The Cartersville semi-weekly express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1871-1871, October 31, 1871, Image 2

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~ Christ, and a spokesman of Heaven. Teach them that Franklin, at his priuting press, CincinDatus, at his plough, were noble specimens of true manhood than are the fashionable gentry of this day, whose gloved hands never administered to a family’s ne cessity, and whose idle brains never originated a thought that elevated themselves or benefitted society. Young men, to yon, upon whom rests the future of vonr State, her po sition, her honor and her glory, I ap peal to-day. You must be the pion eers in her great march of improve ment. Bowed not down with the mis fortunes of the past, you can bring to the discharge of your duties firm re solves, resolute wills, manly hearts. Bo not ashamed of the work before you. Georgia calls, you must obey, and in the field and the workshop, at the bench or the bar, in the laborato ry or in the forum, show by your per severance, your intelligence and your will, that her sons are equal to the du ties of the hour and the necessities of the State. Think not you are fulfill ing your duty or your destiny. “When yoibrise, tie on your neck cloth, with Skill and with ease; For Young men, when they go out in the world, if you please Must have their necks tied up—there is not a doubt of it— Almost as tight us gome men who go out of With moustaches well oiled, and boots that hold up. The mirror to nature so bright you could sup r > Off the leather, like china; with coat, too, that draws On the tailor, who suffers u martyrs ap plause; With heads bridled up, like a four-in-hand team, And mouths tiiat some say are run chiefly by A cane, tiipir only visible means, of sup port— Disdaining cold water, they driuk sherry or port; With cigars in their mouths—ah, that is glory enough, For their lives, like thin smoke, can go up in a puff, And with curls, like those locks to Mu* sulmen given, For angels to hold by, as they lug them to heaven.” Thus photographed, you may com mand the ad miration of the thought less and the gav; but nobler far, in the eyes of the mail of merit, i.s the humble laborer returning to his neat cottage home, the consciousness of duty performed gladdening his breast, the sweat of his brow jeweling his face, the dust of his field proclaiming his vocation and his calling. Mothers, learn your daughters that the work of the household, the kitchen and the dairy, is a jewel in the casket of their adornments; for, believe me, the ar tist never painted lovelier picture than did Solomon, when ho photographed his ideal of accomplished woman hood : ' “She seeketh wool and flax, and worketh diligently with her hands; Sae layeth tier hands to the spindle, and hands hold the distaff; Shelookelh well to the ways of her house hold, and eateth n*it the bread of idleness.” by stvqm; or port; Verily doth the work of such a one “praise her in the gates.” Young wo man, be naan’s helpmeet in this, the hour of his adversity. Go back to the simple customs and fashions of your mothers; for, while your fathers* are struggling with poverty and misfor tune, it were better that you should be a Rebecca at the well, clad in sim plicity, with your pitcher upoo your shoulder, ready to give drink to the servant of the Lord and the camels of liis attendants, than Sheba’s Queen, clad in the siik and the purple of East ern luxuriance. Economy now i.s wealth, and you, my fair countrywo men, whose sacrifices in war were only equalled by a patriotism pure as rain drops from virgin clouds, must for the present sacrifice, upon the altar of du ty, your fashionable follies and costly extravagances. Oo your duty, youug man—young woman—in this, the hour of your State’s necessity, and the his torian, catching the inspiration of a rural bard, can exclaim : “In vain fair Georgia weeps her desert plains, She moves her envy, who do well com plains. In vain has war’s oppression laid her low, She wears the garland ou her faded brow. Amid her bowers the conqueror’s hand is seen, And desolation saddens all her green- But blessed with these, of native