Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, September 13, 1870, Image 4

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HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN STILtSBORO, GA. \NKAT COTTAGE, 'with four rooms, kitch en, and out houses, together m ith six aeres ot land, in the village of s>tilcshoro, Bartow eo., Ga., upon which is a nice orchard of choice, vuung fruit trees, is offered for sale. Healthy location, near Stilesboro Institute, and in one fourth of a mile of the Carters vi lie & \ an At ert Railroad. Apply to E. E. Jones, or \V. U. Reed on the premises, or at this cilice. augl,«w2m Avert i a A u ■*. Buzz wma?* ~ r • w • • ■ . S-" ' ' 1 " ' '■' ' y I “““V ■ ». _ . >• ’• * tliey were pn ia ft> fly a!' ! ■ cured in sucli greet nu.e * - ' tion of the oouiie; , to h« informed of its "i, • • o ' • Scrofulous poison is «-.„•• o, i? • • ' ■ tive enemies of our race. <1:0; , i’i, i;n>.' imfelt tenan! o( too t;c,v.siO: ;i.oe.. 1 a «> etitmion, and invites the :c. fy!» «•: ecu ‘ 0-■. tal diseases, wi.i.oi.t ex*-:! a • »i -1 1 •' 5 presence. Again, it i * ;>.vi throughout the botfl, < > occasion, rapidly dc-, <>;•. hideous forms, eithci no the ; .1 vitals, lu the lch■ r, deposited in the lungs orJn art. - ' • i« the liver, or it ahovs i: i is-s. e* 1 on the skin, or foul ulceiai 'MiS .• ■> . the hotly, iience the _o : ; sc-i) i ■ • of this SarsujiovW «•» •; •< - • e\ o' active symptoms of di c, -c aoi>- . ' •<* dieted with the follociug c dud immediate relief,*p at i erne: 1 use of this SAJiS. tli>■ i 1 > ' • y • ■‘ " jirifrrtiry'Srtfftr tiWrrr'.-tT, 4l—- -' - Hare 'Hoys, and other eruption- o: •*. Os Scrofulous disease. .A!-<> ! " the An- ■ cealed forms, as ityspnsi 1. j. , Disease, / its, JCpiff, t> rul the various Ulcerous rdf*, ctioii.- oi 1 ■ u... and nervous systems. * St/p/iilis Oi* Venereal hud cose# are cured by it, tiim 1; n i.■ ■.i quired for subduing the- e < ;>• in ’rle *, auy medicine. But lo .ir-eonl 11:n *.*< 1 u 1 <,. medicine will cure (he couiphdnt. i in, or Whiles, Uterine ( h<l .oi ir>> •. ; ! , Diseases, are commonly soon veliev'.; rod 1. inately cured hv its puidf; ii;.u snid inviro:; U effect.* Minute direction for each c:: c er.o f? 1 in our Ahuanac, >uoi;!if.'l ;ti . i /.cV and Goaf, when cau-cd h» ; . tauh 1 *.c c ' if 1 traneous matter* in the h!< . > i*-o! * : I,i<•'.:\ •*■ Its also 7. i v<r ('on • i <r; i Is .'!< ■ r 1 <■' iio nor Jujtam matio'n oft; e> < rr - * ■ dice, when arising, a. they oh on do, froi-i ice rankling poisons in the h!«.o«i. r ' hi- SA >:■ 1* Alt i I/LA is a great- ve. •<. < h hr (la* strcngfii and vigor of (he sy.-'iem. -Tlw>s;-{.<, are / mi ff-tirf and r titt’i. '!( c, I <SS , aad troubled nidi Nervous .■! r »)'< Jteusio'is or J or aiijt of the /ilfecti o yihidoinatie of ifwfnw. nhi find inline!:iate • -lit acci eon voicing t video, e of its rc&toiawv e putter upon trial. P 7? rP A BE D BY Hr. X C. • •« g::-l dL C•<>.’, Lowell, Kaw., jprar iral an<t A.:;ulytival Chemists, :-:T /- If I ILUGGISTS EA’ERYWHERE. For sale, in C-trEersviTle. by J. Vv T . CUEBY & 00., Druggists. The Grc::t fedlcnl Dlscoiery! Dr. WALKSU’3 GALIPOHIITIA VINEGAR BITTERS, JPoi*® Conijtlaintii, whether in young, or old, mir i i u yr single, at the d.«.w:i of womanhood or the turn ot life, those Ton ic, B.itcrs uv-.* no equal; areaat.