Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, November 04, 1870, Image 3

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TOW IN 31 A r r r r E KS. Cartersviljc> Oft*) NOv» 4, IS 70* »«.■ ■ Ai'o uiltUorited to announce the name of James W. Tinsley a candidate for Sheriff of "Bartow County, and A. M. Franklin for Deputy Sheriff, upon tUp Democratic ticket. are authorized to announce the name of THOMAS A. WORD, as an Inde pendent candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Bartow County, at the approaching election for County Officers. Pease & His Wife. RESTAURANT, ALA., SJj’itV ATLANTA. ueoruia. THIS MODEL HOUSE IS £still 1 J*<. Pride oftlic QATE GITY. Merchants, Farmers, Stran gers and Citizens, Ladies and Gentlemen, cannot decide which f <> admire most PEASE & MIS WIFE Oil THE LUXURIES OF THEIR TABLES- Come old folks, and bring the children, and vour knitting Come boys, and bring the one you made such rash prom ises to, out at the camp meet ing, and my word for it, you will go home liking Pease and His Wife, and your Sweet-heart better than any body in the world, Sept. 23, ’TO, sw-Tms. citizens were highly honored on Saturday night last, while an inter esting religious meeting was progress ing at the Baptist Church, with a very pleasing and refined entertainment, known ami distinguished as a corn shucking— right m the centre of the town, and in a few hundred yards of said church. The character of the songs they sung, and the gentle strains in which they were sung, must certain ly have favorably impressed the stran ger in our midst with the high type of the moral and intellectual refinement of the society of Cartersville, together with the additional satisfaction the occasion afforded the citizens living a round the locality, of lying awake up on their beds, at a late hour of the l ight, and listening to the melodious voices as their strains were wafted a loft by the gentle zephyrs of the night fragant with the spirits of corn-juice, j-hese are entertainments that the citizens of our town are seldom favor ed with, especially those living in the immediate neighborhood of the church es and thickly settled portions, and we hope they '-ill come more seldom, in the future; if however, this should be repeated at anytime during this season, we respectfully ask that the town council and marshal be ticketed for the occasion. Is#“Bascally. —Mr. John A. Terrell, a resident of this place, informs us that since he commenced gathering liis corn, he has discovered that all the rankest and best spots have already been slip-shucked by some unknown hand. The corn is gone and the shuck left hanging on the stalk. Too many idle people loitering and prowling a bollt, by day and night, for the good of the laboring classes of our commu nity. s®"*There is in our advertising col umns, the advice of Dr. Schenck, given to persons afflicted with throat disease and consumption; and believeing in the honesty and efficacy of that advice, we call the particular attention of our readers to this card. Thousands are suffering from the “fell disease,” and day by day allowing themselves, through lack of attention and proper care, to be drawn nearer and nearer to an untimely end of existence. A read ing of Dr. Schenck’s card will do no harm, and we advise the afflicted to read it through. groin an advertisement in another col umn, it will be seen that Mrs. & Miss Crandall have removed their Millinery and Dress-Mak ing Establishment, into the two story Brick Building on the corner of Main & Erwin streets « mierneath the Express Printing Office. Stock Food.— This highly recoin - mended fattencr and health promoter a inong stock, is advertised in another column of tlits paper, to which we invite attention. remarkable incidents, says i]iQ Courier Journal , occurred the day Gen. Lee died: A large portrait of the General, which was hanging in the parlor of Ills house, fell to the floor, breaking the heavy frame surrounding it. A large photograph of him hang ing in the photogr ph gallery in the iown, fell about the same time und broke into peices. There was appar ently no disturbing cause or force to produce these accidents. —No ore was in the parlor when the portrait fell but Mrs, Lee, who was sitting quietly in the room- Ikal |)c;tb. Joel T. Gibson, Assistant Local. HSb. Protracted