Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, September 16, 1870, Image 4

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NEW GOODS ! WE ARE daily receiving and opening a general Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOO » S ! purchased at reduced prices, under the re cent decline in gold Our Stock consists in a large variety of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Ladies’ Hats, Hosiery, Gloves, l)l«achcd and Brown Domestics, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Crockery and Queen’s Ware, Factory Yarns, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Flour Bacon, Lard, Tobacco, &c., &c. We thank our friends for past favors, and solicit a continuance of their patronage for the future. N. GILREATH & SON. Factory Varus. We keep, on consignment, Factory Yarns, e>f the best quality, to sell by the Bale at Factory Prices. N. GiLRFATII & SON. fJartersville, April 7th, 1870,—1f. -t r- | vSrV < # s V*fV; .7* jf-.V A-' ss With orWitliout Mtutsurc ! Conceal it Not!!! PETER MARSH, Manufacturer of and Dealer in /Estrella Oil, Also, Dealer in LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, SHADES, WICKS ETC., ETC. I can bo found at Best & Kirkpatrick’s on Main Street, Cartersville, Ga., where I will be pleased to see my friends and pat •rons. To all, I would say, come and ex amine for yourselves, as I intend to sell as Chrap ax the, Cheapen!, Thankful for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. PETER MAKSIi. Cartersvillc, npr. 22. & 8&WI8F* Dealers in FANCY AND STAPLE DRY-GOODS, ELLIS /AESHOES, READY-51 ABE CLOTH ING, CKOCKKIiY, HARDWARE, SADDLES & BRIDLES, GROCERIES, SUGAR, COFEE .A. 2ST JD S p. Together, with most articles USUALLY KEPT FOR FJLRBBRS* SUPPLIES. THE STOCK WILL BE KEPT UP )YITH FRESH ARRIVALS DURING THE WHOLE YEAR. We Invite our Old AND NEW CUSTOMERS TO AN EXAJIIXATION Os Om- STOCK AND TERMS . April 21, 1870—ts. V. R. TOMMEY. J. S. STEWART, Oxford, Ga. TOHHY A r STEWART, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, At the Sign of the MILL SAW and GAME COCK, *o. 70, Street, ATLANTA, GA. I RESPECTFULLY call the attention of Merchants * and others to their LARGE AND WELL ASsOKi- ED STOCK of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Consisting in part of on, Steel, Nails, Builders’ and Carnage Materials, Agricultural Implements, G-ain Cradles, Sythe Blades, Tools of allkinds, &c. ALSO, AGENTS FOR Hook’s Anti-Friction Metal. Buffalo Scale Works, PROPRIETORS OF Brooks 9 Improved Patent Portable Revolving Cotton and Hay Screw Press. May 15, 1870 wly ATLANTA MRBLE WORKS. WM. CRAY, Proprietor. S. B..OATMAN, *igcnt. Importers and Dealers in AMERICAN & ITALIAN MARBLE, MONUMENTS, STATUES, VASES, ■fOMift* find Jflonutncnlal If 'orh FURNISHED IN*THE BEST MANNER. Aud on Hcuxounl>l(t Terms. DESIGNS OF MONUMENTS ,» ) ) % *1 N 1 i. * AND STATUARY Furnished Free on Application. April 28. 1870— ts IA 4 SKINNER &€o- I GEO cias —AND— DEALERS. CARTERSVILLE, GA. LAND FORSALE! THE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale 180 acres of Land, lying West of Carterg ville miles; 80 acres cleared, the balance well timbered. The place is comfortably im proved, with Dwelling, Stables, out Houses, jirc., with a nice young orchard —Peaches, Apples, etc. Also a Lot of 12 acres of land in the town of (Jartersville, well improved ; good Dwel ling, pure free-stone water Most of tlie Land is wel 1 adapted to growing Clover and grass. Located at the North end of Erwin Street. Any person desiring to purchase is invited to examine the property. June 16,-tf. .1, A. MOWAItI> Marble Yard and Works. JAMES VAUGHAN, CARTERSVII.LE, GA. §§ JLICHT ! FLIGHT!: IjICHT: H .WING opened a Marble Yard in Carters ville, 1 am prepared to furnish those wish ing anything in the marble 1 ine, on very rea sonable terms—Monuments, Toombs, Urns, Va ses, lleatl and Foot Stones, Mantels, Paintstones, Biscuit. Blocks, Imposing stones, etc. 1 am, al so, Agent for the Georgia Marble Works, aug. 2, ’7G.w9m J AMES VAUGHAN. ‘BAD BLOOD.’ “THE LIFE IS THE BLOOD-” From it we derive our strength, beauty, and mental capabilities. It is the centre of our being, around which revolves all that makes existence happy. When this source is corrupted the painful effects are visible ip many shapes, prominent among which is SCROFULA. This is a taint or infection of the human organism, and probably no one is wholly free from it. It exhibits itself in various shapes—as Ulcers and Sores, Decayed Bones, Diseased Scalp, Sore Eyes, Weak and Diseas ed Joints, St. Vitus’ Dance, Foul Discharg es from the Nostrils, Eruptions, Glandular Swellings, Throat Affections, Rheumatism, Heart Affections, Nervous Disorders, Bar renness, Disorders of the Womb, Dropsy. Syphillitic Affections, Liver Complaint, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Loss of Man hood and General Debility. It Has been the custom to treat these dis eases with Mercury and other Mineral sub stances, which, though sometimes producing a cure, often prove injurious and entails misery in after life. The long known inju rious properties of these so-called alteratives and purifiers has led the pliilanthropical man of science to explore the arena of na ture, the result of which has been the discov ery of vegetable products which possess the power of eradicating these Taints from the Blood. Dr. TUTT’S Compound Extract Os Sarparilla and Queen’s Delight. Is the acknowledged antidote to all Blood Diseases. By its use the afflictions above enumerated can be permanently banished, and the Source—the Centre of Life—the Blood. be maintained in all its purity and vigor. For Diseases produced !>y Use use of Mercury, and for willi list (min of evils, tSi is com pound is tlie only sure antidote. To the poof creature, enfeebled in mind and body, by secret practices, whose nerves aye unstrung, and countenance downcast THE SAK.SAFAItII.IiA AND Queen’s Dell*»-li£ is a blessing. Try it fairly, and your nerves will be restored to their wonted vigor, and your dejected countenance be made radiant with the conciousness of RESTORED MANHOOD. Being free from violent minerals, it is adapted to general use. The old and the young may use it; tho most delicate female at any time may take it; the tender infant, who may have inherited disease, wiil be cur ed by it. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD ITSIG DR. TUTT’S Extract of Sarsaparilla AND DELIGHT When used in the Spring it removes all hu mors which infest the system ; and banishes the languor and debility peculiar to that sea son of the year. It acts promptly on the LIVER AM) KIDAEYS, Producing a healthy action of the important organs by which all the impurities of the sys tem are carried off', and the result is A Clear Skin, a Good Appetite, and Bouyant Spirits. PREPARED BY WILLIAM H. TUTT & LAND AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. And Sold by Druggists Everywhere. June 16th, 1870-1 y. (NKOItGIA, BARTOW < OUNTY.— Manila X Brightwcll lias applied for Exemption of Personalty and Setting apart and Valuation of Homestead, ami I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, A. M., on the 17th day of September, 1870, at nn office. August 10th, 1870. .1. A. IloW A IM>, Ordinary B. C. ggie&Sjjj METALIC AND WOOD (IMITA ZION ROSEWOOD,) HURI O'A. SEC IE3 TS. b Y Erwin & Jones. Carters ville, aug. 22 Patrons, Friends, Debtors, and Well-Wishers : Hear us for our cause and be silent that you may hear ; we want Greenbacks and Greenbacks we must have, to carry on our business. We have discharged our part of the contract, and now we call on you to do likewise—we make this appeal to those who are owing ns. We dont wish to hurt any one’s feelings, but must have money or discontinue our business, the latter alternative we have no idea of sub mitting to, so, in order hat we may contin ue to be friends, call and pay up. Administrator’s SALE WILL BE SOI l), before the Court-house door in the town of Cartersvijle, Bartow