* t .. i reliable iu all forma of dlwase. Hundreds of Thousands 8e,..r testimony to tlieir wonderful Curative T'ffnct.g V/MAT rPE TREY? i /. R i J v :* :- -y. THEY ARE NOT A VILE FANCY BRI&K, y * io <>f Poor Bum. Whiskey. Proof Spir its. a:id liefuso Liquors, <:od. me !, spiced, ••.'•-•? .•eiiy-.i W|>*s.V, ca left‘•Tonics’’ “ s, ” “ K '.-uororn, ” th it lea l tho ti »p: rox todrunkennessuu<l nun, butaroatruo M- iQi«le I rota the Native Roots and H ’id r of Cadiornia, free from allAlooholia Stimulants. To yi> i' (GiiS AT -BLOOD PITKIFIEB. an l PRI?v- OIPLL. a iKiriucfc Jtev.<-vator and lnvigorator ot i„ 1 System., c uryinrroil ail poisonous matter, rml restoring the blood to a healthy condition, is ) person can take these Bitters, according to direction 1, and remain long uhwefl. -v «,i ig tii3 bones are not destroyed by mineral j.ois mi or o'her means, and the vital organs v,- sa-d Itevnn l (he point of repair. For laflamm dory and Chronic Blieu rrutism, end Gout Dyspepsia, or Indi tretion. Bilious, Komittont, and Ititer lLttent Fevers, Binoases of the Blood, Liter, Kidneys, and Bladder, th-e Bit ter3 h ivo been most successful. Such. Dis e 1303 are c.vised by Vitiated Blood, which j f ycn -rUly produced by derangement of tho Id Costive Organs. , , . 'j.iy mviironite the stomach, and stimulato the torpid liver and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and iinpai'tirig new hie and \i 0 0. to t he whole system. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Headache, Pain' in the Bhoulder*, Coughs, Tightness or the Guest, Dizziness, Sour Stomach, Bad lafc,e in. the Mouth, Bi.lious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Copious Discharges ©f Urine, Bam in tho regions of the Kidneys, and a hundred o.iior painful symptoms which are the offsprings pi Dvspepsia, are cured by these Bitters. Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever you find its imparities bursting through the skin in Rim- Eruptions, or Sores; clo&nae it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep v.i00.1 \>v..o rue neaitn ot the system win * BIN, TAPE, anu other WORMS, lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually aest roved and removed. For full directions, read carefully the circular around each bottle, printed in four languages— English, German, French, and Spanish. J. WALKER, 32 <& 34 Commerce Street, N. Y. Proprietor. It. U. Me DONALD & CO., Druggists and General Agents. San Francisco. California, and 32 undo! Com* more ktr ot, N. Y. tthT SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. For sal * in Cariemville, hy O. PINKER TO N, Druggist. -0 Grant’s i'ttioVil clcr Oiui.ns. ar> irsm 3iii;«. JiQ Throshors. *-££» J lorise Powers. 10 Threshers and Cleaners Combined Son 1 for ratal gets an i pi.ce hst. Manufacturer of c a m b 11 si A NI) m m i\ m w m m DEALERS IN CONFECTIONERIES, • TOITS AND WILLOW IWARS Wedding S.*,.!HTIES aisel Sl T I 9 I*ESIS, Clottea up iit tlie best style, at sliort Notice! We would respectfully call the attention of the public to o’Ur urve and complete stock—selected with great care, and bought at thj - OWEST CASH PRCIES. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA, march 10,wl> KlOlSl. L. H. BRADFIELD. ¥iej*,s leave to sufcrni tlie Fablic tliat lae Isas reiuovcd Ntocli; of £>rugs 9 Mecliclnes, <S:e., Irons Ills ©l<l s-fantl oua W lilfeliall 9 to one of tlie e w anti t'oirnu otE I ous ores on Broad Street, ATLANTA, «A., op}>osite tltt National Baask, and next deer to HTolaiE^oia's Store. Me now lias osa laasid a 1 till stock of all usually StC'pf in first class Brng Mouses, anti will be constantly rccelviag more, a* tlie necessities of lain trade may <fe iiiarsd. Me will give special attention to tlie wants of Eiierelaamts Ironi tlie coiintry, and Relieves lae can make *t to tlieir Interest to call and see liian, or send him tlieir orders, wliaeli sliall always liave prompt and careful at tention. Me is sole wholesale agent, in Atlanta, for BOSADALSS, AKttILE BITTERS, Wfllioft’s TBAIt , Tlie great elifll remedy of tlie age, TIB TOP, tiie Lest preparation known for tetter and ring worn?. BOAI/TEIIEirS FBIEAB, a sure cure for ehieken cliolera. lIOT-S POWDER : tills remedy speaks for itself. Try it. 3s prepared to sell at proprietor’s prices, all oi TUTT’S fELERBATEB PBKPARATIOAS, and SOI. MOI’S LIYEB IhSGffiIJMATOII. I most coMially invite uli my old friends and the public gen erally, to calf on Hie at my new stand, and I will take meat pleasure in showing my goods, and will do my best to j lease, both in price and quality of goods. L. H. Bradfield. 1\ S —Having associated with me in the manufacture and sale of Dr. J. ]] rad field's Female Regulator, and Dr. 0. S. Pro print s Celebrated family which we are now sole proprietors.) Dr. J. S. * Wilson, late of the firm of Pemberton, laylor, AVilson & Cos., all orders for these preparations should be addressed to Bradfield & Cos., Atlanta Oa july 20, 1870-'v3mi Ml Ii E. COOPE R^ B General Commission Merchant, Will fill Orders and Sell' Produce on fair terms to all. KO. 4, IS ICO UJ !^TR ATLANTA, <- \. * ’ mch 15-wGm *’ 'Tli®y sire a GontlePnrgativc as well ns aTonic, 1 posses-' 1 ing alw>, the peculiar merit oi acting as a powerful agent In relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver, and ail the Visceral Organs Gate City Nurseries. WE HAVE NOW GROWING, for theconiing .Season, fully 50,000 Reach Trues, of gll the best, new and leading, varieties; between 73,000 and 100,000 Apple treeSj one and two years old, entirely of Southern origin, or those ailnptedto our climate, with a corresponding number of Rears—dwarf and standard—t berries, Plums, Nectarines, Apricots. Almonds, etc., et.:.; also, a large lot of Grope vie os, of the best kinds for the country. In the Ornamental Department vre h ivett (wffiplete assortment of Evergreens, deciduous Trees and- limbs, Roses, Climbers, .Sic. W*c hare wow realty for sate ci fine lot of he. &&ing' Plants* Consisting, in part, of Verbenas—over 40 varie ties — Dahlias, fully 75 best leading sorts—( hrys iinllieniHms, 50 best kinds—Gladiolus, 40 or-50 loading varieties—Geraniums, including the new, magnificent varieties, nearly 100 kinds— together with Salvias, 1 teliof ropes, Abutelous, Fancies, Violets, Fnchias, and many others.— We think our assortment ns complete as can be found in the South, all grown in pots, and can be transplanted any time during the spring, or early summer months. We will sell as low as any responsible parties can, and guarantee every thing we sell to be true to name. We especially caution all parties against giv ing their ordeis to these Northern tree peddlers, now scatteded all over the South, and swindling every unsuspecting person they can lind. Those who kit” from them are just as certain to he swtddled as they make the purchase. This as sertion. so far as our knowledge extends, is a ” ride without a single exception. Buy fruit trees, and get good, reliable ones. To do this, you must pure base from responsible Southern nur serymen. We will ilo as well by you AT LEAS'!, as these Northern u»‘en. Roli.