strength possessed, Though very poor, we still ar* very blest.” Cheerful home duties will create Sures and homo comforts; lr children wil 1 become at he spot where their infant tw the sunlight and their caught the first notes of nfrtKtrelsy. To accomplish home beautiful and lovely, Adorn 9he old homestead with fruits and flovvenij and you will attach them to the uid walks of their fathers, and implant in their bosoms a desire to bo hurried in the shadows of the trees that surround the dear old home stead. Thus you will have a settled population upon your soil—a popula tion that, looking to their present sur roundings as their homes in the fu ture, will, both for comfort and emolu ment, improve, beautify, and adorn them. No State can permanently prosper whose population has no fixed (bode —no “abiding home.” Geor lans, why leave your own to link lur destinies with that of another State? Has any other fairer skies, more salubrious climate, lovlier val leys, richer mountains, noble forests, lo7lier wornea than your own na< tive State? Hero lie the bones of your fathers and your mothers; abandon them not. Here, too, your sons are v l ®#?* b pon the ensanguined battle fields of your State—from Missionary Rriuge to their humble graves arnoug the flowers of our Southern coast, they are lying, and from their patriot grav es comes the eloquent appeal, stamp | ed with the earnest of the noble dead, abandon not the State honored with our dust and immortalized by our deeds. Listening to that patriot ap peal to-day, let us, Georgians, bury the animosities of the past, and link ing our shields together, strike one i more blow for Georgia’s prosperity | and Georgia’s glory. Working men of the State, laborers in her fields, her j workshops and her factories, upon you hang our hopes for prosperity and ; independence. You are the Atlas up |ou whose shoulders rest the present and the future of your State. Be not discouraged at the bereavements of the past, or the forebodings of the fu ture. The night is dark, but through its mantling gloom a feeble star sends forth a glimmering ray. It is the star of duty.—Follow it, it may prove the Bethelehem of your deliverance. Bor rowing an illistration from an eminent ■ Divine, “Let this, my countrymen, be Israel’s last night in Egypt.” Prepare the paschal lamb; sprinkle the blood ; upon the liutels and the door posts, and with sandals on your feet and staff in hand, begin your march from this land of bondage and of slavery, j The perils of the wilderness, its leugth ; ening gloom, its dark shadows, its threatening dangers, may be before you; but if you are true to yourselves, I true to your fathers, who have gone I before you, tiue to the old State you too shall commemorate your exodus from the evil that threatened you, and sing j in the fullness of your joy, your “pass over song of deliverance.” Then, my ! countrymen, amid the green fields and i rich pastures of your Canaan, where, |in plenteous contentment, financial independence, intellectual wealth, and social refinement, you shall dwell in fellowship and in peace with the chil dren of your love, may you exclaim, with feelings of triumphant pride, “This is my State, whose power is her j aled, from her mountains, and whose | greatness is echoed from her valleys | and her hills.” [Applause.J THE SEMI-WEEKLY EXPRESS, J. W. HARRIS, | s. m. smith, [Editors and Proprietors. r. H. BREWSTER, j CAPvTERSVILLE, GA., OCT. 31, 1871 Consolidation. From and after the 28th of October, 1871, the (jARTKRSVILLKExrRESS AND THE CARTER SVILLE Standard Printing Offices and Papers aro consolidated. S. H. Smith & Cos., of the Ex press, have bought J. H. Wiklk’s half In t erest in the Standard, and the two offices and papers have been consolidated from the above date.— The paper will hereafter be published Semi- Weekly and Weekly as heretofore, and will be known as the Standard & Express, and the firm will be Smith, Wikle & Cos. The price of subscription will be, for the Semi-Weekly, f 3,00 and the Weekly $2.00, invariably in advanc e.