Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, February 21, 1871, Image 3

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T o\\ IN MA TTK ¥¥ H. CArtamlllty Fob, 21st, IS7I. —John T. Owen, our model Jeweler, hag i U st rec»!T(*'l a lot of fine gold peas, which he has on sale at hia counter. TO RAFFLE Mill At CAiTBR'tTJtXS, Ga., on the 10th day of Mnrch nest, one of Tuft’a Patimt Arctic Soda Fountains, all cotn?’tte, having boon In use but one season. I offer to dispose of it at One Thou sand Dollars—One hundred chances atTen Dol lar* a chance, because, havingchangedmy busi ngs I have no use for it. For particulars address J. T. GUTHRIE, Bartow House, Cartersville, Ga. Refer, by permission, to Johm W. Wofford, Eso- and Editors Express, CartersvHle, Ga. feh 4, fstl-wlra The Citizen, Dalton; Courier. Rome; Timas. Chattenooea; Whig A Register, Knoxville; and Banner. Ol.avelaad; will please cony to the amount of $3 eaoh, and send bills to J.T. Guthrie. Globe Flower Cough Syrup breaks up Whooping lough and Croup, as if by magic. ijFI). Browder of Montgomery, Ala. ways: ••Darby's Prophylactic Fluid is the best thing for colic in horses I ever saw” We are requested, by Mr. J. A. Howard, our enterprising and worthy Ordinary, to announce that ho will issue and execute Bartow County Bonds to the amount of $1 3,560 00, bearing interest at 7 per cent, per annum, and payable in one, two, and three years. The interest and one-third of the principal payable annually, to any one wishing to make such an investment of their capital, Truly, the leaven is beginning to work. 43 " ~ Wl "* r ' A Great Land Cyclone—The Ele ments in a Rage—Fearful Destruction of Property. —We learn from a pass enger who came into the Montgomery train last night, the particulars of a terrible cyclone which passed over the counties of Troupe and Merriwether Friday night. The afternoon and evening of that day were extremely warm and sultry for this season of the year, indicating the corgonial atmosphere of a balmy spring day. In the night, about 10 •o’clock, at LaGraage, the barometer suddenly fell, and dense black clouds gathered on the horizon and quickly ascended to the sky. As near as our informant could as certain, a cyclone formed about six miles north-east o f LaGrauge, in Troupe county, and swept with awf 1 destruction in the direct ioii of Merri wether. Whilst its greatest intensity •was only felt for three quarters of a mile, people living at a much greater distance, more or less felt its violence The citizens of LaGrange, four or five miles off were in great alarm, but their residences and other property sustained no material damage. The first great damage sustained •was upon the plantation of James Dan iels, in Troupe county, where not one pannel of fence, house, tree, or even small sapling, was to be found stand ing yeaterda, morning. Passing on in its terrible course it next struck the residence of Widow McGhee, and literally leveled every thing to the ground. Here, at this plantation, it issued sublimely awful proportions. It was funnel shaped, and in addition to lift ing the largest trees of the for rest and all of Mrs McGhee’s hour- 1 * high in the midnight air, was accompanied with fiiery tresses of lightning and the loudest peals of heaven’s artilery! Here too, the distraction was simply complete. Absolutely nothing was left standing obove the ground. The storm, or this awful cyclone, passed on. The next plantation in its fearful path was that of Mrs. Jones.— Then it struck the stragling little vil lage of Mountville, laying everything in waste as it went on. The plantation of Nathanial Sledge, William Seay, and James Bird. feU di rectly in its path. Mr. Bird lives on the line of Troupe and Merri wether •county, and there our information •ceased. It passed into Merri wether and had lost none of its violence, when last heard from. He heard of no one being killed out right, but a great many wounded. On the Goodwin plantation it was report ed that every one was more or less in jured. Not a house, tree or rail was left, standing on this place. The wind ran in a twisting, funnel It had the power to grapple with the largest trees in the forest, and to cany them for a half a mile. During its prevalence, hail stones as large as hen eggs fell. The atmos phere quickly turned chillingly - cold, and was sensibly felt in Atlanta. We hope to gather further details i a t ime for our next issue, and greatly fear that the destruction in Merriweth er was much greater than in Troupe. —Atlanta Intelligencer 19fch. Pemberton’s Compound Extract of Stillin gia—the great. Blood Purifier. Fruits of Courts hip.