Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, December 23, 1870, Image 3

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r oW > MATT Tg Cartcr»Tille» Oa.> l>ec. M-l. 1870. Elect lou Return'i-.Bartow Cos Cart. King. ten, Ai>v. Young, 924 f<* 92ft 203 to 202 198 X 198 275 (a 274 Burnett, 880 to 873 118 (g) 4 'ole, 6to E> Wofford, »tt 237 *» 286 Grav, 911 *3l *•* McGee. 331 «I * Parrott, 71 1 1 Word, m 819 Kite, 360 81 r *> 158 867 73 104 174 Tiusiev. 434 239 162 U> Gordon, 815 216 221 275 Kay ton, 156 10 4 7 Morrison, 58 M' Reynolds 1002 221 22.. 2tv, Sheets, 53 86 13* route, 605 m Ig Collins, 092 110 81 Hill, 885 297 scat. 3 C' 47 scat. 2 lackey, 414 7 21 11 Karp, 509 291 *<. -61 W_Cber»kee JOeovgia Ims gone Democratic by an overwhelming ma jority. Yom " elected wilbout a doubt TAX COLLECTOR WK are authorized to announce the name of BENJAMIN SH EATS as a candidate for Tax Collector of Bartow County, at the forth coming election commencing on the 20th He res ! >ec tfullv solicits the suffrages of the vo ters of Bartow Conutv. and pledges nimselt. ir elected, to faithfully discharge the_ duties ot ws yUlce, December 15, 1370. giaju TOBACCO —Messrs. JOURDAN, HOWARD & HAREAI.SOS, Atlanta, Ga., have on liand the following Clioid? flran<lß of manufactured Tobacco, which tW offur to trade as low as the lowest: Brown’s Log Cabin, Cabin Home, Golden Choice, Bike’s Peak, Win free’s Gold Leaf, § Pranly’s XXX, Montsief, Jlyco Belle, V Peach Mountain, \ Sunny Side, Saranac, McGhee’s 4 A, Golden Rule. Rosa Belle, Globe Twist, Crown Navy, May A ppl? And many other desirable brands not mu tioueu, together with a fine variety of Smr ing Tobaccos and Cigars. PEASE and his WIL E. EIIBOPEAX HOUfif®* ALABAMA STREET, ATLANIhV\ GA * a DININGS A T ALh HO ÜBS 1 Private Enterance and ■ t ' lll^n S Saloons for Xi a. and i* © s! Kllfgaiii Sk'o'iiis looms will br JPsiwsil» -lied at 75 Gents * PER DAY. An# t Y°u ean I>ine at PKASr- AWDIIIS WIFE’S .it any Houk you Wish, and got _ rap what you Want, and Day for AD'uS M hat you Get, and no More !! CALL AND TRY OUR FARE !! ,leC 15 ' SW *W^^-~~. - STI EESB OR O' INSTI T U T E. «THE SPRING SESSION will he resinned oii^lON akv NEXT, comprising • faculty: IRBY G. HUDSON, A. M., Principal. Mrs. S. A. SMITH. Associate. Miss FLORENCE SMITH, Music & French. Kates of tuition Ifeq Session: Primary Class, sl2 00 Intermediate Class, IS 10 Advanced Class, •• 21 00 No deduction made except for protracted sickness; and no pupil received for less time than one quarter or half session. .Tuition • due at the end of the session. Discipline AL 1 ! 1 ! firm ; and n ° P>ti ,4 ri - WIU - Jviv'ancemeuL of every pupil. Stilesboro’ ; I, near tire lino of the Curtewv.U.,* pol . Vvert Ka Iroad. halt a J ll . I ,.? ny! and desirable in the most beautitul an( j is unsurpassed in section of facilities. The Trustees, having educap'the services of the above corps of fathers, of tried ability and long experi ence, being ‘ duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified,” would recommened this Institution as one possessing every advant age, and will endeavor to see that “none go away dissatisfied. It IT. CANNON, Prea’t. V M- CUNY US, Seo’y. Stilesbobo’, Bartow Cos , Ga. Dec. lj, IWO.-swtf SKATOfi ASSOCIATION. THE KINK will be open /or Ladies and little Boys, every MONDAY, "WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY AF TERNOONS. Admission and In struction FREE of CHARGE. :o§to:§;o:§o: - REGULAR NIOIITS. TLESD'VYfe, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS. Tickets can be obtained at t he NEVA DRUG STOKE, jit Ziin-tw. vv. it iunanm. Mules ! Mules ! ! Mules ! ! ! I have jnst received one of ;he-finest lot oi mules ever brought to Georgia, which may be seen and bought at my plantation, four miles Went of Carters viih ,on the Etowah river. Cotton, at the highest market price _v\ ill be taken in tsciitii g(. for tht-m. w. p. Milam. Cartersville, On., D» c. 11, ’7o—tf. Mr. Editor: Allow* us to suggest the mime of Col. J. W. Pritchett as a suitable candidate for a nu mber of the Educational Board of Bartow County for the 822nd or Cartersville District. He is well qualified for the position, and will give, we feel assured, entire satisfaction. Election Ist Saturday in January next. Many Voters, j December 13, 1870. LOCAL