Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, August 15, 1870, Image 1

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new advertisements. Mwill pay for the New York WEEKLY DOL LAR SUN from now to January Ist, IK7I. ONE DOLLAR will pay for | the SEMI-WEEKLY do. 50 rents a month nays for the DAILY SUN. Address X. W. ENGLAND, Publisher, New York. LARGEST —BEST —CHEAPEST! UINTEHraiKE. IN PITKTR V, T ACT. I/BER JHi AUTY, and the BEST TALBNT, have for over Twenty Years been freely used upon Moore’s Rural New-Yorker, And as a result it is now, nre-eminently, the Largest, Best and Cheapest Rli'stkatd Kpral, Literary and Family Weekly in the World, Tons of thousands of wide-awake People, all over the Continent, take and admire the rural, for its superior ability, Value, Illustrations, .style, Jto. The Press and People Praise It! For example, an Exchange says; “The Rural in the most Elegantly Printed. A hly Edited. Wide ly Circulated and Heartily Welcome Paper. an a whole, which now finds its way among the Peoide.” JJigfVol. A Kli. begins July 2nd. Try it! On ly !1,50 per volume of 20 numbers, or $3 per year. Cess to clubs. Subscribe Now! Address D. D. T. MOORE, 41 Park Row, New York. TAR SPANGLED BANNER.—A large~4o column paper, ledger size, Illustrated. De voted to Sketches, Poetry, wi t, Humor, genuine Tun-Nonsense (of a sensible kind,) and to the ‘exposure of Swindling, Humbugs, Ac. Only 75 cents a year, arid a superb engraving “Evange line,” l *l-2x2 feet, gratis, 30,(XX) circulation. Money refunded to all who ask it. It is wide awake, fearless, truthful. Try It NotV. 75ets. a year. Specimens FREE. Address “BANNER,” Hinsdale, N. If. Book agents wanted.—“z«w« of the White House .” No opposition. Steel en* •ravings. Rapid sales. For circulars, address “3. •'&. PrsListUKU to., N. Cincinnati and Chicago. XT I? II T BOOK.—Agents sell 100 per week, IN Hi ▼ ▼ Price $3. Address L. STEBBINrS, • Hartford, Ct. MKADVILLE THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL.— Unitarian; educates Ministers; JflOOayear to poor students; begins Aug. 20. Apply to A. A. Liner mare, Meadville, Pa. ~~A MODEL HOUSE, Being a cripple, I have made house planning a special study. One built last season has proved -a model of convenience, beauty, and economy. 1 circulars of plans. Views, etc., with 'general informat ion of value to all, sent free.— Address (with stamp or script if convenient,) GEO. J. COLBY, Architect, Waterbury, Ver mont. PATENTS. Inventors who wish to take out Letters Patent are afivised to counsel with MUNN & CO., editors of the Scientific American, who have prosecuted claims before the Patent Office for over Twenty Years.— Their American and Kuropean Patent Agency is the mest extensive in the World . Charges less than any other reliable Agency. A pampelet cootaining full instructions to inventors is sent gratis. MUNN & CO., 37 Park How, New York. YES! IT IS TRUE. That the best mowers— the best pkoi'peus— the best self-rakers to be found in the world are the Original and Reliable Double-Motion JEtna Machines, made by the JtTNA MANUFACTU RING CO., of Salem, Ohio. Send for Pamphlet containing particulars. Newspaper. Advertising. A book of 125 closely printed pages, lately is sued, contains a list of the best American Ad vvertising Mediums, giving the names, cireula itiotis. and toll particulars concerning the lead ing Daily and Weekly Political and Family Newspapers, together with all those having i large circulations, published in the interest ot Religion, Agriculture, Literature, &c., &c.,— Every Advertiser, and every person who con templates becoming such, will find this book of of great value. Mailed free to any address on receipt of fifteen cents. Geo. P. Rowell & Cos., Publishers, No. 40 Park Row New York. The Pittsburg (Pa-) Leader, in its issue of May mil, 1870, savs; “The firm of Geo. J’. Row ell & Cos., which issues this valuable and interesting hook, is the largest and best