— Ned G imes wore a sad countenance. He was of ten asked what was the matter; but no satisfactory answer was forthcom ing. At length an intimate friend ob tained the following particulars of him: “You know,” said Ned, “I have been courting Sally W- a long while; and so we had a great notion of get tnarried, when that confounded old Colonel—- “Go on, Ned; don’t be a boy. What about Colonel——?” “Why, you see, Sally said I had better ask him; and so I did, as perlite as I knowed how.” “Well, what reply did he make?” “Why, he kinder hinted round !” “What kind of hints did he throw out ?” “Why, he kinder hinted round as if I wa’n’t wanted there 1” Well, Ned, let us know what they *e*e; w hat the Colonel said to disturb y°ur mind so.” “Why, he said'’— fcaid what ?” “Why, he said if he patched me there again he would cow hide me till I hadn’t an inch of rine . on nay back; confound his old picter!” Pemberton's Comp’d Ext of Stillingia re all ol <i mercurial taint and cures 8y- LOCAL ITEMS. •T.T. Grib wo u, Local Editor. W. Mcbpht is our authorised Agent ami Collector. To receive and receipt for Sub scription to the Express, and to collect claims W. F. WEEMS is our authorized locid and travel!ait Agent, to receive and re ceipt for subscriotion* to the Express. ■ Bui*r» jJ aria n Seed* ! I ! A. A. Skisske & Cos. hare just received a largo assortment of very superior, Fresh, Garden Seeds, which are offered to the trade very cheap. The Papers are large and fulle Globe Flower Cough- Syrup cures Asthma JC6F*The weather is delightful, 1 and a wise acre and weather prophet in forms us that winter is “broke ” We are glad of it, and shan’t exert ourself to get it mended. ter it does make us feel good to take a strol Unround town Saturday afternoons, and see the many eviden ces of prosperity visible on every hand; the town is generally chock full of people, who come purposely to trade. The clerks all put on one of their sweetest smiles, and are as polite as dancing musters. The ladies throng the streets, looking as fascinating as possible, and by a single glance from a pair of heavenly bine, or “roguish jet black eyes,” send an indescribable thrill to many a poor fellow’s heart. — Give us Saturday afternoons with its noisy, business-like appearance, for of all the seven days, we like it the best. Globe Flower Cough Syrup cures Phthisic and Spitting of Blood. Stair People who imagine that Car tersville is a little, one-horse town, are undoubtedly the worst deluded crea tures extant. Why, its a large, fast, growing, go-a-head, “get-up-and-sift’’ town; a town with a “heap” of people in it—clever people, mean people, stingy people, liberal people, smart people, people who pay the preacher, and people who don’t; a town hem med in by mountains, and a town close to which is a big river; a town upon the corners of whose streets, is a loDg post, upon the top of which is perched a large green lamp, which il lumines her streets by night in a man ner very closely approximating that which is furnished by the day-god, and is almost as cheap, a town which is soon to have a Car Factory and Steam Mill; a town which has shade trees planted along its side-walks; a town which is the terminus of a rail road; a town which has a greater number of dogs, big dogs, little dogs* medium size dogs, fice-dogs, biteing dogs, barking dogs, bob-tail dogs, fox eai ed dogs, growling dogs, and good for-nothing dogs, than any other town on this continent: a town which has two stalwart Marshals, and a grave dignified, sage-looking board of Al dermen; a town whose streets are be ing macadamized; a town which has a multidude of girls residing in it— pretty girls, bashful girls, loud-singing girls, and skating girls; a town which is serenaded nightly by about two huudred thousand of the feline species —male and female; a town which has more preachers, better preachers, poor er preachers, saucier preachers, and more polite preachers than any other town; a town which has more lawyers, good lawyers, sorry lawyers, jaek-leg lawyers, louder-speaking lawyers, and cleverer lawyers, than anybody else’s town; a town which has a number of editors, lazier editors, better editors sorrier editors and “say-a-he..p-and do-nothing” editors, than any oth er town we know of; a town which has a Brass Band that makes prettier music, louder music, poorer music and more of it, than any other band; a town which has a skating rink which is “cussed” much and patronized “tnuch er; M a town which has more niggers, blacker niggers, thicktr-lipped niggers, sleeker niggers, kinkier-headed niggers, lazier niggers, meaner niggers, and better niggers, than any other town— in a word, this isa LARGE town. We regret to tmve to chronicle the fact that the citizens’ meeting was very thinly attended on last Thursday eveuing. Why is it so ? Surely it is not because our people have no inter est in the general welfare of the town, and delight not in the rapid strides she has made and is still making, to wards attaining an enviable position among her less prosperous and favor ed rival towns in North Georgia. We