLIONS Bear Testimony to their
Ik Wonderful Curative Effects.
They are not a vile Fancy Drink, Made of Poor
Rum, Whiskey, Proof Spirits nud Refuse
Liquors doctored, spioed and sweetened to please tho
taste,called “Tonics,’’ “Appetizers,” “Restorers,” Ac.,
that lead the tippler on to drunkenness ami min.bnt aro
a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs
of California, free from nil Alcoholic Stimu
lants. They are the GREAT BLOOD PURI
a perfect Renovator and IhvißOWtor of the System,
carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring thablood
to a healthy condition. No person can take these Bit
ters according to directions and remain long unwell,
provided their bones arc not destroyed by mineral
poison or other means, atul the vital organs wasted
beyond the point of repair.
They are a Gentle Purgative as well as a
Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merito of acting
as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflam
mation of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs.
old, married or single, at the dawnsd womanhood or at
the turn of life, these Tonic bitters have no equal.
For Inflammatory ami Chronic Rheuma
tism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion,
Bilious, Remittent ttnd 1 lit erinitteut Fe
vers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kid
neys and Bladder, these Bitters have keen most
successful. Such Diseases are caused by VII fated
Blood, which is generally produced by derangement
of the Digeslivo Organs.
ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tha
Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach,
Bid Taste in llie Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of
the Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs, Pafn in the re
gions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other gainful symp
toms, are tho offsprings of Dyspepsia.
They invigorate the Slomacli anil stimulate tho torpid
Liver and Bowels, which render them of unequalled
efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and im
parting now life and vigor to the whole system.
Foil SKIN DISEASES, .Eruptions,Tetter, Balt
Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Dimples, Pustules, Boils, Car
buncles, Ring-Worms, Scald Head, Sore byes, Erysipe
las, Itch. Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and
Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are
literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short
time by the use ot these Bitters. One bottle in such
cases will convince the most incredulous of their cun
tive effects.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever you find its im
puritie# bursting through tho. skin in Pimplos, Erup
tions or Sores; clcanso it when rou find it obstructed
and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul,
and your feelings will tell you when. Keep tho blood
pure, and the health of tho system will follow.
Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in tho
system of so many thousands, aro effectually destroyed
and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist,
there is scarcely an individual upon the face of the
earth whose body is exempt from the presence of
worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of tho
body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors
and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of
disease. No System of Medicine, no vermifuges, no
anthelmintics will free the system from worms like
those Bitters.
J WALKER, Proprietor. R. H. Mr DONALD & CO..
Druggists and Hen. Agents. San Francisco. California,
• and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, New York.
Adininistiaior’s KCe,
BY' VIRTUE of an order from the Court o
Ordinary or Bartow county, will be sold on
the first Tuesday in.) une,l 871, at the Court House
door, in said county, between the legal sale
hours, the reversionery interest to half of lots of
land Nos. 170 and 200, in oth (list, ami 3rd sec. of
Hartow county, the said lots being the dower of
Mrs. Nancy Denman, widow of Felix G., Den
man, dec’d; the said reversionery interest sold
as the property of said dec’d. Possession of the
same given at the death of said Nancy Denman.
Sold for the benefit of the herrs and creditors of
said Felix G. Denman, dec’d. Terms of sale
cash. April 22m1, 1871. H. W. Fite,
Adm’r F. G. Denman,
(Jartersville Prices Current.
Corrected Semi-Weekly by A. R. Hudgens,
Grocery Merchant.
