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About The Weekly Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 18??-1867 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1866)
VOL. 4. Tfii: wa k k i.y CJiart arsvlSs HJxnrpss r, puhiialie i every 3DAY m y-M-', in (JancrsViuo, baru.v County, Ga., fey > Smith Sc Milam, Proprietors, at ii’ojjr Doii'A rs, per an* mi in. strictly in aio.nies i'w o D .ii-al's for t<ix Months; Gits Dollar t r Three Months. A Iv-iiti tjiisnt.i fr <i.w mvVtb, or less ton -o;ie Dollar par squire, of ten lines or less,) /or each insertion; all other aiiverti cments will he cltarqc.l Fifty per cent on old prices. •d.OllO tAn■ Clean l<ine;i and Cotton Hags wfinto.l at tais office, for which i Cents par pound will he pai l in fchih.-icription for ih* Cartersville Express, or U cents in cash Bring on your U ljfs. Firewood, GRUHN A aI) DRY, lie furnished at fill sea y f sons, at the lowest market prise. Apply at J. A. Erwin <V Co’s | ,gi T>>i Store, or to JOHN J. HOVVAKiT Cartnrsville, Jan. 1, ’fiG. lv ~ja^eTmTi¥el^ ATTORNEY AT LAW. C A ft'PE US VI f./.K, fit. ’Vi’! practice in tor Courts of the Otero’ ee enl iJ ae IF Igo Gireirtv, Ponpt at'enti >n jivit'l to .IJ au.ancss ("ili.lHel I I liis cate. — (I Fi c over 1 newctMtein & Pfeif'T’.* *t••••**. J a.l, 1 Mil. Iv W. H. PRITCHETT, Attorney at Law. CARTtRSVIL'LE, . GEORGIA. I )t \OTICES Law in si! the courts of tit | ij lierokee circuit and counties adjuiiiin Bartow. Jan 23. JESH a. H3Y/AFVO, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. CaRTERSVILLB, C. HEN RY P. FARROW, ATfU : NEY AT LAW. AlLti’a, (7a. F v -;i IFJB' I T. give hie entire attention to T' K # ll " ' * i ,r,,ff " \’f Vjy nil ' v if! ij'.r.p* (•<- (mi id in Lis Ollier dorm a nushiess '1 >tfs. (s r . enn Whitehall k'.rect ut ilolhr ink’s T 1 .' si , Jit n 31). L- li. nav :■ > 1 b, 1. 11. baaKU im. Fl A M3.A'JR & BAKE l, -himT RESPKCTFLLLY tender their professional services to the pnl.lie generally. May lie found at their DRUG STORE. A CaiteiHvillc. Jan. 1, 18C8. ]v r*’. W. L. X! PR. W. W. LEAK, HR. I. A. THOMAS, Respectfully tcu irr their pro- * fessional services to the people of yjv Cmiersvi le and Kiir-oinvling rouulrv.— La* A’. I*.—DR. KIRKTATRICK will devoir him self specially to the IMtCiVScN ol' I'f• 1 S tJatS. Wi I lie Would ut tiui ding store ol L. Kirkp vtiick A Cos. Jsii I, I Slid, l v DR. G. G. ,V)/ # F Tmerlv ot .1 duul.i. Ca., OTTERS Ilia protVossiuna! serve sln j llie pea,de of CarterJvrle and Mir- Vj7 1 uniting country. i'S. lie can he found at H J r^, v . AO , he. tween Allaloona and Cartel I™. II ■ \i 1 pay csjii 1i i| alliul ian to Su • y and the I) ip - esses of vyom n alolZfcbiidrotl. ♦ Jan. 7# IKl! , • mmL on. O.Ii.M.WER,:' Kkj| STIJ.L tender* his piofcssioiml *er vines In ihe citue,;* •nd surrounding country. Pit t services will suffice for a rceetnimen lotion ns In his proli •:- cney in the practice of™is ran lie found at the Urii£Biore wK.tinsaur f IJ.iki r, when not anually ei/gu'i !. Js 11 1,1 siiii. |y RICHARD M A LJ 31 E, ATTORNtY AT LAW. (' irfrrtvUfe . tro. *♦ \\f iU.ntle..l promptK to all lmi less en- I listed to in.’ care. Pa 1 tie 11 a itfeiuiou gi.en 10 tlic collection of .11111. and winding Up ratalc. Jai I. f. I v N. G. iS, fT*Y'‘ w,ls ‘ -sas, I* pw pared In am find of work in his lino, 111 a neat md 'nn'lc manlier, nl short notice. lli work rricom.nemls Jn I. r,(t. lv S 11 i* % v o n a si and Mechanical dentist. riMIF. uiitlers.giis.l respco'iiillv ollcs his pro- J l. ssiona! serxiectt to the cii/eu* ot Car tcisville mill vicimlv. —• ,Heis p cpircd to do all kinds ot ML . w . rk helonging to Ins profes-i m. Foil sell- ol‘ teeth put in on gnJJ plat*. H'ork nil war ranted. F. M. JOHNSON. C oncrsviPe, Feh. 1 6n a Dentistry %- 7 .Dr. J. \V. Kennedy, r'fe littPHtTFI'I.I.Y informs h o'J pat'ons •ml all other* who may wish hi*service*, hsl he will, oecariivisllv, v --.t t'artemville.