Advertising Agen cy in the United States, and wo can cheerfully recommend it to the attention of those who de sire to advertise their business scientifically and systematically in such a wav; that is, so to secure the largest amount of publicity for the least expenditure of money.” WASTED, AGENTS. —*20 Watch free, given gratis to every live man who will act as our Agent. BusinQS light and honorable; pays S3O per day. Address R. Monroe Kennedy & Cos., Pittsburg, Pa. WE WILL PAY AGENTS a salary of *35 per week or allow a large commission to sell our new Inventions. Address J. W. Fit INK & CO., Marshall, Mich. A DAY!—4O new articles for Agents Samples free. 11. B. SHAW, Alfred, Me. SALESMEN.—Send for Circular, a first-class business and steady employment. B. F. 11UWE, 37 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. salesmen’ ne^ NT 8° 'KENNEDY, ** 418 Chestnut st., Phila. ffITTInTHUMAN MACHINE.—New BOOK. I XT Jli Free for Stamp, TAKKANT «& CO., New York. mOCONSUMPTIVES: You can get a sure cure JL for Coughs and Colds, and all lung com plaints free. It has cured thousands. Send for it to Daxiei. Adee, P. O. Box 3531, New York. KIDDER’S ” PASTILLES. A sure relief for Asthma. Price 40 cents by mail; STOWELL & CO., Charlestown, Mass. PLEASE READ THIS. Reader, have you tried Tink fiani’N “Wonderful I lead aelie Remedy ?” If not, try a box, and you will use no other remedy. Warranted to "cure the worst case Headache, Earache or Tooth ache, in live minutes. It contains nothing poi sonous, it is no liquid, andean be applied by any child. It contains no magic power, and it is, putting aside all patent medicines and hum bugs, the best Remedy in the world for the above diseases. Warranted to cure or the money re funded. It has been thoroughly tested in this part of the Union, and hundreds have been cur ed by this Eemedey. Remember, reader, this is no humbug, but a positive tact. Can be sent bv mail safely to any part of the globe, and war ranted to reach the purchaser. Please send lor a box by mail, and be convinced that Headache, Earache and Toothache can be cured. Price $1 00 per box by mail to any post-ollice in the Union. Don’t tail to try Jt! 1 doz. Boxes, *10; 1-2 doz. Boxes, *5. Address OTIS TINKIIAM, North Middleboro, Mass. (Box 41.) Discount to the trade. XTEW MEDICAL PAMPHLET.—SEMINAL J3l Physical and Nervous Debility, its effecte andcure. Price2scents. Address SECRETARY Museum of Anatomy, 018 Broadway, N. r. URIOUS, HOW STANGE!—Tha Married Ladies Private Companion eontams the de sired information. Sent Iree tor stamp. Ad dress MRS. METZGER, Hanover, Pa. PROMPT, HONORABLE, RELIABLE. A GENTS WANTED in every city, town and for the largest and most successful DOLLAR HOUSE in the countro—ONLY ONE endorsed by the leading papers and Express Co’s of the United States. Our goods give universal satisfaction, our premiums to Agents cannot be EXCELLED, and our checks are free. Having two houses—Boston and Chicago—our facilities are tnequaled, and our business exceeds in amount all other concerns in this trade combined. .SEND for CIRCULARS and FREE CLUB to SC THOMPSON* CO. 130 Federal St., Boston, or 158 State St., Chicago. We Need Money ! ! ! ALL PERSONS, Whomsoever, indebted to us lor Merchandize, Cash Loaned, or any other debtedness, are now called on to make r, l ™°^ro T m?A)>; vlENT t As WE NEED OUR MEANS TO PROSECUTE OUR BUSINESS, And, besides, this is the season of the year our customers have promised to pay us. We are now rn earnest, and we expect early payment. Howard & Erwin. Cartersville, july 20, SAM'L H. SMITH, VOL. 9. NEW jUXVERTiSEMENTS. THE SECOND VOLUME OF A.H.STEPHENS Great Hitdory of the War is now ready.