The Cartersville semi-weekly express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1871, September 01, 1871, Image 1
— : —~— - l ; •' I' H >*»■ ' ’** ***"” t..«n .all rai ,u!f tltodft 1 1 i! IM Ml <*» Ml * *' *, « . I ... M Published on, every Tuesday and Friday . Wonungs VOLUME X. Tine Cartersvillc Express 1* |»nMish«<l Sotnl-Wi-ekly on every Tl Ks- , l» VI AND FKID.YT, liv s. H. SMITH & Cos., Editors and Prop’rs. In tlie town til Bartow County, Ga. ! Tori nos Subscription: ONLY $2 A YEAR!!! INVAIt' HUjY IN A1) VA NCE. Thursday M t.'ning Edition, one year) 1.50 Tlii' 1 it for )tr vpoGtion is con 11 nod to citizens of Bartow county only. * Torirs of Advertising: (O 11 Vofttk or Less.) f>or iquare often ttolid Nonnariil or Brevier lines or less, due ftolljir for the first, nnd Fifty Cents rof each sul>- ■eouent, Insertion. Amur if »r #’m tract, One Hundred and Twenty 1 >nllars per column, or in that proportion. Jf.j.ifmionnl ffards- John W~ Wolioril, ATTORNEY AT LAW. UAHTFRSVI I.LK ...” ...!L...OROU<,T Ofttce over Pinkerton's Dmi? Store. Oct. 11. W. T. WOKKOKi*, A. P. WOKFOKD. Wolford *V Woll'ord, AITOHNEYS AT LAW, C A RT X US VILI. •<, GEORGIA. Fane *l, tWI». R. H . Tlui |»iu‘y, AITTORNEY AT LAW. OAETICKSVIU E, OEOROT V Will practice in the courts of the Cherokee Circuit. Funicular attention given to the col. Itu'.tiou of daiuu. Oilicc wit M Col. Aimlii John son. 0< t - John 4. Jones, ATTORNEY M LAW & REAL ESTATE AGENT. CARTKRBVILLE.. GEORGIY. Will attend promptly to all pr offend on a I hnsi ness entrusted to his care; also, to tint and selling of Real Estate. Jan 1. -Jcrr. X. Howard, Ordinary of llartow County. CARTK.KSVILLE, GEORGIA. Jant, lull). i. ■ A. Ml. Foute, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AUTEURVILIiK GEORGIA. ( With flol. Warren Akin,) Will practice in the courts of Itartoiv, Cold*, Polk, Floyd. Gordon, Murray, Whitfield and ad joining counties. March At. T. W. UILSKR, O. It. MILNER. Milner Milner, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CAUTKRSVILLK, GEORGIA Will attmid promptly to business entrusted to their care. Jan. 15. Warren Akin, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OAKTKKSVI LK GEORGIA. Will practice in all the courts of the State. Ham. 11. ft’atillo, Fashionable Tailor and Agent for Sewing Machines, W I f.L attend promptly to the Cutting. Re pairing, and Making Roys’ and Mens’ Clothing; also, \g.-nt for the silo of the cele brated Grover A Raker Sewing Machines. Of fice over Stokuty & Williams Store. Entrance from the rear. fob 17. W. 11. Jlomiiuasilß. Jeweler iiutl Watch aiul Clock Repairer, OAUTKUHVIM K, PHCOITOU. Office iu trout of A. A. Skinner A Co’s Store. l£ciiuc*aw House, MAKIKTCA,.. GEORGIA. IS still nnen to the traveling public as well as summer visitors. Parties desiring to make arrangements for the season can be accommo dated. Rooms neat and clean and especially adapted for families. A line large piazza has Im“cii recently added to the comforts of the estab lishment. ‘ FLKfUIIER & FREY Kit, iunelHwtf Proprietors. S. O’SHIELDS, Fash ion able Ta Uor 9 Cartersville, . Georgia. I I A V K just received the latest, European and I 1. Vmcric&n styles of Mens’ and Roys’ Cloth ing, and is prepared to Cut and Making to or der. Office upstairs in Licbmau’s store, East side of the Railroad. sept. 29. Hr. J. A. Jackson. PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE IN THE FE IK DRUG STOKE. CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA. Jan Ith, 1871. WM 0. BOWL Ell,' manufacturer of, ANL) DEALER IN, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, Saddles, COLLARS, LEATHER, &C. RKrAiinsu i»o\i: With iK'atneMH and dispateli. , tosy-Shop* n West Main Street, near the old Market Hon«j, CAJRTEItSVILLK, GA. febgt-wty WM.O JtoWLKli. "GEABSHOP,”by CART SRSVILI.E, GA. tonuTO ov Harness, Bri [ dl< s, l*ear, etc*, amd Dkalkr in Qndtllos, T jOatliov. Uepairtng doaoron short uotiue. Work war-, i anted to stand the test. Hides Wanted. jan.St, lSll.-swly A - I>i*. 1 \ M. 'V-i&f&Sf <* Cartenuille, (Ja. drawn without pain, by the ttseoi nar- Co,IC spray. mc h 9. J. T. OWEN, jeweler. Main Street, Cartersville, Ga., it ' .i'n ll anything in his line as cheap as IHi , ”'- ,u anywhere. athis I>yst ’ rcail - v to Serve his - u > duug Wttiuutod to give eatisluetiou. IT is well known to l>o< tor- and to i.adivs ’oiy that Woulen are subject L A t‘. numerous diseases pe- pi ft culiar to their m:\ mil V. , r», '*■ as Suppression of the •*..