Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, October 24, 1870, Image 4

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Ayer’s Cherry PecUM.-**^ For Diseases of the Throat and Longs, such as Coughs, Cold;* Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before in the whole hi t medicine, has any tiling won so widely and i deeply upon the confidence of mankind, a.-: ti.i excellent remedy for pulmonary eomplaiiu- Through a long series of years, and among n;o* of the races of men it has risen higher and K* lu their estimation, as it has become beHe i Its uniform character and power to 1 rious affections of the lungs and lln-o. made it known as a reliable protec mi ; r m them. While adapted to milder lbrir..s <I c > and to young children, it is at the same fu. c most effectual remedy that can be given to. in r ; ient consumption, and the dargciou ~ aliethc:. of the throat and lungs. Asa pmrhton again sudden attacks of Croup, it rhotjJH I e kept i hand in every family, and indeed as all tire m u times subject to colds and cooghr, uil hljo’uU » provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption is thought i curable, still great numbers of cases \. here i disease seemed bottled, have been txn.j. !i b cured, and the patient restored to sou pi! i by the Cherry Bectvrul. Sn crin.pietc b mastery over the disorders of the l.ungs ... Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to y Y/hen nothing else could reach them, under th Cherry Beeloral they subside and il'sappenr. Singer* and Bublic &ptal,tt a lii.d g;c:; protection from it. Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cured by it. , . Bronchitis is generally cured by taking llu Cherry Beet oral in small and frequent doses. So generally are Its virtues known, that w* need not publish the certificates of them here, cn do more than assure the public that ils qualitx are fully maintained. Ayer’s Ague Cure For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Feve ChiJUL Fever, Remittent Fever, Dr. : Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, <V end indeed all the affections which tr from malarious, marsn, or miasma* poisons. As its name Implies, if does Carr, and doer i fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, t tmith, Zinc, nor any other mineral <»i poi-om substance whatever, it in nowise injuie.- »i \ tient. The number and_ importance of iff «*! in the ague districts, are literally beyond a*- and we believe without a parallel in yhe h. of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratim din acknowledgments we receive <>! the radical < effected in obstinate cases, and where other edies had wholly failed. IJnacelimatcd persons, either resident u travelling through miasmatic localities, v protected by taking the AGI'E (U lIL ■ For Liver Complaints, aris’mg lrom V ity of the Liver, it is an excellent remedy, > lnting the Liver into healthy activity. For Bilious Disorders and Liver f. oti i Icii is an excellent remedy, producing many 1 remarkable cures, where other medicine*- failed. Prepared l»v Du. >T. C. Ayer Cos., Prai and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., sold all round the world. PIIICF, SI.OO B 7-7? COTTLE. For sale, in Cartersville, by J. W. CUXtHY & CO., Druggists. Executor's Sale, WILL be sold before the courthouse door in Cartersvillc, Bartow County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of side, all the Land belonging to the Estate of David Madden, late of said county, deceased, to-wit: Lots Nos. 1241,127 TANARUS, 1278, 1279, and 1280, in the 17th District and 3rd Section of said Bartow* .county, Ga., and Lots Nos. 54 and 91, in the 18th District and 3rd Section of Polk County, Ga.— 280 Acres, more or less, except the Right of Way to the Cartei-sville & Van Wert Railroad, thro’ Lot No. 1241. 