Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, January 03, 1871, Image 3

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- 0 wr* >tATTI (a rtc Jan :{d ' 71 * following ticket for Town, nil men and true * will | M . voted for by Many Citizens. Win. T. Wofford, J. 0 Maddox, Dr. W. W. Leak, K. N Gower, XhoiuaH Stokely. xhe following ticket has been -,ted s o s Councilmeu for the town If Carters rifle, for the year 1871; j (ieu. W. T. Wok foe i>, Col. Aron Johnson, J.vs. Vaughan, J. C. Maddox, Thos Stokely. j Election is to bo bob! next Satnr llaJ These are all g°°& and “ ctive ~|,'.'e na ami wiildotbeir duty ta.r- MANY CITIZENS. pQ I'OUACVO —Messrs. JOURDAN, (MIVUC) 4 IIAKRALSON, Atlanta, Ga., ‘ v B the following Choice Brands , l( manufactured Tobacco, which they offer l , trade as low as the lowest: Brown’s I-og Cabiu, Horne, Golden Choice, Pike's Peak, Winfree’s Gold Leaf, Pranlys XXX, Mont si cf, Ilyco Belle, Pcacli Mountain, Sunny Side, Saranac, McGhee’s 4 A, Golden Rule, , Rosa Belle, Globe Twist, j Crown Navy, May Apple. Ami many other desirable brands not men tioned; together with a tine variety of Smok ing Tobaccos and Cigars. PEASE and his WIFE. 3.1 UOI’IIA\ IIOISE. ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GA. a DININGS AT ALL IIOl’HS! cJS Private Enterance and Special Dining Saloons for Ladies! Kllcgaiit Sleeping Rooms will be Eurnishcd sit 7 Cents PER DAY. And .you eau IMnc at PEASE AVD HIS WIFE'S Sfi At any Hour you Wish, and get what you Want, and Pay for What you Get, and no More !! JL CALL AND TRY OUR FARE !! ilee i5-sw tto * S TIE E S It O K O’ I N S T IT U T E. tTIIE SPRING SESSION will be resumed on Mon- /ItPlm lk T> AY, THE 16TH OF .T AXU- f ATt tA BY NEXT, comprising ■ Six months, under the v; 5 ' S' following faculty: IRBY 0. HUDSON, A. M., Principal. Mrs. S. A. SMITH, Associate. Miss FLORENCE SMITH, Music & French. Rates of tuition setj Session : 9 Primary Class, sl2 00 Intermediate Class, . 18 (JO Advanced Class, . ..21 00 No deduction made except for protracted sickness; and no pupil received for less time than one quarter or half session. Tuition due at the end of the session. Discipline wi l be mild but firm ; and no pains will be spared to promote the moral and intellectual advancement of every pupil. Stilesboro’ Is near the line of the Cartersville & Van V\ ert Ra Iroad, half a mile from the Depot in the most beautiful, healthy, and desirable ■section of Georgia, and is unsurpassed in educational facilities. The Trustees, having secured the services of the above corps of eachers, of tried ability and long experi ence being ‘ duly and truly prepared, worthy and well qualified,” would reeommened this Institution as one possessing every advant age, and will endeavor to see that “none go away dissatisfied.” R. 11. CANNON, Pres’t. WM. CUN YUS, Secy. stilesboro’, Bartow to , Ga. Dec. 15, 1870,-swtf SKATISfI ISSMIAUOX. ! UK KINK will be open for Ladies nnd little Bovs, every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY AF TERNOONS. l?3?”Admission and In struction FREE of CHARGE, —;b§:o:§:o:$o: - RE«I LAIt AKiIITS. TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS. ©aT* Tickets can be obtained at the NEW DRUG STORE, at 25cts. W. W Milam. Mules ! Tillies ! IMules ! ! ! I have just received one of the finest lot of mules ever brought to Georgia, which may be seen and bought at my plantation, four miles West of Carters ville.'ou the Etowah river. Cotton, at the highest market price will be taken in exchange for them. W. P. MILAM. Cartersville, Ga., Dec. 11, ’7O-tf. —, —_ Mr. Editor: Allow ns to suggest the name of Col. J. W. Pmiwßoti? as a suitable candidate for a member of the Educational Board of Bartow County for the 822nd or Cartersville District. He is well qualified for the position, and will give, we feel assured, entire satisfaetiojL Election lst Saturday in January next. Many Voters. December 13, 1870. SAXON is our authorised Agent to receive subscriptions for the Cartkrswili. Ex press, and receipt for the name, in Bartow and and adjoining Counties. LOCFAJL ITEMS. | ——— J. T. Gibson, Loonl Itklitor. zuzzzzizll vrz. T'.rrv * j