Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, December 16, 1870, Image 4

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//! ! ! / /xERIEK / /s, Fruits, &c. /rangements 2 ! /*w I*ropriet«r 2 ! I / bridges' JjT AT THE OLD STAND OF ft . ' “> -n J. T. GITIIRIE’S, ’’ WA»N STREET, •- .-JmESxs HtBW CARTERSVILLE, GA. Where also is kept open, at »13 Itoiirs, 11 nnniber oac Eating Saloon. [-iT Meals prepared, at any time, to order. f V <OME TO bEE ME ! T. .T. nmniiT:--. formerly with A. K. Iliidirms. s I^icht:! ■ Ur' .. . 9 iLICHT: J ‘j *r" With or Without MoaKiire ! Conceal it! Not!!! PETER MARSH, Manufacturer of and Dealer in /Estrella Oil, Also, Dealer in LAMPS. CHIMNEYS, SHADES, WiCKS ETC., ETC. I can be found at I’est «& Kirkpatrick s on Main Street, Cartersville, Ga., where I will be pleased to see my friends and pat ron*. To all, I would say, come and ex it mine for yourselves, as I intend to sell as Cheap as the Cheapest, Thankful for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. ° PETER MARSH. Cartersville, apr. 22. ■ V. R. TOMMEY. J. S. STEWART, Oxford, Ga, TOMMY & STEWART, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE, At the Sign of the MILL SAW and GAME GO OK, STo. 7J), Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA. E3PEOTFULLY call the attention of Merchants «, amt o» t era to their LARG E AND \\ LLL tSoOIt f- ED STOCK of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Consisting in part of on, Steel, Nails, Builders’and Carriage Materials, Agricultural Implements, G-ain Cradles, Svthe Blades, Tools ofall kinds, <te., &c. ALSO, AGENTS FOR Hook’s Anti-Friction Metal. Buffalo Scale Works, PROPRIETORS OF Itrooks’ Improved. Portable Revolving Colton and Hay Screw Press. May 15, 1870 wly ATLMffI BABBLE WORKS. V/M. CRAY, Proprietor. S. B. OATMAN, A-cut. Importers and Dealers i|i AMERICAS and; ITALIAN MARBLE, MONUMENTS, STATUES, VASES, T<ombs and .lion amental It 'or A FuriNlSrlcD IN THE BISI MANNER. on Reasonable Terms. DESIGNS OF MOVEMENTS AND STATUARY Furnished Free on Application. April 28, 1870—ts ‘ PIANOS! PIANOS ! PIANOS ! S'VtN GOLD MEDALS WERE AWARDED, At late Fair 3 held in the South in October and November, 18G9, to C HAS N. STIEF F, For the best PIANOS, over Baltimore} Philadelphia and New York PIANOS Office and New Wabbeooms, No. 0 North Liberty Street, above Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE, MD. STIEj'V’S FI.SJTOS Have all the latest improvements deludin ' the Agraef Treble, Ivory Fronts, AND TOE IMPROVED FRENCH ACTION, fully warranted for five years, with privilege of ex change within twelve mouths if not entirely ratUdac tory to purchaser*. Second hand Pianos and Far.or Organs always on hand from SSO to #BOO. REFEREES WIT > HAVE OUR PIANOS IN USE. Oentrai Robert E. Lee, Lexington Va, General Robert Ransom, Wilmington, N C General D. H. H 11, Charlotte, N . C Governor John I,etcher. Lexington, Va. Bishop W iliner. New Orleans. La. Joseph Iluop, Chattanooga, Tenn. W. L Mansfield, Marietta, Ga. Reuben Arnold, Atlanta, Ga. JJ& 8 P Richards, ” ” * A K Seago, ” ” Sen i for a Oir 'ul jt c •ntsining 800 names of person who h • e purchased he isUiff Piau.s, in the ,s„„th Mnce -he v, . clo ed n.Hi d—Cw* f'TEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY. Foftl M, "coks after date application will be made to the Court ot Ordinary ofsaiU Counts lor leave ons- C It h e i» l thi'V ,lCt l i ' lt V rest ’ the samt ‘ being oi.c-fittb, in the Lands belonging to the estate ot' Join: Brooks, deceased, lor the benefit oi‘> u ,an 1 . ok*’a./' B , ard aU 01 the estate of Jane I'. Dec. mm WTO " AN u: A A SKINNER <& Cos —A XD Produce DEALERS. GA R TERSVILLE, GA. LAND FORSALE! THE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale 180 acres of I.and, lying West of Carteiv v i lie 2J miles; 80 acres cleared, the balance well timbered. The place is comfortably im uroved, with Dwelling, Stables, out Ifouses. <*'c., with a nice young orchard —Peaches, Apples, etc. Also a Lot of 12 acres, of land in the town of Cartersville, well