ITEMS. ,T. T. Gibson, Local I>litor. j w—* c J Jri 7= The weather has been delight ful for the past two but wo are wholly unable to vouch for a continua tion. _____ - jftgy Wednesday was the coldest day we have bad this winter. The election, so far, has passed off quietly and peacefully. We have not heard of a single riot, and toe Democratic ticket ia being supported with <*t perfect vim. /fet?”' Christmas is nearly here, and its approach is hailed with delight by everybody, and especially editors and printers, from the fact that it affords them a li tie rest, from the laborious and monotonous labors encumbent upon them; and now, friends, all of you, who are in arrears with us for advertising, subscription or job work, ! and wish to conduce to our pleasure during the Christmas holidays, just call and pay up,..and we assure you, 1 that you will add much to our pleas ure, and encourage us to begin our la bors with the New Year with renewed energy and zeal. 8©- Owing to a rule established by printers from time imm morial, to “loaf,” Christinas wet k, theye will be no paper issued from this office during that time; however, old “reliable” will be on hand, to receive subscriptions, job work, &c. U e will issue a supple ment next week, which will contain the legal advertising; a happy Christ mas to everybody. j We note with much pleasure, : { he daily increasing prosperity of our | g -wri, and look forward to the future'th anticipations all radiaut with the thought that, ere long, Carters ville will occupy an enviable position ! among the cities of Georgia. Speed the happy day; to this end her indus . t ions, energetic and persevering citi zens have labored since t. e close of the war, and knowing them, as we ando } we can, with implicit confidence, rely upon it, that they will never cease to woik until the goal of their expecta tions shall have been r< ached. B@<u That old sea la waging, carpet bagging, lugger-loving, filthy, nausea utmg. stinking, rag-tag and bobtail or gan of the Bad cal party, the Atlanta New Era, forces us to the very humilia ting and sickening necessity of reply ing to some its blackguard effrontery; the stupid old ignoramus who does, wh t he calls, the editing, has really, we think, been laboring under the f lse impression that he is as good as decent whit people; why, Mr. Era, you are not half as good, or as much tbougut in' a! me notorious JnO. A. Murrell; he robbed privately aim AOU punlicly; you are a burlesque oil man kind, a libel on humanity and a dis g; ace to the editorial fraternity. We will dismiss this odious subject, luliy 1 aware, however, that we are not well \enough versed in the use of low, mean i epithets to rightly portray this fellow who imagines himself an editor, but who is a nondescript. The Cau Factory. —Now is the time for all who desire to see the prosperity of our town to manifest it by their actions. We have announced to the world our determination to' start a Car Manufactory at this place, and failure. Our town has never determin ed on an uiterprhe tln.t has resulted in defeat, and now the most practical and profitable one that has then offer ed to us must be built up; we must know no stub word us fail. There i not a shadow of a doubt as to its be ing a profitable investment of our money, and nothing will give inch an impetus to the prosperity of otp pi ee; it will employ 20 to 30 hunts, and draw orders for cars from a 111 pi ces within 500 miles from ns; it Ml tum ble us to turn our lumber and lon in to greenbacks; it will improve trade largely ainoung our m< rchauts; it vvni build up mom houses, and brin* mole families to ns; it will give us t new start upward. Mr. Budget, of Quit man, Ga., is already hero, and seth and; in is one of the foremost mechtncai men in the State, and he fully Ader st ands the mam faciure of eursfyuid will turn out the Desi <in me ttmti a states, such its w» bo a credit to imn, and our L ,vu. The truth us, we must commence mat i..c luiiug; we must m;>k cur», iruailvii. and wheat aed spm cotton. FjH-w>g is ovgl and lit iti liie 'Sou; it— ;i >l o . ducts are too low io r p-L COt'tv’U down to lU U b n i GO, wheat at $1 00; polk nett. \\ must put our sui phis funds itt' i ik, and let them earn something lyf. b. All knov, that it is d.tlig* toll- ti nu money, the Lavs of tin