Cotton per lb. 10 to 13
Axes per doz. *13.00 to $15.00 Meats:
Butter—Goshen lb 50 @ 60d Shoulders fb 12(313-
“ Country 95 @3o.*. Clearrb-sidelfc&lS
Beeswax Th 20 (3 25 Plain hams 14(315
Brimstone & sulph. th 8(315 Canv. hamalß@2o
Bluestone Id lh 15:320 Fresh pork 9 @lO
Borax lb 50 @6O Cheese, lb 18 @ 22
Crackers—Butter lb 8 @25 Cigars. M s7o@s9O
“ Soda 7 >£@ls “Dom. $1501430
“ Cream... 18(320 Tobacco lb <iO@7Uc
Candy—Fancy l'.VddO “ Medium 7ft@7sc
“ Stick.. 19@3Q “ Prime, 1.00-3.1.50
Coffee—Rio.... lb 18>£@25 “ V a 7 ,eaf 20@25c
“ Java 20 (728 “ Smoking7s@loo
Cream Tartar, lb srt@7s I Eggs, doz. 12@16c
Camphor—Gum, lb 1.25*2.00 j Flour, cwt. $43.1.50
Cot ton Cards, doz $7.50(3.8.00 Lard, lb 14@16c
Epsom'Salts,... lb ...8.315 Meal, bush. 75@90c
Grain—Corn, bush. 75@80 Lime, bbl. 1.75(32.50
“ Wheat, red. 1.50—60 Rice, lb .... 9@l2R
Rye 75(390 Salt, sack 2.35(32.10
“ Peas 1.40(3*2 Soda, lt> 7(310
Oats 50*3.60 Starch, tb ...B@ls
“ Clover Seed $9.50-12 Soap-Bar th fV3l2>£
Sugar—Brown, lb— 13(314 Shot, hag ?2.75@3.00
“ C 11315 Shovels, Am. $1.50
“ A 15>j£@10>j Iron ib ....5t3,9
“ Crushed 16:’£@18 Putty, 1b... B@loc
“ Powr’il is 520 Indigo lb $,1.75@2.00
Syrup—Muscova. gal ED/50 Tallow, lb 10@12>£
“ Golden 9o@f.oo Tea, tt> $1.25(3.1..50
“ Ex. Golden $1@1.25 Feathers lb 055375
“ ‘ New Orleans 80(3$1 Pepper. lb 25(335
Oil—Tanner’s, gal $1.1(3-40 M.tnk’l, kit $2—2.75
“ Kerosene 45(5 60 Potatoes, Ir. Tsfaßs
“ Linseed, raw $1.25@1.40 “ Sweet $2.00
“ *• boil’d $1.35«/1.50 | Twine, bag. 30(335
Rope—Manilla ib 28.330 I Candles, tb 19(3.30
“ Machine ll@ls I LiunlTcr M sl6 S2O
“ Cotton 37@40 I Wool, wash. 20(5 10
Cotton Yarns, bun. 1.30-1.40 | Osuaburgs y 15(318
Brown Slice tings, yd. 10:311 | Turpentine 75@$1
Dried Peaches, bush $1.50-75 I Rags, cot liti th 3'£
“ Apples .... $1.75 1 White Lead 10(315
Vinegar—Cidar, gal 50@75 | Estrella Oil 40@G0
jr Cephas I’. Anthony, Administrator of the
estate of Abel H. Anthony, deceased, represents
to the Court in his petition dulv filed and enter
ed upon record, that lie has i’uily administered
Abel fl. Anthony’s estate. This is therefore to
cite all persons concerned, kindred and cred
itors, to show cause, if any they can, why said
Administrator should not be discharged from
his Administration, and receive letters of dis
mission, on the first Monday in September, ’7l,
Given under my hand alia seal of oilice, this,
sth day of June, 1871.
J. A. HOWARD, Ord’y B. C.
Satterfield & Wofford,
9B&&8&8 m
P & hi £ 1 y
Ci 11 O C E U I E H
A T the old stand, East side of the rail
/m road, where we promise to sell on as
good terms, and as low down in price, as
any grocery house in town, either by the
Wholesale or Itotall.
Come and see us and test our sincerity.
apr 12wly J C WOFFORD.
I will attend at the following places and times
for the plxrpose of receiving tax returns for 1871,
fith District, May Ist, 18th, and 20th.
Adairsville,. “ ami, ltish, and 10th.
Kingston, “ 3rd, 17bh, and 31st.
17tii District, “ 4th, 18th, and Ist .June.
Cassville, “ Bth, 10th, and Snd “
r’ine Log, “ ftth, SOtli,.and3rd “
Wolf Pen, “ Hth, 22nd, and sth “
Lower Stainp cr “ »tn, 23rd, and oth
Allatoona, “ 10th, ' 24* h; and 7th “
Carters villo, “ 11,12, 2-7, 20tb, Sill A, nth “
All persons are requested to give in their
Lauds by Numbers, Sections and Districts.
% |l 4 K II Y
Prophylactic Pluicl.
F uniiy Me.-ieim., r„ r
1. i u
1.1 n.- ; id: .: _ . . | _ tn,.,.
j t..I Ki heimgut »». god alUkin .|j
<*> fur catarrh, ililiTll’*** dij.ifc,..
ria; for chotic, di:inim*.i. .hoUw.i; :i> a u.-ixlii,,
soften and ite ii.tif. kin; t<> r>nnvc ini,
snois, nriblew, ffsit plains; tdkflti u»i<wnallv
util as applied * vgv.iii
mended by all w!t<> have ti-» lit i- f.>r ah
all d'mgg’sts ail.l «‘l»wf.:i*v M. i. b KS. m,,; u, iv
lip order.*.! d»»*«*«*»I v <»
DARLA I'KuPHILAiB to.,, w-ly. DU Willi.i a Street. N. V.**
FARJIESitt! ! !