meetings, both at the Baptist* and Methodist Churches, have been going on since Sabbath last. Much interest is manifested, and it is hoped that it may increase, until it sliall culminate in a general revival of religion in Cartersville. So mote it be. We are pleased to note the new brick pavement being laid, beginning at the Messrs. Gilreath’s store, and extending as far as the harness shop of Mr. W. O. Bowler. These gentle men, including Col, Montgomery, de serve credit for the splendid condition in which they put this side-walk. We understand the Town Council is going to complete the job at an early day, as far as tne Presbyterian Church, at least. Do this, gentlemen, and we will doff our hats and make you our politest bow. Sad Accident.—A Mr. Nolan, for merly an employee of the Cartersville & Van Wert, R. R. was run over by the down way-freight on Tuesday, so badly mangling one of his logs as to require amputation, which operation was per formed by Drs. Baker and Hamiter. — Mr. Nolan was intoxicated, and was attempting to crawl under the cars> and but for the timely rescue of the conductor, would certainly have been crushed to pieces. Little boys, and men, too, take warning, and don’t haz ard your lives by attempting to pass between or under cars. Our young friend, Joe J. Jones, is putting up an elegant residence, on the Cassville road, about one and .a-half or two miles from town Joe is a model young mau, of industrious and sober habits just such as success always attends. Judge Jessee R. Wilde, has succeeded Capt. Blacker, and is now Post Master at this place. The office for the present, is located at the Courj House, and, by the way, a very out-of way place; however, we presume it will be removed nearer the center of the business portion of town —at any rate, we hope so. We have heard it whispered around, that a skating rink is to be opened in Cartersville this winter. It is fine fun, but one has many “ups and downs,” before becoming expert at the business. The weather continues fair and lovely, and were it Dot for the falling leaves, November has every appear ance of May. We heard a gentleman remark tiws morning that he had seen corn planted many times, in worse weather than that which we are now having. We don't doubt it. For the past few days, our streets have presented a business-like appearance, being thronged with wag ons from the rural districts laden with cotton, corn, wdieat, ch stunts, &c., for ail of which there is no better market iu Cherokee Georgia, than Cartersville, and the farmers are fully aware of this fact, and evince their knowledge by bringing their produce here to sell; and more over, they know that they can purchase goods in Car tersville as cheap as any where else, thus making it greatly to their interest to do their buying and selling at our town. We quote cotton at the New* York and Liverpool markets firm, but not advancing. Wheat very readily brings from $1 Off to $1 10 per bushel; a pretty good price, con sidering the immense quantity made this year. “He who by his biz would rise, Must either bust or advertise.” We call the attention of the merchants of Cartersville to the above poetical effusion, which has a very significant meaning, and in which there is fully as much truth as poetry. Don’t forget the car factory.— It would sound like business, to peo ple at a distance, who have a “hanker in’’ for North Georgia any way, to see a flaming advertisement in the pa pers about the “Cartersville Car Man ufactory !” Let’s have it. Workmen are now engaged in building an enclosure around the Court House and Jail. This is right. The Court House is a superb building, and ought to be prote -fed. Street hxs been put in good condition from where Erwin Street crosses it, to Cassville Street.