The Cartersville semi-weekly express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1871, June 27, 1871, Image 4

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. HUNNICDTT & BELLINGAAH, Dealers Tit ! and Heating STOVES, Qp *<<‘n ami Tin Ware, Tinner**" Trimming*, *Hato Mantle*, Wrought Iron Pipes, F,o r Steam, Gas, and Water. UR AIN PIPE, RUBBER HOSE, PUMPS. STEAM FITTINGS, OIL CTJPS, GLOBE f ALVES, STEAM GAUGES AND WHISTLES, HYDRAULIC RAMS, <; \S FITTINGS AND FIXTURES, SHEET IRON, GLOBE AND PATENT BURNERS, TINPLATE, LEAD. COPPER, AND BRASS, WATER CLOSETS, WASH BASINS, &()., &C. Buy Hunnicutt & Bd’ingrath's C’olvn»i}>ifl tjoolc:. J!~0. 0, Marietta street. HUNNICUTT >V BELLINGRATH. No. 9, Marietta Sheet, ATLANTA, GA., Plumbers, Steam, and Fitters, COPPER SMITHS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS. ROOFING, in all its brandies, in Tin and Corrugated Iron. — fob 14-w9m TIIE PEOPLE’S DRUG STORE Mew ifcmg Store Just Opened IN THE EM PIKE BLOCK, Mo. 1 Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. D. 0. C. Heery, M. D,, J. M. Kendleman, M. D, Wholesale and Eslail WE- have opened at. the above atrvnd, and intend keeping a first-class stock of Drugs, Medi cines, Chemicals, Paints, oils. Glass, and all articles usually kept in a first-class Drag Store, and respectfully invite the »twmtion or I’hysici ms. Families, Merchants and Traders, to our stock. We keep nothing but first-class goods, and guarantee the purity of them. Particular attention will be paid to the Prescription Department, Which will be directly under our own supervision, and having had many years’ experience, we guarantee satisfaction. Hole Agent* for the *alc of the only Infallible remedy for Oy*pep*la mid; A'crvous Debility cliseovcred. m»r a), J«7l-wly J9BLM lllnei*^ |»«f |tess-|aHttg. Mrs. sharpe will open, in Carfcrsvillo, on or beforo the first day of April next, A NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Spring Millinery, O F TII K Tj A. TE S T STA"E E S . Having spent nearly two years in Memphis, in one of the largest and most fashionable estab lishments there, she hopes to please in that line. Mrs. S. will pay special attention to Dress- Making, in all its branches, and hopes, by strict attention ana good work, to merit a share of patronage from the ladies of Cartersvitlo and surrounding country. mar. 17-wly Cartersville Car Factory AND nil mi. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fartersvllle Car Fac <Di*y Fompany, held at Gen. Win. T. Woffords OfSoo, April 4th, 1871, it was ORIFEItEJ), That the Secretary make known to the public, through iho papers, that, from this date, the Company will be known as the CARTERSVILLE CAR FACTORY AND BUILDING ASSO- A fIO]¥ 9 and that the Superintendent be authorized to tako contracts for ISiiildiiig SVonse*, as ILtiLroail Car*. Iho public is assured that lirst class mechanics will bo employed, aud that work will bo bo executed with neatness and dispatch. E. X. COW Eli, President. PADGETT, Secretary. CAiiTKusviLLK, Ga., April 5, 1871-swtf PHILADELPHIA a:iiJ-AfLANf A Wima and liipor COMPANY. MIO. 2. OBAIITE BLOCK, ATLANTA, LEOBDIA. DEALERS II PUItE WINE AND EK|UOHs, Call Particular Attention to their Peach ] Apple Brandy June 7, 1870 wfim P i TTII. 1.0 & BAKER, DEALE R IN FAMILY GROCERIES, WEST MAIN street,icartersville, ga., At the Od Stand ofR, 0. & J, E. ROBERTS. p lrt CONSTANTLY ON HAND a choice selection of Family suppliers, consisting, in BACON—SIDES, HAMS, AND SHOULDERS. LARD—TIKiteKS AND CANS. FLOUR AND MEAL. VINEGAR—FRENI'II WINE AND CIDAR. SALT, lUOE, &C. SUGARS—“A,” “B,” ‘ CV’ AND DEM AT YRv. MOLASSES AND SYRUP COFFEES- RIO, LAGUYRA, AND JAVA. TOBACCOS AND CIGARS f CHEESE—FACTORY CREAM AND ENGLISH DAIRY. BUTTER-GOSHEN CANNED MEATS—COVE OYSTERS. SALMON. AND