-v alone would in- Give ug to do auuJiouoraDlc • bus:ness. Our suc cess depends upon the public favor eve meet v. ilh, and this public favor depends' upon the • i.tisfactiou we give; so, that if nothing else in fluences us, self interest w ould, compel us to act honcsfly, and do justice to our patrons. Those who want-an orchard of the very best trees tor this climate, will please send ilicir or ders by the first of November, and avc .gu ran tee a selection that cannot be excelled. Those who want to make their front yards aiid sitting-room windows', beautiful, and their Avivcs and daught ers happy, can lie accommodated, and will effect their object, by purchasing a lot of our bounti ful powers, Avhich can be had any at time. The Indies are especially invited to visit outr con servatories. No charge for looking on, even if you have no desire to purchase. Sienim *.Vr, tve gsrarczrst,:*? ever?* thing lie sell. AIT orders or lhisih-y^s'letters'* should be act dressed either to A. W. Akers, R. (>. Box 1(5, ATLANTA, G or the Proprietors. AKERS, GORDON & RATILT.O, july 4—w3m Atlanta. Ga. Rev. JOHN T. NO'UHs, ■ Agent, dt ( Jartville, i ht. Cherokee CJit. ZScrsiyrioa. Oiofce Fmil Trees £ Vines. AC( LIM AT El) To SORT fTE R N CLTM AT E. nniTEundersigncd is prepared to furnish choice .5 Fruit Trees, of every description, and Waivaiila iketu tree to name- Apples, 10 to 30 cents eat h; Rears, Standard and Dwarf, GO to 75 cents each; Cherry Tree!; on Mah al.elt Slock, 40 U> 50 cents each; I’vaeli,.fro.n bud, 17 to 18 eehts dach; PTufmC Appicots, Quince, Deciduous, Evergreens and Rose stock, of everv description; well root l Concord and (Union Grapes, at 10 to jSO cents each; well voott'd St raw oerries, !f1.50 per Hundred and *IO.OO per Tliou ■ and. For particulars semi for Price and tor ''peei.d l,i>L ol r ruits adapted to the climate of Georgia. E. S. ( OR it. Ac worth, t.obb Cos., Ca. ;.ilv 20,1: 70 v.'l.n A NJVOCNCES to the public that he lias ii purchased the entire interest of the late Dr. .J. W. Curry, in the Drug Store of J. W. Curry & Cos., or, the estate’s interest in said stock of Drugs, Medici ics, &c., in the town ol Cartersville, and will continue the business, at the old stand, where he will be pleased to see his old patrons and the public generally, and supply them with any thing m his line of business, at the lowest possible figures. ILe invites kite attention of all to his ex cellent stock ol choice,and select RItITGS, 3iJEI>ICIXJES, pal\ts, ©ir,s, ' PUTTY, «I,ASS, ETC., A bountiful supply of Avhich he expects to keep constantly on hand, together with the most popular Patent Medicines of the dav, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, in fact, the best ol everything in a General Drug House. Personal attention will n Yy/afko be given to £0 at. all hours. tyK o. WKHERTtfW, PlsysSciai! and June (, 1870. Cartersville, Ciet. TIU3 IS OFFERING deci ded BARGAINS IN FUBNl ture. c:t,\ 3,1, AND SEE. n- EissrCE. Ju ~ 1 ilhj 'lb7o -If; C 0., ATLANTA, -GEORGIA, Agents For €*ec>rgi:i aiatl Ala. LEN BERGER’S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Steps tSae Cliills. This Medicine lias been before tlie Pub lic fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It does not purge, does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in any do3e and under ail circum stances, and is the only Medicine that will CURE I m m EDI A T ELY and permanently every form of l ? evcr