— All orders left t the Drug S;ore of W. L. Kirkpatrick A (’a., for him. will t>e pcoiapllr •uc ided t.v Kele.sto hi* numerous patron* in th* country. Feb. lit) ASK WATCHES, CLOCKS, JI.BLLKt, W Jhv PV Uep;red by \t M R. MOI NTCASTI.F. P-r*rw** l '*. W-r In I, lttA J. H. SATTERFIELD & B R 0.. Dealers in Dry-o ooils, AND COUNTRY PRODUCE . CARTERSViLLE. GEORGIA. Bat CON, hog rcund, a very superior lot on Jiand and lor site at living prices, I>v J.H. SATTEPFIELD & BRO. IARD, very superior article I.EAF LARD i just opened and for sale, at SATTERFiELD’3. SUGAR AND COFFEE, a tine lot. for sale at BATT£BFIELI/eS. INLOUR, a superior article, on hand for sale ; at SATTERFIELD'S. Cp/RN MEAT/, Fresh, kept constantly on / hand and for sale, at SATTERFIELD'S. DRY-GOODS, iieecoajarv fo tliia rr,: a carefully .id.dec! J- el; or: hand a .!•• ' SATTERFIELD’S. / t IlOCf oUIES, of ad suit*. ■ >1 hmd fir aa’e Vji at S iTTERFiELD'S. / \ >.\l i*C.TIONA ;lIE-3, a (in* aus-.rtinant, i ll- al*> at SAFTERFiELD'S CtOUNTJLY PRODUCE, bought and cold. / by J.H. b>A iILKi IELD A LUO, Cuitemviilir, March 5. WAL IC I IT, 4 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: 1 ’ Vil| i (1 6-TSb cup id cold wi- v , &/ || \a ter, l > iliink ? I § j* have nothing wunier; hut if A !Y you would .ike to buy af v ft * i jWjrS F ' sully TJrOCf •* ,*rl or Mr. K<r,g i W 111 ■ r l:" f tlr.i'i liJipn •<‘*■o’ tn .t m you. > i. M. iIARCIW, Dealer in Family Groceries, Conrsciion*2/ries, Tobacco and Clgan^ AND CGUfJTRY PRODUCE, Whi -h hr will liny or sell. N. it door to the Post Office, March 5. (’artfrsvii.i.k, G*. I S JOHN & JOE HARWILI, {N| Gunsmiths, a j f ■.. a 1 ijJ.O ' pL Ate now prepared to do any . • kind ol work usual!y done in a gmmery* t)l SUING. Borring and Rifling Il.irrc!, Mucing nr meriting I. ick, Making or mending Stock, Waking or mending Har-cl, In f.e't, Mskinf or Men.tin ; J.Or'T. MorTi ntld ll.ll'l'c!. TTc can da tL sand a g eat more. Only ! r r ns. • IHUK. S. <■'. GO! I.DfOll ii! !\iri;in ly "J < ...vri'iijV, (11., JSTtt; .-, v ' ILL'.pc" I. X J * y J J on MONDAY, the 11. h ilist., and solicit* tiio iage ot the ciii.c * ol ( and vi.nn'v. r -un , long . \pr icticc a- . Teacher ol Mil ic. >he .I- run int o. ,iviu' M .nine •-t • .-i. >;it i . tins apply at tlic re* nice UouP'. Shoes. Harness, &c. r , l'stlc to Order, y <3 130 - X_i. U 1 H gVHII3 • El II A KLEE, ti V. n‘E rlvi’.lrrevs compethion, e.speeialfv in pcint.of ne itnras ivl dur il. l i , of wore, lie nee !* n ' ether c mini 'i l..taui, \x lie e lie is known, thin his work, (five lion one lair tail, hii.l \ou widbe suit :o |at ouire ever *lter\\*rds. .M rrh 5. LmatHM*. BPVM'TIFrL, ftftt ttrul Irtip.— Yellow Pine. Pop .r. .. Qak. at the low est price, dolive cd in <’ n term i!!e. Give us a e*!l ar.d we will suit \ou. Or.'.e.s loft with Mei-rs.J. EL as V Cos., will m-ol w ll jr inpl • iientia n SLIGII. DR:). <V RICH \ KD. CrK.w\ Pile, M irch 12, IfeotS. 