— Agents wanted. Send for circulars with terms and a full description of the work. —• Address National Publishing Co-, Philadel phia, Pii, f Atlanta, Ga., or St. Louis, Mis souri. ts Book Agents Wanted in the South, to sell our New Book TEN YEARS Iff WALL STREET. One agent took 25 orders for the first day, another 75 in 4 days. Endorsed by eminent men as the most exciting, in teresting and instructive books, is sued. Includes 18 years experience of the author. Filled With illustrations. Extra terms to Agents. Setld for circulars to Worthington, Dustin & Cos.. Hartford, Conn. ts. ■ GREAT CHANCE FOR AGENTS, ||| I $75 to S2OO per month. We want to employ a good agent in eve r y County in the U. S. on commission or salary to introduce our World Eenorvned Patent White Wire Clothes Lines ; will last a hundred years. If you want prof itable and pleasant employment, address R. S. RUSH & CO. Manufacturers, 75 William St. n N. Y. or 16 Dearborn St. Chicago, ts. * / A Wanted to sell our jnLxT 1 u Home Physician. Anew and reliable Handv-Book of Family Medicine, by Dr, Beard, ofN. Y. and the Farmers’ Mechanics’ Manual, 211 cuts, a book of facts and figures for workingmen. E. B. Treat & Cos. Pub.Gs4 Broadway, New York, tf* This is no humbug! By sending 35 CENTS, with age. height, color of eyes and hair, you will receive, by return mail, a correct pict ure your future husband or wife, with name and date of marriage. Address W. FOX, P. 0. Drawer No. 24, FultonvillC, N. Y. ts. AGENTS™" Books. For Good Books. For the best sell ing Books in the Market. Apply at once for Circular of terms, &©, to Crittenden and McKinney, 1308 Chestnut St. Phil. Pa. ts BIG PAY! $2,500,00 A YEAR. By selling the best and cheapest Encyclope dia in the world. Chamber’s Information for the People. Revised. 1700 pages 500 Engravings Anv one, male or female, can do this, without capital, Sendfor Circulars to PAIIMECEE & CO., Phil Pa- <£•__ Agents wanted to' sell the ‘ LETTER BOOK.” For Copying Letters without Dress or Water. This is the greatest time, labor, and mon ey saving invention of the age ; and none see it, but to praise its simplicity and convenience, as you have-only to place the written letter under the copying leaf, and rub witli the hand. An agent has only to show it prop erly, and it sells itself. Price $2.2*5 and up wards. Adapted to every kind of business, and does not play out with the first sale. Address P. GARRETT & CO., Philadel phia, Pa. ts- AGENTS WANTD. —$100 to SBOO per Month—Clergymen, School Teachers, Smart Young Men and Ladies wanted to canvass for the New Book. ‘OUR FATHER’S HOUSE;’ or, the UNWRITTEN WORD. Py Daniel March, author of the popular “Night Scenes.” This master in thought and language shows untold riches and beau ties in the Great House, with its Blooming flowers, Singing birds, Waving palms, Rol ling clouds, Beautiful bow, sacred Mountains, Delightful Rivers, Mighty oceans, Thunder ing voices. Blazing heavens, and vast uni verse with countless beings in millions of worlds, and reads to us in each the Unwrit ted Word. Rose-tinted paper, ornate en gravings and superb binding. Send for cir cular, in which is a full description and uni versal commendations by the press, minis ters and college professors, in the strongest possible language. ZEIGLKR, McCURDY & CO., 10 S. Sixth Street, Philadelphia, Pen -Bylvania. tf* Agents* Bead Tlii s ! ' SSO TO S2OO PER MONTH MADE BY AGENT SELLING tub home oe wash. IJNOTOX, on Mount Veknon and its Associations, by BENSON J. LOSSING. 150 Illustra tions, tinted paper, handsomely bound. On ly book on the subject. Every family wants a copy. Sold only by subscription. Very liberal terms given. SAMPLES FREE. — Send for Circulars, and notice our extra terms. A. S.HALE & CO. Hartford, Con necticut* ts- Agents Canvassing Book Sent Free For Secrets Os luternal Revenue, This most remarkable book ever published, being a complete exposure of the powerful confederations or “Rings” preying on our Government. Showing up all cliques from the lowest to the highest, Cabinet officers and Congressmen »* well vs minor aperators’ sys tematic deprecation conspiracies, official corruption, political influence, patronage and wire-pulling. A fearless historical