btaep f Ltd do IE ei ions, ami How, o' ad ing our money out of the At te.o an, j let us put it into sound, practical jaii ufactures, and nothing so far has ben i offered to us which promise, so gtil a profit on our money. Then lejall not only in town, but in tiie ebuntry, * take stock in the enterprise now offer ing, and the more you take the better you will hereafter like it. Let none refuse to subscribe. . “Ye Old Local.” Personal. — The citize s os Carters" ville are about to start a Car Factory in that town, and our w ►rthy towns- ■ man, rur. Hardy Padgett, is to manage j vbe same. Ihe Exprem s tvs: ‘ The comp my we learn is so near v made up that it may be put down as a fixed fact. We have advocated this i business for mouths, and now that we 1 -ee that it is an fail accompli, we feel a : commendable pride at this further evi dence of our prosperity. Mr. Padgett, |of Quitman, Ga., a man of untiring ' perseverance, is hero, and will make ' one of the company. His is, perhaps, | one of the most mechanical minds in ! our State, and he will bring to bear on this enterprise till his abilities and ex | perieuce in wood and iron manufacture, j \Yc regard this as one of the very best moves yet made to advance the inter est of our town, and that it will be a paying business, wo have simply no doubt. We learn that Mr. Padgett will move and settle with us, and grow ! up with our growing town. Success to you, gentlemen.'’ \Ye congratulate the growing town of Cartersville on securing so worthy and enterprising citizen as our friend Padgett—although we regiet exceed ingly to part with him. He is a live, business man, enterprising and ener getic; and the Comp .ny of which l§e is to become the ruling spirit, eou and not have seemed the s rvices of a better or more skilful geutlemam We wish him abund mt success in his new field of lu bor.—Quitman Banner. [For the Express, The Common School. Mr. Editor: 1 see, in the last issue of your paper, the name of Col. J W. Pritchett sug gested by ‘‘Many Votnrs.” as a suitable can didate for a member the Beard of Education for the L 22 l istriet, and as the Act provides for a member from each incorporated town, in addition to those to be elected by the dif ferent Malitia istriets, 1 beg leave to sug gest the name of Rev. Theodore E. Smith as a candidate for member from the town of Cartersville. Although the office has no sal ary attached to it, and the service rendered wdl be entirety gratuitous, still, it is an im portant one to the people of the town and county. The efficiency of the Common Bchool Law will be in proportion to the in teligenee tnd energy of the Board of Com missioners, and their devotion to the cause of education. It therefore behooves the peo ple in each District and incorporated town to gee to it that their most intelligent, ener getic and self-sacrificing citizens are nomi nated for Commissi* ners, and prevailed up on to serve. W hile upon this sabject, I recoil ct that the law provide# that three Trustees shall be elected from ach District and incorporated Town, to perform certain duties in cocuec. tion with the < ommon Schools; and presum i,7| that there will be no nominating conven tion to f.Ybout candidates, your correspond ent takes the of nominating the fol lowing named candidates for Trustees for the town of Cartersvirre, . ’ Col. John 'J'. Coxe, Judge John L. U ikle and James Attaway. Esq. These gentlemen Lave not been consulted in reference to this matter, but we feel assured, from the known patriotism and philanthropic character of the gentlemen in question, that they will not hesitate to serve the people in this matter affecting the public weal, even at some little sacrifice of their private interests. These nominitions are made in order to get the matter in ship shape, and to secure an or gan zatiou. If anyone has a better ticket i s"oncT"’T.eTA:acfT Dis trict in the county bring out candidates for Commissioners and Trustees with sole refer ence to their efficiency, and studiously avoid anything like party politics in this matter, in this way, and this way only, can we ex pect any good results from thi comman school law. It is undoubtedly a good law, if it can be properly carried out It not,, it will only prove a burthen, without any cor responding benefits. Let os strive to secure the benefits CHIZEN. Fire At Adalrtiiibe-Lotts Heavy, * o learn from a private kilter to ,t gentleman of this plac>, tha! Messrs G hoist on & Alien and Mr. J. J. Dyer, mocounts ii Ati.urs.Ja-, were burnqd out about 4 o'clock, 1 must a evening nst. Mcfesib. Goolsion & Alien lust everythiiig thcl not even, s ,ve then boons. Mr. Dyer of it is stock of goods. iLe qre origin u-d, as we, from a harrel of k« V- cue o;l f king tue, iu ti.e slutti of Me svs * a*A-na. A gua , wgii. ■-■ ■ ■ c tiny pal ioi tile 1. .sStys weta- v<e. , by bifeifU' cc. bui'v< u ; ! tail not s;ri.oii^.y. ; .Hn.ce Vo.iliu:, I tie •,:»<!