A Visit to Vtui Wert, It was our good fortune to visit the above thriving little town last week »• uod spept a few days with its defer i and soeiuble citizens. We wer<y • glad * to see the many improvements which ■ have been made since our lust visit there. Several hew buildings have 1 bee n built, and a great many more are on foot which will soon be com pie- ] ted, which will add greatly to the ■ appearauce of the town. J We visited the new town, Rock j Mait, situated about a half mile North west ol Van Wert, ou land formerly owned by Col. Seaborn Joues and Mr. Gus Williamson, and found, to our great astonishment, between fifteen and twenty new buildings completed, and many others under course of con struction. Among the buildings at Rock Mart, we noticed a hotel of no small dimensions, which will be tun by Mr. Cox, the former proprietor of the j Exchange hotel at this place. The town is well laid off, and the location is a beautiful one, being perfectly level and posseasiug every thing requisite 1 to erect a town us which its citizens ; may feel justly proud, and we expect to see the time when Van Wert and Rock Mart will be combined. We a great many new subscribers to our list while there; those people beiieve in newspapers, which is a good omen of success in their undertakings. We wish them much success, and- will labor to this end. For want of time we are unable to give an elaborate notice of all we saw and hear J, but will give a more ex tended one in our next issue. BRice Pudding.—Wash thor oughly, a teacup full of best rice, and half cup of whi; e sugar, a quart of wa ter, and the same of milk. Bake slow ly four hours, stirring occasionly, ex cept the last hour. A cup of raisins is an impiovcrnent. Fair Warning! All persons indebted to us are re quested to come forward and pay us without delay, as we cannot longer in dulge. N. Gllrlath A Son. jan, 2, 1871 ts fiJguHon. Amos T. Akerman was in our town, on Saturday and Sunday last, the guest of Judge Parrott. He is looking around with reference to lo cating in our midst, we learn. We heartily welcome all good men to our town, irrespective of politics. JfcarAs we, sill hands, editors, print ers and devils, are just off from Christ mas frolics and fun, turkeys and egg nogs, social convivialities and re-un ious, we hope our readers will overlook all defects and deficiencies in this issue of our paper. We will try and do better in the future. 86*k-The Sanctum of the Express, will, in the future, be found in Col. Harris’ Law Office, where we design opening a public reading room, at an early day. »®t»The Democrats carried the late elections in this State by an overwhel ming majority. Electing five out of the seven members to Congress, and about three-fourths of the Legislature. Glory enough for one day. <•». Married, at the residence of Judge J. A. Howard, in this place, on the evening of Wednesday, the 28th inst., by Rev. R. H. Jones, Air. William C. Edwards to Miss Mattie (Mulissa) How ard, all of Cartersville. We were honored with an invite to attend the nuptials, which we did with the greatest pleasure, in company with a large and delighted crowd of guests, and witnessed the closing scenes in the bachelor life of one in whose matrimo nial welfare we have felt no little iu terset. The ceremony and supper passed off handsomely and delightfully. We were ically pleased with the calm ness and diguity with which the twain received the matrimonial noose, by which they united their lives, fortunes, and sacred honors, and became one flesh—husband and wife. With affec tions intertwined, hearts blended in one, and hand in hand, they have launched out upon the sea of life.