Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, October 07, 1870, Image 3

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x o WIN MATTERS. ~Cartersrille, Ga., Oct* 7tta, 1870. Subscription Club Rates. In order to place the Semi -Weekly Carters tilli Express in every house and family in the County of Bartow and adjacent counties, we will sand it one year to any address for TWO DOL LARS STRICTLY IX A D VA NCR. Old iubscribers can avail themselves of our new terms by paying up arrearages. TO AGENTS : Any man who will send us Five Names of new BUISCRIBERH and TEN Dollars, will be entitled to one copy of the Semi- Weekly Express, one yearOßATis, and for every additional five, an extra copy of the same or an Agricultural Monthly, one year. Remember that you get two copies of the paper every week. jgisjF’Wo are authorized to announce the name of James W. Tinsley as a candidate for Sheriff of Bartow County, and A. M. Franklin for Deputy Sheriff, upon the Democratic ticket. se-w« are authorized to announce the I name of THOMAS A. WORD, as an Inde pendent candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Bartow County, at the approaching election for County Officers. Pease ills Wife. RESTAURANT, ALA., BR’T, ATLANTA, aEOROI A. THIS MODEL HOUSE IS Still The Pride ofthe 6ITI eiTYa Merchants, Fanners, Stran gers and Citizens, Ladies and Gentlemen, cannot decide which to admire most p ease & mm wiwm OR THE LUXURIES OF THEIR TABLES- Come old folks, and bring ■the children, and your knitting Come boys, and bring the •one you made such rash prom ises to, out at the camp meet ing, and my word for it, you will go home liking Pease and His Wife, and your Sweet-heart better than any body in the world, £ept. 23, ’7O, lw-7ms. Farmers Clubs We call attention to a notice in this ’day’s issue, of the formation of an Ag ricultural Club, in the 828th district of Bartow county. Os the usefulness of these clubs in every district and county of the State for the acvance ment of the interest of agriculture, we think, no one entertains the least doubt. The appeal set fourth in this iniatory meeting for co-operation on the part of otfcwr districts should meet with a hearty response from the farming com munity, and the friends of such associ ation# in every section of the State shoulc give them cheerfully all the aid and comfort in their power. As the basis of national prosperity, .and the surest means of personal inde pendence, the claims of agriculture are of peculiar moment to all, and no one at all impressed by the spirit of im provement that makes its mechanical developement and its increasing inter lectual vitality can lightly regard them. The late war swept from us that positive contest of labor without which the farmer is at all times uncertain of returns The improvements which have been made of late years in imple ments and machinery have, to some deg-ee compensated for this loss; but i no amount of such improvements can render us so entirely independent of this labor that we can afford to neg lect its proper mobilization, or that we .can, as heretofore, pursue that easy, ♦careless system of culture which has brought into disrepute a calling sec ond to no other in its claims for intel ligent followers. These clubs are formed for the pur pose of accomplishing these much de sired ends, and we do hope that they will receive the consideration they de mand. Agricultural Club §2§th dts. Cass C ouiify Ua. In pursuance to a call, the farmers of 828th dis. met at Cassville on Sat urday, Ist day of Oct. 1870, to organ ize an Agricultural Club. Mr. B. O. Crawford being called to the chair, stated in a few brief remarks the ob ject of the meeting to .be the organi zation of an Agricultural Club, for the discussion and consideration of all questions relating to the promotion and advancement of the agricultural inter ests of this district. The meeting then elected B F. Wade Secretary. Where upon on motion of S. Disheroon, the chair proceeded to appoint Messrs. S. Disheroon, R. Best, and B. F. Wade a committee to draft a Constitution and By-Laws, for the government of said organization, to be submitted to the action of the next meeting of the Club. When on motion of R. Best, the next meeting of the Club was appoint- ed to be held at CassviJle, on Tuesday the 11th Oct., at 10 o’clock, a. m., at which meeting all farmers are respect fully solicited to attend. On motion of Dr. Kinnabrew, he was appointed by the chair, a comit— tee to wait upon Mr. John A. Crawford and request h.m to deliver an address at the next meeting of the