Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, January 03, 1871, Image 4

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Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, 1 For all the purposes of a I*x*Uvo MeUiOine. Perhaps no one medi al# cine la »<> universally required by everv yy body as a cathartic, ■nor was ever any be fore so universally 1 ftiEl adopted Into use. In 1 i\ craa-/ every country and amoDf all classes, as V w this mild but efficient purgative Fill. Tire obvious reason that is araors relia ble and far more ef fectual remedy than any other. Those who bare tried it, know that it cured them: those who have not, know that it cures their neighbors and hinds; and all know that what it does once It does al ways that It never fails through any fault or neg glect of its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures arc known In every neighborhood, and we need not pnblish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in all climates; containing neither calomel nor any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar-coating preserves them ever fresh,and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by tbelr powerful influence on tbe Internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of tbs stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by'correcting, wherever they exist, such de rangemenu as aro tbe first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, so: the following complaints, which these fills rapidly cure:— For Dyspepsia or ladlgestloe, Listless, these, Lssrosr and Loss of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone and action. For JLi ver Complaint and Its various symp toms, Bilious Headache, dick Head* ache, Jaundice orUrecn Sickness, Bil ious Colic and Bilious Fevers, they should Uj Judiciously taken for each ca>e, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstructions which oause it. For Dysentery or Diarrhoea, but one mild dose is generally required. For Rheumatism. Clout, ravel. Pal pitation of the Heart, Paia in the hide, Back and Loins, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. % For Dropsy and Dropsical dwellings they should bo taken in large and frequent doßea to produce the effect of a drastic tmrgo. For Suppression & large dose should be token as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. Asa IHnnor Pill, take one or two Pills to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores tbe appetite, and invigorates the ■v-—. Renee It is often ad vantageous where n *eno dc -erneat exists. One who feels tole able w iten finds tnat a dose of these Pills nak'es 1 m feel decidedly bet ter, from their cleaning and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. j Or. J. C. AYER A CO., Practical Chemists, POWELL. MASS., U. B. A. I' Or Sltlo, 1.. Vjui oci o * iuc, v/ , J. W. CURRY & CO., Druggists. %wxvmw. JJAVB.TAKEN .CHARGE OF THE Foundry and Machine Shop, heretofore owned ami run by MR. B. SCOFIELD, of this place, and have engaged the services ol John «f. LaFontainc , Os Atlanta, Ga., as Foreman, which is a suffi cient guarantee for the success of the establish ment, as it is a well known fact, throughout the State, that for promptness and ability, he can not be surpassed. We have, also, procured the services of the Best l&P.ulder in the South; Also a corps of other Mechanics, and anew supply of Machinery and Tools have been pur chased. IY!r. J. R. HOWELL, The Renowned Mill-Wright, Will make his headquarters at this Shop, where his celebrated If’af «r irhecl, and other MILL. MACHINERY, will be built. Order* are noli cited, at once , for any kind, of Casting or piece of Machinery We claim a trial, as we are strictly Southern' mechanics, and de fy Northern competition to do better or cheaper work. B£St Ciumntj ijbrrj Hob ®St ®a. Will tell parties to the day when they can have their work, and, if not done according to prom ise, will make no charge. We ask the patronage of our friends of the fiouth. Aid us, and keep the money at home. G. W. LEE & CO. Cartorsvllle, Ga., June 20,1870. it 0 Plaiart®a ANNOUNCES to the public that he has purchased the entire interest of the late Dr. J. W. Curry, in the Drug Store of J. W. Curry <fc Cos., or, the estate’s interest in said stook of Drugs, Jledicites, &c., in the tovrn of Cartemilje, and will continue the business, at the old stand, where he will be pleased to dee his old patrons and the public generally, and supply them with any thing in his line of business, at the lowest possible figures. He invite* * attention of ail to hit* ex cellent stock of choice and select I>HUOS, MEDICIVFJ, PAIYTS, OILS, PUTTY, GLASS, ETC., A bountiful supply of which he expects to keep constantly on hand, together with the most popular Patent Medicines of the day, Toilet Articles, Perfumery, in fact, the best of everything in a General Drug House. /a]?ly personal attention will^ be given to professional T^rf )U culls, at all hours. O. POKEBTOIf, Physician and Druggist, June 7, 1870. Cartersville , Cia f. S. RICHABES®!