Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, December 02, 1870, Image 3

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r V o w'N a r ii: it fi. Cartersville, Ga*, Dec* 2d, IS7O. tp3? m \Vd arc authorized to announce the ■ ante of James \V. Tinsley as a candidate for Sheriff’ of Bartow Count/, and A. M. Fuanklin for Deputy Sheriff, upon the Democratic ticket. 80. We are authorized to anuounce the name of THOMAS A. WORD, as an Inde pendent candidate for Clerk of the Superior Court of Bartow County, at the approaching election for County Officers. Pease i His Wife. RESTAURANT, ALA., ,SR'T, ATLANTA) GEOH O I A . THIS MODEL HOUSE IS Still TUo Pride oft lie QAT £ CITY. Merchants, Farmers, Stran gers arid Citizens, Ladies and Gentlemen, cannot decide which to admire most PEASE & HIS WIPE OR Tin: LUXURIES OF THEiR TABLES- Come old folks, and bring the children, and your knitting Come boys, and hi ing the one you made such rash prom ises to, out at the camp meet ing, and my word for it, you will go home liking Pease and His Wife, and your Sweet-heart better than any body in the world, Sept. 23, ’TO, sw-Tins. To Tlie Citizens of Bartow County. Cartersville, Ga., Nov. 14, 1870. ® At the solicitation of friends, in va rious parts of the County, I am a can didate for the office of County Treas urer, and respectfully ask your sup port. A. M. FOUTE. Josh billings says that mosquitoes were born of poor but industrious pa rents, and some of the best blood in the country runs in their veins. Weston failed to accomplish his feat of walking 400 miles in five days. He broke down on the 271st mile. B?esk, Another Skating Tournament. Skating Tournaments bid fair to be come quite oopular here at the South, as well as frequent. His Excellency, Goveuor Bul lock, has returned to Atlanta. 80, The World’s special from Tours 29th, says the right wing of the French army made six simultaneous attacks on German right yesterday, and was successful in five of the actions. BSaT’ Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 29.—The Legislature elected Hon. Z. B. Vance Democratic Senator, over Abbott, the present incumbent. His majority on joint ballot lacked little of a two-thirds vote. Chattanooga has built 400 new houses this year, among them a $250,- 000 hotel—Her rolling mill employs GSO men tied sells rails at Pittsburg prices. Success to such efforts. Athens, Ga., voted, on Satur day the 12th, to subscribe $200,000 to V 9 the North-Eastern Railroad —440 to 4 against. A chap who was told by a cler gyman “to remember lot’s wife,” repli ed, that he “had trouble enough with his own without remembering other men’s wives/’ The session of State Legislature in 1863 cost $70,000 in Confederate money. The late session, of 112 days, cost $330,000, of which $82,807 was for clerk hire. The number of clerks was sixty-six. jQ-aj** It is estimated that 300,000 per sons have settled in Texas during the last year. Trochu Crazy- The Herald has a special dispatch from London dated the 24th, stilting that the report of General Trochu’s mental aberration is corroborated. 80. Michigan refused to strike the word “white” out of her Constitution. Washington, November 29. The war department has ordered 500 recruits from the Depot at Cincinnatti, to Atlanta, Ga., to be incorporated with the 18th Regiment, infantry. The Brunswick Appeal comes to us enlarged to eight pagws, giving it quite a substantial appearance. —A young man who was crossed in love, attempted suicide recently, by taking a dose of yeast powder. He m mediately rose above his troubles. LOCAL ITEM® J.T.OUmod, Local Kill t or. jguWe quote cotton at 13 cents. 