— . .ay no rude storm ever drag is de structive trail across their pathway, but upon an unruffled sea may their baique glide smoothly and sweetly through life, and launch its precious cargo, eventually and safely, upon the bright shores of the glory world, and there, beneath the tree of life, hard by the gushing waters of salvation, with their alliance re-saactioned above, and with all the redeemed hosts, harps in hand, may they forever sing and shine. ®eg“Col Crawford has returned from New York, and we have interviewed him. He is looking hale and hearty, and informs us that the Bank is on its way to Cartersville, and is expected to. arrive, here in the course of a week or ten days, when we will, undoubtedl”, have a Bunk of our own. | Car Factory. . The slock to the Car Factory wi 1 soon be taken and the buildings will be commenced. Our most solid busi ness men are taking stock in this en terprise showing their faith in its suc i ces. Only $6,000 or SB,OOO more is i wanted, those who desire to have a 1 baud in this laudable and promising , business had Lett* r come forward at r once and interest themselves in it In ; taking some s i*ck. There are many who hare some sm | plus capital on hand anti are at a loss, | how to emp oy it, knowing that it can not be safely' loaned owing to the hos tile laws of the State against < preventing its collection by law. Now | to all srtch here is offered a s..fe chance for investment, and one that will pay handsome returns iu dividends, per haps 25 to 30 per cent, and the stock will advance in all probability to 50 per cent, above par. This business will be conducted by men who will cut oft all useless expense, and who will not put u!l the profits iu fancy houses, but will look to the interests of the stock holders and endeavor to secure them good returns for their money. Money locked .up and not u>ed profitably is just as poor an investment as too much laud. The best use to put it to is to invest iu soni3 good and safe Manu facturing Company, conducted by men who have succeeded iu their own busi ness. In this Way you avoid seeing your hard earnings swept away from you by Homesteads, and other laws en acted i.gainst the safety of your mon ey, you aid ill building up your own towns, and bringing capital from other States to invest m your laDor and skill. $15,600 to $20,000, invested in a Car Factory will bring an annual demand for SIOO,OUO worth of cars, will support 35 laborers, and pay 25 to 30 pr ct, on the stock. Tneu come forward at once, and take the balance of the Stock. You will find the list at the Store of Howard & Erwin, or at the office of Gen. W. T. Wofford. The New Year has come; it was ush ered in by a calm, clear, beautiful and holy Sabbath, we hope it was an au gury of a calm, prosperous year to all. Let us resolve to five this year, if God spare us, in the discharge of all our obligations to Him, and to our fwllovv man. A batever we did wrong in the past, let us now discard and repent of, and commence from this good day to live anew life, of- usefulness and re spectability. If we have taken the name of the Lord in vain during the last year of His Grace, let us see to it, that we do not dishonor him iu tnis fearful sin during all the present year. If we have indulged iu the intoxicating cup, in the past, now e. ter our solemn protest against this vice, for the year 1871. Whoever reads this, let them just stop here, and say I will be a so ber man, by the help of God, one year. Decide ! decide ! we beseech you, just for Ihm year; and may God help yon. All debts are now due. * Honest men will pay. We feel a pride in the people of Bartow. The 1 iws of the State say to her people, ‘you need not pay yaur debts.’ But the people of Bartow will be a higher and better law to themselves. Their law will be to pay all their just debts. Y. O. L. BS»Ml Henry Patillo, formerly of the firm of A. A. Skinner & Cos., has bought out the Grocery establishment of the Messrs. Roberts, and will con tinue business at the old stand; be will keep constantly on hand a full stock of Groceries, Produce, etc., and will inform the readers oi the Express of his Stock m the way of a flaming dou ble-column advertisement. Steel Engraving of Gen. Robert E Lee. —An advertisement in another column of this issue, offers a Steel Engraving of Gen. Robert E. Lee to subscribers to The Southern Press, this number of which con tains a large wood cut with an outline of his life. A. S- & T. C. M A YSO X, No. Sj DeGive’s Opera Houcs, Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia. AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FIIIAfITUItE ; Real Estate & Renting Agt’s g£3/c.Cash advances on Consignments, dec. fi-svrtf Married, in Cartersville, on the even ing of the 20th instan , by IF v S H. Smith. Mr; L. D Bishop to Miss L. E. Lumpkin, all of this couuty. In this place, on the 14th instant, by Rev. It. K. Jones, Mr. M. L. Inx, of Atlanta, to Miss Fannie Gower, of Cartersville. In Cartersville, by the same, on the evening us the 22J inst., Mr. Elijah Jones to Miss S. It jolly, nil of this place. Pain is supposed to be the lot of us poor mortals, as inevitable as death itself and lia ble at any time to otmeupon us. Therefore it is important that remedial agents should be at hand to be used on an emergency when the seminal principle lodged in the system shall develop® itself, and we feel the excruciating agonies of path, or the depress ing inf)cnee of disease. Such a remedial agent exists in the Pain killer, whose fame has made the circuit of the globe. Amid the eternal ices of the polar regions or beneath the intolerable and burning sun of the trop ics, its virtues, are known and appreciated. Under all latitudes, from the one extreme to the other, suffering humanity has found re lief from many of its ills by its use. The wide and broad erea over which this medicine lias spread, attests its value and potency. From a small beginning, the Pain Killer has pushed g-adually along, making its own high way, solely by its virtues. Such unexampled success and popularity has brought others into the field who have attended, under similarity of name, to usurp the confidence of the people and turn it to their own selfishness and dishonesty, but their efforts have proved fruitless, while the Pain P iHer is still growing in public favor. errorTofyouth. AC ESTEEM .YN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, l'reniature Decay, aud all the effects of youthful Indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, seud free to all who need it, the recipe and direction for mak ing the simple remedy by which lie was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s experience can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 42 Cedar Street, New York. Nov. 22 1870-wly. The CJrcal Pictorial Annual. Hostetter’s United States Almanac, for 1871, for distribution, gratis, throughout the United States, and all civilized countries of the Western Hemisphere, will be published about the first of January, and all who wish to understand the true philosophy of health should read and ponder the'valuable sugges tions it contains. In addition to an admir able medical treatise on the causes, preven tion and cure of a great variety of diseases, it embraces a large amount of information interesting to the merchant, the mechanic, the miner, the farmer, the planter, and pro fessional man; and the calculations have been made for such meridians and latitudes as are most suitable for a correct aud com prehensive National Calendar. The nature, uses, and extraordinary san itary effects of Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters, the staple tonic and alterative of more than half the Christian world, are fully set forth in its pages, which are also interspersed with pictorial illustrations, valuable recipes for household and farm, humorous anec dotes, and other instructive and amusing reading matter, original and selected. — Among the Annuals to appear with the op ening of the year, this will be one of the most useful, and mag be had, for Ike asking.- The proprietors, Messrs. Hostetter& Smith, ou receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any' person who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. The Bit ters are sold in every city, town and village, and are exclusively used throughout the en tire civilized world. To Consumptives. The advertiser, having been permanently cur ed of that dread disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sniferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cuke for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, ac. i Parties wishing the prescription wiVl please 1 address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON. 1(55 South Second Street, WiUiamsburgh, N. Y. Nov. 