Cartersville express. Semi-weekly. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1870-1871, February 24, 1871, Image 3

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T( OWIV MATTERS. -John T. Owea, our model Jeweler, has • I9t receive * lot of fine goH feus, which he ha" on »*h- *•* his counter. TO RIFFLE!!! v.t CIRTBMVW.I.*. Ga., o« the 10th day of M ,rch next, one of Tuft’a PaTRXT Arctic Hod* f , ,iiutalo*. ail complete, baring been in use but di*F*>* e of it at One Thou nJ jujlUrs—P ll ® hundred chances at Ten Dol ur» ach inr e. because, haring changed my bu»i n#(„, r hare no use for it. (.\,r particular# address J. T. GUTHRIE, Bartow Houae, Cartersville, Ga. Refer, by permission, to Jobs W. Woffokd, Kditore Express, Cartersville, Ga. fcb«. l«U-wtm Tlt , ri ti*f 0. Dalton; Courier, Rome; Times, Anamwxa; Whig A lleaister, Knoxville; and 1 Vr ni-ireland: wifi please copy to the amoS’of |3oa»b, and send bills toJ.T. Guthrie. Globe Flower Cough Syrup breaks up Whooping lough and Croup, as if by magic. \ f /0 t of Premium White Ches ter Pigs, for Siil ° by Andhew Baxter. Extra Special YotlCe. Ilf w»rr of Counterfeit* 1 Smith-. Tonic Rjrup h« J!, r'auu; filled, and the Counterfeiter brought to -iIIITU’S TOXIC SYRUP. 7be genuine article must hare Dr. John Boll', prf taw Sump on each bottle. Br. John Bull only ha# therftfht to manufac’ure and »ell the ori.ln.l John Smith’. Tonic 8> rup of Louisville, Ky. Examine well the I .Ml on each bottle. If my private stamp la not on thebottl •, do not purchase. or you will bedecelred. , n y column a i ertiaement, and my show card — I will prosecute any one infrinidng on my right. The .•■■fniine Smith's Tonic Syrup can only be prepared by myself The public’s servan*. 1)R. JOHN BULL. Louisville. Ky., April 28.1988 [Communicated.} Mr. Local: The estimate in which •'Silly Pup” is held bv the “Authoress’’ of the “exceedingly saf vurse,” to which his “exceedingly saf” communi cation alludes, is abundantly justified, not only by the “saf” manner in which he notices said “saf varses,” but by the very argument by which he endeavors to prove the Authoress, herself to be •’saf;” for “Silly Pup” hue, himself, dignified the “saf varse” very “safly," by the most public notice thereof, if, indeed, any notice from so silly a pup, cun be thought to give dignity to any thing. But “Silly Pup” not only shows hiin f ci' to be ‘exceedingly saf,’ but exceed ingly shameless also, by acknowledging the fitness of the appellation applied to h in in the “saf varse” aforesaid “Authoress.” Whose time is it now, to ‘-come giu ?” Who can Beat Tins?—Grown, on my p. niutinn two miles west of Acwoith, Ga., a.. otuto weighing liq pounds— 23f inches in .ength. and 22j inches in circumference C. C. CLAYTON, For the Express,} Acworlh. Ga. Fine Flour.—We are under y obli gations to Messrs. J. M, Veack & j., of the W k A. R. R. Mills, at Adairsvihe, Ga , for a sample sack of their flour, which, for whiteness and lirliness, is unsurpassed by any we have heretofore used upon our table. To prove that we are not alone favorably impressed with its beauty, we adduce the following coincidence; Sometime since Mr. Veach visited the city of Atlanta and received and accepted an in vitation to spend the night with a friend, a resident of that city. At the table Mr. V. was admiring the splendid flour used on the occasion, and, he being a manufacturer of the article, and consequently a close obser ver of Uread-stuffs, bis anxiety constrained him to enquire of the landlady where she was so fortunate as to obtain such beautiful flour! The good lady replied by asking him it he didn't recognize his own ear-marks? It was from his own mill at Adairsville. Mr. V. was agreeably surprised to find that not only was his flour sought and admired at home, but equally so abroad. Mr. Ogles by, hie partner, has a State wide reputation as a fine flourist. Mr. Veach informs us, in a letter of recent date, that he is apprehensive that they will he forced to suspend operations, owing to the unjust discrimination of the Western & Atlantic Railroad Company in the matter of freights over this road. He says: I hat they are charged on a car load of AdairßviLe Atlanta, s4l 50, whilst the western manufacturer is charged Jrom Chattanooga u> Atlanta—twice the distance—only slg Sq.” We commend this matter to Gov. Brown, resident, for big consideration, and would respectfully ask that local manufacturers be allowed an equal chance with western, over ' his road, which, doubtless, will be cheer tully granted by the authorities. Zeb. Robinson, a citizen of this county, Jied at Euhariee, yesterday morning. Robert Guyton—“l came here first”—an ' 'her old and esteemed citizen of this coun y, died at his residence near this place, on iuesday evening last. don t some iron-monger put up a puddling furnace in Cairtersville ? It has been fully demonstrated that there is oro in abundance in our vicinity. Dr. Best has but recently discovered ao ore bank in his yard. Mr- J S others, are erecting a Steam Mill a Kingston. Another evi dence of