> <,* a }, : li’yt , J ■■Mi ,M. \ t <u* Es(j., t . . ....xy yfc -s.v. ii me., .»:e ,o • vi by nisnrui-<*e. Witfj tijis io r K i., ! p r;,c lats a;e , lUQ much u - nbm%: .{ro. % !Stekl' Engraving of Gen.' Robert t. bi.i:. — An :ulve>j [ iseiiK-ut iu aualiicr c imuu at ilws issue, oilers a Steel Et g uv>ng of Gen. Rub it i.. i ee to subseiibt s to in I ■' out hern Press, tins uunibci oi which con tains a large wood cut with sm outline of Tips 1 life. ___ t- - B®u.L.tht Thursday was the shOrfi-s.. day iu the year. Married, in Cartensvilic.ou the oven- ' ing of the 20th mstart ,by R «v. SH. J Smith. Mr. L. D. Ifi-nop to Mips L F Lumpkin, all of this cotury. In th' : s place, on the 14th instant, by R v. R. H. Jones, Mr. W. L. Fain, j of Atlanta, to Miss Fannie Gower, of ' CartHTh-title. In Caru rsvill * by the same, on the evening of the ’221 mst., Mi*. Elijah Junks to Miss 8. R diu. t, all of this place, Pain is supposed to be the lot of us p* af mortals, as inevitable as death itself and lia ble at any time to ccmeupon us. Therefore it is important that remedial agents eliould be at band to be used on an when the seminal principle lodged in the system shall develope itself, and we feel the excruciating agonies of pain, or the depress ing inflence of disease. Buch a remedial agent exists in the Pain, whose fame has made the circuit of the globe. Amid the eternal ices of the polar regions or beneath the intolerable and hurtling sun of the trop ics, its virtues are known and appreciated. Under all latitudes, from the one extreme to the other, suffering humanity has found re lief from many ot its ills by its use. The wide and broad erea over which this medicine has spread, attests its value and potency. From a small beginning, the Tuni Killer has pushedg adually along, making 11 3 own high way, solely by its virtues. Such unexampled succors, and popularity has b«»aght others ijito the Afield jvho have : attemted, under similarity of name, to usurp i the confidence of the people and turn it to ! their own selfishness and dishonesty, but i their efforts have proved fruitless, while the I’aiu Filler is still growing in public favor. ERItOUH OF YODTII. VGEMTLEM AN who suffered for years from j Nervous DebiHty, I’rematuie Decay, and j all the effects ol'youthful indiscretion, will, for j the sake of sufferin'' hum taitv, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for mak ing the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience cau do so by atjdressiug, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 42 Cedar street, New York, Nov. 22 1870-wt.v. The Great Pictorial Annual. Hostetter’s United states Almanac, for 1871, f r distribution, gratis , throughout the United States, and nil civilized countries of the Western Hemisphere, will be published about the first of January, and all who wish to understand the true philosophy of health should read and ponder the valuable sugges tions it contains. In addition to an admir able medical treatise on the causes, preven tion and cure of a great variety of diseases, it embraces a large amount of information interesting to tha merchant, the mechanic, the miner, the farmer, tho planter, and pro fessional man; and the calculations have been made for such meridians and latitudes as are most Suitable for a correct aud com prehensive National Calendar. The nature, uses, and extraordinary san itary effects of Hostetter’s stomach Bitters the staple tonic and at etativo of more than half the Christian world, are fully set forth in its pages, which are also interspersed with pictorial illustrations, valuable recipes for household and farm, humorous anec dotes, and other instructive and amusing reading matter, original and selected.