Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, August 15, 1870, Image 3

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TOWN MATTERS. Cartemille, Ga.* Aug* 15,1870* To Maimed Confederate Soldiers. y v o?-v ono-srmP(l and one-legged, orother t»iic disabled < onfoderoto, Soldier will be paid *>>)■' DOLL Alt for every yearly subscriber to Mint- Weekly Cqrter*riße k'spres*. that they *lll send us with the subscription price—Tbrkk. iwi.tXRS per Annu*; or in proportion—One dellar for four months, and two dollars for eight M4«ths. •sr#t M. Route. Esq., is our authorized A yent to receive ami receipt for subscription to ►.he Semi-Weekly Expbbs*. ffrjjfTHOM vs If. Powell Is our authorized A (jent to receive and receipt for subscription to the Semi-Weekly Cartersville Express. Thor. W. Milner, Esq., is our atithori«*d A geot in Bartow County to receive andtreeoipt. for subscription to, and monej’ tine for adverti sing, job work, or subscription, for the Express. rbF.V. W. W. SIMPSON, Van Wert; Ga> |\ and ItOB’T It. TffPPB. Bartow County, anult W. Mvkphv, Cartersville, are our auth orised agents for the Carters villk Express. jftjjfSco what Tommy & Stewart says in their Hardware advertisement m this paper. respectfully cite you to their cardan this pa- P« r I'o'tal T 1 jo ns J. HOWARD", Associate Local. Local The buildings necessary for the Coun ty Fair are going up rapidly; one is already about complete, and one, 100 feet long, will perhaps be raised by Monday. There are- to be four or five buildings—one especially for ladie3, with sitting-rooms, wash-rooms, water closets, etc. So they will be comfort able; when tired on the ground, they cau go to their house and rest: This is anew feature, and an-excellent one; we believe the ladies-will* appreciate it. A word to you, ladies of Bartow, and surrnmding counties: be sure to lie on hand on the 4th of October.— Several wells have been dug and wall, od up. A creek rung through one corner of the inclosure. So there will be an abundant supply of water for man and beast. The inclosure is one of the best we ever saw, any where, f*nd reflects credit upom. all concerned. Bartow will not be ashamed of her Fair Ground in October. Capfc. D. W. K. Peacock, one of the Executive Committee, is the moving-spirit of the enterprise; he designed the plans of the houses; located the beautiful track, and wells; sites for the buildings, &c., Ac. Those who know the Captain, know that there will be no failure, and those coming from a distance, from other States, and other countries, will admire the whole arrangement, and acknowledge that some competent hand and head have presided and di rected well. We hope the streets leading to the Ground will be put in first-class order. Atlanta is building a perfect turnpike out’ to her Fair Ground. She seeum to act: as if the Fair would be of much i importance to the prosperity of the edty. We regret to say that the corporation.of .Carters ville has, so far, given the cold shoul der to our enterprise; did not take one dollar’s worth of Stock, and has not even indicated that the streets leading to the Ground, should bo put in good order; thus far;.ignoring,, of ficially, the whole tiling. Individual ly, we feel certain they all favor it.— But wake up, gentlemen, and even now, Commence in good earnest on the streets, and build a good bridge over the ditch, near the Fair Ground, and let the whole community, with one accord,, unite to make the thing a complete success. A suitable house will be built, where lunch may be had, or a good' dinner, at the will of the applicant. Also a house where ice cream, soda water, and all sorts of confections can be bad in great abundance. Bands of musiowill be on hand to enliven the scene, and all will be done that is possible, to make the occasion one of unusual in terest. Let every one be on hand. — Come from the mountains, come from the hill and valley, come from all quar*- ters. Come old and young, grave and gay, let us all be on hand, and- make it the largest collection of people ©Ter seen in our noble county. Cotton in demand, 12| tb IX>J; wheat, red 1.05, white 1.10; corn 75c. to LOO. : We would urge it again on our me chanics,.go into the car manufacturing business. Do not let such an oppor tunity slip. Here is Euharlee timber, and here is Bartow county iron, and here are men of energy with brain and •muscle. Do move in this matter, gen