improved ; good Dwel ling, pure free stone water. Most ot the Land is well adapted to growing Clover and grass. Located at the N’Vrrfh end of Erwin Street. Any person desiring to purchase is inviled to examine the property. JuneKytf. J. A. HOWARD Marble Yard and Works. JAMES VAUGHAN, CARTER TITLE, GA. HAVING opened a Marble Yard in Carters ville. I am prepared to furnish those wish ing atrythiug in the marble line, ou very rea sonable terms—Monuments. Toombs, Urns, Va ses, Head and Foot Stones, Mantels. I'aintstones, Biscuit Blocks, Imposing Stones, etc. lain, al so, Agent for the Georgia Marble Works, aug. 2, , To..\v9m JAMES VA IT GIT-A N. ‘BAD BLOOD.’ “THE LIFE IS THE BLOOD-” From it we derive our strength, beauty, and mental capabilities. It is the centre of our being, around which revolves all that makes existence happy. When this source is corrupted the pa in till effects are visible in many shapes, prominent among which is SCROFULA. This is a taint or infection of the-human organism, and probably no one is wholly free from it. If exhibits itself in various shapes—as Ulcers and Sores, Decayed Hones, Diseased Scalp. Sore Eyes, Weak and Diseas ed Joints. St. Vitus’ Dance, Foul Discharg es from the Nostrils, Eruptions, Glandular Swellings, Throat Affections, Rheumatism, Heart Affections, Nervous Disorders, Bam renness, Disorders of the Womb, Dropsy. Syphillitic Affections, Liver Complaint, Salt Rheum, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Loss of Man hood and General Debility. It has been the custom to treat these dis eases with Mercury and other Mineral sub stances, which, though sometimes producing a cure, often prove injurious and entails misery in after life. The long known inju rious properties of these so-called alteratives and purifiers has led the philanthropical man of science to explore the arena of na ture, the result of which has been the discov ery of vegetable products which possess the power of eradicating these Taints from the Blood. Dr. TUTT’S Compound Extract Os Sarparilla and- Queen’s Delight. Is the acknowledged antidote to all Blood Diseases. By its use the afflictions above enumerated can be permanently banished, and the Source—the Centre of Life—the Blood. he maintained in all its purity and vigor. For SMucar.w produced *)J the line of Mercury, s»u«i for with Its train of e* its, Hus com pound h (he only sure antidote. To the poo" creature, enfeebled in mind and body, by secret practices, whose nerves are unstrung, and countenance downcast THE SAItS IPARIEM AND Qiu'on’s Delijjlit is a blessing. Try it fairly, and your nerves will be restored to their wonted vigor, aud your dejected countenance be made radiant ! with the conciousness of KESTOKED MANHOOD. 1 Being free from violent minerals, it is i adapted to general use. The old and the ! young may use it; the most delicate female at any time may take it; the tender infant, I who inay have inherited disease, wiil be cur ed by it. FOB PURIFYING THE BLOOD USII DR. TUTT’S Extract of Sarsaparilla AND ni'EEN’N DELIGHT When used in the Spring it removes all hu mors which infest the system ; and banishes the languor and debility peculiar to that sea son of the year. It acts promptly on the LIYFK AND KIDNEYS, Producing a healthy action of the important organs by which all the impurities of the sys tem are carried off, and the result is A dear Skill, a Good Appetite, ami Retiyant Spirits. PREPARED BY WILLIAM H. TUTT & LAND AVO VST A, GEORGIA. And Isold by Druggists Everywhere. June 16th, 1870-1 y. DISSOLUTION. rpilL copartnership existing betwean Samuel I < l.tytnu audit. A. Clayton, tinder the name of S. Clay ton A Son. was dissolved November Ist 1810, by mutual consent. Samuel Clayton has transferred nis Interest to Harmon M. Clayton. The new linn will continue business at the old stand, under the name of 11. A. A 11. 3f. Clayton. SAMUEL CT.AYTON, R. A. ( LAYTON. Cartersville, Ga., Dec. Bth, IS7O. Those indebted to s, Clayton A Son. will find their accounts with R. A. A 11. M. Clayton.