22, 1870-wl v. . —«•» Ordinary’s Bartow County, Ga. 1 AT Chambers, Dec. 17th, 1810. f AN ELECTION is hereby ordered to be held in accordance with an Act of the Legisla | ture, approved 12th October, 1870, on the tirst 1 Saturday In .January, 1871, for one Member of 1 the County Board of education to serve two years. One School Trustee, to servo three years, One School Trustee to serve two years, School Trustee to serve one year, At the following designated places in Bartow County, tb-wit; At Aliatoona Precinct, for the 819th Dist., G. M. | “ Stamp Creek “ “ “ 9ftid “ I “ Wolf Pen “ “ “ 30415 t “ i “ Pine Log “ “ “ 8571 h “ “ I “ Sixth District “ “ “ 930th “ “ ! “ Cassvilfc “ “ “ 828th “ “ Cartersville “ ,l “ 822d “ “ “ Seventh District “ “ “ 851st “ “ “ Kingston “ “ “ 952d “ And also at the usnal places of holding elec tions in the following named incorporated towns in Bartow County, ta-wit: In the town of Cartersville, for Cartersville. “ “ “ “Kingston, “ Kingston. “ “ “ “ Stilesboro, “ Stilesboro. “ “ “ • “ Euharlee. “ Kyharlee. “ “ “ •*■ Adairsviile, “ Adnfrsville. And that said elections be opened. Managed and returns made as prescribed by law. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. A true extract from the minutes. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. Dec. 20Ui tin. Standard copy 2 weeks. I>A » BIT’S Prophylactic Fluid. Medicine, for puri fy ing, cleasing, removing bad odors in all kinds of sickness: for burns, sores, wounds, stings; for Erysipelas, rheumatisni. and ail skin diseas es: for catarrh, sore month. Sore throat, dipthe ria; for cholic, diarrhoea, cholera; as a wash to soften and beautify the skin; to remove ink spots, mildew, fruit stains; taken internally as well ns applied externally; so highly recom mended by all who have used it—is for sale by all Druggists and Country Merc-h-mt«. an<4 m;iv be onleiH-d ilirectl o£ DARBY PUUPIII L A TIC CO., Doc. w-1 y, Pis William-Street. N. Y. MUTUAL PROTECTION tile Ittmanre Stfridii .of fVri. BRANCH CFr'JC ATLANTA, GEORGIA A. W. MOIUHN. Pkksjuknt. >. T. W. SANFuin \ ice President. I;. G. BLoss. .-econo Vice PumhinY. F. A. FKEKMAN. secret.civ. IX ADDITION to thi*'eguuds tlu-owu a round the interests us the l’eiky Holdor by the excellent Insurance Laws of the sstuie of New York, the following ilisUncthe fieatuivs mark the "WITH AL PROTECTION” a.- deci cidedly liberal, m/e. ami trorthy of eimfdene* ami frOtroinige : 1. The "Miitutil J’rotcctioft" allows Policy Hold* ers to travel or resole, iti any part of Kurooe or North America. 2. An.hupit Cask Capital, safely invested iu the best securities. 3. Puli tier jsiid in Cash. No deductions at death for loans ur mites. 4. Thirty Day* gra• * granted ou pay moots, af ter payment of first animal premium, and the police kept in force during that time. 5. Idcideftdn declared at/piuMy— upon the con tribution plan-—the most equitable niauner. 6. All Polities aan-forfeibtble after the sccoud year, and the assured entitled to a full-paid pol icy for the whole amount of premiums paid. 7. All Polities iro-on testable after five years. 8. SnjieriorUy of man.ige,.ienK The ollkurs yf the “XfUTirAL PR< >T BUTTON” combine lttcm cial integrity and ability, w ith long ami suc cessful experience in Life Insurance. 9. All Paltry Haider* (ire m*»dn is of the Satiety, and entitled to vote for Trustees. 10. A Cash Society. No notes taken. No loans, interest or other 'complications to annoy the Policy Holder. 11. dignity and liberality shown I‘oliev Holders in the several modes of applying dividends. 12* Mitualihj, All the pro (its divided among the members. 13. Fairne** of contra?* embodied iu the writ ten policy in explicit terras. 14. Favorable, rate of modality — taking only first-class risks. 13. Funtlj ratio of Ex-pea***. 