3m fa s j. t a .si CDtMPTOM & STOCKS, I’rclerg in DRY-GOODS A GROCFFRIHS. Ilardnar*, Crockery, BOOTS AND SHOES. II ATS Ac CAPS, r l'IN WARE,Drug* nd Mcdi- CJKHMK I icine*. Fact >rr 'ini.Pmß Skutione v. Meal, Flour. UaconF larci GSMSSi Medic* Liquor*. Cotton v**rd*. nj, m l*ct, • genrrv! **wjrUnent ol' leading uticle*. Store on wc*i rile Western dc Atlantic KailriMd, : oppo* t* 1/ypot. in th* P.-wtGfiie* feuiidinr. C'*-twerre>. I. ’**<. K I C YRTERSYILLE, GA, APRIL 8,180 G. J. A. Erwin &U o , nii.L*2 IX Dry- Goods , CLOTHING, HATS hoots s,-shoes, Ilardnara, CUTLERY, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &C ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE Cough! arad Sold. Chrteryvillo, Ga., Jm 1, 1866. W.W. RICH, Having purehi'ged the stick if G > ut* tt th* old stand of T. M . k OUiiTOCI &. Cos., takes thm mt'iinid to in form ihe Public that iir in teii.U 1o kep on hnd all thetime, the very heat stock of DRY GOODS, AND n*V Am fj.tlL tiif market si (Tonis. Will b L-Yor i'(! reasbnt’hlc. Wifi five Gonts In Exchange for a,i kind* of Country Proiiue* ■' a' I ml *-• ini ■-‘'ore urchating •Isawher*. t**rtw-T:Ke, .!< 30. CUHRY & KNIGHT, G Pu O C E R> S , ami c o m mission ni erch sin ts , STo. 2. Gilmer Slrret, Cartersvillo Ga K ! -lP romrtantlv on hand and for eale t low figures, Sugar. Cotl'ce, mackerel cue. hi*, h icon, lard, si. t, lohacco, sodn, ginger pepper, spire, rupperus, madder, soaps, match es, Stationery. Cotton yarns Boots arid Shoe*, .Cap*, Hardware and Cutlery. Tin Ware, _ Flo’ur and Weal, r ra. Starch, an I many otliei thing* too tedious to mention Grind Stones; al*o, EOO ffnxhels Frrcth Coif on Seed. ( lover Seed, etc. Jin. 1, ISliti. Cartersi'ilfe Hotel, nv GEO. W,IIILL, Torntrdy off if Tertneture House , Dak (on, Ga. CARTEnSVILLS, GA. T T '-T ING cun'! the eommo.lioua hourc ! * in ■ > r* . ,i* t e f),7r H.nre. i on to iurriiaii iu uils at all hours; *!.*o Hoard and I.odtrlnir hr the T\iy, \\ f.'lc. Month or It ear. My table tv furnislKsi w :th the best that the country a . -.-. is. and my charge* i:i derate. Jan 23 fais & .Caps, si ■- J. H3L3R3OK, Ageni. For the Hat Manufacture of P. CORDETT CO.. Non York. Hats c*n he had by the ease, dosen, or at my store on WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA. GA. Low for Cash, Country Mrrrliantx will find it th*.r iutre*t to examine my stock before par ekasmg eleewbere. 3m is*. 8. Coweta CicriT.— I'he Sour hern litcordtr.Ht Milleileeyii!e. announrea lit apptiinimeui, by Goe. Jenkins, of the Him. Htfloi Warner as Judge of the Coweta circuit, ricr Judge Bio ** res ; g t#-J. Outrage A Special dispatch to the Louisville Courier, from Atlanta, dated the 7th, says: A letter front Stewart count} says a party of while ftipn went to a plantation a few days ago for the pur pose of plundering, but they were, driv en off ly the plantation negroes. Next day the pa:ty returned with reinforce ments, when a desperate conflict't'li.-m*- ed. Three white men and seven ne-* ?roes were killed, and seyeral wound ed. Great excitement prfe~ails. The Chiefs in Dacot ih Terri tory are ready to make a treaty ol peace with the government, and a grand coimci 1 for this purpose is to be held in March. Flashmnn, Franklin <S* Cos. wi-r. arresti'd recently at Atlanta for improp erly disposing of eighteen hales of cot ton. They paid over £33,937, and were released. From our Washington 'RGegrnph'ie news it apears that Tennessee is about to he aduTtiteii into the Union, with certain conditions, to be ratijicd by the people. That no pari of the Cor.led erate deSi is to he paid and th it those engaged in the rehtdlion are not-to he allowed to votP. <ir to lie elHgiiile to ollice for a