— They are earnest! v re.juestt ( 1 to Ci *R and pav up. The old business must be closed right 1 array. p Carriage Manufactory A. XD J 5 i * ository ’ BY GOWER, JONES & CO., CARTERSILLE AND ROME, GA. Repairing, of all kinds, Done to Order. Carnages, « Manufactured and Repaired to Order, and for Sale, at the Manufactory and Repository oj GOWER, JONES & CO., Cartersville and Rome, Ga. Baggies, If! '■ >■ Mauufaetured and Repaired to Order, and for Sale, at the Manufactory and Repository of GOWER, JONES J CO., Cartersnille and Rome, Ga. w mm, One, Two, Fotu*, and Six- HORSE, Manufactured and Repaired to Order, and for Sale, at the Manufactory and Repository of GOWER , JONES J CO., Cartersville and Rome, Ga. Jan. 1,1870. .wlv J. G. M. M ONTCOMERY, Fresh Groceries. GREEN CORN, REACHES, STRAWBERRIES, TOMATOES, OYSTERS, PINE APPLE, Maccaroni. Sugar COFFEE, STARCH, BACON HAMS, Candles, and the genuine Durham Smok’ng Tobacco, just received, at MONTGOMERY’S. April 14, ts. CM ARDEN SEED. A complete variety of X Buists Warranted Garden Seed, at feb 15 MONTGOMERY’S. -VTEW ORLEANS SYRUPS AND MO LASSES, a titie lot, just received and for sale at MONTGOMERY’S. F9HUlßchoicest brands of SMOKING TU -9 bACCO, can always be found, at cb 15 MONTGOMERY'S. PINE WATCHES. GEtiUIHE OROIDE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. $5, $7, SB, $lO, sl2, sls to S2O. THE EUROPEAN WAll and extraordinary Money Panic, during the past season, has induced us, in order to make rapid sales ami quick returns, to throw our vast Stock upon the public market, at thirty to ffty per cent. Oeiou Wholesale J'ricex for C’axh. Krad tlie Prices. Fine Oroide Gold Cylinders, regulated and warranted perfect time-keepers, usually sold at $ 1-2 to sls, AT ONLY $5 EACH. THE BEST QUALITY CYLINDER AT SB. The Double Extra Refined, being « very superior quality, regulated and warranted perfect time Keepers, equal in appearance and for time to $l5O Gold Watches, AT ONLY $lO EACH. The Double Extra Refined, Solid Oro ide Gold, full jeweled /ereex finest Nickel works, usually sold at $25 to S3O, REDUCED TO unj.y sls Each. SILVER WATCHES, Extra Fine Solid Pure Silver, Hunting Caseil Cylinders, SB. Best Quality Coin Silver. Hunting Cas ed, full jeweled levers, regulated and warranted accrrate timekeeper?, ONLY $lO. The Very Best Quality Patent Lever and Chronometer Movements, full jeweled, sls. All the above classes of Watches are Hunting Cased, perfectly regulated, and each warranted by special certificate far two years. Aoknts ani> I>kai.khs ordering six of our sls Watches at a time, will receive an extra Watch free, making Seven sls Watches for .f.K), Nodis count can he allowed on our cheaper watches. Au. tinmens for Sjxgj.e Watches. Cash juvr he sent in ai»vance. Bend by Post Office Order, Registered Letter, or Bank Check, para ble to our order, and goods will be sent by Ex press or in Registered Package, prepaid 'at our risk. Orders for at least six watches or over, w ill be sent by Express C. O. it., by depositing small a mount with express agent, or sending referen ces as assurance of good faith. Write order plain, state kind and price of Watch desired, inclose price as above directed, and address THE EMPIRE WATCH CO., No. 106, BROADWAY, NEW YORK. nov. 11-wdm lb O. Box 2949. (seorgia, Harlow county. ALL PERSONS indebted to the estate of Jas M. Denman, late of said couutr, deceased are hereby notified to come forward and settle up; and those holding demands against the same, are required to present them for pa} meat iu terms of the law. November 15,1870. CATIIIUNE F. DENMAN, Admr’x. im«, Dealer in and general agent for libsSELL & CO'S Threshing Machines, Reapers and Mowers, a.nd all kinds of Farming Implements AND Labor-Saving Machines. Corner Market and Bth Streets, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Nov. 11, 1870.