*, DEALER IN STOVES, GRATES HOUSE FURN ISHING GOODS TIN WARE, &G. r Wt. -and Hunter Streets, | jaa. 1, 1870 fitlanta, George If Jack, Manufacturer of camd r e m oii € ii m 8. DEALERS IN [CONFECTIONERIES, TOYS AND ‘.WZLLOYT WARE WvddJn? F.I«TI#:s and BVPPEMIB, if Gotten up In the beat style, at short Notice! We would respectfully call the attention of the public to our t u : e and complete stock—selected with great care, and bought at th„ -OWEST CASH PRCIES. W lIITEfIALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. march 10. wit tnoa. ji. ci.iVir.i JSO. c. xirki-athicx * AOU’T C. CLAR2K, | JNO. A. FITTK.V. Established In 1854. mmAS Ms HiiAEEI & CQs, (Successors to T. M. & B. C. CLARKE,) OIPORTERB ANM> DEALERS IN Eaglisli and A®©rieaa H AIK DWARE, cilery, Ires, Stecl,'Nails, E. B. Supplies,A ©., Peacutkee Street, MLANTA, GEORGIA. Returning you our thanks for past patronage, we hope bv future efforts to merit a continuance »t the same, promising from our long experience in the HARDWARE trade, (being the oldest '■irdwaie bouse in ihe city- of Atlanta,! and strict attention to business, together with our pres et facilities of DIRECT IMPORTATION, and EXCLUSIVELY cash purchases, that we can offer *qnal inducements to those of any Northern market. We haw now in store, and arriving daily for the FALL TRADE, the LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Jtc., ever brought to this market, and will soil at prices that defy competition. With the view of making the JOBBING trade a SPECIALTY, we are now fitting up immedi ately in the rear of ourpresent stand a WHOLESALE SAMPLE ROOM, where merchants can select their ENTIRE STOCK from SAMPLES, thereby avoiding the interference of the retail trade. Extending to you an invitation to call In and examine our stock when yon visit Atlanta, or send on vour orders, we remain, yours very respectfully. THOS'. M. CLARKE A CO., sept 10, 1870-swly * Atlanta, Ga. SRirmßUff u 4 BBLLINGRATR, Dealers in Cook and Heating ■■iilMftl Grates, Tin-Ware, Tinners' Trimmings, Slate Mantles, Wrought].! ron Pipes For Steam, Gas and Water. DRAIN PIPE, RUBBER HOSE, PUMPS, STEAM FITTINGS. OIL CUPS, GLOBE VALVES, STEAM GAUGES and WHISTLES, HYDRAULIC RAMS, GAS FITTINGS and FIXTURES, GLOBE AND PATENT BURNERS, SHEET IRON, TIN PLATE, LEAD, COPPER AND BRASS, WATER CLOSETS, WASH BAI3INS, fiS-grßuy Hunnicutt & Bcllingraths Colombia Cook. &C., &C Vo 9. .7 iarietto Street, .ITLJJTJ, fwjf. HUNNICUTT & BELLING RTA. T«H , No. 9,'Marietta Street, ATLANTA, GA. Plumbers, steam and Fitters, COPPER SMITHS AND BHEE I IRON WORKERS. ROOFING, in all its branches, in Tin and Corugated Iron. —sept. 23. wSm THE LIVE” DRUG STORE! Mmm £ Fox WHOLESALE DKUfifIISYS, t Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Streets, I r a. georcia. june 1, 1870. wly ttEST & KIRKPATRICK. DRUGGISTS, CABTEBSYILLE, ,••• GEOBGIA. Jurge, that they are now receiving, from Sew l’o .:i.l fc t . aad expect from their long familiarity \ with the wautt of the Country to be \g yH* able to meet the wishes of all. *® r ’ Ws * r gQrTh**y do not intend to be out-done by any house South, in regard to either quality or price of Good*, and solicit a call from everybody before purchasing elsewhere. BEST & KIRKPATRICK, Ga., Gept. 22, 1070. Druggists. GREAT UKi IN PRICES! We Have A Stock of FLANNELS, LINBEYS AND Blaskeis, Skawl», Cloafcs and NUBIAS, WHICH WE ABE OFFEBINB AT Remarkably Low Prices ! AI.SO A SPLENDID STOCK OF CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS AMD CAPS, VALISES, CARPET-BAGS, TRUNKS, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. WE PROPOSE TO SELL THE ABOVE GOODS AT OBEATLY Reduced Pokes FOR TH i: Next Sixty Days! COME A.ND TRY US, -AJSTD WE WILL GUARANTEE SATISFACTION s. & 31. LIEBBAY, Cartersvillc, Ga. NOTICE.