tlemen. — The CartersviUe Express. This paper comes to us now semi weekly and much improved in its ty pography. It is a good paper and the people of CartersviUe should give it a liberal support for it deserves it—Mari etta Journal. The CartersviUe Express comes to us is i semi-weekly. It is wonderfully im proved in typography, and appears to be more carefully edited than heretofore. g uo . ce!eß to it. — Monroe Advertiser. CEO. W- JACK, Atlanta. “Prolongation” has been defeated, but George W. Jack lias not been, by any mean*, if keeping half a dozen clerks busy all the time packing and boxing Candies, Fruits and Confectioneries, for his country customers, means anything, besides waiting on contin uous crowds of eager purchasers who daily throng his magsificent Cream Saloon. George, but a few years since, commenced business, in Atlanta, upon a very limited capital, and, by application* and close attrition to business, has suc ceeded hi establishing a business and repu tation to be winked at by none, but envied by all. He is now on the high road to for tune. His house is represented by gentle men of stamina and tact coupled with ele gance of manners and courtesy of bearing towards all who call in to inspect or pur chase Cakes, Catidies, Tropical Fruits, Na tive Fruits green, oaxmed' and preserved,. Toys, Willow Ware, loe Cream, etc. We take pleasure in commending this house to our merchants, and citizens visiting Atlanta. Pease and His Wife, Atlanta. Wc were in Atlanta, on Friday last, and took dinner at the Empire Restaurant, own ed and engineered by the above firm, where wc got everything to eat that we wanted, and it was served up in the very best style of the art. ‘Tease,” watermellons, peaches, and grapes, lay around in the greatest profusion, A small lot of 500 watermellons had just been received, that day, by the Air-Line Railroad, from the state of Gwinnett, and the last we saav of fcbe- Empire Restaurant, it was completely fortified by a line of breast works made of watermellons, surrounded by a well-disciplined army of eager consum ers, who were making fearful inroads upon the watery entrenchments. Gen. “PEase” commanded the “inner lines,” and the last we saw of him, his head was bobbing up and down behind the breastworks, and he was crying lustily for “help,”—that is, to wait upon his numerous customers. We rushed to his assistance, and arming ourself with oue of his finest raellons, retreated in perfect good order, bearing in our arms the legiti mate conquest of our gallant charge. Last- Sunday In Cartersville. On Sunday last, at the Methodist Church, in this place, w e witnessed a scene altogeth er delightful'attd heart-ravishing. Our old friend and model ehristain brother, Geo. H. Glreatlf, an old-time Wesleyan Methodist exhortcr, at the earnest solicitation of many friends, irrespectivecf age or denomination, “came down” to use his own expression, “to give the people of Cartersville a little plain talk,” aid, accompanying him was his choir led by Mr. Jabez Gilreath. (The whole par ty lives in the neighborhood of Cassville, just above us.) At the appointed hour the bell rang, the congregation, which was large and imposing, assembled. The visiting choir was arranged on the front seats near the sa cred desk, three volunteers were sung by the choir, from the Sacred Harp, note and word, among the soul stirring and inspiring songs sung was “The happy sailor,” which bro’t forcibly and vividly to the minds of many of the large audience the days of boy and girl hood, ami memories of long sainted fathers, mothers, and loved ones, old moss covered churches, a*id the happy hours sp.eut at them during just such scenes as they were now witnessing, while others looked on with won der and amazement,, and yet others with rapture and delight. The opening nies were gone through wdtli with reverence and devotion. The speaker then read a paragraph from Holy Writ, and, in a brief but pathetic manner repeated the touchings and-interesting story of the cross, and im pressed its solemn truths upon the minds of his serious and reflective hearers. We trust that, the impressions made are indellible.