County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday hi No vember next, within tlie legal hours of sale, what is known as the JOHN KENNEDY PLAGE, Two miles North of Cartersville, on the Tennes see Road, containing (750) SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES. There is about (200) Two Hundred under a good Fence, and in a high state of cultivation. This is one of the most-desirable places in the county, it will be sold in four parcels —one settlement containing (150) One Hundred and Fifty acres, and the oth er three containing (200) Two Hundred acres each. Terms : One half cash, and the other half on a twelve months credit, with interest from date. The land can be seen, or part iculars ob tained, by calling on F. M. JOHNSON, Carters ville, Ga.', or JAMES KENNEDY, oil the place. T. H. KENNEDY AND JAM ES KENNEDY, Administrators of John Kennedy, Deceased, sept. 2, 1870. wtds Hoiirtlißg &c*3tool for Boys. West End, Atlanta, Ga. This is a School of high tablished, being now its Third Session, and of feeing Superior ad van- 'xy «■*£• tages for the attainment of a thorough English, Classical, and Mathe matical Education. The course of instruction is made a preparation—either for business or college pupils received—at all times. For par ticulars send for circulars. MARK JOHNSTON,) MALC’M JOHNSTON. \ 1 1 inci l ,al -• sept. 1, 1870.swlm LAND FOR SALE. I WILL SELL, to the highest bidder, in the town of Cartersville, Cass county, Georgia, on MONDAY, ihe Ebb of SEPTEMBER next, a very de/irable A Tt jNI , lying on the Etowah river, four miles west of Kingston, in the 17th civil district, containing FOUK HUNDRED ACRES. Three hundred in a line state of cultivation. — Good dwelling and other improvements equal. A good Gin House, Screw and Press, Fine wa ter in the yard and stock water convenient. TERMS*:— $1,000 Cash; balance one and two years. H. 11. MILLER, aug. 20—swtds PIANOS ! PIANOS ! PIANOS ! | SEVEN GOLD MEDALS WERE AWARDED, At late Fairs held in the South in October and November, 1 SCO, to €ll AS. Til. STIEF F, For tlje best PIANOS, over Baltimore? Philadelphia and Yew York PIANOS. Office and New YVaiuciiooms, No. 0 North Liberty Street, above Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE , MD. S TJEFS.» S 191*1.V0I 9 1*1.V0 S Have all the latest improvements including the Agraef Treble, Ivory Fronts, AND TIXK IMPROVED FRENCH ACTION. fully warranted for fiv? years, with privilege of ex change within twelve months if not entirely satisfac tory to purchasers. Second hand Pianos and Parlor Organs always on hand from $53 to SBOO. REFEREES WHO HAVE OUR PIANOS IN USE! General Robert E. Lee, Lexington Va. General Robert Ransom, Wilmington, N C General D. 11. HIT, Charlotte, N. C, Governor John Letcher, Lexington, Va. Bishop Wilmer, New Orleans, La. Joseph Iluop, Chattanooga, Tenn. W. L Mansfield, Marietta, Ga. llcuben Arnold, Atlanta, Ga. J J <fe 8 P Richards, ” ” A K Scago, ” ” Send for a Circular c/m 800 names of persons who have purchased IhetainingPianns, in the South, since the war closed Stu a - inch B—Ow JURE.AN. HOWARD & HARRALSO N Tobacco CommisslON Merciia nts, Whitehall Street, A) LA NT A GEORGIA Keep const a .fly on hand, a and fine Assortment of CHEW ING and SMOKING TO BACCO, CIGAKS, &c., which we offer at the Lowest Whole sale prices. Jure 10, |8 r ‘« coxATbili. fto. CIIEKOXtEE BLOCK, PEACHTREE ST.. ATI ANTA- GEORGIA 11a e in store aud for sale Very Low— -100 Bbls. Fiue Old Rye Whiskey, 100 “ “ “ Bourbon Whiskey, 100' “ Medium Rye and Bourbon Whiskey, 1()0 “ Doubled Distilled Whiskey, GO “ Peach and Apple Prandy, 25 “ American G.'n, 50 “ Geo. Cherokee Cos., Corn Whiskey, 6 Pip e Holland Gin, GO \ and £ Casks Cognac Brandy, 25 Baskets Ileidsiek Cos. Champagne, 25 Boxes Still Catawba, 100,000 Cigars. (Commun, medium and fine RUM, (NEW ENGLAND. JAMAICA- AND ST. CRO X ) WHISKY, (todptch, Irish, Robertson County, Poplar Log.) WIN E , (Port, Maderia, Sherry and Malaga ) ALE AND DORTER. Canned oyaters, &c., Slc ., Scr., July 15, 18G9 I>K. O. S. PROPIIITT, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Is still Manufacturing all of His Celebrated Family Medicines, CONSISTING OF IIIS Live v Hedicine, Anodyne Pain Kill {t, Anti-BilHous Pil PITjIj. i> YSEXTEIII CO ZIi>I AL, FAMA \a K TOA IC , —AND— F is r i l’j 1 r Pills, As heretofore, and will attend to all bu siness in his line tha. conies to his office. Will prescribe for patients when con sulted, and examine any that come to his office at any time, (Sundays excepted.) Will treat secret diseases of all kinds.