— Among the Annuals to appear with the op ening of the year, this will be one of the | most tfteiWßnU be had for the asking. — The proprietors, M&s*?- Hostetler & Smith, on receipt es a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by niaiT to any person who cannot procure one injiis neighborhood. The Bit ters are sold ill every city, town and village, and are exclusively used throughout the en tire civilized abrld. —*t ***" To Consumptives. The advertiser, laving been permanently cur ed of that area* 'disease. Consumption, by a j simple rewiedv, Mtnxiaais tt>-inake>'Known-to his J i used, ’free of cllirge) with the directions for | preparing ami uling the same, wh i' ll they will find a si-itr: cuits ton coxsi'Mi-TiON,. Asthma, j Bronchitis, ao, > Parties wishing\iic prescription will please address Lev. i,DVV A Itl> A. W i LSDX. 165 South Rectindfitreet, Williamsbnrgh, N. Y. Nov. 22, 1870-wlyj Ordinary’! Bartow County, Ga. j At Chambers, Dec. 17th, 1870. f A N ELECTION is hereby ordered to be held LI. in accordance with an Act of the Legisla , ture, approved 12th hetober. 1870, on the first | Saturday in Janui|ir, 1871, for one Member of the County Board of education to serve two years. , One School Trusijbe, to serve three years, One School Trustie to serve two years, •n School Trustee to serve one year, At the following designated places in Bartow County: to-wit; At Aliatoona l'vtcilct, for the 819th I list., G. M. “ Stamp Creek (: •• “ 96.1 J** “ Wolf Pen r “ “ 1041st “ *♦ “ Pine Log v> “ “ 827th “ “ " Stoth District /• “ “ 930. h “ “ “ Cass ville “ “ 828th “ Cartersville ,l •* *• 822d ,l “ “ Seventh District 4 “ “ 851st 44 44 44 Kingston “ “ “ 952d 44 “ And also at the uslial praces of holding (dec lions in the lbllowiiig named incorporated towns in Bartow < oimy, ta-wit: lia the town of Caser,ville, for Cartersville. “ Kingston, ■* Kiugslwn. 44 “ “ “SUlAhoro, “ stileshorb. “ ’■ 44 “■Euhlrlee, " Enharlce. ’■ ” •*. Ailaisviile. 44 Adairsville. i And thartisaideieetLrrs be opened, Managed i and relariis made uj> a-csoribcJ by law. J w *J. Ac HfJASA fi I*, Ordinary. A true extract/r* in the .minutes. J, A; IK)\V A Kt>, Ordinary. I Dec. 20th Im. Sta . it- i ’copy 2 weeks. I> A n IS A ’ H Prophylactic Fluid. r| thhMwOt-»blo T.timij .Mqdi. irt.gj for pufi i,. .lig, i.a.asiii|, • :.l lor Erysipelas, xacuiuausio, ana all okui ut.-'Cas liu; lor ciiohc, uiaiilia-o, clioloru; ns a w.ish to spdts, mita<\v, lruit stains; taken internally us menueu sip idi who lt.<,vo n»eu it- is tor sale b., all tnd otr»u M r h .> at*iv '.r: —- nAUM i Horn j L.uit. iu, Dec. ft, vr-l v. 161 Willi-an >treet. N. Y. MUTUAL PROTECTION life Ineutatire Jasmin trf 7'rin ?ssrfc. Si' *- ir "W BRANCH IFrIS ATLANTA,GEORGIA A. W. iftiliA \N. rirEMnrS-T. u t. w* s \x*nr>, v,'e rr.EsiD*>rr; iU. G. t’4-f . U-ECOND \ ICEI/liEMIANT. r. A. FRKLMAN, Secretary. IN ADDITION to the safeguards thrmvun ront»4 the iiitv'r’*sti of the lNiiivy Holder t>y_ the exceHcat In*nr.uu-e Laws of the >tau> ot .New York. the fhllowifiar dis p ificfive ui<* mark the “Alt TV \ L IMM i K< i MN” :.s <ieci 'viiieilly liberal, safe. ana worthy of eourden —and sttronaje: I. The "Mutual Protection" allows I’olicv,Hind ers to travel or reside iu any part >i i-.uropc or North America. 2. A/I Ample Cash Capital, safely attested in the bent sec.urivies. 3. / ’liiiex /s.ii-l in Cti*h. No deductions at death ior loans or notes. 4. Thirty Pay* or ue granted oa payment*, al ter payment of first annual premium. and the policy kept iu force during that time. 5. iliridends declared annnaily—niron the eon triliutinn plan—the most equitable m.tuner. 6. AH Policies non -/or/t liable after the second year, and the assured emitted tort full-paid pol ice for the whole amount of premiums paid. 7. All Policies in.•oiliest,tile after live years, ft. SHi/eriority of mq-nageutent. The officers of the -lit TCaL l'R< >TIX.TTON ’’ combine fiuau cial integrity and ability, with long ami suc cessful experience in Life Insurance. 8. Alt Policy Holders are nietnlij rx of th* Society, and entitled to vote for Trustee*. 10. A Cash So -iety. No notes taken. No loans, interest or other complications to annoy the Policy Holder. 11. Equity <nvi Hlterality sho\fn Policy Holders in the several modes of applying dividends. 