— There are other streets in town that we would liko to say the same of. We learn that a colored man, Lee Clayton, was killed to-day, (Thursday*) on tlia premises of 1). F. Bishop, while descend ing into a well, by carbonic. a<iid gas. Interesting ii> Ladies. In this rjipul.age it is absolutely neeeSsary for lajies to keep an <x>ura/it of what Is piss ing in the world aibuncrtliem. For this purpose, n * medium is so good as a first-class magazine. Me RecommendAo indies, who desire one useful and sensible as well as fashionable, Demorest’s Illustrated Monthly as the ve ry best parlor periodical that we know-. It is more complete in its departments tuai any other. Its fashions are more unique, because they arc authentic and original, and not blind copies of French and German models. It gives with every number full sized pat terns, which supply, during the year, all that any lady needs for the cutting of her own aud her children’s wardrobe. It i3 always high-toned, and its contribu tors include some of the fiueit talent in the country. Its Ladies' Ctub affords valuable and inter esting information on every subject. It is the best magazine for the utilities and ornamentation of the household; the magazine for floriculture, original music, ar chitecture, and other topics interesting to la dies—all calculated to assist in making our homes attractive and happy. It is the most enterprising of all maga zines, and gives more than twice as much for the money. It also offers a large and magnificent Par lor Steel Engraving, 23 by £5 inches, enti tled “The Pic-nic on the Fourth of July,’ valued at SIO.OO, to eadi subscriber as a premium. The engraving is all done in line and stip ple, from the original painting by Lillie M. Spencer, and, besides the copyright, cost ov er seven thousand dollars, and is acknoledg ed by artists to be the most perfect and beau tiful large engraving ever issued in this country. Certainly SIO.OO will not procure another that combines so much interest and beauty. Or, it offers a fine Ohromo, worth 5.00, and other premiums, worth more than the cost of the magazine, to each subscriber, post free, and extraordinary premiums for clubs. Subscription price, $3 00 per annum. Commence any time. Single copies 25 cts. Specimen copie - with circulars, mailed free on receipt of 15 cis Address W. JENNINGS DEMO BEST, 838 Broadway, New York. American Wonders. The greatest cataract in the world is the falls of Niagara, where the water from the groat upper lakes forms a river of three fourths of a mile in width, and then, being suddenly contracted, plunges over the rocks in two columns, to the depth of 175 feet. The greatest cave in the world is the mam moth Cave of Kentuckey, where any one can make a voyage on the waters of a sub terranean river, and catch fish without eyes. The grea est river in the known world is Mississippi, 4,000 miles long. The largest valley in the world is the val ley of the Mississippi. It contains five hun dred thousand square miles, and is one of the most fertile regions of the globe. The greatest city park in the world is in Philadelphia. It contains over two thousand acres The greatest grain port in the world is Chicago. The longest lake in the world is Lake Su perior, which is truly an inlanl sea, being four hundred and thirty miles long, and one tliosand feet deep. The largest railroad in the world is the Pacific railroad, over three thousand miles in length. The greatest natural bridge in the world is the Natural Bridge over Cedar Creek, in Virginia. It extends across a chasm eighty feet in width and two hundred and fifty feet ;n depth, and at the bottom of which the creek flows. The greatest mass of solid iron in the world is the Mountain oi Mossourie. It is three hundred and fifty feet high, and two miles in circuit. The best specimen of Grecian arcitecture in the world is the Girard College for Or phans, Philadelphia. The largest aqueduct iu the world is the Kroton Aqueduct, in £ieW York. Its length is forty and one-half miles, and it cost $12,- 500,C0M The largest deposits of anthracite coni in the world are in Pennsylvania, the mines of which supply the market with millions of tons annually and appear to be inexhausti ble. — ENGLAND London; November I.—Details from various sources show that to the last the commanders at Metz deceited the troops by promising, while negotiations were progressing to surrender, to cut out. The independence Beige says Gam betta was right iu charging Bazaine I with high treason. The people of follow Bazaine through the streets howling ‘traitor’ at him. At Tom s the tidings of the capitula tion of Metz fell like a thunder bolt. The Tours government receives nu merously signed memorials from adja cent deparments, urging the prosecu tion of the war to the bitter end. State Hoad. It is rumored, says the Savannah Republican, that ex-Governor Brewn, or a company of which he is the head, have offered fifty thousand dollars per month for the State Road— just double the minimum price put upon the prop erty by the Legislature; jflgjS**Any body Know of fhc whereabouts of oufAssooiuto Local, this week V BEST & KIRKPATRICK. DRUGGISTS, CARTERSVILLE, ) ,!