— The Weekly will, in a short time, be raised to a large nine column sheet. The Serai-Weekly will remain its present size. With a subscription list of over Twelve Hundred bonajide subscribers, an able and willing editorial corps, steady and industrious printers, a number one Cy Hinder Press, type new and of the latest styles, we hope to make the Standard & Express a potent agent lor good in the land —a number one newspaper— worthy of its numerous readers. It will be Democratic in politics, otherwise independent in all things and neutral in nothing that per tains to the general weal of the country and people. All contracts for advertising anil subscrip tion in both papers will be promptly carried out by the new firm. We have not time to say more at present, but in our next issue will announce our general programme for the future, &c. Respectfully. &e., SMITH, W IKLE & CO. Owing to the fact that the offices of the Stvndard and Express have been consoli dated, there will be no paper issued from this office before next Tuesday, October 7tli. The time betwen this and then will be oc cupied in moving the office of the Standard to the Exoress office. Action of the democratic Exec utive Committee. The State Demecratic Executive Commit tee assembled in this city yesterday, and had a full and free consultation. The fol lowing resolutions were adopted: Resolved, Ibat, the fruits of the victory achieved at the December election cannot be secured without thorough organization. Wo reiterate the opinion previously ex pressed by this committee that men of char acter and ability should be nominated for office, and it should be regarded as a patri otic duty to support and elect them, though j individual preferences have to be abandon ed. Resolved, That the people of Georgia and this committee have an abiding confidence that the Democratic Legislature, soon to assemble, will be guided by “ Wisdom, Jus tice and Moderation;” that its action will be discrete, its enactments just, and its ad ministration honest and economical. Resolved, That this committee believe the reports of the existence of Ku-Klux or other secret political organizations in this State, which have induced Congress to take ac tion on that subject, are wholly unfounded. That there have been acts of lawlessness and violence cannot be denied, but they have not been instigated by any partisan motive or felling. The ill-advised use of the pardoning power, by which notorious criminals have been relieved from the pun ishment due to their crimes, has in some instances, excited persons to acts of violence which would not have otherwise occurred, and which we unhesitatingly condemn and disapprove.— Telegraph and Messenger, 0q(, New Advertisements. R. H • Hat ter ft el 4 4c Vtro.. i Are now receiving and ©J pening their new stock of FALL & WINTER DRY-GOODS, & Invite EVERYBODY to Come and see them, and. If quality ami priee suit, buy them. We guarantee sales ! if these are the conditions! •’ *A - . j{ j of the purchase. Cartersyllle, cct. 31st. i ] ISHAM ALLEY I ji <* MAS Just Received from New fork, and lias j opened at bis oid Stand, a very Superior Stock of STAPLE AN D FANCY FALL & WINTER GOODS, Hats, Hoots, Shoes, Etc., Etc. His Stock consists, in part, of an Elegant Stock of b LADIES’ DRKHH GOODS, LADIES’ HATS, SHOES, HOSIERY, Shawls, Balmoral and Boulevard Skirts, Jew elry, and in lact everything that pertains to a Ernies’ Wardrobe, ol the finest anil best quality at the cheapest prices. Gentlemen will find asn erb Stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING. Furnishing Goods, Hats, Boots and Shoes, and everything necessary lor their wear, of the best quality and cheapest price. HOINLITKMSIII\G GOODS of all descriptions, from a box of blacking up Guns and appurtenances, the best ever brought to this market. Musical Instruments, Mirrors, Crockery. Cutlery, Hardware, Saddles and Harness, Trunks, Carpet-Bags, Umbrellas, Gardening Implements, Mechanic’s Tools, Hol low Wares, Family Groceries 3 and, in fact, a thousand and one articles too tedious to mention. Come and see and examine my Stock and prices, and if any one fails to be pleased at my Goods or prices, they will have to leave Car tersville to do better. oct3l—swtf. For SALE J LV ACRES OF LAN D in the town of Car