Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, February 21, 1871, Image 4

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u. A. dealer in family groceries, WEST MAIX STREET, CARTERSVII.LB, OA., At the Old Stand of B. C. A J. E. ROBERTS. Fresh arrival of Gro-«Sx His customer* on __ g-t Oft VY3j3|k c< **'l*' s »t \\}N $\3N RIN learning the fact •rSf' 11. A. yATTILLO'S. rush to nis store. $X HK KKEI’S CONSTANTLY ON HAND * choir® selection of Family Supplies, consisting, in part of Ra('ON—SIDES, HAMS, AND SHOULDERS. LARD—TI SHOES AND CANS. FLOUR AND MEAL. VINEGAR—FKENOH WINE AND CIDAR. SALT, RICE, &C. •SUGARS—“A,” “B,” -C,” AND DEMAVARA. MOLASSES AND SYRUP. COFFEES— RIO, LAGUYRA, AND JAVA. TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. CHEESE—FAC I'ORY CREAM AND ENGLISH DAIRY. BUTTER-GOBHEN. VANNED ME ATS—COVE OYSTERS, SALMON, AND LOBSTEL. SARDINES. CANNED FKUITS —PEACHES, PINE APPLES. CORN. PRESERVES & JELLIES. DUCKETS, TUBS. BROOMS, BASKETS. WASH BOARDS. WELL BUCKETS, &U. I’EITER, AUSPICE, GINGER, CINNAMON, CLOVES, NUTMEG, *C. TOMATOES, PICKLES, SODA, STARCH. *C. POWDER-RIFLE AND BLASTING, FUSE, dC. CHOICE VARIETY OF SEED IRISH POTATOES. The above. with many other article* too tedious to mention, is offerer! to the trade At Uhort Profits FOR CASH. COUNTRY PRODUCK bought or Bartered and Hold. Call and «ce me md mv Goods. feh. 18-wlv H. A. PATTILLO. HUNNICUTT & BELLINGRATH, Dealers In Ceok ami Heating CJraie* and Tin Ware, H For Steam, Gas, and Water. DRAIN PIPE, RUBBER HOSE, PUMPS. STEAM FITTINGS, OIL CUPS, GLOBE VALVES, STEAM GAUGES AND WHISTLES, HYDRAULIC RAMS, GAS FITTINGS AND FIXTURES, SHEET IRON, GLOBE AND PATENT BURNERS, TIN PLATE, LEAD, COPPER, AND BRASS, WATER CLOSETS, WASH BASINS, &C. ? &C. Buy Hunnicutt & Bellingrath’s Ooluml>ia Cook. JPO. 9, Marietta street, ATLAJPTA. HUNNICUTT & BELL IN GR AT H, No. 9, Marietta Stteet, ATLANTA, GA., N tonm, and Gldn Fitters, COPPER SMITHS AND SHEET IRON AVORKERS. ROOFING, in all its branches, in Tin and Corrugated Iron. feb 14-w9m LUMBER! LUMBER!! LUMBER!!) HAVING purchased the St Saw Mill formerly belonging nmes Siigh, I have now on hand, and c i apply, all per sons in wunt of Lumber, of any kind orqual ty, at the customary rates per foot, either delivered at the Mill or in Cartersville. My aupply of timber being of the best quality and inexh&UHtable, I am prepared to till or ders of any size or for any quality at short notice Address MOSES H SMITH, qjjlfiwly Cartersv’Ue, Ga. B.H. PATTILLO, Agent GROVER & BAKER’S CELEBRATED siwm mmm. BOTH THE ELASTIC AAO SHUTTLE OR LOSJKSTITOH. SUITABLE FOR ANY KIND OF FAMI LY SEWING- JIONE BETTER Men and Boys* Clothing Made on the Most Reasonable Terms, j In fact, almost any description of! SEWING done -A* Cheap as the Cheapest! AND IN THE BEST STYLE. Satterfield & Wofford, •84*88$ m Family CBOCEBIES^ AND Preiue©. CARTERSVILLE, GA. AT the old stand, F.ast side of the rail road, where we promise to sell on as good terms, and as low down in price, as any grocery house in town, either by the Wholesale ox* Retail. Come and see us and toet our sincerity. J H SATTERFIET D, apr 12wly J C WOFFORD. LAND FOR SALE! THE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale 180 acres of Land, lying West of Cartera ville 2$ miles; 80 acres cleared, the balance well timbered. The place is comfortably im proved, with Dwelling, Stables, out Houses. «Vc., with a nice young orchard — Peaches, Apples, etc. Also a Lot of 12 acres of land in the town of Carteraville, well improved; good Dwel ling, pure free-stone water Most of the Land is well adapted to growing Clover and grass. Located at the North end of Erwin Street. Any person desiring to purchase is invited to examine the property. June 16,-tf. J. A, HOWARD CSeorgia, Bartow to. TTTHEREAS, many citizens of said county, f y have petitioned'the Court of Ordinary of said county, whilst sitting for county purposes, to