Bartow' county prosperity. They have three neat Churches in King ston—Baptist, Methodist, and Episcopal l he Presbyterian church, we believe, was destroyed by Mr. Sherman during the war. Good hotels, merchants, and an enterprising and intelligent community of citizens. our Car Factory, new Steam Mills, and n, ' w Academy, besides numerous other build 'r‘gH beia S erect ed, mark the onward march of Cartersville. ]* He Spring fights opened lively in Car- on Monday last, an?? 0 p| °wer Cough Syrup cures Phthisic ad Spitting of Blood. LOCAL ITEMS. •T. T. Grihson, Local Editor. pgp' H. W. MCRPBT Is oar anthorixrd Agent and collector. To receive and receipt for Sub scription to the Express, and to collect claims. fcgy-Rev. W. F. WEEMS is our authorised Dicaland traveling Agent, to receive and re ceipt for subscriptions to the Express. Bulat’** harden 8c«d» ! ! ! A. A. Skinneb Jt Qo. have just received a large assortment of very superior, Fresh, Garden Seeds, which are offered to the trade very cheap. The Papers are large and fulle Glebe Flower Cough-Syrup cures Asthma WelT The fellow who informed us that Whiter was “broke,” was slight-u ally mistaken—the second ‘editiou’ has just set in. »@~ And the street lamps light up the streets first-rate, but as the 'wee sum’ hours draw ou they “grow beautifully less” brilliant, and “The probabilities are, The leading points to show,” That frequently some go out, And soon they all will go. JEST* Tom Bridges has just received a large lot of tine cigars, which are for sale; yes, and he has oyßters, world without end. >»> The young man “cussed” and | rared vehemently, because he lost his purp dorg, arid called lustily for him, but the dorg, oh, where was be?— that’s precisely what the young man wanted to know. “Oh, cruel fate,’* was the last “words we heard him say,’’ and he gave vent to his feelings in tears and sul)3 Pemberton’s Comp and Ext. of Sliltingia re moves all old mercurial taiut and cures Sy philis. 80u The Masquerade Skating C«r uival, on Wednesday evening last, was a grand succes. The hall was crowd ed to its utmost capacity by people of all ages, sizes and sexes. At the ap pointed hour, the bell rang, and the ku-klux made their debut. Os all the “unsightly sights” that ever we beheld, that was the “musignthest.” Some ot them looked like angels,, some like demons, others bore a striking resem blance to the orang-outang and mon key; we saw one fellow whose nasal organ was full two feet long aud was so sharp that if he had fallen on his face, it would have stuck in the floor - we were afraid of that fellow’s nose, and governed ouis* Ives accordingly The gentleman ot the “churn” hat, attracted considerable attention, as did also the corpulent gentlemen, of the “great big hat, with a big, broad brim, and all bound round with a woollen string,” and he skated considering his “dimensions.” The gentleman of the “curtain calico,” was unfortunate, for he fell down forty times that we know of, and the fun of it was, he tried to create the impres sion that he did it on purpose—well, perhaps he did—but did you hear that guitar solo ?—“music has charms to soothe the savage, split a rock, and bust apo-turnip!” Aud the gentle man of the “epaulette,” what shall we say of him—this “sojer” man—lan guage fails us, and what a pity l There were several other of these fantastic male creatures on exhibition I but they were so mortal ugly, that we beg to be excused from making any mention of them, for the recollec tion of them causes us to see ghosts, hob-goblins and ku-klux; we havn’t slept a wink since; these horrible, mongrel, long-nosed, red-eyed, club footed, creatures haunt us both day and night —we were always snpersti ous, however. While we were standing, almost horror-stricken, gazing on the awful figures that flitted swiftly past us, a friend of ours, tapped us on the shculder, and politely informed us that he wished to introduce us to a lady, whom he wished us to skate with, and bade us follow him, which, in our innocency, we did. After pushing our way through the crowd for some distance, our friend suddenly halted in front of a long, tall, some thing, enveloped in calico—a something which appeared to us, to be 14 feet high; he proceeded to introduce us, us follows: “Allow me to introduce you, sir, to Miss, July Ann P hoe by Ann Juvina Cathariua, don’t ask us the balance—we don’t know; it was more than our delicate nerves cuuld stand; our heart failed us; tve thought of Shakespeare’s witches, and the , »«eihing ) boiling cauldron and in this state of uervousexcitement, and mental bewilderment we swooned away, and when we recovered found ourself, together with our friend, in Kit’s drug store where he gave us a few draps of “gum ta-loo,” which, very effectually quieted oilr nerves, and fret l us nil right figain. The aforesaid l«dy skated beautifully, and was the occ&siou of many a hearty laugh. The ladies were all beautifully attir ed, and “looked like angels just from the skies.” I u fact, the whole affair was delightful, and entertaining in the extreme. Let’s have them often. Pemberton’s Compound .Extract of Stillin. gia—the great Blood Purifier. Not much editorial, this week, owing to the fact that the Spring fight* have opened lather briskly, the editors feel kindly dis posed towards all mankind. Our young friend and fellow-citizen, The odore (Stric.) Gouldemith, is selling beauti ful pictures—Ckromoe and Engravings— at his furniture rooms and at B-.