12. M/itvality. All the preflits divided among the members \ 13. Fairness of contract embodied in the writ ! ten policy in explicit terms. 14. F.irorablc rate of mortality —taking only : first-class risks. 15. Sm-nll ratio of EotpenHe*. | 1(1. AII odious discrimination* 04 to trnyloyvunt abolished. No extra rates charged on . railroad, ; express Or (Steamboat employees. Active, energetic and experienced agents cm -1 ployed on liberal terms. K. J. MASsI’.V. Ma nager Southern Depart me nt. JOHN CaM IT, 1-ILL, Local Agent. Carterseille. Ha., DR. O. PIN lv KUTON, I Medical Examiner. Oct. 28,1870- -sw, 2ms. , SIXTY-FJVE FIRST PRIZE MEOMS AWARDED. n THE CHEAT Southern Tiano MANUFACTORY. Wist- KXAIiE & CO. lit A NT FACTOR P!!S OF GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES, BAI.II MOPE, MD. These Instruments have been before the Pub lic ior nearly Thirty Years, and upon their ex cellence alone attained oa unpurchased ore emi nence, which pronounces them unequalled. Their TOSE combines great power, sweetness and fine sing ing quality, a* well as great purity of Intona tion and Sweetness throughout the entire scale. Their TOUCH is pWant and elastic, and entirely free from the stifness found iu so many Pianos. IX workmanship they are unequalled, using none but the very best seasoned material, the large capital em ployed in our business enabling us to keep con tinually an immense stQck of lumber, Ac., on hand. fifths'* 1 All our Stir ARE FI A NOS have our New Improved Over strung Scale and the AGRAFFE ' Treble. P»gj“ Wc would call special attention to our late improvements in GRAND PIANOS AND SQUARE GR ANDS, Patented August 14.1866. which bring the Piano nearer perfection than lias yet been attained. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 yrs We have made arrangements for the Sole Wholesale Agency for the most celebrated PARLOR ORGANS AND MRLODKONS, which we offer, Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Fac tory Prices. WJI. MABT & CO., sept 0’ '7O. swGm MSaltint&re, Jfltl METZ IUS FALLEN !!! go Have STOKELY & WILLIAMS Li the Price of their new FILL 4 WINTER CTHIS 6, fiats. Boots, Shoes, House - Furnishing Goods, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, CUTLERY, &c. 5 Ac. 4 r THEIR AND. Two-Ptoi} tiif* i 4 Corner of Public bqu.u e ami Maine Street Carter«vill, Ga. i oiuv uni >rt: one uintaU, and look through ?• ■ rj.ltJJ HJ IXli OF Goods, Ac., jtmJ buy iV in ns upon as good terms as any merchant outh oi lists Poitou .te can afford to sell. si >KELY & wiLUAMs. MOV. 1 ; WC WEED'S SEWING- MACHINES, Tor Family Use. EXHIBITOR : ; i, J. M G VINES. at Satterfield, Byron & Cd> StoWest Main Street. 31 K Prettiest, the ( heapc*t, the Best ever a m.uurf.ntured. for sale in < artcrsville, at ’a- Furniture Warc-room o’’ Robert Br«ire. A. I. t t VMBF.UL YIN. Agent. fcKT.UV'XKD-AGENTS, (S2O per d;iv) to sell Vt the celebrated HOME SHUTTLE SEW i\l ■ M AC: iIN K. lis the under feed makes the lack Mitch" alike oti both sides,) and ,is fully V -list'd The best and cheapest faintly Sewing Machine in the market. Address JOHNSOR,* CLARK & CO., Boston. M iss., Pittsburg, Pa., Chicago, ltt_ r.j*St..Louis, Mo., sept... 53. 3m. HADVIE DELACHAHPS ALONE IN A MOUNTAIN GORGE. Snugly enseonsed amid the wilds of one of tbeAluuUe >t,Ates, Uved Madame Delach.anp*. ■ arm. vears ago, with no knowu protector, save % faithful dog that ever stood beside her to tie- , fead bet iu time of need. Her small, inosw-cov sred cabin, wrapped with the wild rose and ' tmneysm-k le, appeared hit! awav by a rlus/crof j undergrowth. amt closely euv ironed on the north and east by a(h ep, eraggv ravin* that led > away hack ro the mountain goige. : Here. sniffling the ambient air. wafted front nature*!' green sward clinging to the mountain side, bathing her brow in etulv morn’s ttewdrop, she lived solitary and alone tor many years.- ■ ihe catamount's unearthly midnight veil,* and j the wolf’s doleful howl, frequently aroused lire s from her pleasant midnight slumbers. N ;v* and then .