and Ague, because it i3 a perfect Asiti cLote to Malaria, Cold by all Druggists. THE LIVE*’ DRUG STORE! j '* ■ f:ws tltra WHOiESAtI fi] 3 GISTS, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Streets, ATLAIsrrA. GEORGIA. June 1, 1870. wly COMPANY. ’ ‘ ; NO. 2. GKAMTE BLOCK, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. PURE WINES AlM> LIQUORS, Fall Particalar Attculiois to tlielr June 7, w6m W. A. L A NSDB L L. WHOLESALE ANP RETAIL DRUGGIST, NO-19 WHITEHALL ST- ATLANTA GA Olicrs splendid inducements, and all who need good Drugs at low figures will do well to give him a call. Pays special attention to orders from Country Merchants. Faints* Oil* Glass* Fine .'Jleiieinal It 3S> A WWk WlWf r??<M Everything pertaining to a first class Drug Store will bo found there. NOTICE SPECIAL- Daily Drain irom the i( l€M COLO SODA FOUNT” All that man eouhl expect in the way of a cold drink. W. A. Lansdell challenges his Soda competitors to produce f lic fluid as near the freezing point as his. The coldest and the best in the city, Pure Emit Syrups. W• -A.- LaHHdcll, IVo, 1O wUitelmH St., Atlanta, Ga. May 12 1870 ly. RESTAURANT. ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA THIS SSo3>E|b IICUSE IS STILE THE PfitSDE OF THE § \fl-o : w w 'wtaSstjai CuuJ WokiJ _ r !l ?»juchants and Farmers, Strangers, and Citizens, Ladies and Gentlemen, cannot de* Cide Which to admire most, Pease & IS is Wife, or the Luxuries of tlierr Ta . Come, old lolks, and bring the children, and jour knitting. C emc BbyS, and bring the one you made such rash promises to, out at the Camp- Meeting, and my word for it, you will go home liking Pease & Ills Wife, and your Sweet heart better than anybody in the World. * * , Mry 12th ts. 1870— BSMAEEST A WOODRUFF (Successors to Tomlinsox-Demauest Cos.) 623 & 630 Broadway, IT. Y. MANUFACTUREItS OF Carriages, Buggies, &c. Especially adapted for the Southern Roads. OUli STOCK COMPRISES LIGHT VICTORIAS, PHAETONS, CABRIOLAS, ROCKAWAYS, And all other styles of Fine Carriages, For one or two horses. TOP AND NO TOP BUGGIES, On Eliptic and Side Springs. CONCORD BUGGIES, IVSA3L HACKS & JERSEY WAGONS. Wo are also Solo Manufacturers of the WOODRUFF CONCORD BUGGY AND Plantation Wagon for 1,2, 4& 6 Horses. The best buggy and Wagon in America for the money. We have had an experience of thirty years in mak ing work for the Southern States, and know exactly what is wanted to stand the roads. We invite all to send for Circulars, and parties visiting New York we especi.dlv invite to call at oar Warerooms. We solicit the trade of merchants and dealers. Illustrated Circulars, with prices, furnished by mail. A. T. DEM A BEST; N. Y. W. W. WOODRUFF, GA. Demurest A IVoedicitr, Are now opening a Branch of their busi ness in ATLANTA, GA., where they will be prepared to supply any style or quality of Vehicle, at their lowest rates. June 2, 1870-wly Cartersville MALE High School Ronald Johnston. ) Principals. S. C. Hillyor. $ The first session of this School will com mence Ist of August, and close the 18th of November, 1870. RATES OF TUITION. FIRST CLASS, per, month, - - 4> aa second “ “ “ . . >T:: third “ “ . . No deduction made for lost time, except i n cases of protracted sickness, or by special arrangement. TUITION payable at the end of each quarter. The principals flatter themselves that b, thus combining, their experience aud ener gies, they afford to the citizens of Carters ville and vicinity, facilities for educating their