*!, .V <+,. Menses, Whites, Painful —j Sissy % . • ■/ M’nfhly ‘Periods,’ Rluu ‘ t matism of the Rack and V'lfi Womb, Irregular Men- .ft* ■.** in f stmation, lfemorrhage, g fi-f- <■/'?,J or E vc ‘Flow,'and ,y%.- fA Prol:>|isus Cteribr Kali- » A iug of the Worn I*. 'v-, '"4* V? - / 'l’ln t: diseases have cel * s- \ •loin l.epn treafed 'uceessfully. The profession hi'soughtdilligenUy lor some reined) that, wo’hl enable, (hem (.» treat these disease iffi gic.c.e.' >, AJ. hist, th it reined v has be« v u tlOeovered by one of the most skilful uhysiciauz in the.'staiiLof Georgia. The remedy is Bradhold’s Female Regulator. It is «tmd'- ’pe--efrdiie, riridT4 hut tip iti Atlan ta, bv Hit ADVIKLIt & CO. It will purify the blood and strengthen the system, relieve irritation of the kidneys, and is a perfeet specific tor rdt the above disease's; as certain a cure as tjninine is in chills and Fevers. For a history of diseases, and certificates of its worderful cures, the reader is referred to the wrapper around the bottle. Kvery botlle war ranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. L AGR Anoe. G A.. March 23,1570. BUADFIKTJI Sc CO., AT LA NT \, G hear Sirs: t take pleasure in stating that l have used, for the last twenty years, the medi cine vou are putting up. known as l >R. .T. RR A I>- FIKI.h’S FKMAI.E RKtJCLATOJt, and con sider it tlie best combination ever gotten to gether for the diseases for which it is recom mended. I have been familiar with the pre scription both as ,u praetltfoner of inedieiite and in domestic practice, ami can lmne-tly say that I uonsider it a boon to suffering females, and can but hope. Unit every lady in our whole land, who may hC suffering in any way peculiar to their sev, mav he able to procure a bottle, that their sufferings may not only be relieved, but that .they mav be restored to health it strength. With my kindest regards, t am. vespeefcfullv, W. R. FERRKLI,, M. I). We, the undersigned Druggists, fak(> pleasure in commending to the trade, hr. J, Rradlield’s Female Regulator—believing ittobe a good and reliable remedy for the diseases for which he recommends it. W. A. L A N'^hKLL, PKMRFRTON. AVTLRt )N, T UTOR & CO. REDWINK A FOX, W.O. LAWSIIK. Atlanta, Ga. W. ROOT & SON, Marietta, Gil. \CTS with gentleness and thoroughness upon the Liver and General Circula tion -lieeps the Rowels in Natural Motion anil Cleanses the System from all iinpnrl fatls Vfo tin re U- l t! r |Ur. 0. S. Propllltt/8 thisease in **» t VI 1 1 form. Tor lnent, Ilyspepsia, liHligestion, Loss of Ap petite, Nausea, Sour Stomach, Heart Kuril. Debility, J.oiv Spirits, Cold lfeet and Hands, Kostlveness, Listlessness, Colic, Chronic Diarrhea, and Chronic Chills and Cover. in strict accordance with skilllul chemistry and scientific, pharmacy, this purely veg- 1 je t a b 1 e Compo nnd- I litas, after the severe-} | CELEBRATED | |«’St test of t w e n t >4| I L ears i n cussanl mso,||fl.eeu stvl ed the Great Restorative and Reci t'Ekant by the enlightened testimony of t housands us ing it.; so harmoniously adiiistod that it keeps the Liver in healthful action; and when the directions are observed the process of waste and replenishment in the human system con tinues uninterruptedly to a ripe old ago, and man, like the patriarchs of old, drops into the grave lull id \eirs, and without a struggle, whenever '"*Tt FI * E a Tit claims his r . .. . ’^treroga a. ia -| j Liver Medicine a lot * <1 1 .» e niostj Hdelicate robust const itaition, it can lie given with eiptal satety and success to the young clpld, invalid lad v or strong man. june 2, 1871. itn. o. s. i* n o i*fiiTT's Auotlyiic Mill It. NEVER FAILING! |\ EVERY FORM. (CURIOS P tins in the Ra<d\ Chest, Hips or J Li mlis, li’ieit mat 'Km , XcnraLjia, Couyhs, Colds, lltytiahi if. A j feet ions. Kidney Diseases. Dt/s'- pepsiti. Liter Complaint ; Colin, C hohra , Cholera Morbus. J'fenrisy, Asthma. If,■art Bum. Tooth .tr/ic. Jaw Ache, Bar Ache, Head Ache, Sprains, Braises, Cuts, Contusions. Sores, La,united Mounds, S,■aids. Burns, ('hill Bla ins, Frost Bites. Poisons, of all Li/uls, vegetable or animal. Os till