-w2m JORCAN. HOWARD So HARRALSON Tobacco Commission Merchants, Whitehall Street, A) LA NT A GEORGIA Keep constantly on hand, a larjre and fine Assortment of CHEW ING and SMOKING TO BACCO, CIGARS, &e., which we offer at the Lowest Whole sale prices. Premium Alabaster Hcnds’lx Mountain Umc. The Whitest! The Purest! Made at the New Kilns of PECK’S In the side of Hendrix Mountain, near where the Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad crosses Pettit’s Creek, about two miles southwest from Cartersville, is now Open to the Market! For sale in Cartersville, by JAMES ATT A WAY, Agent. sent. 15.1870. NSW GOODS ! VITE ARE daily receiving and opening yy a general Stock of FALL A WINTER Which we offer to to the Trade at fair prices. We in vite onr friends to call and examine our Stock, aud especially to purchase liberally from us. X. GILREATH A SOHr, Cartersville, Ga.. Oct. 10. 1870. OLD QAROLINA "RITTERS. A3) ELIGI I I'FI LTONIC We take great pleasure in offering the OLD CAROMJTA BITTERS. to th public. They are compounded with great c 0 * an»l contain sane oi the best I'untes in the I harm-ic pia. As evidence of the superiority of our liitte a over all others, we have certili ates fr. m r, iany of the leading physic! 'ns in our State, who have prescribed ti.ein in their practice. THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Will be found invaluable for Want, of Appet te, General Debility, Chills and Fever and Dyspepsia We do not tier our Bitters as a cure for all diseases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. For sale by ali DruggL sand Grocers everywhere For Pale in Cartersville by A. It. HUDGIXS. GOODRICH, WINEMAN &Co>, Importers of Choice Drugs and Chemicals. March 31, 1870--ly. Charleston, S. 0. METALIC AND WOOD (IMITA nor ROBE WOOD,) 13 TJ U I .A. L CASES o a s ik: zee t s. b Y Erwin &l Jones. »*• villc. ling. 99 respectfully cite you to their card in this pa per. A. S & T. €. MAI SOX, No. 2, DeGivc’s Opera Hones, Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia. AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL DEALERS IN FI KNITI RE ; Real Estate & Renting Agt’s- Cash advances on Consignments, dec. G-swtf Satterfield & Wofford, I m Pa n am 11 y GROCERIES AND Produce* CARTERSYILLE, GA. AT the old stand, East side of the rail road, where we promise to sell on as good terms, and as low down in price, as any grocery house in town, either by the Wholesale or Retail. Ccmc and sec us and test our sincerity. J II SATTERFIELD, apr 12wly J C WOFFORD. COX & HILL. AO CHEROHCG BSS.OH'Ki. PEACHTREFST. ATIANTA- GEORGIA Ha c ill store and for sale Very Low— -100 Bbls. Fiue Old live Whiskey, 100 “ “ “ Bourbon Whiskey, 100 “ Medium Rye and Bourbon Whiskey, 100 “ Doubled Distilled Whiskey. GO “ Peach and Apple Brandy, 2i> “ American On, 50 “ Geo. Cherokee Cos., Corn Whiskey, 5 Mj) s Holland Gin, 00 J and .] Casks Cognac Brandy, 25 Baskets Ffeidsick Cos. Champagne, 25 Boxes Still Catawba, 100,000 Cigars, (Common, medium aud fine, RUM, (NEW ENGLAND. JAMAICA- AND ST. CP.O.X.) W II I S K Y, l*, Irish, Robertson County, Poplar Log.) W I IS K , (Port, Maderia, Sherry and Malaga.) ALK AND PORTER. Canned oyster*, &c., &.C., July 15, 1800 “THE BEST.” “THE HELLER PATENT GRAIN DRILL,” TS TUK best Machine now made for Sowing L Wheat, of Grass Seeds and Fertilizers, far mers will please send for Descriptive Circulars before buying any other Machine. AVERY STEEL PLOWS, UTLEY PLOWS, (CAST.) WATTS PLOW'S (CAST.) Gt a nos, Jf'orway Oats. Bar ley, Grass, Clover, and all Kinds AGRICUITURAL IMPIEMENTS, AND MILL FLRXISHIACi GOODS, INCLUDING THE CELEBRATED , W U II V>7 T E I) , INGHAN WHEAT SMUT MILL. Jgivf FOR SALE ON BEST TERMS. Send for Price List. MARK W, .JOHNSON, Sept. 23, "TOs-w-ly. Broad St. Atlanta, Ga. g. c, rogers 7 No Dacatur Street. Atlanta, Georgia' I , Y',j MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS An <1 deal er in SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWARE HARNESS SKIRTING- ENAMEL AND ALL KIN n S OF LEATHER, Childrens’ Carriages Fine Carriages and BUGGIES l INOIANAPOLIS FA iM WAGONS AND CARTS- The attention of Farmers and Teamsters is called to the large stock of Wag( ns and Harness; also ALL kinds of Saddles, and everything usually kept n a first-class Saddlery House— Wholesale and Retail. Also, for sale, Boys’ Thr<“e-Wheel Velocipedes. April 27 wlv (GEORGIA BARTOW COUNT Y.