LOBSTER. SARDINES CANNED FRUITS—PEACHES, FINE APPLES, CORN. PRESERVES & JELLIES BUCKETS, TUI’S, BROOMS. BASKETS, W VSU BOARDS. WELL BUCKETS &C PEPPER, ALSPICE. GINGER, CINNAMON, ('LOVES, NUTMEG, AO. TOMATOES, PICKLES, SODA, STARCH, AC. POWDER—RIFLE AND BLASTING, FUSE, AC. CHOICE VARIETY Os SEED IRISH POTATOES. The above, with many other iriiMcs too tedious to mention, is offered to the trade At iih«rt Prolits FOR CASH. COUNTRY PRODUCE bought or Bartered an l sold. At * •Jajl and see us and Our Goo L-. lob. 18-wlv PATTIJLL.O A BAKER. T ’f’ > ®l|yf W. A. LAXSDELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, NO- io WHITEHALL ST- ATLANTA- GA Offers splendid inducements, and ail who need good Drugs at low figures will do well to ; give him a call. Pays special attention to orders from Country Merchants. Paints, Oil, Glass, Flue Medicinal Asm wmm3, Everything pertaining to a first class Drug S'yre will be found there. NOTICE SPECIAL- Daily 7 Drain from the “ICE COLO SOM FOUNT” All that man could expect in the way of a cold drink. W. A. Lansdell challenges hi Soda competitors to produce the fluid as near the freezing point as his. The coldest and he best in the city, Pure Fruit Syrups. W. A. Lansdell, Ni), 1 t) Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. Mav 12 1870 ly- _ ' W. L. YV ADSWO RTH , ” Importer of . ||AB»WAKE, ... | j It Y ....AMU.... .. Wholesale Dealer isn feiSa MECHANIC’S TOOLS, Uouse-Fiiru ish ing lioods, Carriage Material, jSfe. STOVES, GRATES AND MANTELS. PI AGENTS Fd® NAILS AND BELTING. NO? 24 WHITEHALL STREET, CORNER ALABAMA. Atlanta, } '> i Georgia 17, 1870-wly RUBLE & HIGHT, AGENTS FOR ItUSSELL & CO’S. CELEBRATED DOCBLEFAIT, PITOTT CVUAMER THREE HITGH GEAR THRESHER, and also, * Improved Self-Rakiug Reapers and Mowers. Just Betewl s§> m A AEW SUPPLY OF ,§titi)fl)alici'’s dhlfbmt’i) farm (iohnons. IMPROVED SINGLE USD DOUBLE STAR CORN SMELLERS, liiiprovetl Fcaeock Plows, Uasl-Stccl Eveelsior Plows* Silver Sled Clipper Plows—All sizes. I THE EUREKA SMUT AND SEPARATING MACHINE, GALE’S COPPER-STRIPPED FEED CUTTER, ■AY-FBHBBHS, Btasiiey’s Broad-Cast Settlor and Cultivator, And General Stock of,.Well Assorted AGEJUCTUEAL IMPLEMENTS, always on Hand, FABHEBS uay obtaiy iiiom fs duplicates of AMY PARTS OF 31ACTliYEBYWlU€lI MAY BREAK OR WEAR OUT. We keep nothing which cannot be warranted No. 1 of its kind. Finding by long experience in this trade, that it is much more profitable to keep none but good, substantial and reliable Imple ments Soliciting your orders, we are, Respectfully, RUBLE & MIGHT, Agricultural Depot, Cor. Market and Eight Streets, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Junl7£h 1871—ts. I |J. 11. Anderson. q. \y Wells AHMBSOH & WILLS, No, 20 Alabama Street, Atlanta, Georgia, Opposite the Passenger Depot. * )t( DEALERS IN AtatICULIUBAL IMPLEMENTS, STEEL HAY-BAKES, A OTTO A GIAN, COTTOA iSCRAPEBi, COTTOA PRE^INES, POST HOLE DIGGERS, JIORME POW ERS. STUMP PULLERS, COTTOA SWEEPS, ! CTDEII MILLS dC-i &C., dC. Machinery Os All Kinds. A^SatSwb^r^im:; v^my, AGi' , l n M;Mi'; i.;;lM rlub,can<l staUo " cry Eilfiinos ’ SawMillß » Also, Agents for Schofield’.- Colton I’re.- e- ami Horse Cowers. Agents for Wayne Agricultural Works, b’e , • o-s, Mowers, Stock Beales, Ac. power* 1 amd Wlielt if!tn.s* hrC ' hcj ' s ’ i,oth e * )arators and Overshots, ranging from one to six horse ißuo** Mso sell Pitts’ Machine, Ault man A T tvlor eight and ten horse power Separators, try eimbUM to oUVj * ill ,Ui H " itl) t!u ' Manufaetuving Kstablishments iu the eoun- Goods at Manufacturers’ Prices, with Freight added. PiSfKlßr* ® ea^trs arc reynesttd to call and sec us before purchasing, and send for or ANDERSON & WELLS. may Zo-sutt Ojpusik 1,-j.r Vepol, ATLANTA, GA. George If Jack ' Man u sac turer of e ASOIBS. A ND ISICISII. DEALERS IN CONFECTIONERIES, TOITS AND WHiLDW WARD Wedding FJjR TIIfS airdf SI Fl*Ef*, Sfc*, Cos! ten np in tlie style, at short Notice! We would respectfully call the attention of the public to our it. <:e and complete stock — selected with great care, and bought at tho LOWEST CASH PRCIES. WHITEHALL STREET, * ATLANTA, GA, march 10,wl> TITOS. M. CI.ARKF. / ROB'T C. CLARKE, JNO - C - KIRKPATRICK Established In 1854. - TIIOMAS Bf, OTiAEKE' & CIO., (Successors to T. M. & R. C. CLARKE,) IMPORTERS ASIA DEALERS I]!