-st A Kirk patrick’s Drug Wore. We invite attention to the column adver tisement of Dr. John Bull s Celebrated Rem edies, and to the flaming advertisement of Best k Kirkpatricks, of the oldest Drug Store in Cartersville. Interesting to Planters. Office Mobile Oil Mius,) Mobile, February 7, 1871. / To the Editor: In another column you advertise the L.vng t»os Ff.ktilizkr, the price of which lias been S6O per ton. Although this is below , lie price of any other reliable commercial ma nure in the market, yet I have determined to make the price still lower. The Langdou is a home production, made from well known articles produced here, (Bones and Colton Seed Meal mainly) and I can afford to man ufacture and sell it cheaper than any foreign manufacturer can put his product iu this mar ket. Again, I liavo this year so developed and perfected my works as to reduce the cost of manufacture considerably; und lastly, so generous has been the support of this new enterprise by our planters, j> giv ing the I.angdon their preference, than 4 re pose to reciprocate by giving them '■ 1 the advantage I possess iu the production <f the article. The price hereafter will be only SSO per ton for lots of five or more tons, $55 for less amounts, and $3 per hundred pounds for amounts less than a ton. At this low price every good farmer will use fertilizers. Please give this a few insertions for the benefit of your planter readers. Very Respectfully. *». D. MANN, Proprietor Langdon Fertilizer i'OBACCQ. —Messrs. JOURDAN, HOWARD <ft IIARRALSpN, Atlanta, Ga., have on hand the following Choice Brands of manufactured Tobaeco, which they offer to trade as low as the lowest: Brown’s Log Cabin, Cabin Home, Golden Cnoice, Pike’s Peak, Winfree’s Gold Leaf, Pranly’s XXX, Montsief, Hyco Belle, Peach Mountain, Sunny Side, Saranac, McGhee’s 4 A, Golden Rule, Rosa Belle, Globe Twist, Crown Navy, May Apple. And many other desirable brands not men tioned; together with a fine variety of Smok ing Tobaccos and Cigars. ftPKCI A L 8 7 PEASE a»"l his WIFE. EIJROPFJX HOUSE. ALABAMA STREET, ATLANTA, GA. t DININGS AT ALL HOURS! Private Enterancc and Speci ;1 Dining Saloons for Ladies! Ellegant Sleeping Rooms will be Furnished at Coats PER DAY. And you can Dine at PEASE AID IIIS WIFE’S Ql # At any Hour you Wish, and get what, you Want, and Pay for What you Get, and no More !! CALL AND TRY OUR FARE !! dec 15-sw tto Administrator’s Sale. WWTILL be sold, on the first Tuesday in April, ▼ V 1871, before the Courthouse door iu Car tersvilie, Bartow County, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Tract of Land whereon William H. Pritchett lived at the time of his death, together with the Dwelling, thcjfcract containing S> acres of land, more or less*. lying in and near Cartevsvilte, and originally known as the Woodbridge place, ad joining lands of Samuel McCanless, J. C. Mad dox, and others. Sold as the property of Wm. H. Pritchett, deceased, to perfect titles. Terms cash. This February 80th, 1871. M. L. PRITCHETT, Administrator. Messrs. Gower, Jones & Cos., Are still at their old trade -making, selling, aed repairing carriages, bug gies, Wagons, They are continu ally enlarging their business in order to supply the daily increasing demand for their vehicles They have the most extensive carriage Repository ajid Man ufactory in Cherokee Georgia, and the reputation of their work unsurpassed in the South. Long experience at the business has won for them a notoriety for substantia, durable, and style of finish of work, seldom, if ever, attained by any like establishment in the.South eru States. See advertisement. Life and Campaigns of Gen. Lee. atif great standard work of the day, 'the Life nd times of the beloved and (lamented Southern Military Chieftain, Gen. R. E. Lee, with,a full reccord of the'campaigns and heroic deeds of his companions in arms, by a distinguished Southern Journalist, 850 pages, 30 life like steel engravings of confederate (voneraK Su\, just oat of the press. Price $3 75, Rv. V M. Samfobd, A gynf for Burton 'and Polk Counties. He is also ugeut to receive auil re ceipt for Riibsenntimi to the Expres .. United States Internal ttmsci. 