Newspaper Page Text
fartcrsvillff wpt The f. IH7I.
m jgmft. XT. MritritT is our authorized Agent j
(Collector. To receive and receipt for Shli- ,
to the Express, and to collect claims, j
K f r*'llev. W. K. WRKMS is our authorized ,
, „nd traveling Agent, to receive and re
, fi|»t for *uh««riptlon» to the Express.
All contract advertinerM in the Kstrfss
>r e coaeidered regular aubacribcrs.
Subscription Club Rates.
In order to place the fiMl-W**Kt.T Caktier*-
rtt.i k Kiracsit in aver) house and family in the i
t oe.aty of Bartow and adjacent eonntles. wo will ‘
tend it one year to any address for TWO DoL- j
! \KS *ttT UTMICTLY /.V A/> YA X('K. J&f
old snlmcrlhert can avail themselves of our new
lerni' hr paying up arrearages. TO AGENTS:
Any mau who will send us Five Names ok kkw
j,, uscHißKart and Tks HuLUtt. w ill Im* entitled
t.. one copy of the skmi- Wkeki.y Exfrkw.s, one
, ;ir (iRATts, and for every additional five., an
«\tra ropy of the same or an Agricultural
MOSTHI.T, one year. Kkmkmkkk that you get
tw „ eo(*ies of the paper every week.
Humphries, the man under aentence of
d.'ath for the killing of hiaaon. at Kingston,
in June taut, and who in condemned to be
hung on Friday, the 29th September proxi
*o, »n 1 whobr*6ke jail, in this place, on tho
night of the 28rd, w»» recaptured' at or
near Kingston, on the night of the 30th.—
He had in his possession, it is said, a double
barrelled shot gun and a hatchet. It is fur
ther stated that he had shot at his wife three
times since he broke jail. It seems that he
Is bent on killing his wife, and, perhaps,
others, too. Instead of leaving the country
and fleeing to parts unknown, he went right
bark to the stage of his former bloody tra
gedy, and rearmed himself for the work of
death. It is to be hoped that he will be so
manacled an that his second escape will nev
er be effected. The security of his wife and
the community at large dcinads that this be
lltmskul.—bast ovening at 9 o’clock,
John A. Fittcli and the beautiful Miss Ma
riana Turner, both of this city, were mar
ri*d. Just before night tho numerous
friends and associates of Mr. Fitten inveig
led him into a room of one of the party, and
for a few minutes toasts, and song, and mer
ry making, and good wishes were indulged
In Os course Fitten came in for his share
of the "cute” and’‘slashes” of the thought
lei* crowd of worthless bachelors who had
MRtiubled for the (real) purpose of celebra
ting his new departure. The happy couple
left on the 10$ train for new York, where
they will spend the honeymoon. Allanta Sun
A Firms Wakk.—The friends of one of
our town “boys,” who was married last
night, “waked” him yesterday afternoon
aecording to Hoyle if not Mo(o)re so, and
tbs whole Crew enjoyed his last agonies with
delight. They all sighed and wished to go
find do likewise, but it would not be fitten
to do so.— Constitution 30th.
ITell,‘ Job ft, we reckon there is no mistake
about you’re “being done for” this time. —
When we meet you on the cars again it will
be a “fitten” time for you to “knock us
up” toyour fitten companion, as you “knock
od us down” once to your “unfitten” one.—
Lost.—A package containing about Sixty
Dollars in five dollar bills currency, wrap
ped in a half sheet of white letter paper.—
The finder will be liberally row riled.
Cartersville, Aug. 30, 1871.
The meeting at Felton’s Cross Roads
Fhapel is progressing with increasing in
terest, daily and nightly. Many seekers at
the ahar for prayer. Fine congregations in
attendance upon preaching. Prospects flat,
tering for a sweeping revival of religion.
We notice wagon lends of lime coming in
is this place for shipment on tho railroad.— i
The barrels are branded “Alabaster Lime
Atlanta, Ga.” Wonder how it comes that
lime put up in Atlanta is being Shipped
fegni Harlow county to Atlanta ? There is a
kiln near this place, at tho foot of Hendrix
Mountain, that is turning out a very supe
rior article of Alabaster lime, which is the
product of Barlow county. Come, gentle
men, render to Atlanta the things which are
Atlanta's, and to Bartow county the things
wliivh belong to Bartow county.