P-V IJST Iv IL Tj 1T ! the Remedies ever discovered for the relief of Suffering humanity, this is the h xt Pftin Mr,Hat tor known to MnUvnt Scicru-r. The cure is speedy and permanent in the most inveterate diseases. ’Phis is no humbug, but a f/rnnti inrtfiat/ ,tixeorrry. A 1 * AIN laU.l.kk containing no poison to inflame, naralize or drive the inflammation upon an in ternal organ, its ellicienov is trulv wonderful — lt km kk is I nst a n't a nkoi's. It is'destined to banish pains and aches, wounds and bruises, from the face of the earth. may fi, 1871. CERTIFICATES: We, the undersigned, liaved used I>r. Propli itt’s Prepaartions, and take pleasure in recom mending them to the public, as being all lip claims for them; Cos?. ft J ITenderson, Covington, (Ja.; <) T Kog evs, Covington, Ga.; O S Porter, Covington, Oh.; Prof. .1 I, Jones, Covington, Ga.; Jtev.'M \y Ar nold, Georgia Conference; Jtev. W \V Ostin, Ga. Conference; K M Htvanson, Monticello, Ga.; Ro bert Barnes, Jasper County, Ga.; A MRobinson, Monticello, Ga.; James \V right, Putnam county, Ga.; A Westbrook. Putnam countv, Ga.; Judge •J J Floyd, Covington. Ga.; W L I tehee. “Cov ington Enterprise,”: A 11 Zaclu v, Conyers, Ga; George Wallace, Atlanta, Ga.; Dirk Lockett, Davis county. Texas; W Hawk Whatley, Cus seta, Texas; W C Roberts, Linden countv, Tex as; Tommy «& Stewart, Atlanta, Ga; W \ Lans dell, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga; R K Maddox & Cos.; Atlanta, Ga.; Uri;ih Stephens, Cartersville, Ga.; A N Louis, Low ndes county, Ga.; Joseph Land, Lowndes comity, Ga.- Jus. Jefferson. CarUav ville, Ga.; W L Kills, Iheoly count v, Ga.; W A Forehand. Dooly county, Ga.; John 15. Davis Newton Factory, Ga.; 15 F llass, Lowmjnes co, _ i. -L. _ Bridles, COWER, JONES k CO, MANUFACTUUEItS OP And Dealers in CAI ill r AGES, BUGG IES, AND 1, 2 & 4 Horse Wagons. MATERIALS, AC. REPAIRING, <if all kinds, DONE WITH NEA thiSSS and DURABILI TY. CARTERSVILLE, SA. fob. 7, 1871.vvly /iva) mii a bAms > w rorvn' joi, n Johnson, has applied fpr exemption oi per- 1 ' Minalty, ami I M ill pnss apon the same at 10 o’clock A. a., on thclitb da V of A.tfciiKt 1871. * A. A.lliiW AUG, Ordinary B.A,'. CARTERSVILLE, BARTOW COYXTY. CKOKCIA. SRP’T 1 I<S7l. Spluhliilc oLlho CRTERSVILLE k A-AVERT R. R. ON and’ after January 20th, IS7I, the trains will Leave TAX' M»l?«sVir.r,E. at ........ n.'lft. A. M. “ srn.ESRORiP, at pi, \. M. “ FOR R EST UfRT,. at 10.25. A. M Arriving at CAItTEtfsviLLK, at 10.50, A M Leave <' AItTKRS VILLE, at 1, P. M. Arrive at TAV LOUSVII.LE, at ... .A, P. M. A Rack will scon be running from thslactown to Taylorsville via. Van connecting ivitlt the traindi** #***».‘l •* r. An Extra train 4vill Iw Ourtetprtllemul Return tn Titvlorsi ilie.Hi*very Friday e\*ening. liy order of the Proident.’ D. W. K. i’K \f OCK, See') / CHA NG E 0> S C fiTo 11 LE > WESTERN ,t A TLANTW It. 11. CC < NDDfT P Leaves Atlanta, 10 r. M. Arrives at t’hattamxjga, .... ’ A If, a. M i)X\ PASsCSGIait IT!AlN—(svtv. AKI». Leaves Ml anti, .“ Arrives at Chattanooga 1 25, r. M. F AST LINE TO NEW VOUK -OT'YWA'UD. Leaves Atlanta 2 45, p. m. Arrrives at Dalton 7 5), I*. Jl. NIGHT I* ASSEN GKH Tit AIX —In \t .utii. Leaves Chattanooga. 5 20, p. m. Arrives at Atlanta 1 42, A. M. day passenger tuain-lnwarp. Leaves Chattanooga 5 3fi, a. m. Arrives at Atlanta 2 20, p. si. A CC< >MM<) D ATI ON TRA IN—IN W A Ul>. Leaves Dalton 2 25, A. Si. Arrives at Atlanta » 10, \. si. E. R. WALKER, may 25, 1871. Master of Transportation. Lawsho & Hay lies, UA V EON II AN 1) AND ARE RECEIVING the finest stock of the Very Latest Styles of Diamond and Gold jbwflkx:, in upper Goorgia, selected, with eat care for the , jj ’ Fall and Winter Trade, Watches, of the REST MAKERS, of both Europe and A meriea; Aiiioriciui an«l Fronch Clocks; sterling ami Coin Silver Ware; and the best quality of Silver Platod Goods, at prices to suit the times; Gold, .Silver and Steel Spectacles, to suit all ages. Watches sukl Jewelry KrPAIRSD BY CoAII’BTKNT WORKMEN; Also Clock and Watch Makers Tools and SVfaterials. sept 13.