«EOR«IA. HA VK the pleasure of announcing to their customers and the public t large, that they are now receiving, ~ tom New York and Baltimore, great _ *.-2 A;'-*--~~- jeesslous to their stock of «aar Y-. MEiiiciNKs, V„\ <jL'd and export from theiv long familiarity \ . k y*“\ 1 able to meet the wishes of all. WiijV '~ v do not intend to be out-done by any house South, in regard to either quality or price of Goods, and solicit a call from everybody before purchasing elsewhere. BEST & KIRKPATRICK, Cartersville, Ga., Sept. 22, 1870. Druggists. THUS. 51. CLARKE,/ JNO. C. KIRKPATRICK. UOii’T C. CLARKE, j J N®, A. EITTEX. Established In 1854. THOMAS M, CLARKE & CO., (Successors to T. M. & R. C. CLARKE,) IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN English ani J^wericau HARDWARE, Cutlery, Iren, Steel,, Halls, B. B. Supplies,& c„ Peachtiuse Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Returning you our thanks for past patronage, we hope by future efforts to merit a continuance of the same, promising from our long experience in the HARDWARE trade, (being the oldest Hardware house in the eity of Atlanta,) and strict attention to business, together with our pres ent facilities of DIRECT IMPORT ATION, and EXCLUSIVELY cash purchases, that we can offer equal inducements to those of any Northern market. Wehave now in store, and arriving daily for the FALL TRADE, the LARGE?!' AND MOST COMPLETE stock OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c., ever brought to this market, and will sell at prices that defy competition. With the view* of making the JOBBING trade a SPECIALTY, we are now* fitting up immedi ately in the rear of our present stand a WHOLESALE SAMPLE ROOM, where merchants can select their ENTIRE STOCK from SAMPLES, thereby avoiding the interference of the retail trade. Extending to you an invitation to call in and examine our stock when you visit Atlanta, or send on your orders, we remain, yours very respectfully. THUS. M. CLARKE A CO., sept lb, ISTO-sw-ly * ' ‘ Atlanta, Ga. FOR THlili Y YEARS Has that well-known, standard, and popular remedy, PAIN UILLFJI, manufactured by Perry Davis & Son, Provi dence, R. I , been before the public, and in that time has become known in all parts of the world, and been used by people of all nations. It remains, to day, that same good and ef ficient remedy. Its w-onderful power in re lieving the most severe pain has never been equaled, and it has earned its world-wide popularity by its intrinsic merit. No cura tive agent has so widespread sale or given such universal satisfaction. The various ills for which the Pain Killer is an unfailing cure, are too well known to require a capit ulation iu this advertisement. As an exter. nal and internal medicine, the Pain Killer stands unrivaled. Directions accompany each bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Price 23 cts., 50 cfs., and $1 per bottle. A Body and Mtml Disease. Such is dyspepsia. The stomach and the braiu are too intimately allied for the one to suffer without the other, so that dyspepsia and despondency are inseparable. It may be added, too, that irritation of the stomach is almost invariably accompanied by irritation of the temper. The invigorating and tranquillizing ope ration of Hostetter’s Bitters is most powerful ly developed in cases of indigestion. The first effect of this agreable tonic is comforting and encouraging. A mild glow pervades the system, the chronic uneasiness in the region of the stomach is lessened, and the nervous restlessness which characterizes the disease is abated. This improvement is not transient. It is not succeeded by the return of the old symtoms with superadued force, as is always the case when unmedieated stimulants are given for the complaint. Each dose seems to impart a permanent accession of healthfulin vigoration. But this is not all. The aperi ent and anti-bilious properties oftho prepa ration are scarcely secondary in importance to its tonic virtues. If there is an overflow of bile the secretion is soon brought within proper limits, and if the bile.ary organ is in ert and torpid it is toned and regulated. The effect upon the discharging organs is equally salutary, and in cases of constipa tion the cathartic action is just sufficient to produce the desired result gradually and without pain, the Bitters also promote healthy evaporation from the surface which particularly desirable at this season when sudden spells of raw unpleasant weather are apt to check natural perspiration and produce qpngeston of the liver, coughs and colds.