Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, November 15, 1870, Image 1

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Subscription Club Rates. in order t<> place the Semi-Weekly Carters vu.m; KxriiKSS in every house and family in the County of Bartow and adjacent counties, we will •send it, one year to any address for TWO DOL 1, A Its STRICTLY IK A D VA Old subscribers can avail themselves of our new 4erms by paying up arrearages. TO AGENTS: Any man who will send us Five Names of new 'subscribers and TBS' Dollars, will be entitled ’to one c*er»y of the ssiisri-W ekkly Ex press, one year and for every additional live, an extra copy of tlm game or an Adßlcur/mut Monthly, one year. Remkmrku that you get -;wo copies of tlie paper every week. Carriage Ifeuiafaetory * \l» g£F.I*OMTOIIY, BY GOWER, JONES & CO., CARTEH&ULLE AND ROME. GA. Repairing, of all kinds, Done to Order. fktttsh^S, - * Manufactured and Repaired to Order, and for Sale, at thi Manufactory and Repository of GOWER, JONES <£• GO., Cartersville and Komi:, Ga. Buggies, Manufabtwred and Repaired to Order , and for Sale, at th ° Manufactory/ and Repository of GOWER, JONES & CO ., O AIUEERSN ILLE AND HOME, Ga. WMOtiS, Mfig Oiio, Two, and Rix- HOB S I , Manufactured and Repaired to Order, and for Sale, at (he Manufactory and Repository of GOWER, JONES & CO., Cartersville and Rome, Ga. Jan. 1,1870. wlv J. Gr. Me M ONTGOMERY, Fresh Groceries, GREEN CORN, PEACHES, STdAWBERRHS, TOMATOES, OYSTERS, PINE APPLE. Maccßroni. Sugar COFFEE, STARCH, BACON HAMS. Candles, and the genuine Durham Smok ng Tobacco, just received, ht MONTGOMERY’S. April 14, ts. - ; ; ■ —.v:. .. v ; ARDEN SEE O. A complete variety of x Buists Warranted Garden Seed, at feb 15 MONTGOMERY’S. ATEvV ORLEANS SYRUPS AND MO- LASSES, a fine lot, just received and for sale, at MONTGOMERY 8. TIIE choicest brands of SMOKIN& TO BACCO* can *l\vays be found, at feb 1 £ MON TG O M FRY'S. Pill Southern MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Two Dollars per Annum. 64 PAGES READ!NG"mATTER. 30 PAGES ADVERTISEMENTS. WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, W AN D 9 D. WYATT AIKEN, CHARI tSSTOX i S, C. C'l EORGIA, BAR i’OW COv-t f 1.-four weeks Jf after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of said county,' for leave to sell the real estate belonging to the e-tate of Jesse Baker, late of said county, deceased.-- Sold for the benefit of his heirs and creditors. — Sept. 15, IS7O. NY. C. BAKER, Adm’r. SAH’L H. SMITH, Voi.». NEW ADVERTISE A. ENTS. ZNIZ~- —l' I WAS CURED OF DEAFNESS AND CA TARRH by a, simple uenv&y and will send tlie receit free. MILS. M. O. LKOGE'iT Sept. w-4w. Hoboken, N. J. Agents —by the AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE CO., BOSTON, MASS., or sff. 1,0171*. Mo. Sept. 23, w3ras. |/A A DAY. Business entirely new I\ J and honorable. Liberal induce ments. Descriptive circulars free. Ad dress J. C. RAND & CO. Bindeford Mo- Bw. WANTED —AGENTS, (S9O per day) to sell the celebrated HOME WHI TTLE SEW ING MACHINE. Has the und o-feed, makes the '■lock stitch” (alik<gpp both sides,) and is fn/ly licensed. The best and cheapest family He wine Machine in the market. Address JOHNSON, CLARK & CO., Boston, Mass., Pittsburg. l‘«., Chicago, 111., or .St. Louis, Mo., sent. *ss, 3m. A 'WEEK’paid agents, male or fe w*JMLr male, in anew manufacturing busi ness at home. No capital required. Address Novelty Cos., Saco, Me. 4w 7 p ?AT egar made from Cidar, &c., in 10 W 8 U«j hours without Drugs. Send 10 V JE-A.N cents tor Circular to F. SAGE, 4\. Cjomwell, < onn. SIOIADE7RO¥ SO GENTS! Something urgently needed by everybody. ( all and examine, or samples seut (postage paid, tor 60 cents tlrtt retail easily IbriflO. K. L. 1\ Af- COTT, 181 Chatham Sap, N. Y. 4\v W i --Agents to sell I>r. Board’s Home it Ail luit physician. The how handy book of Family Medicine. In sickness it tells what to do and how to do it. Get it and save Money, Health and Life; also the Illustrated Farmers and Mechanics Book lor working meri of every occupation. 