-swly ATLANTM, GA. W. U. OiI.RKKf. A. BAXTER, T. W. BAXTER, Jr. GILBEItT & BAITEII, (SUCCESSORS TO W. Jf. GILRERT & C 0.,) Dealers In ILAKDWVKE, B KO\, STEKL, HH A S 3jS, CLOVER & GRASS SEED. AGENTS FOR SALE OF COAL CREEK COAL. l s eruvian (iaano. And other Fertilizers. Agricultural Implements, Agricultural and Mill Machinery. A LSO GENERAL MERCHANTS For sale and i’urchase ol COTTON. WHEAT, CORN. And all other Country Produce, Cotton, Hav AND OTHER PRODUCE SHIPPED ON LBBIIiIAL TIIIUIS. GILBERT & BAXTER. Cartersvil 10 Ga. Jan. 10, 1871 —lv. ~JA^TW. STRANGE, Dealer fii? ami Manufacturer Os Tim WAIF, AXI) Goods, ALSO D>BL\CBIU l.\ First-Class Stoves At The levs rest Cash l°riccs. WILL HARTER FOR COUNTRY DRODUCE, 11AGS, AC. Cartersville, Jan.2otli, ’7l -Iy. • ——<i—-- e tki — s i s. If. PATTIJLLO, Agent GROVER & BAKER’S CELEBRATED sum iicmm BOTH THE Kla A STIC AXD SHUTTLE OR LOCKSTITCH, SUITABLE FOR ANY KIND OF FAMI LY SEWING- NONE BETTER* Men and Hoys’ Cloihing Made on the Most Reasonable Terms# In fact, almost an}' description of SEALING done , A«Cheap as tlie Cheaix , «t! .. AN D II TIIE Brick and Stone (VUITERSVILLE, CIA. ] prepared to do any of the above work upon slioi't notice and at low figuera aptplty and I will pas* upon the, same, on the 71 h day of September, is*l, at 10 o’clock, a. m., j at iny office. Witness nlr hand and official ig- 1 nature, this 18th August," IS7I. J. A. liDW AltD, Ord’y, 15. C. j “Onward and Upward.” SHARP &FLO YD, 0U ~,u ) ,if{( !p In hr* 1 Suocsssmts to G«o. SHARP, Jr., ATLANTA, Wholesale And Jewelers. We Keep a Large and Varied Assortment of FINE WATCHES, CLOCKS, IBIAJIOXm, JEHKLHY, AM» SPECTACLm A SPECIALTY. XVe M.tnuLu luao Tea Sets, Forks, Spoons Goblets, Ciqis, Knives, etc. Ifycmiums Ifot; J^tcidlur t ul tfaiiis. We are prepared to fill any outer for Fairs at short notice; also to give any information in reyard to Premiums. Orders by mail or in person, will receive prompt and careful attention. We ask a com parison of Stock, Hr ices and Workmanship with any house in the State. Watches aud Jewelry caiwL’ully Repaired and Warranted. Masonic Badges and Sunday School Radges made to order. All Work Guaranteed. ff ENGRAVING FREE OF CHARGE. SUAltl* A FLOYIH. May 23, swly. COINHUMPTIOIN, Its Cure and Its Preventive BY J. H. SCIIENCK, M. D M ANY a human being has passed away, for whose death there was no ether reason than the neglect of known and indisputably proven means of cure. Those near-and dear to family Wild friends are sleeping the dreamless slumber into which, had they calmly adopted DR. JOSEHII 11. SCIIENUK’S SIMPLE TREATMENT. and availed themselves of his wonderful effica cious medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. fn his on n ease proved that wherever sufficient vitality remains, that vital ity. by bis medicines and his directions for their w e, is quickened Into healthful vfgor. In this statement there is nothing presump tuous. To the faith of the invalid is made no representation that is not a thousand times substantiated by living and visible works. The theory fit the cure by Dr. Nchenck’s medicines is as simple as it is m failing. Its philosophy requires no argument. It is self-assuring, self i onviucing. The Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Dills are the first two weapons villi wliieli the citadel of the malady is assailed. Tvfo-thrrds of tire cases of consunudi«t) originate in dvspcpsia and a functionally disordered livet. With this condition the bronchial tubes “ sympathize” with the stomach. They respond to the morbific action of the liver. Mere then comes the cul minating result, and the setting in, with all its distressing symptoms, of tION SUMPTION. The Mandrake Kills are esiiqiosed of one of Nature’s noblest gifts—the Hodophillum Helta tnni. They possess all the blood-searching, alterative properties of calomel. But unlike calomel, they “LEAVE NO STING BEHIND,” The work of cure is now beginning. The vitiated and mucous deposits in the bowels and in the alimentary canal are ejected. The liver, like a clock, is wound up. It arouses from its torpidity. The stomach acts responsively, and the patient begins to feel that lie is getting, at last, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. The Seaweed Tonic.'in conjunction with the Kills, permeates and assimilates with the food. <'hvlificaf ion is now progressing w ithout its | previous tortures. Digestion becomes painless, and the cure is seen to he at hand. There is no more flatulence, no exacerbation of the stomach