tersville, formerly owned by V. S. Al len, on the East side of the Railroad. For fur ther particulars apnly to G L. MCDONALD oct. 23—swtf Cartersville, Ga. PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLEEY! EAST MAIN STREET, CARTERSVILLE, GEO. HAVING lately opened a Photographic Gal lery, I am prepared to do any work in mv line. Particular attention given to Childrens Pictures—Old Pictures copied and enlarged. Satisfaction guaranteed in every in stance. Give me a call. _ . ~v . oct. 24, ’7l-tf. PAU L F. W AG VEIL WIFX.IAH CODIE, BOOT St SHOE-MAKER, REAR OF W.C EDWARDS’ <i ear Shop, C.IRTERSVILLE, GEO. I AM prepared to do as good work, and will do it cheaper than any shoe-maker in town. All I ask in proof, is a fair trial. Half-soieing, Foxing, and making Boots and Shoes, out and out new, is my business. Don’t fail to give me a trial, that is all I ask to secure custom, oct. 24, ’7l-swly. The Great Canal. We learn from the Atlanta Sun that Maj. McCalla, of tho United States Eogineer Corps, arrived in At lanta a few days ago, for the purpose of organizing an engineer corps, and entering at once upon the survey of the Atlantic and Great Western Canal, which is to run from Muscle Shoals, on the Tennessee river, across to Coo sa ; thence up the Coosa and Etowah; thence to follow the ridge, and to cross the Chattahooche at some point North of Atlanta, and thence t<s the Ocmulgee, and to the Atlantic. ■ . THE KKI4.\ OF TERROR IX SOUTH CAROLINA. Hundreds of Citizens Arrested by the Mil itary—The Country Being Deserted- Business of All Kinds Suspended Suf fering Among tlie Women and Children. Augusta, October 26.—Advices from York couni y, South Carolina, where tho writ of habeas corpus has been sus pended, report that at least one hun dred arrests have been made and the parties lodged in the county jail. Numbers are leaving and the county is being deserted, Families are suffering, and business of all kinds is suspended. It is re ported that half the male population of Chester county has left, leaving the women and children unprotected. In Spartanburg and Union couuties the stampede and suffering are even greater than in York and Chester counties. It is impossible to conceive the terror and excitement that pre vails* New Advertisemen ts. cundurango: THE WONDERFCL REMEDY FOR CANCER, SYPHILIS. SCROFULA. UL CERS, SALT RHEI'M, and ALE OTHER CHRONIC BLOOD DISEASES. Dr. P. T. KEENE having just returned from Eucador and brought witi him a quantity of the genuine Cundurango Bark, secured thro’ the official recommendation and assistance of His Excellency the President of Eucador, and the Government of that Republic, we are pre pared to fill orders for it to a limited extent, and at one-quarter of that w hich the cost of the first very small supply Compelled us to charge. A spurious article is now advertised and sold as Cundurango. We have, at considerable with the co-operation oftheau tqorities at Loja, the province where the plant wows, so directed the channel of our supply as to ensure that none but the genuine article shall be sold by us; and we particularly call the attention of the public, for their protection to this fact. BLISS, KEENE & CO.. 60 Cedar street, New York. D. W. Bliss, M. I)., Washington. D. r • z. E. Bliss. M. I)., Mew York; P. T. Kkene. M. D New \ork. Solicited by MINN & CO. i e/* fIJ i I Fublishers Scientific A r. UHlladri icon, 37 Park Row, N. Y. Twenty-five years’ experience. Pamphlets containing Patent Laws, with full directions how to obtain Patents, free. A bound volume of 118 pages, containing the New Census by counties and all large cities, 140 Engravings of Mechanical Movements, Pat ent Laws and rules for obtaining Patents, mail ed on receipt of 25 cents. E ARTH CLOSETS —Get the best. Earth Closet Cos., 215 State st., Hartford, Ct., Sole V. S. Proprietors of Movie's, Xante ,£• 6 iniU ston's, Luther's, Waring's, Xncton'satid DoOlifU's Patents. The only Closets that have proved ef fective. The Earth Closet, by its disinfection of faeces, is the most valuable means of pre venting spread of cholera and other contagious diseases. Send for circulars. Agents wanted everywhere. Salesrooms: 19 Doanest.. Boston; 696 Broadwnv, N. Y.; 1221 Market st.. Phiiad’a. BLOOMINGTON NURSERY, ILLINOIS. 