160 Acres of cleared land, the bal ance in the woods and well timbered. A good Dwelling House, and all necessary out-build ings. Depot located half a mile from gin-house. A never failing well of good water, and a pond of stock water. This farm is situated on the road leading from Kingston to Van Wert. — Terms: Half cash, and the balance on 12 months time, with interest from date. Possession given the first of January next. All sold as the property of said David Mad den, late of said county, deceased. For further particulars apply to the undersigned on the premises. THOMAS M. ANSLeY, , Executor of David Madden, Dec’d. Sept. 27,1870.w40d CERTIFICATES: We, the undersigned, haved used Dr. Proph itt’s Preparations, and take pleasure in recom mending them to the public, as being all he claims for them: Col. R J Henderson, Covington, Ga.; O T Rog ers, Covington, Ga.; O S Porter, Covington, Ga.; Prof. J L Jones, Covington, Ga.; Rev. M W Ar nold, Georgia Conference; Rev. W W Oslin, Ga. Conference; F M Swanson, Monticello, Ga.; Ro bert Barnes, Jasper County, Ga.: AM Robinson, Monticello, Ga.; James Wright, Putnam county, Ga.; A Westbrook, Putnam county, Ga.; Judge J J Floyd, Covington, Ga.; W L "Bebee, “Cov ington Enterprise,”; A H Zachry, Conyers, Ga; George Wallace, Atlanta, Ga.; Dick Lockett, Davis county, Texas; W Hawk Whatley, Cus seta, Texas; W C Roberts, Linden county, Tex as; Tommy A Stewart, Atlanta, Ga; W A Lans dell, Druggist, Atlanta, Ga; R F Maddox A Cos.; Atlanta, Ga.; Uriah Stephens, Cartersville, Ga.; A N Louis, Lowndes county, Ga.; Joseph Land, Lowndes county, Ga.; Jas. Jefferson, Carters ville. Ga.; W L Ellis, Dooly county, Ga.; W A ■Forehand, Dooly county, Ga.;John B. Davis, Newton Factory. Ga.; 11 F Bass, Lowndnes co. 'H \■* ■ / r -8 DEUGHT. s Compound Extract of STILLI.Vai.I. THE GREAT HEALTH RESTORER, Blood Purifier & Liver Medicine. fT’UIIS concentrated Vegetable Specific acts JL directly on the Liver, Kidneys, Spleen and Bladder. It cures Scroffula, White dwelling, Chronic and Inflammatory Rheu matism, gout, Liver and Kidney Affections, Soke Eyes, Ulcerous Sores, Boils, Carbun cles, Pimples, Blotches, and all skin Diseases. removes all Mercurial and old Venerial Taints from the system and soon restores the patient to perfect health and purity. It is far Superior to Mercury or any ot its preparations In removing Torpidity and correcting other de rangements of the Liver and Kidneys. This is not a remedy that may cure; but one that will cure everv case without fail. Beware of Coun terfeits. I'he genuine is prepared only by Pf.m berton, Taylor A Cos.. Atlanta, Ga., and each label bears the signature of J. S. Pemberton. For Sale By Druggists. Read the following, which explains the suc T cess of this great remedy all over the country: West Point, Ga., Aug., 10th, 1870. Hess. Pemberton, Taylor & Cos., Atlanta, Ga., Gents; We have the greatest cure to report, ever known, made by the use of your Coil)pound Extract of Stillingia. A case that has been iron fined to bed for six years, raised and well. Will send particulars soon. Yours Respectfully, CRAWFORD & WALKER, Sept.j23, ’7O, sw-tf. Druggist. METALIC AND WOOD (IMITATIOF ROSEWOOD,) BURIAL OASES GASKET S. BY Erwin &. Jones. Catcmvillc, aug. 99 Gmrge W. Jack, Manufacturer of g I 1 I I !E! AND flf |g|, 4 DEALERS IN CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS AND WILLOW ."WARE Wedding PARTIES and SUPPERS , tfc., Gotten up In tlie best style, at short Notice! We would respectfully call the attention of the public to our Urge and complete stock—selected with great care, and bought at tho -OWEST CASH PRCIES. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. march lO.wlj _ = =J ” REM Os IT. L. H. BR ADFIELD. c Begs leave to Inform tlie Public that lie lias removed his Stock of* Drugs, Medicines, Ae., from his old stand on Whitehall Street, to one ofthcXcu aml Commodious Stores on Broad Street, ATLANTA, BA., opposite the National Savings Bank, anil next door to Jeltnson’s Seeil Store. He now has on hand a full stock of all goods usually kept In first class Drug Houses, and will be constantly receiving more, as the necessities of his trade may de mand. He will give special attention to the wants of merchants from the country, and believes he can make It to tlieir Interest to eall and see him, or send him their orders, which shall always have prompt and careful at tention. He is sole wholesale agent, in Atlanta, for ROSABAU.IS, ARGYLL BITTERS, Wilhoft’s TONIC, The great chill remedy of the age, TIP TOP, the best preparation known for tetter and ring w orm. POULTERER’S FRIEND, a sure cure for ekickeu cholera. HUNT’S CONDITION POWDER : this remedy speaks for itself. Try it. He is prepared to sell at proprietor’s prices, all oi TUTT’S CELERRATED PREPARATIONS, and SIM MON’S LIVER REGULATOR. I most cordially invite all my old friends and the public gen erally, to call on'me at my new stand, and I will take great pleasure in showing my goods, and will do my best to please, both in price and quality of gcods. L H. Bradheld. P. S.—Having associated with me in the manufacture and sale of Dr. J. BradfiehTs Female Regulator, and Dr. 0. S. Pro phltt’s Celebrated Family Medicines, (of which we are now sole proprietors,) Dr. J. S. Wilson, late of the firm of Pemberton, Taylor, Wilson & Cos., all orders for these preparations skould be addressed to Bitadfield & Cos., Atlanta, Ga. july 20, !870-w3m Dealers in Cook and Heating Wrought Iron Pipes For Steam, Gas and Water. DRAIN PIPE, RUBBER HOSE, PUMPS, STEAM FITTINGS. OIL CUPS, GLOBE VALVES, STEAM GAUGES and WHIISTLES, HYDRAULIC RAMS, GAS FITTINGS and FIXTURES, GLOBE AND PATENT BURNERS, SHEET IRON, TIN PLATE, LEAD, COPPER AND BRASS, WATER CLOSETS, WASH BAI3INS, jg@“Buy Hunnicutt & Bellingratli’s Columbia Cook. &C., &C. JTo 9. Jflarietto Street , HUNNICUTT & BEL LIN Gr R ATII , No. 9, Marietta Street, ATLANTA, GA. Plumbers, steam and gas Fitters, . COPPER SMITHS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS. * ROOFING, in all its branches, in Tin and Corugated Iron. - sept. 23. w3m DRY . CuOD g ! Having just received a large and well assorted stock of DRY-GOODS, Fte., I respectfully ask for an examination of the same by the purchasing community, who will discover that “ Small Profits ” are being asked. Amongst the etock will be found full lines of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CASSIMERES, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, HOSIERY. GLOVES, IRISH LINENS, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS, TOWELS, CRASHES, WHITE GOODS, SHIRTS, NOTIONS. and other classes of goods usually found in such stocks, These goods are all new and fresh, having no winter goods on hand at the close of the last winter. A large lot of the celebrated brand of “English” Slack Alpacas, was opened on Monday, 26th ultimo, at the Store of JOHN KEELY, <<d, 1870.w1m Corner of Whitehall and Hunter St-e . ATTj\N 1 ft '. Brick and Stone CARTERSVILLE, GA. 1 prepared to do any of the above work upon short notice and at low figuers. CN KORGLV, BARTOW COUNTY.—Dorman L. T Smith has applied for Exemption of Person alty and I will pass upon the same at 10o’clock,*, m., on the 22d oav of October, 1870, at my office. This Oct. 14th, 1810. J. A. HOWARD, Ord S. O’SHIELDS, Fashionable Tailor , Cartersville, Georgia. HAVE just received the latest European and American styles of Mens’ and Bovs’ Cloth ing, and is prepared to Cut and Making to or der. Office upstairs in Liebman’s store, East side of the Railroad. sept. 29. The firm of L. Bennett A Cos., having been dissolved by the withdrawal ofL. Bennett, the business will lie continued, at the old stand, by the new' firm of L. Payne A Cos. The ola firm call upon all who are indebted to them for Goods arid Groceries, to come forward, without delay, and settle up. The books will be