work, invaluable to every citizen ; contain ing 540 pages, by a prominent Government Detective. Over 20,000 copies already sold. Agents wanted. Canvassing books tree. Address W. Flint, Publisher, Philadelphia, Pa., Boston, Mass., Chicago, 111. dr Cincin nati, 0. l *‘ ( viiruitsvii.i.i:. kaktow county, Georgia, aig. is, isto. PATENTS. Inventors who wish to take ont Letters Patent are advised to counsel with MUNN & CO., Editors of the Scientific American, who have prosecuted claims before the Patent Os fice for over Twenty Years. Their Ameri can and European Patent Agency is the most extensive in the world. Charge less than any other reliable agency. A pam phlet containing full instructions to invent ors is sent gratis. MUNN & CO., 37 Park Row, New York . ts. 810 91ADE from 30 Outs. Call and examine something urgently neede' j by everybody, or Samples sent free by Mai* for 50cts that retails easily for Ten Dollars* Address, R, L. WOLCOTT, 181 Chatam Squaae, N.Y. ts. CR E AT. RE UU CTION IN THE PRICK OF TEAS AND COFFEES TO CONFORM TO PRICE OF tiOU. Increased Facilities to Club Organi zers. Bend for New Price List. GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO. (P, O. Box 5643.) 31 & 33 Vessey St., N. Y. June 31870—ts. TXT AN TED AGENTS—To sell the HOME W SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE.— Price $25. It makes the “Lock Stich,” (alike on both sides) and is the only licens ed under-feed Shuttle Machine sold for less than S6O. Licensed by IVheeler & Wilson, Grover 6c Baker and Singer & Cos. All other Shuttle Machines sold for less than SOO are infringements, and the seller and user liable to prosecution. Address JOHN SON, CLARK & Cos., Mass., Pittsbufg, Pa., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. ts. WANTED AGENTS —To sell the OCTAGON SEWING MACHINE.— It is licensed, makes the “Elastic Lock Stitch and is warranted for 5 years. Price sl3. All other machines with an under-feed sold for sl3 or less are infringement.. Address OCTAGON SEWING MACHINE CO., St. Lcusis, Mo., Chicago, 111., Pittsburgh, Pa., or Boston, Mass. tf* A CENTS WANTED.—(Sio PER A DAY)—BY THE AMERICAN KNITTING MA CHINE CO*, BOSTON MASS., or ST. LOUIS, MO. A A DAY. Business entirely new and honorable. Liberal induce ments. Descriptive circulars free. Ad dress J. C* RAND & CO. Bindeford Me* IF YOU DOUBT IT COME AND SEE WE HAVE Oft HAND AND AND ARE RECEIVING THE LARGEST GENERAL STDC.K OE WATCHES JEWELRY AND o l o o ik: s Silver and Plated Ware, Etc. Ever brought to Atlanta, and and having purchased direct from manufacturers at net cash prices, we are able, lind willing and determined to sell as low as any person, or persons, in any place, either in town, city, or village North, South, East, or West. WE HAVE BETTER FACILITIES. For the purchase and sale of certain classes of fine Watches than any other house South has, or can get, and we will give our customers the benefit of the advantage. OUR ONLY REFERENCE IS 21 Years Experience In the Jewelry BUSINESS IN ATLANTA, AND TO THOSE WHO HAVE TRADED WITH THE OLD ESTABLISHMENT OF ER LAWSHE. We have better arrangements than any house in Atlauta for repairing Watches and Jewelry. Sept.29th, '69.1y. LAWSHE & HAYNES. NEW YORK, PBZLAbILFBZA —AND— BALTIMORE, COHE TO ATLAATI! ! & x. wfflmm, WHOLESALE KO. * SOUTH RHO AD STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA . SOLE AGENTS FOR t’HR CELEBRATED O BIAS BITTERS FINE WINES, Brandies, Whis kies, Gins, &c., Ac.,. Also, THE CHEAPEST AND BEST Champagnes in thia market. for Price * * ~ * % *. I List, and see for yourselves that I can duplicate your New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore bills. Orders promptly filled. H.JH. SHACKLEFORD. June 23. 1870 —ly. SEMI-WEEKLY. Seini.Weelily Express. commence, to-day, (the 4th day Au gust 1870, tlie publication of The Express twice a week instead of once a week, as heretofore, on Mondays and Thursdays.