80. ‘he weather well, yes, it is ve ry inclement —mud in abundance. — Side-walks awful slickery—a few brieks together with a little mortar would help the matter muchly. But Tom Bridges mixes up flour, oysters and sieh more to our no tion than anybody iu town—he does all our mixin’. Skinner & Patillo have some more of thos3 fine, big, red apples, they know what the people want—they are for sale, too. B£?k* And the candidates continue friendly; like you better every time they meet you; election day drawing near; some of them look- meditating ly—benzine, consumed in a liberal manner—we don’t use it. The Adjourned Term of Bar tow Superior Court convened in this place on Monday last, Judge Parrott presiding. Several prominent legal gentlemen, from a distance, in attend ance. Business in that line dull. We have a law-abiding county, and we glory in it. 80*.Every body in town visits the ska ting rink; it’s the nicest fun imaginable. Mr. Milam will have a nice afiair of it when he gets properly fixed up. Every thing is conducted with order and de corum—no loud talking or unnecessa ry noise allowed. “Jim” Mountcustle keeps the ‘sheets’in splendid order, and greets all who anty up a quarter for the use of a pair, with a placid yet be witching smile! B£2T*The following ticket has been handed us for Town Commissioners: JLhos. Stokely, Milton Loveless, W. C Edwards, R. W. Satterfield, Geo. J. Biuant. We sny nothing of this ticket, ex cept that they are houest, clever gentle men. G&- The streets of our town this week, have presented a lively and very business-like appearance, and the evidences of prosperity are unmistak able. Our country friends have learn ed that Cartersville is the best market in Cherokee Georgia, for two reasons, to- wit: they can sell their produce for as high or higher prices than anywhere else, and they can purchase their dry goods, groceries, hardware, tin-ware, and everything they need at extremely low prices, thus making it doubly to their interest to do their buying and selling in Cartersville, and they do it, and will continue to do so as long as these great inducements are held out. 80. We don’t like to be always brag ging and gassing, and we do not think we are when we assert that Carters ville is destined to become a city sec ond to none in tne State in points of wealth and population. We do not make this assertion off-hanJ, and just to be talking, blit propose to adduce argument to fully substantiate the as sertion. In the first place, Cartersville is situated in one of the roost fertile, romantic and picturesque sections of Georgia, the soil yielding almost every variety of the cereals, vegetables, and | lust, but not least, the fleecy staple cotton; hard by flow the waters of the Etowah, which otters great induce ments to capitalists, and which ere. long, will be alive with manufactories along its banks. Imbedded in the mountains which rise majestically and gracefully around our town, are inn merabie quantities of mineral ore of every variety and quality, which only needs capital to develop it; it is use less for us to reiterate all this, howev er, for it is known throughout the length and breadth of the United States, that North Georgia, is unrival ed in this respect, and especially our immediate section. Beside the in ducements above refered to, to in crease our population, and draw capi tal to our aid, may be added the fol lowing, which we affirm no other sec tion can boast of: good society, un : surpassed school and church facilities, sa übrious climate, good water, intelli gent, moral, hospitable, sociable, law abiding, energetic, generous, and high toned citizens. With such a country and inhabitants, and superior advan tages everyway, we do not think we are saying too much, or more than we are authorized to say, when we assert that Cartersville is destined to rank among the first cities in Georgia. The higher we get up, the mure we are watched—.he rooster on the top of a church-steeple is of more impor tance, although he is thin, than two roosters in a barn-yard. JMi ■ Oar fnctwl Gw. W. Hill, with the ‘ ‘milk cf human ktndiu flowing in his veins la is brought us Under many and lasting obligations, for a Jot of the finest turnips we < j \er saw. Mr. Hill informs us that he intends laising vegetables for the market next year— success to him—it’s just what the town needs. •SiTWIr. A M. Foute, of this place, favor ed us, yesterday morning, with the perusal of a. letter from oar ohl friend and former fellow townsman, Capt. Wm. Davis, who writes from Waco ; Texas, kispreseut home, and writes that he and family are well and in good spirits, though not yet permenantly settled down. He was going, the next day, into Limestone county to “spy out the land. Walter is reading law, and doing will, lie says that any man can do well there if he will work—the lands fertile and the country healthy -abundantly remunerating