ESTS ! %X n AA \ E 91 OX
t i). HEAD,
If 7 io is now rewiring an
entirely new and fresh stork
of Staple miff I'aaeff £>#«? 1 -
KOOiPS, fPress Koo/fw
mors and SHOES , If ATS y
have been bought at hoi tom
price* y for CAS J(A
The :ul vantage** of havinsr a
resideict buyer in New York, of
long experience, enables me to
offer advantages to Ciisll
CFs, which cannot he overlook
ed by any one who will con
sult their own interest. All 1
ask is an examination of
to convince you that I will
all I say. \ '
I will again remind mj*
long-winded customers that I
occasionally need money, and
hope they will find it conv&i&b
ent to call and pay.
Liberal Ahvancfs made to
Planters on Cotton, to ship for
immediate sale, or, to hold.
April 13, 1871.-swtf
with the Clerk of the Board of
ers, by
Or that the same will not be entertained.
A. B, Qulborson, Clerk.,
ofCttrleruvill©, known as the
Solomon Property,
has been surveyed, Erwin Street extended thro 1 *
it, and Hiiilding Lots Laid Off, and it is ik>k
offered for sale, in quantities to suit purchasers,,
upon reasonable terms. These lots are e.onve-.
nient to the business part of town, and in a good,
neighborhood, making them the most desirable
lots now offered for sale.
apr. 17-sw3m CartersrUlo, Gsi,
on Tennessee Street, is offered for sale, in lots
ot 4th Acre or more, as purchasers desire.—
Each lot fronts On a ktreet. Those wishing to
secure homes in an elligible locality, can now
do so upon the most reasonable terms.
Apply to
apr. 17-sw3m Cartersville. G*.
Grover and Bate Seeing Machine
rrUIIS celebrated Sewing Machine has been in
JL use loi* nearly twenty years' and is now us
xcd oy over three hundred thousand fahiilics,
anjl has gained a reputation far above any oth
er sewing Machine. It 7,as been awarded mot*
national prizes than any other machine in the
world; at the Great World’s Fair at New York,
it was awarded the Gold Medal; at the London
Fair it won the very highest prize, and in
at Far is, it was awarded the( rosso!The Legion
of Honor; besides this, it has won the Fini
J‘remitint at all the State Fairs where it has
been exhibited. However, we do not claim that
premiums won at our State and County Fair*
any great honor or mark off distinction, as it
depends more on the operator than the machine,
they seldom have judges who are mechanics,
and judges of a Sewing Machine. At National
Fairs there are a sworn Committee, who aie
judges oi machinery. The following are some
of the reasons why the Grover A Baker the
It is the lightest running Machine 1# yse; it is
the simplest; it is more rapid in its movements ;
sews directly tromtwo spools without rewind
big; sews , till kinds of work without huisting,
can do twice as much work in a day as anv
other machine; it is the most durable, and
almost noiseless;(At sews equtdly well cm aH
kinds of good*, from the finest Swiss muslni to
the heaviest Beaver cloth; makes the efitstic
lock-stitch much the strongest in tisc, an devtry
machine is fully warranted. Wlto can desire
any more in a sewing machine. There is every
variety and size of these machines, from the
lightest family to the heaviest leather machine.
These machines are now for sale at C artersville,
Ga., by Leon A CAMP, in one of Judge Parrott’s
new store Houses, under thq City hall. Ma
chines will he delivered to customers either iu
or out ot the city, and full instructions, given
tree ot charge; and should uuy of qjjr
iall soort-ot our recommendation, the money
will be cheerfully refunded or placed in its
stead any other rnaehim* in use. Old Machines
repaired and put in good Order on the very
shortest notice.
Cartersville, Ga.
4T Daniel B. Citnyus, Administrator or the
Estate of John P. Burge, deceased, represents («
the Cotft, iu hi. itetition. duly filed and ent red
upon record, that, he has fully administered
Jno P. Bttrgo’s estate. This i*>, therefore to cite
all persons coacerned, kindred and Creditors, to
show cause, if any they can, wlty said Admin
istrator, should not be discharged from his A l
ministration, and receive Letters of Dismission
on the first Mdnday in August. 187 1. Given un
der* my hand ahd seal of ofii«'e, this ®f*X • *
1871. J. A. HOWARD, Oni-. BC.