— An intermission of an hour was given for dinner, and ‘the congregation was dismissed with the usual ceremonies. Many familiar faces were observed there who have seldom been seen in that hallowed place heretofore. Dinner over, the choir reassembled with a a large portion of the morning congrega tion, in the church, and devoted an hour to singing from the Harp, and concluded with the old -song “can I leave thee.” The regu lar church choir then assembled around their organ, and executed a few anthems and songs, which were also enlivening and animating. The congregation then disper sed to their respective homes. All joined in the request for the- return of our visiting brethren and friends, at an early day. (We will continue this subject in our next issue.) The CartersviUe Express comes to us reduced in size, but twice a week, and is much improved in ap pearance. All the Express needs now is an Acme Press to make it “shine.” [Amei'ican Union. The CartersviUe Express is now printed semi-weekly, the first number of which is a very creditable paper.— Success to our enterprising friend. [Christian Index S. IF. Baptist. Ilpi AGRICULTURAL MONTHLY MAfrAZINE, > Two Dollars per Annitm. 64 PAGES READINCTmATTER. 30 PAGES ADVERTISEMENTS. WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, ANI> D. WYATT AIKEN, cna a Li.tToy, t, c. SICKNESS, PAIN ANP DEATH, ■■hhmbmbdbhb Legitimately result n> penalties for violations of natural laws, from which none escape. The failed cheek, the pale and wan features, the dull eye. the cloud*! intellect, the deep heav ing sigh,the feeble an 4 emaciated frame, the de jected brow, the tottering gait, all indicate pre vious transgression of J\»w. Knowingtliat ‘‘pro crastination is the thief of time.’’ all intelligent beings apMy for sonjrf* remedy as soon as eireum stances permit; while those who do not act up on the principle that “delays are dangerous,'' generally linger, lose mere' time »nd pay more mmi< y. '3*3/*r* 'if FEMALE COMPLAINT. That ©Hums its victims throughout the length and breadth of our land. Many females suffer in some way at each mon thly period; some girls are in great peril at the commencement of menstruation, whild older ones dread its decline at the “turn ot life.’' — Sometimes the menstrual Flow is too mueh, or too little, or may be attended.with pain; may be irregular or entirely checked,, or changed- in appearance, attended with other distressing symptoms. Leucorrhcea, or the “Whites,’, fre quently drains the system, or ulceration of the womb may create pain and cause rapid prostra tion. Falling of the womb Is an exceedingly com mon complaint, giving mueh trouble and 'dis tress, which, under ordinary treatment, is' dilli culttocure. . Mysteries, Green Sickness, Irritability of the Womb, ami other serious and fatal complaints follow the female sex throughout life. Lives there a medical gentleman who has or can re lieve the lair sex of the above troubles? Not many. Is there no combination of remedial a gent’s that will come to her rescue ? ..We answer, Yes. ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS, The only acknowledged TTterine Tonic and Fe male Regulator known, will cure all those com plaints above mentioned in an incredibly short time. The Bitters at once arouses, strengthens and restores the womb to its natural condition, removing obstructions, relieving pain and reg ulating the monthly period. Yonder stands a pale, feeble and languid girt; jnst bursting into womanhood; she is the pride ol all, but hark ! she silently steals a pickle, eats chalk, or a slate pencil; no appetite for food; she turns with a dull eye and seeks solitude; her eye no longer sparkles: her merry laugh is no longer heard ringing through the air; she mopes about with bloodless lips and gums, with headache, palpi tation, constipation, swimming of the head, cold feet and hands, melancholy; she has a coated tongue* offensive breath, and a host of other c vils too numerous to mention. When regleeted all these symptoms become aggravated, there is sick stomach, heartburn, a dark line settles under the eyes, the legs- and and ankles are swollen, the hair loses its gloss and falls oil', there is brittleness and splitting of the finger-nails, swollen abdomen, extreme nervousness, fretfulness, pains and Aches, dry cough, Hysterical fits, rapid prostration, epilep sy and death ! If you. or any of your friends, are thus afflicted, send at once for a Bottle of' English Female Bitters and be cured. Its effects are magical in such complaints. Surely no mo ther will postpone add delay this Ghty until In all these complaints the svstem evidently; shows a want of red