the work man for his labor. Washington, November 27. The Treasury will sell a million of gold each Wednesday, and purchase a mil lion bonds each Thursday during De cember. Notice is given that from and after the 31st of December no in terest will be paid on three per cent certificates of the and nomination of 85,- 000, between the numbers 1 and 247 inclusive, and of the denomination of SIO,OOO, between the numbers 1 and 192 inclusive; nor will such certificates aggregate two millions. Wine manufactured from wild grapes for family use is not taxable, nor is vintress subject to lax for selling them at the place of manufacture. Washington, November 30. General Haileck, who commands the Division of the South, is opposed to the employment of troops in State elec tions, except in extreme cases, and on ly then after the State power has beeu exhausted, Haileck writes to the de partment here that he is assured by Federal and Civil officers, that the em ployment of troops in executing judicial processes and enforcing revenue, seems to increase rather than decrease the necessity of restoring to such force in civil matters. Haileck says they will be disposed to become more and more exasperated at being coerced by a force which they think has been uncostitu tionally employed against them, and the better disposed will relax their ef forts to punish local crimes on the plea that this duty now devolves upon the military. The Lieutenant-Governor, Moren, proceeded to count the vote for Gov ernor and Treasuier. It resulted in 1,425 majority for Lindsay, (Demo crat,) and 2,500 majority for Grant, (Democrat.) Mr. Lindsay took the oath of office as Governor, and the State for a time will probably have two Governors. The Senate will re cognize Smith, and the House Lindsay. The matter will be in the Courts soon. Kegr Montgomery, November 29. The meeting last night to expres indig nation at Smith’s course was largely attended. All the speaking was by Republicans. Judge Morse, defeated Republican candidate for Attorney General, said the election was fair and peaceful, and he had already turned over his office lo his successful Demo cratic competitor. Several Republican members of the Legislature spoke. U'/|j Resolutions of indignation were pre sented and adopted. Both Housses adjourned until to morrow. It is surmised that Smith is awaiting the meeting of Congress, hoping io be reconstructed into the Governorship. Females, ohl and young, who have so long been troubled with some female complaint should not despair. Lotus whisper words of comfort. You can be cared You can be Snatched from the monster which liar so Eng prostrated amiparalyxetl your whole train Yjsyaf. em in; - c your health, your beauty, your strength and buoyancy. Take courage, despair not, be cheerful; a remedy is at hand, prepar and by experienced physi cians, specially for just such diseases as af- Uict you; aud as the profession are using and prescribing this remedy with much suc cess, we feel proud in calling your attention to it. It ccnies highly recommended, and w’e earnestly advise all suffering females to use this great female medicine at once. — We allude to the “English Female Bitters,” advertised in another column. ( GEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY.—Mary Mc- JC Lei land has applied for exemption of per sonalty and setting apart and valltiutiou of Homestead, and 1 w ill pass upon the same, at 10 oVhKrk a. m., on the 10th day of December, 1870, at iuv ollice. This Nov. 29th, INTO. J. A. HOWARD, Ord’y, B. C. Extra Special AotUe. BewareuiCouaterleits 1 Smith's T-mic B>rup lih< been counterfeited, aml the eouinerleiter brought Iu grief. SMITH'S TOXIC SIRtI*. The genuine article must have Dr. John Bull's pri vate Stamp on each bottle. Dr. John Bull only has the right to manufac ure »n«l sell the original John Smith’s Tonic Sjrup of LonisTitle, Ky. Examine we’l the label on each bottle. If my private stamp is not on the bo ttl •, <l« not. purchase, or you wiil n. deceived. See my column advertisement, and my show card I will prosecute any one infringing on my rig|,i Tin ge uine Smith's Tonic Syrup can only be prepared b> myielf. The public’s servan’, DK. JOHN BULL. Louisville. Ky., April 28, IMS MUTUAL PROTECTION tile btftttante S&dein o*f nQtto ®xrrL op BRANCH OFFICE, ATLANTA, GEORGIA A. W. MORGAN, President. S. T. W. SANFORD, Vice PbknitiestJ B. G. BLOSS, SECOND Vick President. F. A. FREEMAN, secretary. IN ADDITION to the sufe-niarils thrown a round the interests of Die Policy Holder by the excellent Insurance Laws of the date of New York, the following distinctive features mark the “MUTUAL PROTECTD»N" as deci cidedly liberal, mi/e. and worthy of confidence aud piit ronage: 1. The "Mutual Protection" allows Policy Hold ers to travel or reside in any part of Europe or North America. 