Club, on the 11 th Oct. Mr. S. Disheroon then moved that the Cartersville papers be furnished with a copy of the proceedings of this meeting, and requested to publish the same, expressing the hope that it might not only bring to the notice of the people of this district the importance of such organizations, but also stimu late those in the adjacent districts to form similar societies for their mutual co-operation and improvement. B. O. CRAWFORD, Chm. Benj. F. Wade, Sec Ty. IVal jjcitb. JOHN J. HOWARD , Awociaie Local. LOCAL ITEMS* Cool mornings—mercury 46 deg. at sunrise, but the days are splendid. Our town is progressing finely. We have not seen such a display of horses* mules, cows, hogs, &c., for a long whiL—never better at any Fair.— Among the bo vines we noticed a bull* belonging to Mr. Fontaine of our County, a Brahmin. He looked like he might weigh 2000 pounds—certian ly a fine animal. Dr. Vanmeter has also a young English bull, full blood* very large and a magnificient animal. Our friend C. T. Sbelman, Esq., also has a fine English bull full blood, a choice animal. Dr. Leak and Cul. Young, also have fine stock on exhibi tion. Messrs. Weems, Cunyus, Yar boro, Judge Tumlin, Esq. Linn, and a host of others have fine horses, cults, &c., on hand. We were surprised to see so good an exhibit. Well done, gentlemen. Wednesday the attendance on the Fair was very good. On Thursday and Friday very large crowds are ex pected as those days will be very inter esting. Friday will be the day. The tournament Knights from Rome and perhaps from Atlanta, will enter the list for the prize. That droll mule race comes off on that day, of course there will be a large turn cut. Let every one come, it will be a time of in terest, and the place to see everybody and his family. Tlie ladies are in attendance with their beautiful handy-work, fruits, pre serves, quilts, tidies, and a thousand and one other things of beauty and usefulness One of the most beauti ful and attractive objects in the show room, is a choice painting, represent ing a Sailor boy. It is the production of one of our young ladies of Carters ville, when at the age of thirteen.— Certainly a splendid picture, and would add grace and beauty to any collection of paintings. His Excellency Gov. Bullock, visited the Fair Ground on Tuesday last, and will be in tow n to-day (Ihursday).— We learn Judge Lochrane will also be on hand, to deliver the Agricultural Address. Sad—an old colored man was ran over by an engine near the depot, on the W. &A. R. R. Wednesday after noon, about 5 o’clock, p. m., breaking one of his legs, rendering amputation necessary. He is quite old. No blame attached to the engineer or any one— purely accidental. Harry Pritchett, one of the sweetest, promising, and lovely children in all our acquaints j, about * four years of age died suddenly, on Monday night of spasms. His father died only a few months since, and now his little boy has gone to meet him in the man sions of the blest. Glorious reunion in Heaven never to part, never , again. May God sustain and comfort the af flicted widow and mother. Cotton in good demand at 12£cts. Wheat wanted at $1 for red and sl,lO for white ; coming in freely. We want a Car Factory established here, open to the world. Who will move in the matter? Our contemporary, the “ New Era,” groweth witty at our expense. In our last issue we mentioned that “the days of high prices are numbered.” It re plyeth “and so are all other days num bered in the Almanac.” We succumb, j but we thought it had got beyond the ! primer and almanac. This celebrated medicine has won a de servedly high reputation as an alieviater of pain and a preserver of health. It has be come a household remedy, from the that it gives immediate and permanent re lief. It is a purely vegetable preperation, made rrom the best and purest materials, safe to keep and to use in everp family. It is recemmended by physicians and persons of all clnsej’ and to-day, after a public trial of thirty years—the average life of man—it stands unrivaled and unexcelled, spreading its usefulness over the wide world. Its large and increasing gale affords positive ev idence of its enduring fame. We do not deem it necessary to say much in its favor as one small bottle will do more to convince you of its efficacy thau all the advertise ments in the world. Give it one fair trial and you would not be without it for ten times its cost. Directions accompany each bottle. Sold by all Drugfiists. Price 25 cts., 50cts. } end $1 per bottle. A Torpid system. Sometimes, witheut any assignable