20th YEAR ! 600 ACRES! 13 GREEN HOUSES! Largest, Assortment. Best Stock. Low Prices. Trees, Shrubs, Plants, Bulbs, Seeds, Stocks, Grafts, &c. 100 page Illustrated cat alogue, lO cents. Bulls Plant, Seed, Cata logues, all for 10 cents. Wholesale Price List, free. Send for these, before buying ‘elsewhere. F. K. PHOENIX, Bloomington, 111. A Now fiJi-n in > W A S II I Y in , LABOR, TIME, CLOTHES AND FUEL. SAVED BY TIIK USE OF WARFIELD’S COLD WATER SELF-WASHING SOAP, Send lor circular and price list. AGENTS WANTED. WILSON, LOCKWOOD. EVERETT & CO., 51 Murray Street, New York. , Sole Agents for the States of Virginia. North anti South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. fiURNETJ’SV ■■■ A compound of Cocoa-nut Oil, ijc. Acknowl edged the best promoter of the growth ana bean<y of the hair. JDS. BUBSZTT & CO., Boston. Mass. Sold by ail druggists Beware of imitations CHEAPEST ADVERTISING IN THE WOULD, For $24 per Inch per Month, we will insert an advertisement in 35 first class Georgia Newspapers including 4 Dai lies. Proportionate rates for Smaller adv’ts. — List sent free. ddress CEO. P. POWELL & CO., 40 and 41 Park Row, NEW YORK. S3O. We will Pay S3O. Agents S3O per week to sell our great and valu able discoveries. If you want permenant, hon orable avid pleasant work, apply for particulars Address DYER & CO., Jackson, Michigan. 4 ** A MONTH ! !fm-c furnished.— Expenses paid. If. B. MIA W, Alfred, Me. HOUSEHOLD MEDICINES. Board in aii’s Cad I/iver Oil. This Oil is put up with great care from per fectly fresh Livers, and is without doubt, the finest produced. Boardman’s French Worm Confection!*. —Invaluable as a Cure for Wortns, and being in the form of a can dy lozenge arc readily taken. Board man's Couc’d Fxt’t. Jamaica Ginger.— A splen did corrective and exceedingly useful in Colics, Cramps, and ordinary irregularities of the Bowels. Brant’s Indian Purifying Extract.— A medicine long in use for disorders arising from an impure state of tins blood. This article has performed some most wonderful cures and is the best article ex tant for the purpose; Brant’s Indian Pulmonary Kalsam.— -Extensively used for all pulmonary complaints, being purely veget able, unlike most preparations for Coughs, Colds etc., does not. constipate or leave auv unpleas ant after effect, but always affords speedy re lief. Greene’s Dyspepsia Heine dy.—A safe, sure and speedy cure of that most distressing of complaints “Dys pepsia.” put up from an original recipe of Dr. Greene, Fort Valley, Ga., by whom it has long been used with wonderful success. Parker's Serve and Hone Liniment.— The best external remedy for man or beast. A certain cure for Rheumatism, Cramps, Sprains, Bruises, Swell ing, Weak Limbs, aid pains of all kinds. Parker's Compound Fluid Ext. Rueliu.— The purest and best in use. A sure relief for all diseases of the Bladder and K idnevs; ask for no other; physi cians recommend it'. HALIE1 TANARUS, S EAVER & BURBANK, 149 Chambers nil 131 Rcade Sts., N. Y. AVOID QUACKS. — a victim of early in discretion, causing nervous debility, pre mature decay, etc,, having tried in vairi every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cure, which he will send to nis fellow-sufferers. Address J. 11. REEVES, 78 Xassau st., X. Y. THIRTY YRS’ EXPERIENCE IN TIIE TREATMENT OF Chronic Sexual Diseases. A PHYSOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARRIAGE. The cheapest book ever published—'con tain taming nearly three hundred pages, ami one hundred and thirty gne plato and engravings ol the anatomy of the human organs in a state ot health and disease, with a treatise on Iranian errors, its deplorable consequences upon the mind and body, w ith the author’s plan of treat- ! mer.t—the only rational and successful mode of cure, as shown by a report ot cases treated. A I truthful adviser to the married and those con- j templating marriage, who entertain doubts of j their physical condition. Sent free of postage to any address, on receipt of twenty-five cents in stamps or postal currency, by addressing Dr. LA CROIX, No. 