certain period. And that this is tlic Republican programme for all the Southern Stsres.. South Carolina Railroad. It is encouraging to hear that, in a very short time, the trains of the South Carolina Railroad will he running a. long the whole length ol the line from Charleston to Hambur '. —The sober second thought is said to upon many ol the radi. cals in Congress Letters are pouring in upon them, warning them that they will he unhorsed in the issue with the President. A good many are going home t rest and reflect, and all arc sorely troubled and wear long far s. A Terrible tornado occurred at Knoxville Tennessee, on Friday, which blew down thirty buildings, unrooted the depot and machine shop of the Vir ginia Central Railroad, and destroyed a large amount of other property. It is now thought that the Senate will give the neg.o suffrage bill the go by, as it would surely l*c vetoed ii it passed, anil con' ! not command a iw*c liiir.l voty in viibl-i 'lone-. Tht Central Cailroa i -—The trad: on this road is now com pitied to No. 16. The work on the Macon end of the road is being pushed lorwnrd at the rate of three quarters ol a mile per day. Brow .slow oivej rr rnr. rar mount. In a recent letter of Brownlow to a Pennsylvania Congressman, he writes: When I put the President in nomina tion at Baltimore for the Y'*ce Presiden cy, I fell that he had so thoroughly committed himself to the Union cause, and had been so badly treated hv the was impossible for hint ever to get round to them again, but I give hint up as lost to the Union party, and as the man who is to head the rebels and Democrats. The petroleum excitement is spread ing in the interior of A good deal of machinery h*s or dered from the North by cprno in.i^s'lo cated in Meiupbis, Montgm.i.'ry,. oil other places. A gentleman from New born is going to use the ordinal well boring apparatus of the prairie-country for the purpose of testing the existence of petroleum. 19 s The Treasury Ag-n' nfeClarks ville, Texas, Is accused of "c-ALh.-aqsi ing” seventeen hundred b iles ofwotlon belonging to private parlies. ? -r Itldr 55f*City Foint, Virginia ’has’ bed. broken jip as a military post, because of the nrsvalence ol small pox amHjig ihe negro troops. Him. A. CAMPSKLt. g-ncrally known as the founder of the D s.' pie and illum ination of Christians, and nnindtit as a theologian, and espcci il-y as a dcSater.. died at his resiat Beikrjv, near Wheeling, Virginia, on Sunday night, in the jeventy-cighth yaaroi h,s age. A newspaper corespondent describ ing the cotume of a belle at a recent Hall savs: Miss R. R.. with that repug nance to ostentation in dress whi i so peculiar to her sex was attired in a simple white lace collar, fastened with a neat pearl button soltaite. The report, recent! v going i he ro : t ! - of the Northern pro*-', that Ge ~ r. : Forest was •running a steam saw -m.i, in North Mississsppi,’ probably grew out of the fact that he formerly ran a thrashing machine in that end o th. State. “Dar arc,” said a sable orator. and dressing bis brethren, “two road* tr •' di world. De oue am a broad anu narrow road dat leads to perdictton, and de oder a narrow and broad road dat leads to sure destructio “If dat am do caSa*. - ' said s sable hearer, "discolored tudtviuuai lakes to de wooda.” •Soy in fias House cf Ward. Dear sir: I take my pen in hand to iinform yti that line in a stale ot grate blis <s• I trust these lines will find von injoy in’ the same blessin’. Ime regu venated. 