An lunetite sets in. Now comes the greatest Blond Httrificr ever vet given hv an indulgent father to sulfering man. Sclicnck’s Hulmonic Syrup comes into perform its functions and to hasten and coin pb-to the cure. )i enters at once upon its work. Nature cannot be cheated. It collects and 'vi pros the impaired portions of tin: lungs. In ! the form of gatherings, it prepares them for expectoration, and lo ! in a very short time llic malady is vanquished, the rotten throne that it occupied is renovated and muite new, and the patient, in all the dignity of regained vigor, steps forth to enjoy ttie manhood or the woman hood that was GIVEN UR AS LOST. The second thing is. the patients must stay in a warm room until they get well ; it is almost impossible to prevent taking cold when the lungs are diseased, but it must be prevented or a cure cannot be etl'eeted. Fresh air anil riding I out, especially in this section of the country in | the winter season, are all wrong. Physicians who recommend that course lose patients, if i their lungs are badly diseased, and yet liecauso they are in tlie house they must not sit down quiet ; they must walk about the room as much and as fast as the strength will hear, to get up a good circulation of blood. The patients must keep in good spirits—he determined to get w ell. This has a great deal to do with the appetite, and i> the great point lo gain. To despair of cure after such evidence of Its possibility in the worst cases, and moral cer tainty in all ptliers, is sinful. Dr. Sclienck’s personal statement to the Faculty of his ow n cure was in these modest words : Many years ago I was in the last stages of eonsumpf ion ; confined to my bed, and at one time any physicians thought that 1 could not live a week; (hen, like a drowning man catch ing at straws, 1 heard of and obtained the pro curations which I now offer to the public, and I they made a perfect cure of me. It seemed to me that 1 could feel them penetrate inv whole system. They soon ripened the matter in mv lungs, ami 1 would spit up more than a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning lor ,a long time. As soon as that began to subside my cough, fevei, pain and night sweats all began* to leave me, and my appetite became so great that it w'iis with difficulty that I could keep from eating too much. I soon gained my strength, and have grown in ilesli ever since.”" “I was weighed shortly after my recovery,” added the Doctor, “then looking like a mere skeleton; my weight was only ninety-seven pounds ; my present weigh I is two hundred and twenty-five pounds, and for rears 1 have “ ENJOYED GOOD HEALTH.” Div.Sehenck has discontinued Ins professional visit to New York and Boston, lie or his son. Dr. J 11. Schenek, Jr., si ill continue to see patients at their office, No. 15 North Sixth street. Philadelphia, every Saturday from 9 a. in., to 3 p. m. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Respirometer will hi- charged live dollars. The Kespirometer declares the exact condition of the lungs, and patients can readily learn whether they arc curable or not. Tho directions j'or taking the medicine are adapted to the intelligence even of a child Follow these dirdf.lons, and kind nature will do the rest, excepting that in some cases lire Man drake l’ills are to he taken in increased doses ; tbe three medicines need no other accompani ments than the ample instructions that do ..accompany them. First create appetite. Os returning’health hunger is the most Welcome symptom. When it Comes, as it will Conic,Tel the (p-sp airing he of good cheer. Good blood at once follow s, the cough loosens, the night sw eat is abated, in a short time both of t hese morbid svpptoms are gone forever. *t|>r. Sche.nek’s medicines arc* constantly kept in (Lotts of thousands of families. Asa laxative, wpurgal ive. the Mandrake Pills are a standard preparation, while- the- Pulmonic. Syrup, as a eurer of coughs and cold*, may be regarded as a prophy lacterie against consumption in ahv of its forms. Price of the? Pulmonic, Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, 11,50 a bottle, or if 7.50 a half dozen. Man drake Pills, 25 cents a box. For sale by all druggists and dealers. JOHN F. lUlXliy, EIGHT College Place, New York, WHOLESALE AGENT. New Beef