Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, September 30, 1870, Image 4

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NEW GOODS 1 WE ARE daily receiving and opening a general Stock of SPRINC AND SUMMER GOODS! purchased at reduced prices, under the re cent decline in gold Our Stock consists in a large variety of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings, Ladies’ Hats, Hosiery, Gloves, Bleached and Brown Domestics, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Crockery and Queen’s Ware, Factory } arns, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Tobaeco, Ac., &c. We thank our friends for past favors, and solicit a continuance of their patronage for the future. N. GILREATH & SON. Factory Yarns. We keep, on consignment, Factory Yarns, of the best quality, to sell by the Bale at Factory Prices. N. GILREATH & SON. Carteraville. April 7tli, 1870,--tf. ,CHT 1 «jpvVlilCHT: a Witli or Without Moasure ! Conceal it Not!!! PETER MARSH, Manufacturer of and Dealer in /Estrella Oil, Alio, Dealer in LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, SHADES, WICKS ETC., ETC, I can be found at Best & Kirkpatrick s on Main Street, Cartersville, Ga., where I will be pleased to see my friends and pat r#ns. To all, I would say, come and ex amine for yourselves, as I intend to sell as Chtap as the Cheapest, Thankful for past patronage, I solicit a continuance ot the game. PETER MARSH. Cartersville, apr. 21. V. R. TOMMEY, J. S. STEWART, Oxford. Ga. TOMMY A STEWART, IMPOSTERS iND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, At the Sign of the MILL SAW and GAME COCK, No. 79, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, OA. EESPEGTFULLY call the attention of Merchants and ethers to their LARGE AND WELL ISSORI'- ID STOCK of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Consisting in part of <Mi, Sieel, Nails, Builders’ anti Carriage Materials, Agricultural Implements, G r ain Cradles, Sythe Blades, Tools of all kinds, &e., &c. ALSO, AGENTS FOR Hook’s Anti-Friction Metal. Buffalo Scale Works, PROPRIETORS OF Brooks’ Improved Patent Portable Revolving Cotton and Hay Press. M*y 15, 1870 *'ly ATLANTA MARBLE WORKS WM. CRAY, Proprietor. S. B.’OATMAN, Agent. Importers and Dealers in AMERICAN <t ITALIAN MARBLE , MONUMENTS, STATUES, VASES, Tombs and JfMonumcntal Work FURNISHED in the best manner. Aihl on Reasonable Terms. DESIGNS OF MONUMENTS AND STATUARY Furnished Free on Application. April 28; 1870—ts __ PIANOS I PIANOS I PIANOS I SEVEN GOLD MEDALS WERE AWARDED,, At late Fairs held in the South in October and November, 1800, to CH AS, M. STIEFF, For the bent PIANOS, over Baltimore? Philadelphia and New York PIANOS. Office and New Waukrooms, No. 9 North Liberty Street, above Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE , MD. STM EFT’S FIrfJTOS Have all the latest improvements includinv the Agraef Treble, Ivory Fronts, AND THE IMPROVED FRENCH ACTION, fully warranted for fivs years, with privilege of ex change within twelve months if not entirely satisfac tory to purchasers. Second hand Pianos and Parior Organa always on hand from $59 to SBOO. SEFEREICS WHO HAVE OOTt PIANOS IN USE: General Robert E. Lee, Lexington Va, General Robert Ransom, Wilmington, N C General D. H. H 11, Charlotte, N. 0, Governor John Letcher. Lexington, Va. Bishop Wiltner. New Orleans. La. Joseph Ruop, Chattanooga, Tenn. W. L Mansfield, Marietta, Ga. Reuben Arnold, Atlanta, Ga. JJ& 8 P Richards, ” ” A K Seago, ” ” Send for a Circular cnntninfnfr 800 name? of persons who have purchased the Stoiflf Pianas, in the South since the war closed. rrohS G w IA ASKDfNEB&Co. t ! —AND— Produce DEALERS. GAR TERS VILLE, GA. LAND FOR SALE I THE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale 180 acres of Land, lying West, of Carters villc miles; 80 acres cleared, the balance well timbered. The place is comfortably im proved, with Dwelling, Stables, out Houses. Ac., with a nice young orchard—Peaches, Apples, etc. Also a Lot of 12 acres of land in the town of Cartersville, well improved ; good Dwel ling, pure free-stone water Most of the Land is well adapted to growing Clover and grass. Located at the North end of Erwin Street. Any person desiring to purchase is invited to examine the property. pj une 1 G,-tf. JT« A • 110 WAIt D Marble Yard and Works. JAMES VAUGHAN, CARTERSVILLE, GA. TT AVING opened a Marble Yard in Carters - A A ville, I am prepared to furnish those wish ing anything in the marble line, on very rea sonable terms—Monuments, Toombs, Urns, Va ses, Head and Foot Stones, Mantels, Paintstoncs, Biscuit Blocks, Imposing Stones, etc. 1 am, al so, Agent for the Georgia Marble Works, aug. 8, ’7o.w9nt JAMES VAUGHAN. ‘BAP BLOOD.’ "THE LIFE IS TEE BLOOD-” From it we derive our strength, beauty, and mental capabilities. It is the centre of our being, around which revolves all that makes existence happy. When this source is corrupted the painful effects are visible in many shapes, prominent among which is SCROFULA. This is a taint or infection of the human organism, and probably no one is wholly free from it. It exhibits itself in various shapes—as Ulcers and Sores, Decayed Bones, Diseased Scalp, Sore Eyes, Weak and Diseas ed Joints, St. Vitus’ Dance. Foul Discharg es from the Nostrils, Eruptions, Glandular Swellings, Throat Affections, Rheumatism, Heart Affections, Nervous Disorders, Bar renness, Disorders of the Womb, Dropsy. Sypliillitic Affections, Liver Complaint, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Loss of Man hood and General Debility. It has been the custom to treat these dis eases with Mercury and other Mineral sub stances, which, though sometimes producing a cure, often prove injurious and entails misery in after life. The long known inju rious properties of these so-called alteratives and purifiers has led the philanthropical man of science to explore the arena of na ture, the result of which has been the discov cry of vegetable products which possess the power of eradicating these Taints from the Blood. Dr. TUTT’S Compound Extract Os Sarparilla and Queen’s Delight, Is the acknowledged antidote to all Blood Diseases. By its use the afflictions above enumerated can be permanently banished, and the Source—the Centre of Life—the Blood. be maintained in all its purity and vigor. For Diseases produced by flic use of Hlereury, and for Sypliillis, with its train of evils, tliis com pound is tiie only sure antidote. To tlie poor creature, enfeebled in mind and body, by secret practices, whose nerves arc unstrung, and countenance downcast THE SARSAPARILLA AND Queen’s Delight is a blessing. Try it fairly, and your nerves will be restored to their wonted vigor, and your dejected countenance be made radiant with the conciousness of RESTORED MANHOOD. Being free from violent minerals, it is adapted to general use. The old and the young may use it; the most delicate female at anytime may take it; the tender infant, who may have inherited disease, wiil be cur ed by k. FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD USE DR. TUTT’S Extract of Sarsaparilla AND QUEEN’S UEEIGIIT When used in the Spring it removes all hu mors which infest the system ; and banishes the languor and debility peculiar to that sea son of the year. It acts promptly on the LIVER AM!) KIDNEYS, Producing a healthy action of the important organs by which all theimpurities of the sys tem are carried off, and the result is A Clear Skin, a Ciood Appetite, and ISotayniit Spirits. PREPARED BY WILLIAM 11. TUTT & LAUD AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. And Sold by Drug-gists Everywhere. June 16th, 1870-ly. of L. Bennett & Cos., having been dissolved bv the withdrawal ofL. Bennett the business will be continued, at the old stand’ by the new firm of L. Payke A Cos. The old firm call upon all who are indebted to them for Goods and Groceries, to come forward, without delay, and settle up. The books will be found with L. Payne & Cos., at the old stand. St. HI E& ■ IT is well known to Doc tors and to Ladivs A. that Women are subject ¥> to tillin'.rous diseases pe- AWr mhM culiar to their sex—such W as Suppression of the AAt Menses, Whites, Painful M’nthly ‘Periods,’ Rheu- oL mutism of the Back and Womb, Irregular Men- A Wefr struation, Hemorrhage. or Exeessive ‘Flow,’and Prolapsus Uterior Fall ing of the Womb. These diseases have sel dom been treated successfully. The profession has sought dilligently for some remedy that wo’ld enable them to treat these diseases with success. At last, that remedy has been discovered by one of the most skilful physicians in the State of Georgia. The remedy is * Bradfield’3 Female Regulator. It is purely vegetable, and is put up in Atlan ta, by BRAOFIELD & CO. It will purify the blood and strengthen the svstem. relieve irritation oi t/ic kidneys, and is a* perfect specific for all the above diseases; as certain a cure as Quinine is in Chills and 1-eveys. For a history of diseases, and certificates ofits x worderful cures, the reader is referred to the wrapper around the bottle. Every bottle war ranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. LaGkaxuk. Ga., March 23,1870. Blf ADFIELD A CO., ATLANTA. GA.: Dear Sirs: 1 take pleasure in stating that l have used, lor the last twenty years, the medi cine vou are puttingup, known as I>R.J. BRAD FIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR, and con sider it the best combination ever gotten to gether for the diseases for which it is recom mended. I have been familiar with the pre scription both as a practitioner of medici *e and in domestic practice, and can honestly say that 1 consider it a boon to suffering females, ard can but hope that every lady in our whole land, who may be suffering in any way peculiar to their sex. may he able to procure a bottle, that their sufferings may not only he relieved, hut that they may be restored to health & strength. With inv kindest regards, 1 am, respectfully, W. B. FERRELL, M. D.‘ We, the undersigned Druggists, take pleasure in commending to the trade, Dr. J. Bvadfield’* Female Regulator—believing it lobe a good and reliable remedy for the diseases for which he recommends it* W. A. LANS DELL, PEMBERTON, WILSON, TAYLOR & CO. RED WINE & FOX, W. C. LAWSHE, Atlanta, Ga. W. ROOT SON, Marietta, Ga. DR. PR OP HITT’S Celebrated Liver Medicine. It is purely vegetable, and will act upon tlic Liver and Kidneys as promptly as Calomel and Bueliu, without any danger of salivation or de struction of the bones. Parties taking the medicine need not fear get ting wet, or any other reasonable exposure. Symptoms of Liver Disease: Headache. Dull Feeling or the Blues, Sour Stom ach, Sick or Nervous Headache. Heartburn, In digestion or Dyspepsia, Bad or Bitter Taste in the Mouth, the skin has a thick, rough feeling, and is darker than usual, ( ostiveness. Melan choly Feelings, Cramps, t old Feet, Colic, Dys entery, or Diarrhoea, Chills and Fever, and Pilesv In fact, where the Liver is out of order, you are liable to every disease that is not conta gious. Prophitt’s Liver Medicine, if taken properly, will prevent and cure any disease resulting from a deranged liver. It will regulate its functions and thus cure all diseases caused by the failure of its healthy ac tion. It has been used for a great number of years, and lias given universal satisfaction. There is no brother or son claiming to have the origional recipe. It is put up iu both Pow der and Fluid form. Fatkbukn, Ga., Sept. 4, 1868. PR. O. S. PROPIIITT: Sir: My wife has been an invalid for fifteen years. Doctors all agreed she had “Liver Dis ease.” In connection with their practice she used various and noted remedies, none of which seemed to do any good. Sometime ago I procu red a bottle of your “Liver Medicine,” of your agent here, C. A. Harvey, which being given ac cording to directions, has affected a complete cure. Respectfully, &c., GED. L. THOMAS. CHARLOTTE, N. C„ Sent 24, 1868. I have used Dr. O. S. Prophitt’s Liver Medi cine as a tonic, and found it to he powerful snd efficacious. It is excellent for functional de rangement of the Liver or constipation of the bowels; in most cases superceding the necessity of a regular course of medicine. E. J. MEYNARDIE, Pastor Tryon-str. C’li. Marion County, Texas, Aug. 1,1869. DR. O. S. PROPIIITT: Dear Sir: 1 write you this to inform you that I have been troubled a great deal with indiges tion, hut after using one hottle of your Liver