cannot believe that is the cause—but if that isn’t it, what is? We cannot answer the question; we wish we could, we would do it with pleasure, but as we cannot do this, we can only urge upon them the great importance of keeping up these meetings, for every man who has attended them knows that they would be conducive of great good; so it is perfectly useless to reit erate it; we confidently and sincerely look for and expect a large turn-out next ihursday night, os business of importance, and in which we are all interested, will be transacted. Lot of Premium White Ches ter Pigs, for sale by Andrew Baxter. ®SU Remember the grand Skating Carni ral, at the Rink, Wednesday night, next. j ae* It was reported here yesterday, 1 that a white lady, whose name we did not learn, was found near Cass Station, in this county, on Saturday last, with her thioat cut from ear to ear, and a little child, some three or four mouths j old, crawling around her. Horrible if J true. I, * , - _ *'4 Inf creating; to Planter*. Office Mollle Oil Miur, ) Mobile, February 7, 1371i "f To the Editor: Iu another column you advertise the Lang dox Fkktilixkr. the price of which has, been S6O per ton. Although this is below the pr ice of any other reliable commercial ma- j nure in the market, yet 1 have determined to j make the price still lower. The Langdon is a home production, made from well known articles produced here, (Bones and Gotten ; Seed Meal mainly) and 1 can afford to man ufacture and sell it cheaper than any foreign manufacturer can put his product in this mar ket. Again, I have this year so developed and perfected my works ns to reduce the cost of manufacture con:iderably; and lastly, so generous lias been the support of this new Southern enterprise by our planters, in giv ing the Langdon their preference, tbatjlpro pose to reciprocate by giving them all the advantage 1 possess i & lh * production of the article. The price hereafter wall be only SSO per ton for lots of five or more tons, $56 for less amounts, and $3 per hundred pounds for .amounts less than a ton. At this low price every good farmer will use fertilizers. Please give this a few insertions for the benefit of your planter readers. * - Very Respectfully, MANN, Proprietor Langdon .Fertilizer. BEADTHI§ 7 I feel grateful to my frien ls and cus tomers for their liberal patronage iu the past, and will continue my Livery Business at the old stand, where I propose to give as NEAT A TURN-OUT as can be had at any stable in the up-coun try, and respectfully solicit a continu ance of their patronage. In justice to myself, I am compelled to adopt the cash sjstem, in order to keep my business in neat style. Very Respectfully, W. W. MILAM. TOBACCO. —Messrs. JOURDAN, HOWARD & HARRALSON, Atlanta, Ga., have on hand the following Choice Brands of manufactured Tobacco, which they offer to trade as low as the lowest; Brown’s Log Cabin, Cabin Homo, Golden Choice, Pike’s Peak, Winfrec’s Gold Leaf, Pranly’s XXX, Montsief, Hyco Belle, Peach Mountain, Sunny Side, Saranac, McGhee’s 4 A, Golden Rule, Rosa Belle, Globe Twist, Crown Navy, May Apple. And many other desirable brands not men tioned; together with a fine variety of Smok ing Tobaccos and Cigars. SPECIALS. PEASE and his WIFE. JEUROJPJEAN HOUSE. ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GA. fiA DININGS AT ALL HOURS ! Private Enterance and r ) Dining Saloons for Ladies! uauiesi ; Ellegant Sleeping Rooms will be Furnished at 75 Cents PER DAY. And you can Dine at PEASE AAI> HIS WIFE’S jk At any Hour you Wish, and get what you Want, and Pay for What you Get, and no More!! CALL AND TRY OUR FARE !! dec 15-sw tto Messrs. Gower, Jones A €0.,l Are still at their old trade -making, selling, and repairing carriages, bug gies, Wagons, They are continu ally enlarging their business in order to supply the daily increasing demand for their vehicles They have the most extensive carriage IteDository and Man ufactory in Cherokee Georgia, and the reputation of their work unsurpassed in the South. Long experience at the i business has won for them a notoriety j for substantial, durable, and style of finish of work, seldom, if ever, attained by any like establishment in the South ern Stages. See advertisement. Life and Campaigns of Gen. Lee. Ihe great standard work of the day, the Life nd times of the beloved and lamented Southern Military Chieftain, Gen. R. E. Lee, with a full reecord of the campaigns and heroic deeds of his companions in arms, by a distinguished Southern Journalist, 850 pages, 30 life like steel engravings of confederate Generals, &c., just out of the press.— Price $3 75. Rev. A. M. Samford, A gent for Bartow and Polk Counties.— He is also agent to receive and re ceipt for subscript,! on to the Express. #**• Remember the Citizens’ Meeting a Tdwn Hall, this (Thursday) night. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 4 CENTS WANTED—(IKS a month)—by tbe. A AMERICAN KNITTING MACHINE Boa ton Maas- or St. LottiatM*, a 8 O’CLOCK. WATCH FREE, ami S3O * day, sure, anu no humbug- Address LATTA & LU. Pitts burg, Pa., 4w. SALESMEN WANTEK Business honorable. No comjietitiou, liberal pay given. S. VT. KENNEDY, 8, 4th st., Philo. 4 171 * lou - ;i week—#6 pr. ct„ All li 1 1 Ato a! “* fiXArJ in cask Pri ; *es. Information free.— M A I.E Address American Book AND Company 62 William >(., FKMAI.K. X. Y,. 4~v_ (h M mn Ann Per day and no risk. I)o you Ah ,\/.l want a situation as salesman at j vU 1 U vuUor near home, to introduce our ] new 7 strand White Wire Clothes Lines to last ! forever. Don’t misa this chance. Sample so e. Addr ss Hudson River Wire Works, 75 iV’tnVu, N. Y. or Dearborn St. Chicago 111. hr. mu is is no humbug >. ¥ By sending *>.J CENTS with age, height, color of eyes and nair. you will receive, by retummail, a correct picture of your future husband or wife, with name and date of marriage. Address W. FOX, P. O. Drawer No. 24, Fultonville, N. Y. The Magic Comb any colored j hair or beard to a permanent black or brown.— It contains no poison. <mo comb sent by mail for sl. Dealers supplied at reduced rates'. Acl dress Wrn. Patton, Treas., Springfield. Mass. 4vv ISSUED JAS Ist I*7l. Ann HnnrirpJ CHOICE SELECTIONS No. 3 y/itv ii mint u containing the best new thinjrs for Declamation, Recitation. Ac Brilliant Ora tory. Thrilling sentiment and Sparkling humor, 180 pages, paper 30 cts., cloth 75cents. Ask vour bookseller for it, or send price toP. Garrett & Cos., Philadelphia Penn. YYTANTEI)--Ageutß, S2O per day to sell the ▼ T celebrated Home Shuttle Sewing Machine. Has the under-feed. Yuakes the ‘-lock-stitch '* (alike on both s ides,) and is fully licensed. The best and cheapest familv Sewing Machine in the market. Address, JOHNSON. .CLARK A CO., Boston. Mass. Pittsburg, Pa. Chicago, Jit., or Sc. Louis, Mo. 4\ V THEA-NECTAir BpIKBPI A Pure Chinese rf* glgi BLACK TEA, Green Tea Flavor. TO SUIT ALL TASTES, FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. And for sale Wholesale only by the The Great Atlantic & Paicfic tea Cos, P. O. Box 5508, 8 Church Str., N. Y. SEND FOR THEA-NECTAR CIRCULAR w4w AGENTS WANTED for the dA 50 HISOTRY of fjrUJJ CHURCH Br “^ O,JH From Adam to the present day. Light business for men and ladies everywhere. Good pay.— Send for circular. ZEIGLER & McCL-RDY.. Philadelphia, Pa. NOWREADY. The Great Standard Work of the Day, The Life and Times of GEN. R. E. LEE, with a full record of the campaigns and heroic deeds of his COMPANIONS IN ARMS: bv a distin guished Southern Journalist. The Life of Gen, Lee is here given full of facts of interest never before published. 850 pages, and'3o life-like Steel engravings. Price, $3.75. $150.00 per month made by disabled soldiers and active 'men and women selling this work. E. B. TREAT & 00.. Pubiishcrs, 651 Broadway N. Y. 7w, ” REDUCTIONOF PKICES _ ’? TO CONFORM TO Reduction of Duties. Great Saving to Consumers By Getting Up Clubs. Send for New Price List, and a Club form will accompany it with full directions,—making a large saving to consumers and remunerative to Club organizers. GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO., 31 & 33 VEBEY STREET, P. 0. Box 5613. New York. LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF G Es Mg Re iaaQ lad IE IE The Only Authentic and Official Biog raphy of the GREAT CHIEFTAIN. Its popularity and Great Value are attested by the Sale of Over 20 Thousand Copies Already. CAUTION. Old and inferior lives of Gren. Log are being circulated.--See that the books you buy are endorsed by all the leading Generals and prominent men of the South, and that each copy is accompanied by a superb lithographic portrait of GEN. LEE, on a sheet 1!) by 24 inches suitable for framing; a copy of which we have instructed our agents to present to every sub scriber for this work. AGENTS WANTED.--Send for Circulars anp see our terms, and a full description of the des- L )f the wor k. Address, NATIONAL PL BLUSHING CO., Pt(iladelphia, Pm, Atlanta, Ga., Cincinnati, Ohio, or St. Loui3. Mo. iw. Unanswerable Arguments,. Established facts arc silent arguments j which neither pen nor tongue can shake, i and it is upon established facts that the rep utation of Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, as a health-preserving elixir, and a wholesome and powerful remedy, is based. When wit nesses come forward in crowds, year after year, and reiterate the same statements in relation to the beneficial effects of a medi cine upon themselves, disbelief in its efficacy is literally impossible. The credentials of thin unequalled tonic and alterative, extend ing over a period of nearly twenty years, include individuals of every class, and resi dents cf every clime, and refer to the most prevalent among the complaints which