blood, and Mr. < liui chill,. in his work on Diseases of Females, says:— “Bearing in mind that the blood is remarkably deficient in red corpuscles, find the known pro uertv of iron to correct this coiiclitiou, theory suirsrests it as the most to be relied on, the best of Which is the Citrate.” Citrate ot Iron enters largely into the composition ot English female Bitters, combined with powerful vegetable ton ics of rare qualities. „ - . . .. Among the mountains of Tennessee and the ninety woods of Mississippi, is tound a cm tain hard and flinty root* which has been in secret use by some mid wives tor many years, possess ing niagic powers in regulating and restoring all female suffering-with any affection of the womb. This root we have obtained, gave it a fair test in onr practice and it is now one of the principal ingredients in these Bitters. Other powerful uterine and general tomes also entei into itsc omposition. We also add Leptandra or Black root, sufficient to act upon the In er and keep the bowels open. ; BLOONIINOOUNTGim^r" Middle-aged matrons, those at the critical peri od, and the aged grandmother, are all cured ba ttle use of onr English Female Bitters, now* pre scribed and used by physicians all over the country. If you are troubled with Falling of the Womb, attended with a sense of w eight and . hearing down pain in the hack and side, ami other at tendant evils, English Female Bitters will give entire relief. Those at the “turn of life,” mothers after con finement, and all others (male or female) who are convalescents from any protracted or debil itating complaint, who gain strength slowly, and whose digestion is-slow and imperfect, will find these Bitters the very thing their system demands. It, gives a powerful appetite, aids and assists digestion, arouses the liver, strength ens meutally and physically, and fills the whole system with pure crimson blood coursing thro’ its channels. COM^^nOS^SHOP^TTERS^ Empty Bitter Bottles, of various styles, can he found around almost every dwelling and cabin throughout the land. Their taste is pleasant, and are cure almost every disease, w r hile the manufacturers know thev possess no medicinal properties whatever. They are so many disguises for exceedingly*common beverages which do not, nor cannot possibly cure any one. Bew are of these pleasant bitters in quart bot tles, they contain a sting for your vitals, and lie who buys them carries a “toper’s grog” into his House. One man who knows nothing about me dicine, says his big bottles of common stuff will cure chills and fever, rheumatism and consump tion; another, whose bottles are very fancy, cures all the impurities of the blood, makes old men young, casts out devils, restores sight to the blind, and numerous other miracles; while yet another, who presumes every man &drun k - ard,’proposes to cure colic, ingrowing nails, yel low fever, heart disease and love-sick maidens®! We know* they make no such cures, we know the people at large are deceived and swindled, and as we desire to ventiate these common humbugs, make the following challenge to oue and all : ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS That ovj> tableepoonful of ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS contains as much medicinal proper ties as one bottle of any of the pleasantly tasted common advertised bitters of the day ! The profession to decide the question. Be it understood lint English Female Betters is not a beverage, but is a powerful Iron and Vegeta ble'Tonieedmbiued, curing long standing chron ic female complrfints in every direction. l*nt up in large bottles at' per bottle, or six bottles lor $3,00, and sold by druggists and merchants everywhere- J. I\ DROMGOOLE A CO., Prop’s Memphis, Tenn. DRQQMGQQLE & QQ.’S BUCHLk The best and cheapest combination for all af fections of the Kidneys and Bladder ever offer ed to the public. It is prepared by regular phy sicians and used bv the profession. • Price $1 or, six bottles for $5. sold by Drug gists and merchants everywhere. J. P. DKOMGOQLE & CO., ang 4, ’7o— swly elm. Memphis, Tenn. R E A D. IT is well known to Doctors and to Ladies rajdtt A that Women are •übjeet I to numerous disease* pe- "WKS'# culiar to their sex»-su< h as Suppression of the - * Menses, Whites Painful M’nthly ‘Period-.' Rhcn- " y matisui of the Back and i.S2|pk V Womb, Irregulkr Men- Atm* -tin ill Heir on liaer. yy; or