Mr. G, 8, Lowndes, Traveling Agent for
the live Wholesale Tobacco House of Jour
'httb Howard & Harralson, Atlanta, Ga..
called in to see us yesterday. He gives a
?°od account of the business of that excel-
I Irat firm and house. Our merchants near
| '7 *H trade with them: and all would do it
I if they know them.
From an advertisement in another column
I It will be seen that Messrs. Best & Son have
opened • Lumber Yard in Cartersville, and
*ill be pleased to supply all who are in
Hoed with lumber, in large or small quan
tity, at as low prices as it can be bought in
this market.
Col. R. A. Crawford, we learn, after a so-
Wn of a few weeks in New Y'ork, lias re
tUfa*d home, looking hale and hearty.
The new Methodist Church is going up
r *pidly, and will be a superb edifice when
The new jail is a magnificent building.—
"0 be to the inmate whose only chance of
leaping justice is to break out!
Farmers are meeting with fresh obstacles
,lßc * the late rains, in the shape of weeds
°ur market stall is kept well supplied
*uh beef and mutton, and occasionally with
Col. Akin was able to walk down to town
“Inesday last, for the first time in about
months. He has passed through a try
ordeal, having narrowly escaped with
" oy n lout throe children, and come
lo * in 8 two more with diptheria. Wc
Rlad to learn, however, that the living
" r, “ doing well, while the dead ones
doing far better iu the home
lh « blessed.
\T,> *" "
11 w ° " re 10 l*ra that Mrs. J. J.
’acktr!*** rapidly recOTerin g from an at
' Ttheria, No new case* developed.
t,!' ’*? Got. Bullock h.d not re-
Atlanta, aa was announced.
The editors of this paper return thanks
to Capt, Tom Lyons fir a supply of pears.
Arrests are still being made in Atlanta,
of parties implicated in the W. &. A. R K
muddle. All up to date, we believe, have
given bond for their appearance at court. —
The books are in the hands of Attorncy-
General Farrow.
Kimball, it is reported, has gone to Eu
rope. .
The convicts at work upon the Cherokee
R. R., while denied freedom, are still biest
with the gospel of Christ.
The more we use the Hperin oil and lamps,
the better arc we pleased with both.
Our local is absent, this week, on a trip
to Van Wert and Rock Mart, with the in
imitable Fitch, of the Griffin Star. They
tiave gone down to see if they can buy out
those two places, failing to strike a trade
for this place. They wish to establish them
selves iu the wholesale newspaper business.
Written for the Cartersville Express.]
An Eltgy on (lie Slain at Alla
toona and Kennesavr,
Let not a voice of man be heard,
No, uofa single human word ;
On Allatoona's lonely height.
Or. Kennesaw, from morn till night,
Ts*t silence reign or nature speak,
For words of man wonld be too weak 1
Let emblem* stand,— and mournful sounds
lie ever heard o’er hallowed grounds,
Where fought and bled our fearless braves,
Who lie around in shallow graves,
Chant, Etowah, forevermore,
A requiem from shore to shore ;
To coves, the echo ever sound,
The everlasting hills around,
And Chattahoochee ever weep,
Hear tears of woe to ocean deep,
Forever let them onward roll,
Till frozen at the Arctic pole,
And rocks of ages never sleep,
But silent vigils ever keep,
Brave old oaks stand sentinel,
Ye stood the fight so firm, so well,
Spread wide your banners, dog-wood* white,
Nor furl them on a starless night,
Sing mournful tunes, sweet mockiqg-bird.
Gay notes w ould shock—should not bo heard,
Sit side by side, with turtle-doVi,
Resound his notes from grove to grove.
Till night comes on, so dark, so still.
Then list to notes of whip-poor-will ;
Bow down, ye slender, moaning pines,
Lie low, yc tender, creeping vines ;
Fall, gentle dews, and moist the sod,
Once drenched by bravest human blood ;
Let wild flowers spring and wave
On ever spot where fell a brave.
There’s land enough, beside, to till,
Oh. let them sleep—that sleep so still
Fall lightly, gently, crab-tree flowers,
And winter snows and summer showers ;
Waft, Southern breezes, e’er perfumed,
O'er heroes, not in earth entombed.
But moulding in the air—profound,
Fit graves for those that ne’er were bound ;
No despot, now, can break their rest.
Whose power to rule they ne’er confess’d ;
They rather chose the King that’s just,
To him they bowed, and bit the dust.
The ground is holy where they lie.