Market. AO. 15. VAtTDIVFIiK has opened anew • 15eel Market, in the house formerly oc cupied ov NY. J. Manley as a work shop,on VYest Main Streets < artersvillr, and two doors We st of Mv. Pickrony Furniture Store, wherein- w ill supply the public with fresh meats at am time from daylight to 9 o'cha-k, P. M. He will also pm the"b. st prices lor bcefCatUe and Hides, mai 10-v.tjal O li) T H. Y . GIVE ME A LOVING HEAKT. Give roe a loviug heurt, ’Tin better far than fame! Which is at beet a fleeting thing, The breathing of a name, For Laurels gathered fresh and greeu, XVnere flowere*in bcautj bloom XViieu bound aiouud a mortal blow, Soo i wither in the tomb. Give me a loving heart! Afore precious far than gold. Or all the wealth that India boasts, Yea. India’s wealth twice told; For w hat are gold aud pearls; Or kingly diadems, Compared with uuu true, loving heart, The purest of earth’s gems t Givo me a loving heart! To cheer me on my way, Thro’ this dark world of sin and pain, To one of endless day. For naught can calm the troubled breast, Or holier balm impart To the life-weaay pilgrim here, Thau one true, loving heart! A vein pursuit—Mining. The poor man’s story—The garreth Coming to grief—Meeting trouble half way. Good ntlvice to a scold~“Give thought no tongue.” What is that which goes up the hill and down the hill, and yet never mov es? The road. W hat does a grocer do with all his things before lie sells them? Gives them ti weigh. Tltero is but. one croud wifo in the world, and every happily wedded man thinks ho has Lor. Littlo lish have a proper idea ol business. Not being able to do bet ter, they start on a small-scale. Why is the first chickens of a brood like the mainmast v>f a vessel? J3e ciuse it is a little forward ou the main hatch. If Missouri boarders “blow up” the landlady, she retaliates by putting tor pedoes in the hash. Mules wore killed by the heat at Ba ton ltouge, La., recently. St. Louis has $1,71)0.000 worth of school houses— 48 of ’em. A $5,000 diamond has been found in a Florida lish. White leather harness has been in troduced by u sporting man at Long Branch. The model of a gallows was sent to the Patent Office, flout Indiana, the other day. There at e but 30,000 landholders in Great Britaiu out of a population of 31,500,000. A bear recently treed a wholo party of surveyors iu the vicinity of Loim Lake, N. Y. A merchant at Huitvillo, Ala., by the name of Julius Zoikuwski, was killed in that place by a negro stabbing him. The mouth of a cave supposed to be nine miles long has been discovered near JSedalia, Mo. One hundred and seventy-uino pas senger trains arrive at and depart from Ohicitj. >o every day. English juries never allow less than fifty pounds on a clearly proved breach ol promise case. The latest novelty in brooches arc carved spiders, mosquitoes and other insects, oi tortoise shell. A Minnesota juror addressed a note to a judge, in which he staled him us ’'Onol'ubie jug.” The New Haven PuLtdiuin rcckoLs the cost of the capital lobby of that ci ty at S3O,UUU lor the present year. In Fredoma, N. V., over 008 femi nine signatures were placed to a pro test against granting licenses to rum sellers. It is estimated that about six miles of railroad will be built in New Eng laiid each day for the next two months. i'ossil lions, tigers, leopards, ele phants, heifers, letuoiis, palm lea\ es and cocoa nuts hu\e been found in Col orado. Providence, It. 1., is earnestly dis cussing LI jo grave question whether a man can sell cotton short and boa Christian. Stag* An actor fell through a h ose trap as ho was leaving tho stuge.— Emerging instantly afterward, ho was mot with a hearty laugh and the le murk of a wag, “I was sorry to feeo you descend to such clap-trap maueuvres as i that." ‘‘Yus/’ was the quick reply, “but you’ll admit I never undertake anything without going tJuvuyi t.” fteiT The San Francisco Call publish es u list of tile - wealthy men ’ of that city. Fifty-one are lnillionuiiea with fortunes running from one million to ten millions ol Uolurs; ten uro worth three quarters of a million, and sixty one have half a million and upward. BQk- Sutno of the Bourbon papers charge that we have “swallowed the amendments.” Wo have done noth ing of the sort. They were thrust down our throats, and simply declined to