2. An Ample. Ca*h Cajntal , safely invested in the be*t securities. ». Policies jxtid in Ca*h. No deductions at death for loans or notes. 4. Thirty Hoy* grace granted on payments, af ter payment of lirst annual premium, and the policy kept in force during that time. 5- Dividend* declared annually —upon the con tribution plan—the most equitable manner. R. All Policies non-forfeitable after the second t ear, aud the assured entitled to a full-paid pol ice for the whole amount of premiums paid. 7. All Pollcie* i'nconlmitdble. after live years, ft of man a gee,tent. The officers of the “MUTUAL I’ROTKCTIGS” combine llnan ciul integrity and ability, with long and suc cessful experience in Life Insurance. 9. AH Policy Jjolder* etre member* of the .Society, and entitled to vote for Trustees. 10. A Ca*h So-iety. No notes taken. No loans, interest or other complications to annoy the Policy Holder. 11. 'Equity and liberality shown Policy Holders in the several modes of applying dividends. 12. Mutuality. All the prolits divided among the members. , 13. Fnirne«* of coni rad embodied in the writ ten policy iu explicit terms. 14. Favorable rate of mortality —taking only first-class risks. 15. Small ratio of Expense*. Ilk Aliodiou* dincrimination* a* to emyloyment abolished. No extra rates charged on railroad, express or steamboat employees. Active, energetic and experienced agents em ployed on liberal terms. R. J. MASSEY. Manager Southern Department. JOHN C’aM PBELL, Local Agent, Cartererille . da., DR. O. PINKERTON, Medical Fu-a miner. Oct. 28. 1870-~«w. 2ms, SIXTY-FJVE FIRST PRIZE McDALS AWARDED, i THE GREAT Southern Piano WM. KXABE CO. MA N l FA < TUR EU S O F GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, BALI I MORE, MD. These Instruments have been before the Pub lic for nearly Thirty Years, and upon their ex cellence alone attained on vnpurchased pre-emi nenpe, which pronounces them unequalled. Their TONE combines great power, sweetness and fine sing ing quality, as well as great purity of Intona tion and Sweetness throughout the entire scale. Their TOUCH is pliant and clastic, anti entirely free from the stil'noss found in so many Pianos'. IN WORKMANSHIP they are unequalled, using none but the very best seasoned matkkial. the large capital em ployed in oor business enabling us to keep con tinually ati immense stock of lumber, Ac., on hand. All our sqcark pianos have our New Improved (Jeer strung Scale and the ACHAKFK Treble. Bj&AVc would call special attention to our late improvements in (IRANI) PIANOS AND SQUARE GRANDS, Patented AnirsT 14, IjPfifi, which bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 yrs We have made arrangements for the Sole Wholesale Aoency for the mod celebrated PARLOR ORGANS AND MELODKONS, which we offer. Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Fac tory Prices. WM. KXABE & CO., sept 9’ ’7O. sw6m Mi (it! imorc, JfMtl METZ HAS FALLEN ! *7 So Have STOKELY & WILLIAMS In the Price of their new FALL 1 WINTER Goods, CL OTHINC, Mats, Boots, Shoes, House - Furnishing Goods, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, CUTLERY, See., Ac. AT THKJR OLD STAND, Two-Story Brick Corner of Public Square and Maine Street’ Captensvill. Gti. Come and see us. one and all, and look through p«T SUPERB STOCK OF GOODS, Ac., and buy from us upon as good terms as any merchant South of the Potomac can afford to sell. STOKELY & WILLIAMS. now I—wtc NOTICE TO TAX-PAYERS. KUHARLEE, Nov. Cth, 1870. MR. EDITOR ; My Tax Hook will be opened in Carters, ville, on the fallowing clays, to-wit; November 23, 24, 28, 29 and 30th. After which time they will be closed, and all unpaid Taxes will go into Executions. E. HAULING. T. C. I>. C. FOR