Their monument’s the vaulted sky.
And. there, inscriptions, true and bright.
Forever shine, though hid from sight,
Till viewed by rays of heavenly light,
That ne’er are dimed by shades of night.
M. Nell.
Ntekah Arm ah, August 13th, JB7l.
Before Tby Cross, dear Lord, I fall ;
Out of the depths to Thee I call—
Thou art my Hope, my Help, my All.
Search, search my heart, surcharged with
’Till all itH idols it forego,
And Thee, Thee only, learn to know.
A thorny path, with flints bespread,
With bleeding feet I fearless tread,
For Thy dear hand upholds my head.
Oh ! dearest Lord ! Thy tender eyo
Rebukes, yet pities my lone cry,
When struggling ’neath my cross I lie.
The broken cisterns who shall count,
The heart will fill at earth’s dark fount,
Ere upward unto God it mounts ?
Poor human heart, with human needs,
How many are its broken reeds!
Grasped till the band in torture bleeds.
How many gourds have felt the blight?
How many stars have lost tlioir light ?
How many suns gone down in night?
All, all are gone, like barks at sea,
Lost in the dread immensity,
And now I stand alone with Thee.
All prostrate at Thy cross I kneel,
For Thou canst all our sorrows feel;
And Thy dear hand our wounds can heal.
No more I mark the dreary road.
My bleeding feet so long have trod,
Since it hath led to Thee, my God.
“The Better Country.’*
Wbero is there a man who ia satis
fied with the country where he dwells,
and who docs not, sometimes, at least,
imagine that he could find a better.
Man is disquieted everywhere on earth,
and sighs for something better than
this world can give. There is no fa
vored spot where the voice of the com
plainer is not heard ; no “ happy val
ley” where true contentment reigns
Earth has majestic mountains, purling
streams and valleys of perfume, which
are pleasant to behold, but life’s pil
grims soon weary of the sight, and
long for something nobler, sweeter and
better! Could we find on earth a
fancied paradise, where nature has
lavished her blessings in endless pro
fusion, where the flowers unceasingly
bloom, “ And tho song of the nightin
gale never is mute,” we would not long
be satisfied to dwell there—we would
sigh for a “ better country!”
“ Poor wanderers of a stormy day,
From wave to wave we’re driven ;
Aud fancy 8 flush and reason's ray,
Serve but to light the troubled way,
There’s nothing bright but heaven !”
There is a “ better country” some
where, and our unrest here is an evi
dence that wc were formed for a hijjh
er, happier sphere and a nobler des
“ Elfc, v. hence this pleasing hope
this fond desire, this longing* after, im
mortality? Or, whence this secret
dread, this inward horror of falling
into nought?”
There must be a country, whose in
habitant shall not say, ** lain sick,”
a country where the good shall live
agaiu and be recompensed for nil the
toils and sufferings endured iu this
life, a country where severed friends
may meet and broken ties be Lueuded ;
and that country is Heaven.
Fitch, of the Slar, called to see us
this week.
He, and the Star, are sparkling and bright;
One ahinet In day-time, the other at niyht.
Tho’ the times are getting tighter ami tighter.
May the light of the Star grow brighter and
This ardent desire we most gladly Expr*»-j
We couldn’t say more, and will not say less.
§@7- Wo are gratified to announce
that the health of Col. Akin and fami
ly is improving. Three of that once
happy house-hold have been taken
away by a terrible disease of the throat.
The remaining littlo sufferers, we
hope, will soon be restored to perfect
HaT* Rev. It. H. Jones* new brick
house, on West Main street, will soon
be completed, and will preseut quite a
fine appearance. When fiuished it will
be one of the best business houses in
Cartersville is steadily growing.
Evidences of its increasing importance
and prosperity are being witnessed ev
ery day. Houses are going up, as if
by magic, all around, and we think our
town will soon be a city of no common
magnitude in the course of— time.
A darkey, who ou mischief bent,
Into a patch of ’taters weut;
With critic eye he viewed the ground,
To see if danger there was found ;
Supposing, then, that there was none,
With energy his work begun.
The zeal with which he used his claws,
Was worthy of a better cause ;
But presently a form was seen—
An object tall aud white and lean—
And Sambo, with a yell and bound,
Made haste to leave the enchanted
And all night long he ran and ran,
An outraged and a wretched man ;
But soon he sought and found pro
With those who use him at tho " 'lec
A. Ku-Klux charge, I have no doubt,
Against some one will be made out;
And if I know who scared that
I’d tell it, if I thought I cuter!
iHonhtcr Prize.