—Cash paid for Rags, Copper, Brass, Iron and all sorts of Fur- Skins. We are Agents for the Rock City Paper Mills, and will furnish wrap ping paper at Mill Prices. Dec. 16th,—lm. PmLABfiLPSXA am! ATLANTA Wine and Liquor COMPANY. NO. 2. GRANITE BLOCK, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. DIALERS II PURE. WINES AND LIQUOR*, Call Particular Attention to their Peach 1 Apple Brandy June 7, 1870. w6m w a7lansdelL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, NO-« WHITEHALL ST ; ATLANTA- GA Offers splendid inducements, and all who need good Drugs at low figures will do well to give him a call. Pays special attention to order? from Country Merchants. Paints, Oil, Blass, Pise Medicinal AJSB Willi. Everything pertaining to a first class Drug Store will be found there. NOTICES SPECIAL Daily Drain irom the «IDI COLB SDIA FOUNT” All that man could expect in the way of a cold drink. W. A. Lansdcll challenges his Soda competitors to produce the fluid as near the freeiing point as his. The coldest and he best in the city, Pure Fruit Syrups. W. A-Lansdell,lVo, 1 © Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. Mav 12 1870 ly. .... wTTTwADSWORTH & CO., Importers of .QABDWARE, AND... QHNS.,.. Wholesale Dealers in WlMm MECHANIC’S TOOLS, House-Furnishing Goods, Carriage Material, j. STOVER GRATES AND MANTELS. SI AGENTS FOK NAILS ANB BELTING. NO. 24 WHITEHALL STREET, CORNER ALABAMA. Atlanta, } { Gboegia nov. 17, 1870-wly_ M. p * STOVALL yUs uSS Cot to n W are-Ho use AND GENERAL Cent mission Merchant. Jackson Street, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. CONTINUES to give his personal attention to the Storage and .Salc'or Cotton and other Produce, Orders for Plantation and Family supplier carefully filled. LIBERAL CASH AD VANCES made on consignment* when desired, oet 28,-w3m FURNITURE. THE UNDERSIGNED IS OFFERING DECI DED BARGAINS IN FDRNI TTTJTIE. CALL AND SEE. ROBERT BRUCE. uly 14th, 1870 -If. R. F. MAD,OX. J. L. WINTER R. F. MaMts & Ho. TOBACCO COMMISSION MERCHANTS AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF WHrgrinia and JCorth Carolina TOBACCO. NO. IS, ALABAMA STREET ATLANTA, GA Consignment! solicited. Will make liber al advances when desix&d. aug.l, ’69 layman Cbapia, Brick and Stone Mas oh, CARTERSVILLE. GA. 1 to do any of the above work upon short notice and at low figuers. Waterwheel, Mill Gearing,Shafting Pulleys Poole « hol^'^hmobeJ LCsend roßAcmcuuiLj^: *, lO .U.VU; BARTOW HOUSE, I jif CAItTERSYILLE, OA ., BY J.T. GUTHRIE , Proprietor. This House has just been completed and furn ished—New House , New Furniture , jVeto Pro prietor, jVew Arranyemento. A handsome three-story Brick Building , on tAe iioef of the W $ A R R and near the Depot: Table al ways supplied with the very beet the market af fords. Clean Beds, and faithful Porters and Servants, and chargee for Board, by the single meal, day, week and month, moderate. Call and test my fare and treatment. May 2« «X. T. Gathrla. $3 WATCH I $3 WATCH! THE GREAT EUROPEAN Eureka Aluminum Geld Watch Cos. ■at* AF*OIJ»T*D LY- ETOEEST & CO. Jewelers, 40 42 Broadway, Now York, So’e g-tnts for the V. 8. And have authorised them to tall their great Ecu* a aluminum Gold WsTciixsfor T*a*s Dollars, and warrant eaeb and ovary one to keep correct time for one year. This W ateto we guarantee to be the best and cheapest timekeep er that U now la use in any part of the Globe.— Tbs works are In double cases. Ladies and Gents’ size, and arc beautifully chased. The eases are made or the metal now so widely known in Europe as Aluminum Gold. It has the tract ooior of Gold , which it aleoay retain*; it will stand the test of the strongest acids; no one can tell it from Gold only by weight, the Aluminum Gold being 1-10 lighter. The works are made by machinery, same as the well known Ameri can Watch. The Aluminum is a cheap metal, hence we can aiTord to sell the W atch (Or $3 and make a small profit. We pack the Watch safely in a small box and send it by mall to any part of the U. S. on receipt of $5.60; fifty cent* (Or packing and postage. Address all orders to L. T. DEFOREST A CO., nor. 11-w3m 40 k 42 Broadway, N. Y. Dr. SCUEKt'E Adviict Coneump tivea to so to Florida In Winter. Having for the last thirty-five years devoted my whole time and attention to the study of lung diseases and consumption, I feel that f un derstand fully the course that ought to be pur sued to restore a tolerably bad case of diseased lungs to healthy soundness. The first and most important 6tep is for the patient to avoid taking cold, and the nest of all places on this continent for this purpose in winter, is Florida, well down in the State, where the temperature is regular, and not subject to such