Newspaper Page Text
| Ga., 4iine?W), 1871.
star obi friend, Joe Britt, from Acworth,
lias cast in his lot with us, ruul opened out
a lirery stable at the old stand of W. W.
Milam, where he proposes to accommodate
his patrons with traveling conveyances, at
moder.te pricey See advertisement.
The Cartersville Female Academy build*
ing is being repaired, preparatory to the ‘
opening of the school, in a few days. The
teachers have arrived, we learn.
In an old letter of Hon. A. H, Stephens’,
written away back yonder in the days of I
yore, when the Western & Atlantic or State
Railroad was in its incipiency, and recently
republished in the Atlanta Sun, we find the
following paragraph:
“Crawford had just been elected Govern- j
or. He had exerted all his power against
the proposition to sell (said road). Jenkins
and Toombs in the House defeated it there.
Miller was in the Sonate. Bishop, Tumlin,
and Smith, of the Cherokee country, from |
the beginning, were untiring and efficient |
friends of the road. I allude to William N.
Bishop, Lewis Tumlin, and Wm. Smith, of
Rome. So was Mr. McFarland, of Walker,
while he was a member.”
We reproduce this paragraph simply to
show who, from this seotion of the State,
were the champions of said road at that day
of its infancy. Some of them are still in
our midst. A few only of our readers are
conversant with the times and incidents in
the construction of this gigantic enterprise,
not even your humble writer, except what
information we have been able to derive
from others. There are a few old settlers
in and around Cartersville, yet living, mov
ing and having their being, who heard the
‘first shrill whistle of the first steam horse'
that awoke the slumbering echoes of the !
deep, dark valley in whose bosom glided the
bright waters of the rippling Etowah, and
attracted the gaze and startled the fears of
the untamed denizens of the neighboring
mountain recesses and gorges, and made
hill and dale redolent with the re-echoing
notes of the fiery steed as he tripped along
in his proud march through the former hunt
•ing grounds of the red man of the forest, but
now the Cherokee purchase, to link togeth
er the fortunes of the South with the great
West, stopping ever and anon, here and
there, and tarrying but a day to erect a fin
ger board upon which to indicate the star
of empire in her westward march, and plant
his scions of civilization, commerce and free
trade, in the fertile valley plains across
which his rumbling trains with almost light
ening Speed, would transport the rich un
resurrected and dormant resources of its
diversified surface to the great markets of
the world and exchange and commingle the
peoples and products of the four quarters of
the globe. The scion of the plains of the
Etowah —Cartersville —like the bey tree,
is shooting out her boughs in all directions
upon which hang, in golden clusters, if not
the luscious grapes of Eschol, in variety the
products of an age and a continent, and be
neath which slumber some of the architects
of her fortune and that of the State Road
the great vein of life to Georgia, wreathed
in honors and clothed with immortality,
while others, still alive, have here appointed
their sepulchre and expect, with them, to
rest beneath the bowers formed by the in
tertwining boughs of the scion they assisted
in planting in the picturesque valley of the
sparkling Etowah, over a third of a century
ago. Prominent, amongst whom were Col.
Lewis Tumlin, still living in Cartersville,
and John Leak, whose tomb is encircled
within her borders, and whose dust com
mingles with her soil.
There is much ado made over the report,
ed disruption of the Town Hall Building.—
Some say the walls have bulged four inches)
some say four feet, while yet others say they
are not bulged at all. A slight difference
of opinion, we should say. Our eye not be
ing practiced we cannot tell; but there is one
thing we can tell, and that is if the walls are
bulged we cannot see it. There has been no
disruption between the ceiling overhead of
the stores underneath the Hall and the
walls, where they come together, and we
do not understand how the walls can bulge
and not cause this breach. It is true the
wall underneath one of the hall windows is
cracked a little distance, and one side of
the casing and sill has left the brick facing,
but the inside plastering remains unbroken.
In our observation we have seen but very
few brick walls but what were cracked some
where or in some way, probably in the set
tling of the building. It would, however,
in order to allay apprehensions, be well
enough for the Council to appoint a com
•mittee of skilled mechanics to give the mat
ter a thorough examination and report upon
the condition of the building. As it is the
hall is worthless.