cause, the physical strength and animal spirits give way, and a strange torpor falls alike on the body and intellect. There is little or no pain perhaps, but the natural vigor and elasticity of the nervous and muscular sys tern seems to have departed, and an indiffer ence to the pleasures of lile, and even of its grave responsibilities, takes the place of that earnest interest in both which characterizes every well ballanced mind when in a heal thy condition. This state of partial collapse is often the premonitory symptoms of some serious mal ady. It indicates unmistakably that the vi tal powers are languishing and need a stim ulant. In such cases the effect of a few do ses of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters is won derfully beneficial. The great tonic wakes up the system from its drowse. The secre tions and the circulation receive anew im petus. The relaxed nerves recover their elasticity under the operations of the specif ic, like the slackened strength of a musical instrument in the process of tuning. Leth argy and debility are replaced by energy and vigor, the spirits rise, and life that al most seemed a burden while the season of depression lasted, becomes once more enjoy able, That such a radical change should be produced by a remedy entirely devoid of the powerful alkaloids and minerals so ex tensively used in modern practice, may seem incredible to those who pin their faith on the medicinal ifficacy of active poisons, but if these skeptics will take the trouble to enquire of those who have tested the cor rective and alterative virtues of the Bitters under the circumstances described they will find the statement to be true. A Stubborn Fwct. There is scarcely any disease in which purgative medicines are not more or less re quired, and much suffering might be pre vented were they more generally used. N# person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails; besides, it soon generates se rious diseases which might have been avoid ed by a timely use of Cathartic Medicines. For this purpose DR. TUTT’S VEGETA BLE LIVER PILLS are confidently recom mended; they are mild, safe, prompt and uniform in their action, They contain no Mercury. Persons may eat and drink as usual, and they may be taken ai any time. possession of knowledge is less likely to foster vanity, than the possession of riches. A man may abundantly augment his possessions of knowledge, und yet have but little to show for his pains. Yet it can do no one any harm, but perhaps much good, to know of the virtues of the “Old Carolina Bitters”—an assured remedy for dyspepsia, and all its kindred complaints. BguTry Wineman’g Crystalized Worm Candy—none better! Females, old and young, who have so long been troubled with some female complaint, should not despair. Let us whisper words of comfort. You can be cured. You can be snatched from the monster which has so long prostrated and paralyzed your whole system. You can regain your health, your beauty, your strength and buoyancy. Take courage, despair not, be cheerful; a romedy is at hand, prepared by experienced physi cians, specially for just such diseases as af flict you; and as the profession are using and prescribing this remedy with much suc cess, we feel proud in calling your attention to it. It comes highly recommended, and we earnestly advise all suffering females to use this great ferna’e medicine at once.— We allude to the “English Female Bitters,” advertised in another column. Hair Vigor. —ln common with many oth ers we have felt a lively interest in the in vestigations which Dr, Ayer has been mak ing to discover the causes of failure of the hair, and to provide a remedy. His re searches are said to have been much more thorough and exhaustive than any ever made before. The result is now' before us under the name of Ayers Hair Vigor.— We have given it a trial, and with full satis faction. It equals our most favorable antic ipations. Our gray hairs have disappeared, or resumed their original color; and a visi ble crop of soft, silken hair has started on a part of the scalp which was entirely bald.