Everybody now-a-days more or leas
trusts to luck; and this probably is the
reason why the great scheme of Gene
rals Butler aud Gary, and Mr. John
Chadwick, of the South Carolina Im
migration Association, has met with
such remarkable success. A five dol
lar ticket calls for one of 2,404 prizes,
the largest of which, is an Academy of
Music worth $250,000; the second )
$100,000; the third, $25,000; and so on,
from SIO,OOO downwards. The draw
ing takes place in October, and will be
under the control of some of the most
distinguished gentlemen of the South.
JS 'ew Advertisements.
Have opened, in cartrrstiu.e.
on tlie Western A Atlantic Railroad, .iust
above the Depot, A Lumber Yard, where they
will keep on hand all sizes and dimensions of
i H'M REU, and will he pleased to supply, in any
quantity, alt who are in need, at the market
prior. Paving a STK A M SAW MILL at. work in
the Pine Woods on the Cherokee R. R., they are
prepared to till orders at short notice.
Call ou H. BEST,
at the Lumber Yard.
augSO Car tors ville, Ga.
Eat ray Notice.
Ordinary's Office, Bartow Copvtv, C,a.j
August 25th, 1811, )
ALL persons concerned are hereby notified
that K. At. Martin, of the 851st district, G.
M., has taken up and returned to me, as an cs
trav, a Steer, about four years old, no horned,
deep brindled with a white spot on his forehead,
white spot on each hind leg, extending down
under his belly, white ring about the middle of
his tail, two under hits out of each ear. Ap
praised at sls 00. The owner of said Kstray is
required to come forward, prove property, pay
charges, give bond and take said estiny awwvy
or he will be sold at the residence of F. M. Mar
tin, near Euharlec. on Wednesday, the 6th of
September, 11*71, within the legal sale hours.
J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary, B. C.
A true extract from the Kstray Book,
J. A. HOW'AUD. Ordinary, B. C.
\T many citizens of said county have petition
ed the Court ot Ordinary of said county, whilst
sitting for county purposes, to discontinue that
portion of the Fsti r mount road that runs through
Bartow county from the Gordon county line to
its junction with the Canton road, and locate it
upon the Calhopn road from said county line,
intersecting the Canton road near Mostetler's
Mills, in Bartow county; and, whereas. Com
missioners to revise said change have been ap
pointed hv the Court and have reported in favor
of said change ; therefore, all persons concern
ed are notified to he and appear at my ollice on
or before the <kl day of October, 1811, and show
cause, if any they can, why said change shwnht
not be made.
Given under my hand and official signature
this Augnst 26th, 1811.
.1. A. HOWARD, Ordinary.
Si&r Gibtsou’s Diodora, 15 years old-
The best whisky ou the market, at the
Star Saloon.
May 26,-if.
And Will Soon Add
samk qrvi.aTV cis rk
Laid Down From An,
All the Profits wc, Is what fit paid in
Freight From
Take All Grease In Et^hknge.
9 vA *V % P- o'
july 18— ts. . Alta mu, Cia.
CTBnx 18; Office nt in>ward * McCoy’s
Drug re, 011 Peachft’i pc Street.
Mr. It. F-. Pickren is Agent for
the “Celebrated Common • Sense Sew
iug Machine,”‘thh best Machine for the
money in use. He requests all to call
at his Furniture Store and ev«nine it
June 2—ts.
• : ..... . ...
» ll Xihit sine Lahore , sect Labor omnia vincent." .
J. IT. VINCENT, Principal, and Professor of Mathematics, Greek and German.
Kiev. J. L. MIT,BURN, A. M.*. Professor of Latin, Natural. Mental and Moral Science.
E. W. RA LLENGEIt, 1... .... ..v Director in Primary Deparfinent.
C. JL VINCENT.. Assistant in Primary Department.
MISS SA LLIK TUIPP, ■ Director in Music Department.
MISS M. K. BELL v.....s Vssistant in Music. Department.
MISS LOG. UPSII.VW', Teacher of Embroidery, Painting and Drawing.
Tuition in Literary Department ... $1.50 to $4.00 per month.
do. Music. Department,' - 4.00 do.
Embroidery, Ac ; .: 3.00 do.