— The Semi-Weekly is $3.00 per annum. Cherokee Ga. Nurseries. Choice Frail Trees* Tines*. ACCLIMATED TO SOUTHERN CLIMATE. THE undersigned is prepared to furnish choice Fruit Trees, of every description, and Warrants them true to name. Apples, 10 to 30 cents each; Pears, Standard and Dwarf, 00 to 75 Cents each; Cherry Trees on Mah aleb Stock, 40 to 50 cents each; Peach, from bud, 12 to 18 cents each; Plums, Apricots, Quince, Deciduous, Evergreens and Rose Stock, of every description; well rooted Concord and Clinton Grapes, at 10 to 20cents each; well rooted Straw - oerries, $1.50 per Hundred and |IO.OO per Thou sand. For particulars send for Price List, and for Special List of Fruits adapted to the climate of Georgia. E. S. COJELB, Acwortli, Cobb Cos., Ga. July SO, 1870—w4m FOR SALE. IWI3H to sell my place near Cassville Geo. It lies about four miles from Cass Station, on the W & A RR, and contains 185 acres ; about one half in a fine state of culti vation, and under a first-rate fence, the bal ance well timbered. It is well watered; has springs and creeks; is convenient to churches and schools and is a very desirable place* The land is good, and produces corn, wheat and cotton, and the grasses equal to the best uplands in Cherokee Georgia. Terms reasonable. ROBERT RUSSELL, Mar 19,4 m. Cartersville, Ga. lr 0 PiakeriM ANNOUNCES to the public that he has purchased the entire interest of the late Dr. J. W. Curry, in the Drug Store of J. W. Curry 6c Cos., or, the estate’s interest in said stock of Drugs, Medicines, &c., in the town of Cartersville, and will continue the business, at the old stand, where he will be pleased to see his old patrons and the public generally, and supply them with any thing in his line of business, at the lowest possible figures. He invites >he attention of all to his ex cellent stock of choice and select DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, GLASS, ETC., A bountiful supply of which he expects to keep constantly on hand, together with the most, popular Patent Medicines of the day, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, in fact, the best of everything in a General Drug House. til ly personal attention will^i be given to professional Ygr } A calls, at all hours. Ok O. PIXKERTON, Physician and Druggist, June 7, 1870. Cartersville , Ga. PIANOS ! PIANOS I PIANOS ! SEVEN GOLD MEDALS WERE AWARDED. At late Fairs held in the South in October and November, 3860, to €IIAS . M. STIEFF, For the best PIANOS, over Baltimore? Philadelphia and New York PIANOS. Offick and New Warerooms, No.JO North Liberty Street, above Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, MB. STIEFF’S PIJtJCOS Have all the latest improvements including the Agraef Treble, Ivory Fronts, AND THE IMPROVED FRENCH ACTION, PIANOS. fully warranted for five years, with privilege of ex change within twelve months If not entirely satisfac tory to purchasers. Second hand Pianos and Parlor Organs always on hand from fSO to 8300. REFEREES WHO HAVE OCR PIANOS IN USE! General Robert E. Lee, Lexington Va. General Robert Ransom, Wilmington, N C General D. H. Hill, Charlotte, N. C, Governor John i.etcher, Lexington, Va. Bishop Wilmer, New Orleans, La. Joseph Ruop, Chattanooga, Tenn. W. L Mansfield, Marietta, Ga. Reuben Arnold, Atlanta, Ga. JJ&ST Riebards, ” ” A K Seago, ** ** Send for a Circular containing SO# names <4 persons who have purchased the Shelf Pisnes, in the South, since the war doted. inch B—tw FURNITURE. THE UNDERSIGNED IS OFFERING DECI DED BARGAINS IN FURNI- _ * . w is - l - TUBE, CALL •* t- *, 0 K * , A AND see. ROBERT BRUCE. , «. v V y t * $ July 14th, 1870 -ts. Editor and Proprietor. What a Bliirid Man Saw. Ho saw an honest man on *Cha.<.