I.x*-•"i\« ‘I l*w. *od Prolapsus FMl dom been treated successfully. The profession has sought dilligently for some remedy that wo’kl enable them to trout.these diseases w ith success. At lust, that remedy has been discovered by one of the most skilful physicians in thesstate of Georgia The remedy is ’ Bradfield’s Female Regulator, It is purely vouovable, and is put up in Atlan ta by BRAD FIELD & CO. It will purify the blood and strengthen the system, relieve irritation of the kidneys, and is a perfect specific for all. the above diseases; as certain a cure as Quinineixln t hills and Fevers. For a history of diseases, and certificates qf its worderful cures, the reader is referred to the wrapper around the bottle. Every bottle war ranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. LaGrange, Ga., March 23,1870. BRADFIELD GO., ATLANTA. GA.: Deal - Sirs: I take pleasure in stating that I have used, for the last twenty years, the medi cine you are putting up, know n as I)U. J. BRAD FIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR, and con sider it the best combination ever gotten to gether lor the diseases for which it is recom mended. I have been familiar with the pre scription both as a practitioner of medicine and In domestic practice, and can honestly say that I consider it a boon to suffering females, and can hut hope that every lady in our whole land, who may be suffering’in any way peculiar to their sex. may he able to procure a bottle, that their sufferings may not only be relieved, hut that they may he restored to health & strength. With iny kindest regards, lam, respectfully, W. B. FERRELL, M. I).’ We, the undersigned Druggists, take pleasure in commending to the trade, Dr. J. Brad field’s Female Regulator—believing it to he a good aim reliable remedy for the diseases for which he recommends it! W; A. LANjbDELL, PEMBERTON, WILSON, TAYLOR & CO. RED WINE & FOX, W. G. LAWSHE, Atlanta, Ga. W. ROOT & SON, Marietta, Ga. DR. PROPHITT’S Celebrated Liver Medicine. rt is purely vegetable, and will act upon the Liver and, lvidneys as promptly as Calomel and Buchu, without any danger of salivation or de struction of the hones. Parties taking the medicine need not fear get ting w r et, or any other reasonable exposure. Symptoms of Liver Disease: Headache, Dull Feeling or the Blues, Sour Stom ach, Sick or Nervous Headache, Heartburn, In digestion or Dyspepsia, Bad or Bitter Taste in the Mouth, the’skin has a thick, rough feeling, and is darker than usual, Costiveness, Melan choly Feelings, Cramps, Cold Feet, Colic, Dys entery, or Diarrhoea, Chills and Fever, and Piles. In fact, where the Liver is out of order, you are liable to every disease that is not conta gious. ProphitCs Liver Medicine, if taken properly, will prevent and cure any disease resulting from a deranged liver. It will regulate its functions and thus cure all diseases caused by the failure of its ■ healthy ac tion. It has been used for a great number of years, and has given universal satisfaction. There is no brother or son-claiming to have the origional recipe. It is-pat up in both l*o\v* der and Fluid formal Ej&RBVKSty GA., Sept. 4, 186& DR. O. S. rROPIIITT.- . Sir: Mv wife has been an invalid for fifteen years. Doctors all .agreed she had “Liver Dis ease.” In connection with their practice she used various and noted reiweoties, none of which seemed to do any good. Sometime ago I procu red a bottle of your “Liver Medicine,” of yon i agent here, C. A. Harvey, wdiich being given-ac cording to directions, has affected a complete cure. Respectfully, &c., GEO. E. THOMAS- Charlotte, N. C. r Sept. 24, 1868. I have used Dr. O. S. Prophitt’s Liver Medi cine as a toilic, and found it to he powerful and efficacious. ;It is excellent for functional de rangement of the Liver or constipation of the bowels; in most cases superceding the necessity of a regular course of medicine. E. J. MEYNARDIE, Pastor Tryon-str. C’li. Marion Countv, Texas, Aug. 1,1869. DR. O. S. PROP HITT: Dear Sir: I write you this to inform you that I have been troubled a great deal with, indiges tion, but after using one bottle of your Liver Medicine, I find great relief. 