Medicine, I find great relief. I cheerfully re commend it as a good. Family Mrdieinc, and feel confident that it is good for anything for which it claims to be an antidote. Verv respcctfullv, DICK LOCKETE. Dr, Prophitt’s, Dysentery Cordial, Is one of the most valuable compounds now put up for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Infantum, or Cholera Morbus. This medicine has been in use foi years, and gives nniuersal satisfaction. The most delicate child may take it with im punity. Covington, Ga., Nov. 9, 1867.. DR. PROPIIITT: Having a severe attack of Dysentery during the past summer, I was induced to use your Dy sentery Cordial, and derived therefrom immedi ate and permanent relief. It gives me pleasure to recommend this remedy to all who may be so attacked, believing that, should the direetionr be followed, relief would surelv be old.'limed. — Truly, Ac. i). S. PORTER. (X skat a, Texas, 18*9. DR. PROPIIITT: Dear Sir: \ our Liver Medicine and Pain kit.ll It is a complete success. J. L. V.’ I! ITTT.E. West Point, Ga., Aug. 11. 1869. This is to certify that 1 have used Dr. O. A. Prophitt’s Liver Medicine myself and in my family, for twelve months or more, and 1 unhes itatingly say that I believe it one of the best Family Medicines in use. M. T. WALKER. r 11 O PII 1 TT’ kS Pain Kill It. This is the celebrated medicine that run Perry Davis’ Pain Killer out of the market, wherever it was sold. Davis made ITophitt change the name from Pain Killer to PAIN KILL IT. For Rheumatism, Neuralgia, or pain of any kind it has no equal. For Cuts, Bruises, Burns, or obi Sores, it is the best thing you can use as a dressing. For Snake Bites or Stings of Poisonous Insects, it is a perfect ANTIDOTE. It is good for Colic, Colds, Coughs, or Bowel Complaints. Its name indicate?; its naturefnlly. It is truly DEATH to puin. Manufactured and sold by BUADFIKT.D A CO., Atlanta, Ga., and for sale In ail druggists. Dooly Bounty, Ga.. April, 1867. This i?. to, certify that i was confined to the house,i and most of the time to my bed, and suf fering the greatest agony imaginable v. ith Rheu matism, for five months, and after trying every available remedy, with no relief, I was cured with two bottles of Dr. <>. 8. Prophitt’s Anodyne Pain Kill It; each costing fifty cents only. It relieved me almost instantly. 1 therefore re commend it in the highest degree to others suf fering from similar disease. I can say that it is one of the finest Family Medicines now out, cer tain. Yours, truly, W. A. FOREHAND. Dooly Cec.NTTf Ga., Oct. 27, 1867 DR. O. S. PROPHITT: I have, during the last eigeteen months, used your Pain Kill It, and l consider it unequaled by anything for pain iu the head, breast, hack or side: and for Colic nothing gives relief half so quick as vour Anodyne Pain Kill. It is doing much good in the community in o thcr families as well as my own. Yours,. Ac., I). T. FOREHAND. Newton Factory, Ga., Nov., 1867. DIE PROPIIITT: Last summer my horse sprained his knee se verely, causing the whole leg to swell to about twice its natural size, and rendering him almost helpless; two applications of your Anodyne Bain Kill It thoroughly cured it. .JNO. 11. DAVIS. STATE OF GEORGIA,! Know all men by these Fulton County.! presents, That i have this dav, for value received,, sold and transfer red to BRADFIELI) & CO., the sole right to manufacture and sell my Family Medicines, and have furnished them with the lull recipes, and have authorized the said BKADFIELD & CO., to print, or have printed, anything they may see proper concerning any and all the above named Medicines. This loth'day of .June, 1870. [Signed] 0.8. PROPIIITT, In presence of Thomas F. Jones, and Robert Crawford, Notary Public. (1., s.) Manufactured and for sale by I>RA DFIELD A CO., Broad street, Atlanta,.Ga. T and for sale by all druggists. ialy 20—wly DB. O. S. PROMIITT* ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Is still Manufacturing all of His Celebrated Family Medicines, CONSISTING OF IIIS liiver Medicine, Anodyne Pain Kill It, Anti-Billious Pil AGUE PILL. DTSEXTKRY CORDIAL, FABA JL E T OXIC, —AND— Purifying Pills, As heretofore, and will attend to all bu siness in his line that comes to liis office. Will prescribe for patients when con sulted, and examine any that come to liis office at any time, (Sundays excepted.) Will treat secret diseases of all kinds.