31, Maiden Lane, Albany, The author may bo consulted upon auv ot tlie diseases upon which his beok treats, ei ther personally or by mail, and medicines sent to any part of the fcorld. GEORGIA, Bartow County. WESLEY BARNEs lias applied for exempt j tion ol personalty anil setting apart and valua- i tion ot Homestead, and I will pass upon the i same at 10 o’clock, a. m., on the 4th clav of No vember, 1871, at my Office. OOV. aid, 1871. J. A. BUWAIU), Ord’y. 4 CTS with gt'ntlenesM and thoroughness x» upon the Liver and Cieneral Circula tion—keeps the Bowels In Natural Motion and Cleanses the System from all itnpuri ties. ( I —• - , gjjjjJf Never fails *_ , ", * to Cure 11- v e rj|Dr, 0. S. PrOphltt ap J in an y!J r fjforin. Tor i’ lb i- “ w ——"tv. Enlarg uient, Dyspepsia, IndigestionTl.oss of Ap petite, Nausea, Sour Stomach. Heart Burn. I>et»il!ty, Low Spirits, Cold Feet and Hands, Costiveness, Listlessness. Colic. Chronic Diarrhea, and Clirouic Chills nntl Fever. Compouned in strict accordance with skipful chemistry and scientific pharmacy, this purely veg- <-—I fe t a b 1 e Compound * |‘has after the severe ! I CELEBR ATED I i©st test of twenty!| SMonrs in cessant »se.| |~~Z |l>ecn styl ed the GREAT LeStorati Ve and Rkctpeuaxt o\ the enlightened testimony of thousands us nig if ; so harmoniously adjusted that it keeps the Liver in healthful action; and when the directions arc observed the process of waste and replenishment in the human system con tinues uninterruptedly to a ripe old age, and man, like the patriarchs of old, drops into the grave full of years, and without a struggle, whenever : —"TU " Zl\ l }i> kat ii claims his r . ... 1 1 preroga tive. Ada-]»Liver .Medicine.*ip tedto the most ! ildelicate tempo r a-3 ""l 1 * ?: I 1 robust const itu; iobTU can be given with equal | safety and success ro the yeting child, invalid lady or strong man. June 2,;iS»l. g o. s. i*nit i* sisTT's Anodyne Pain Kill It. NEVER FAILING! KILLS PAIA I\ EVERY FORS3. /'IITIEB Pains in the Back, Cheat, /Tips or Limbs, Rheumatism, Xcuralgia, Cough#, Colds, Bronchial Affections. Kidney Diseases. Dys fiepsiii. Liver Complaint ; Colic. Cholera. Cholera Morbus, Pleurisy. Asthma, Heart Burn. Tooth Ache, Jet>w A the, Bar Ache, Head Ache, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Contusions, Sores, Lacerated Wounds, Scalds. Burns, Cl ill Plains, Frost Bites. Poisons, of ail hinds, vegetable or animal. Os all «*«» .***cn.. wn*»uw a bm«m wib wtt«n ||PAIN KILL TT! j| the Remedies ever’discovered for the relief of suffering humanity, this is the best Pain Medita tor known to Medical Science. The cure is speedy and permanent in the most inveterate diseases. This is no humbug, but a grand medical discovery. A Pain Killer containing no poison to inflame, paralize or drive the inflammation upon an in ternal organ. Its efficiency is truly wonderful —Relief is instantaneous. It is destined to banish pains and aches, wounds and bruises, from th e face of the earth. Oct.lfi.lß7l. ►Sherift* Salea for Yov., ’7l. WI LL be sold, before the Courthouse door in Cartersyille, Bartow County. Ga., on the first Tuesday in November. 1871, within the us ual hours of sale, the following property', to-wit: Lots of land, Nos. 485 48G, 487, 488, 561 444, and east half of lot Number 489, lying in the 4th dist. and 3rd see. of Bartow countv. Levied on as the property of James (J. ‘Young to satisfy a Ufa issued from Bartow Superior Court in favor of Margaret Curry, Executrix, vs James C. Young. Also, The settlement of. land known as the Mark Harden place, containing Jive hundred acres, more or less, being in the 17th district and 3rd section of Bartow county, levied on as the property of Mark A. Harden, to satisfy a flfa issued from Bartow Superior Court in favor of Wm. Solomon, vs Mark A. Harden, for the purchase monev. Also, Lot of land no 778, in the 17tli district and 3rd section of Bartow county, levied on as the property of W. W. Mahone, to satisfy three Justice Court flfas i>sued from the Justice Court, 851 dist. G. M., in favor of Thos. Tumlin, vs. said W. W. Mahone. Also, Lot of land no. 773, 17th district, 3rd section of Bartow county! Levied on