1 Deputy Collector's Office y 4th District, Ga ) f’ AitTEftsvitLE. Feb'y !u, 1871. is hereby given that I have seized One Barrel, containing Thirty-Six Gallons orßye Whisky, more yr less, iu the W. & A. R. R. Depot at Cartarsville, as the property of Geo. P. Thomas, of Baltimore, Md., ami any and all persons are hereby notitied that claim must be made, and bond given, within thirty (30) davs, or the same will be sold for the use United States. WELLS B. WHITMORE. sw3t Dcp’y Coil, WM 0. BOWLER, MANUFACTURERTOF, AND DEALER IX, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS, COLLARS, LEATHER, kt repairing doae With neatness and dispatch. «3~>hop on West Main Street. Bear the old Market House, CAIi.TJEKHVIL.LR. GA. feb a-wly W M. O. Row LER. The JL MU/ A few tine Oold Watches, Cheapest Fine Setts of Jewelry, «fce. Jeweler can be had, at low figures, in for the next, thirty days. town J •T 4 n ? • Jfew Lot of Clocks 18 on hand and for sale, by J. T. Owen. Cartcrsville, Oa. feb’y2l- * IT IS-EVEN SO ! ' The station is fast becoming a CITY, Thkkkkobe, you should endeavor to make all things NEW ! ! ! PAINT! PAINT! PAINT! you wish it done right— K@“lf you wish it done at low figures— you wish it done promptly— JJfeg“»CALL ONflSjg*" '.K J. W. DYER, feb. 21-w2m CARTERSVILLE, GA. jUules ! Mlules ! ! Mules 111 I have just received one of the finest lot of mules ever brought to Georgia, which may be seen and bought at my plantation, four miles West of Chrters viiie, on the Etowah river. Cotton, at the highest market price will be taken in exchange for ikes®. W. P. MILAM. Cartersville, Ga.., Dec IT, ’7O-tf. From this date the Rink will be open each day from 11 o*ciock, a m., until I|, p. M.,’ for the benefit of people in the country. Monday and Friday nights, for la dies and gentlemen, from 7 until 10 o’clock. For ladies and little boys, Mond \y and Wednesday afternoons. For ladies and gentlemen, Saturday afternoons. ts. Unanswerable Arguments. Established facts are silent arguments which neither pen nor tongue can shake, and it is upon established facts that the rep utation of Hostetler’s Stomach Bitters, as a health-preserving elixir, and a wholesome and powerful remedy, ig based. When wit nesses come forward in crowds, year after year, and reiterate the same statements in relation to the beneficial effects of a medi cine upon themselves, disbelief in its efficacy is literally impossible. The credentials of this unequalled tonic and alterative, extend ing over a period of nearly twenty years, include individuals of every class, and resi dents c-f every clime, au l refer to the most prevalent among the complaints which afflict and harass the human family. Either a raultidude of people, strangers to each other, havq annually been seized with an insane and motiveless desire to deceive the public, or Hosteller's Bitters, for no less than a fifth of A century, have been affording such relief to sufferers from indigestion, fever and ague, billiotrsness, general debility, and nervous disorders, as no other preparation has ever imparted. To-day, xvhUe the eyes of the reader are upon these lines, tens of thou sands of persons of both sexes are rely gin upon the Bitten?as a sure defence against the ailments which the present season en genders, and their confidence is not mis placed. The local potion which interested dealers sometimes endeavor to foist upon the sick in its«tead, are everywhere meet ing the fate that is due to fraud and im posture, while the demand for the great vegetable specifiers constantly increasing. DARBY’S Prophylactic Fluid. fjp Family Medicine,for puri fying, cleasing, in all kiics of^hdtnessMVnMH^ for Erysipelas, rheumatism, and all skin diseas esMorjeat-arrh, sore mnoth. Sore throat, dfufhe. ria; for cholic, diarrhoea, cholera; ns a wash to soften and beautify the skin; to remove hik spots, mildew 7 , fruit, staingj taken Internally as well .ns applied external!v; so highly r#w»m- for sale bv all Drmrgist* md o>i"itrv Merchants. -, TI: ] be ordered directly of DARBY PBOI’HYLATICCO.. " Dec. 0, tv-Jt. 161 William Street. X. r. _ Tlic Ciire:H Family Mediciiif. TAKEN INTERNALLY It cures sudden UuMs, Caug'ts, St?., and Weak Stomach, Owner*! Debility, pursing Sore Mouth, Canker, Lifer Comp’aint Dys pepsia ©r Indigestion, Cramp or Fain in the Stomach, Bowel Complaint, Painters’ Colic, Asiatic Cholera, Diarrhoea ami Dysentery. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, Cures Felon, Boils, and Old Sores, Serere Burris, Scalds. Cats, Bruises and Sprains, Swelling of tho Joints, Ring-Worm and Tet ter, Broken Breasts, Frosted Feet, and C?hil» blains, Toothache, Paiu in the Face, Neu ralgia and Rheumatism. It is a shure rem edy for Ague, Chills and Fever. PAIN KILLER, ■ -• “ '*» ■ - •>* ■*' ' y Taken internally, should bo adulterated milk or water, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a Cough a few drops on Su gar, eaten, will bo more effective than any thing else. See printed direbt’ons, which accorapay each bottle. Sold by all Druggist. PRICE REDUCER! *Ss ft /MANUFACTURED AT T HF ||l mobile Oajus II PURITY |v* o • | A L II li COARANTtED.