—Whereas T IT C. Moore hasapi>lied for letters Admi nistration on the estate of Agnes Clayton, late of said county, dec’d. * This is therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said de ceased to show cause, if any exist, why said ap plicant should not relelve of Adminis tration on the estate of said deceased, in terras of the law. Given under my hand and official signature. Dec. 9th. 1870. J. A. HOWARD, Ord’y- FORSALEL^M town of ( artersville, on the East side of the W. &A. Railroad. Apply to nov. 11. J. I. CHAMBERLAIN. 1870! passengers desiring to visit any OF THE XOll THERE, SOUTHERX, EAST ER X OR WKSTKItN CITIES. Should study welt the ai. ructions offered bv the WESTERN & ATLANTIC R. R, The celebrated Passenger Route of the SOUTH, THE ONLY ROUTE FROM AT LANTA RUNNING A DOUBLE DAILY 1 HROUGH PAS SEN 4ER TRAIN Preventing the possibility of a delay o f tweuty-four (24) hours incident to lines running but one daily traiu. lIIE PASSANGER EQUIPMENT of this /Joad is SUPERIOR to that of any road in the South. In addition to the LUXURIOUS COACHES Os the Road, there are attached to all night trains the FAR-FAMED Pullman Sleepers, Which furnish accommodation equal to a firstclass Hotel. There are on sale, at reduced rates, for the summer season, tickets to Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, MONTGOMERY WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, ALLEGHANY SPRINGS, COYNER'S SPRINGS, BLACK SPRINGS, WARM SPRINGS. LITTLE SWEET SPRINGS. BEDFORD ALUM SPRINGS MONTVHE SPRINGS, BERSHEBA SPRINGS, NATURAL BRIDGE OF VIRGINIA, LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN, MANMOTH CAVE, NIAGARA FALLS, HOT SPRINGS OF ARKANSAS, AND ALL OTHER RESORTS In the Unted St ates. j This is the only roaa in the South offering ; for sale through tickets to YOKOHAMA-JAPAN HIOGA, JAPAN, HONG KONG, CHINA, SHANGHAI, CHINA, NAGASAKI, CHINA, Steamers leave SAN FRANC.SCO FOR CHINA AND JAPAN on the first day of each month. Tickets can be purchased in all principal cities Baggage checked to dt stination and hand led free. Ask for tickets via WESTERN & ATLANTIC RAILROAD. B. W. WRBtIK. General Passenger and ticket Agent. 4. I*. HARRIS, M. T & Supervisor. FOSTER RLOOOETT. Superintendent A L. HARRIS, Southern Passenger sgent. June 23 3m. - MONTHLY MAGAZINE, Tico Dollars per Annum. 64 PAGES READING MATTER. 30 PAGES ADVERTISEMENTS. WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, AND D. WYATT AIKEN. CHARLESTON, 8, C. Tlic Quickest and Best Route TO THE Worth, East, and West, 18 Via LOUISVILLE. T«o Daily Express tr -ins run throu h from Nasli vibe to Louisville, uiakinz ci"<e conntctton with trams and b-ats for the Ndrth, East. ami West. NO CHANG IDE CARS FROM LOUIBVII.LE ST, LOUIS, CHICAGO, PITTSBURG, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, Only one change to BALTIMORE AND WASHINGTON, Quicker Time by this Route and Better Ac commodations than by any other. 'ecures Speed and Comfort, when fravding, by asking for tickets Via Louisville. THROUGH TICKETS AND BAGGAGE CHECKS may be pmcared „f N. & . It. lb. in <'h„t t-Miix-sra, and at all ticket offices throughout the South. \V. 11. KIND ALBERT FINK. G. P A. Gen'l Sup’t. feb 24.-wly Office Caktersvii.le & Van Wert R. R. I September 28th, 1870. f Changro Os Hflietlulo, To afford wide PUBLIC CON VEXIEXCE and the greatest facility to the approaching inviting Fair Bartow County Agricultural Association, commencing TUESDAY NEXT, 4th proximo, No. I—Daily Passenger Train will leave Siiles boro Station at 8, A. M., on time promptly. Xo. 2.