found with L. Payne & Cos., at the old6taud. KcBRIDE & CO., ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Agents For Oe or S^ a a nd Ala. DR. SHALLENBERCER’S Fever and Ague ANTIDOTE Always Stops the Chills. This Medicine has been before the Pub lic fifteen years, and is still ahead of all other known remedies. It does not purge, does not sicken the stomach, is perfectly safe in any dose and under all circum stances, and is the only Medicine that will CURE IMMEDIATELY and permanently every form of Fever and Ague, because it is a perfect Anti dote to Malaria. Sold by all Druggists. THI LIVE” @lU_i STORE! ||| O» A ODUT. Mmm & Fox, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Streets, -A-TLA-HSfl'A.. C3-EOK/C3-IA.. june 1, 1870. wly PHILADELPHIA and ATLANTA Wine and laiquor COMPANY. AO. 2. ORANITF. BLOCK, ATLANTA, OEORCIA. DEALERS IN PURE WINES AND LIQUORs, C'all Particular Attention to tlicir Peach 1 Apple Brandy. June 7, 1870. w6ru W. A. LMBDELL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, NO 19. WHITEHALL ST- ATLANTA- GA Offers splendid inducements, and all who need good Drugs at low figures will do well to give him a call. Pays special attention to orders from Country Merchants. Faints, Oil, glass, Mae Medicinal Aim wm mz Everything pertaining to a first class Drug Store will be found there. NOTICESPECIAL Daily Drain irom the All that man could expect in the way of a cold drink. W. A. Lansdell challenges his Soda competitors to produce the fluid as near the freezing point as his. The coldest and he best in the city, Pure Fruit Syrups. W. A. Lansdell, No, 19 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. Mftv 12 I£7o ly. are being asked. M Administrator’s SALE WILL BE SOLD, before the Court-house door in the town of Cartersville. Bartow county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in No vember next, within the legal hours of sale, what is known as the JOHN KENNEDY PLACE, Two miles North of Cartersville, on the Tennes see Road, containing (750) SEVEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES. There is about (200) Two Hundred .acres under a good fence, and in a high state of cultivation. This is one of the most desirable places in the county. It wdll be sold in four parcels—one settlement containing a One Hundred and Fifty acres, and tlieot’li ree containing (200) Two Hundred acres each. Terms : One half cash, and the other half on a twelve months credit, with interest from date. The land can be seen, or particulars ob tained, by calling on F. M. JOHNSON, Cartejs ville, Ga., or JAMES KENNEDY, on the place. T. 11. KENNEDY AND JAMES KENNEDY, Administrators of John Kennedy, Deceased, sept. 2, 1870. wtds DEIi&EST A WOODRUFF (Successors to Tomlinson-DemaREST Cos.) 628 & 630 Broadway, N. Y. MANUFACTURERS OF Carriages, Buggies, &c. Especially adapted for the Southern Boads. OUR STOCK COMPRISES LIGHT VICTORIAS, PHAETONS, CABRIOLAS, ROCKAWAYS, And all other styles of Fine Carriages, For one or two horses. TOP AND NO TOP BUGGIES, On Eliptic and Side Springs. CONCORD BUGGIES, MAIL HACKS & JERSEY WAGONS. We are also Sole Manufacturers of the WOODRUFF CONCORD BUGGY AND Plantation Wagon for 1,2, 4& 6 Horses. The best Buggy and Wagon in America for the money. We have had an experience of thirty years in m&k ing work for the Southern States, and know exactly what is wanted to stand the roads. We invite all to send for Circulars, and parties visiting New York we especially invite to call at our Warerooms. We solicit the trade of merchants and dealers. Illustrated Circulars , with prices, furnished by mail. A. T. DEMAREST. N. Y. AY. AY. WOODRUFF, GA. Demurest (V Woodruff; Are now opening a Branch of their busi ness in ATLANTA, GA., where they will be prepared to supply any style or quality of Vehicle, at their lowest rates. June 2, 1870-wly JORDAN. HOWARD & HARRALSON C ommission Merchants, Whitehall Street, A) LA NT A GEORGIA Keep consta ,tly on hand, a and fine Assortment of CHEW ING and SMOKING TO- B A CCO, CIGARS, &c., which we offer at the Lowest Whole sale prices. Cartersville MALE High School Ronald Johnston. I Principals. 