211 Engravings. E. 15. Treat & Cos., Publishers, 064 Broadway, N. Y. 4\v THE A-MICffAR. F»ifu i: irx _ ii 11, im: i: Shows how to double the profits of a FARM, and how tanners and their sous can each make SIOO PES MONTH. In Winter 10,0(H) Copies will be mailed free to Farmers. .Send name and address to ZEIGLER <v MCCURDY, Philadelphia, l*a. 4w AGENT S WANTED FOR A.H.STEPHENS Great illsior.. oi uu- », v. ~m ...... ... vol ume. Send for circulars, with terms, and a full description of tlie work. Address National' Publishing Cos., Philadelphia, Pa., Atlanta, Ga. or St. Loti is, Mo. 4\y J WESTS WASTED FOR THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD Containing Fleetwood’s “Life of Christ,” and “Lives of the Apostles, Evangelists and Martyrs,” l>odridge’s “Evidences of Christian ity;” “History of tire Jews,” by Josephus; “His tory of all religious Denominations,” with treat ise and tables relating to events connected with Bible History, containing many line engravings. The whole forming a complete Treasury of Christian Knowledge. W. FLINT. 20 s. SEVENTH ST., Philadelphia ■ —1 EST ST©RY P A PER IN I E UNIVERSE. Ass I Ekl I -e to every subscriber. I gas FyftgSjj INI I . i Stamp for Prize Cir- I WHHgW and Specimen. J. R. I J -LIOTT, Publ’sher, Boston, 31 ass. LlVfc AGENTS WANTED FOR Yf QM,SN OP HEW YORK OR SOCIAL T;IFE IN THE GREAT C ITY. Wonderful developments among the aristocracy. Married women exposed, Ac., Ac. Price $3 26. The best Book to sell published. The best terms to Agents ever given. Address. N. Y. Book Cos., 143 Nassau St., N. Y. oct27w4vv A Pure Chinese ..BLACK TEA With (jreen Tea Flavor. wdrnrre i to v nit a 1 TM^s, SIdASOiN OF 1870-71. Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Or gans. } Important Improvements. Patented June 21.sL and August 23, 1870. R£MJCTIOJN OF PRICES : The Mason & Ilamlin Organ Cos., have the pica- ] sure of announcing important improvements in i their Cabinet Organs, for which patents were granted them rn June and August last. These are not merely meretricious attachments, but enhance the substantial excellence of the instru ments. . „ . . . They are also enabled by increased facilities for manufacture, to make," from this date, a fur ther reduction of prices on several leading styles. Having completed and addod to their former facilities a largo new manufactory, they hope hereafter to supply all orders promptly. The Cabinet Organs made by this Company are of such universal reputation, not only thro’- out America, but also in Europe, that few will need assurance of their superiority. They now offer FOUR OCTAVE CABINET ORGANS, in quite plain cases, but equal ac cording to their capacity to anything they make, for SSO each. The SAME, DOUBLE REED, JMR. FIVE OC TAY E DOUBLE REED ORGANS, Five STOPS, with Kane Swell and Tremulant, in elegant case, with several of the Mason & Hamlin im . si-XL The same Extka, with new Arm a wcll ’ *c.. *m FIV E oy V,/i Seven stops, with EUPHONE; a splendid insti*fi>tre-». iv-rc Anew illustrated Catalogue with full Inform ation, and reduce*! prices, is now readv, and will be sent free, with a testimonial circular, pre senting a great mass of evidence as to the supe riority of these instruments, to any one sending his address to the MASON it HAMLIN ORGAN CO., 154 Trcmont Street, Boston, or fOG Broad way, New York. oet 27w2w Dissolution of Copartnership. mUE partnership heretofore existing under X OR- firm name of Lanian, Couant & Cos., has been desMved, and William W. daman has retired from jhe firm. Arrangements h ave been made for resuming operations and the work on the Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad will be vigorously pressed to completion. Pei sons* having claims against the late firm will please present them at my office in the City of Atlanta, by the sth of next month. Such as are found to be due will be paid at Cartersville on the aist of next month, or any time thereafter at mv office in Atlanta. Atlanta. Ga., Oct. sth. li. I. KIMBALL. respectfully 'dte you to their card in this pa per. BARTOW COUNTY, GEORGIA, AOV. 15, 1870. mmm WHEEL, Mill Gearing,Shafting Pulleys VO OLE « Hll^^-TlMORji" SEND foracircularCsS: sept. 9, lvVu.wly - FUMimiRE. THE UNDERSIGNED IS OFFERING DECI DED BARGAINS IN FURNI TURE. CALL AND SEE. ROBERT BRUCE. July 14th, 1 S7O-tf. Sale. (GEORGIA BARTOW COUNTV.