1 lie exhibition of Messrs. Johnston and
Attaway’s pupils, of the Cartersville Male
ami Female High School, the juvenile por
tion of it, assisted by Mrs. Rogers' music
class, which came off, at the courthouse, on
VV ednesday evening last, or as much of it
as we could see and hear, passed off very
cieditably indeed, both to teachers and pu
pils. Xhe music was very good indeed con
sidering tike piano that accompanied it,
v hich, we thought, an inferior instrument
and not exactly in tune, the class, however,
evinced no small degree of proficiency in
the science of mnsic. The boys declaimed
very welt, and their subjects were well cho
fion The charades provoked considerable
m, r th and interest, and proved an e,e open
et Each character was well rendered.
The compositions of the girls we could not
hear, owing to the suppressed voices in
reading them, connected with other causes
The more advanced pupils will hold forth,
jj£t the same place, this (Thursday) evening’,
***hen, wc hope, that all will speak *uffici
••ntly loud as to be heard all over the hall.
1 hat is what the people, or a majority of
, ero, attend these interesting exhibitions
Globe Fl oW er Cough Syrup !! ! will posi
'relj cure Consumption.
G.oLo I- lower Cough- Syrup cures Asthma
The extension of the Cherokee Railroad
from Rock Mart and Van Wert via Cedar
Town to Pryor’s Station, on the Dalton,
Rome Ar Selma R. R., is positively determ
ined upon, and a corps of engineers are now
surveying the route. The work will soon
bo commenced and pushed to a speedy com
Martin Collins, one of mogt worthy, pious
and mdnstriotW county citizens, departed
this life, in great peace and triumph, at his
residence near Milam’s Ferry, on Tuesday
last, after a wasting protracted spell of sick
ness. His remains were brought to this
place on Wednesday, and his funeral was
preached from the Methodist E. Church, by
Dr. Wm. H. Felton, from the 'text “Vet me
die the death of the righteous, and let my
last end be like his v The sermon was a
most solemn and impressive one. Manv
eyes were bedewed with tears, and many
hearts pulsated with emotions of sympathy
for the grief-stricken wife and weeping or
phan children, who were present to hear
the last, sad tribute of respect paid to the
memory of the one in whom their earthly
hopes centered, and around whom their
fondest affections clustered as husband and
father. The corpse was followed to tho
cemetery by a labge train of kindred and
friends, where it was deposited in the earth
to wait till his triumphant spirit returns to
put it on afresh, at the last day. His dying
admonition to his family and brethren was
“meet me in heaven.” F'or many years he
had been an exemplary and acceptable mem
ber of the M. E. Church South, and died as
he had lived—in the faith of the gospel of
Christ. “Well done, weary pilgrim! enter
into thy rest.”
-T. T. Gibson, Local
W. Mtrvhy is our authorized Agent
and Collector., To receive and receipt for Sub
scription to the Express, and to collect claims.
P%5 n:, Rev. W. F. WEEMS is our authorized
local ami traveling Asrent, to receive and re
ceipt for subscriptions to the Express.
A splendid new Wilcox & Gibb’s Sewing
Machine for sale. Apply at this office.
Strong indications of rain. A
slight shower would be of benefit.
Col. Jones’ new brick building
is rapidly going up, and when comple
ted will be an ornament to the town.
Local editor in a dilemma—
Cause—The great scarcity of news
items—what’s to be did? Deponent
saith not.
Bgk, If you desire to keep perfectly
cool, just drop in at the Post Office*
and get a glass of that excellent Soda
Water. It is splendid.
Owing to the lamentable fact
that there are two hens’ teeth to every
local item in this town, and the press
of other matter, we, of sheer necessity,
beg to be excused from saying any
thing further. Exit local, in disgust.
JBSr* r lhe gentleman of the large
gold finger-ring, createth a sensation.
Men and boys, matrons and maidens,
gaz9 enrapturingly upon it; old fogies
and bachelors ejaculate, “one of the
boys,”&c.; but there’s nothing like
style, you know.
Muriel ta Free School.