— Special attention given to Female Diseases both acute and chronie, etc., etc* PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CD-trd/ Jri/S« Pi-opliitt’s Liver 3Xoili<*iiie Has the advantage of almost any other pre paration of Medicine that acts upon (lie Liv er. It is in the form of a Fluid Extract— ready for use at all times, day or night, and can be carried to any locality in Ameri ca, winter or summer, a« it will neither sour or freeze at any temperature that a hu man can occupy with safety. It is not too strong for children, o’’ two weak for the most robust. There is no trouble about taking it, only to unstop The Bottle and drink it whenever you want it. It has gained a very high reputation in every lo cality it has had a fair and honorable chance t<J prove itself, at any point Xu America, and it has been used in every State south of Maine, and it is alike applicable to disor ders of the Ufvcr and Bigeslive Powers at all places yet tried. Traveling parties North and South, carry it., and find the hap py effects of it in all climates. The above named Medicines prepared only by 0. S. PROPHITT, Corner Walton and Bread Streets, Atlanta, Ga. For sale in Oartcrsvillc by Best Kirk patrick, Druggists, Also by L. Bennett & Bro IB, —1 y. " n/iap * O AIIOUNA IBtTTEKS. Al delightful tonic We take great pleasure in offering the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. to th“ public. They are compounded with great ca ,e and contain mme of the best Tunics in the I'harmaco* pia. As evidence of the superiority of our Bitters over all others, we have certificate* from many of the leading physicians in our State, who have prescribed them in their practice. THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. Will be found invaluable for Want of Appetite, General Debility, (’bills and Fever and Dyspepsia We do not offer our Bitters :i9acure for all diseases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have no e«iu*l. For sale by all Drujj'f’H g and Grocers everywhese For sale in Cartersville by A. R HUDGINS. GOODRICH, WINEMAN &CO., Importers of Choice Drugs and Chemicals, March 81, 1870--ly. Charleston, S. C. No Li Decatur Street. Atlanta, Georgia- MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS . An and deal e r in SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWARE HARNESS SKIRTING- ENAMEL AND ALL KIN n S OF LEATHER, ' Childrens’ Carriages Fine Carriages and BUGGIESi INDIANAPOLIS FA'M WAGONS AND CARTS, The attention of Farmers and Teamsters is called to the large stock of Wagcns and Harness; also ALL kinds of Saddles, and everything usually kept n a first-class Saddlery House— Wholesale and Retail. Also, for sale, Boys’ Three-Wheel Velocipedes. April 27—wly Lyra an tliajrraan, Uriels and Bton© Mason, CARTERSVILLE, GA. 1 prepared to do any of the above work upon short notice and at low f.guors. LUMBER! LUMBER!! LUMBER!!! HAVING purchased the Steam Saw Mill formerly belonging to James Sligh, I have now on hand, and can supply, all per sons in want of Lumber, of any kind or qual ity, at the customary rates per foot, either delivered at theMillor in Cartersville. My supply of timber being of the best quality and inexliaustable, I am prepared to fill or ders of any size or for any quality at short notice Address MOSES H. SMITH, qajlowly CartersvHle, Ga. JS, -y BARTOW lIOT.SK, IJijgg CARTERSVILLE, GA., BY J. T. GUTHRIE, Proprietor. This House has just been completed and furn ished—New House , New Furniture, New Pro prietor, flew Arrangements. A handsome three-story Brick Building , on the Bast Side of the W§ A R R and near the Depot: Table al ways supplied with the very best the market af fords. Clean Beds, and faithful Porters and Servants, and charges for Board, by the single meal, day, week and month, moderate. Call and test my fare and treatment. May 26 .T. T. Guthrie. R. F. MADDOX. J. L. WINTER. M, F. Maddox & €o, TOBACCO COMM ISSiON