open a public road leading from the Stiles l>oro’ Depot, in said county, on the Cartersviile ! A Van Wert Railroad, to iutersect the Euharlee and Stilesboro road near the residence of Tlios. W. Brandon, Esq.; and, whereas, commission ers to review the said road have been appointed by the Court, and said commissioners have re ported favorable to the utility of said road, and recommend the opening of the same, therefore, all persons concerned are notitied to be and ap pear at my office, on or before the 25th day es February' next, and show cause, if anv they can, why said road should not be established ai*d made a public road and opened. Given under mv hand and official signature, this January 23rd, 1871. J. A. HOWARD, jau?7 Ordinary B. (J. GEOKGIA, BARTOW COUNTY To ALL Whom it may conckhs :— Catharine F. Denmon, Administratrix of the estate of James M. Deuraon, late of said county, deceased, has tiled her petition, with the Ordi lary of said county, asking to he permitted to resign her ad ministration on the estate of said James M. Denmon, deceased, on account of her inability to attend to said Trust, and suggests the name of A. P. Wofford as a person qualified, entitled to and willing to accept said Trust. These are. therefore, to cite the said A. P. Wof ford. and the next of kin of the said Janies M. Denmon, deceased, to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held in and for said county, on the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they can, why said Catharine Denmon, shall not be permitted to resign said administration, and said A. P. Wofford be ap pointed administrator in her stead. Given un der mv hand and official signature, Feb’v7th, imt ' J. A. HOWARD, !>?. s4.] Ordinary B. C. ©. C. EMIRS* No 13 Decatur Street/ Atlanta, Georgia. MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF HARNESS And dealer in SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWIRE HARNESS SKIRTING- ENAMEL AND ALL KlNns OF LEATHER. Childrens’ Carriages Mae Carriages aad BUGGIES! INDIANAPOLIS FAIM WAGONS AND CARTS. The attention of Farmers and Teamsters is called to the large stock of Wagons and Harness; also ALL kinds of Muddles, and everything usually kept ’.n a first-class Saddlery House— Wholesale and Retail. Also, for sale, Boys’ Three-Wheel Velocipedes. April 27—wly a isnanontae*. GROCERS — AXD — Proim DEALERS. CARTE RSVILLE, OA. aSR Taichts With or Without Measure J Conceal it Hot!!! PETER MARSH, Manufacturer of and beeler in Estrella OU, Also, Dealer in LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, SHADE? WICKS ETC.. ETC. I can be found at Beat & Kirkpatrick’s on Main Street, Carteraville, Ga., where I will be pleased to see my friends and pat rons. To all, I would say, come and e”' amine for yourselves, as I intend to sell Cheap at the Cheapett, Thankful for past patrenage, I solicit a continuance of the same. PETER MARSH. Cartersviile, apr. 22. Merge W. Jack, Manufacturer of EIIBIEL CIA € S ill, DEALERS IN CONFECTIONERIES, - TOYS AND WILLOW :WARE Wedding PARTIES and SIP PER, tfc., Gotten up in the beat style, at short Notice I We would respectfully call the attention of the public to our and complete stock—selected with great care, and bought at th. LOWEST CASH PRCIES. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GA. march lO.wlj THUS. M. CLARK*.