^je' And water ran np hill; Saw T rival beauties tender friends— A doctor take his pill. He saw a parson “feed his flock” — A wolf give lambkins suck— Police decline to pick a lock — A fox decline a duck. He saw the poor dote ou the rich— The pigeon on the kite— Attorneys starve before they’d cheat, And fleas that wouldn’t bite. He saw a sinner made a saint — A pig’s tail made a whistle, And nature’s bloomon matron’s cheek; Pinks growing on a thistle/ He saw that all men wouldn’t steal, When shielded by the law 7 ; And other very usual things This very blind man saw. Compensation. There is not a heath, however rude, But lnuh some little flower To brighten up its solitude, And scent the evening hour. There’s not a heart, however cast By grief or sorrow down, But hath some picture of the past To love and call its own. Them Good Old JDazc. How I do long (once in a while) for them good old daze. Them daze when there waz more fun in 30 cents than there is now in 8 dol lars and a half. Them daze when a man married 145 pounds of woman, and less than 9 pounds (awl told) of enything else. How I do long for them good daze when edckashiui konsisted in w hat men did well. Them daze when dekons were as austere as hoss redish, and ministers preached to men’s souls instead of their pockefx. Them daze when politics was the ex ception and honesty the roolc. Them daze when dorgs wunt known, and when brown bread and baked goose made a good dinner. Them daze when a man who wasn’t bizzy was watched, and when women spun yarn to knit stockings. How i du long for the good old dazo when now and then a gal baby was called Jerusha, and a boy wasn’t spilt if he was named Jerrymier. And ye who have the fethers and fuss of life, who have the codfish r.f w r ealth without sense under yore noze, cum beneath this tree and long for an hour with me for the good old daze when men were shamed to be fools, and women fraid to be flirts. Josh Billings. Editor Reporter: Please insert the little scrap below. It shows the two sides of a theological question. Who is right, “that is the rub.” Both are sustained by the Book. Once upon a time, says the narra tor, Lyman Beecher and Hosea Ballou met to comp re Calvinism and Univer ealism. Both were Bible men, and came armed with textual missiles. Af ter several apostolic blow r s from each, shrewdly parried by the other, Dr- Beecher opened to the ninth Psalm and read. “The wicked shall be turn ed into hfell, and all the nations that forget God.” “There, sir, the wicked are in hell; get them out if you can!” Hosea Ballou, calm as a summer morn ing, pointed to the twentieth chapter | of John’s Revelation, and read. ‘Death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them.’ ” “There,” said Father Ballou, “they are out; get them in a gain if you can.”— Lagrange Reporter, A Phenomenon.— A Scotch lecturer undertook to explain to a village audi ence the word phenomenon. “Maybe my friends, ye dinna ken what a phe nomenon may be. Well, I’il tell ye: Ye’ve seen a coo (cow) na doubt. Well a coo’s not a phenomenon. You’ve seen an apple tree. Well, an apple tree’s not a phenomenon. But when you see a coo going up the apple tree .tail foremost, to pull thte it’s a phenomenon.’" . ‘‘Husband, I don’t know boy got his temper, I am sure not from me!” “No, my dear, for t don't find that you have lost any.” l*r<*itiiitni i«sr Subscribers. fSqgf-W*,* will give anv man ft new Silver W atch. Worth $25.00, wlt*» will send ill thi names of Fifty Subscriber* with SIOO. gfcaJf—W'c w ill jfivts any man a new $35.00 Sn«| - dh* who will do Iho same; or a sls.oo Saddle, Bh*» will send 35 names with sr*>.oo. w ill give any Ana a s3o.oUfct of bug ttf FTj»fliers, wh*> '<Hf r*rnd u* tile barm** <*f Hfvtv Silffcrl W** tPfth All the above articles are new. Bill give any loan a number «nu ton Itnjrgy, worth 1150.00, who will.send on the names ut'3oo subscriber* w ith SOOO.OO. JfcegjfMVe will give auv man 35 per cent, In greenbacks, advertising, job work, or Mibscrip tiotis k> the for all cash Subscription*, job work, and advertising, they w ilt send ns at mv advertised rates. friend', go to work, and avail your selves of one or all of the above propositions. ABOUT THE DEVIL. Hell in a Cliliicso Village. A missionary stationed at Pekin, but who had made a journey about two hundred miles south of that city, writes as follows, under date oi March 2: 10. 