\/D.MANN,PropV. Only IjjfSO i*er lon, in Five Ton Lots. MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED (2,00) PLANTERS TRIED THE LJSODOB FERTILIZER this last year, and ttie MOST FAVORABLE REPORTS are heard from it. Its PURITY and ST REIN GTJI are guaranieeu. The value of BONE PHOSPHATE AND COTTON SEED MEAL as a manure, is known to even' SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURALIST. These articles form Die bulk (4-5) of the “LANGDO.V,” to which dm added proper quantities of POTASH, GYPSUm and SALT, These live ingredients form the compound. IT IS A HOME PRODUCTIO N. Earge Capital'invested* here in the Works, affords a security for the guarantee-qf its PU RITY. ISO*. €. C, LA^GDOX (Agricultural Editor Mobile Register,! gives advisory supervision to the production of this Fertilizer. NO HIGH FREIGHTS from the far East, nor LARGE COMMISSIONS TO AGENTS HERE, have to be paid, as must be true of an article of foreign (Northern) manufacture, ami hence the “Langden” oftfi be sold, and iCsfOLD CHEAP ER,* in au any Standard Fertilizer in the'mar- The COTTON SEED MEAL is produced at the Works, and the RAW BONES are gathered from the surrounding country and ground at my Mills. FARMERS aRE INVITED to visit the Mo bile Oil Mills and wittidss the operation of pro ducing the Langdon Fertilizer- .... Planters should instruct their Merchahts to buv for them THE LANGDOH FEETILIZEE, Because it is a simple composition of articles known to be good, and the Purity of w hich is insured. Because it is sold at a lower price than any ar ticle of like quality could be, which is brought from a distance. Because it will give greater "returns from its use, pound for pound, than any other Fertilizer, no matter what the price. FROM THE MANY TESTIMONIALS from practical men, these are here given; Tvscalooh.a, ala.. i December 22d, 1870. { Col. W. D. Mann : Sir.—Your Circular of the lsr inst. came to hand. As we found the Langdon Fertilizer the best that we tried, I give you rnv experience with it. Our land is poor, red hill land. Used 200 lbs. to the acre. We used 011c, ton of Gillum's, at $75; three tons of Zell's, at $55 per ton; two tons of the Longdon, at <tso per ton. The land was all worked alike, and the some quantity used of each. I did not keep the weights of each field separate, but attended to the picking and weighing myself, and khowthat there whs more cotton gathered to live aerq on, the Langdon than any other part of the place. The Zell’s was next. From my own experience, and in the opinion of all farmers who took notice of it, the Langdon Fertilizer was far superior to anv that we used, ilqspcuully yours, Ac.^ Mr. Thom as H. Kknnedv, of Meridian, Miss., after recounting his experience in the use of the Langdon Fertilizer, says; ‘‘When I lived on my plantation in Alabama, I used many kinds of Manure, bat I never used anything that would begin to compare with the Langdon Fertilizer.” THE PRICE AT TIIE MILLS IS SSO PET? TON, in five tonlots. $55 for a single ton. $8 per 100 lbs. fbr Sirta.ll lots. It is exchanged for Cotton Seed, 300 pounds, in strong sacks, delivered free on board boat or ears at Mobile, for one ton Cotton Seed, free at the landing or depot up country—sacks and twine furnished by tue Mills. Os its cheapness, Col. Langdon says: “Its cheapness—l am fully convinced that, a*t the priee now fixed by you, to-wit: $55 per ton, it is much the cheapest fertilizer in our market. Pound lor pound. I consider it more valuable than the preparations that are selling at $75 to SBO. For my own use, J would greatly prefer it to Peruvian Guano at the same price.” Os its merits, he says: “The result is the best Fertil izer iu the world for our Southern lands, in my opinion.” Again: “It contains more fully and complete ly than any other, the elements naccessary for the production of Southern crops and the reno vation of .-southern soil. -Prof. Charles U. Shepard, Jr., M. D., Professor of Chemistry South Carolina College, and Inspector of Fertilizersoor South Carolina, who made a full and careful analysis of the Langdon Fertilizer, says of it: “It is a very su perior article.” I also crush at the mills, Ilaw Bones, which are ground lino. Price at the Mills, $45 per ton. Ground Raw Bone is too well knowu as a strong Fertilizer to need comment. For trees, shrub bery and grapes, it has no equal. The Ground Bone of the Mobile oil mills is warranted to con tain nothing but Bone- Address all orders for either of the above Fer tilizers, accompanied by the cash, or orders on your merchants here, to MOBILE OIL MILLS, P. O. Box 723. Mobile. Ala. fraT'llS. per ton, Cash, paid for cotton seed delivered at the wharf or dc'wit here—sacks and twine delivered at your lauding or depot. BONES WANTED. per ton will bo paid for Boyes deliv ered »t the Mills. It will pav to gather them about the country and ship to the Mo' Ue oil Mills. Jan. Wfh, 18H. wly. " HE WRY T. HELMBOLD’S COJIPPPKD FLUID I CVrit-KT CATAWBA j (JRAPEPILLS.; Component Pnrt* — tfn"f Rhubarb, | an,l Fl'Uti Krttnrt Chtijhih't' J Vrapp * 1 Jm'er, FOR LfVKR fOMPI.AINT?*. JAUNDICR. BILIOUS AFFECTIONS. S 1 C K Oli NKttVOT* HE MI ICMK. COSTTTE NEWS. Etc.. PI KELY \ EGKT.YR&iL CONTAINING NO MERCURY. MINE RAL3 OB DELETERIOUS DRUGS. . 