1 cheerfully re commend it as a good Family Medicine, and feel confident that it is good for anything for which it claims to ho an antidote. Very respectfully, Dicii LOCKETE. Dr. Prophitt’s Dysentery, Cordial, • Is one of the most valuable compounds now put up.for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Choteba, Infantum, or Cholera Morbus. This medicine has been in use for years, and gives universal satisfaction. The most delicate child may take it with im punity. . Covington, Ga., Nov. 9,1867. DIE PROPHITT: Having a severe attack of Dvsentery during the past summer, J was induced to use your Dy sentery Cordial, and derived therefrom iinmediv ate and permanent relief. It gives me pleasure to recommend this remedy to all who may he so attacked, believing that, should the direction* he followed, relief would surely he obtained.-™- l’ruly, Ac. O. S. PORTER. Cussata, Texas, 1869. DR. PROPHITT: Dear Sir: Your Liver Medicine and Pain Kill It is a complete success. J. L. WHITTLE. West Point, Ga., Aug. 11,1869. This is jJ to certify that I have used Dr. O. S. Prophitt’s Liver Medicine myself and in my family, for twelve months or more, and I unhes itatingly say that I believe it one of the best Family Medicines in use. M. T. WALKER. PROPHITT iS r Pain Kill It, Tins is the celebrated medicine that run Perry Davis’Fain Killer out of the market, wherever ■it was sold. Davis made Prophitt change the name from Pain Killer to PAIN KILL IT. For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, or pain of any kind it has no equal. For Cuts, Bruises, Burns, or old Sores, it is the best thing you can use as a dressing. For Snake Bites or Stings of Poisonous Insects, itisu. perfect ANTIDOTE. ft is good fwnCoHb,.. CcUls, Coughs, or Bowel Complaints. Its name indicates its nature fully. It is truly DEATH to pain. Manufactured and sold by BEADFIELD & CO., Atlanta, Ga., and for sale by all druggists. Dooly Bounty, Ga., April, 1867. This Is to» cert ify that I was con lined to the house, and most of the time to my bed, and suf fering the greatest agony imaginable with Rheu matism. for five months, and after trying every available remedy, with no relief, I was cured with two bottles of Dr. O. S. Prophitt’s Anodyne Pain Kill It; each costing fifty cents only. It relieved me almost instantly. I therefore re commend it in the highest degree to others suf fering from similar disease- I can say that it is one oftne finest Family Medicines now out, cer tain. Yours, truly, YVk A. FOREHAND. i Dooly CouvtW, Ga., Qct. 27,1861 > I)R. O. S. PROPHITT: I have, during the last eighteen months, used your Pain Kill It, and I consider it unequaled by anvthing for pain in the head, breast, back or side: and for colic nothing gives relief half so quick as your Anodyne Pain Kill. It is doing much good in the community in o ther families as well as my own. Tours, Ate., D. T. FOREHAND. Nkwton Factory,.,Ga., Nov., 1867. DR. PROPHITT: Last summer my horse sprained his knee se verely, causing the whole leg to swell to about twice its natural size, and rendering him almost helpless; two applications of your Anodyne Pain Kill It thoroughly cured it. JNO. B. DAVIS. - STATE OF GEORGIA,! Know all men by these Fulton.CftUNTY.i presents, That 1 this day, for vhlue received, sold and transfer red to BRADFIELD & CO., the sole right to manufacture ami sell my Family Medicines, and have ftiriiiahed them with the lull recipes, and have authorized the said BRADFIELD & CO., to print, or have printed, anything they may sec proper concerning any and all the above named. Medicines. This 15th day of June, 1870. [Signed] O. Si PROPHITT, In presence of Thomas F. Jones, and Robert Crawford, Notary Public. (l. s.) Manufactured and for sale by BRADFIELD A CQ-, Broad street, Atlanta, Ga., and for sale by all druggists. July £Q— wiy L. H. BRADFIELD, Begs leave to inform the Public that he hast removed his Stock of Drugs, 31 edieinos. Ae., from his old stand on Whitehall Street, to one Commodious Stores on Itroad Street, ATLANTA, CiA., opposite the National Savings Bank, and next door to Seed Store. lie now lias on hand a lull stock of all goods usually kept in first class Drug Houses, and w ill he constantly receiving more, as the necessities of his trade may dc. maud. lie will give special attention to the wants of merchants from the country. and believes he can make it to their Interest to eall and see him, or send him their orders, which shall always fiave prompt and careful at* I trillion, lie is sole wholesale agont, in Atlanta, for ROSADALIS, ARGILK BITTKBS, Wilholt'sTOXKC, The great chill remedy of t lie age, TIP' TOP, the licst preparation known for tetter and ring worm.