-he would emerge from'her tin- j knowu home and mingle with the inhabitants j around about for one or two months at a time, she whs eccetit ric in her ads, and all viewed | her a* a living curiosity. While tVom home, she apparently had but one object, and that was the nliei of her afflicted set. i'jdfer a IwlS on her led side, could be seen aiiwhl-Maftii’Ued dirk of considerable sue. v ar rival tor her owu protection, while strapped across her shoulder was suspended a curious sack, made from the Arranged in alternate stripes. This hag con tained Sonic old parchment curious relics, a lew ligh’: garment*, and a smaller suck, containing a *• /iberder made from certain root* known only to herself, the secret of which she citing to as with the tenacity of death. Hie sallied forth from her w ihl mountain home, to net the Good Samaritan, with this unknown vegetable pow der. which she claimed possessed it wonderful power <>vey all Diseases incident to the female sex. She termed it "womb physic,” with which sire proposed to cure all affections and derange ments of that organ, and kindred complaints fie- of charge. \\ kh such singular magic did she relieve all who applied, that withiu a few years her name and fume became knowu faranri wide, and hundreds of suffering leni ties applied for relief an l returned to their homes healthy and h.tppv. Mane were anxious to know her great secret, and large sums of money were of fered if she would divulge it-bul she stubborn ly refused. ' During her solitary life, she became intimate with only one woman, s noted midwife some miles distant, to whom she promised to DIVUL&E HER SECB£~ Be I ok e dying. In a few Years, as the sombre shades of night began to close around her totter ing frame, she impacted this great senes to this friend, * * * * ***** shet<w>. gained quite a reputation for relieving the suffering of her sex, and strange it may ap pear—she scarcely over tailed to cure those «and chronic female complaints that had resisted all ordinary modes of t reatment. Many j ears ago the writer of this, w hile engaged In D.’e i'ractiee of Medicine, by a little strategy, succeeded in procuring the secret of this wonderful vegetable Regulator, which had never been known to the Medical Profession. He gave it a fair and impartial trial in the treatment of various forms and stages of female complaints with such decided satisfaction, that in 18Co he called public attention to its virtues l in . . ■ •T—."l.J’ ..Tin *' \ “GLOSS' MED 1 CO CHIRURCICAL REVIEW.’’ Combined with other known vegetable Tonics, having great power over the utevine organs; w ith Black Root to act upon the Li ver and Bow els, and Soluble Citrate of Iran to correct the blood, he has formed a wonderful combination for the cure of all Female Complaints, consider ing it tho only Female Regulator known, and now offers this valuable coin pound to the afflict ed female, under the name of - •WiI'SBKMWWtWBMWi ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS. ■ ■■ The Medical Profession at large, have long felt the need of just such a medicine, consequently it is not strange that they so eagerly prescribe and recommend these bitters to their female pa tients. Ts you could see the pile of smiling approval* and ecomimns from physicians and the public w ho have cured their wives, their daughters and their friends, by the use of these Bitters, no sickly female would hesitate to use them. This Female Regulator is adapted for old, young, married or siugle females, w ho are affected with acute or chronic forms Os ITtcriuederangements. They cure painful, suppressed, scanty, profuse J or irregular Menstruation. Chlorosis or Green i Sickness, Fluor Albus or Whites. Hysterics, ' Falling of the Womb, Ulceration and Irritabili ty of the Womb, pain in the side, back or loins, sick Headache, palpitation or fluttering of the Heart, hurried Breathing, swimming of the : Head, cold Feet and Hands, loss of Appetite, In digestion, torpid Liver, Melanchollv, Nervous ness, Wakefulness. Barrenness, physical .Pros tration, etc., etc. Many of these arc relieved by the use of only one bottle. ;f£i HIS & SBIMI 1 Are thoroughly aroused and restored to a heal i thy action, by the use of these Bitters. Its pe j culiar Iron and Vegetable combination, places j it far ahead of any similar preparation before i the public. It lias no equal on this continent, acting power fully and promptly in all eases, w here noorgan ie lesion exists. It is just the medicine for young girls’ who have some difficulty in retaining tne bloom on the cheeks, and who"do n«d. feel-exact lv right. For