Board, (with private "tarn i lies,) 8.00 do.
Btetf?’' Next Session opens (.) 111101 lOtli instant. For further particulars address the Principal,
Camming, Ga. .1 line IU. IB7t-sw2w
Z. W. & M. Cos J ACKSON & CO.,
• *. L <? -■■ ■ • ' 4 .
OartersviHe Ste&sa Plamtag Mil,
' , ~9 , *' T - ' *• • • '
Sash will be famished at the Factory (and boxed when necessary) at the
Following Prices:
Sash B\lo, 10 cent* - primed and glazed, W, cents Sash 18\14, If cents—primed and glazed. Slots.
Nash 10x12.12 ots.- , ” 0“ . “ Sash 13x1(5. 15 cents— “ “ lOcts.
Sash 10x14, 13 cts.— “ “ 33 “ Sash 12x18, I*s cents— “ “ 45 cts.
Sash 10\1(5. I I cts.— “ . 35 “ Sash 12x20, 18 cents— 4 “ 50 cts.
Sash 10x18. 15 ctx.— “ “ 40 “ Sash 12x22. 20 cents — “ “ 55 cts.
( Ither sizes in nropoi-’ion. The above sash are made plain. When made lip sash, 2 cents per
light will he ad led. All ’sash glazed with a good article of Glass.
ROLLING BLINDS 75cents per foot.measuring the height, without painting, catches or hin
ges. Blinds tor Windows more than 3 feet (5 inches wide, charged extra, in proportion to the
width. ;
Four Panels. 11-4 thick, plain, $4.’00; one side moulded. $4.50; both sides moulded, $5.00. Bevel
ed Doors same price as one side, moulded. Fifty cents additional for every 1-4 inch in thickness.
L’hcse are for doors 3 feet by 7; larger doors charged extra, in proportion to size.
Ml kinds of lum'xM’ pldned, and flooring and Ceiling tongued and grooved. Brackets,
and all kind-of Scroll sawing for Ornamental Work done to order. Shop Work of all kinds,
executed with neatness and disimtch. Special Contracts made for large .lobs. ( — E*pre**..) —
J. & S. BONES & CO.,
Hardware, Cutlery, Cutis, &e. 9
Ilcsidc* liaviug IDKIILY the LAROEm STOt'K
of HARIBVARIk in all Its hqtartiiieutg, in the Chero
kee eon it try, we are the Exclusive Agents lor the sale of
BKIi.l m
Celebrated Cor table, Stationary,
*f i *J* WA # | 4 i I- |'4|
' ■> r * 191 ' k
Plantation Engines.
Persons intending to erect Mills of any kind, would do well to consult with us,
Anil can he furnifilied at Strictly Manufacturers Prices.
Blandy’s Portable Steam Engines and Saw-Mills have taken
the First Premiums at
The United States Fair,
The Ohio State Fair at Cincinnati,
The Ohio State Fair at Dayton,
The Ohio State Fair at Zanesville,
The Ohio State Fair at Sandusky,
The Indiana State Fair at Indianapolis,
The Missouri State Fair at St. Louis,
The Tennessee State Fair at Nashville,
The Goergia State Fair at Macon,
The Arkansas State Fair at Little Rock,
The Agricultural Fair Association Ga. & Ala. Rome*Ga.!
The Kentucky North Western Agricultural Society.
The Great Industrial Exposition at Cincinnati,
And many other Fairs of less consequence, and never failed
to befit all competitors, in any contest in which they were evei
We give a full square guarantee upon all l4le Machinery sold
by us. Send for Catalogue ar and Price List.
' March 31, 1871. J. &S. BONES & CO.
- r -;
Webster's Unabridged Dictionary
IMO Pasts, 4ti>. 3000 Illustrations.
\>arlv e'verv State Superintendent of l'nblw
Instrmtion in the In.
cur. w*er« Midi d
Atuong them an* those ot Wew H»» >-
shire. Verpnnit. M is-nrhu-etts. Bn«*ie i. mii ».
t'onneeti ‘lit, New York. Next -Tersev. I **•» »\ *
Vhiiiu Mary land. West A M ll
- I •iT.i.TT Illinois. mT>s,h.v.
lowa. Wiseotisiu. Mlnnt>ot:i, N ,M 'th
vf:ibaiii». 4 .Tlifornia*, an<i al>o Cuikkui I>»
TY-FOl tt.