¥ English anA American II A II D W ARE. Cutlery, Iron, Steel* Nails, R. R, Supplies, Peachtree Street, ftTLftN!TA i GEORGIA. Hardware house in the eitv of Atlanta,) and strict attention to business n .S? P® okU?st ent facilities of DIRECT IMPORTATION, and EXCLUSIVELY tit L SL P offo; equal inducements to those of any Northern market 1 c ’ tnat can offu COMPLFTE’STOcSPof I HAe ft v^ L P TE ft the LARGEST AND MOST sell "at pricS defy con.petftiom ’ tl ’ &C *’ CVer brou * ht to tllis iniirk will With the view of making the JOBBING trade a SPECIALTY we arn now nn ,• ately in the rear of our present stand a WHOLESALE S\MPI y ROOM 'ulpmLrSt,,mmcdi sehnt their ENTIRE STOCK from SAMPLES, thereby avoldS”w i«te?fr 'rouce o?the vet™ Side Extending to you an invitation to call in and examine our stock when you visit Atlanta o?£SS seS O ISIO rS s , wTv 1 ' emain ’ y ° UrS VCry reSpCCtfUlly * THUS. M. CLARKE &’co! 1 - ’ ' Atlanta ija Best- & Klrtpatrl€i f W. MAIN STREET, ©ARTERSVILLE. B*., /k tVholcxale and Retail 1| '’agflT HAIR and TOOTH BEUSHES ©IASS, PUTTY, VGB~*§gents For Popular Patent Medicines .“&a Family Medicines and Physicians’ Prescriptions, accurately Compounded. feb. 24-ts TOMMEY, STEWART & BECK. ■■ 11 «%' SB IM‘ HEercltMiLtSf, T-O WHITEHALL STREET ATLANTA, GEOROIA. State Agents for Low’s Patent Improved SHINGLE SAWING MACHINE i AND EVA RTs PATENT AND SELF-FEEDING Shingle Machines, Capacity of Machines from 15,000 to 50.0*0 Shingles per day. and BURT’S LATHING MACHINE 0 manufactured by C. S. & S. BURT. ALSO, AGENTS FOR Portable Steam Engines of ail Sl* c FRENCH BURR AND ESOPUS MILL STONES, Bolting Cloths, etc. Sycamore Powder Company Rifle and Blasting Powder. liuftalo Scale t'o.’s Counter and Platform Scale*. Circulars furnished on application. TOMMEY, STEWART & BECK, may 25, 1871—wly 79 Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. 'Si J. R. SPARKS, O. P. HEATH. SPARKS & HEATH, BOOT and SHOE SHOP, EAST SIDE MAIN STEET, CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. F,M LOY no io but Number One Workmen, and we uso none but tbo best o W * .-1, thereto ev. are confident that we can give SATISFACTION. In our Charges, our Motto shall be, “OVB smd LET LIVE.’ We pav Gash for our Stock, Must Have Cash for our WTorh m- GIVE US V TRIAL —ALL WORK WARRANTED. jnne 2,.sw>m. R» F, PICKEIH, Denier In Furniture!! AT GTLUEATHS WARE-IIQIJKjg WEST MAIN STREET, CARTERS VILLE\ GEORGIA, WOULD respectfully announce to th~ zens of Cartersville and surroundin'' try, that is h*s routed the old stand ofVJ Braco, known as the Gilreath Ware-Tlon >V 1 IBTI and is now receiving and opeuii J a '» and superb stock of ■ “ I,c w fvbnitvre, Consisting, in part, ol Hurcaus, WwdrobcM, Bed-steads, Wash-stands, Towel-racks, IBook- eases, Cribs, Chairs, Tables, <fcc., Ae. And many other things too numerous to tion, all of winch will he sold at small on the origional cost. My motto is "Quiet ' ami small profits.” Call and see my -toet ‘ r Furniture and learn my prices B* F. PICK REN Cartertville, jam. 27th, kll-wly I SATTERFIELD, FI RON &, CO., Are Daily Receiving and Opening One of the Finest & Largest Stocks of the Most Choice, Select and Fashionable STRING AND SUMMER GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS. HATS BOOTS, SHOES. &C.. Ever before exliibifed in tlie (ARTERSIILLE MARKET, and ‘‘Want to Sell Them.” Now’s your time and here’s your plaee to buy a heap of tine geeds for little money.