boys unsurpassed in the state. The course of studies will embrace what is usu ally taught in our institutions of similar grade. The instruction will be thorough and discipline will bo rigidly en forced, For further particulars apply to the prin cipals. Cartersville FEMALE SCHOOI, The first term of this School will begin on Ist MONDAY IN AUGUST. And close Fourth Friday in November. The School will embrace three claasifica tions of pupils. The Primary, including the Elementary branches. The Intermediate, embracing those pupils who have passed the first or primary grade, and arc well grounded in the Elementary studies: T Jie Classical Department, embracing the Languages, and the higher Mathematics. Miss M. I*. Kingsbury w ill, as heretofore, have charge of the Primary" Department. No deduction made for lost time unless occa sioned by protracted sickness. No pupil taken lor a less period than one quar ter, unless by special agreement. fifties of Tuition Per Prinntry p.OO. Intermediate $3.00. Un»»ienl j Competent Music Teachers will ba con- I nected with the School, and the necessary ; instruments provided for all who desire to take music Lessons. * *1 s» in<\s Xu. Ltioroe. •T. Wtuter JPi'itoliett. jtily s—wtf TUTUS VEGETABLE LI.VLK PILLS ! Cures Diseases of the Liver & Stomach.- TUTUS LEIX! PECTOR-ATTT! A pleasant cure for .Coughi, Colds, cIC TUTUS Sarsaparilla and Queen's Delight! The Great Alternative and IT lob cl Purifier. Hirs IMPROVED HAIR DYE! Warranted the best Dye in use. These standard Preparatibns are for ale by BEST & KIRKPATRICK, nov 29. 12m. Cartersville, Ga., AGE NT S WAN tTd TO SELL OLE CELEBRATED GOLDEN FOUNTAIN PEN. Acknowledged by all who have used them to be the best Pen made or sold in this com - try. No'bkxting! No -soiicd fingers ! Six ty lines written with one pen of ink ! Will outwear any steel pen ever made. Bankers, merchants, teachers and all classes, endorse them fn the highest terms of praise. Put up in neat slide boxes. Prices : two boxes, dO cents; five boxes, SI.OO. Sent free of postage, and guaranteed To give perfect sat isfaction. LIBERAL COMMISSIONS TO AGENTS. We are prepared to give any energetic person taking the agency of these Pens, a commission which will pay S2OO per month. Three sample pens will be mailed for 10 cents, Address WESTERN PUMA* HINLG CO. Pittsburg, Pa. april 14, 1870--Cm. F, M, RICHARD SON, DIALER IN STOVES, ' GRATES. HOUSE FURN ISHING GOODS. TIN WARE, &C. Corner Whitehall and Hunter Streets, jan. 1, 1870 Atlanta, (Crff. Sire Facti»». Warren Akin vs. ( FI fi to revive Robert F. Henderson. $ Judgment. IT APPEARING to-tile Court/that Robert F t ITendei'son resides out of the State of Georgia; It is therefore ordered by the Court that the said Robert F. Henderson do appear at the next Term of this Court, and show cause, why the Judgment in said oase should not be revived and that, this rule be published in the Cartersville Express once a month for four months, to the next Term of this Court. April Ist 1870. J. 11. PAi ROTT,‘ J S. C. C. C. A true extract from the minutes of Bar tow Superior Court, March Term, 1870, April Ist, 1870. TIIOS. A. WOPvI), Clerk. MUSIC SCHOOL. MISS' MV RA,WILKES has seen ml a inusio room convenient to Alevsm I*l KIM K & PKITI UKTTLS iSchoolrhouse, where slit- it pre pared to give lessons in ttinsle dtlrihg the tlm setudastic term. Slie is also provided wilh ;t Piano, ami will give lessons every day, at J 4.00 month. Cartersvillts au£. *2«SH'I4