The school was opened 22 of May,
1867, without money or books. No
individual was appealed to personally
for donations; it was however announ
ced that offerings voluntarily made
would be accepted. Prayer was made
to Almighty God to put in the hearts
of benevolent people a spirit to sustain
the enterprise, and by voluntary dona
tions and concerts given by the pupils
the school has been sustained. On
one occasion a Fair was held in con
nection with Marietta Female College,
the funds being divided between the
two. The proceeds that resulted to
the Free School were used principally
in fitting up an old academy for the
use of the School. In this building we
are holding the School. I will only
add that books and stationery have
been almost entirely furnished to the
pupils free; in a few instances such as
desired to have their own books have
paid mo half price for them. In the
early days of the School several hun
dred dollars worth of clothing and shoes
were distributed among the pupils
W. L. M.
Ist. Its object, from the beginning,
was to give neglected children, wheth
er orphans or not, the means of a com
mon school education; and more than
this, it was contemplated (and is still
hoped for and prayed for) that in due
time a sufficient amount of money
would be received to build suitable
houses fer an Industrial School for
those children who either have no
home, or whose homes are worse than
none. Here I beg special attention to
a few remarks as to this latter class.—
We see in all populous communities
scores of children, with living parents,
who are, by far, worse off than orphans,
for the reason that they are left to the
care of parents utterly unworthy the
trust—such as care neither for the
moral nor intellectual training of their
offspring. These must, by the very
force of destiny, become depraved.—
Are not such as these orphans indeed ?
An Industrial School connected with
a home for neglected children, is what
I want for these. At this school, I
design that they shall be taught howto,
Beyond this, however, I propose to
educate children more favored as to
home training; but, at the same time,
too poor in worldly goods to pay the
tuition of regular schools. Much of
this has already been done with most
happy results. Yet the field is large,
and much remains to be done. In my
next I will state how I propose to ob
tain means, and how I have hitherto
sustained the school.
Wm. L. Mansfield,
Marietta, Go.
The pupils of the above Institution,
under the supervision of Ilev. Mr. j
Mansfield, will give a Concert, at Town |
Hall, on Monday evening next, for the
beuefit of the School. Two Brass
Bands are expected to supply the in
strumental -music. “Giving to the l
poor is lending to the Lord. ’
*lO 000 Reward for a better Alterative
and Blood Purifier than Pemberton’s Comp.
Extract Stillingia.
Our enterprising marketman, Mr. A. G-
B. Vandivere, is enlarging las borders and
extending his field of operations by opening
anew market house on the East side of the
Railroad, at the old stand of Jas. M. Lackey,
on the old Tompkin’s lot, for the conveni
ence of those of our citizens living on that
side of town. He will also continue the one
at his present stand on the West side of the
Railroad, for the convenience of those liv
ing on this side of town, at both of which
stalls he will keep daily supplies of fresh
Tobacco is a great weed, according to our
estimation, although those who don’t use it
think otherwise. It is certainly a great lux
ury, to say the least of it. Chewing and
Smoking good tobacco, such as is sold by
Jourdan, Howard & Harralson, the largest
wholesale tobaeco dealers in the South, At
lanta, Ga., is a great solace to the troubled
mind, and a great • companion around the
lonely hearthstone or on a wearisome jour
ney. It is food for the hungry, and water
for the thirsty, and far better than “sper
[From the “Charleston News” Saturday ,
May IS, 1871.)
An Honest and Attractive
“What is everybody’s business is nobody’s
business,” and while the importance of fos
tering immigration is conceded on all hands,
the great work languishes, as far as this
State is concerned, for want of cash working
capital so indispensible for its prosecution.
But the South Carolina Immigration Associ
ation, whose organizations and aims have
already had our warm commendation, is
composed of live and resolute men, whom
obstacles cannot balk in the execution of
their self imposed task of peopling the mil
lions of rich but idle acres in our State with
hardy and thrifty settlers from otherclimes.
Finding that the poverty of our people gave
little prospect of raising by subscript ion the
fund needed to give an impetus to their en
terprise, they have hit upon the expedient
of a series of Gift Concerts, to begin in
Charleston in October, the ticket-holders of
which will be participants in the grandest
and most attractive drawing ever held in our
The first prize will be the splendid Academy
of Music property, which was built at a cost of
$230,000, and which, besides stores, music-halls,
saloons, etc., contains the brightest and most
beautiful temple of the drama in the South,—
The Second prize will be One Hundred Thou
sand Dollars in cash. A long list of other cash
prizes make up the grand aggregate of Five
Hundred Thousand Dollars, to he distributed
among the ticket-holders. The number of
tickets issued will be 150,000, and the price will
be five dollars each.