as tha property of A. Owens & w. W. Mahone, to satis ly a Justice Court flfa issued from tlie Justice Court, 851 dist. G. M., in favor of Thomas Tum lin, vs A. Owen & W. \V. Mahone. Also, Lots of land nos. 297 and 315 and east half of 230, lying in the stli district and 3rd sec tion of Bartow county. Levied on as the prop erty of James C. Wofford & John S. Hopper, to satisfy a lifa issued Irom Bartow Superior Court in favor of Camilla Wofford, vs James C. Wofford & John S. Hopper, for the purchase money. Also, Lots ol land, nos. 486, 487, 488, 5C4, 444, 485 and cast half of lot .489, lying in the 4th dis tinct and 3rd section of Bartow county. Levied on as the property of ,J. C. Young, to satisfy live Justice Court flfas, issued from 822nd district, G. M., one in favor of Satterlield & Wofford, one in favor of Satterfield & Brother, one in fa vor of C G. Trammell, one in favor of Lemuel Hillard, one in favor of Willis Benham, vs J. C. Young, Levied and returned to me by M. Col lins, L. C. Also, The plantation on which .Tames C. Young resides, in the 4ch district and 3rd sec tion of Bartow county, levied on as the proper ty of James C. Young to satisfy two Justice Court flfas issued from the Justice Court, 822 (list. G. M., in favor of Satterlield, l’yron & Go., vs James C. Young. Levy made and returned to me by Miller Collins, L. C. Also, One grist mill and lot, known as I>. F. Bishop’s mill, on Peftitt’s creek in the sth (list, and 3rd sec. of Bartow county; no, of lot on which said mill is situated not known. Levied on as the property of Dempsey F. Bishop, to sat isfy one Bartow County Court flfa in favor of John C. Spriggs, vs D. F. Bishop, property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney. Also, all that part of the Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad, now called the Cherokee Rail road, that lies in the county of Bartow, inclu ding the right of way, road bed aud appurte nances; levied on as the property of tlie Car tersviile & Van Wert Railroad, to satisfy twelve Justice Court ti fas, issued from the justice court of 822d District, G. M., in favor of James H. l’owell vs. said Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad. Levy made and returned to me by- Miller Collins, constable of said district. Also, all that part outlie Cartersville <& Van* Wert Railroad, now called the Cherokee Rail road, that lies in the county of Barlow, inclu ding the right of way, road bed, and appurte- j nances; levied on as the property of the Car tersville & Van Wert Railroad, to satisfy elev en Justice Court fi fas, issued from the justice court of 822(1 District, G. M., in favor of Robert i McClatchey vs. said Cartersville & Van Wert i Railroad. Levy made and returned to me bv ! Miller Collins, constable of said district. Also, all that part ol' the Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad, now called the Cherokee Rail road, that lies in the county of Bartow, inclu ding the right of way, road bed. ami appurte nances; levied oh as the property of the Car tersville & Van Wert Railroad, to satisfy seven Justice Court 11 fas, issued from the'justice court of 823d District, G. 31., in favor of Frank 11. Harris vs. said Cartersville & Van Wort Railroad. Levy made and returned to me bv Miller Collins, constable of said district. Also, all that part of the Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad, now called Cherokee railroad, that lies in the county of Bartow, including the right of way, road bed, and appurtenances; levied on as lhe property of the Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad, to satisfy eight Justice Court li las, issued from the justice court of the 822d District, G. M., in favor of Geo. L. Moore vs. said Cartersville <ft Van Wert Railroad.