11. On Saturday, November 27, we. ar rived at Renchin, an awful place. I wrote in my dairy “hell;” and, indeed I bad a terrible sense of being on the borders of the infernal regions. Little girls of ten and twelve came wrapped at my door. “Might they sing?”— “Yes, sing.” And they sung very sweetly for Chinese. Bat alas, the words. My eyes were opened, and I said, “gills, you must go.” Before nightfall a number of prostitutes came before my door and with the most un blushing efirontry, sought to enter. — They marched up and dowu the streets in troops aud filled all the taverns.— One of them suddenly entered my room, while I was shaving, sat down aud inquired “hud I any clothes to mend ?” And so that word got iuto my diary 7. Do you wonder ? Do not their steps take hold on hell ? When I learned at length, the history of those women, I did not detest them any more, but grew sad and pitiful.— They had been bought for a few dol lars, or at most, twenty or thirty dol lars, at ages varying from four or five to twelve or thirteen, aud the rest of the story need not be told. If they ply their trade (?) successfully they receive their food and clothes, acd, if not, they are turned off to shift for themselves. Can you imagine anything good in such a place? I was quite amazed the next day, to find in the very heart of the city, a temple with the represen tation of hell. This is intended to startle the people into goodness. If you can print anything so bad I will attempt a partial description. Seated in the centre, with tiie appearauce of repose, and no suffering, yet looking down sternly on the prisoner, was King Ken. Before his majesty were men kneeling aud praying for pardon. At one end of the long room a man was being transformed into a donkey. The sprite who performed the job had got tne man. horizontalized, and stand ing upon what had been hands and feet, but were now hoofs and was thon at work upon the mane. (Rev. Ed ward Beecher should have taken a trip to China where he would have found the doctrine of transmigration of souk, already worked out. He might have been saved much distressful logic.)— At the other end of the building a man was climbing the almost perpen dicular ice mountain, and another was descending, head down-ward. In tho centre of the building, and a little to the loft, stood a sprite sawing si man through the middle from, head to foot, and looking round at him with a hor rid grin. A little to the right a man climbing a red-hot post—“lire post.” Near this last figure, was a bridge, with some persons upon it w hose sins had been remitted, and who were going my informant didn’t exactly know where. Some were thrust under the bridge and were lying there.. One man I saw whose body was nearly gone, being crushed within the folds of a serpent. Everything was nude aud everything was dreadful, though not so dreadful as the living, moving panoramic hell 1 saw the night before at the inn. I stood, sabbath morning, before this temple on a raised platform. It was a fair day and on every side were sales of articles large and small. I commenced to speak, and immediately all business was at au end, and there was a hush. What did it mean ? Perhaps it was the voice and manner of the speaker, for what I had wit nessed had made me terribly earnest in rebuking sin and showing its real and dreadful consequences. Not a word from the large crowd to the end. After preaching, a few books were giv en, and we separated; and thr.t even ing the old story was repeated. God pity them. Three days after I arrived home, having been absent 17 days and traveled about 330 miles, all by c&rk— I had intended to write something of the attiifude of . the Chinese toward foreigners, of which I havehad expe rience. But that and other matters must wait another month.— Krchange.