MERCHANTS AGENTS FOll THE SALE OF Virginia anti «Yorth Carolina TOBACCO. NO. IS, ALABAMA STREET A TLA NT A, GA Consignments solicited. Will make liber al advances when desired. aug I,’G9 HAS NO W REA D Y FOR USE, A FIRST-CLASS HEARSE, AND Will give SPECIAL ATTENTION n ease of Deaths to encasing tlie dead, and Being Agent for Erwin & Jones’ METALIC BURIAL CASES, AND FOR Win, Gol&sntth’* WOOD OOIFOJ'XINrS. HE Notifies ALL, that he is ready at all hours, to wait on them. April 7th,—tf. Satterfield & Wofford, •S4*&a* m W u w, i l y o n o v 12 R ff x<: H AND CARTERSVILLE, GA. AT the old stand, East side of t lie rail road, where we promise to sell on as good terms, and as low down in price, as any grocery House in town, either by the Wlioles-itile or XXetail. Ccrac and see us and test our sincerity. J II SATTEKFIEI D, apr 12wly J U WOFFORD. COX & HILL. AO ÜBIEKOIiEE IS LOU K, PEACHTREE ST.'“ATI ANTA« GEORGIA lla e in store and for sale Very Low— -100 Bbls. Fine Old llye Whiskey, 100 “ “ “ Bourbon Whiskey, 100 “ Medium Bye and Bourbon Whiskey, 100 “ Doubled Distilled Whiskey. 60 “ Peach and Apple Prandy, 25 “ American G.'n, 50 “ Geo. Cherokee Cos., Corn Whiskey, 5 I’ip'S Holland Gin, 00 | and .] Casks Cognac Brandy, -5 Baskets Ileidsick Cos. Champagne, 25 Boxes Still Catawba, 100,000 Cigars, (Common, medium and fine, RUM, (NEW ENGLAND. JAMAICA. AND ST. CROIX;) WHISKY, (hootch, Irish, Robertson County, Poplar Log.) WIN E , (Port, Maderia, Sherry and Malaga.) ALK AND rOU ELLt. Canned oysters, kc ., &c., kke n July 15, 18C9> “THE BEST.” “THE KELLER PATENT GRAIN DRILL,” IS THE best Machine now made tor Sowing Wheat, or Grass Seeds and Fertilizers. Far mers will please send for Descriptive C irculars bclore buying any other Machine. AVERY STEEL PLOWS, UTLEY PLOWS, (CAST.) WATTS PLOWS (CAST.) CtauoSj A'orway Gats. Harley, Grass, Cl over, and all Hinds AGRICUITURAL IMPIEMENTS, AND Jill.!. FURNISHING GOOIIS, INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED, W A. li Ii ANTED, IUGHAN WHEAT SMUT MILL. ggJT FOB SALE ON BEST TERMS. „©g Send for Price List. MARK W, JOHNSON, Sept. 23, ’TOs-w-lv. Broad St. Atlanta, Ga. We Veed Honey!!! ,4 LL PERSONS, whomsoever, indebted to us for Merchandize, Cash Loaned, or any other form of indebtedness, are now called on to make PROMPT PAYMENT, AS WE NEED OUR MEANS TO PROSECUTE OUR BUSINESS, and, besides, this is the season of the year our customers have promised to pay us. We are now in earnest, and we expect early payment. Howard & Erwin. Cartersville, julyfJO, RUa.Notice Extraoreinary.—ln order to adapt my business to the necessities of my customers, I have been supplying them, from my Stalls with fresh meats on a credit, until my capital is about exhausted, and I wish to reblcnish my stock, all who are thus indebted to me will please call and settle up and take anew start. I will devote Mon dll)' next, at my stall on Maine street, to settling up old scores. A. A. D0»BB8. Notice to Debtors. ALL PERSONS indebted to the late firm of ,T. W. CORRY ft CX>., are hereby notified that if their indebtedness is not liquidated with in one month from the date of this notice, their accounts will be placed in an ollicers hands for collection. The affairs of the firm mustbe set tled up without delay. 80 take fair warning. O. PINKERTON, M ARG V RET CURRY. Cartersville, Ga.. aug. 30,1870.w1m 1870! passengers desi ring to visit \ w OF THE NORTHERN, SOUTHERN EAST ERN OR WESTERN CITIES, Should study well the attractions offered by the WESTERN & ATLANTIC R.R . The celebrated Passenger Route of the SOUTH, THE ONLY ROUTE FROM AT LANTA RUNNING A DOUBLE DAILY THROUGH PAS SEN iEIt TRAIN Preventing the possibility of a delay o f t wenty-four (24) hours incident to lines runuing but one daily train. HIE PASS ANGER EQUIPMENT of thigi /?oad is SUPERIOR to that of auy road in the South. In addition to the LUXURIOUS COACHES Os the Road, there are attached to all nighl trains the FAR-FAMED Pullman Sleepers, Which furnish accommodation equal to a firstclass Hotel. There sre on sale, at reduced rates, for the summer season, tickets to Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, ALLEGHANY