— Democrat , Abingdon , Va The Templeton Troupe Is the crowning attraction in town at this time. They have been playing to delighted au diences during this week, and will continue so to do for the balance of the week. Those who have witnessed their performances nightly rep resent it as being a number one Operatic exhi bition. They will, doubtless, continue to draw good iioudtb during their stay. BEST & KIRKPATRICK, DRUGGISTS, CARTERSVILLE. GEORGIA • HA VE the pleasure of announcing- . t<» their customers and the public »t large, that they are now receiving, - rom New York and Baltimore, great and expect from their long familiarity * \ / * with the wants of the Country to be wKu/' able to meet the wishes of all. ~ -3v.v"F-'--- - u,r do not intend to be out-done by any house South, in regard to either quality or price of Goods, and solicit a call from everybody before purchasing elsewhere. BEST & KIRKPATRICK, Cartersville, Ga., Sept. 22, 1870. . Druggists. THOS. M. CLARKE.) JNO. C. KIRKPATRICK. KOB’T C. CLARKE, $ JNO. A. KITTEN. Established In 1854. THOHAS M. CLARKE & €O., (Successors to T. H. ft It. C. CLARKE,) IMPORTERS AID DEALERS IN English aad American HARDWARE, Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Nails, It. B. .Supplies,& c., Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Returning you our thanks for past patronage, we hope by future efforts to merit a continuance of the same, promising from our long experience in the HARDWARE trade, (being the oldest Hardware house in the city of Atlanta,) and strict attention to business, together with our pres ent facilities of DIRECT IMPORTATION, and EXCLUSIVELY cash purchases, that we can offer equal inducements to those of any Northern market. We have now in store, and arriving daily for the FALL TRADE, the LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c., ever brought to this market, and will sell at prices that defy competition. With the view of making the JOBBING trade a SPECIALTY, we are now fitting up immedi ately in the rear of our present stand a WHOLESALE SAMPLE ROOM, where merchants can select their ENTIRE STOCK from SAMPLES, thereby avoiding the interference of the retail trade. Extending to you an invitation to call in and examine our stock when you visit Atlanta, or send on your orders, we remain, yours very respectfully. TIIOS. M. CLARKE & CO., sept 10, 1870-sw-ly Atlanta, Ga. gEOB&W BRASCH. Anchor Ml© toinranc© €©. JOll Y E. MEISTER, General Agent, Macon, Georgia. HOME OFFICE, 178 Broadwaj , New Yoi-lc. EDMUND C. FISHER, President. JAMES GOPSILL, Vice President. A. S. PITCH, Sec>- E. F. S. HICKS, Ass’t Sec’ry. niUJE CT o n s: EDMUND C. FISHER, President. ROBERT L. KENNEDY, President Bank of Commerce, New York. HON, W. A. NEWELL, Ex-Governor of New Jersey, Allentown, N. J. HENRY M. ALEXANDER, No. 20 Exchange Place, N. Y. • JAMES M. HALSTED, Pres’t American Fire Insurance Cos., 48 Wall Street, New York. JAMES GOPSILL, Ex-Mayor of Jersey City. H. F. VAIL, Cashier Bank of Commerce, New York. • JOHN W, SCHANCK, Merchant, Jersey City. SAMUEL BORROWE, 71 Broadway, New York. FRANCIS ROBINSON, President Spring Mount Coal Company, 111 Broadway,, New York. BENJAMIN S. WALCOTT, President Hanover Fire Insurance Company, 45 Wall Street, New York. A, G. AGNEW, Paton & Cos., No. 311 Broadway New Y^ork. BLAKELY WILSON, President Second National Bank. Jersey City. CHARLES GO.ULD, President Del. Bay R. R., 58 Wall Street, New York. LUDLOW PATTON, Ludlow Patton $ Cos., No. 6 Wall Street, New York. A. W, GREENLEAF. Greenlcaf, Norri# & Cos., 60 Exchange Place, New York. GEORGIA—BOARD OF STATE REFERENCE: DR. T. N. POULAIN, Greensboro. HON. ALEX. H. STEPHENS, CrawfordsviUe. Col. JOHN A. STEPHENS, Atlanta. Hon. O. A. LOCHRANE. Atlanta. WM. H. TULLER, Cashier Atlanta National Bank Atlanta. Hon. JOHN P. KING, President Ga. It. R. & B. Cos.. Aurusta. Hon. J. V. H. ALLEN, Mayor, City ol‘ Augusta. THOMAS STOVALL, Merchant Augusta. Gen. P. M. B. YOUNG, M. C Cartersville. GEN. G. J. WRIGHT, Albany. HENRY L. JEWETT, Cotton Factor Macon. Hon. C. B. WOOTEN Dawson. D. F. WILCOX, Sec. Ga. Home Fire Ins. Cos. Columbus. JOHN J. CALLAWAY LaGranre. W. C. COSENS Savannah. Assets—Nearly $400,000.00. Over two dollars for every dollar of liability, (as per Report oi the Insurance Commissioner cf New York for 1870.) Jjrtatnres. IST—lts rates arc the LOWEST of any Mutual Company in America, the difference being equal to a dividend of about 15 per. cent, in advance. 2ND—It affords absolute security. SRI)—AII its Policies are Non-Forfeitable. 4TH—It does not Limit Travel as most other Companies do. STH—It allows 30 days grace! n Payment of Renewal Premiums. 6TH—It Loans the Surrender-value of its Policies. 7TH— It declares Dividends .annually. BTH—DIVIDENDS are NON-FORFEITING, and are used in continuing the Insurance, or paid in Cash in a paidup Policy. The only Company granting non-forfeiting dividends—the following clause is inserted in each Policy : i{ The Dividend on a Policy once declared as non-forfeiting, and no Policy willlapsc by non-Pavment of Premium, until the Dividend is consumed in continuing the same in force ; or, should the assured desire to discontinue his insurance, he can receive the CASH VALUE of his Dividend in a PAID-UP POLICY, tvhich the Company cannot cancel.” 