There is no doubt of the extraordinary pop
ularity which the scheme is destined to attain.
Some idea of this may be formed from the cir
cumstance that over two-thirds of the tickets
hare been engaged in advance by agents at the
North and in California. But the features of
the drawing, which will enable it to contrast
most favorably with the Crosby Opera House
Lottery in Chicago, and other similar schemes*
are: Ist. Its unqualified endorsement by a large
number of the best known and most respected
citizens in the State. 2d. The fact that it will
be managed by gentlemen whose names arc a
guarantee that the drawing will he conducted
wi th strict honor and fairness; ami 3d. The end
sought to be gained, which is one that hiust en
list the sympathy of every friend of South Caro
lina and the South.
The last consideration, indeed, elevates the
enterprse from the rank of a private specula
tion to that of a project of vast public impor
tance. We want and must have those small
farmers whose labor constitutes the true wealth
of a State. And if the gentlemen of the Immigra
tion Society -succeed in bringing them hither,
nobody will be disposed to criticise the plan by
Which they accomplish the ffeat.
Is Agent for the
Churches, Schools,
Halls, and Parlors.!!
M.kU; in America, viz:
Mason & Hamlin’s, & G. A. Prince * Co’s.
Also, Agent for
A Splendid Piano,
Guaranteed by Written War
rantee to Keep in Perfect Order
for Five Years \ i
Also, Agent for
Various Smaller
Call on me and get my
Call and see Illustrated Cata
logue ami Price List.
Don’t] forget (hi* Advertisement.
W. 11. Howard,
Cartersville, Georgia.
march 28th ’7l—sw 3m.
Mr. R. F. Pickren is Ager.i for
the “Celebrated Common Sense Sew
ing Machine, the best Machine for the
money in use. .He requests all to call
at his Furniture Store am} examine it.
June 2—ts.
Fine assortment of Gents Dress
Shirts, Fancy Shirts, Collars and Cuffs
just opened by Satterfield, Pyron &
Gibson’s Duxlora, 15 years old.
The best whisky on the market, at the
Star Saloon.
May 26,—tf.
Skeleton Corsets at Satterfield
Pyron & Co’s.
©3T > Those who design purchasing a
Sewing Machine, are requested to give
the Singer a trial. It is the best Ma
chine now in use. If you wish to look
at one of these elegant arid substantial
Machines, call at the Store of
Satterfield, Pyron & Cos.,
Away with your Broom Factory ! Carters
ville is ahead of that!. She now boasts 01
a real, live COLLAR FACTORY! Ask
Billy Edwards and Rooter Williams !
Pemberton’s Compound Extract of Stillin
gia—the great Blood Purifier.
8. & M. Liebman have received the largest
lot and assortment of Trunks and Valises
ever before brought to this market.
England had her Cromwell! France het
Bonaparte, but Cartersville has her COLLAR
FACTORY, at Edwards’ “Gear Shop.”
Globe Flower Cough Syrup breaks up
Whooping Cough and Croup, as if by magic
No use in saying so, the evidence that
Satterfield, Pyron & Cos. propose to adduce
in proof that they not only sell bargains,
but that they sell great bargains in goods,
is a trial.
Buy your goods of Satterfield, Pyron &
Cos., and success is yours, beyond a doubt
Cartersville Progressive. —First
steam mill, then a foundry and machine
shop, then two steam planing and matching
door and sash manufactories, then a rail
road and town hall; now another steam mill,
car factory, new church, new college, new
hotel, new bank, and, last but not least,
she has, already in full blast, anew COL
LAR FACTORY! Call at the ‘Gear Shop’
and see it
Nice lot of new clocks at J. T. Owen’s.
There is a live “Collar Factory” come to
town. Yes! a thing of reality, where they
are making all sorts of Collars—horse col
lars and mule collars; big collars and little
collars; white collars and black collars, in
the identical town of Cartersville, at Billy
Edward’s “Gear Shop;” we know it is so,
for we have been around and seen ’em make
’em. If you would know it to be true, do as
we have done, go and see for yourself. *
You can buy watches, clocks and jewelry
as cheap at J. T. Owen’s as any where else,
or from any body else.
If you want anything done in the jeweler's
line, call on J. T. Owen.