The State of NKW YORK has placed 10.000
copies of Webster's Unabridged in «* many or
'"'l'hV'st at e?, *\v |s< ON SIN. altout 50t®—nearly
State' of NKW .IKRSKV, I.MUO-ucarlv
every School. . ,
v l'he State of MH IIHT AN made provisions for
all her Schools. _,
The state of M \SS Y<' IIT S KTTS lias supplied
her Schools—nearly all. . 0 . .
The State of It >W A has supplied her Schools.
The State of t:oNNKt.TIiT'T has made pro
visions for her Schools.
In other States in my copies have been pur
chased for supplying Schools of cities and
towns. ... , , .
-What better investment can be made lor
Schools. . ,
More than ten times as many are sold of Web
ster's Dictionaries, as of any other Series in
this country.
t, At least i'oitr-fifthx<\{ all the School-Hooks pub
lished in'this'country own Webster as their
standard, and of the remainder, few acknowl
edge iniy standard.
Published by G. & MKItUIAN, Springfield,
M Sold by all Booksellers,
july 21,-swim.
Away with your Broom Factory! Cartcrs
ville is ahead, of that! She now boasts oi
a real, live. COL BAR FACTORY ! Ask
Billy Euwahds and Roukk Williams!
Pemberton’s Compound Extract of Stillin
gia—-rthc great Blood Purifier.
OKFKK for sale this sommi a large stork of
grafted fruit trees, cotisisting of A I*l*l.K>.
J Southern varieties, I’KACII Ks. PEAKS am.
I I*I.CMS, CIIKKRI®*, APUKOTS, also grape
; vines, strawberries *e. It. H amilton.
j Ik S. Itowic eling Agent, will canvass
• Bartow county this fail,
v Hr eisville. tia.. Aug. 7th IX7I
I>ebtlif) and Enmeialion
Both result from die lack of ability to con
vert tlie food into nutriment- How neces
sary, then, for those suffering from these
alarming symptoms to immediately resort
to a remedy that wifl strengthen the slom
ach and digestive organs. For, as soon as
this desirable object has been accomplished,
the health improves and the patient resumes
his usual personal appearance. ITostetter's
Stomach Bitters have attained a world-wide
popularity in such cases, and havebce.n pro
ven the safest and best means of removing
constipation, toning the vtomach, giving en
ergy t«> the liver, and relieving every spmp
tom of nervousness aid depression of spir
its. It is the only preparation of (lie kind
that is reliable in u)l ca'O's. is there
fore worthy of the consideration of the -f
Mtvsm. Uowor, Joncx A Pa.,
Aro still at their old truth* making, i
selling, and repairing c.‘irri»i£o», bou
gies, Wagons, d*c. They are emilinn
ally enlarging their business in order
to supply the daily increasing demand
for their vehicles 'Fhey have the most
extensive carriage Heoository and Man
ufactory in Cherokee Georgia, and the
reputation of their work unsurpassed
in the South. Long exj>erience at tin 1
business has won for them a notoriety
for substantial, durable, and style of
linisli of work, seldom, if ever, attained
by any like establishment in the South
ern States. See advertisement.
—Messrs. JOURDAN,
have on hand the following Choice Brand?
of manufactured Tobacco, which they offer
to trade as low as the lowest:
Brown’s Log Cabin,
Cabin Home,
Golden Choice,
Pike's Peak,
Winfree’s Gold Leaf,
Pranly’s XXX,
Hyco Belle,
Peach Mountain,
Sunny Side,
McGhee’s 4 A,
Golden Rule,
Rosa Belle,
Globe Twist,
Crown Navy,
May Apple.
And many other desirable brands not men
tioned: together with a fine variety of Smok
ing Tobaccos and Cigars.
To Amend and Alter and Add to
tlie Several Art* liieorj»oralinsf
(lie Town of Cartersvillc, and
to make valid eertain Acts of
the Oflieers of waid Town:
Whebkas. The Legislature at its last ses
sion, passed “an Act to amend the several
Acts incorporating the town of Cartersville.
in the County of Bartow, and to repeal all
Acts, and parts of Acts in conflict with this
Act,” in the following words and figures, to
Sko 1» The General Assembly of the Stale
of Gear yin do enact.- Thai the corporate lim
its of the town of Cart.ersville, shall be two
miles square, and the Depot of the Western
ami Atlantic Railroad in said town, shall be
the centre of said corporate limits, and the
lines of said corporate limits shall run
North, East, West and South.