9TH—It guaranties a Cash Surender-value stating the amount the Company will pav, each year, in Cash, for the surrender ofthe Policy. Jglljp- Persons desiring Insurance will find it to their interest to consult with the Agents of this Company. W. CBAWFOED SCOTT, Special Agent, OFFICE with MILNER & MILNER, A tty’# at Law, Cartersville, july 12—w4t and with HON. DUNLAP SCOTT, Rome, Ga. Extra Special Voile e. Beware of Counterfeits ! Smith's Tonic Syrup hoe been counterfeited, and the counterfeiter brought to grief. SMITH’S TOXIC SYRI/P. The genuine article must have Dr. John Bull's pri vate Stamp or each bottle. Dr. John Bull only haft the right to manufacture and sell the original John Smith’s Tonic Sjrup of Louisville, Ky. Examine well the label on each bottle. If my private stamp is not on thebottl \ do not puachase, or jon will be deceived. See my column advertisement, and my sho w card— I will prosecute anyone infringing on my right. The genuine Smith’s Syrup can only be prepared by luyftflf. The publieVoervan*, DR. JOHN BULL.' Louuvllle, Kyt, April 28,11J6S .. < * take much pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to tho advertisement of English Female Bitters, in another column. This combination is regarded as the Great Female Medicine of the ago. and is highly recommended by the Medical profession, and all who have tested it. Our female community are troubled with many complaints peculiar to their sex, and now is the time to secure a Bottle and be 1 cured. SICKNESS, PAIN AND DEATH, Legitimately result a* penalties for violation* of natural laws, from which nontfK»,>«. - The faded cheek, the pah* ami wan features, the dull eye, the cieuoud intellect, the <U ep heav ing sigh, the feeble and emaciated Trame, the de jected brew, the tottering gait. all indicate pre vious transgression of law. Knowing that “pro crastination is the thief of time, A all intelligent being* apply for some remedy ;«* soon a* eirre.m stMHHW permit; w bile those wbo ilo not act up on the principle that “delays are dangerous." generally linger, lose *«ere time amt pay nude JWfMttfJk FEMALE COMPLAINT. That claims its victims throughout ttMi length and brcaiith of our land. Many females suffer in some way at each mon thly period; some girls are in great peril at the commencement of menstruation, whild older ones dread its decline at the “turn of life.”— Sometimes the menstrual How is too much, or too little, or may be attended with pain; niav be irregular or entirely checked, or changed in appearance, attended with other distressing symptoms. Leuoorrhoea, or the “Whites,*, fre quently drains the system, or ulceration of the womb may create pain and cause rapid prostra tion. Falling of the womb is an exceedingly com mon complaint, giving much trouble and dis tress. which, under ordinary treatment, is diffi etilt to cure. Hysterics, Green Sickness, Irritability of the Womb, and other serious and fatal complaints folly w the female sex throughout life. Lives there a medical gentleman who has or can re lieve the fair sex of the above troubles? Not many. Is there no combination of remedial a- that will come to her rescue t We answer, ETGLI^I|^ENrALE^G^^S, The onlv acknowledged Uterine Tonic and Fe male Regulator known, will eure all those com plaints above mentioned in an incredibly short time. The Bitters at once arouses, strengthens and restores the womb to its natural condition, removing obstructions, relieving pain and reg ulating the monthly period. Yonder stands a pale, feeble and languid girl, just bursting into womanhood; she is the pride of nil, but bark! she silently steals a pickle, eats chalk, or a slate pencil; no appetite for fowl; she turns with a dull eve uml seeks solitude; her eye no longue* sparkles; her merry langli is no longer heard ringing through the air; she mopes about with bloodless lips and gums, with headache, palpi tation, constipation, swimming of the head, cold feet and hands, melancholy* site has a coated tongue, offensive breath, and a host of other e vils too numerous to mention. When neglected all these symptoms become aggravated, there is sick stomach, heartburn, a dark line settles under the eyes, the legs and ami ankles arc swollen, the hair loses its gloss and falls off. there is brittleness and splitting of the