# JSO. C. KIRKPATRICK ROB’T C. CLARKE, j jso. A. KITTEN. Established In 1854. T&OBAS 39, CLASS! & CO., (Successors to T. M. & R. C. CLARKE,) IMPORTLRN AID DEALERS II English aid America! HARDWARE, Gallery* iron,.Steel, Hails, It. E. Supplies,& Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Returning you our thank 9 for past patronage, we hope by future efforts to merit a continuance of the same, promising from our long experience in the HARDWARE trade, (being the oldest Hardware house in the city of Atlanta,) and strict attention to business, together with our ures ent facilities of DIRECT IMPORTATION, and EXCLUSIVELY cash purchases, that we can offer equal inducements to those of any Northern market. We have now in store, and arriving daily for the FALL TRADE, the LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c., ever brought to this market, and will sell at prices that defy competition. With the view of lurking the JOBBING trade a SPECIALTY, we are now fitting up immedi ately in the rear of our present stand a WHOLESALE SAMPLE ROOM, where merchants can select their ENTIRE STOCK from SAMPLES, thereby avoiding the interference of the retail trade. Extending to you an invitation to call in and examine ourstock when you visit Atlanta, or send on your orders, we remain, yours very respectfully. TIIOS. M. CLARKE & CO., sept 10,1870-swlv Atlanta, Ga. SFA FOWL GUANO FOR 1871. (Imported by Bolt A McKenzie, Savannah, On.) PRICE REDUCE® TO CONFORM TO THE TIMES, viz: $58.00 Per Ton. etables. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND TERMS TO > MARK W. JOHNSON, Dealer in Agricultural Implements, Seeds, and Guanos, jan. 24.-w3m Broad Street, ATLANTA, GA. THE LIVE” DRUG STfBE! ■ Umm i Fox WfiOIiISAI.I DRUGGIST, Corner of Whitehall and Alabama Streets, ATL A.IT P A.. GEORGIA. june 1, 1870. wly BEST & KIRKPATRICK. DRUGGISTS, CARTERAVILLE, GEORGIA. „ VB: able to meet the wishes of all. B*aT*Th<'.v Ho not. intend to be out-done by any house South, in regard to either quality or price of Goods, and solicit a call from everybody before purchasing elsewhere. BEST & KIRKPATRICK, Cartersville, Ga., Sept. 1870. Dbugoibts. DEMMtlmamm |SaccWHMr« to ToMUXIMMS-DEMAUKST Cos.) 628 & 630 Broadway, IT. Y. MANUFACTURERS OF Carriages, Buggies, &c. Especially adapted for the Southern Roads. OUR stock comprises LIGHT VICTORIAS, PHAETONS, CABRIOLAS, ROCK AW AYS, And all other styles of Fine Carriages, For ono or two horses. TOP AND NO TOP BUGGIES, On Klip tic and Bide Springs. CONCORD BUGGIES, MAIL HACKB A JERSEY WAGONS. We are also Bole Manufacturers of tho WOODRUFF CONCORD BUGGY AXU Plantation Wagon for 1,2, 4 A 6 Horaea. Tho best Buggy and Wagon in America for the money. We hare had an experience of thirty years in mak lug wj>rk for th« Southern StaL>®, and Know exactly what is wanted to stand the roads. We invite all to send for Circulars, and partie* visiting New York we especially inrite to ex M at our Ware rooms. We solicit the trade of merchant* and dealers. Illustrated Ctrsulars, with prices, furnished by mail. A. T. OEM A REST. N. Y. W. W. WOODRUFF. OA. j Dfiunrent and Woodruff* Are now opening a Branch of their busi- II ness in ATLANTA, 3A., where they will ij be prepared to supply any style or quality I of Vehicle, at their lowest rates. i June 2, 1870- wly if RUBLE & HIGHT, AGEjNTTS FOR RIJSSELL & GO’S. CELEBRATED DOUBLE FAM, PIVOTT CYLINDER THFIE HITCH SfEB THRESHER, 11,1 Seperator, and also, Improved Self-Raking Reapers and Mowers. - , l i Jitsf R-stetwif A JTEW SEPPLY OF Htabfj}aker’s QMfbtati) Jfarm IMPROVED SINGLE AND DOUBLE STAR CORN SHELLERS. : Improved PeacoeJ* Plows, Cast-Steel Excelsior Plows, Silver Si eel Clipper Plows—All sizes. THE EUREKA SMUT AND SEPARATING MACHINE, GALE'S COPPER-STRIPPED FEED CUTTER, ■AY-FRKBSHS, Hann«y*» Broad-Oast Setter ud flaltlvater. And a General Stock of Wei] Assorted AGRIUCTURA IMPLEMENTS, always on Hand. FARMERS CAY OBTAIY FROM US DUPLICATES OF AYY PARTS OF MACHINERY WHICH MAY BREAK OR WEAR OUT. We keep nothing which cannot be warranted No. 1 of its kind. Finding by long experience in this trade, that it is much more profitable to keep none bat good, substantial and reliable Imple ments Soliciting your orders, we are, Respec fully, RUBLE & HILIiT, I ► AgreuKurul Depot,Cor. Market and Eight Streets, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Janl7th 1871— ts. PHILADELPHIA and ATLANTA Wine and Liquor COMPANY. AO. S. GRANITE BLOCK, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. NAMES IE PURE WINE AND LIQUORs, Call Particular Attention to their Peach 1 Apple Brandy June 7, 1870. w6m IV. 4 . 