Sue. 2. And he it farther enacted: That
said Board of Commissioners shall have pow -
er and authority to fix the amount to be
paid by any person or persons for license to
ret til spiritous and malt liquors. Provided
said amount shall not exceed three hundred
dollars per. annum, and the amount paid for
such license in said town shall be paid into
the Treasury of said town, for the benefit
thereof; and said Board of Commissioners,
shall have power and authority to levy ami
collect such tax on all real and personal
property within the corporate limits of said
town, as they may think proper: I'rorided.
That the tax on the value of the real and
personal property in said town, shall not ex
ceed one half of one per. cent.
Seo. 3. And he if farther enacted: That if
any person or persons, shall fail or refuse
to comply with the provisions of the ordi
nances of said town, fixing the foe for, and
regulating the granting of license to retail
spirituous and malt, liquors within said town,
said Board of Commissioners shall have
power and authority to levy and have col
lected a fine not exceeding Ten Dollars for
each day any person or persons shall sell
any spirituous or malt liquors, within the
corporate limits of said town, without com
plying with the said ordinances regulating
the same.
Skc. 4. And he it further enacted: That no
person shall be eligible to the office of Com
missioner of said town, or to vote for Com
missioner who has not paid nil taxes nnd fees
required of him hy the authorities of said
town during the time he has resided within
the corporate limits of said town, and done
all the work on the streets in said town that
may have been required of him.
Sec. 5 And be it further enacted: That
said Board of Commissioners shall have pow
er to levy and collect an extra tax in addi
tion to the taxes herinbefore provided,
whenever they may deem it. necessary to
purchase a Fire Engine, hose, pumps, and
all the necessary appurtenances.
Fkc. J>. And be it further enacted hy the au
thority aforesaid: That any person liable to
the performance of road duty under the
Code of Georgia, who shall fail to pay the
tax imposed by said Commissioners, for the
purpose of working or improving the streets
of said town, shall be required to work on
the streets of said town, in the same man
ner, and under the same penalties as provi
ded for in the Code of Georgia, for work
ing the public roads, and any fines collected
from such defaulters failing to perform such
street work, shall be applied to the im
provement of the streets of said town.
And whereas: His Excellency, the Govcr
nor, did not approve said Act till more than
five days had elapsed after the adjournment
of the Legiststlire, and in consequence
thereof, the said Act has recently been de
clared by the Supreme Court to be invalid.
And whereas • The Commissioners and ffi
ccrs of said town believing said Act to be
valid, have worked on* the roads at great px
1 ease to the limitsin said Act. defined, ad
have expended considerable sums of money
on «tul toads in converting tho same into
i «»reet<, and puttingthem in otAiw
incurred other cousiiterahl*. w ’ * n< ’
undertaken other obligation* ,T*'
of the validity of an id Act. f«ah
And where**: Said Commission®,,, .
ncers have assessed, levied and c n <>f '
mtSid- rahle sums of niouev under ' :,f d
md expended the same for the
•aid tOwn.Vs the boundaries ~f |J K . °f
leliiivd in said Act; therefore: s * ,ttc *re
St:c 1. The Ceiifnrl A»*cm,Um l. ,
nd: That said Act. as herein
the Fourth Section thereof, and ~, ;i
the saute may be inconsistent witl. n *
leclared valid. * « M
S KCN 2 Th e(, encrai J«temh h, do furt her,,
I hat ail the actings, doings and proem- ’• *
of said Commisioners and officers 0 f X *
town, and each of them including Ml
Acts, doings and proceedings to then»F.l, '
of this Act, are hereby made legr-il v -f 1
uid binding in ns full and ample manner •
the same would have beet; if said Act had
been valid. ‘ ' u
tsKo- 3. The dtheral A**c.mbly and
iirf: J I tilt said Commissioners o fur/he; <•/,-
full power and authority to lay out and to
open new street* in any part of said town,
and to Abolish or alter any street already
laid out or that may be laid out, and any
trvei that m y be discontinued, may,be sold
? n' I*”’ " honever said Coitimissioiter
slmll deem n expedient to Iny out and oj eit.
or to widen o, alter an old street' tile/
.shall apply to the owners of flic land to be
.* ctt*« ,<n i Ik* agent of'said owner, awd if
■aid owner or a;cut shall withhold ed Wi
set" then an id street* uiay be open .