-By virtue J of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said county, tvill be sold on the lust Tuesday in December next, at the court house door in Car tersvilloin said county, between the legal sale hours the tract of land in said county whereon Hartwell Drake resided at the time of Ms death containing 120 acres more or less, and composed of fraction No. 0 in the 13th dis. 3rd sec., and the east half of lot No. 9 in 6th dis. 3rd sec. of said county. On the fraction is about 25 acres clean! land, the ballanec well timbered, with good dwelling house and good out buildings. On lot No. 9 there is about 15 acres clean! land, the ballance finely timbered with good dwelling house on the place but no out buildings. Rim ing water on this lot. Each tract will be sold separate, sold as the property of Hartwell Drake deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors of said deceased.. Terms of sale cash. B. T. DTAKE, Adm’r. Hartwell Drake, dec'll. Oct. sth, 1870.-40.1. (A EORGIA, BARTOW COUNT Y-—W HEBE AS, JT Many Citizens, of said county, have peti tioned the Ordinary of said county to open a road from the Stilesboro Institute to the Stiles boro Depot, on the Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad; the road to run through the lands of J. K. A E. T. Henderson and Dr. 8. F. Stephens, a little West of North from the Institute to the Depot. And whereas, Commissioners to re view said road, have been appointed ny the Court, have reported upon the utility of said road, and recommend the opening of the open ing of the same. Therefore, all persons con cerned are notilieil to be and appear at my oilice, within the t ime prescribed l>y law, and show cause, if any they can. why said road should not be opened and established as a public road. Given under mv hand arid official signature, October 19th, 1870. J. A. HOWARD, oet. 27-304 Ordinary, B. 0. Executrix’ Sale. 4 GTIEEABLE so an order of the Court of Ordinary of Bartow county, will be sold before the Court-house door in Cartersville. in said county, on the lirst Tuesday in December next, within the legal hours of sale, the follow ing property, to-wit: Parts of Lots of Laud Nos. 977 and 978, in the 17th district and 3rd section of said county, com mencing at tlie Southwest corner of Lot No. 977, then running East thirteen rods, then North thirty-live rods, then West fifty rods, then South thirty-five rods, to the line bon mil tig the South side of Lot No. 978, and then East thirty-seven rods to the beginning point, the same contain ing Ten Acres, more or less. Sold as the pro* •erty of John Patterson, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and credit ors of said deceased. Terms cash. Sept 15, 70. LUC Y PATTERSON, Executrix of John Patterson, dec’d. AVOI l> QUACKS.—A victim of early indis cretion, causing nervous debility, prema ture decay, Ac., having tried in vain every ad vertised remedy, has a simple means of self cure. which he will send free to his fellow-suf ' 'b-ircss j. H. TUTTLE, 78 Nassau St., New Y.ork. OCTOBER. 1870. J.&P. COATS’ BEST SIX-CORD IS NOW TIIE ONLY Thread put up for the American market which is SIX-CORD IN ALL NUMBERS, From No. 8 to No. 100 inclusive. For Ilaisil ;m<l Machine. The Lehigh University. SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. AN INDUSTRIAL AND POLYTECHNIC INSTITUT E FOUNDED BY HON. ASA PACKER. The course is Four Years, Two in the First and Second Classes, und Two in one of the fol lowing Technical Schools : 1. General Literature; 2. Cirll Engineering; 3. Mechanical Engineering; 4. Mining and Metallurgy; 5. Analytical Chemistry. The place is remarkable for its pure air, good water, health and beautv of scenery. It is but 3> 4 hours by rail from New York, and 2> a from Philadelphia. The tine buildings and liberal arrangements for instruction commend it to pa rents and students, Apply to the President. — Students admitted at any time. JEWING MACIiLNEs-AGENTS YVANT ED. Salary SIO,OOO per year. Cir culars and samples of work free. Address 1 Crystal mavlsu Machine Cos., Boston, Muss. | / i A KTS FOR ALL.—Stencil Tool 2 V/samples mailed free. A. 7. Pn.r.AM, 043 Broadway, N. Y. Royal Havana Lottery. Prizes cashed and information furnished by GEORGE UPiIAM, Providence, R. I. 50 Cents to $5 per Evening, at Home! IVe nre prepared to Ibrnish profitable employ ment to men and women at their homes. One person in each locality throughout the United btates, can engage in this business at great wa ges. Wo send, kkue, full particulars and a val uable sample, which will do to commence work on. Any person seeing this notice, who want profitable, permanent work, should send its thcii address, without delay. E €J. (A EORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.—Titos. N y .Satierriel i tuts applied for exemption o Personalty, and 1 will pass upon tne same at mj office, on the nUt day of November, 1870. J. a. jj-OW Alia, Oiil’y B. C. 3ii-wi:i<:KrA r . ipr. SIH !’\4:lh lit', im * lives l<> to Florida in Winter. Having for the last thirty-five years devoted toy whole time and attention to the study of Ding diseases and consumption, I feel that 1 un derstand Hilly the course that ought to lie pur-- sued to restore a tolerably bad case of iung< to healthy soundness. The first and most •mpo aunt step "is for the patient to avoid taking th-s best <*f idC- laces mi tliis continent for this purpose in winter, is f iorida. well down in the State, where the temperature is regular, and not subject to such variations as in more Northern latitudes. Pulatka is a point 1 can re commend. A good hotel is kept there by Putef man. East winter I saw several persons there whose lungs had been badly diseased, but* who, under the healing inflacncepf the climate and my medicines, were getting well. One hundred miles further down the river is a point which l would, prefer to Palatka, as tlie temperature is more even and the air dry and hraeing. Mellonvillo and Enterprise are loca ted there. 1 should give a decided preference to Mellonvillo. It is two miles from river or lake, audit seems almost impossible to take cold there. The tables in Florida might be better, and pa tients complain at limes but,that i* a good sign, as it indicates a return of appetite, and when this is the case they generally increase in flesh, and then the lungs must heal! Jacksonville, Hibernia, Green Cove, and many other places in various parts of Florida, can lie safely recommended to consumptives in winter. My reasons for say ing so are that patients are less liable to take cold there than where there is a less even temperature, and it is not necessary to say that where a consumptive person exposes himself to tretpsent colds he is certain to die shortly. Therefore my advice is, go well down into the State out of reayh ot the prevailing east winds and fogs. Jacksonville, or almost any other of the localities I have named, will benefit those who are troubled with a torpid liver, u dis ordered stomach, deranged bowels, sore throat or cough, but for those \v hose lungs are diseased a more southern point is earnestly recommend ed. For fifteen years prior to 1869, T was profes sionally in New York, Boston, Baltimore and Philadelphia every week, where I saw and ex amined on an average live hundred patients a week. A practice so extensive, embracing ev ery possible phase of lung disease, has enabled me to understand the disease fully, and hence, my caution in regard to taking cold. A person may take vast quantities of ”Schenck’s Puhmmie Syrup, seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills,” and yet die if he does not avoid taking cold. In Florida, nearly every body is rising Sclrene.k’s Mandrake" Pills, "for tlie climate is more likely to produce billions habits than more northern latitudes. It is a well established fact that natives of Florida rarely die of consump tion, espeeiallv those of the southern part. On tlie other hand, in New England, one third, at least, Os the population die of tin's terrible dis ease. In the Middle .States it does not prevail so largely, still there are many thousands of ca ses there! What a vast percentage of life worn! he saved if consumptives were a* easily alarm ed iri regard to taking fresh coid as they arc about scarlet fever, small pox, Ac. But they are uot. They take what they term a little cold, which they are credulous enough to believe will wear olf in a few days. They pay no attention to it, and hence it lays tlie foundation for anoth er and another still, until the lungs are diseased beyond all hope for cure. My advice to persons whose lungs are affected even slightly is, to lay in a stock of Sohenek’s Pulmonic Syrup, Schenck’s Seaweed Tonic and Selienck's Mandrake Pills and go to Florida. I recommend these particular medicines becaue I am thoroughly acquainted with their action. 1 know that where they are used in strict accord ance with my directions they will do the work thatis required. This accomplished, nature will do the rest. The physician who prescribes for cold, cough or night-sweats, and then advises the patient to walk or ride out every day, will be sure to ha ve a corpse on his hands before long. My plau is to give my three medicines’ in ac cordance with the printed directions, except in some cases where a freer use of ;ho Mandrake Pills is necessary. My object is to give tone to tlie stomach —to "get up a good appetite. It is al ways a good sign when a patient begins to grow hungry. I have hopes of such. With a relish for food and the gratification of that relish comes good blood, and with it more flesh, which isclose lv followed by a healing of the lungs. Then the cough loosens and abates, the creeping chills and clammy night-sweats no longer prostrate and annoy,"and the patient gets well, provided he avoids taking f, old. Now there are many consumptive who have net the means to go to Florida. The question may be asked, is there no hope for such? Cer tainly there is. My advice to such is, and ever has been, to stay in a warm room during winter, with a temperature of about seventy degrees, which should be kept regularly at that point, by means of a thermometer. Let such a patient take his exercise within the limits of the room by walking up and down as much as his strength will permit, in order to keep up a healthy circu lation of the blood. I have cured thousands by this system, and can do so again. Consumption is as easily cured as any other disease if it is ta ken in time, and the proper kind of treatment is pursued. The fact stands undisputed on record that Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup, Mandrake Pills, und Seaweed Tonic have cured very many of what seemed to be hopeless cases of consump tion. Go where you will, you will be almost cer tain to And Some poor consumptive who has been rescured from the very jaws of death by their use. So far as the Mandrake Pills are concerned, every boky should keep a supply of them on hand. T'hev act on the liver better than calomel, and leave none of its hurtful effects behind. In fact they are excellent in all cases where a purgative medicine is required. If you have partaken too freely of fruit and diarrhoea ensues, a dose ot the Mandrakes will cure you. If you are subject to sick headache, take a dose of the Mandrakes and thev will relieve you in two hours. If you would obviate the effect of a change of water, or the too free indulgence in fruit, take one of the Mandrakes every night or every other night, and you may then drink water and eat watennel lohs, pears, apples, plums, peeches or corn, with out the risk of being made sick by them. They will protect those who live in damp situation's against chills and fevers. Try them. They are perfectly harmless. They can do you good only. I have abandoned my professional visits to Boston and New York, "but continue to see pa tients at my oilice, No. 15 N. cl NTH street, Phil adelphia, every Saturday, from 9 a. m. to 2 t\ m. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Respirometer will be charged five dollars. — The Respirometar declares the exact condition of the lungs, and patients can readily learn whetherdhey are curable or not. But I desire it distinctly understood that the medicines de pends upon tlieir being taken strictly according to directions. In conclusion, I will say that when persons take my medicines and their systems are brought into a healthy condition thereby, they are not so liable to take cold, yet no one with diseased lungs can boar a sudden change of at mosphere without the liability of greater or less irritation of the bronchial tubes. Full directions in all languages accompany my medicines, so explicit and clear that am one can use them without consulting me, and can be bought from any druggist. J. 11. RCHENCK, M. D. No. 15 N. SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 3, 1870-wly. (N EORGI A, BARTOW COUNTY.-P. M. Hall X has applied for exemption of Personalty, and I will pass upon the same at my office, on the 17tli dav of November. 1870. J. A. HOWARD, Ord’y B. C TUTT’S VEGETABLE LIVER PILLS ! Cures Diseases of the Liver & Stomach. TUTT’S EX !! A pleasant cure for Coughi, Colds, etc TUTT’S Sarsaparilla, and Queans Delight ! The Great Alternative and Blood Purifier. IMPROVED "IIAIR DYE! Warranted the best Dye in use. These Standard Preparations are for ale by BEST & KIRKPATRICK, nov *29. 12m. Cartersville, Ga., €1 EORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.-E.J. Mar- IT able Ims applied for exemption of peson alty, and I will pass upon the same at my office on the 17th day of November. 1870. This Nov. 7th, 1870. " J. A. HOWARD. Ord’v, B. t . For Sale.—A Building Lot, in the most pleasant part of town. Apply at this place. Editor and Proprietor. Acts Fussed l*y the Leguiaaire of 1»70. 163. For the relief txf M. G. Collins, J. H. Burd, et. al., gn.vtks on bond of i Timothy Ford, late Tax Collector of | Whitfield county 161. To Amend the act incorpora ting Cave Spring in Floyd county. IGS. To incorporate the Contractors Association. 166. To incorporate the town of Ilepzibah. 167. To incorporate the Persever ance Mining Company, in Paulding county. IGB. For the relief of certain persons in Sumter county. 169. To amend the act incorporating Palmetto, etc. 170. To amend the act incorpora ting Homcrsville, ia Church county. 171. To amend the act incorporating DoSoto, in Floyd county. 172. To incorporate Boston, in Thomas county. 173. To incorporate the People’s, Bank of Macon, and Bank of Sauth-1 western Georgia at Americus. 171. To incorporate the Albany and j Columbus Railroad Company and grant State aid to the same. 175. To incorporate the North and South Railroad Company from Rome to Columbus and grant State aid to the same. 176. To incorporate the Chattahoo chie Railroad Company. 177. To loan the credit of the State to the Fort Valley and Hawkinsville Railroad Company. 178. To incorporate the Lookout Mountain Railroad Company and grant State aid to the skmo. 179. To incorporate the Atlanta and Lockout Railroad Company, and grant Stale aid to the same. ISO. To loan the credit of the State to the Marietta, Canton and Ellijay Railroad Company. 181. To amend the act to aid the Brunswick and Albany Railroad Com pany. 182. To incorporate the Americus i and Hawkinsville Railroad Company. | 183. j-o incorporate the St. Mary’s j and Western Railroad Company. 184. To incorporate the Atlanta and Blue Ridge Railroad Company, and grant State aid to the same, 185. To amend the act incorpora ting the Augusta and Hartwell Rail road Company, and grant State aid to the same. 18G. To loan the credit of the State to the Americus and Florence Railroad Company. 187. To construct a railroad from Athens to Clayton, and grant State aid to the same. 188. To incorporate the great South ern Railroad Company. 180. To incorporate the Columbus and Atlanta Air-Line Railroad Compa ny- -190. To grant State aid to the com pletion of the Savannah, Griffin and North Alabama Railroad. 191. To amend the act to incorpor ate the Griffin, Montioello and Madi son Railroad Company. 192. To amend llie act incorpora ting the Ocmulgee River Railroad Company; change the name, and grant State aid to the same. 193. To incorporate the North Geor gia and North Carolina Railroad Com pany. 191. To amend the act to grant State aid to the South Georgia and Florida Railroad Company, and grant aid to further completion of the same -195. General appropriation act. 19G. To amend the act incorpora ting the Savannah Bank and Trust Company. 197. To grant State aid to the Mem phis Bianch Railroad Company, and to amend the charter of the same. 198. To incorporate the McDon ough 1 v ©stern Railroad Company, and grant State aid to the same. 199. To amend the act incorpora ting the Stockholders of the Carters ville and Van Wert Railroad Compq -200. To incorDoaf>te the National Emigration, Improvement and Manu facturing Company. 201. To incorporate the Albany. Mobile and New Orleans Railroad Company. , .e. 202. To require a'l rai'rord bond* endorsed by the State to be registered iu the office of Secretary of State. 203. To change the time of bolding Worth Superior Court. 201. To amend section 4514 of the Code. 205. To am md paragraph in section No. 2741, article 2d, part 2d, title 7* chapter 7, of the Code. ! 206. To declare the Poll tax for the j years 1868, 1869, and 1870, yet uncot | lected, illegal and prevent the collec ! tion of the same. 207. To change the time for the an nual meeting of the General Assembly. I 208. Assenting to, and confirming i the purchase by the United States of certain tiacts of land in the State, for ceeding jurisdiction over the 1 209. To change the line bet ween the counties of Coweta and Merriwether. 210. To incorporate the East Point Jug Factory Company. 211. To authorize the Governor to draw his warrant in favor of W. W. Hindman, Tax Collector of Campbell county for $265, for the year 1867. 212. To change the name of the Grifim Loan, Trust and Saviugs Insti tution, and confer additional powers and privileges. 213. To exempt members of fcho. Oak City Hook and Ladder of Buinbridge from jury and militia duty. 214. To amend the charter of the Georgia, Mutual Fire and Life Insur ance Company. 215. To change the county site of Telfair county from Jacksonville to a point on the Macon and Brunswick Railroad as near the center of the com - ty as possible. 216. To supercede the act incorpor ating Blackshear, in Pierce county. 217. To incorporate Brookville, in Randolph county and for other purpo ses. XO. 25. 218. To incorporate the Cuthbert Banking, Loan and Trust Company. 219. To legalize the voting of the citizens of Atlanta in any ward for Mayor, and to prevent voting for Al dermen except in the ward at the time oi election. 220. To forfeit the franchises of Nelson Tift et. al., to erect a toll bridge or ferry over Flint river at Albany. 221. To authorize the Mayor and Council of Americus to issue bonds to aid in building railroads, etc. 222. To incorporate Spring Vale, in Randolph county and for other purpo ses. , » 223. Tor repeal the act amending the act incorporating Camilla, in Mitch ell county. 224. To authorize the Ordinary of Lumpkin county to issue bonds to build a jail, 225. To grant State aid to the Polk Slate Quarry Railroad Company and for other purposes. 226. To authorize Pickens county to aid in the construction of the Marietta and North Georgia Railroad Company. 227. To repeal the act inereasing the fees of county officers in Baldwin county. 228. To amend the act incorpora ting the Georgia Historical Society. 229. To incorporate the Georgia Agricultural and Manufacturing Com pany of Houston. 230. To auth< r.ze the Trustees ot Crawfordsville Academy to sell the land and buildings of the Academy. 231. To change the line between the counties of Butts and Henry. 232. To require the Mayor and Al dermen of Atlanta to uniform the Po lice. 233. To authorize the Treasurer of Appling county to receive jury certifi- 1 cates for any dues owing to the coun ty- -234. To authorize and require the Ordinary of Crawford county to make tellers to certain property far church purposes. 235. To change the corporate limits of Hamilton and Harris counties, for other purposes, 236. To incorporate Preston in Web ster county, and soy other purposes. 237. To amend the act to incorpo rate Oglethorpe University at Midway’. 238. To authorize the Superintend ent of the Western and Atlantic Rail road to convey to the Macon and Wes tern Railroad Company certain land in exchange for certain land now owned by the said Macon and Western Rap road. 239. To empower the Superintend ent of the Weston and Atlantic Rail road to convey certain lights to the proprietors of the House at Marietta. 240. To repeal the second section of the act changing the line 1 etween thd counties of Lumpkin aud Dawson, and between Fulton and Clayton. 241. To authorize the Ordinary of | Chattooga county to issue bonds to tb® amount of SIO,OOO to put in condition a wagon road from Summerville ncroi*,