The Weekly Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 18??-1867, April 03, 1866, Image 3
_ Xi oc a 1 H e ad. for the million, at Kirkpatrick & Co’s Drug Store,for sale cheap. The Uxpreui Hiilar^ed. For sometime past we have been promising our patrons that we would enlarge our paper at an early day— This week we fulfill that promise.— .Now, kind reader, what do you think •ofil? We have done our duly, have you done yours ? We made a mistake in ordering paper, and consequently it is a tight fit to make it answer, but this evil will soon be remedied, as we will know how to order the next. County Judos.— Since our last is *ue, another candidate for Judge ol the County Court has been brought out— Judge Turner 11. Trippe. As to Judge T's qualifications for the responsible duties of this office, no one ean be ig norant. He has served upon the bench of the Superior Court of the Cherokee Circuit I'ora number of years, and is an acknowledged jurist, a wiae counsel lor, and a correct and upright gentle man. lie would adorn the County Bench, and be a credit to the people. It is owing to his ability to organize the new Court, that lie was so urgently so licited to become a candidate. We look upon this as a Court of but little, if an v less, importance than the Superior, and the qualifications ol tbs presiding offi cer, should not be inferior to those of a Superior Court Judge. In Judge 'l'. * art combined all the qualifications re quisite lor the position. that next Friday has beeu set apart, by lbs Gu. Methodist K. Conlerence, as a day ol Fasting and Prayer. Divine services will he held in tins place at the M. E. Church. — All are invited to attend. Itsjr* There will he a Communion Meeting of the* Presbyterian Church held in this place, at the Methodist E. Church, oil Saturday and Sabbath next. Several visiting Ministers are expected. JCQrTlie Second Quartly Conference of the Casuville Circuit, Mcth. E. Church will convene at this place, on Saturday ami Sunday, the 1-1 1 fi ami ! Jfiili instants. *gk.Tiie firm of Compton <& Stocks has been dissolved by muiiiul consent. T. M. Compton continues the business amt respectfully asks Ins patrons to come ami ex inline his stock and prices. C'a>“Wantkd immediately 500 good Fence Kails, for which the market price will be paid. Apply at this Of fice. Froediiiua'N llurcau. The attention nf persona having in their possession orphan Negro cluluren is.called to the fact, that it is made my duty, under the orders of Ceil. Tilenn, the Assistant Commissioner of the Freedman’s Bureau for this Ntnie, to provide for such children by binding them out to some proper slid responsi ble person until they are eighteen years of age, in casts ol females, ami twenty one in rases of males. Perrons having in their possession such children, are. accordingly, noti fied to come forward and make appli cation to me to have them hound, or should they not desire to have them hound to themselves, to report them to this office in order that 1 may procure for them suitable homes. W. 11. PRITCUKTT, Aof.nt [For the Express.] CIIKKOKKK Cos., Ca. March, With. 1800. Messrs. Editors: In your last issue you ask for inform uion in regard to a report, that has been circulated, to the effect that the military authorities ol the U. S. went to Canton and turn ed some Union men out ol jd. <; c. I guess the report grew out ol the bil lowing taets :—While the Superior Court was in session at Canton, (about four weeks since) Col. James R Brown received a written order from the Port Atlanta, to dismiss cer tain eases in vPticli he was prosecuting attorney, against certain persons who were charged with house burning and other crimes, or he w uld he arrested and imprisoned. The Col. wcui to see the Commander of post in person as soon as Court adjourned, and was informed the case in question had Seen misrepresented and the order was, therefore, countermanded. If you deem this of anv public interest you can in sert it. . Yours truly. Thos. A Jones. A Verdery are de air,.us of forming the acquaintance of our people. They am Grocers, Pro* dure snl Oipmssioq Merchant*. At lasts, (is. Se sard. jEScThe Commercial Bulletin is th# title of a handsome daily paper just started in the City of Atlanta, by J. J. Toon, Proprietor of the Franklin Print ing House, at the very moderate rate of $8 per annum. This is one of the cheapest and best papers published in the South. Our old friend and foimrr co-partner, Benjamin F. Bennett, is connected with this paper, which, no doubt, accounts for the tine taste dis played in its mechanical execution.— Ben is not only the “Prince of good fellows,” socially, hut also ol'tlie ‘black art fraternity all the better printers than lie is died or were killed during the war. and he would, doubtless, have gone up' had he not ‘journyed to the mountains ol' Ilepsiuani,’ or, in other words, reiugeed half round the-globe with the Rebel printing office. Mr. J. S. Peterson, the Commercial Ed tor, is a gentleman of fine qualifications for the position he fills. He was formerly Editor of the Atlanta daily Common wealth. Withal, this paper ia bound to succeed. If any of our readers want to subscribe for a number one daily pa per, they can do no better than to take the Bulletin. E&ff'A inong our list of exchanges t.iere are none we appreciate more high ly than that sterling and spirited week ly, the Lagrange Reporter. One of its proprietors, Col. W. B. Jones, was our commanding officer during the bigger portion of the war. He entered the service as Captain of Cos. ‘B.’ 4ili Ca. Baiallion, which was subsequently raised to the OOtli Ga. Reg., and lor Ins distinguished coolness ?nd gallantry in b’ittle, lie was promoted to the Col onelcy. It was remarkable