1 .. ■: -a.; [ These Pi?ls are the most delight fully pL'ie*- . an* purgative*, superseding castor oil, salts, ] UagneflML, «t«. There U notUiug more ac ceptable to the stomach. They give tone, and cause ueifber nausea nor griping pains. They are composed of the/nevf ingrtJirntc. | After a few days' use of them, such an in vigoratiou of the entire system takes place as to appear miraculous to the weak and enervated, whether arising from imprudence or disease, il. Y. Helmboid’s Compound Fluid Extract Catawba Grape Pills are not sugar-coated, from the fact that sugar-coat ed Pills do not dissolve, but puss through Hie stomach without dissolving, consequently do not p* oduce the desired effect. THE CA TAWBB GRAPE PILLS being pleasant in taste and odor, do not necessitate their be ing sugar-coated. PRICE 50 ct». Per Box. E Henry T. ilelmboltfs HIGIILY CONCFNTIIATED COMPOUND flu;d extract sarsaparilla Will radically exterminate from the system Scorfula, Syphilis, Fever Sores, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Bore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Head, Bronchitis. Skin Diseases, Salt Rhe um. Cankers, Runnings from the Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cankerous Affections. Nodes, Rickets, Glandular Swellings, Night Sweats, Rash, Tetter, Humors of all kinds, .Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, aiulalldis eases that have been established iu the sys tem for years. L Being prepared expressly for the above complaints, its Mead-Puritying properties are greater than any other preparation of sarsaparilla. It gives the complexion a cleay and healthy color, and restores the Patient to a state of Health and Purity. For Purify ing the Blood, removing all Ohvortio coastitu tional Diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood; and the only reliable and effect ual known Remedy for the cure of Pains and Swelling of the Bones, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Erysipelas and all Scaly Eruptions of the Nkin, and Beautifying the Complexion, i'rice, #1 50 per bottle. M IIE\KY T. ULLtf BOLD'S CONCENTRATED FIsUIH EXTR’CT BITCHU HIE GREAT DIURETIC, Has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Irritation of the Neck, of the Bladder, and Inhumation of the Kid neys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Blad der, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Cal culus, Gravel, Brick Dust Deposit, and Mu cous or Milky Discharges, and for Enfee bled and Delicate Constitutions of Both Sex es, attended with the following symptoms: Indisposition to Exertion. Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Ilorror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body Dryness of the Skin, Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, etc. Used'by persons from the ages of fiR to 23 and from 33 to 8.3 or in the decline or change of life, after confinement or labor pains; bed-wetting iu children. B Helmbolds Extract Buchu is Diuretic and Blood-Purifying, nndcures all diseasesaris ing from Habits of Dissipation, and Excesses and Imprudences in Life, Impurities of the Blood, etc. superseding Copaiba in affec tions for which it iB used, and Syphilitic af fections—in these diseases used in connec tion with Ilelmbold's Rose Wash LADIES. In many affections peculiar to Ladies, the Ext. Buchu is uuequalled by any other rem edy— as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregu larity, Painfulness or Suppression of custom ary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrus state of the Uterus, Luchorrhoea or Whites, Ster ility, and for all Complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion or Habits of dissipation. It is prescribed ex tengively by the most eminent physioiamiuid midwives for enfeebled and delicate consti tutions, of both sexes, and all ages,, (attend- el with any of the above diseases-©?- symp toms). o H» T v Ilelmbold's Ext. Buchu Cures disea ses arising from Imprudences, Bab- it» of Dissipation, etc. in all their stages, at little expense, little or no change of diet, no inconvenience, and no exposure. It causes a frequent desire, and gives strcngtbto Urinate, thereby removing obstructions, preventing and curing strict ures of the Urethra, allaying pain and infla mation, so frequent in t his class of diseases, and poisonous maiter, Thousands who have been the victims of incompetent per sons, and who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have fouyjd they have been deceived, and that the “Poison” has, by the use of “powerful astringenis,” been dried up in the system, to break out in a I more aggravated form, and perhaps after Marriage. Use Hehnbold Ext Buehu for all affections and diseases of the Urinary Or gans, whether exioting in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Price, §*l 50 per bottle. L HENRY T- HEL MOULDS IMPROVED ROSE WASH cannot be surpassed as a Face- Wash, and will bo found the only specific remedy iu every species of cutaneous affec tion. It speedily eradicates Pimples, spots, Scorbutic Dryness. In in rations of CUTA NEOUS MEMBRANE, ecU dispels Hives, Redness and Incipient Infiaimtion, Rash, Moth Patches, Dryness of scalp or skin, Frost Bites, and all purposes for which salve or ointments arc used; restores the-skin to a state of purity and softness, and insures continued