variations as in more Northern latitudes. Palatka is a point I can re commend. A good hotel is kept there by Petef man. Last winter I saw several persons there whose lungs had been badly diseased, but who, under the Dealing influence of the climate and my medicines, were getting well. One hundred miles further down the river is a point which I would prefer to l’alatka, as the temperature is more even aud the air dry and bracing, tfellonville and Enterprise are loca ted there. I should give a decided preference to Mellonville. It is two mile* from river or lake, and it seems almost impossible to take cold there. The tables in Florida might be better, and pa tients complain at times out that is a good sign, as it indicates u return of appetite, and when this is tho ease they generally increase in flesh, and then the longs' must heal’. Jacksonville, Hibernia, Green Cove, and many other places in various parts of Florida, can be safely recommended to consumptives in winter. My reasons for saying so are that patients are less liable, to take cold there than where there is a less even temperature, and it is not necessary to say that where a consumptive person exposes himself to frequent colds he Is certain to die shortly. Therefore my advice is, go welt down into the State out of reach ot the prevailing east winds and fogs. Jacksonville, or almost any other of the localities I have named, will benefit those who are troubled with a torrid liver, a dis ordered stomach, deranged bowels, sore throat or cough, but for those whose lungs are diseased a more southern point is earnestly recommend ed. For fifteen years prior to 1869, I was profes sionally in New York, Boston, Baltimore and Philadelphia every week, where I saw and ex amined on an average five hundred patients a week. A practice so extensive, embracing ev ery possible nhase of lung disease, has enabled me to understand the disease fully, and hence, my caution in regard to taking cold. A person may take vast quantities of “Scheuck’s Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake Pills,” and yet die if he does not avoid taking cold. In Florida, nearly every body Is using Schenck’s Mandrake Pills, for the climate is more likely to produce billious habits than more northern latitudes. It is a well established fact that natives of Florida rarely dio of consump tion, especially those of the southern part. On the other hand, in New England, one. third, at least, of the population die of this terrible dis ease. In the Middle States it does not prevail so largely, still there are many thousands of ca ses there’ What a vast percentage of life woud be saved if consumptives were as easily alarm ed in regard to taking fresh cold as they are about scarlet fever, small pox, &c. But they are not. They take what they term a little cola, which they are credulous enough to believe will wear off in a few days. They pay no attention to it, and hence it lays the foundation for anoth er and another still, until the lungs are diseased bevond all hope for cure. My advice to persons whose lungs are affected even slightly is. to lay in a stock of Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup, Schenck’s Seaweed Tonic and Schenck’s Mandrake Pills and go to Florida. I recommend these particular medicines becaue I am thoroughly acquainted with their action. I know that where they are used in strict accord ance with my directions they will do the work that Is required. This accomplished, nature will do the rest. The physician who prescribes for cold, congh or night-sweats, and then advises the patient to walk or ride out every day, will be sure to have a corpse on his hands before long. My plan is to give my three medicines’ in ac cordance with the printed directions, exceot in some cases where a ft'eer use of ;he Mandrake Fills is necessary. My object i3 to give tone to the stomach—to get up a good appetite. It is al ways a good sign when a patient begins to grow hungry. I have hopes or such. W ith a relish for food and the gratification of that relish comes good blood, and with it more flesh, which isclose- Fy followed by a healing of the lungs. Then the cough loosens and abates, the creeping chills and clammy night-sweats no longer prostrate and annoy, and the patient gets well, provided he avoids' taking cold. Now there are many consumptive who have net the means to go to Florida. The question may be asked, is there no hope for such? Cer tainly there is. My advice to such is, and ever has been, to stay in a warm