—Passenger train (returning to Stileshoro) leave Uartersville at 5. P. M., on time promptly. Fare reduced, Tickets for Komid Trip, to be had of Mr. VV . P. Milam, Ag't, at Stilesboro, and Mr. B. Bowers, igent at Cartersvile. ROB’T. A. CRAWFORD -Sept. 30. sw-3t. Snp’t. Georgia, Bartow county. ALL PERSONS indebted to the estate of Wil liam Pittard, late of said county, de ceased, are hereby notified to come forward and settle up; and those holding demands against the same, are required to present them for pay ment, in terms of the law. November 15, 1870. THOiS. X. PITTA UD, Executor. Georgia, Bartow County. fAOUR WEEKS afterdate application will be 1 made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the Real Estate of James M. Denman, late of said county, deceas ed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. CATIIRIXE ¥. DENMAN, nov. 15,1870. Administratrix. g£jSi*The firm of L. Bennett & Cos., having been dissolved by the withdrawal ofL. Bennett, the business will be continued, at the old stand, by the new firm of L. Payne i Cos. The old firm call upon all who arc indebted to them for Goods anti Groceries, to come forward, without delay, and settle np. The books will be found with" L. Payne & Cos., at tbo old stand. ‘‘Unquestionably the best sustained work of the kind in the World.” Harper’s Magazine. Kotim fifth* Press. No more delightful travels nre printed in the English language than apjiear perpetually in H auVkr's Magazine. They »re r«»d wit£i U qu«t interest and satisfaction bv Iwvsaf., ?.™ grade from eighteen to eighty. Its scleutlßr pers, while sujHci eutly profound to demand tho attention of the learned, are yet admirably . dapted to the popular understanding, aud ita, signed as much to tiiiTusy correct information concerning current scientific discovery as it »{ U wju the organ of the “Society for the Diflusion orl sefui knowl-dge.’’ The great design of II arper’s i* to give, correct in form a. tlon and rational amusement to the groat mass es oJ the people, There are few intelligent V mencan families iu which If sum's M abazink would not he an appreciated and highlv-wcl cornc guest. There is no monthly Magazine an In reading family can loss afford to be without. Many nagtilnes are accumulated.— H a ftrtß’s is oultotl. There Is not a Magazine tliav is printed which shows more intelligent pains expended on its articles and mechanical execution. There i* not a cheaper Magazine published. There it not, confessedly, a more popular Magazine its the World.—A ti- England JloutestMd. It is one of the wonders of iourmdlsm—the ed itor, hI management of lUUlK's —The Satimi, Subscriptions*—lß7l, Terms: llarpek’s Magazine, one year, s|.oo A>l Extra Copy of either the Jfuymine. Week ly or Umar mil be supplied gratis tor retry. Club of Five SUBSCRIBERS «i $-4.00 rack, in one remittance; or, Sir Copies for $20.00, without extra ropy. SitbsrrijUlonsto II arvkk'.n Magazine, Weekly, anti BAZAR, to one address for one year. $10.00; or tiro of liar tier's Periodicals, to one address for one year $7.00. Back Xaoiliers can be supplied at time. A Complete Set or Harper’s Magazine, now comprising 41 Volumes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by Express, freight at expense of purchaser, for $2.25 per volume. Single role me*. by mail, post jm id. $3.00. < loth cases, for bindidg, 58 cents, by mail, postpaid. The postage on Jl aupkk’s Mag azine is 24 cts. a year, which must be paid at the subscriber’s post-otlice. Address 11 AHI‘KU A BROTHERS, New York. “A Complete Pictorial History of the Times.” “The best, cheapest, and most successful Family Paper in the Union.” II arpe r 9 s Weekly. SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTUATED. Xo tires o f the Press. Thb Model Newspaper of our country, Com plete in all the departments of an American Family Paper, Harper’s WEEKLY has earned for itself a right to its title, “A Journal ok Civilization.’’—AW York Keening Post. The best publication of Its class in America, and so far iibodri of all other weekly journals as not to permit of any comparison between it and any of tlicir number. Its columns contain the finest collections of reading matter that arc printed. * * * its illustrations are numerous and beautiful, being furnished by tho chief ar tists of the country.— Boston Traveler. Harper’s Weekly is the best and most inter esting illustrated newspaper. Nor does its val ue depend on its illustrations alone. Its read ing matter is of a high order of literary merit varied, instructive, entertaining, and unexeep tfimsbit.