healthy action to the tissue of its vessels, on which depends the agreeable elonruess and vivacity of completion *o much sought and admired. But however valuable as a remedy for existing defects of the skin, H T. Helmbold’s Rose Wash has long sustained its principle' claim to un bounded patronage, by possessing qualities which render it a toilot appendage of the most superlative and congenial character, combining in an elegant formula those prom inent requisites, safety and eiffeicy—-the in variable accompaniments of its use—as a preservative and refresher of the complex ion!. It is an excellent Lotion for diseases of a .Syphilitic nature, and as aa injection ! for diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in connec tion with the Extract Bucliu, Sarsaparilla, aud Catawba Grape PUb, in 6ai ?h_ dmcaaej as recommended, cannot be surt#g|ed.— I Pi*i«e, one dollar per buttle. Esu D Sr. i Full and expl eit uneetions evotnpaay 1‘ the tßrdkkiMl. Kvtd**rc« of the etost rts pou.-tibie and reliable character tarnished on , application, with h tedunls of thoustnds o* j living witness, atm upward of 3U.UUU un ! solicited certificates and recommendatory ■■ letters, many of wteich are from the highest | sources, including eminent physicians, Cler ' gytnen. Statesmen, etc. The proprii d«* A«S never resorted to their publication iu the ■newspapers; he does not do tins Horn toe ' Tac‘f that his articles t ank as Standard i'rep | arations, and do not. ncok to be propped up i by* certificates. IL T. Helmbohi’s Genuine Tref alsukms, I delivered to any addtvss. Hiccure from el i servatiou. Established upward o.s 2 > Years, Sold by druggists everywhere. Adders j letters for information in contidece to 11, T. llelmbold, Dauggist and Chemist, jg Only Depots: H T. Holm bold'a Drue and Chemical Oarehouse, No. 531 Broadway, N. V., or 11. T- Helmbold s Medical Depot, 104 South loth, sr Philodeiphi*. P»», Beware, of Counterfeits! Ask for 11. T. i Helmbolds !' Take no other iM Sheriff Sales fcr-M’ch, 7i. WILL be sold, bofona ilia Coarthousedoor iu Carters ville. Bar taw* County, (id., on the iiist Tuesday iu March, !S7l. vrithlu the us ual hours of sale, Mie following property, to-wit: Lot of land No. its, and south-east torner of lot So io the U>:h distiiet a&d ;ird scotioo of Rartovr countv. two hundred aeres uvore or less, the creek to be the lit e lfom Alia mil! of A. F. wooley, running south, tltem-w from the end of the dirt rare, in a liucduc north to the lot lino, exeejit A. K. Woolc.v retains all the right nee.e*.«ar*>to the running of sai.i mills, with tile night to make any iKiwges either in the race or mill Iwnidingy er' s»y otter ehmqro he may ttiink necessary lit ids ju«lgn*eiu, that will, iii any w ay, beuetlt his mill interest. Lev ied on as tW property of Wiliitnn Karp, to sat isfy a tl fa, issued from Bartow Supm ior f ouri, in favor of A. F. Wixdey, vs. William Carpe. Printer's fee $5. ALBD, Oue Steam Saw Mill and fixtures, lev ied on as the property of Bishop ,t < oe, U* satjsf v a fi fa issned from Itartow S«J*eri»r t ourt, in fa vor of W. IL McCravv, vs. said Bishop A <>»«. AI.SO lots of land's. Nos. 217, 252 ami eight acres of 218, iu the 22n<l District and 2nd seel tou of Bartow County, levied 04 as tb t > nroporfy of J. 1,. Dyviart, to satiate itrtPßftYMw Milton rior Court, in favor of John G. Lott, Guardian, Jtc.. vs. Johu J. Upshaw and J. L, Dvsart. A Lot of land. No. 9b5, in the2lst District and 2nd Section of Bartow County, levied on as the prop- rty of Smith, Underwood A Cos., to sat isfy a tax !i fa, issued by the fax Collector <»f Bartow County iu favor of the State of Georgia, and Bartow* County, vs. said Smith. Underwood A Cos. Levy made and returned to me by a Con stable. ALSO, the place known as the Island Mills, tu (lie list District, and 2nd Section of Bartow County, levied on as the property of Foster A C las ton, to satisfy a tax fl fa, Issued by the Tax Collector of Bartow County, in favor of D*» State of Georgia ami B irtow County vs. sa.oii Foster A Clayton. Levy made and returned to me by a Constable. ALSO, at the same time and plaee, the Mills on Oothoaloga creek, lying about one mile froiu Adairsville, Bartow County, and all the land connected with the mill, and plantation on which Noah King resides, being 500 acres, more or less, all levied on as the property of said No - ah King, to satisfy a ft fa issued from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of Thomas Walton, vs. B. F. Bom nr and Noah King, security. ALSO, 50 bushels of Corn, more or less, and *IW bushels of cotton seed, more or less, levied on ns the property of Batt Convent, to satisfy a tl fa issued from Bartow Superior Court In favor of Bennett & Go., vs. said Batt Conyers. Fsb 9. W. W. RICH Sheriff. JAMES KENNEDY, D. Shff. GKORGIA, BAIITOW COUNTY.