16. All odious ifiscrin.iraHoti* (Is to Sn.ylnf/iveitt abolished. No extra rates charged on railroad, express or steamboat employees. Active, energetic and experienced.agents csn plorcdon liberal terms. IL J. MASSEY. Ala nagerSo it th e ; n I>*partote at. john Campbell, Local Agent, Carter*rille, (la., JDK. O. PINKERTON, Medical Examiner. Oct. 28, 1870--sw. 2ms, SIXTY -FJVE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED, THE GREAT Southern Piano MANUFACTORY. WM. KNABE & CO. MAN UFACTURE RS OF GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO lOHTES, BALTIMORE, AID. These Instruments have been before the Pub lic for nearly Thirty Years, and upon their ex cellence alone attained an iinjiiirchased nre emi nence, which pronounces them unequalled. Their TO>E combines groat power, sweetness and line sing ing quality, as well as great purity of Intona tion and Sweetness throughout the entire scale. Their TOUCH is pliant and elastic, and entirely free from the stifness found in so many Pianos. IN WORKMANSHIP they are unequalled, using none but the ver best seasoned material, (lie iarge capital em • ptoved in our business enabling us to keep con tinually an immense stock of lumber, Ac., on hand. £~j£°*All our square riANO-S have our New- Improved Over strung Seal* and the AGRAKEK Treble. would call special attention to our late improvements in GRAND PIANOS ANI> SQU ARE GRANDS, Patented August 14,1866, w hich bring the Piano nearer perfection than has yet been attained. Every Piano fully warranted for 5 yrs We have made arrangements for the Sole Wholesale Agency lor the most celebrated PARLOR ORGANS AND MId.ODMON'S, which w« olfer, Wholesale and Retail, at Lowest Fac tory Prices. WM, KMBB& CO., sept 9’ ’7O. sw6m Mtaltimore , Jftd METZ HAS FALLEN !!! So Have STOKELY & WILLIAMS I , ■ In the Price of their new Mlli WINTER L t ;'.• , * •; Cr©©dS, CLOTHING, i Mats* Boots* Shoes, I House - Furnishing Goods, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, CUTLERY, &c., &c. A T TTIEIR OLD STAND, Twn-Stcry Erick i \ Corner of Public Square and -Maine Mreet Cartorsvill, Ga. Come and see us. one and all. and look tlirough our SUPERII STOCK OF (lOOl)S, Ac., and buy ; from us upon as good terms as any merchant South of the Potomac can afford to sell. STOKELY & WILLIAMS. nov. I—wtc WEED’S SEWING MACHINES, For Family Use. EXHIBITOR: R, J. M. GAINES, at Satterfield, Pyron A Co's Store, West Main Street. nniTE Prettiest, the Cheapest, the Best ever I manufactured, for sale in Cartersville, at the Furniture Ware-room of Robert Bruiee. .1. I. CHAMBERLAIN. Agent. WT ANTED—AGENTS, (S2O per dav\ to sell ilie celebrated HOME SHUTTLE SEW ING MACHINE. IT; is the under-feed, makes the •lock *tW;h" (alike on both sides.) ami is fully licenced Tlic best and cheapest familv Sewinsr Machine in tlie market. Address .IOITNSON CLARK A CO., Boston, Mass., Pittsburg, Pa ’ cilieago, 111, or St. I-oni*. Mo., j*ept. $& sm, ’ MADAM F. DELACIIAM PS | ALONE IN A MOUNTAIN GORGE. - ----- - —.- . «. «** - * i Snugiv ensconced amid the w ilds of one of the Middle States, lived Madame Delaaltamp*. many rears ago, with no known protector, save a faithful dog that ever stood beside her t<» de fend her iu tune of need. Her small. !*»**-cov es ctl cabin, wrapped with the wild lose as • honey suckle, appeased hid away by n < luster ol un,dergrow th, amt ckt*rU vavlc»iia4 *»*« llie north and east by a deep. erfeggy ravin* ili.«t 1» and aw itr back to the mountain gorge. lietr. sniffling Use ambient air. wafted from ustlire’s greets - ward «lingirg it* the mourn,.in side, bathing her brow in earn moils'* dew drop, ►l» isrcd solitary and alone for litany years.— The catamount'* unearthly midnight yell.* and the w,ill's doleful howl. Iret|uently aroused lire from bar plea-ant n:i<inight slumbers. Now and then she would emerge from lierttn- Vnr>« n holne an i utingh* with tlse iuh.tbit.snt> atuuml about for one oi two month- at a time, ehw w‘h- aucentrir in her acts, and all viewed tier as a living curiosity. While from home, -lie apparently bad but one object, and Uiat nas she relief of her .iWivted’ sex. I uderu Im.'!t on lies left side, could be seen an nl l-fH.