Clothing! Clothing!! Clothnigf!!—
Let the cry be extorted : “CLOTHING 1”
For the rich and the poor, the high and the
low, the bond and the free, the white and
the black, all! of all qualities and price*. at
Ladies and Gentlemen: We do not pro
pose to detain you with lengthy remarks, on
this occasion, but simply wish to say: “If
you wish to buy great bargains in goods, go
BOF 3 * Job Work done at this office, cannot
be excelled this side of Pekin, China; we
want to do a heap of it, too, and will do it,
and do it cheap.
Merchants, Mechanics and Farmers.
—Buy your horse and mule Collars of Wm.
C. Edwards, and get better and cheaper
ones, and, at the same time, encourage home
industry and enterprise.
French Cloths and Cassimers
for sale at extremely low figures
at Satterfield, Pyron & Co’s.
have on hand the following Choice Brands
of manufactured Tobacco, which they offer
to trade as low as the lowest:
Brown’s Log Cabin,
Cabin Home,
Golden Choice,
Pike’s Peak,
Winfree’s Gold Leaf,
Pranly’g XXX,
Hyco Belle,
Peach Mountain,
Sunny Side,
McGhee’s 4 A,
Golden Rule,
Rosa Belle,
Globe Twist,
Crown Navy,
May Apple.
And many other desirable brands not men
tioned; together with a fine variety of Smok
ing Tobaccos and Cigars.
Messrs. Gower, Jones & Cos.,
Are still at their old trade -making,
selling, and repairing carriages, bug
gies, Wagons, <s*c. They are continu
ally enlarging thoir business in order
to supply the daily increasing demand
for their vehicles. They have the most
extensive carriage Repository and Man
ufactory in Cherokee Georgia, and the
reputation of their work unsurpassed
in the South. Long experience at the
business has won for them a notoriety
for substantial, durable, and style of
finish of work, seldom, if ever, attained
by any like establishment in the South
ern States. See advertisement.
flgk. Finest and Purest Liqours in
town, at the Star Saloon.
May 2b,—tf.
The Star Saloon is the place
to get the. finest and the cheapest ci
gars in Oartersville, and no mistake.
May 26,-tft
The *T»in Killer” may justly be styled
the great medicine of the world, for there is
no region of the globe into which it has not
found its way, and been largely used ami
highly prized. Moreover there is no clinic
to which it has uot proved to be well adapted
for the cure of a considerable variety of dis
eases; it is a speedy and safe remedy for
burns, serious cuts, bruises, wounds and va
rious other injuries, as wall as for dysente
ry, diarrhoea and bowel ©oid|daints general
ly, it is admirably suited fbr every race of
men on the face of the globe.
It is a very signficant fact, that notwith
standing the long period of years that the
“Pain Killer” has been before the world, it
has never lost one whit of its popularity, and
at no previous time has the demand for it
been so great, or the quantity made been so
large, as it is to-day.
Another significant faci is, that nowhere
has the Pain Kitler ever been in higher re
pute, or been more generally used by fami
lies and individuals, than it has been here
at home, where it was first discovered and
and introduced. That the Tain Killer will
continue to be, what we have styled it, thk
gr,tat medicine of the world, there can
not be the shadow of a doubt.—Providence
A Chapter of Facta.
Space is valuable in a newspaper, and it ,
is therefore proposed in this advertisement
to condense a variety of facts, important to
the public, into a small compass. Those
facts refer to Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters—
what that celebrated medicine is and what
it will do. In the first place, then, the arti
cle is a stimulant, tonic and alterative, con
sisting of a combination of an absolutely
pure spirituous agent with the most valua
ble medicinal vegetable substances that Bot
anic research has placed at the disposal of
the chemist and the physician. These in
gredients are compounded with great care,
and in such proportions as to produce a pre
paration which invigorates without exciting
the general system, and tones, regulates and
controls the stomach, the bowels, the liver,
and the minor secretive organs.
What this great restorative will do must
be gathered from what it has done. The
case of dyspepsia, or any other form of in
digestion, in which it has been persistently
administered without effecting a radical cure
is'yet to be heard from, and the same may
be said of bilious disorders, intermittent se
ver, nervous affections, general debility,
constipation, sick headache, mental disabili
ties, to which the feeble are so subject. It
purifies all the fluids of the body, including
the blood, and the gentle stimulus which it
imparts to the nervous system is not'succeed
ed by.the slightest reaction. This is a chap*
ter of facts which readers, for their own
sakes, should mark and remember.