1, A N SI) EI. 1,. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, NO 19, WHITEHALL ST- ATLANTA-GA Offers splendid inducements, and all who need good Drugs at low figures will do well to give Lima call. Pays special attention to orders from Country Merchants. Faints, Oil, Glass, Fine Medicinal m#ej©s&s Aim wmm Everything pertaining to a first class Drug Store will be found there. NOTICE SPECIAL . . f 'l Z~ \ Daily Drain lrom the **im COLS SODA FMJHV” All that man could expect in the way of a cold drink. W. A. Lansdell challenges his Soda competitors to produce the fluid as near the freezing point as his. The coldest and he best in the city, Pure Fruit Syrups. W. Al.. Lansdell, No, 19 Whitehall Atlanta, Ga. Mav 12 1870 ly. W. L. WADSWORTH & CO., Importers of IJARWWAKK, .. OBTIEBY. A.VD . QMS, . Wholesale Dealers in MECHANIC’S TOOLS, House-Furnishing Goods, Carriage Material, g*. STOVER GRATES AND MANTELS. (R AGISTS FOB SAILS AKB SILTING. NO. 24 WHITEHALL STREET, CORNER ALABAMA. Atlanta j *s£-—-*£%*• { Georgia nov. 17, 1870-wly OF GEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY. Whereas, Pinkney G. Drummond, Admin istrator of the estate of John N. Mayfield dec’d, represents to the Court, in his petition, duly fil ed and entered on Reeord, that he has fully ad ministered J. N. Mayfield’s estate. This is there fore to eite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, ar.d receive Letters of dismission on the first Monday in May, 1871. Witness my hand and official Signature. This 24th day of January, 1871. J. A. HOWARD, C. FOUR WEEKS alter date applicat o“ will be made to the Honorable he Court of Ordinary of Bartow County, G*-, for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of William H. Pritchett, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit cf the heirs and creditors of said deceased Jan. f, 1871. M. L. PRITCHETT, Adm’r, ! METZ HAS FALLEN !!! So Have STOKELY & WILLIAMS In ths Price of their new FALL & WINTER CrOOdS, ouvitvs, Hats, Bests, Shoes. I House - Furnishing Coods, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, CUTLERY. Ac., Ac. AT THEIR OI.D STAND, Two-Story Brick Corner of Public Square and Maine Street Cartersvill, Go. Come and sec us, one and all, and look through our SUPERB STOCK OF GOODS, Ac., and buy from us upon as good terms as anv merchant South of the Potomac can afford to sell. STOKELY A WILLIAMS. nov. I—wtc Lyman cuapiiiau, Brisk and £t«ae Mason, OARTEUSYILLE, GA {prepared to do any of the above w «rk .pon short notice and at low cguer* V OPENED Vml Mmt “ IN THE TOWN OF CARTERSVILLE, By the Long-Tred and Never-Flinching old Firm of HOWARD & ERWIN, who have on hand, and Receiving Weekly, FRESH SUPPLIES OF Staple and Fancy MS!!! Glething, U©^l©HS, Rats, Skses ▲MB BTC. ALSO, BAGGING AND ROPE, GROCERIES, PRODUCE, &c. IN FACT, Everything, nearly, kept in the Mer cantile Line, all Departments, is sold by n* at the lowest possible prices. Everybody is ) c " vited to call and look through our extensile Establishment. HOWARD A ERWTb. nov. 11 —v7tf Fresh Garden, Flower, Fruit, Herb, Tree dfc Shrub, and Evergreen Seeds, pre paid by mail, with direc tions for culture. Twenty five different paehets of ei ther class tor SI.OO Theslx classes for $5.00. 20,000 lbs. Evergreen and Tree Pear, Cherry. Ac.; Grass Seeds; Beet, Cahb»g£ Carrott, Onion, Squash, Turnip, and al. veg . able and Flower Seeds, in small or large m ; . ties; also Small Fruits, Stocks, Bnlbs, hr NeW Roses, Verbenas, Ac., hy maih Popart. De- Goldcn Banded Japan Lily, scrip live Catalogues sent to J , 0 srratis. Agents wanted,. Wholesale * lS _ Agents, Clubs and the Trade. Seels on comm “bJ’m. WATSON, Old Colony Nurseries Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Mass. in 1043*