afflict, and harass the human family. Either a multidude of people, strangers to each other, have annually been seized with an insane and motiveless desire to deceive the public, or Hostetter’s Bitters, for no less than a fifth of a century, have been affording such relief to sufferers from indigestion, fever and ague, billiousness, general debility, and nervous disorders, as no other preparation has ever imparted. To-day, while the eyes of the reader are upon these lines, tens of thou sands of persons of both sexes are rely gin upon the Bitters as a sure defence against the ailments which the present season en genders, and their confidence is not mis placed. The local potion which interested dealers sometimes endeavor to foist upon the sick in its stead, are everywhere meet ing the fate that i& due to fraud and im posture, while the demand for the great vegetable specific is constantly increasing. DA B B ins Prophylactic Fluid. for puri fying, es; for catarrh, sore montlußore throat, dipthe soften and beantifv the skin; to remove ink spoj^mjldcw^fruit^stains^take^internally^is well as applied externally: so highly rceom mcnde^Jv^l^FlmhavejagedMt— all Druggists and Conntry_Merr.hantg. and may he ordered directly of DARBY PKOPHYLATICC'O.T"*" Deo. 6, w-ly. 161 William Street. N. Y. Tlie CSreul Family Medicine. TKEN* INTERNALLY | li cures sudden Coal;. Coug'i*, See., auil ! Weak Stomach, Ge'scrd Debility. Nursing I Sore Mouth, (h-vnker, Liver Dys ' pepsia or ludtgffAiioa, Cramp or Pain in the i Stomach, Bowel Complaint, Painters’ Colie, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea and Dysentery. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, Cures Felon, Boils, and Old Sores. Severe Bums, Scalds Cuts, Bruises and Sprains. Swelling of the Joints, Ring-Worm and Tet ter, Broken Breasts, Froste l Feet and Chil blains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neu ralgia and Rheumatism. It is a shure rem edy for Ague, Chills and Fever. PAIN KILLER, Taken internally, should bo adulterated with milk or water, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a Cough a few drops 04 Su gar, eaten, will ho more effective than any thing else. Sec printed direct'ons, which aocotapay each bottle. Sold by all Druggist. PRICE REDUCED! 1 . . A7ENT .FPLiE: Manufactured at.the mobile PURITY M (jDIL t.Ak CUARANTaD^aMANN.p^V Only SfiitiO Fcr Ton, in Five Ton Lots. MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED (200) PLASTERS TRIED THE LANGDON FERTILIZER this last year, and the MOST FAVORABLE REPORTS are heard from it. Its PURITY and STRENGTH are guaranteed. The value of BONE PHOSPHATE AND COTTON SEED ME \L as a manure, is known to every SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURALIST. These articles form the bulk (4-5) of the “LANGDON,” to which aro added proper quantities of POTASH, GYPSUM and SALT. These five ingredients form the compound. IT IS A HOME PRODUCTION. Large Capital invested here in the Works, affords a security for the guarantee of its PU RITY. HO\. c. C. LMODOa\ (Agricultural Editor Mobile Register,! gives advisory supervision to the production of this Fertilizer. NO HIGH FREIGHTS from the far East, nor LARGE COMMISSIONS TO AGENTS HERE, have to be paid, as must be true of an article of foreign (Northern) manufacture, and hence the “Langden” can be sold, and IS SOLD CHEAP ER, than any Standard Fertilizer In the mar ket. The COTTON SEED MEAL is produced at the Works, and the RAW BONES are gathered from the surrounding country and ground at mv Mills. FARMERS are INVITED to visit the Mo bile Oil Mills and witness the operation of pro ducing the Langdon Fertilizer. Planters should instruct their Merchants to buy for them THE LANGDON FERTILIZER, Because it is a simple composition of articles known to be good, and the Purity of which is insured. Because it is sold at a lower price than any ar ticle of like quality could be, which is bomight from a distance. Because it w ill give greater returns from its use, pound foe ttoepd, than any other Fertilizer, no matter wluit the price. FROM THE MANY TESTIMONIALS from practical men, these are here given; Tuscaloosa, Ala.. 1 December 22d r l£a>, f Col, W. D. Mann : Sir.