Have Hcceifvef! the
Best Selected
Ladies’ and Gents’
Furnishing Goods,
W© will save the public 25 per
Cent, in buying goods of us.
We hate a large stork, and
will well lower than any
other house ini town.
apr 22 w::m CARTERSVILLE.
J Walkeh,Proprietor. R. H. McD.' A C.» . *
Cm. Ag«nl*, S«ui I rmwcUco, Cal., and 34 Comhimmv. fkrmmt, .
I IfILLIOSfi Bear Testimony to their
Wonderful Curntive Eliertn.
They are not a vile Fnnry Drink, Made of Poor
Rom. Whiskey. Proof Spirits and Refuse
Lieu ore doctored, spiced and sweetened to please tho
taste,called “Tonics,” “Appetizers,” “Restorers, "Ac.,
that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and rain,but are
a true Medicine, made from the Native Roots ami Herbs
of California, free from nil Alcoholic 1 mu
tants. They are the (IRE AT BhfiOO l’l Kl*
a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of tho System,
carrying off all poisonous matter and restoring theblood
to a healthy condition. No person can tuke these Rit
ters according to directions and remain long unwell,
provided their bones ore not destroyed by mineral
poison or other means, and the vital organs wasted
beyond the point of repair.
They arc n Geuile Purgative no well no a
Tonic, possessing, also, the peculiar merit of acting
os a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflam
mation of tlte Liver, and all the Visceral Organs.
old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or at
the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters have no equal.
For Infinniiimtory anil Chronic Rheuttin
lisiti and (lout, Dyspepsia or Indigestion,
Bilions, Remittent nud Intermittent Fe
vers, Disenses of the lilooii, Liver, Kid
neys nud lllndder, these Hitters have been most
successful. Snell Diseases are caused by Vitiated
Blood, which is generally produced by derangement
of the Digestive Organs.
ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of tho
Chest. Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach.
Bad Tastein the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of
the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the re
gions of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symp
toms, are the oflsprings of Dyspepsia.
They invigorate tho Stomach and stimulate the torpid
Liver and Bowels, which render them of uneqaalled
efficacy in cleansing tint blood of all impurities, and im
parting new life and vigor to the whole system.
FOR BKIN DISEASES, Eruptions,Tetter, Salt
Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car
buncles. Ring-Worms, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipe
las, Itch. Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin. Humors and
Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are
literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short
time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such
eases will convince the most iucredulous of their cura
tive effects.
Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon find Its Im
purities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Erup
tions or Sores ; cleanse it when you find R obstructed
and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is loul,
and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood
pure. and the health of the system will follow.
Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the
system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed
and removed. Says a distinguished physiologist,
there is scarcely an individual upon the face ofthe
earth whose body is exempt from the presence of
worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the
body that worms exist, but upon the diseased humors
and slimy deposits that breed these living monsters of
disease. No System of Medicine, no vermifuges, no
snthelmintics will free the system from worms like
these Bitters.
J WALKER, Proprietor. R. 11. MCDONALD A CO-
Druggists and Oen. Agents, San Francisco. California,
and 38 and 34 Commerce Street, New York.
Cartersville Price* Current.
Corrected Semi-Weekly by A. R. Hudgens,
Grocery Merchant.