1 have found the immortal waters of youth, so to speak, <£• am as limber and frisky as a ii year old steer, fy in tlte fntur them boys which sez ••go up oki bald head” to me, will do so at the peril of their hazzard iiidi vidooaliy. Ime pow.erfu! happy.— Heaps of joy has desended upon mS to onct (s I lent like a bran new mail. •Sometimes I ax myself *>is it not a dream I*.* & sutbin within invsuif sez "it air,” but when I look at them sweet little critters. 1 know it is a reallenv •i nailery's I may sa—& I fed gay. ('herd’s constderahjul human uanm in a man, grter all. I returned from the summer cam with my unpur.,lied show of wax works md Itvin :;d beests of prev in tine earlv part t*i this muiiih. I'iic people ol ikilditisv ill.: met me cordullv. I ttn-mejitly commenced rent in myself with mv family, i’ne other nite while I was down fo the tavern tostin my • bins against the bar-room fire and a inuztn the krowu with some of mv ad - vetnurs, who should cotue in barehead ed and terrible excited but Bill .Stokes, wlioszz, sez he, “CMJ Ward, then’s grate doins up to your hous.” Sez I, "Wiliam, how,so?” Sez he,‘‘Bust mv gizzard, but it’s grate doins,” A iheit tie larlud as if heed kill hissrlf. Sez I, risin’ and puttin’ on a austecr look, ‘William, l woodunt he a fool, if I had common cents.’ But he kept on larfiu til! he was black in the lace, when he fell over on the bunk where the holster sleeps, aid. in a still small voice, sed. "Twins!” I assure ytt, gents, that the grass didn’t grow under my feet on my way home, Si 1 was fullered by a enthoosiastic throng of my f'dler ritterzuns, who bnrrard for Old Ward at the top of their voises. I found the home chock mil ..I j.eople. Tnere was Alts Square Baxter and her three grown up darters, lawyer Perkinses wife, I’aberthy Rip- Icy, young Eben Parsutis, Decon Sim mvuis tolks, the Skoolmaster, Doctor Jordin etsettcry, el ettery. Mis Ward was in the wot room, whicli jiues the kitchin. Mis Square Baxter wis man suthin in u dipper before the kit,'lnn lire, & a stirali ;umy ni female vrimin were ruelnu wii ily round the house -w i.l'i bottles ol cam lire, peace* of fl.n nils, &.C. i never sm . kich a i,tiid>ub in my natural born and isc. I rood stay in trie west room only a ininit, sostniug up wss my feel ins, so I riislu mu ami ceased my double-harriid uun. "What upon airth ales the man 1” S' z 1 noeithy Ripley, "fSakes alive, what are you dom ?” and .-he crab'd ine h\ tlic cute talcs. •• What’s the ni.uicr with sou slie eontinuad. “Twins, inarm,” .s-:z I, iwins!” ‘•1 know s it,” sez she, covering her fice with her sp in. "\\ all,’ sez 1, “that's what’s the matter with me!” “Wall, put il nvn that air gun, you pesky old mol,” said she. “No inarm,” sez I. “This is a Na shunal day. This here day isn’t con fined to Baldiusville by a darn site.— On yonder w oi.d sued,” said L drawin my self up-to rn v lull Idle, and speakin m 4 sluiy actin voisc, “will I lire a .ot!” savin which 1 tar ad myself from her grasp and rushed to the .op ol the shed where blazed away until Square Baxter’s hired man and son Arteum* Junaycr cum ar.d took me down by manedorse. “()'i rot tin; in to the kitchin I found quite a lot ol people seated by the fire, ami icikin the eve it over. Tney made room twro:i -and I sot down. “Quit* it episode.” said Doctor Jor din, luiifeJiis pipe vi itii a coal. ••V si (] I, “2 episodes, wain a hout 18 pounds jmtly. "A pt.'tfeci coop de tati,” said the schoolmaster. “Eplurib i? unpin, in proprietor per sony,” sed I. ti,inking Lie let him know I luidcrsiood