-hln ied dirk of tn ist durable size, car ried for her own protection, vthile s trap pet 1 »cn»s her thouidur was suspended a curious sack m.tde frost! the KKINiS f O| : Arranged in alternate stripes. This hag con tained some old parchment euidous relic*, a few light garmeuts, ami a smaller sick containing a driest powder made from certain roots known i only to herself, the secret of w hieli she citing to as with the tetituity of death. She sallied forth I from her wild mountain to net the Good Samaritan, w ith this unknown vegetable janv der. which she claimed posses*ed a womlei-ful powei o\or all Disease* inci.icii! to the female | sex. She termed it "womb physic,” with which ; she proposed to cure all affection- and derange ments ot that organ, nud kindred cpsh.daiuts free of charge. With such singular magic did she relieve nil who applied, that within a few years her name and fame became know n fat and j wide, and hundreds of sull'ering females applied i for relief and returned to their homes healthy and liappv. Manv wore anxious to know her great secret, and large sums of money we re of fered if she would divulge it—but she stubboi'u ly refused. flnriiig her solitary life, she became intimate with only one woman, a noted midwife some miles distant, to vvhoin she pi‘omj>ed to DIVULGE HER SECRET ■■ I— mmmm mu iimi ini m wi—imi mwhw ——i—h Before dying. In a few years, as tlse sombre shades of night began to close around her totter ing frame, she ihipaited this great series to this friend, * * * * ***** She too. gained quite a reputation for relieving Hie suffering of her sex, mid strange it may ap pear—she scarcely ever failed to cure those old chronic female complaints that had resisted all ordinary modes ot treatment. Many yean ago tlse writer ol'this, while-engaged iu the l’ractice of Medicine, by a little strategy, succeeded in procuring the secret of thi* wonderful vegetable Regulator, which had never been known to the M edictsl Profession. Jle gave it a fair and impartial trial in the treatment of v arious forms and stages of female complaints with such decided satisfaction, that in lttt'i he called public attention to its virtues in “GKOSS’ MEDK (I CHIRURCICAL REVIEW/* Combined with other known vegetable Tonics, having great power over (he uterine organs; with /stack Hoot lo act upon the Liver and Row els. and .Soluble ( it rate of Ison to correct the blood, he has formed a wonderful combination for the cure Os ail Female Complaints, consider ing it the only Female Regulator known, and now offers this valuable compound to the afflict ed female, under the name of - m&n inerMMi iwaMEga——p*u— ENGLISH FEMALE BITTERS, The Medical Profession at large, have long felt the need of just such a medicine, consequently it is not strange that they so eagerly prescYibeand recommend these bitters to tlieir female pa tients. If you could see the pile of smiling approval and ecomiums from physicians and the public who have cured their wives, their daughters and their friends, by the use of these Bitters, no sickly female would hesitate to use them. This Female Regulator is .adapted lor old, voting, married or single female-, who are affected witls acute or chronic forms of Uterine dci angements. They cure painful, supprq&sod. scanty, profuse or irregular Menstruation; Chlorosis or Green Sickness, Muor Alims or \\ Isites, Hysterics, Falling of the Womb, Ulceration and Irritabili ty of the Womb, pain in the side, back or loins, sick Headache, palpitation or fluttering of the 1 least, hurried Breathing, swimming of the Head, cold Feet and Hands, loss of Appetite, In digestion, torpid Liver, Melaneholly. Nervous ness, W akefillness. Barrenness, physical Pros tration, etc., etc. Many of these are relieved bv the use of ouly one bottle. Are thoroughly aroused and restored to a heal thy action, Dy the use of these Bitters. Its pe culiar Iron and Vegetable combination, places it far ahead of any similar preparation before the public. I t has-no equal on this continent, acting power fully and promptly in all cases, where noorgan- Ic lesioiwjiists. It is just tlse medicine for voting girls’ who have some diilicultv in retaining the bloom on the cheeks, and who do not feel exact ly right. For the mother at the ‘‘change of life,” it soothes and quiets until the critical period is passed, as sweetly as if enjoying tlse brightest beams of opal ray, flitting through the air of oriental climes. The medicine i*sold at the low price offl 50 per Bottle, or six for ssoo, and can be had of all Drggist.s and M erchants ths'ough out tlse country. Address J. P. DROMGOOLE&CO* Prop’s, Memphis, Teim. CROMGOOLE & CO.’S Bucau. 