room during winter, with a temperature of about seventy degrees, which should be kept regularly at that point, by means of a thermometer. Let such a patient take his exercise vrithin the limits of the room by walking up and down as much as his strength will permit, in order to keep up a healthy circu lation of the blood. I have cured thousands by this svstem, and can do »o again. Consumption is as easily cured as any other disease if it is ta ken in time, and the proper kind of treatment is pursued. The fact stands undisputed on record that Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup, Mandrake Pills, *nd Seaweed Tonic have cured very many of what seemed to bo hopeless cases of consump tion. Go where yon will, you will be almost cer tain to find some poor consumptive who has been rescured from the very jaws of death by their use. So far as the Mandrake Pills are concerned, everybokv should keep a supply of them on hand. They act on the liver better than calomel, and leave none of its hurtful effects behind. In fact they are excellent in all cases where a purgative medicine is required. If you have partaken too freely of fruit and diarrhwa ensues, a dose of the Mandrakes will cure you. If you are subject to sick headache, take a dose of the Mandrakes and they will relieve you in two hours. If you would obviate the effect of a change of water, or the too free indulgence in fruit, take one of the Mandrakes every night or every other night, and you may then drink water and eat watermel ons, pears, apples, plums, peeches or corn, with out the risk orbeing made sick by them. They will protect those who live in damp situations against chills and fevers. Try them. They are perfectly harmless. They can do you good only. I have abandoned my professional visits to Boston and New York, but continue to see pa tients at my office, No. 15N. SIXTH street, Phil adelphia, every Saturday, from 9 A. m. to 2 F. u. Those who wish a thorough examination with the Respirometer will be charged five dollars.— The Respirometer declares the exact condition of the lungs, and patients can readily learn whether they are curable or not. But I desire it distinctly understood that the medicines de pends upon their being taken strictly according to directions. In conclusion, I will say that when persons take my medicines and their systems are brought into a healthy condition thereby, they are not so liable to take cold, yet no one with diseased lungs can boar a sudden change of at mosphere without the liability of greater or less irritation of the bronchial tubes. Full directions in all languages accotnpauy mv medicines, so explicit and clear that any one can use them without consulting me, and can be bought from any druggist. J. H. SCIIENCK, M. D. No. 15 N. SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. Nov. 3, 1810-wly. LUMBER! LUMBER!! LUM3E . I HAVING purchased the stewm 'Saw Mill formerly belonging :z> ames Sligh, I have now on hand, and o i supply, all per flons in want of Lumber, of any kind or qual ity, at the customary rates per foot, either delivered at the Mill or in Cartcrsrille. My supply of timber being of the best quality and inexhaust&ble, I am prepared to fill or ders of any size or for any quality at short notice Addrees MOSES H. SMITH, qajlswly Cartersv : lle, Ga. Sheriff sales for Jan., ’7i. WILL be cold, before the Courthouse door In Cartersville. Bartow County, Ga., on the rst Tuesday la Jiauarv, 1871. within the us ual hours or sale, the following property, to-wit: A .80, One gray horse mule, about seven years of age, levied on as the property of Ambrose Piekard, and sold to satisfy a cer tain fi fa issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of J. W. shepherd and J. J. Jones, against skid Ambrose Pickard, garnishee. . Nov3. W. W. RICH Sheriff, /"'I EORGIA, BARTOW COUNTT.