—Your Circular of the Ist inst. came to hand. As we found the Langdon Fertilizer the best that we tried, I give you my experience with it. Our land is poor, red hill land. Used. 900 lbs. to tbe acre. W e used one ton of Gillam’s, at $75; three tons of Zell’s, at $55 per ton; two tou9 of the Longdon, at S6O per tou. The land was all worked alike, and the some quautitv used of each. I did not keep the weights of each Held separate, but attended to the picking and weighing myself, and khow that there was more cotton gathered to the acre on the Langdon than any other part of the place. The Zell’s was next. From my own experience, and in the opiniou of all farmers who took notice of it, the Langdon Fertilizer was far superior io any that wo used. Respect!uily yours, Ac., C. 11. FITTS. Mr. Thomas 11. Kennedy, of Meridian, Mis. ~ after recounting his experience in the use of the Langdon Fertilizer, says: “When 1 lived on my plantation in Alabama, I used many kinds of Manure, but I never used anything that would begin to compare with the Langdon Fertilizer.” THE PRICE AT THE MILLS IS SSO PER TON, in five ton lots. $55 for a single ton. $3 per 100 lbs, for small lots. It is exchanged for Cotton Soed, 300 pounds, in stroug sacks, delivered free on board boator cars at Mobile, for one ton Cotton Seed, free at the landing or depot up country—sacks aud twine furnished by the Mills. Os Its cheapness, Col. Langdon says: “Its cheapness—l am fully convinced that, at the price now fixed by you. to-wit: $55 per toil, it is much the cheapest fertilizer in our market. r Pound for pound, I consider it more valuable than the preparations that are selling at $75 to 480. For my own use, I would greatly prefer it to Peruvian Guano at the sane price.’’ Os its merits, he says: “The result is the best Fertil izer in the world for our Southern lands, in my opinion.” Again: “It contains more fully and complete ly than any other, the elements neecessary for the production of Southern crops and the reno-' vation of Southern soil. Prof. Charles U. Shepard, Jr., M. !>., Professor of Chemistry South Carolina Medical College, and Inspector of Fertilizers tor South Carolina, who made a full and careful analysis of the Langdon Fertilizer, says of it: “It is’a very su perior article.” I also crush at the mills, Raw Bones, which are ground fine. Price at the Mills, $45 per ton. Ground Raw Bone is too well known as a strong Fertilizer to need comment. For trees, shrub bery and grapes, it has no equal. The Ground Bone of the Mobile oil mills is warranted to con tain nothing but Bone. Address all orders for either of the above Fer tilizers, accompanied by the cash, or orders on your merchants here, to MOBILE OIL MILLS, P. O. 80x723, Mobile, Ala. fi505“412. per ton, Cash, paid for cotton seed IcTivered at the wharf or depot here—sacks and twiue delivered at your landing or depot. BONES WANTED. per ton will be paid for Bones deliv eredat the Mills, ft will pav to gather them about the country and ship to the Mo’He Oil Mills. Jan. 10th, 1871. wl J. DR. JOHR BULL'S Great Remedies! SMITH'S TfINID SYRUP! FOR THE (JURE, OF AGUE AND FEVER OK CHILLS AND FEVER. The proprietor of this ceM.V*Y ! «r dkdPclfc* justly claim, for it a superiority over all remedies ever offer ed to tin- pa lie tor the < tuje, certain upeiifu iirul per in merit cure of Agu- and Fever .or Chill* aj.U FVve». rfhrtner of short or lon* starulruK. Hr letrrs to the en'iye rt eatern and tfoa'hirentern i-oniOr-t »« l»o*r him teici'iiony t* the ? r uth of the 'assertion, ■ that'in no case wha crrrwlli it fail to cure if the dire- tloo* are at riet ly iiilluVel and varied out. In a grest many cases a ■dntrle doae has Dettn -efficient for >. <ure, and whole families have '*ee» cared hv a *ing> bottle, sith a per fect restoration of thq general health II is, however, prudent, and in every care njore certain to cure, if it* u*a i« continued in smaller dtoe« f Jr * week or two af. ter the disease has been checked, mure especially In * difficult and Dns: standing case*. Usually, this ®edl ) cine will not require .any aid tc keep the l>«wei»ih; vood order; should the pi.tin t, however, require a j cathartic medicine, After having t ken three or I'Aur I loses .f the T-»nic. a single «l w »e of BULL’* YK iKXA BLE PAM’f.Y P1t.1.8 will be siifflcie; L . I I>K, JOU.Y BI LL’S \o. 40 FtftJl, Cross sircof, Louisville, Ky. Bull’s Worm Destroyer. To my United State and World wul# Head era: I AoJaf anTilm T ny ,e?tlmo UI » from profs*- a. BiOtiHi And medical trn?n. ha niv &i m ■ nopr h * V * B h° Wn,,tll nt " rh,C, ’ The lotioning from a higoly cc?um*e«l and nepuiar phpdclan iu <4«orp-ia, I* certainly one of the moat sen sible c„tnmunl C ,,i„nf I have ever received. D? Clem- Tv * h r i he ****** <” ny deserves to h e written n letter* of void 11.,, whatth© Doctor say. of Suite Worm Deflr yer Villanow, Walker eo., Ga, ) June 29th, 186 H $ DB. JuHN BULL—Dear Sir:—l have recently t n inde f 1 I, . t ‘‘ tro Y er ” several trial*, and find It effiitacfous. Mm* not failed iu a single l “‘' e ' to h * Ve ,he wished-for effect. lam doing a aom^aSlVonh r^ pr r C ’ i f e ’ Snd hav “ use for r 1 f l^ e IHm frte »«* c, nfesa that I know of no remedy recommended by theabiest authors ar<f un . certain tn lh e extreme. My object iiVh* n|( T O, J 18 V? fin,> out “poo what terra* «et the medicine directly from you. If I can cet it upon easy terms, I shall use a great deal of it Un aware that the u.e of am* article* l.tnirVry to t£ TiUr "m A Vv ! ’hrt f i“ g ' eHt ,n *iS» r *V of i« reg uar fine of M. It. *. but I see do juat cause or ifiwd fie?ent ",1 9 ? n/ a '*”'*'** "hich we know to be «t --blnaG ,n ’’ ec * HSe w , e tna Y he ignorant of it* com bination. For my part, I shall make it a rule to use slt and any mean* to alleviate suffering hum .city Which I may be able to mainland—not he elating because someone more ingeniously ggseif may have let wo and its effect* first, and secured the sole right tc sec ure hat knowledge. However, I a D , by no mians «ad vneate or supporter of the thousand* of worthy** qog . trims that flood the country, that purport to cure nll manner of dl.ea*e to which hum in .flesh I* heir Please reply soon, aud inform me of your beat I am,sir, must respectfully. J “* gttemi ' JULIUS P. clement, M.D. Bull’s Sarsaparilla. A GOOD REASON THE CAPTAIN’S FAITH 1 READ THE CAPTAIN’S LKlffli AND THU LET TER FROM RIS MOTHER. Benton Barracks, Mo., iSffS Dr. John Bull—De ar gj r; K nowln _ ... . of your Sarsaparilla, and the hetlMr ln!t f s '" qualities It possesses, I .end you the f iO«*V #Be * eUI tnent of my case: * ‘ »Howlng state l was wounded about two vear* „„„ prisoner in® confined for sGteeu month”* ftireri moved so often, my wound, have not healed have not .at up a nv.>ment since 1 wa 1 am shot through'the hips. My general health »li* 1 paired, and I need something have more faith in your K irsaonriiln th*n i n * ,n "- 1 eta.. I wi.h that that l« "X th;in ? half a dozen bottle*, and oblTge express mr Cast. G->. JOHNSON. vf l *’ T,,e / o|lowin F wns written April 'jlMSte** Jennie Johnson, mother of i„i by DU. BULL Dear Bir : T son, was a skillful surgeon and i,h!i'i ■ ' Wn ' New York, where he died Teavin/ „ L” Centr »' Johnson to my cure. At thirtpon *hove O. I’., a chronic diarrhoea and scr^fuls 7^ T he him your Sarsaparilla. I T CURED 1 ten years recommended it to many fn New York AM J ‘ and lowa, for scrofula fever . y ° rk -Ohio, tv.. P- rfec, success and^ ne^' ed m *omt case* of scrofula e* cure* efitci,. almost miraculous lam verv scent again have recourse r^KS^ T to f*il of jjeitlnif a Ruuiimia ftr *i » P rilla. He {g fear r~ to '»■ «'■ %i h b 7 b«'; t %wx i. BULL’S CEDRON BITTERS. AUTHENHC DOCUMENTS. AfiKAfiSAS HEARD FROM, Testimony of Medical Men Stony Point, White Cos., Ark., May 28,’66. DR. JOHN BULL—Dear Sir: Last February I was In Louisville purchasing Drugs, and I gpt some of your Sarsappanlla and CeJronßitter*. My son-in-law, who was with me In the More has been down with fog some time,commen ced on the Bitters, am' soon found Ms general health Improved. Br Gist, who has been in Bad health, tvfed and he also Improved. Dr. Coffee, who has been in bad health for several years stomach and liver affected—he improved very much by the use of your Bitters. Indeed the Cedron Bitters has given you great Popularity In this settle ment, I think I conld sell a great quantity of vour medicines this fall—especially of your Cedron Bitters and Sarsaparilla. Ship me via Memphis, car. of Rickett Sr. Neely, Respectfully, £ C B WALKER. If All the above remedies for sale by L. XX. BRADFIELD, / Druggist, ’ ,r " WAITSHALL STREET, ATLANTA, CiA ftb 2o. 18(59m»1v Five Acres of LAND IN CARTERSVILLE For Sale ! That beautiful plat of land in Cartcrsvilie, known as the Tobacco Factory containing FIVE ACRES, more or Icm. On the premises is a splendid well of freestone water. Ihe land will he sold in a bodv, or in town Iqtb. to suit purchasers. For further particulars ap ply to M. L. Pritchett, ikirtcrsvilie, or Thos. I Hutcherson, Wales, a. G or P. TANARUS„ Moon. who 1 lives near the jan. 24-swtf BRIANT % - [ . j k ’ u SATTERFIELD, WHOLESALE «■» BETA L I DEALERS IN AH Kinds and Qualities of I Liquors, f And ran He!l •Is Cheap as any Other neater in THE SOUTH, AXD WILL DO IT ! ONLY . Try Us !!! ( He a!dO keep a nvtuber one dock cf FAMILY GROCERIES. and CONFECTIONERIES, Oa Kastsi 1c of the Railroad. BKIANT A BATTERFIEI.D. fel>. lwtv CARTERSVILLE. GA. Sheriff Sales for M’ch, 7i. WILL be sold, before the Courthouse door in t arUTsvilte. Bartow- County, G*., "on the lir-t Tuevlaj in March, IS7I. wiiTilt, the us ual hours of sale, the follow lag property, to-u it: Lot of land No. 218, aud soutii-cnst corner of lot No 217, io the 16i.h district aud 3rrl section of Bartow county, contaiuiug two huudmi at re* more or less, the creek to be the lit e from ilu mill of A. F. Wooley, running south, thciue from the end of the dirt race, iu a line due north to the lot line, except A. F. Wooley retains ;.i7 the right necessary to the runnlug of said mills, with tl>2 right to make any changes eiti er m the race or mill building, or any other diango he may think necessary in hi> judgment, tiiat will, in any way, benefit his mill interest. Lev ied on as the pro peaty of William Karp, to sat isfy a 9 fa, issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of