— Special attention given to Female Diseases both acute and chrome, etc., etc. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL ORDERS- Projdiitt's Liver 3lc<lk»inc II as the advantage of almost any other pre paration of Medicine that acts upon the Liv er. It is in the form of a Fluid Extract— ready for use at all times, day or night, and can be carried to any locality in Ameri ca, winter or summer, as it will neither sour or freeze at any temperature that a hu man can occupy with safety. It is not. too strong for children, o 1 ’ two weak for the most robust. There is no trouble about taking it, only to unstop The Bottle and drink it whenever you wane it. It has gained a very high reputation in every lo cality it has had a fair and honorable chance to prove itself, at any point In Amorion, and it has been used in every State south of Maine, and it is alike applicable to disor ders of the Elver and Digestive Powers at all places yet tried. Traveling parties North and South, carry it, and find the hap py effects of it in aV climates. The above named Medicines prepared only by 0. S. PROPIIITT, Corner Walton and Broad Streets, Atlanta, Ga. For sale in Oartersville by Rest Kirk patrick, Druggists, Also by L. Bennett & Bro QLD QAROLINA 7RITTEK3. ABELIGIITFULTONIC We take great pleasure in offering the €>lY> CAROLOA BITTKES. to the public. They are compounded with grent ca r and contain some of the best Tonics in the Pharmaco pia. As evidence of the superiority of our Bitters over all others, we have certificates from many of the leading physicians in our State, who have prescribed them in their practice. THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, Genera] Debility, Chill3' , an(T Fever and Dyspepsia We do not offer our l’itters as a cure for ail diseases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. For sale by all Druggis sand Grocers everywhere For sale in Cartersville by A. K. HCBCISS. GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO-, Importers of Choice Drugs and Chemicals, March 31, 1870--ly. Charleston. S. 0. No 13 Decatur Street Atlanta, Georgia- MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS And deal c r in SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWARE HARNESS SKIRTING- ENAMEL AND ALL K!N"S OF LEATHER, Childrens’ Carriages Fine Carriages aad BUGGIES’: INDIANAPOLIS FAiM WAGONS AND CARTS, The attention of Farmers and Teamsters is called to the *arge stock of Wagons and Harness; also ALL kinds of Saddles, and everything usually kept n a first-class Saddlery House— Who! esale and Retail. Also, for sale, Boys’ Three-Wheel Velocipedes. April 27 —wly Lyman tJMpinaM, Brick and Stone Mss©!* CARTERSVILLE, GA. 1 prepared to do any of the above work upon short notice and at low Pguers. LUMBER! LUMBER I! LUMBER!!! HAVING purchased the Steam Saw Mill formerly belonging to James Sligh, I have now on hand, and can supply, all per sons in want of Lumber, of any kiud or qual ity, at the customary rates per foot, either delivered at the Mill or in Oartersville. My supply of timber being of tlie best quality and inexhaustible, I am prepared to fill or ders of any size or for any quality at short notice Address MOSES H. SMITH, qa.jlowly Cartersvdle, Ga. B A KTO W 110 l SIC CARTERSVII,LE, OA., BY J. T. GUTHRIE, Proprietor. Thu House has just been completed and furn ished'■—New House, New Furniture, New Pro prietor, New Arrangements. A handsome three-story