SPRINGS, COYNER’S SPRINGS, BLACK SPRINGS, WARM SPRINGS, LITTLE SWEET SPRINGS'/ BEDFORD ALUM SPRINGS, MONTVALE SPRINGS, BfRSHEBA SPRINGS! NATURAL BRIDGE OF VIRGINIA, LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, MANMOTH CAVE, NIAGARA FALLS, HOT SPRINGS OF ARKANSAS, AND ALL OTHER RESORTS In the United States. This is the only roaci in the South offering for sale through tickets to YOKOHAMA. JAPAN HIOGA, JAPAN, HONGKONG, CHINA, SHANGHAI, CHINA, NAGASAKI, CHINA. * Steamers leave SAN FRANCISCO FOR CHINA AND JAPAN on the first day of each month. Tickets can be purchased in all principal cities Baggage checked to d< stination and hand led free. Ask for tickets via WESTERN & ATLANTIC'RAILROAD, b. w.« im:\v General Passenger and ticket Agent. A. L. HARRIS, M. T & Supervisor. FOSTER BLOOOETT, Superintendent, A L. HARRIS, Southern Passenger Agent. June 23 3m. The (Quickest and Best Route TO TIIE North, East, and West, Via LOUISVILLE. Two Daily Express trains run throu/h from Nash ville to Louisviile, making close connection with trains and boats for the North, East, and West. NO UIIANG lOF CARS FROM LOUISVILLE ST, LOUIS, CHICAGO, PITTSBURG, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, Only one change to BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON, Quicker Time by this Route and Better Ac commodations than by any other. Secures Speed and Comfort, ! when travt ling, by asking for tickets Via Louisville. THROUGH TICKETS AND BAGGAGE CHECKS may be procured at Offices of N. A J. li. R., in Chat, tniiooga, arid at all ticket offices throughout the South.. W. H. KING ALBERT FINK, G. P A. Gen’lSup’t., feb 24.-wly Office Cartersville & van Wert r. R. i Cartersville, Sept. 12th, 1870. f The following Passenger and Freight Sched.*, ule will be run on the Road on, and alter tiki* date between Cartersville and Stilesboro- —stop- ping at l air Ground, Rowland’s and Shelnipn’s: No. 1.— Passenger and Freight train.—Leave Stilesboro, at 5:20, A. M., arrive in Carters ville, at 6 and connect with Accommodation train to Atlanta. No. 2.—Passenger and Freight—Leave Cartcrs- Aille at 7, A. M., and arrive at Stiles boro at 7:40 No. 3.—Passenger and Freight—Leave Stilesbo ro at 11:20, arrive in Cartersville at 12, M., and connect with regular Passenger train to Atlan ta. No. 4.—Leave Cartersville at 1, P. M., and ar rive at stilesboro at 1:40. No. s—Leave Stilcsboro at 5, P. M., arrive at Car ters ville 5:40, and connect with mail trains to and from Atlanta. No. fi.— Leave Cartersville at 6, I*. M., arrive at Stiles boro 6:40. HOST. A. CRAWFORD, Sup’t. Sheriff sales for Oct , ’7O. WILL be sold, before the Courthouse door in Cartersville, Bartow County, Ga., on the first Tuesday in October, 1870, within the us in'! hours of sale, the following property, to-witr Lot of land, number 166, in the 16th District and 3rd Section of Bartow County, as the prop erty pf Robert A. Johnson, to satisfy twofl fas issued from Bartow Superior Court, one in favor of Warren Akin vs. said Johnson, and one in fa vor of Warren Akin vs. Robert A. Johnson,. Samuel V. Sheats and 11. S. and M. J. endorses. Pointed out by plaintiff. ALSO, one house and lot in the town of Car tersville, now occupied by James Elim, as the property of Thomas J. Harwell, to satisfy a Jus tice Court fi fa, in favor of T. J. Bridges vs. said Harwell. Levied on and returned to me by a Constable. W. W. RICH, Sheriff. Ga. Nurseries. Choice Fruit Trees I Vines. ACCLIMATED TO SOUTHERN CLIMATE. THE undersigned is prepared to furnish choice Fruit Trees, of every description, and Warrants them true to name Apples. 10 to 30 cents each; Pears, Standard and Dwarf, 60 to 75 cents each; Cherry Trees on M«h*- aleh Stock, 40 to 50 cents each; Reach, from hud. 12 to 18 cents each; Plums, Apricots, Quince, Deciduous, Evergreens and Rose Stock, of ev«?rv description; Avell rootod Concord and (lintoa Grapes, at 10 to 20cents each; well rooted Straw? oerries, if.,50 per Hundred and SIO.OO per J h ™** sand. For particulars semi for Price. List, aim for Special List of Fruits adapted to the < 1 unate of Georgia. Ac ,r orlh , I CoUbTo“ Ga. july 20,1870—w4m