Axes per do/.. $13.00 to $15.00
Butter—Goshen lb 50 60c
“ Country ?5 (a) 30c
Beeswax ib 30 (a> 25
Brimstone & sulpk. th 8 (a, 15
Bluestone tb lb lafa/JO
Borax lb 50 ($ fiO
Crackers—Butter lb 80/ 25
“ Soda 7H(§ 15
“ Cream... 18c.-/20
Candy—Fancy 16(540
“ Stick 1 «(s:*)
Codec—Rio.... tb 18 >£(«2s
“ Java 200//28
Cream Tartar, Tb 56(5:75
Camphor—Gum, tb 1.25*2.00
Cotton Cards, doz $7.5U/>uß.oo
Epsom Sal(».».. It* ... Bra-15
Crain—Corn, bush. 750*80
“ Wheat, red. 1.50—60
“ Rye 755^*0
“ Peas 1.40f/r>s2
u Oats 50fa,0b
“ Clover Seed $0.50-12
Sugar—Brown, lb 130114
“ C 14(545
“ A 15J*(5 Iff",
“ Crushed 16% (518
“ Poxvr’d .... 18(520
Syrup—Mnscova. gal 40(5 50
“ Golden 90(51.00
“ Ex. Golden $lO/1.25
“ New Orleans 80(5$1
Oil—Tanner’s, gal $1.10—40
u Kerosene 45(5)60
“ Linseed, raw $1.25(</ f.40
“ “ boil’d $1.35(911.50 I
Hope—Manilla tb 28(5>30
“ Machine .... 11/o*ls
“ Cotton 37(0,40
Cotton Yarns, bun. 1.30-1.40
Brown Sheetings, vd. 10(5)14
Dried Peaches,hush $1.50-75
u Apjdes $1.75
Vinegar—Cidar, g;il 50(5.75
Satterfield M Wftfford*
G KO€EltlE»^
AT the old stand, East side of the rail
road, where wc promise to sell on a?
good terms, and as low down in price, as
any grocery house in town, either by the
Wholesale or Retail.
Come and see us and test our sincerity.
apr 12wly J C WOFFORD.
Cartersville, Ga.
UC. .% .T. E. ROBERTS having associated
• theinvolves with K. I>. MOON, in tlie
Sale and Lltrry Stable lou
siness, at the old stand of Ford & Moon, are
now prepared to Buy and Sell .‘Mock, Board
Stock , by the day, week, month, or year; and
also to supply private conveyances to the trav
eling public, and accommodate all with carri
ages, hacks, buggies, anil saddle horses at mod
erate prices for cash.
Cartersville, Ga., June 13th, IS7I-swtf
1» Jk H It 1 » H
Prophylactic Fluid.
Me .j.,
f\ in 4, eaifT *“*
,f -i.-kiic-; f«»r vv.. n.‘ ~~
for Erysipelas rheumatism, and , t p it ,
via; for cholic, diurrlnca, cholera; a> a w ,|,
-often and beautify the skin; to rcin.ivi- :
,|>oD, mildew, friyt -tains; t..kcn in.ern.iis
well ns applied externally ; so highly y,.,
mended by all who have used it -i- toy j
!>c or«D-iV'l ■lirccilv of '
»,VKin PltoPII \ LAill ((!.. ~
t»ec. 6, w-ly. 4*l Willi on -street. K*yT”
117io is now receiving an
entirely new and fresh stock
of St aide and M'ancif M)K I*-
€mOODS , J "Press Goods ,
800 TS and SIWEB, HA TS f
have'been hought at bottom
price* , for CASH !
The advantages of having a
resident buyer in New York, of
long experience, enables me to
offer advantages to cash buy
ers, which cannot be overlook
ed bv any one wlio will con
suit their own interest. All l
ask is an examination of
to convince yon that I will fio
all I Fay.
I will again remind my
long-winded customers that i
occasionally need money, and
hope they will find it conveai
ent to call and pay.
Cartrrsville, Ga.
Liberal Advances made to
Planters on Cotton, to ship for
immediate sale, or r to hold.
April 13, lsn.-awtf
with the CEevll ©Ctfig-Bewnk •s<4*iumissioii
ers r by
Or that the same will not be entertained.
A. B. Culberson, Clerk.
The lakd the tow \
<lf Cartersville, known as the
Solomon Property,
has been surveyed, Erwin Street exteiWle4 thro*
it. and Building Lots Laid OtfV and it f» now.
offered for sale, in quantities suit purchasers,
upon reasonable terms. These iwts are conve
nient to the bn#iTi«?H» part of town, ami in a good
neighborhoo/L naikiiyg thenar th* un>st desirable
lots now /yflß-reil for safe.
apr, 17-s\v3m Cartersville, Ga.
on Temwssee, SI reef, is offered for sale, in lo’-s
of 4th Acre or more, as purchasers desire.—
Each lot fronts On a street. Those wishing to.
secure homes in an elligible locality, can now
do so upon the most reasonable terms.