dened or altered in the manner prescribed
iv the Kc*i.s-d Code of Georgia. f*<r laying
mu and altering public roads aftenthejUiuo•
■mve been report,-d „ n by Road Cmnmbjsion
ers, xcept that the Commissioners of said
tow n shall act m ti,e place of the Ordinary,
ind the Marshal shall act j„ the place of the
•■', and no publication of any notice in
or otherwise shall be necessa-
Sm . 4. Said Commissioners shall Imva
power and authority to ncpiiro, and hold,
and use and control such property, real and
personal, as they may deem for the inter
est of said town, and all property and rights
now held hyth or hereafter, and
they may use, control or convey, ai they
may deen advisable. J *
Skc *- 6 Said Commissioners may assess
levy and collect, ,in such • way and manfier
is t hey may deem proper on all property
real and personal, situated, hold or owned
in said town, a tax not exceeding one-half
of one per. cent of the value thereof, to be
estimated in such manner as they may def ’j
advisable, and may'prescribe the tim> ail l 1
mode of assessing, levying. «„■!
the same, and may fix and enforce such pen
alties ns they may deem proper for any fail
ure to make returns, either wholly or in
part, and also for making returns of proper
erty below its value. But the tax as al
ready assessed for tlie present year shall be
valid, unless altered by said • ’ornmissiouers.
Skc. 6. The corporate limits of said town
shall be a circle of one mile in every direc
tion front the Depot of the Western & At
lantic Railroad, making the diameter of such
circle two miles.
® Er - And that hereafter aH levies and
sales be madand had by the town Marshal or
his Deputy, under the regulations prescrib
ed in the Code tor Sherifis and Constable's
sales, and defeudents shall have the right of
redemption prescribed in the Code. . s
R. l. McWhorter,
Speaker House Representatives.
Jno. J. Nawtos, 1
Clerk House Representatives.
President of the Senate.
J. G. IV. Mills,
Secretary of the Senate.
Approved August 20th. INTO.
Office, Skchktahy of State, j
Atlanta. Ga., Aug. 21 1370. /
J he foregoing seven ]iages of written mat
ter contain a true and correct copy of the
original Act, now of file in this office.
, Given under my hand and seal of office,
Secretary of State.
Just Received
A New’Suppiy of Castors
in any Southern market.
.1. T. OWEN.
J* C. Register, Tinner,
Cook, Heating and Office
I WILL siell or Kent my house and lot in Car
tcrsville. It is on Erwin street, nmtlrof the
Methodist Church. 'There are two acres of land
connected with the house. The house contains
Light 1 too ms five down-stairs and three up
stairs. Good kitchen and out-houscs. As good
a well ot water as can he found in town. One-,
fourth of an acre of Choice Fruits Trees and
Vines. One of the l>est. if not the very best, lo
| rations in town for a private hoarding house.—
i Ihe entire premises are as good as new, having
I recently been rcmoddeled and re-paiiMed. The
j yard is la-autifully set iu ornamental sl»rnbber\,
at no little cost- and pains, i w ill either sell or
i rent the premises, and give possession on the
i first day ot Septem her next., ror further partic
ulars, rail on Rev. 8. 11. Bmith, Editor of the < 'ar
tersville Kxrtt>:ss. Mks. < . M. Fiki.p.
Cartersville, Ga.
august 3d. 1871—ts.
Hauling and Plow ing.
Asa A. Dobbs, having supplied himself with
a mule and wagon, is prepared to Haul and
plow lor any one wishing his services.
teer Suits of Clot Les from $2,00' to
$4,00 at
Sattekfeilb. Pyhon & Com.
Cartrhsvillk I’hoomkssivk.— First
steam mill, then a foundry and machine
shop, then two steam planing and matching.,
door and sash manufactories, then a rail
road and town hall; now another steam mill,
car factory, new chut<dt. newt college, new
hotel, new bank, nnd, last but not least,
she has. already in full blast, anew (AIL
LA 11 FACTORY l Cnibat the‘Gear Shop’
and see it.*'
Jt wooks afterdate application will he
to the Court of Ordinary of said County In* r*.a <-
to sell a portion of the lands belonging * f .
estate of Win. Jackson, dec’d, for ]h ,: I,cl ‘ ’ •
the heirs and c n 'j KS M* J .V K *N■
'* * , iinicis! • stoi 1-st
\\ >l. •/ AC’K-'ON L>C(i,d
august Bth, 1871.