3. G. Hillyer. \ The first session of this School will com mence Ist of August, and close the 18th of November, 1870. RATES OF TUITION. FIRST CLASS, per month, - - $2.00 SECOND ** ** “ . . g THIRD “ u ** - 6.00 No deduction made for lost time, except in cases of protracted sickness, or by special arrangement. TUITION payable at the end of each quarter. The principals flatter themselves that by thus combining their experience and ener gies, they afford to the citizens of Carters ville and vicinity, facilities for educating their boys unsurpassed in the State. The course of studies will embrace what is usd ally taught in our institutions of similar grade. The instruction will be thorough and flog** Strict discipline will be rigidly en forced.^ff For further particulars apply to the prin cipals. Cartersville IlffiALl SCHOOL* The first term of this school will begin on Ist MONDAY IN AUGUSI, And close Fourth Friday in November, The School will embrace three classifica tions of pupils. The Primary, including the Elementary' branches. The Intermediate, embracing those pupils who have passed the first or primary grade, and sre well grounded in the Elementary studies: T he Classical Department, embracing thf Languages, and the higher Mathematics. Miss M. P. Kingsbery will, as heretofore, have charge of the Primary'Department. No deduction made for lost time unless occa sioned by protracted sickness. No pupil taken for a less period than one quar ter, unless by special agreement. Rates of Tuition Per IHontli. Primary $2.00- Intermediate $3.00. tlassieai $5.00. Competent Music Teachers will bs con nected with the School, and the necessary instruments provided for all who desire to take music Lessons. James L. Pierce. «T. 'Walter Pritchett. july s—wtf TUTUS VEGETABLE LIVEB PILLS! Cures Diseases of the Liver & Stomach. TUTUS E2C PECTOUANT!! A pleasant cure for Coughi, Colds, etc TUTUS Sarsaparilla and Queen's Delight! The Great Alternative and Blood Purifier. IMPRO VED HAIR DYE J Warranted the best Dye in use. flgy* These Standard Preparations are for ale by BEST & KIRKPATRICK, nov 29. 12m. Cartersville, Ga., P. M. RICHARDSON, - DEALER IN STOVES, GRATES. HOUSE FURN ISHING GOODS. TIN WARE, &C. Corner Whitehall and Hunter Streets, jan. 1, 1870 glilantar, <Ka. Pi® 0 Fisher ton ANNOUNCES to the public that he has purchased the entire interest of the late Dr. J. W. Curry, in the Drug Store of J. W. Curry & Cos., or, the estate’s interest in said stock of Drugs, Medicines, &c., in the town of Cartersville, and will continue the business, at the old stand, where he will be pleased to see his old p&crons and the public generally, and supply them with any thing in his line of business, at the lowest possible figures. He invites the attention of all to his ex cellent stock of choice and select DRUGS, IIEDICIAES, PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, GLASS, ETC., A bountiful supply of which he expects to keep constantly oh hand, together with the most popular Patent Medicines of the day, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, in fact, the best of everything; in a General Drug House. personal attention will U/y also be given to professional calls, at all hours. O. PIAHERTOA, Physician and Druggist, June 7,1870. Cartersville, Ga. Notice To Debtors and Creditors. A LE PERSONS indebted to the estate of L. am. M. Munford, late of Bartow County deceas ed, are hereby required to come forward and make immediate payment, and those having demands agaiust said estate will present them to us for settlement, duly authenticated as the law directs. Oct. 21,1870. J. H. GILD LATH, ) L. a MUNFOIiD, ( Ulm rbl