—Where as, many Citizens of said county have peti tioned the Court of Ordinary of said county whilst sitting for county purposes, to change the Alabama Rond, commencing at smith ; Bridge, on Kuharlue Creek, running it> a South - Westerly direction lip said Creek, around tho hill, and coming into the present road again after clearing Hat bill* nnd, Whereas. Commis sioners. to review said change, have been ap pointed by the Court, and said Commissioners having reported in favor of and recommended said chnnjfe; Therefore, all persons comeroed are notified to be and an pear, at mv oiUce, 0.1 or before the 15tli day or March, iwt, and show cause, if any they can, why said change should not be made. Given under my hand and offi cial signature, this Feb’y 13th, 1871. J. A. HOWARD. Prs. fee ssl Ordinary B C 1 —^——- Executors* Mule. BY' VIRTUE of au order from. *lwj Court of Ordinary of Bartow county, will be soki r.v. ■ the first Tuesday in April, 1871, before the Court House door, in Cartersvfile, said county, be tween the legal sale hours, lots 01 land Nos. 817 aud 768 in the 17th District and 3rd -bectiou afore said county, containing 8U acres, more or less, about 60 acres cleared, the remainder well tim bered, comfortably improved—the same being the residence of George Kennedy, late of said county dec'd. Sold as the property of said dee‘<l, for the purposes of distribution, in accordance with the terms of the will of said George Kenne dy dec’d. Terms of sale: credit until Ist Janu ary, 1872, with interest from and de, note and secu rity, and Bond for titles given. This, Fcbuarv 13th, 1871. John Si. ccchiias and TL B. Corn.; Executors of George Kennedy Dec’d. Administrator'* Male. f and FORGIA, BARTOW COU NTY. -Jt vir yj tue of an order from the Court ot Ordinary ofsaid county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday iu April, 1871, before the Court-House door in said county, between the legal sale hours, the Tract of Land in said county whereon Zaclia riah G. Turner resided at the time of his death, and composed of Lots of Land Numbers 1017, East half of 1016, and 40 acres, more or less, of 1088, and the reversionary interest in Lots of Laud Numbers 1080 aud 1072, (the same being the Dower of the With)w in said tract of land.) all lying iu the 21st District and 2nd Section of Bartow county, and contamiur total of 180 acres, more or less, situatedou Ad&atoona ( reek, about 1)4 miles from Allatoona, about 100 acres of good bottom land, the place well improved. - Sold for the purpose of Terras of sale: On a credit until the Ist of Octolier, 1871, Note and Security, amt-possession given on tho Ist of November, 1871. Thi.s2oih dav of Febru ary, 1871. SAKAI! TURNER, Administratrix. IWILL SELL, at the same time, the Li to Estate which I have in Lots Numbers 1089 and 1872. as aiaive set forth, which includes the improvements on the premises, either at public or private sale. This 20th February. 1871. SARAH TURNER. Tt EORGIA, Bartow County. —Four Week s VJT after date application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Said county, for leave to sell all the Real Estate of Joliu A. Barron, late of said county deceased. This Feb’v 18th, 1871. A. L. BA URON, Administrator. UNITED STATES INTERN Al. BEVNUE.J Deputy Collector’s Office, 4th Di-ltict, Ga. t Marietta, February 20th, 1871. NOTICE.— Is hereby rffta that 1 have liis day distrained, for Internal Revenue Tax due and unpaid, tne property situated in the. village of Cassville, comity of (ass, and .Mate of Georgia, known as the property of T. N. Fitts, formerly of said county, mid particularly Uis cribed as follows, viz: ONE DWELLING HOUSE AND One Store House and Lot; acknowledge*! br said i’itts as his property; And that I will expose the same tot sale, to the highest bidder, on Tuesday, the fourteenth day of March next, on the premises, at ten o'- clock in the forenoon of that dav. WELLS B. WHITMORE, til m h 14. Dep’y Coll. 4th Dist., Ga. To Debtors ami C reditors. PERSONS Indebted to the estate of F. Bar ham, late of Bartow countv, deceased, are hrebr notified to make immediatepavnient, and those having demands against said estate, \* ill present to me for payment, as the law hire* ** iau. 10,rarer. MRS. P. PARHAM, Adr.vrX. —.— : fNEORGf V. BARTOW COUNTY. To ai l vJf M uon IT. MAY conckrn UathariiK- E. Denmnn, Administratrix of the estate of M. Denmou. late of said county. <Secea»ed. has filed ocr petition, with Hie Orili iarv of said county, asking to be permitted to resign her ad ministration on the estate of said James M. Denmou, deceased,on account of her inability to attend to said Trust, and suggests the name of A. P. Wolford as a person qualified, entitled to and willing to accept said Trust. These are, therefore, to ciur theVtid A. I*. Wof ford, and the next of kin of the said James M. Ifomnon, deceased, to lie and appear at Hu Court of Ordinary to l>r held iu and f<>i sai l county, on the first Monday in March next. io -how- cause, if any they can, whvsaid Catharine r. Denmou. shall not be permitted to r -ign ' ;il 1 administration, and said A. F. Wolf-'■'l be ap pointed administrator in her stead. Given nn dcr my hand and official signature. Fehv * t l - IFH. ,j * HOWA Kl». Fre. Bus s6.j Ordinary B- ( • the Citixeo* Meeting n> Town Hall, this (Thursday; Big* L