A. F. Wooley, v». William Earpe. Printer’s fee $5. ALSO, One Steam Saw Mill and fixtures, lev ied on as the property of Bishop A Coc, to satisfy a ii fa issued from Bartow Superior Court, in fa vor of W. H. McCravy, vs, said Bishop A Coe. ALSO lots of lands, Noix 217, 85*1 ai.J rig** acres »t 316, in the 32nd District and 2nd section of Bartow County, levied on as the property of J. L. Dysart, to satisfy a fi fa from Milton Supe rior Court, in favor of John O. la»tt, Guardiun, <Stc.. vs. John J. Upshaw and J. L. Dysart. ALSO, Lot of land, No. 995, in the2lst District ami 2nd Section of Bartow County, levied ou m the prop i rtv of Smith. Uuderv/oo'd & Cos., to sat» isfy a tax i! fa, issued by the Tax Collector of Bartow County in favor or the State of Georgia, and Bartow County, vs. said Smith, Underwood & Cos. Levy made and returned to me by a Con stable. ALSO, the place known as the Island Mills, in the 21st District, aud 2nd Sort ion of Bartow County, levied ou as the property dr Foster A Clayton, to satisfy a tax fl fa, issued bv the Tax Collector of Bartow < ounty, in favor of the State of Georgia and B irtow County vs. said Foster & Clayton. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. ALSO, at the same time ami place, the Mills |ou Oothealoga creek lying about one mile from Adairsvillc, Bartow County, aid all the land connected with the mill, and -plantation on which Noah King resides, being 500 acres, more or less, all levied on as the property of said No ah King, to satisfy a fi fa issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of Thomas Walton, vs. B. F. liomar and Noah King, security. ALSO. 50 bushels of Corn, more or less, and 180 bushels of cotton seed, move or lees, levied on as tlio property of Batt Conyeis, to satisfy , t li fa issued from Bartow Suin-rior Court In favor of L. Bennett & Cos., vs. said Batt Convert. Feb 9, W. W. RICH Sheriff. JAMES KENNEDY, D. Shff. Georgia, iiartow ccrt/NTY.-vvhere as, many Citizens of said county have peti tioned the Court of Ordinary of said countv, whilst sitting for county purposes’,' to change the Alabama Road* commencing at Smith's Bridge, ou Euharloo Creek, running in as >utli- W enteric direction up said Creek, a round the hill, and coming into the present nmd ag uu after clearing the hill; and, Whereas. A'ommis sjouers, to review said change, have been ap pointed by the Conrt, and said (>omm;>-ii>uers having reported in favor of and recommended said change; Therefore, all person* co*. er te l are notified to be and appear, at mv ofll e, o t or before the 15th day of March, lffil, and show cause, if any they can, why said change should not be made. Given under mv baud and ofti fcial signature, this Feb’v 13th. lfc’7l. J. A. HOWARD. Pr*. fee *sl ordinary B C. Executor* 9 Kale. BY VIRTUE of an order from the Court ot Ordinary of Bartow county, will be sold ou the first TuosdAy iu April. 167 1,’ before the Court House door; iu Carte is vi lie, said count v, be tween the legal sale hours, lots ot land Nos. St| 7 and 768 in the 17th District and 3rd Section afbre saidcounty,containing 80 acres, more or TANARUS( s•, abont6o acres cleared, the remainder well tim bered, comfortably improved—the same being tbe residence of George Kennedy, late ot'said county dec’d. Sold as th', pro pert) of said deoM, for the purposes of distrilmtion, ki aoeordunco with the terms of the will of said George'Kennc dy dec’d. Terms of sale: credit until Ist Janu ary, 1872, with interest from date, note and secu rity, and Bond for titles given. This, Febuary 13th, 1871. John* M. (Jocukan and li. B. Coctur, Executors of George Kennedy J>eo‘d< Notice.— We have waited with those indebted to us as long as we ought to wait, and as long as we are able, or wil ling to wait, and as long as we intend to wait, and if the Dotes and accounts due us, are not paid in a few days, they will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. N. Gilreath Sc Son.* Jan. 16th, 1871 ts. Notice. All persons indebted to ns by Noto or Account for the year 1870, aro earn estly requested to come forward and make payment. We mast have money and are depending on our good friends to sustain us. SArrERFiELD, Pyjron 4* Cos. jan. 20th-4t Mulvh l Mules ! ! Mules ! S ! I have just received one of tbe finest lot of nmies ever brought to Georgia, which may be see* an?' bought at my plantation, four miles "West of Garters ville, on the Etowah river: Cotton, at th*e highest market price will be taken in exchange for thorn. W. P. MILAM. Cartcrsvilie, Ga.., Dec 11, ’7O-tf. From this date the Rink will he open each day from 11 o’clock, a m., until li, r. m., for the benefit of people in the country. Monday aud Friday nights, for la dies and gentlemen, from 7 until 10 o’clock. For ladies aud little boys, Monday and Wednesday afternoons. For ladies and gentlemen, Saturday afternoons. tx.