Brick Building, on the Bast Side of the AR R and near the Jjepot: Table al it'ays supplied with the very best the market af fords. Clean Beds, and faithful Porters and Servants, and charges for Board, by the single meal, dag, week and month, moderate. Call and test my fare and treatment. May 2d *T. T. GlttllHo. R. V. MADDOX. J. L. WINTER R«F. Maddox & Go, TOBACCO COMMISSION ME 3 HHANTS AGENTS FOB THE SALE OF Virginia ami jVorth Carolina TOBACCO, NO. 13, ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GA Consignments solicited. Will make liber al advances when desired. aug I,’G9 W. €, EDWARDS, HAS HOW READY FOR USE, A FIRST-CLASS HEARSE, AND Will give SPECIAL ATTENTION n case of Deaths to encasing the dead, and Being Agent, fer Erwin &, Jones’ METALIC BURIAL CASES, AND FOR Win* it old smith’s WOOD OOPPINS, he Notifies ALL, that he is ready at all hours, to wait on them. April 7tli,—tf. SSfokely & Williams ARE NOW RECEIVING AND OPENING Their New Stock of SPBINQ h StlNfflEß m.R,Y GOCXOS, F&NCIT and STAPLE. READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS, EOOTS, SHOES, &C., &C„ &C HARDWARE, CROCKERY* CTJTL &C-> ScO. C\t SI TEE? s 5 */ Sj S. JE, CrVf. Our Stock of Lad es' Drcs.-- Goods is com plete. to which we invite their special atten tion, as we flatter ourselves tlial they are se lected with taste, and with an eye to the la test, styles. Ladies can find everything be longing to their toilet, usually kept by Dry- Goods houses, in our Stock. Gentlemen will also find every article per taining to their wardrobe, from a neck-tie, to a full suit, both ready-made and In piece. In fact our stock is complete in every line of goods kept by us, and it is useless for us to enumerate. The attention of the ladies is particularly invited to our excellent line of head-dresses —Hats, Chignons and Switches. Call and see us, at our old stand, and ex amine our goods before making yoyr pur chases, as we charge nothing for looking. We also keep a Stock of FAMILY LJROCFKIES, &c Satterfield & Wofford, mmnm m Family to Si O € £ R I E S ” AND CARTERSVILLE, GA. AT the old stand, East side of the rail road, where we promise to sell on as good terms, and as low down in price, as any grocery house in town, either by the Wiiolosalc or Hetail. Ccrac and sec us and test our sincerity. J H SATTERFIE I D, apr 12wly JC WOFFORD. SI,OOO REWARD. A r ia ITiityfi cures all Liver , Kidney and Bladder Diseases, Organic Wea/cness, Female Afflictions, General Debility and all complints of the Urinary Organs, in male and female. SI,OOO will also he paid for any case of Blind, Bidding or Itching BILES that Deßing’s Pile Remedy fails to cure. DeBJNG’S MAGIC LINIMENT cures Rheumatic Pains, Sprains , Bruises, and Swell ed Joints; m man and beast. Sold everywhere. Send for Pamphlet. Laborvtory —l42 Franklin Street, Baltimore, Md. SIMOA LIJvBTUA, DEALER IN Dry-f»ootls, Rcady-lladc Clothing, Motions, Hats, Hoots, Shoes, Hard ware, Crockery, Cutlery. Cartersville, Ga. The highest price paid in cash for Rags, Copper, Brass, etc. Agent for the Rock City Paper Mills Paper, at mills prices. my 25 DECLINE IN PIPER ! Wrapping Paper at G c«nt§. by SIMOJi LIE .*-<IIA2V. BcSL,Notice Extbaou* inaht. —In order to adapt my business to the necessities of my customers, I have been supplying them, front my Stalls with fresh meats on a credit, until my capital is about exhausted, and I wish to reblenish my stock, all who are thus indebted to me will please call and settle up and take anew start. 1 will devote Mon day next, at my stall on Maine street, to settling up fid scores. A. A. DOBBS. 