blow ourselves up with niiro-gh co riue to-get lid of tti.’w. [Courier Journal. W*so aud OGiur%viM\, A Kansas man is in j il for letting a neighbor’s mule follow him. The New Orleans Times Palls the life of Ben Wads “profane history.” It is said that a tourist traveling contiimotisly without any stoppage cun nmv go round the wmld iu eighty days. A down Eas* edit >r says tlmt si tic* thorecent rams the farmers ‘ ant smii ing liku new shingles on a patclie-' roof.” A Boston paper is responsible foi this atrocity : “Another nude dijwtrj uro— Lydia Thompson has sailed f<»i Europe.” A good newspaper does more to wards building up a town tuul coun try than any other public inslmiUoii, and gets less for it. An old lady being asked to sub scribe for a newspaper, declined on the ground that when slio wanted uows she manufactured it herself. A young man wants to know what business ho had better go into that will enablo him to occupy a high posi tion in society. Let him try the roof ing business. Why are birds melancholy in the morning? Because;heir little bills uro all over dew. The chaplain of the lowa State Prison was asked by a friend how his parishioners were. “All under con viction,” was the reply: An old lady from one of the rural district# astonished a clerk in one of the stores, a few days ago, by enquir ing if ho had any “ysdler developments sich as they did up letters in.” An Indianapolis German had occd siou recently to bury a largo wife, and so squabbled with the section about tho fee. “Dat ish not a big grave,', said tho disconsolate husband. “Not a big grave !” indignantly responded thesextiou; “Why, bless you, that’s a cellar!” A good story is told of Miss Lane While she was at the Executive Mam siou. A photographer presented her with an album, containing forty-two different views of Miss Lane. Jones remnrked, on seeing it, that i‘ was the most Miss-a-Laneoua book he had over seen. ‘‘Leave you, my friend,” said a tipsy fellow, clinging lo a lamp post one dark night, “leave you in a condi tion not to take care of vourselfl Nev er 1” Bacon. —The impression is genoral that there will be a grout tumble in bacon shortly. The Western markets are overstocked, and the season draw ing to a close. Prices must go down. tho young would remember that they may bo old, and tho old would remember that they have been young, tho world would be happier. tfaT’Tho Now York Standard ask -. “What is truth ?” It is tho thing that is most carefully excluded from tho columns of tho Standard.-*- Courier Journal. B©. Brigham Young is willing that his wives should vote, but, there must bo no talking politics— Indix. "Imputation is whal man thinks of you, but character is what God knows you to bo. people just as you would like Lo have them to treat you. fifct£“Natur never makes onny blun ders; when bhe makes u phool, she means it. JBi&r-To bring up a child in tho way he should go, trave 1 that way yourself once in a while. {kayThure ain’t but phu men who kan stick a white h:inkerchiu( into the breast pocket ov their overcut without letting a lectio ov it stick out,—just bi ucLndcnt. iz nothing like a sick bud for repentance, a man bekums to vir tewous ho w ill often repent ov sins he never committed. Revival. — The revival meeting at Trinity Methodist C hurch, for the past two weeks has been of great interest. Iwenty-two new iminters will be re ceived to-day.— Atlanta Constitution. 1 -cirs of ex-Governot Charles J McDonald, says the Macon Ttkyruph, have commenced suit for the recovery of the Laboratory property, tho sit oof tho first State Pair. JQHTfee Atlanta &un says 11. I: Kimball sailed from New Yoik on the l()th for Europe- The value of taxable property m Ueorgia has increased $21,000,000 during the present year. I is estimated that there are nearly 80,000,000 pounds of wool rais ed iu Vermont every year. An apothecary, who is contin ually troubled with the mquiiy for the tune, was asked the other day, ‘ Please sir tell me wuat time it is.” “Why, 1 gave you the time not •» minute ago,” said tho astoaiauod apothecary. “Yes, sir,” replied tbe lad; “but this is ior auotaer woman.” //. Sin Hit (V- Someone wrote to Iloyaqe. Clued mpiiring if guano was good to put,;'; wvtatiK'S. Ifo replied it niight (V. f,,, those whoso basics hud iMVgjiiQ v *ti ttbd with tobacco npd nun, but J lv . and butter. t&PA man In Indiana lias got * nose wfyich he can put out of jtiut, and swijjg it mound on |hy side of lus face like a gate. lie do aiiv -1 Miirtg for a livihg huf, falldow n on djb O'idate'l eid'-Walks and sue flip city r bmddirhghrA nose; when he gets* money lie &tielgfjtcns bit» nose,up tnd sets if for another mcaliti’ fciouio •eople say he is u fraud. fiery- Tire hkliah Sprh.g Wifflvr, pwb osla it by Jam. s l*. Harrison, 1s one of he m ates! printed and best made-up w. ekly pn|»ers in the Stale. Its heuii uful appeal o.e< nlmobt reconciles us »«> the (pmrto form. The pilper dy sei\es a sul.