iaiqin langwidge a* well a* he did, it i wasn't a schoolmas ter. “It is n momentus < vent.” sed vomg Kben I'arsuns. wlipe had la en g quar ters to me A kadam c. “I nevei in ird twins called h.v that mine hei >r .” s J I, "but 1 spoae tta ail rite.” “W< shall soon have Wards enuff-” red tlic editor of th Baldin' viil Bugle ot Liberty, w 1 > was loiikut over bun die of exc'ian y± papers t:t the corner, ••to apply to Hi - Lt*giihtiur l >r a City Cos trier!” “Good ' .r y 11. old m in,” se.f I, “givp 11 ;t air n 'jiickius place m the next Bugle*” "ii >* r ’diklus,” sed prefv Susan I'le'-licr, ro. • a n-r lac* wo h her kit ten work. Si I fin ke all t "W .. ;>r ny part,” s iJ me Ma ri 1P- isjey. w, . is tb ■ ■ cr **■ -1 old hum ; 1 the W if.d. "i } iu all act iik-j a pack •>! I t >is.” Sez I, •• Hi- i J asley, air yon a pari etal !*’ S-z sbe •• V > I ain’t.” Sez I, “ .Iu Beasley, y 1 never w; 1 be.” She left. We ict there taikin and hrfin, until “the switchin hour of nite when grave yards yawning, Costs troop 4i11,” as ole Bui Shakcspere apilae observes in bis dramy of John Shepard, esq. or the Moral House Breaker, when vve broke up and disbursed. Mather auJ cliiidren is (Join well ; # Resolushuns ia the order of tiis day 1 will led obleged if yule insurt the follerin: Whexkas, ttvo episodes b:>.? han pened up N the uiidersiue’s house, which is. twins; whereas I like this stile, sadc twins bein of the male per awashun 4' both boys there 4 Be it. Res .Iced, that to tin in nabnrs who did lilt* tare tiling by side episodes mv liUrt it'll th lllkS 11> i|.yu, i'tSflvzl* i hut i do most hartily thank inag’.ue Ko. No. 17. who, under the taiproshnii from the fuss at rnv house on that Uatispiciotts wite tlfiit there was a c.oillagrashun goin on, kum galyiantly to the spot but kinuly iftr-iuied front squirtin. Resolved, that from the bottom of mv Sole do 1 thunk the Baldiusville brass band tor givin up the idee of IS a rah n:i din me, both oil that grate nite & sinsc. Resolved, that my thanks is rioo aer eral metuttars oi i:tc B ildinsvilie nietm house who for 3 whole disc haint call ed ine a :1 i-kari'er intreeted me to nt: a.l my wicked wase and jitie sade metiii house at one l .. Resolved, that my buzzum teems with moony kind emoshuns turds the follerin indivi-doonis, to wbilnatnely— * Mis Square Baxter, who jenerously refoosed to take a sent for a bottle of camfire; lawyer Perkinses wile who muonic verses on the episodes; the editor ot the Baldiusville Bugle of Lib erty who nobly assisted me on tvallu* put my kangaroo, winch sagaslius lit tle cuss seriously disturbed the epis odes by his otitrajus screeching A kirkin up; Mis Hirutn Doolittle who kinttly turnisl.t sum cold viuies at a try in time when it was konvenient to cook vitties at my house ; At the Pea*, leys, Parsunses At \\ al*iutse*‘ for mere many ax ol kindness. J rooty } ufees, A utk.mcs Ward. [Freni The Nashville Ua/.etU.J ZaCIS-er Froiu ©its Our ! 'llo w"t itizen, (c<>. !•’. Aker9, who u u,tnv on a visit t > his old tiome in V’er ua. writes the loliowmg m;,o ecung Liter to In j-broiher, tv,nch we are j>< r rutted lo copy. Ari.vnox, Cos, V.I, March 19, 19 lid. I>i:au Hrothf.r—Viy visit to our oUI birtii-pUee has been unexpectedly delayed, which, however, has given me good oppert,minet? tor obsrrv.itioii and travel m duly re ui sections. I lie changes siuce we were last lutc are many, and now that those changes were caused by the movements of the <wo great armies lately in conflict make u more interesting to those who, like ourselves, were familiar with every section. tSo visibly lias the track of dilution and rum left (heir traces, that tins generation and the next will find mev.