- POfLTERKirS FRIEA’D, a sure euretor chirk cm eholera, HEM'S CfOXI>ITIOA T POWDER: thisreinods,speak* for itself. Try it. lie is prepared to sell at proprietor’s prices? all* oIT TUTTS CELERRATED PREPARATIONS, anti Sflft*- MOPS LIVER REGULATOR. I most cordially invite all my old friends and the public geir-"- erally, to call on me at my new stand, and I will take great pleasure in showing my goods, and will do my best to please,, both in price and ! quality of goods. L. H. Bradfield. P; —Having associated? with me in the manufacture and ' sale of Di*. J*. Brad field's Female Regulator, and Dr. 0. S. Pro phitt’s Celebrated Family M’edicihes, (of which we are now sole proprietors.) Dr. J. S. Wilson,, late of the lirin of Pemberton, Taylor, Wilson & Cos., all orders for these preparations should be addressed to Bradfiel»d>&. ®o., Atlanta, Ga. july 20, 1870-w3m POB6IA BBAKCH. sa-To) Anchor Life Insurance Go. JOHN E. 3IEISTER, Cicncral Agent, Macon, Cieorgla. HOME OFFICE, 178 llroadwttj, Now York. EDMUND C. FISHED, President. JAMES GOPSILL, Vice President. A. S. FITCH, *«*>.. EF. S..HICKS, Ass’t See’ry. JUKI: < T O R Sr. EDMUND C. FISHER,. President. • ROBERT L, KENNEDY, President Bank of Commerce, IS'ew Yerk. HON, W. A, NEWELL Ex-Governor of New Jersey, Allentown, N. J. HENRY M. ALEXANDER, No. 20 Exchange Place, N. Y. JAMES M. HALSTED. jfres’t American Fire Insurance Cos., 48 Wall Streot, Hew York. JAMES GOPSILL Ex-Mayor of Jersey City. H. F. VAIL, Cashier Bank of Commerce, New York. JOHN W, SCHANCK, Merchant, Jersey City. SAMUEL BORROWE. 71 Broadway, New York. FRANCIS ROBINSON, President Spring Mount Coal Company, 111 Broadway, Now York. BENJAMIN s. WALfcOTT. President Hanover Fire Insurance Company, 45 Wall Street, Ntw Yerk.^ A, G. AGtteWft Pdlwrufc Cos., No. 311 Broadway Nov York. BLAKELY WILSON, President Second National Bank. Jersey City. CHARLES GOULD, President Bel. Bay R. It., f.B Wall Street, New Y'ork. LUDLOW PATTON, Ludlow Patton $ Cos., No. 0 Wall Street, New York. A. W, GREENLEAF, Grccnleaf, Norris & Cos., 60 Exchange Place, Nov York. GEORGIA—BOARD OF STATE REFERENCE: DR. T. N. POUt AIN, Greensboro. Hon. ALEX. 11. STEPHENS, .. .Crawfordsville. COL. JOHN A. STEPHENS, Atlanta. Hon. O. A. LOCHRANE Atlanta. WM. H. TULLER, Cashier Atlanta National Hank Atlanta. Hon. JOHN P. KING, President Ga. R. It. & B. Cos.. Augusta. llon. J. V. 11. ALLEN, Mayor, City of Augusta. THOMAS STOVALL, Merchant Augusta. Gen. P. M. B. YOUNG, 31. C Carters TiUe. GEN. G. J. WRIGHT, Albany. HENRY L. JEWETT, Cotton Factor Macon. Hon. C. B. WOOTEN Dawson. D. F. WILCOX, See. Ga. Hume Fire Ins. Cos Columbus. JOHN J. CALLAWAY LaGrange. W. C. COSENS Savannah. Assets—Nearly $400,000.00. Over two dollars for every dollar of liability, (as per Report ol the Insurance Commissioner of New York for 1870.) ||ptdal | hnimtß. IST—lts rates are the LOWEST of any Alntual Company in America, the difference being equal to a dividend of about 15 per. cent, in advance, 2ND —It affords absolute security. 3RD —All its Policies are Non-Forfeitable. 4TII—It does not Limit Travel as most other Companies do. STII—It allows 30 days grace in Payment of Renewal Premiums. fiTII—It Loans the Surrender-value of its Policies. TTH—It declares Dividends Annually. BTH—DIVIDENDS are NON-FORFEITING, and are used in continuing the Insurance, or paid in Cash in a paidup Policy. The only Companv granting non»forfeiting dividends —the following clause is inserted in each Poli*y : “Th&-Dividend on .a Policy once declared as non-forfeiting, and no Policy will lapse by no«*BaymeaiV>J»Preirau4i, uptikthe Dividend is consumed in continuing the same in force f or, should tbedtssured desire to discontinue his insurance, he can receive the CASH VALLE of his Dividend iu a PAID-UP POLICY, which the Company cannot cancel.” 9TH—It guaranties a Cash Surender-value stating the amount the Company will pay, each year, in Cash, for the surrender, of 4,he Policy. Persons desiring Uttnranco will find" it to their interest to consult with the Agents of thie Companv. _ W. UtAWFORD SC OTT, Special Agent, OFFICE with MILNER A 3ir&NER, Airy's at Law, CartersviHe, j uly 12—w4t aud-wiXliiliONA DUNLAP .SCOTT, Rome, Ga. Save Time A Money! MARK El COOPER, General Commission Merchant, Will fill Orders and Sell Produce or, fair i erms to all. KO. 4, BROAD STR., ATLANTA, GA. mch 15-wfim