THlui \ YEARS Has that well-known, atandard, and popular remedy, IV\l\ kllJAllt manufactured by Perry Davis & Son, Provi dence, 11. I , been before the public, and in that time has become known in all parts ©t the world, and been used by people of all nnt ions. It remains, today, that same good and ef ficient remedy! Its wonderful power in re lieving the most severe pain has never been equaled, and it has earned its world-wide popularity I>7 its intrinsic merit. No cura tive agent lias so wide-spread sale ur given such universal satisfaction. The various ills for which the Pain Killer is an unfailing cure, are too well known to require a capit ulation in this advertiscment. As an exter nal and internal medicine, the Pain Killer stands unrivaled. Directions accompany each bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Price 2o cts.. '0 ets., and $1 per bottle. KKKOKM OF \OI TII. A GKNTLEM AN who suffered for tears from Nervous Debilitv, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for |nak jug the simple remedy by which lie was cured. Sufferers wishing to protit by the advertiser s experience can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN It*OGDEN, No. 42 Cedar Street, New York. Nov. 22 1810-wly. A Hotly and Mind Discast*, Such is dyspepsia. The stomach and the brain are too intimately allied for the one to suffer without the other, so that dyspepsia and despondency are inseparable. I* nn*y be added, too, that irritation of the stomach is almost invariably accompanied by irritation of the temper. The invigorating and tranquillizing ope ration of Hostetler's Bitters is most powerful ly developed in cases of indigestion. The first effect of this agrea*de tonic is comforting and encouraging. A mild glow pervades the system, the chronic uneasiness in the region of the stomach is lessened, and the nervous restlessness which characterizes the disease is abated. This improvement is not transient It is not succeeded by the return oftheold symtoms with superadued force, as is always the ease when unmedieated stimulants arc given for the complaint. Each dose seems to impart a permanent accession of healthful in vigoration. But this is not all '1 he aperi ent and anti-bilious properties of the prepa ration are scarcely secondary’ in importance to its tonic virtues. If there is an overflow of bile the secretion is soon brought within proper limits, and if I lie bileary organ is in ert and torpid it is toned and regulated. The effect upon the discharging organs is equally salutary, and in cases of constipa tion the cathartic action is just sufficient to produce the desired result gradually and without pain. I lie Bitters also promote healthy evaporation from the surface which particularly desirable at this season when sudden spells of raw unpleasant weather are apt to check natural perspiration and produce congeston of the liver, coughs and colds.— The best saj'eyaurd against all diseases Is baddy vigor, and this the great Vegetable Restora tive essentially promotes. To Consumptives. The ad vert iter, having been permanently our cd of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make know n to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find asi KK ct'KK for CoxsmrnoN, Asthma, BRONCHITIS, AC. Parties w ishing the prescription w ill please address Rev. EDWAttD A. W ILSON, l(v> South Second Street. Williumsburgh. N. Y. Nov. 22, IS7O-W ly. To All Whom it may Concern : (GEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY. - Delilah JT Barham having, in pro|>er form, applfled to me for permanent letters of Administration on the estate of Pulaski l’arham. late of said County deceased. This is to cite all. and singu lar the creditors and next of kin of Pulaski Parham, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Delilah Parham on Pulaski Parham's Estate. Witness mv hand and Official Signature. Nov 25th, 1870. ‘ J. A. HOWARD, Ord’y li. L. Lawshc & Haynes, Have on h and and are receiving the finest stock of the VWy Latest Styles of fiiamonti a tut Hold JEWELRY, in upper Georgia, selected, with great care for the Fall and Winter Trade. Watches, of the BEST M AKERS, of both Europe and A merica; American and French Clocks; Sterling and Coin Silver Ware; and the t»est quality of Silver Plated Goods, at prices to suit the times; Gold, Stiver and Steel Spectacles, to suit all ages, j WateliCK si ltd Jewelry RKfAinsn ijy Comi'etkxt Y\ orkmkn; I Also Clock and Watch Makers Tools and Materials. sept 13.