1870! passengers desiring to visit any OF THE NORTHERN, SOUTHERN, EAST ERN OR WESTERN CITIES, Should study well the attractions offered by the WESTERN & ATLANTIC R. R, The celebrated Passenger Route of the SOUTH, THE ONLY ROUTE FROM AT LANTA RUNNING A DOUBLE DAILY i HROUGH PAS SEN TER TRAIN Preventing the possibility of a delay o f twenty-four (24) hours incident to lines running but one daily train. HIE PASSANGER EQUIPMENT of this Road is SUPERIOR io iliat of any road in the South. In addition to the LUXURIOUS COACHES Os the Road, there are attached to all night trains the FAR-FAMED Pullman Sleepers, Which furnish accommodation equal to a firstelass Hotel. There sre on sale, at reduced rates, for the summer season, licke.s to Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, ALLEGHANY SPRINGS, COYNER’S SPRINGS, BLACK SPRINGS, WARM SPRINGS, LITTLE SWEET SPRINGS. . BEDFORD ALUM SPRINGS,' MONTVALE SPRINGS; BERSHEBA SPRINGS; NATURAL BRIDGE OF VIRGINIA, MANMOTH CAVE. LO ™ UT HOT SPRINGS OF ARKANSAS, NIAGARA FALLS ’ AND ALL OTHER RESORTS In the United States. This is the only road in the South offering for sale through tickets to YOKOHAMA. JAPAN, HIOGA, JAPAN. HONGKONG, CHINA, SHANGHAI, CHINA, NAGASAKI, CHINA. Steamers leave SAN FHANCr'SCO FOR CHINA ANO JAPAN on the first day of each month. I ickets can be purchased in all principal cities IL&gftg o checked tod< sanation and hand led free. Ask for tickets via WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD, b. w. >v General Passenger a,id ticket Agent. A, L, HARRIS, M. T & Supervisor. FOSTER REORGETT, Superintendent. 1,. M, IIAIIESH, Southern Passenger Agent. dune 23 3m. TLe Risickesl ami Resit Kuulo TO THE North, East, and West, Via LOUISVILLE. TVo Daily Express trains run throw h from Nanli ville to Louisville, nsalvin*' close conrurtion with trains and boats for the North, East, and West. NO CHANG EOF CARS FROM LOUISVILLE ST, LOUIS, CHICAGO, PITTSBURG, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. Only one change to BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON. Quicker Time by this Route and Better Ac commodations than by any other. Secures Speed and Comfort, when traveling, by asking for tickets Via Louisville. THROUGH TICKETS AND BAGGAGE CHECKS m?y be procared at Offices of N. it G. K. K., in Chat tanooga, and at all ticket offices t'iirou<rhout the South, W. 11. KING ALBERT FINK, G. P A. Gen’l Sup’t. feb 24.-wly What does Reason say. The little mongoose when bitten by a dead ly serpent resorts to a certain plant, eats it and escapes the effects of the poison. That is instinct. Human beings on the other hand, must depend on reason and experience in selecting the means of protecting health and life against unwholesome influences. Now, what does reason say on this vital subject?— Does it not tell us that to invigorate and pu rify the system is the best way to protect it against the invisible poison which generates disease? Surely it does. The next question is, what guide shall we follow in choosing a medicinal safeguard? Reason replies let your monitor be experience, well, the ex perience of eighteen years comprised in one unbroken series of satisfactory testimonials assnres us that Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters possess strengthening, regulating and anti septic properties which are not combined in the same happy proportions in any other preparation extant. This therefore is the antidote to which reason bids us resort when our healtt is impended either by the malaria which produces epidemic disorders, or by any other cause, whether inherent and con stitutional or connected with our habits, occupations and pursuits. The venom of a noxious reptile is scarcely more subtle and dangerous than that which lurks in foul air and impure water. To es cape the fevers, billious disorders, distur bances of the bowels, and other serious mal adies produced by these insalubrious ele ments, it is absolutely necessary that the stomaeh add all the secretive organs should be, sc to speak, in a robust condition. Upon the amount of resistance which the vital system c.m op pose to the deleterious influences that assail it, the safety of the health depends; and it is because the great vegetable invigorawt imparts energy and regularity to the most important functions of the body, that it can, be recomended and guaranteed as an inval uable preventive medicine.