— The best safeyaurd against all diseases is bodily vigor, and this the great Vegetable liestora tive essentially promotes. SIOO CilllStcii^c! —It is stated that on* tablespoonful ot English Female Bitters con tains as much medical properties as one bot tle of any of the advertised grog-shop Bit ters of the day, and the proprietors offer a challenge of SIOO. African Wines.—B is not generally known that Cape Colony produces the most deli cious wines grown on the face of the earth. A cargo received as a remittence by our neigh_ bors Dr. J. (J. Ayer & Cos. contains several varieties raised there, among which tho Con stancia commands the highest price of any wine in the world Almost the entire crop of it is consumed in the palaces of Europe, this rare exception being sent to them in ex change for their medicines, which have long been the staple remedies of South Africa. Boston Journal , Females, old and young, who have so long been troubled with some female complaint should not despair. Let us whisper words of comfort. You can be cured . You can bo snatched from the monster which has so long prostrated and paralyzed your whole system. You can regain your health, your beauty, your strength and buoyancy. Take courage, despair not, be cheerful; a remedy is at hand, prepar and by experienced physi cians, specially for just such diseases as af flict you; and as the profession are usifig and prescribing this remedy with much suc cess, we feel proud in calling your attention to it. It emtes highly recommended, and we earnestly advise all suffering females to use this great female medicine at once.— We allude to the “English Female Bitters,” advertised in another column. TAX NOTICE. I WILL attend at the following places and times for the purpose of collecting the State and County Tax for the year 1870. Viz: C'artcrsviUe, Sept. 19, 20, 21, 22. Allatooua, “ 26, Oct. 10 and 24. Etowah, “ 27, “ 11 “ 25. Wolfpen, « 28, “ 12 “ 20. Fine-Log, “ 29, “ 13 “ 27. Cassville, Oct. 4, “ 18 Nor. 1. Sixth District, “ 5, “ 19 “ 2. Adnirsville, “ 6, “ 20 “ 3. Kingston, “ 7, “ 21 u 4. Euharlee, “ 8, “ 22 “ 5. This Septerbcr Gtli, 1870. E. II A BEING, T. C. 13. C. lawshc & Haynes, Have on hand and are receiving the finest stock of the Very Latest Styles of Siiatnond and Gold JEWELRY, in upper Georgia, selected, with great care for the Fall and Winter Trade, Watches, of the BEST MAKERS, of both Europe and A merica; American and French Clocks; sterling and Coin Silver Ware* and the best quality of Silver Plated Goods, at prices to suit the times; Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles, to suit all ages. Watches and Jewelry I\Ei’AiiiSD nv Comi’eikmt W orkmen; Also Clock and Watch Makers Tools and Materials. sept 13,-swlv ATLANTA, GA. HJICK LIJTE FROM Stilesboro To Van Wert. We WELL RUN A DAILY HACK LINK from STILKSBOIiO to VaN WERT in connection with tiic Cartersviile & Van Wert Railroad, from September 20th, 1870, until the cars' reach the latter point. Passengers will lind my ac commodations ample to go from the Stilesboro end of said Railroad, to Vail Wert, and return the same day, in time to make connection with Carters?illo & Van M eat Railroad trains. Sept. 23, ’7O-swtf. LOGAN A CAMPBELL. g 'l EORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.—WHEHIJAS, \JT Many Citizens, of said county, have peti tioned the Ordinary of said county to open a road from the Stilesboro Institute to the Stiles- Jmro Depot, on tlie Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad; the road to run through the lands of J. R. A K. T. Henderson and Or. S. F. Stephens, a little West of North from the Institute to the Depot. Ann Whereas, Commissioners to re-, view said road, have been appointed ny the Court, have reported upon the utility of said road, and recommend the opening of the open ing of the same. Therefore, all persons con cerned are notified to be and appear at my ofliee, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why said road should not he opened and established as a public road. Given under my hand and official signature, October 19th, 1870. J. A. HOWARD, oct. 27-30d Ordinary, B. O. For Sale.---A Building Lot, in the most pleasant part of town. Apply at this place. BARTOW COUNTV. Whereas many citizens of said county have peti tioned the ordinary of said county to open a public road, leading from Taylor & Mahew's steam saw mill, or so much thereof as may he located in said comity,- to Taylor & Mahew’s station on the Rome'Railroad. And whereas Commissioners to review the said road have been appointed by the Court, have reported up on the utility of said road and recommended the opening of the same. Therefore all persons concerned, are notitied to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause if any they can, why' said road should liot be established and made a public road. Given under mv hand and official signature, Oct. 5 th, 1370. J. A. HOWARD, Ord’y. SICKNESS. PAIN AND DEA I H, MWMaaauBMBaB Legitimately result as pennVtfe* for violations of natural laws, from which hone escape. 'Hie faded cheek, the pale and wa« features, the did! e\ o, the clouded intellect, thcdrrp heat ; ing sigh, the feeble and i in »cfated lrfinr, the de ..iected brow, she tottering gait, ult Indicate pre ‘ vious tranfjgressioti of lanv. Know ingthat “pro crastination is the thief offline,*' all intelligent beings apply fbrsome vemedy a*, soon as rimsm staoecs permit; while those who do not act up on the prtneijile that “delays are dangct*ouA. M generally linger, lose more time and pay more money. FEMALE COMPLAINT. i''! r ,V.", I That el aims its victims throughout the length and lireadth of our land. Many females suffer in some way at each mon thly period; some.girls are in great peril at tho commencement of menstruation, whild older ones dread its decline at thq, “turu of life.”-r Sonietimcs (be menstrual flow is too much, or too little, or in ay be attended with pain; mav he irregular or entirely cheeked, or changed in appearance, attended with other distressing symptoms. Lcucorrhu'a, or the “Whites,*, fre quently drains the system, or ulceration of the womb may create pain and cause rapid prestra ti on. Falling of the womb is an exceedingly com mon complaint, giving much trouble aiid dis tress, which*, undo ordinary treatment, is diffi cult to cure. Hysterics, Green Sickness. Irritability of the Womb, ami olher serious and fatal complaints follow the female sex throughout life. Livi* there a medical gentleman who lias or eau re lieve the. fair sex of tin* above Double# ? Net many, is there no eombinftftoh of remedial «- {rents that will conic to her remc ? We answer. ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS, The only acknowledged Fterine Tonic and Fe male Regulator known, will cure all those com plaints above, mentioned in an incredibly slant time. The Litters at once arouses, strengthens and restores the womb to its natural condition, removing obstructions, relit ving pain and reg ulating the monthly period. Ymufcer stands a pale, feeble and languid girl. Just bursting into womanhood; she is the pride of all, but hark ! she silently steals a pickle, eats chalk, or a slate pencil; no appetite for food; she turns will a dull eye and seeks solitude; her eye no longer,, sparkles; her merry laugh is no longer lierrti'f ringing through the air; she mopes about with bloodless lips and gums, w ith headache, palpi tation, constipation, swimming of the head, ro'd Sect and hands, melancholy* she has a coated tongue, offensive breath, and a host of other e - vils too numerous to mention. When neglected all these 'symptoms become aggravated, there is sick stomach, heartburn, a (lark line settles under the wyes, the legs and and ankles are swollen, the hair loses its gloss and falls off. there is brittleness and splitting oi the finger-nails, swollen abdomen, extreme nervousness, fretfulness, pains and aches, dry Cough. Hysterical lits, rapid prostration, epilep sy and death ! If yon, or any of your friends, are thus afflicted, send at once for a Lottie of English Female Litters and be cured. Its offer's are magical in such complaints. Surely no mo ther will postpone and delay this duty until DEATH IS AT THE DOOR. mill mi In all these complaints the system evidently shows a want of red blood, and Mr. Churchill, in bis work ou Diseases of Female*, says:— “Bearing in mind that the blood is remarkably deficient in red corpuscles, find the known pro perty of iron to correct this condition, theory suggests it as the most to be relied on, the best of w hich is the Citrate.” Citrate of Iron enters largely iuto tho composition of English Fcmalw Litters, combined with powerful vegetable ton ics of rare qualities. Among the mountains of Tennessee and tho piney woods of .Mississippi, is found a certain hard and flinty root, which lias been in secret use by some midwives lor many years, possess ing magic powers in regulating and restoring all female suffering w ith qny affection of the womb. This root we have obtained, gave it a fair test in our practice and it is now one of the principal ingredients in these Litters. Other powerful uterine and general tonics also enter into itse (imposition. We also add Ecptandraor Black root, suilicient to act upon the liver and keep the bowels open. BLOOMING YOUNG GlflLS, Middle-aged matrons, those at the critical peri od, and the aged grandmother, are all cured bv the use of our English Female Litters, now j* in scribed and used by physicians all over the country. lfyoii are troubled w ith Fallingof the Womb, attended w ith a sense of weight anil bearing * down pain in the back and side, and other at tendant evils, English Female Litters will give . entire relief. Those at the “turn oflifie,” mothers after con finement, and all others (male or female) ;jio are convalescents from any protracted or debil itating complaint, who gain strength slowlv, and whose digestion is slow and imperfect, will ' find these Litters the very thing their system * demands. It gives a powerful appetite, aids and assists digestion, arouses the liver, strength ens mentally and physically, and fills tho whole * system with pure crimson blood coursing thro* its channels. COMMON GROG-SHOP BITTERS. Empty Bitter Bottles, of various strlcs. can be found around almost every dwelling and cabin throughout the land. Their taste is pleasant, and are advertized, to cure almost every disease, while the manufacturers know they possess no medicinal properties whatever. They are so iHiihy disguises for exceedingly common beverage* which do not. nor cannot possibly cure any one. Beware ot these pleasant hitters in quart bot tles, they contain a sting for your vitals, and he who buys them carries a “toper’s grog” into his house. One man who knows nothing about me dicine, says his big bottles of common stuff will cure chills and fever, rheumatism and consump tion; another, whose bottles are very fanev, cures all the impurities of the blood, makes oid men young, casts out devils, restores sight to the blind, and numerous other miracles; while yet another, who presumes every man a drunk ard, proposes to cure colic, ingrowing nails, vol low fever, heart disease and love-sick maidens 11 We know they make no such cures, we know the people at large are deceived ami swindled, and as we desire to ventiate these common humbugs make the following challenge tn pne and all s ' ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS That one tabUzpoonfn! of ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS contains as much medicinal proper ties as one bottle of any of lhe pleasantly tasted common advertised bitters of the day ! The medical profession to decide the question. Re it understood that English Female Bitters is not a beverage, hut is a powerful Iron and Vegeta ble Tonic combined, curing long standing chron ic female complaints in every direction. l*nt up in large bottles at fl.fiO per bottle, or six bottles for SB.OO, and sold hv druggists and mereha nts overvwhere. J. I*. DROMGOOLE ft CO., Prop’s Memphis, Teton. DROOMGOOLE & CO.’S BUCHU. ~ , The best and cheapest combination for all gs . I lections of the Kidneys and Bladder ever offer- 1 * |ed to the public. It is prepared by regular phy £ ‘ i siciaus ami used by the profusion; ’ * >» i Price |1 dr, six bottles for |f». Sold by Drug gists and merchants everywhere. ; J. I\ DRUMGOOLE ft CO., I aug *7o—swlv ctm. ** Memphis, Tijnu, :.v- v *' V, -V. _ 1