-Robt. J. JUT Tucker nas applied for exemption of Personalty, and l will pass upon the same at my ofllce, on the 15th day of December, 1870. This. Deo. 9th, 1870. J. A. HoWABD, Ord'v B. Cs “ Understanding is a Well-Spring of Life Unlo Him That Halh If Pine Log Masonic Insti „ tute. Providence permitting the exercise# will be resumed at thia favorite Temple of Edu- C *™? n on First Monday in January, 1871. The above Institution- ao well known to the people of Bartow county—ia still at the same place, inviting the airea of “Father and to suatain ita fine reputation. The iocation ia fourteen milea North of Carters- T|| le. and ten milea Northeast of Caaaville, on the old Tennessee Federal Road. The scenery ia grand and imposing. Pine Log Mountains rise with graceful majesty in the East, and other chains in view, all calculated to arouse in the mind of the student, an ar dent desire to study more and more, “Our rather s House.” The school during the year just closing, has been a brilliant suocess, whether we consider the number of students in constant attendance, or the nature of the instruction imparted. The rapid and substantial prog ress of those connected with the Institution, is a living testimony of genuine effort. The Trustees are happy to inform the pub lic that Rev. J M. BRITTAIN, the present incumbent, has located permanently at the above place, aud is determined to have a ••High Sohool” second to none. The efforts of the Professor during the year have met with universal esteem, and we take this oc casion to recommend him as a ripe schollar, a mild but firm disciplinarian, a Christian gentleman and in every respect worthy the patronage of a generous public. By order of the Board of Trustees. J. R. ADAIR, Sect’y. The Principal returns his thanks to the public for their liberal patronage and com plimentary tokens of esteem, and assures all, that the past is a guaranty for the fu ture, No effort will be spared to qualify the student for usefulness in the future career of life. Elocution and Composition writing receive particular attention. Frequent lec tures on Morality, Taste, Criticism, etc,, show that these subjects "arc of vital impor tance. Parents cannot send their children into a better community. No bar-room, with its attendant evils can lodge here. Church fa cilities are abundant, the water pure, local ity healthy, and board may be obtained at from eight to ten dollars per month in good families. A few of good moral character can board with the Principal, if application is made by the first of January. Everything usually emr raced in the Cata logue es High Schools will be taught in thia Institution. Competent Aaalatanti will be at All their Posts There will be two Sessions—The First, extending from the Firat Monday in Janu> ary, to the 9th day of June. Summer va cation lasts one month. The second Ses sion begins the 10th day of Julj, and ends the 9th day of November. Tuition payable in July and December. Send forward with out further ceremony, your boys and girls Rates of Tuition, Classes, Ac., Juvenile Class.- $1 60 per month of four weeks: ORTHOGRAPHY, READING, WRITING, ENGLISH GRAMMAR, GEOG RAPHY, ARITHMETIC. Junior Ciasb.- $2 60 per month of four weeks. ENGLISH COMPOSITION, HIS TORY, BOOK-KEEPING, ELEMENTARY ALGEARA, ANATOMY, PHISIOLOGY and HYGIENE. Altiot Class, — $8 00 per month of foui weeks. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, AS TRONOMY, MINEROLOGY, BOTANY, RHETORIC, BOURDON’S ALGEBRA. Seniok Class —s3 60 per month of four weeks. MENTAL AND MORAL S. IENCE, LATIN, GREEK, FRENCH, GEOMETRY, SURVEYING, METEOROLOGY, ETC. RECAPITULATION. FOR TEN MONTHS SESSION. Juvenile Class sl6 00( Junior Class 25 0 0 Altior Class 80 00. Senior Class 35 0 0 For further information, address, J. M. BRITTAIN, A. M., Principal, P. L. M. 1., Pine Log, Georgia. Or any one of the BOAED OF TRUSTEES. A. A. VINCENT, WILLIAM H. KING, WILLIAM ALLEN, JAMES CARSON, A. J. WEEMS, J. R. ADAIR, See’y ATLANTA SACK FACTORYT WE are prepared, at all seasons, to fill or ders for Grain and Flour Sacks, of any size, quality, or quantity at our factory in At lanta, Ga. W. A. MITCHELL A CO. sept Sfi, IffTO.wly BEgm^^mniT (Successors to Tomumbox-Dekxubt Cos.) * G2B A 630 Broadway, N. 7. MANUFACTURERS OF Carriages, Buggies, &c. Especially adapted for the Southern Beads. OUR STOCK COMPRISES LIGHT VICTORIAS, PHAETONS, CABRIOLAS, ROCKAWAYS;. And all other style* of .Fine Carriage*, Tor on* or two horse*. TOP AND NO TOP BUGGIES, On Eliptic and Side Springe. CONCORD BUGGIES, MAIL HACKB A JERSEY WACONS." We are also Sole Manufacturers of the WOODRUFF CONCORD BUGGY AXV Plantation Wagon for 1,2, 4A 6 Horses. The best Buggy and Wagon In America for the money. We have had an experienee of thirty yaws te rn** ing work for the Southern BUtee. »nakno ex jr what ia wanted to etand the road*. We invtt* all to send for Circulars, and part«* Ti-M***" York we especially invite to call at ««;. Ve solicit the trade ofmc«han» naiL Illustrated Circulars, with prtoee, j A. T. DKMAREST N Y. W. W. WOODRUFF. GA. Demarest A Woodruffs Ar ° w.iX-'ss* be*prepared to supply any style or quaUty of Vehicle, at their lowest rates. June 2, 1870-wly