-swly ATLANTA, GA. WEED'S SEWING MACHINES, For Family Use* EXHIBITOR: I’, J. M. GAINES, at Satterfield, Pyron & Co’s Store, West Marti Street. giNHE Prettiest, the t henpest, the Best ever I manufactured, for sale in Cartersville, at • tne Furniture Ware-room of Robert Bruiee. 1 liov, a. J. 1. < HA .MB KB CAIN. Agent. ki 4 T liM Vacant liuild- JT "XV JU IJJ • »»>« L its. in the tow n oft altersvMe. on the East side of the W. &A. Railroad. Apply to nov. 11. J. 1. CH AMBERLAIN. (1 EORGIA, BARTOW < <AUNTY.—Joe! Stone ff has applied for Exemption of Personalty j and setting apart and valuation of Homestead - and I will pas- upon tin; same at It) o'clock* A. m., en the 2t»(h day of Not ember, IKIU. at my , office, Given under my hand and official signa ture. This Nov. lfitb, IS7U. ■ J, A. H<>wARM. Ord’e. It, C. Male.-*- A Building Lot, in the nt m pleasant part of town. Apply at this plaea. - T'S. StflWJ- FAIN AkO DLATH, Legitimately result as pcunUl* •» tLr violation*! natural law*. from which none ecca, e. Then folded cheek, |hg .bale and w*ufei*tlire*, •‘uvduli e; e. I’m* ti*4i§Gkm#wßJ«t t. the-dort hem * . g -iirh. the fe**W*»*»d einactafced irsroe. tbedt - •-red brow, the tott*rUr a ail.ail indu"gte prt - viors transgression of law. nWwWftMt "pro c,va?tinatiou is the tlmTnti iu>c." all intelligent beingsapplY forsotne rrltirdyV' twit at* circum stance* peiuiit; while those who do not a*l up on the principle that 4 ‘delay* are dangerous.** generally Unger, lute awe# time and p*.} mote Mt >'>%*s/• FEMALE COMPLAINT. That etuim> it* victims throughout the length and tireadlli of our land. Many females suffer in some way at each mon thly period* some girls are in groat peril at lit* commencement of mo uM run lion, whild oluer ones dread Its decline at the ••turn of life.”— (sometimes the menstrual flow is l«*o much, or t«>o little, or rnay be attended w ith pain; may be irregular or entirely cheeked, or changed in appearance, attended with other di«trc**ing symptoms. Leneorrhcra. or the "White*.*, fr*- qitently drains the system, or ulceration of tb« womb may create pain and cause rapid prostra tion. Falling of the womb is an exceedingly com mon complaint, giving much trouble and dis tress, which, under ordinary treatment, is diffi cult to cute. Hysteric*, Green Sickness. Irritability of the Woinb, ami other serious ami fatal complaints follow the female sex throughout life. Lives there a medical gentleman who has or can re lieve the fair sox of the ttl»ove troubles* Net many. Is there uo combination of remedial a gent’s that w ill come to her rescue * We answer. Yes. ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS, The otvß ark now lodged Uterine Tonic and Fe male Regulator know n. w ill cure all those com plaints above mentioned In an incredibly short time. The Ritters at nttec arouse*, strengthens and restore** the womb to its natural condition, removing obstruct ions, relieving pain and reg ulating the monthly period. Yonder stands a pale, feeble and languid girl, just bursting into womanhood; she is the pride of all, blit hark! she silently steals a pickle, ents chalk, or ailat* pencil; ini appetite for food; she turn* with a dull eve and seeks solitude; her eve no longer sparkles: her merry laugh is no longer heard ringing through the air: she mopes about with bloodless lip* and gums, with headache, palpi tation. constipation, sw iimningofihe head, cold feet and hands, melancholy; she has .coated tongue, offensive breath, and n host of other a vils too numerous to mention. When neglected all these symptoms baeotn* aggravated, there is sick stomach, heartburn, a dark line settles under the ayes, the legs and and ankles are swollen, the hair lo«es its gloss and falls off. there is brittleness and splitting of the finger-nails, swollen abdomen, extrern* nervousness. tretfulnes*, pains and ache*. dry rough. Hysterical fits, vapid prostration, epilep sy and death ! If yon, or any of your friend*, are thus afflicted, send at once for a Bottle of Engl Mi Female Bitters and lve cured. Its effect* are magical in such complaints. Surely no m*- thrr will postpuue aiul delay this duty until DEATH IS AT THE DOOR."""