'J'he Best and Cheapest now before the I public, for all affections and derangments lof :he Kidneys and Bladder. Large Bottles only $1 00 or six for $5 0L Sold by all ■ Druggists and Merchants everywhere. J. P. RKOMGOOLE & CO., Trop’s, Memphis, Tcnn. To All Wiioin it may Concern : (-lEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY. Delilah X Parham having, in proper form, appliicd : to me for permanent letters of Administration i on the estate of Pulaski Parham, late of said j County deceased. This is to cite all. and singu j lar the p red iters and next of kin of Pulaski | Parham, to b* and appear it mv oilier within I the time prescrHnftl l>> fcny, to show cause, if I they can, why permanent administration should ; not he granted to Delilah Parham on Pulaski Parham’s Estate. Witness mv hand and Official Signature. Nov 25th. 18T0, .1. A .ItOU ARP. Old * v IS. ( ’. AGENTS WANTEIT In all parts of the United States, to sell L. V. DEFOREST <£ CO.'S Aluminum Gold Jewelry! Agents are making S2OO and. S3OO per week selling the Aluminum -Jcwclrv. The best imi tation of gold ever introduced. It lia> the ex act color, which it always retains, and stands the test of the strongest acids. No one can tell it from Gold only by weight—flic Aluminum Gold being about 1-10 lighter. L. V. Dkkokkst A < <)., are selling their goods for 1-10 the price gold jewelry is sol 1 for, and on most liberal terms to agents—l-1 cash, balance in 30. 60 and 90 days. Ve send persons wishing to act as a gents, a full and complete assortment of goods, consisting oi Scabs, l»rou*lct». Lockets, Ladies’ and Gents’ Chains. Pins, Rings,"Sleeve Buttons, btiids, Ac,, for 1100—’to be paid when the goods me received, tlie other .<io in 30, 00 and !«i dags. Parties wishing to order goods and act as agents will address L. V. DEFOREST ACO nov. 11-w3in 40 A 42 Broadway. New York. S. 11. I'ATTILLCMsent GROVER & BAKER’S CELEBRATED mrmmmxii BOTH THE ELiSTU: AND MIUTTLE on LOCKSTITCH. SUITABLE FOR ANY KIND OF FAMI LY SEWING NONE BETTER. Sleii and Boys’ Clothing Made on tfce Mo.Ht Reasonable Terms. lu fact, almost any description of SEWING done AsClieap as tlio Cltenpest’ AND ix Tin: most ktvi.k. ■ DOIUHTIEII Egyptian Stock fifoon:: ; * ' •* ■. -r ” Ii m y # WHAT EVERT I>ER. l, «■*.« X SOX OI OIIT TO KNOW ! THAT OOiOilfiTlO K OYPTIAW KITHK FOOD ~6'm | Ik just nliat the E'annrrN, the St«t*k ISakers itiul tlie i lloiiKekeeperK should use to fatten anti preserve the condition of tlaeii’ SlorscK, Nliilck, Cons, Hogs, Sheep, and Poultry. It liuk heen tested by thotiwnnd.M. and doeK all the Proprietors* claim for it. WrSend for Price Lists, showing Discount to Heal ers. Put up in boxes at sl,and $2 each, and 10, and 20 pounds. Kaclt box eon* tains directions. A. A. SOLOtf OX* A CO., Havmuutli, (*«. nov. I—sw3in Mtitttetg AND DRESS-MHIS BY MRS. & MISS CRANDALL, Millnoi* Hriuk Ituililino-, on the Corner of Main and JFrw in Streets, fartersville, Oeorgla, Where they w ill he happy »ee tlieir fsiends and patrons. nov. 1-w ts ty |T t#t ♦ I OPKNI ' :!> IN THE TO I VN OF CARTERSVILLE, By the Long-Tried and Never-Flinching old Firm of HOWARD & ERWIN, , m wT f who have on hand, and Receiving Weekly, FRESH SUPPLIES OP Staple and Fancy DRY-GOODS!!! Cl 0 tiling, Hats, Bootsf, Shoes AN» ETC. also, JiAOGm: axi), fiIOCERIES, PROBIIE, Ac. IN FACT, Everything, nearly, kept in the Mer cantile Jane, all Departments, is sold by r.s at the lowest possible prices. Everybody is in vited to cull and look through oi.'r extensive Establishment. HOWARD .V ERWIN, nov. 11 —wtf I>r. *l. A. .Liekbon, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ORE Iff IS US. riSKER TO S'S DR VO STORK HE has so arranged his business that he is now prepared to devote his w htihvtiiu • ami attention ts the practice, and he ft. cl* tputideat, with his extensive exiiciionu', that li* •«»n givr entire Satisfaction. A liberal shafts^!' , . ’ti< n age respectfully solicited. Carl erst Üb*. .Jati <«.