-ry pile (drum, tree and hill, marks upon which to base legends of deeds of bravery and seli-sacnlicmg ; devotion upon the part of those engag - ed in the hue great struggle. I lie w r* in its progress and results, swept out of existence the property in slaves which constituted a very Urge portion of the wealth nt the people as well ;.s a very large amount ol other i personal property; and at thy same time annihilated the only currency which had circulated lor more Uian three years, together with all stocks and securities growing out of the war. Hie people made large investments, which were all destroyed or so impair ed as to he almost valueless. Nothing was left then except their lands, which, ! >r want ol ehicicnt laiior, and in many large districts for the want of stock, agricultural implements, buildings, &e. cannot be successfully cultivated. Und r such depressing circumstances, money is nee satiny very scarce, and in many instances, great sullermg has been experienced since the surrender of General l,te. .Many sold thir foms for what they thought were fabu lous prices, in (.'oniederate money.— Manv invested largely m slaves, arid Install. Many who were raised in weaitn and aril lence, are now penniless auo laborers lor a support. The farm* ers everywhere ate uusy recousti ucl-> mg iiouses, lences, mills, bridges. &e, destroyed by the armies, as best they can. Ine t>ute Legislature' lias pass ed the “lenee law;” making the boun dary line ol every land, owner a law ful leuce. livery stork raiser is, there fore, compelled to keep mem on las o*ii prnmses or pay damage* lor tres passing. it is easy to perceive that tire havoc ol war has been teriioiy visited upon me entire section ouween Lynchburg and the Atiaiuic coast, ami L, neonurg ..lun me Pmomac, including me valley aiia many oi mo wans-Atlantic coun ties. iiverywnere t go. as far as my eye can react! hi me -direction of Pe ters. ) t.g. istcamo .a, Gordonsvilic, cu,c. I can 6‘Us criafi-d rd.ns and multi..ted piles ol -. h-t, :tt i /inwr days, were splendid old Virginia uiaiisions, y .-sir ar:e*. mills, Ac, now in r,ni- pi in.a' NO. 89. t ons wiihoul fences and pastures with- ! out fences, and pastures without s'ocli. Adversity lias succeeded pr> Eperity. Great pr *pan i 0.8 are being ir.a lc for raising crops the present year, and should they fail the country would be deplorable indeed. But notwithstanding the sore afoie* tion and adversity of thD people, pictured above in such and irk colors, they are “old Virginias” still. The same hospitality that characterised them in former days is predominant stiil, to the extent ot their ability. “You may break the vase.avd *c..tter the flowers il' you will, Dut the scent of the rosea will remain the.** ’ still - They fought the fight as best they : ■could. and many, many gal atw son* have fallen, but they have laid down their arms and are satisfied with thetr fate. They have done this in good faith, relying implicity upon the Exe cutive for an equal distribution of jus tice under the laws of the Union. Richmond, with its burned wall* and mass of ruins, presents a spectacle terribly grand. Many ol the largest ■ warehouses were stored with millions j ol dolla ** worth of tobacco, cotton, etc,, belonging to citizens —all lost. The scene recalls the famous burning ef Moscow bv Napoleon. Petersburg is surroUnDd with ons continual network of fortiheatmsia, which unquestionably were proof a- j cainst all attempts at assault. It seem* 1 to me even difficult for a single foot man to wind his way through the va* j r:ous defenses, such as pit holes, rifle , pits, torpedoes, spikes with sharp P points extending with little streets for ■. sharpshooters to pass to and fro - In P fact, every eoni-eivable space was filled 1 with something to obstruct the charge ol the enemy. In every direction you £ will seesometihing which will inter-' est the traveler. The killed were bur. <■ ried in shallow .graves* and their skulls - and hones were washed up by the ■ freshets since the war, and are now ex- . posed to view. £ I’he house in which General Lee wrote his last offer of surrender was 1 known, when we were boys, as Cap tain Jack Rains’ tavern, Clover 11111,l now owned bv Major McLain, Ap-l puinatu x Court ILuis*', the same who owned McLain h< spital and General Beaitngaru’s headquarteis at Manas sas. Properly speaking, the war cru luSnc-id and ended as h.s house,head quarters. Y .urs, <Su'., G. F. A. 1 Affecting Resits in Court. A BABY PROVES ITS MOTHER’* INJIO- 8 CKNCK. . [/‘arts Correspondence of a London Paperd^^ A poor, pale, wan scatnstreas wash; arraigned lor theft. She appeared ;.t*c the bar with a hahv of eleven or twelve months in her arms, her child. Shs went to get w rk one day, and three gold coins of 1 Of. each. The money wass missed soon alter she leit£_ Iter employer, and a servant was sent to her rooms to claim it, 'i’he servantjH found her about to quit her rooms with the three gold coins in her hand. Bhe Haiti to the servant, "1 was going to cars r> them baett to you.” she was carried to the Commissioner of Police, and he ordered her to btf sent before the Police Court for trial. .She was too poor to engage a lawycrftC and when asked by the Judge whai sin had to say lor herself, she answer id : "’l'he day I went to my employer's* ! carried my child with me. i; wai in my arms as it is now. I was pay'C mg no attention to it. There werf several gold coins on the mantle piece and unknown to me it reached out liule hand and seized three piece! * which I did net observe until 1 gaf Oil nmne. iat once put on my bonnet' and was going back to my employer t(' ! '' return them, when 1 wjs arrested.— This is the solemn truth, as 1 hope foi Heaven’s mercy.” They could not believe this storv They upbraided the mother for impudence in endeavoring to palm <>t H oiieh a manifest lie for the truth. Tiier r ‘ ! b< sought her for hr own sake to rejjjj tract so absurd a tale, for it could hav. no effect, but otdige the court to sen tctice her to a much severer meni tlytu they disposed to itY diet on one so young and evident!' steeped so deep in poverty. Theatj app ai* had po effect except to strength en tfie mother’s pertinacious adbereiic - to her original story. As this firm ness was sustained by that look of m nocence of which the most adro' criminal can never counteriit, the cour wete at some loss to discover what di c.ision justice demanded. To reliev tiimr embarrassment, one of the proposed-to r<s*i.;w ihg apeqe desc.rirtf by toe mot nr. i'iuec gold coins placed on the ei.rk’s table. mother waa n.-quested to acsiyH^ / position in which she raid tlie-4lSipo,j)l uer employer s In; <e. then a breathless pause in *v* bahy soon discovered tfie Qpf eyed it lor a moment, sm .efeL . <j( en stretched f'-rtlt it* ai clutched the n i.. * ii. * er’s eageruexs. I 'at fl quutsd. 3*