—a. f. Aten. Subrcriptions—lß7l. Terms: II arper's Weekly, oue year, $4.00 An Extra copy of either the Magazine. Week ly, or JiAJCAR, will he supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at S4.(X) each, in one re mittance; or, Six Copies for $20.00, without ex tra copy. Subscriptions to Harper’s Magazine, Weekly, ami Bazar, to one address, for one year, $10.00; or two of Harper’s Periodicals, to one address lor one year, $7.00. Hack numbers can lie supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of Harper’s Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be scut by express, free of expense, for $7.00 each. A complete Set, com - prising Fourteen Winnies, sent on receipt of cash at the rate of $5.25 per vol., freight at the expense of purchasers. Volume XIV. ready January Ist, 1871. The postage on Harper’s Weekly is 20 cents a year, which must be paid at the subscriber’s post-office. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York. “A Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Instruction.” Harper’s Bazar. A supplement containing numerous full-sized patterns of useful articles accompanies the pa per every fortnight. 11 arper’s Bazar contains It) folio pages of the size of Harper’S Weekly, printed on superfine calendered paper, and is published weekly. Xotires of the Press. Harper’s Bazar contains, besides pictures, patterns, etc., u variety of matter of especial use and interest to the family; articles on health, dress, and housekeeping iu all its branches; its editorial matter is specially adapted to the cir cle it is intended to interest and instruct; ami it has. besides, good stories and literary matter of merit. It is not suprising the journal, with such foatures, has achieved in a short time an im mense success; for something of its kind was de sired in thousands of families, and its publishers have filled the demand. The young lady who buys a single number of Harper’s Bazar is made a subscriber for life.—.V. Y Kerning Post. The Bazar ts excellent. Like all the period icals which the Harper’s publish, it is alnm-t ideally well edited, and the class of readers for whom’ it is in tended—the mothers and daughters in average families—-cannot but profit by its good sense and good taste, which, we have no doubt, are to-iiav making very many homes happier than they may have been before the women began taking lessons in personal and household and social management from this good-natured mentor.— The Xation, X. Y Subscriptions— 1871. Terms: * Hafter’B Bazar, one year, $4.00 An Extra Copy of cither the M ao az in e, Week ly, or Bazar willlre supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subxcribern at $4.00 each, in one re mittance; or. Six Copies for $20.00, without ex tra copy. Subscriptions to Harper’s Magazine, v\ eeklv, and Bazar, to one address for one year, $10.00; or. two of Harper’S Periodicals, to one address for one rear, $7.00. Vols. L, 11.. and 111. of Harper’s Bazar for the years 1868, ’69, ’7O, elegantly bound in green nio roceo cloth, will be sent by express, freight pre paid, for $7.00 each. The postage on Harper’s Bazar is 20 rents a year, which must be at the subscriber'* post office. Address „ , HAKPKII A BROTHER*, New York. dec 8, 1870. J- C. Register, Tinner, A Jill DEALER IN Cook, Heating and Office STOVES AND GRATES TIN-WARE W. C. lOWAIDS, IIAS WOW READY FOR USE. A FIRST-CLASS HEARSE, AND Will give SPECIAL ATTENTION n ease of Deaths to encasing the dead, and Being Agent for Erwin & Jones’ METAUC BURIAL CASES, AND FOR Wfli Goldsmith's WOOD OOIEtFinSTS. UB Notifies ALL, that he is ready at all hours, to wait on them. April 7th,-tf. ATLANTA SACK FACTOEY. WE are prepared, at all seasons,•to fill or ders for Grain aid Flour Sacks, of any I size, quality, or quuntitv at our fftctory in At lanta, Ga. \\ - A. iIIICHLLL A CO. sept. 3®, lSW.wly ETC., ETC., CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA.