The Cartersville semi-weekly express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1871, July 28, 1871, Image 3
(C'AI. iticms. C»rlcrsvill('j July IS7I* JCottOM unicated. Education. The Countv Board of Education meets at the Court House on the Ist Tuesday in August. The County School Commissioner calls for a convention of nil the District Trustees to assemble at his office on tho same day, and there is also a call published in the last issue of the Expiiess, for a convention of .School Teachers of Bartow county, to assemble at the Court House on the same day. Now, we propose that these three assemblies meet in joiut conven tion at one o’clock a. m., on that day, in the City Hall. Let there be a full attendance of members of the County Board, District Trustees, and Teachers. Let them come together and consider the interest of public schools in our county. The question of public schools is one' of vital importance to our whole South ern Country. Every man in the State of Georgia is directly interested in the matter of inaugurating the Public School System, as proposed by present Legislative enactment. Mnny are and have been anxious to see the system jput into operation. Many have bitter ly opposed the Whole thing from tho be ginning—this is but natural. Let them assemble a convention of all the officers elect in the county, un der the School Law, and all the Teach ers of the county, and, let them look into, and consider the matter just as it is, and give the result of that consider ation to their constituents and patrons. It will benefit the people! If the Teachers of the county will co-operate with the officers of the .•school, to be established as a Public School in the county; if they will each and all of them apply and obtain li cense to teach under the School Law. every school in the couuty might be made a public aud fiee school, at least three months in each year, and all, both rich and poor, get the benefit of the general school fund. This should be the action of every school Teacher in <the county. It will swell his school to treble its present number of scholars, put money into his pocket, and giv e many poor little orphan children (mad e «o by the late war) the benefit of their skillful training! If the skillful teachers of the county stand off and say, “We have pa trons enough to support our schools,’’ they simply say, “We will not teach the poor.” Then, let them meet with the School Commissioners, and signify iheir wil lingness to do their duty. Do not stay away and leave the public fund to be exhausted by iucompt tent teachers. We hope that there will be a rous ing meeting of the officers and teach ers? \Ye hope that they will do some thing iu the matter of establishing u public-free school, if it cau be done, under the present law. If it cannot be done, we then hope that they will peti tion the next Legislature to modify . and amend the Law, so as to make it effective. Babtow. July the 23rd, 1871. A Negro Thief Prefers Lynch Law, Wc find the following letter in the Charles ton News: Graham's, S. C., July 16.—1 write you an account of a semi-judicial transaction which took place about three miles and a half from this place, on Saturday last, 15th inst. at So journer’s mill: One Smart Loyd, colored, obtained posses sion of a bushel of corn at Sojourner's mill in not exactly an orthodox manner ; and on be ing accused of the theft, first denied it, but afterwards “acknowledged the corn.” He was threatened with the terrors of a -trial justice, and in order to prevent his punish ment by the law, he offered to be tried by a jury of his peers, and to submit to whatever award they agreed upon His proposition was accepted, and he selected the following men and brethren as jurymen to try the case : March Sojourner, Abraham Walker, Lewis Felder, Jets Wright, Toby Sojourner and Al fred Boylston. The facts of the case being duly made known to the jury, they retired under an umbrageous oak to deliberate what they should do in the matter. After consultation they decided that, in their opinion, the said Smart Loyd be allowed to receive forty lash es, save one, to be there and then laid on ; to which the aforesaid Smart Loyd agreed. The names of the jury were then put into a hat, and Smart drew to see who should wal lop him. He selected Abraham Walker (a left-handed blacksmith), who, procuring a hickory of regulation size, proceeded then and there to lay the aforesaid forty save one, upon the person of Smart Loyd ; which he did to the satisfaction of all con cerned, except the said Smart, whom he made emart in more than one place before he fin ished the castigation. The culprit and all concerned in the affair are colored men ; and all, with the exception of Smart, are respectable, hard-working men, who don't want too much law, andtook this method of settling the m tter without putting the country to any expense. The teachers of Bartow county are re quested to meet, at the Court-liouse iu Car tergville, on the first Tuesday in August proximo. Matters of vital importance will be submitted for consultation. L G. HUDSON, July 22, 1871. RON ALD JOHNSTON TO W N MATV 11 It sS. •T.T. GiLson, Lo<ml Etlltor. fftdjpK. W. Murphy is onr authorize*l Agent amlTollector. To receive aud receipt for Sub scription to the and to collect cluim>. 56#*Rev. W. F. WEEMS in ogr authorized local.ami traveling Agent. to receive ami re ceipt tor subscriptions to the fc.xpre.-s. All contract advertisHjrs in the Express are considered regular subscribers. Subscription Club Rates, In order to place the Skmi-Weekly Carters vili.e Express in every house and family in the County of Bartow and adjacent counties, we will send it one year to any address for TWO DOL LARS STRICTLY IN ADYANCJt..j& f Old subscribers can avail them-elves of our new terms by paving up arrearages. TO AGENTS: An y man who will send us Five Names op sew subscribers and Tks Dollars, will be entitled to one copy of the Semi-Weekly Express, one year gratis, and for every additional five, an extra copy of the same or an Agricultural Monthly, one year. Hkmemker that yotf get two copies of the paper every week. ffsir Weather exceedingly dry and j dusty, liuin very much needed. Business pretty lively for this 1 season of the year. agL, For the past several days it has been cooler than we ever knew it be fore in July, iu this section. Watermelons, peaches and ap ples for sale at Sknirmer & Clayton’s store, and they are fresh and nice. 86#" Our handsome young friend, Mr. R. H. Fields, will please accept! our thanks for a beautiful walking cane, of which he made us a present. Long may he wave. Two young Ffthteenth Amend ments had a little misunderstanding about something, in front of our office yesterday, which resulted in one of them bouncing a brick-bat against the other’s head. It ‘busted* the brick, but never made a dent in the little nig’s head. 86#“* Frank Jones, of Van Wert, and a descendant of Wales, gave us a call the other day, and told us to state that he was going to complete the Cherokee Railroad iu two or three days. Os course Frank will do it. 859*. Our Senior, better known as ‘‘big Sam/’ is absent, in attendance upon the District Meeting, of the Ma rietta District Conference, which is now in session at Acworth, Ga. See the communication of Bar tow in this issue, headed “Education.* We return thanks to Dr. F. M. Johnson, and W. C. Green, Esq., for a fine red-horse fish sent us a few days since. Also to Mr. H. H. Hall for omo nice, ripe peaches, likewise sent us on Tuesday last. By request of ‘.‘big Sam.” They were sent to him. Distinguished Visitors. —We receiv ed a call yesterday (Thursday) from Cols. S. W. Bloodworth aud David Freeman, of Griffiu, Ga. These gen tlemen were en route for Rock Mart, in Polk county, surveying the country, and prospecting for minerals. They both looked well. We wish pleasant trip. ft# 1 " Mess. Walter Pritchett and Judson Attaway re q u est us to state that they will open a Male School in this place, on Monday the 7th oj August. Terms of Tuition, the place and full particulars generally, will ap pear in Monday’s issue of this paper. Both these gentlemen are fully quali fied to teach, and so well and favora bly known as such, as render it useless for us to reiterate it. JIUST* We learn, from a private letter to Messrs. N. Gilreath & Son, of this place, that a thief entered the bed room of Mr. T. V. Hargis, of Kingston, Ga., on last Saturday night, and got his store and safe keys, and then pro ceeded to the dry goods store of T. V. Hargis & Brother, entered, opened the safe, and robbed them of SIOSO. This is the third time these gentlemen have been robbed since January. We hope that these scoundrels who make it their business, under the cover of night, to rob honest men of the hard earning, it may be, of many years, and who have cursed this county and State for two or three years past, will be caught and hung as high as Ha ntaan. B@u>Mess Jno L. Wikle and W. F Weems have opened a Market House on West Main Street, next door to the Tin Shop of Jas. W. Strange, and one just be low the Railroad Saloon of George Briant, and they keep at each of these stands, at all times, fresh Beef, Mutton, Pork and Chickens, for sale cheap. Give them a trial. The True Georgian says: Rev. Robert Elliott, son of the late Bishop Elliott, now in New York, has received a call to St. Phillip’s Church, in Atlanta, Ga., and wiil probably accept.— N. Y. Exduinge. The nbov< is correct, and we sin c*t rely hoj*e-thafe- the loquent young divine will ,\oeept the-call. Atlanta is an excellent field for active ministers. lai ties wishing Job Work done ate hereby notified that the Express Office is the place to come. Blanks of all kinds, for sale at this office. GEORGIA »SOAl’ FACTOR! MAKES THE BEST GRADES OF LAUNDRY SOAPS, Ami Will Soon Add TOILET SOAP. SELL CHEAPER TITAN THE SAME qtALITY BE Laid Down From Any MARKET in AMERICA. All the Profit* we ask, is what is paid in From NEW YORK MARKET!. TRY OUR GOODS, AND IS WILL RISK the BALANCE. Take All Grease In Exchange, *£s)B TA LLO WE SPEC TALL YD ESI RED. HITCHCOCK & SPENCER, july 18— ts. Atlanta, Ga. fW~ Box 18; Office at Howard & McCoy’s Drag Store, on Peach Tree Street. *@U Mr. R. F. Pickren is Agent for the “Celebrated Common Sense Sew ing Machine,” the best Machine for the money in use. He requests all to call at his Furniture Store aud examine it. June 2-ts. ODlllSfi HIGH SCHOOL. ...... o ..... “Nihil sine Laboer , sed Labor omnia vincent." 0 J. IT. VINCENT, Principal, and Professor of Mathematics, Greek and German. Rev. J. L. MILBURN, A. M.‘ Professor of Latin, Natural, Mental and Moral Science. E* W.BALLENGER, , Director in Primary Department. B* VINCENT, Assistant in Primary Department. MISS SALLIE TRIPP, , Director in Music Department. MISS M. R. BELL, ... Assistant in Music Department. MISS LOU. UPSHAW, Teacher of Embroidery, Painting and Drawing. O ...... EXPENSES: Tuition in Literary Department, ’. $1.50 to $4.00 per month. do. Music Department, 4.00 do. Embroidery, Ac., 8.00 do. Board, (with private families,). , 8.00 do. Next Session opens (June) 19tli instant. For further particulars address the Principal, Cumming, Ga. June 12, 1871-sw2w Z. W. & M. Cos JACKSON & CO., CONTRACTORS FOR BUILDING, AND PROPRIETORS OF THE Cartersville Steam Planing Mill, SkSW WLAWB DOOW. YKCTOM, CARTERSVILLE GEORGIA. Sash will be furnished at the Factory (and boxed when necessary) at the Following Prices! Sash Bxlo,lo cents—primed and glazed, 22>£ cents SSash 18x14,14 cents—primed and glazed,Bs cts. Sash 10x12,12 ets.— “ “ 28 “ Sash 18x16,15 cents — “ 40cts. Sash 10x14, 13 eta— “ “ 33 “ Sash 12x18, 16 cents— “ “ 45cts. Sash 10x16,14 cts.— “ “ .35 “ Sash 12x20,18 cents— ‘ “ 50 cts. Sash 10x18,15 cts.- “ “ 40 “ Sash 12x22.20 cents— “ “ 55 cts. Other sizes in proportion. The above sash are made plain. When made Up sash, 2 cents per light will be added. All sash glazed with a good article of Glass. ROLLING BLINDS 75 cents per foot,measuring the height, without painting, catches or hin ges. Blinds lor Windows more than 3 feet 6 inches wide, charged extra, in proportion to the width. PANEL DOORS Four Panels, 11-4 thick, plain, $4.00: one side moulded, $4.50; both sides moulded. $5.00. Bevel ed Doors same .price as one side moulded. Fifty cents additional for everv 1-4 inch in thickness. These prices are for doors 3 feet by 7 ; larger doors charged extra, in proportion to size. All kinds of lumber planed, and flooring and Ceiling tongued and grooved. Brackets, and all kinds of Scroll Sawing for Ornamental Work done to order. Shop Work of alt kinds, executed w ith neatness and dispatch. Special Contracts made for large Jobs. (—Express..)— J. & S. BONES & CO., IMPORTERS OF AND DEALERS IN IRON AND STEEL, ROME, CA. Besides having DECIDEDLY the LARGEST STOCK of HARDWARE, in all its Departments, in the Chero kee country, we are the Exclusive Agents for the sale of n Celebrated Portable, Stationary, AND Plantation Engines. POJBTABLK CIRCULAR SAW AND CRIST MILLS, AND MILL MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. Person intending to erect Mills of any kind, would do well to consult with us, And can he furnished at Strictly Manufacturers Prices. Blandy’s Portable Steam Engines and Saw-Mills have taken the First Premiums at The United States Fair, The Ohio State Fair at Cincinnati, The Ohio State Fair at Dayton, The Ohio State Fair at Zanesville, The Ohio State Fair at Sandusky, The Indiana State Pair at Indianapolis, The Missouri State Fair at St. Louis, The Tennessee State Fair at Nashville, The Goergia State Fair at Macon, The Arkansas State Fair at Little Rock, The Agricultural Fair Association Ga. & Ala. Rome Ga. The Kentucky North Western Agricultural Society. The Great Industrial Exposition at Cincinnati, And many other Fairs of less consequence, and never failed to beat all competitors, in any coutest in which they were evei entered. We give a full square guarantee upon all the Machinery sold by us. Send for Catalogue aid Price List. March 31, 1871. J. & S. BONES & CO. Webster's Unabridged Dictionary FOR THE SCHOOL BOOH. I*4o Pages, 4 to. &o<X> Illustrations, Xearlv everv State Superintendent of Public Instruction in'the Inion. or corresponding offi cer, where such an one exists, has recommended Webster’s Dictionary in the strongest terms. Among them are those of Maine, New Hamp shire, Vermont, Massachusetts. Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl vania, Maryland. West Virginia, Ohio, Ken tucky, Indiana. Illinois, Missouri. Michigan, lowa, Wisconsin, Mi»i‘i’sot*i. North Carolina, Alabama. California, and also Canada—TWEN TY-FOLK. STATE PURCHASES. The State of NEW YORK has placed 10,000 copies of Webster’s Unabridged in as many of her Public Schools. The State ot WISCONSIN, about 5000—nearly every School. 1 The State of NEW JERSEY', I,sooo—nearly every School. The State of MICHIGAN made provisions for 1 all her Schools. The state of M ASS A CIiUSETTS has supplied her Schools—ncarlv all. The State of IOVY A has supplied her Schools. The State of CONNECTICUT has made pro vi>ions for her Schools. In other States many copies have been pur chased for supplying Schools of cities and towns. W hat better investment can be made for Schools. More than ten times as many are sold of Wcli ster’s Dictionaries, as Os aiiy other Series in this country. At least. four-fifths of aj] the School-Books pub lished in this country own Webster as their standard, and of the remainder, few acknowl edge arty standard. Published by G. & C. MERRIAN, Springfield, Massachusetts. Sold by all Booksellers. July 21,-swljn, Away with your Broom Factory ! Carters ville is ahead of that! She now boasts 01 a real, live COLLAR FACTORY! Ask Billy Edwards and Roger Williams! Pemberton’s Compound Extract of Stillin gia—the great Blood Purifier. , A Few Words to the Indies. Many lnd'*e!». particularly mother* mu - * ing. complain of a lirc ; l, liitlws frelißfc. or cotnplate exhaustion, on arising »« } hc morn ing. On the wife anti mother devolve* the of regulating the dunce ot the household. Her cure.* are numerous. an>i die mental as the physical powers arc fre frentlr called into requisition. often , finds her slightest occupation a weary task and existence a burden, while at the same I tiuieshe has no regular disease. Hostetler s Stomach Bitters, if resorted to at this period will prove an unfailing remedy for this an noying lassitude. The effects of th s potent agent are soon seen in the rosy cheek and elastic step of the head of the family, as with restored health and renewed spirits she takes her accustomed place in the family circle. If this friend in ne<?d be regularly used, those depressing symptoms will never be complained of, and not only would lassi tude not be experienced, but many diseases following its advent be avoided. Asa med ical agent it has no equal, while its pleasing flavor and healthful effect have made it a general favorite. It is free from all prop erties calculated to impair the system, and its operations are at once mild, soothing and efficient. All who have used the Bitters at test its virtues and commend it to use. Messrs. Cower, Jones A Cos., Are still at their old trade making, selling, aud repairing carriages, bag gies, Wagons, <s*c. They are continu ally enlarging their business in order to supply the daily increasing demand for their vehicles The)' have the most extensive carriage IteDOsitory and Man ufactory in Cherokee Georgia, and the reputation of their work unsurpassed in the South. Long experience at the business has won for them a notoriety for substantial, durable, and style of finish of work, seldom, if ever, attained by any like establishment in the South ern States. See advertisement. TOBACCO. —Messrs. JOURDAN, HOW ARD & HARRALSON, Atlanta, Ga. t have on hand the following Choice Brands of manufactured Tobacco, which they offer to trade as low as the lowest: Brown’s Log Cabin, Cabin Home, Golden Choice, Pike’s Peak, Winfree’s Gold Leaf, Pranly’s XXX, Montsief, Hyco Belle, Peach Mountain, Sunny Side, Saranac, McGhee’s 4 A, Golden Rule, Rosa Belle, Globe Twist, Crown Navy, May Apple. And many other desirable brands not men tioned; together with a fine variety of Smok ing Tobaccos and Cigars. S. & M. LIEBIAN, Have Received the host elegait; Best Selected lad Cheapest! STOCK OF DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishing Goods, BOOTS ANB SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, & C. English School. HOWARD will open an Eng lish Mixed School; in the School Room on tne 1.-jnd and near the residence oC.J. A. Howard and in which she taught, last session, on Mon day next the3lst instant. Girls and little boys will be admitted on the following terms: First Class.—Spelling, Reading, Writing Primary Arithmetic, and’ Geography, (per month,) ?! 50 Sscond Clash.—English Grammer, History, and Arithmetic, (month) $2 00 The fhtl term will continue four nvouths No deduction made for loss of time, except in cases oi protracted sickness. 1 Carters ville, Ga., July 25, MTI.-swtf It. It. It. 1 RADWAY’S RE\OY RFUZF. (MIRKS TilK WOKS t\PAINS in from One b> Twenty HimUes. IN OT ON lu I lorit after reading this advertisement need tiny one St rt'KR M l !'M !‘,|lV. It was the iirst aud is ' The Only Ihtin llemetly I that Instantty stops the mostc \crpciiting paim*. JaUa'S Inflammation*. aud cures Conges turns, whether of the I.uflg>-stomach, Bowels. oi oili er glands or organs, hy one application, IN Fttt *At ON KTO YW EN T V MIN l r I’KS. i no matter how violent or exerwviating the pain the RlIKt'M A TIC. Brd-riddon. Infirm. Crip- I pled. Nervous, Neuralgic, or pr<*< fritted with disease may suffer. Kadwa>\s Heiitly KeILT W.LL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, INFLAMMATION Os THE ELAp-ER. j INFLAMMATION OE THE BOWELS. CONGESTION OF THE LUNGS ] SORE THROAT. DIFFICULT BREATHING. PALPITATION OF THE HEART. ! HYSTERICS. CROUP- OIPTHERIA. CATARRH.INFLUENZA HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, NURALGIA. RHEUMATISM. Cold ctfius, ague chills, The application of the Ready Relief to nie part or parts where the pain or tlitliculty exists , wilt afford ease and comfort. . j Twenty drops in half a tiifnlder of water «ili in a few moments euro CHAMl’iv Sl’Asijy SOUR isTOM ACH, HEARTBURN. SiCK IIkaI). ; ACHK, 1)1 ABKHtKA, I)YSENTKKKY, COLIC. M INI' is tuk Bowels, and all Intkknal Pains, Travelers should always carry a bottle ot ltadway’s Heady Relief with them. A tew drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It is better than Vre net i I Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant. FEVER AND AGUE. FEVER ANl> AGUE cured for fifty cents.— There is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and aH other McU rious. Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid. Yellow, and other Fevers, (aided hy Rahway’s Pills) so . quick as Radw ay ’8 Ready Relief. Fifty cents per bottle. HEALTH Til AU TY ! j STRONG AND PURE hICH BLOOD—INCREASE OF FLESH ANC WEIGHT—OI EAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION SECURED TO ALL, DR. RAD W AY’S SARSAPPABILLIAN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASSONISHINU CURES; SO QUICK. SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES, UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight is Seen and Felt. The Great Blood PURIFIER. Every drop of tile S A IIS AFP A RILL A RESoL - V EXT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and juices of the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes of the body with new and sound material. Scro fula, Syphilis. Consumption, Glandular. disease*. Ulcers in the throat, Mouth, Tmuors, Modes in the Glands, and other parte of the system. Sore Eyes, Strumorous discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores. Soald ifetut, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Ery sipelas. Acne, Blen t Spots' Worms in the. Flesh, Ttimors. Causers in the Womh, and all weakening and painful discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and all wiwtes of the iffe principle. are with in the curat ice range o/this wonder of Modern ■Chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease its potent power to curt. If the patient, daily becoming reduced hy the wastes and decomposition that is continually progressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes, and repars the same witli new material made fromhealty blooti—and this the SARSAPARIL LIAN will and does secure—a cure is certain; for when once this remedy commences its work of purification, and succeeds in diminishing the loss of wastes, its repairs will he rapid, aud«v ery day the patient will feel himself growing better and stronger, the food digesting better, appetite improving, aud flesh and weight in creasing. Not only does the Sarsapatulliax Resolv knt excel all known remedial agents in the cure of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and Skin diseases; but it is the only positive cure for Kidney «fc YSladder Com plaints. Urinary, and Wonilt diseases, Gravel, Diabetes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence of Urine, Bright’s Disease, Albuminuria, and in all cases where there are brick and dust depos its, or the water is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like the white of an egg, or threads like w hite silk, or there is a morbid, dark, bil lious appearance, and white bone dust deposits, and when there is a pricking, burning sensa tion when passing water, and pain in the Small of the back and along the Coins. DR. RADWAY’S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regulate, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Kadwav’s Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kid neys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Costiveness, Indigestion, Dyspep sia, Billiousncss, Billions Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all Derangements of the Internal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals, or deleterious drugs. Observe the following symptoms result ing trom Disorders of the Digestive Organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heatburn, Disgust of Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming in the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing. A few doses of RADWAY’S PILLS will free the system from all named disorders. Price 25 cents per Box. SOLD BY DRUG GISTS. READ “FALSE AND TRUE.” Send one letter-stamp to RADWAY A CO., No. 87 Maid en Lane, New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. j uly 7,1871-wly. Grover and Baker Sewing Machine THIS celebrated Sewing Machine has been in use for nearly twenty years, and is now iis e«t bv over three hundred thousand families, and has gained a reputation far above any oth i * 1-as been awarded more national prizes Loan any other machine in the world; at Vne Great World's Fair at New York. >' Vas awarded the Gold Medal: at the London Fair it won the very highest prize, and in 1867, at Paris, it was awarded the Cross of the Legion of Honor; besides this, it has won the First Premium at all the State Fairs where it Iras ,been exhibited. However, we do not claim that premiums won at our State and County Fairs any great honor or mark of distinction, its it depends more an the operator than the machine, they seldom have judges who are mechanics, and judges of a Se-wing Machine. At National Fairs there are a, sworn Committee, who are judges of machinery. The following are some of the reasons why the Gxover & Baker is the best: It is the lightest running Machine in use; jt is the simplest; it is more rapid in its movements; sews directly trom two spool* without rewind ing; sews all kinds of work w ithout baisting. can do twice as mnch work in a day as anv other machine; it is the most durable, and almost noiseless; it sews equally well on all kinds of goods, from the finest Sw : iss muslin to the heaviest Beaver cloth; makes the elastio lock-stitch much the strongest in use, andeverv machine is fully warranted. Who can desire any more iu a sewing machine. There is every variety and size of these machines, from the lightest family to the heaviest leather machine. These machines are now for sale at Cartersville, Ga., by Leon A CAMP, in one of Judge Parrott's new Store Houses, under the City hall. Ma chines Will he delivered to Customers either in or out ot the city, and full instructions given free of charge; and should anv of our machines fall short of our recommendation, the money will l>e cheerfully refunded or placed in »*V stead any other machine in use. Old Machines repaired and put iu good order on the verv shortest notice, LEON A. CAMP, CarU}rsviiJe„Ga. Finest and Purest Labours iu town, at the Star Saloon. May 26,-tff* Gibson's Diodora, 15 years old. The best whisky on, ttha market, at the Star Saloon. May 26,-- if. | Wuu>, Proprietor. R H. A C... 1*,,, . [}«n., !U* Fr«nciict>, C»l. t »„J *4 Csamom mtmi.'s . y l MILLIONS Bear Testimony to I Wonderful Cat-alive Effects. They are not a vile Fancy Drink. Mad* of Poar Bain, Whiskey, Proof Spiriis and RetVi.e Liquors doctored, apioed aud sweetened to |*ln*»e y,* taste,called “Tonic*,” “Appetizer*,’' ••Restorer*,"'fie., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin,hut are a true ado from the Native Roots ami Herb* c»f California, free from all Alcoholic Hiimn- Innt*. They are the till EAT BLOOD PI Ul. FIER and A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPU, a perfect Renovator and In vigor.,tor of the System, carrvingoff ailpwisiitsnns matter and restoring thobhred to a healthy oondition. No person can take these Bit ter* according to direction* aud remain long unwell, provided ttieir bone* are not destroyed hy mineral poison or other mean*, and the vital organ* wasted beyond the point of repair. They are a Gentle Purgative its well n* a Tonic, possessing. also, th* peculiar merit of acting n* a powerful agent in relieving Congestion hr Inflam mation of the Idvcr. and all the Vi*.oral Organ*. FOR FEMALE COMPLAINT*, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of woman tend or a» the turn of life, these Tonic Bitter* have no equal. For I nfln in inn tory and Chronic It hsmtta tism and Gout, Dyspepsia or Isdiceslisi.. Bilious. Remittent and Intermittent Fe vers, Discnaea of the Blood. Giver, Kid neys mid Bladder, these ItiUera have beat, tod successful. Such Disen sea nr* caused by $ iliated Blood, which is generally product! by derarrgemar t of the Digestive Orgeats. DYSPEPSIA Olt IN IHGF.STIOX, H**B ache. Pain iu the Shoulder*, Cough*. Tightness o' «e Chest. Dixxinens, Sour Kructatiou* of the SL.-matv Bad Taste In the Mouth, Bilious Attack*. P»'.. “atma the Heart, Inflammation of the hung*. Pan' iu t *r ? gions ot the Kidueys, audehaadred othc pa• uftr. nm?, toms, arw the-cftsprmgs of Dyspepsia They invigorate the Stomach and ditto th.; Urr pt I.fver and Bow*ls, which reuaer them of un«nn»Ue eflick'r in cleansing th* blood of all itc.'