— Levy made and returned to me by Miller Col lins, constable of said district. Also, all that part of the Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad, now called Cherokee railroad, that lies hi the county of Bartow, including the right of way, road bed, and appurtenances; levied on as the property of the Cartersville & Van Weit Railroad, to satisfy six Justice court li fas, is-ued from the justice court of the 822d District, C- M,. in favor of James T. Mount castle vs. said Cartersville & Van Wert Rail road. Levy made and returned to me by Mil ler Collins,'constable of said district. Also, two marc mules, one an Iron-Grey, about four years old, large size; one Bay, about eight years old, large size. Levied on as the property of James C. Young, o satify a Superi or Court li fa, issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of Margarett Curry, executrix, vs James C. Young. Also, the settlement of land lying in the 17th District and Jrd Section, containing five hundred acres, more or less. Levied on as the property Mark A. Hardin, to satisfy a llfa is sued from Bartow Superior Court.'in favor of M. L. Pritchett, Administrator ofW. il. Pritch ett, deceased, vs. Tlios. W. Hooper ami Mark A. Hardin security, Oct © w. W, RICH Sheriff. JAMES KENNEDY, I). ShiL I)AX GEIt IS AT THE DOOR ! 1* i* ei>a i* © t o A v ort 11. MESSRS. HOFFMAN & STOVER ITTILL erect, in the most approved and IT scientific manner, the IRON, ZINC. AND COPPER LIGHTNING RODS. ' will put them up much cheaper, and on ; better terms than parties from elsewhere. They also do all kind* of PAINTING, j FRESCOING, WALL COLORING, PA-j PER HANGING. &c., inthe very best style, ! and on reasonable terms. All work warranted to give entire satis- I faction All orders left at the New Drug Store will receive prompt attention. June 2,-sw^m NEW FIRM J NEW BtSISESSn CROCKERY. GLASS-WARE, OILS, LAMPS, SHADES. &c.. P. MARSH A CO., AT THE OLD STAND OF BLAIR & BRADSHAW, BUT MORE RECENTLY I3Y SATTERFIELD, FYRON $ 00., CARTERSYILLE, Ga., ARE NOW OPENING A SUPERB STOCK OF CROCKERY, GLASS-WARE, &C. REMOVAL! P. MARSH has removed his Oil and Lamp Stock from the Drug Store of Best and Kirkpatrick, to this point, consolidated both businesses. The new firm are now also dealers in OIM, LAMPS, WICKS, SHADES, They respectfully invite tlie citizens oi Cartersville, and pub lic generally, to call and see, and examine and make their pur Jt. Ihsnn»fiisr, COTTON AND STORAGE fire-proof WARE-HOUSE! I am now prepared to receive, at my Ware-House, located on the Rail-road track. Cotton and other Produce for Storage or Sale. Consignments SoMcited, I can can offer customers every advantage of the market in Selling and Storing. The location on the Railroad saves dray, age, and wear and tear of extra hauling. Commission and In surance at lowest rates. Mitral Advances In Cash or Supplies of Bacon, Corn, Flour, Fertilizers, &c., made on Consignments in store, or shipments to my correspond ents at other points. Agent ftp AUGUSTEA FACTORY, ATHENS’ MANUFACTURING CO., LOUISVILLE HYDRAULIC CEMENT, BIRDS-EYE LIME, PLASTER, GOLD-DUST AND STONEWALL FLOUR, Alexander’s pure old Tenn. Whiskey, BP RY IS AM’S TIRBIYE WATER WHEEL, A large stock of Bacon, Lard, Flour, Corn, Oats, Hay, Etc. v con stantly on hand, and for sale at lowest prices. A. LEYDEY, oct.27—w6m Atlanta, Ga. 1 rfSSet ~nm -wittiiainruni m 11 wn>m——wu»„jh.i - i «- - - M — r _ _ - - - Car Factory AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. In addition to CAE BUILDING, the Company is duly prepared to make, and is now actively employed in filling, con tracts for Building Houses, of any and all dimensions and styles; also, owing to their facilities for Sawing, Dressing, Boring and Morticing, Tongueing and Grooving, &c., by steam machinery, they offer extraordinary inducements to contractors and build ers, and all parties, wishing any work of this kind done. Win dow Sash, Doors, Blinds and Shutters, Ac., furnished at low fig ures and on short notice. E. JT. GOWER, President. ll* PADGETT, Sec’y «& Sup t. J. J. HOWARD, Treasurer.! Cartersville, Ga., Oct 15, 1871-swtf Mead the following testi mony of Ex-Goy. Brown, about the first work turn ed out by this Company: Western & Atlantic R. R., — President’s Office, Atlanta, Ga., October 16tli, 1871. Col. J. J. Howard, Cartersville, Ga. Dear Sir: We have examined the fifteen new ears made for the W. & A. R. R. Cos., by tbe Cartersville Car Factory, and have no hesitation in saying they are very satisfactory. — Indeed they are FIRST RATE. JOSEPH E. BROWN, President