— Come, one and all, ami see for yourselves. SATTERFIELD, PYRON & CO., CARTERSVILLE. figf'Wc are also Agents for TRION FACTORY, and SINGERS’ SEWJNG MACHINES. /NeoaniA. Harlow County.-—Whereas, many \w ciii-.ens of said county h ive petitioned the Court of Ordinary of said county, while sitting for countv purposes, to open a public road, lead ing from the Dallas and Rome road, near Tints. W. Brandon’s gin house, to C. G. Barger’s, so sis to connect with the roiul lor which there is already an order to the Stilesborc Depot, to-wit Leaving the Dallas and Rome road at the cor ner of the fence, near the lime -ink, leaving it to the cast, thence along the fence, as per marks on the trees, until it intersects the line recently cut out, and thence until it intersects the new road near C. G. Barger’s residence; and. where as, Commissioners to review the said road have been appointed, by the Court, and said tom missionors hnviuc? reported f.wor.u lv as totno utility of said road, and recommend the open ing of the same: therefore, all persons concern ed arc notified to be and appear* at my office, on or before the 6th day of June next, and show cause, if anv they can, why said road should not he opened and established, and made a pub lie road. Given under my hand and official signature, this May 2nd, 1871. L v -" AR Py Ordinary B. U R, F. MADDOX, WHOLESALE DEALER IN Tobacco, Segars AND LIQiUORS, Rail-Ron<l Crossing, National Hotel Block, ATLANTA, GA. Agent for the sale of Virginia and Sorih Carolina Tobaccos. may 9-wly Administrator's Sale. BY VIRTUE of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Bartow County, will be on the first Tuesday in duly, 1871, before tm, Courl House door in Cartersville, said county, between the legal sale hours, the tract of ’ana whereon John A. Barron resided at the timeof his death, and composed of lot No. 145, in the dist. and 2d sec. of said county, containing 1"® acres, and 30 acres of lot No. 314, in the sth det ail and 3rd sec. of said county, all being tolei aw well improved, with comfortable buildings anu conveniently watered. Sold as the propertymi John A. Barron, late of said county, dee’d, wr the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec a- Terms cash. Possession given Ist day Novem ber, 1871. This, May 24th, 1871. A. L. Barron, Administrator of John A. Barron, Dec’d. Georgia, bartow couNTY.-By virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary O' said County will ho sold on the first Tuesday w July, 1871 at the Court House door in said 1 ' 1 " n ‘ ty, within the legal hours, a house awlllfo f m town of Adairsville. in said County, whorew Charles Ilollis now resides, containing tupy acres, more or less, fronting on Centre stree.. and bounded on the North by the lot of Jarao* Veach, and on the East an 1 South by_ stre. ' aso a vacant lot in said town, on the " , side of the W. & A. K. R., 20 feet front, by eign ty feet deep, being a corner lot, adjoining „ vacant lot of A. Johnson, and known as uw , Porter lot. Sold for the benefit of the heirs William 11. Eidson, deceased. Teims. Cusn. Tib >B. ir. bomar, A dtn'r de bonis no*- cum t^t-amenio Os said deceased- U. s. INTERNAL REVENUE NOTICE United States Internal Revente, Collector’s Office, 4th DistbiCTj i Atlanta, Ga., June 6th, IMI- Notice is hereby given that I have seized o yoke of Oxen, one two horse Wagon, nvt, uses of Whisky (80 gallons more or en Eggs, from imrfies unknown, «® (, o^ , mo st all persons are hereby notified that claim m be made and bond given within thirty mk' j j the same will be sold for the use of the t n States. JAMES ATMS fMune 9-w3t. to,u