-ariu. s. and uw parting new life and vigor to the whole system- FOR SKIS DISEASES. Uruptious, Tetter. Halt TU.enni, Blotches, Spots. Piiuple*. Pustules, B !U,tJ«r buuc'le*. Ring-Wonus. Scald Ileal. Sore Eyes. Jiryrip las Itch. Scurfs, IliscoloratioH* of the Skin. Humors an j Disease* of th* Skui.of whater-r name or u*tug* are Hterailv dug up and carried out of the system in a *h ot time by the use ot these Hitters. One bottle iu sucti cases will convince the most iucredutous of thou *u -x tiv* effects^ Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever - you'ffnd ltsjm purities bursting through tbs skin in Pimpifes, Lr ;■ tions or Sore* ; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins r cleanse it when it iafc -tl. and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the Wood purs, and the healtlief thssvsteni will follow. Pin,.Tapo,.ausl stiier Warms, lurking in th* system of so many thoueandi, are effectually destroys ; and removed. Says a distinguished phrsloiogi*'. tliere is scarcely an individual upon the race of in earth whose body is exempt from the presence o. worms. It is not upon the healthy elements of the body that worm* exist, but upon the diseased burner* and slimy deposits that breed these living inonsterref' disease. No System of Medicine, do vermifuges, so anthelmintics will free the system from worms iikt these Bitters. J WALKER. Proprietor. R. 11. McDONALD * CO, Druggists and flea. Agents. Ban Francisco. California, and St and 34 Commerce Street. New York. KT’SOLD BY ALL DKLUUISTB AND LEAL HR A Cartenriile Prices Current. Corrected Semi-Weekly l>y A, H, llmlgriii, Grocery Morolutut. Cotton Axes per doz. $13.00 to $15.00 Butter—Goshen th 50 (and 00-- “ Country 25(«5 30c Beeswait th,....' 20 25 Bviiurtftjuve A sv’ulpla. th d-fni Ss> Bluestowpe lb tikfa®2o* Borax th 50 (<b HB Crackers—Butter 11, K (it 25 “ Soda 7,T@13 “ Cream... iKo2fi Candy—Fancy as>t.lh 111,0,40 “ Stick 10,? 3d Coffee—Rio— th 18}fa'll Java 2»>;/2S Cream Tartar, th 50fd,70 Camphor—Gum, th 1.25*2.00 Cotton Cards, doz $7.50 «,.8.0(J J E osoin Sal t 5,... It, ... 8(0.15 I Grain—Corn, bush. 75'a.80 j “ Wheat,—BO “ Rye 75fd90 “ Peas 1.40 ms 2 “ Oats . 50 afiO “ Clover Seed $0.50-12 Sugar— Brown, th 13<t14 ! •* C. 14 als “ A. 153i''a.l6'-. “ Crushed I*V>fAß “ Potyr’d Syrup—Musi onrax gal 40r a.:** “ GoWen ... fWr^f.Ob “ Ex. Golden ftfc(l.2s M New Orleans AdajH Oil—Tanner’s, gal SI.IO--4ff ** Kerosene u Linseed, raw 40 ** “ boil’d $1.35'fii1.50 | Rope—Manilla lb 28053d I “ Machine 11^)151 “ < lotton 37 fB4O Cotton Yarns, bun. 1.30-1.40 | Brown Sheetings, yd. 10'ir.H 1 Dried Peaches, finish $1.50 -75 • “ Apples $1.75 I Vinegar—Cidar, gal | Satterfield it Wofford, m Family i; O € fi R I E H AND Produce. CARTERSVILLE, GA. 4T the old stand, East side of the ra : \ road, where we promise to se.’l on . i 1 good terms, and as low down in pi; * ■. . s any grocery house in town, either by the Wholesale or Retail. Corae and see us and test o»r sincerity. J II SATTEKTIEf l aprl2wly .1 (J WOFIfbRP. i» A It B Y ' S Prophylactic Fluid Modi in,.for pur fving, eieasing, removing had odor- n vi i j ;» ’ of sickness: for burns, litres, wounds, -n; ■ for Erysipelas, rhenmatism. and all skin m,-c - es: for catarrh, sore month, sore thro:it, dip' > ria; for cholic, diarrhoea, cholera: as a wash to soften and beautify the skin: to remove Ink 'sjmtSjjnafldggn fritjt_ stains; taken internal!; well as applied externally; so hirhlv recoin i have used it—is for sale hv J all Druggists and Country Merchants, and ma' he ordered directly of DAJ.US\ PROP HI LAI It CO.. _ Dec. fi, w4y. nil William Street. X. Y. Just Received FINE TABLE; CUTLERY! A New Supply of Castors AND OTHER PLATED WARRE. CHEAP AS THEY CAN BE BSttEKT in any Southern mankefc. .LT.fy.VKy. B@uTho Star Saloon is the place to get the finest and the cheapest ci gars in Cartersville, and no mistake. M ty -26,-tf. jinrllitlffto 1) MfiaCvC Shoulders tbltkaiT (dear rbside Plain hams . ( .utv, hams (t* SM 1 FVwtdupork iWa it) Chetsse. th C 8 (a, 21 Cigars, M “ Donv. f 1 5'(<eF *> Tobacco th Hfttik'tiifi “ Medium 70 3, “ Prime,l.rtO at.fiO “ Va Leal 20 a.25j “ Smoking 75 f t' 0 Eggs, floZ. Ifj&h'O Flour, cwt. $4.54.'0 j Lard, tti ...llffdfi | -Meal, bnsii. 75 ilti..: I I.ime, bid. 1.~5 j2.'o Rice, lb !l fisP? , Salt, saek 2.:iVtt2.10 Soda, th .... 7(r? 10 Starch, th .. B(gJ5 Soap-liar tt.ffdtl . Shot, bag|2.7s(a3 00 Shovels, Am. sl..'L Iron, it, .. srh\t5 r h\t [’iitty, th Wa,\ac. indryps th st.7TyVt?!<4! Tattaw, lb 2**l , Test, th Fe.siNers sh ffßfn7s Per*frer. th 55f. *is Maek’l, kit $2—2.75 Potatoes. Ir. 7<V*.Bs “ Sweet *2 00 | Twine, bag. 30 JBS I Candles, th 19,23.' I Lumber M slfi |*A) Wool, wash. 20:ff 4 J | Osnabnrgs y l.Vo’lß | Turpentine 75(4$ 1 ‘ Rags, cot lin th 3>; I White Txsad 10 a.l 5 I Estrella Oil 40(4*>J