the mother at the ‘‘changiioflifc,” it soothes and quiets until the critical period is passed, as sweetly as h enjov ing the brightest beams of opal my. flitting through the air of oriental climes. The medicine is sols! at the. low ! price of fl 50 per Bottle, or six for $8 00, and can 1 he had of all J)rgg sts and w erchants through ■ out the country. Address J. P. DROMGOOLE&CO.. Prop’s, Memphis, Tcuu. DROMGGGLE & CO.’S sue HU. f *' l - - - * vva4 public, lor all affections and derangments of the Kidneys and Bladder. Large Bottles only -jil CO or six for $5 00. Mold by all Druggists and Merchants everywhere. J. P. DROMGOOLE A CO., Prop’s, Memphis, Tenn. To All wltom il in«y Concern: ( f CORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY. Delilah Jf Parham having, in proper form, nppliied to me for permanent letters of Administration on the estate of Pulaski Parham,*l ate of said County deceased. This is to rite all, and singu lar the creditors ami next of kin of Pulaski Parham, to be and appear at mv oiliee within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if they can, why permanent administration should not be granted to Delilah Parham on Pulaski Parham** Estate. \\ ifcness my hand and Official Signature. Nov 25di. 1 870. J. A. HOW ARD, Ord’y P>. C. AGENTS WAN'IEIT In all parts ol the United States, to sell L. V. DEFOREST & CO.’S Aluminum Gold Jewelry! Agents ate making $ 00 and fJOO per week selling the Aluminum .Jewelry. The best imi tation of gold ever introduced. It has the ex act color. which it always retains, and stands the test of the strougost acids. .No one can tell I it from Gold only by weight—the Aluminum j Gold being about l-li) lighter. L. V. Dkfoukst j A < 0,, ate selling their goods for 1-10 the price I gold jewelry is sold for, and on most liberal terms to agents—l-4 cash, balance in 30, 60 and 00 days. We send persons w ishing to act as a gents, a ful 1 and comyluie assortment of goods, i consisting <n Seals. BreceieA, Lockets, Ladies’ j and Guuts’ Chains. l»ju«. Kings, Sleeve Buttons Studs, Ac., lb* SIOO - $25 to be paid w hen the ! goods are received, the other .sls in 30 00 and hO | days. Parties wishing to order goods and act j as agents will address L. V. DKicJi HSST &CO | ne.v.ll -wSin 40 A42 Broadway, Ncw York. S. 11. IMTTILXO, Agent srtOVfß & BAKER’S CELEBRATED .‘WOK fill. BOTH THE EXASTIC AXU WHITTLE OIL LOCKSTITCH, SUITABLE FOR ANY KIND OF FAMI LY SEWING NONE BETTER- Men ami Boys’ Clothing Mado ob tUe Most Reasonable Terms. In Tact, almost any description of SEWING done AsClioap ii.*s tli© Cheapest! i AND 5X THE KJEST STYLE. 1 DdlOUTlirs Egypfiau TOCK a OOD !: What e\£k\ I **#■ m OI OUT TO KSOW ! THAT OOIOIITIF/S 1.. tt It It* T Pit Tit Rile CVGO U)a*\J IN THE TOWN OF CARTERS VILLE, By the Long-Tried and Never-Flinching old Firm of HOWARD & EKWILF, who have on hand, and Receiving Weekly, FRESH SUPPLIES OF Staple and Fancy DRHOODS!!! Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shoes a nii mm. ALSO, BAUaiXC, AND KOBE, GKOtKRIES, PROiillE, &c. IN FACT, Everything, nearly, kept in the Mer cantile Line, nil Departments, is sold tv t.s at the lowest possible pi ices. Even, U.<g i-.‘ h,. vited to call and loon through our c.\U*i sive establishment. liO\N AM) A ERWIN nov. 11—wtf J. A. Jackhon, FkAu ,eiNG PHYSICIAN ANU SURGCON. OFF I l\ Oft. PIIiHERTOS'H OltUlr jST<-p He has so arranged his business that he is now prepared to devote his whole an, at and attention tsthe practice, and he in )> , mi. dent with his extensive expir i, in,, ih.a lu u, entire satisfaction. A libeial sL.*. age respectfully solicited. Cartel; villc, Jan 6. OYPTIAX »TOCVC FOOD Is just uhat the Farmers* the Htoek Raisers, and the lloiasekeepers should use to iatten and preserve the condition of their Horses* Mules, C ows* Hogs* Kheep* and Poultry, it has been tested by thousands* and does all the Proprietors elaim for it. |r«rSeiul for Price lasts* show ing Osseount to deal ers. Put up in boxes at sl, it sad Hi! each, sand 5, 10. and 20 pounds. Kach box <*ou tains directions. A. A. NOIjOJIOXK cA CO., HnA r t\nuali, On. nov. I—sw3m mthticrg AND unis BY MBS. <£■ MISS CRANDALL, Millnor llrick Builtlin^on the Corner of Main and Krwin Streets, Cartcrsvillc, hcorgiß, Where they will be happy to see their friends and patrons. nov. 1-w ts