^ In all these complaint* the system «sicleutljr show# a want of red blood, ami Mr. Churchill, in his work on Diseases of Females, *a**: ‘•Hearing in mind that the Mood is remaiUMt deficient iu red corpuscles, find the known pro perty of iron to correct this condition, theory suggests it as tin* most to be relied on. the best of which is the ( it rate.” Citrate of Don cuter* largely into the composition of English F*mal* Hillers, combined with powerful vegetable ton ic* of rare qualities. Among the mountains of Tennessee and the pitmv woods of Mississippi, is found n certain hard*and flinty root, which ha* been in secret use by some midwife* for many years, possess ing magic powers in regulating and restoring all female suffering w ith any affection of the womb. This root ue have obtained, guf* it a fair test in our practice and it is now one of the principal ingredients in these Bitters. Other powerful uterine and general tonics aUo enter into itsc omposition. We also add Leptandra or Black root, sufficient to act upon the lifer and keep the bowels open. BLOOMING YOUNG SIRtL^ Middle-aged matrons, those at the critical peri od. and ihc aged grandmother, are all cured by the use of our English Female Bitters, now pre scribed and used by physicians all orrr tkt country. If.roti are troubled w ith Falling of the Womb, attended with a sense of weight and bearing down pain in the back and side, and other at tendant evils. English Female Bitters will gif* entire relief. Those at the "turn of life.” mother* after con finement., and all others (male or female) who are convalescents from any protracted or debil itating complaint, who gain strength slnwlr. ami whose digestion is slow and imperfect, will find these Bitters the very thing their srstem demands. It gives a powerful appetite! aid* and assists digestion, arouses the liver, strength ens mentally and physically, and fills the whole system with pure crimson blood coursing thio’ its channels. COMMOM GROG-SHOP BITTERS. Empty Ritter Bottles, of various «tvle«. ran b« found around almost every dwelling and cabin throughout the land. Their taste is pleasant and aro adc<rti*ed to cure almost every disease, whilu- the manufacturers krnotc thcv posse.* no medicinal properties whatever. Thee are so many disguises for *Zctfdinyly common I'vtrago* winch do not. nor cannot jxossiblv cure anv one. Bew are of these pleasant hitters in quart Ind ues. they contain a sling for your vitals, and he who buys them carries a “toper’s grog” into hit house. One man who knows nothing a bout me dicine. says his big bottles of common stuff will cure chills and fever, rheumatism aud consump tion: another, whose bottles are vcr\ sane? cures all the impurities of the blood, makes old men voting, casts out devils, restore* sight to the blind, and numerous other miracles; while yet another, win (.presumes every man a drunk, ard. proposes to cure colic, ingrowing nails, v«l. hew fever, heart disease and love-sick maiden*!* We know they make no such cure*, wo know th« people at large are deceived and swindled, ard as we desire to ventiate 1 hesccommou humbug* make the following chalfenge to one and all ; ’ ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS That r>i,< • iolflfi-poonj'ttl of ENGLISH FEMAI.R BITTERS contains us much medicinal proper ties as o/><* fettle of any of the pleasantly tasted common advertised bitters or the dav ! Tha medical profession to decide the question. £• it understood that English Female Bitters is not a beveiAge. but i* a pow erful Iron and Vegeta ble Tonic combined, curing long standing chron ic fenude complaints in every direction. Put up in large bottles at per bottle, or six bottles for SB.OO. and told by druggists aud merchants everywhere. .1. I*. bROIKJOOLK A fO.. Prop** Tenn. DROOM6OOLE & CO-’S BUCHU. The best and cheapest combination for all af fection* of the Kiduev* and Bladderararoffer ed lo the public. It is prepared by regular phv_- t-iciaiv* and used bv trie profession. « t o' * Price ffcoi\*ix bottle* for $6. Sold b\ I>ri.r gists and merchant* every w here. > J. P. dkomgoole a t 0., iyt»g. t '"(O-fwly elm. AK w, hi*, Tan*