>taniial support from tho people of lin ts and surrounding coun ties. Discovery.-- One of tho wells, says the Macon Citizen, recently dug at tins fair ground, is found to bo impregnated with sulphur and iron in as great abundance as exists in tho far famed Indian Spring water. This is real genuine mineral water. B*3?"' It is saul that leiuuii juice euros diptlieriu. A. T. Stewart’s now hotel for women, at the corner of Fourth uve -oue and Thirty-scgotul Meet, New York, is rapidly progn ssiug toward comjileiion. Two million dollars havy been appropriated for it, and another million will be regain and to complete it. The Oldest ChrW#iln Alive.—An old lady spoke in a love-feast at Nil s, Miciiigitn, recently, as follows ;' “ I am glad to bo with you. i am over HAJ years old. I iovo the Saviour, and have enjoyed religion lUU years. She was born in the State of New York. 60s. An Illinois woman committed ruiekio by hanging herself to un apple tree. At tho funeral n neighbor, noticing tho sad appearance of tho husband, consoled him by saying he had met with a terrible los , “Yes,” said the husband, heaving a sigh, “ shf must have kicked awfully to shake oil six bushels of green apples that would have been worth a dollar a bushel when they got ripe !*’ B6L-. A good book and a got*! wo man arc excellent things for those who know how justly to appreciate their value. There are men, however, who judge both from the beauty of their covering. A Man Charged with Murdering ms Wife. —Some weeks ago, Mrs. John Parrott, of Burlington lowa, was found dead iu the -kitchen of her r<*;i denco, with a gun by bur side, and it was supposed she bad couifnitted sui cide. The bullet had bceu tired into her month. Subsequently it was as certained that another woman had been installed as mistress of the house hold, and as Mis. Dan oft bad never hinted that she contemplated suicide, it began to be vvbis|>eml that she did not take her own life. ilie cncuni- Htauces coining to the knowledge of the authorities, Dairoit was am*sled and hehl to answer the charge of mur dering his wife. Ti aualaltil for the Times. ] tiiiiis front I>e LniiHtimib, Ircurli, When you have prayed, do you not Feel your heart lighter and .your soul more content ? Prayer renders aillieiiou less pain ful ami joy purer ; if adds to the one I know not what strengthen mg and sweetness, and to tho other, celestial perfume. i .w You aro a voyager in search of a, cNjunl ry. Go not with your head bowed down ; raise your eyes to survey tho route. Your country is heaven, ami when you consider tho lest that there aunts )’ou, is there no desire stirred wrtinu you, oris desire mute ? Is there one who says whnt goiSr praying ? God is too far above us to listen to such miserable creatures';’ And who has made these miserable creatures? Who has given them sen timent., thought, language, if it was not God V And if he has been so good tovvaid them, was it in order to leave them straightway, and absent himself far i oui them ? In Utah, whosoever says in hislienit that God despises his vvoik#, eouiuiilii blasphemy. f" Having decided lUKOva-chauga )4¥f iu oils,- business, we will sell our pres- Vnt {Stock of Fancy Goods, Ihy Goods* Notions, Clothes aud Cwssi nicres, Clothing, Boots and hiioes, Hats and Caps, ;U dsicnl Prices, b'OJl ( ASH HA it ,// V> &mh All persons indebted to us odher »ti / by note or account, ; tU‘c canne-oily ro quested to settle as early ati as our books reust bo dosed. .S.ViTKKFIK.i.O. Pvuox *X Cos. Cartersvnlo, Aug -** 4 Knglaml Imd Iter * ’r«»inw< H•' * l ‘ l ' < A l>o„Hj»arl«*. but t <n tc,«viJlo 1. .* UevU>U.\H FAC lOK V, at -Oi-ar . lioy Nt’MllKli. , (i .