Apjdy to
apr. 17-swStn Cartersville, Ga,
per lb. 10 to 13
Shoulders tb 12(5,13
Clear rb side 12 5,15
Plain hams 14(5,15
Canv. hams 18 (5,20
Fresh pork 9(a>lo
Cheese, lb 18 (& 22
Cigars, M $70(5,500
“ Doui. SISO/S3O
Tobacco It/ 60(0.70c.
“ Medium 70(®75c
“ Prime,
“ Va Leaf 20(5 25c
“ Smoking7s(s,loo
Eggs, doz. I2(/ir.tftc
Flour, cwt. $4/0i4.5»>
Lard, lb 14(51 tie
Meal, bush. 7.Y5,90c
Lime, bbl. 1.75(5,2.50
Rice, tb .... 9(512 W
Salt, sack 2.35(92.40
Soda, lb .... 7(5.10
Starch, lb ... 8(«,15
Soap-Bar Tbß(s/12W
Shot, bag $2.75(5%W
Shovels, Am. sl.s#
lion lb ...5(5,0
Putty, tb... S'?/ 10c
Indigo 1b $1.75/0.2.00
Tallow, Bi 10(5,12*.'
Tea, tb $1.25(0.1.56
Feathers tt> 65(5/75
Pepper. 1b 25(5)35
Mack’L, kit $2-2.75
Potatoes, Ir. 75(5 .85
“ Sweet $2.00
Twine, bag. 3(V«.35
Candles, tb 19za.30>
Lumber M STO-S2O
Wool, wash. 20f5‘,40
Osnaburgs v t5(0,1S
Turpentine 7.V5,51
Rags, cot lin 1b 3 'i
White Lead 10(5,15
Estrella Oil 40(5)60
Grover and Baker Sewing Machine-
THIS* celebrated dewing Machine has been in
use for nearly twenty years, ami is now us
ed by over three hundred" thousand families,
and has gained a reputation far alwivc any oili
er sewing Machine, it has been awarded" moru
national prices than auy oilier machine in the
world; at the Great World’s Pair at New A ork.
it was awarded the Gold Medal; at the London
Fair it won the very highest jiriif; anil in lt;r,7,
at Paris, it was awarded the Cross of the Legion
of Honor; besides this, it has won the 1-iis.t
Premium at all the State Fairs where it has
been exhibited. However, we do not cl a ini that
premiums won at our State amt County Fairs
any great honor or mark of distinction, a- it
depends more on the o|>er»tor than the machine,
they seldom have judges who are mechanics,
and judges of a Sewing Mach i-ne. At National
Fairs there are a sworn Committee, who are
judges of machinery. The following are some
of the reasons why the Grover & Baker is the
It is the lightest running Machine in use; it is
the simplest; it is more rapid in iis movements;
sews directly 1 com two spools without rewind
ing; sews all kinds of work without hoisting,
can do twice as ranch work in a day as any
other machine; it. is the must durable, and
almost Doiseless; it sews equally well on all
kinds of goods, from the finest Swiss muslin to
Ihe heaviest Beaver cloth; makes the elastic
lock-stitch much the strongest in use, ainJeveiv
machine is fully warranted. Who can de>ir«
anv more in a sew ing machine.. Ttere ft- every
variety ami size of these machinas, ftoni t»
lightest family to the heaviest leather machine.
These maehijH* now for sale at Cartersville.
(ia., by Leon A C.AMP; in one of Judge Parrott's
new §toro Houses, as tie? ttSo City hall. Ma
chines will he delivered to customers either n
or out of the citv, a»d full instructions given
free of charge; and should any of oar machine,
fall short of our recommendation, the money
will be cheerfully refunded or placed in il
stead any other machine in use. Old Machine
repaired and put in good order on the very
shortest notice.
. ' Cartersvikle, Ga.
/NfIORGfA. BARTOW FoGKtV.r-Mhere.!
I ls- Cephas P. Anthony, Admit}u-tentor
estate of Abel H. Anthony, tleceage-L represent
to the Court iiwbis petition duly-tiled and entx i
ed upon record, that he has fully .ulministem.
Abel IL. Anthony’s estates- Ibis is the re. ore ts
cite all uersons eonccrned', kindred and <r« .
itors, to*show cause, ißan v they .can, win mi
Administrator should not be ', f
his Administration, and receive letter of
mission, on,the first Monday •" h‘b
Giwen under my.hand and se .1 ot olucc,
Csth day