finger-nails, swollen abdomen, extreme nervousness, fretfulness, pains and aches, dry cough. Hysterical tits, rapid prostration, epilep sy and death ! Ts you, or any of your friends, are thus afflicted, send at once for a Bottle of English Female Bitters and be cured. Its effects are magical in such complaints. Surely no mo ther will postpone and delay this duty until DEATH IS AT THE DQgfi.l In all these complaints the system evidently shows a want of red Wood, and Mr. Churchill, in his work on Diseases of Females, say s "Bearing in mind that the blood is remarkably deficient in red corpuscles, lind the known pro perty of iron to correct this condition, theory suirircsts it as the most to be rtdied on, the best of which is the Citrate.” Citrate of iron enter* largely into the composition of English Female Bitters, combine«l with powerful vegetable ton ics of rare qualities. Among the mountains of Tennessee and the i>inev woods ot Mississippi* is found ft certain hard and flinty root, which has been in secret use bv some mid wived for many years, possess ing magic powers in regulating and restoring all female suffering with any affection oi the womb. This root we have obtained, gave it n fair test in our practice and it is now one «>1 the principal ingredients in those Bitters. Other powerful uterine and general tonics also enter into it sc omposition. We also add Leptandra or Black root, sufficient to act upon the liver and keep the bow els open. BLOOMING YOUNG GIRLS, Middle-aged matrons, those at the critical peri-’- od, and the aged grandmother, are all cured by the use of our English Female Bitters, now pre scribed and used by physicians all over the country. If you are troubled with Falling of the Womb, attended with a sense of weight and bearing down pain in the back and side, and other at tendant evils, English Female Bitters will give entire relief. Those at the “tnrn of life,” mothers after con finement, an<7 aR others (male or female) who are convalescents from any protracted or debil itating complaint, who gain strength slowly, and whose digestion is slow and imperfect, will find these Bitters the very thing their system demands. It gives a powerful appetite, aids and assists digestion, arouses the liver, strength ens mentally and physically, and fills the whole system with pure crimson blood coursing thro* its channels. COMM3M GROG-SHOP BITTERS. «■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Empty Bitter Bottles, of various styles, can b* found around almost every dwelling and cabin throughout the land. Their taste is pleasant, and are adeertisod to cure almost every disease, while the manufacturers knoic they possess no medicinal properties whatever. They are so many disguises for cxceertinyly common berfnuje* which do not, nor cannot possibly cure any one. Beware of these pleasant bitters in quart bot tles, they contain a sting for your vitals, and he who buys them carries a “toper’s grog” into his house. One man who knows nothing about me dicine, says his big bottles of common stuff will cure chills and fever, rheumatism and consump tion; another, whose bottles arc very fanev, cures all the impurities of the blood, makes old men young, casts out devils, restores sight to the blind, and numerous other miracles; while vet another, who presumes every man a drunk ard, proposes to cure colic, ingrowing nails, yel low fever, heart disease and love-sick maidens! * , We know they make no such cures, we know the - people at large are deceived and swindled, and as wc desire to ventiate these comium humbugs, make the following challenge t»<M« and all : ONE HUNDRED POLLAHs" 1 That on* fohlexpoonfu! of ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS contains as much medicinal proper ties as one bottle of any of the pleasantly tasted ■ common advertised bitters of the dav ! The medical profession to decide the question. Ho it understood that English Female Bitters is not a beverage, but is a powerful Irou and ble Tonic combined, curing long standing ic female complaints in every direction. < Put up in large bottles per bottle, or * six bottles for *B.OO, and sold by druggists and merchants everywhere. ' ” J. P. t)ROMGOOLE A- CO.. Prop’s Memphis, X’enn. DROOMGOOLE & CO-'S BUCHU. - '' j The best and cheapest combination for all af fections of the Kidnevs and Bladder ever offer led to the public. It fs prepared by regular phy sicians and used by the profession. Price $1 or, six bottles lor $5. Sold by Drug : gists and merchants everywhere. J. P. DROMGOOT.E A CO., aug 1, ’7o twly c4m. Memphis, Tepn.