to observe the coolness and daunllesness of the man on these trying occasions. It was nothing uncommon to see the smoke ascending Irom Ins pipe and comming ling with the sulphuiious smoke ol the battle-field, \ l.ile the Empire of death asserted her claims to a large propor tion of the noble army oi Northern \ a. lie was wounded,and seriously wound ed, tune and again, but, to Inin, death seemed to be smpt of Ins terrors —be would rise and come again. The boys always said “there is no discount on Old Red.'' We hope the Colonel may live a thousand years to enjoy the as soc i a lion of his la mi ly lie loved so much, and that the Reporter may have a good run o< advetlisttig patronage, and the subsetiption list continue to swell for the same length ot liu.e. IsaK'SANroKD Bell. Who that trav- *‘ 1 or has travelled, upon the State Road for many years past, is not famil iar w ith this uuin:' ! \Y heticvur, or wherever Ins mime is called, he is spo ken <>| as the “Model Conductor. ’’ — Strictly upright and honest in his deal ings, gentlemanly wml courteous in In. bearing, sober and steady in his habits, moral in his deportment, sociable and kind in his intercourse, and energetic, faithful and prompt in his duties, lie lias won for himself the good will and esteem ol a'l who know him. The people of Georgia generally, and the •StatC authorities in particulat, can sav in him "Well done good and faithful servant.” As ho lias been so faithful, he now deserves an cosier birth, and we hope that his merits will he reward ed, by those who have it in their power to relieve him from his [ esent arduous duties, and give him a remunerative position commensurate with his useful ness. C'apt. J F. Leak's little danghlor whom we reported last week as having Small Pox, is l ist recovering, we are happy to s’ate upon the authority of Dr. 1. AMl’homas, her attending phv sician. No new ease has yet appear ed in the family. A Curiosity, —We were shown a gun, some days ago. in ihe shape of a walking cane, that took our old hat.— It IS the most perfect thing olThe sort we remember ever to have ti in. We cannot go into the minuti i of the thing, for we don't know w!m to call it —a cane-gun—gun cane—shooting stick— or what, that don't matter, go and see it for yourself—seeing is believing, as the old lady said—at J. 11. Satterfield it Bro.’s Store. It belongs to John and Joe Harwell, and we have no doubt but that they can make one like it. otriniy. Stewart 4* Or?. Hard ware dealers and Commission Merch ants, Atlanta, Ga., send their respects to the peoole of Bartow, Greeting, and invite them to an examination of their slock and prices, as well as to a test of their energy and promptitude. Sec card. Wuf i rsiti r*.—LoeWeinstein Plciler have just received an exct-ilrnt lot of Furniture, just whst we all need. !?f sJve-Dsernrt snd r*' s-'d hnx . I byslcians’ Meeting. A meeting of the Physicians of Bar tow County was held at Cartersville March 15th lor the purpose of revis ing and regulating Medical and Surgi> cal fee bills. The meeting was organized by call ing Dr. R. M Young to the chair and W. L. Kirkpatrick to act as secretary. On motion of Dr. J. W. Kinnahrew:, a committee cf five, consisting of Drs. Kinnahrew, Charles 11. Harris, Leak, Ilamiier and Boyd were appointed to prepare business for the meeting. The committee reported the following reso lutions and lee bill, which were adopt ed —Viz. Resolved, Ist. That we strictly ad here to the Code of Medical Ethics in our professional intercourse with each other. Resolved. 2nd. That the bills ofPbv - sicians are due as soon as the service is rendered, and that no bill be allowed to run longer than one month without be ing presented for payment. Resolved, 3rd. That we whose names are appended to the following fee hill, bind ourselves not to charge less than ihe sum specified for particu lar services. Resolved, 4th. That we adjourn to meet again on the Ist Monday in May at Cartersville and invite ail Physicians not present to meat wtth us on that oc casion. Resolved. sth. That the proceedings of this meeting he published in the Cartersville Express. Fee llill. Visit in town (day) §2 —Night and inclement weather 84. All visits with in three miles, £2.50 without milage.— Milage (day) 81 per mile—night and in clement weather 8- —Detention (in day) 81 per hour—night 82. Ci nsultation, 810 and milage. Medi cines discretionary. Bleeding S2 Cap ping 83 —Prescription (ordinary) 82 (Special) 85 toß2o. ExtrwctingSi to 82. Obslcierics—Natural Labor 510 to 825. Complicated 825 to 850. Surgical and other cases not named in the same proportion. The foregoing fee bill i presented to tin* public, by the Medical Profrs.-ion of Bartow County, with the earnest hope that it will meet the aprohaliun of their patrons. The cash system, high rents, extrav agant prices of food, clothing, labor and Medicines make it imperative upon ns as an net of justice to ourselves and families, it we continue to labor here to mike a sight advance upon former charges and to require payment upon the rendition of services. Signed, Charles 11. Harris, .Cramp Harris, W. 11. Rnvd. M. G. Williams, lv. M. Young, J. W. Kinnahrew, Wes tern Hardy, D. Ilamiier, 11. li amsaur, W. \V. Leak, W. L. Kirkpatrick, I. A. Thomas, J. C. Sims, T. II Baker, E. Sutton, G. .M. Griffin. R. M. YOUNG, Chm'u. \V* L. Kihkcatkick, Seet’v. ttaTDid you ever trade any with Cox At Hill, wholesale Liquor dealers. Atlanta? Well they are wlmlcsoul fellows, and clever withal. We have had business transactions with them, and do not hesitate to say that we nev er struck a more ffcntlemanlv firm in all oar travels. Sec advertisement. W%_Perhups the first time you go to Atlanta, among the things that you may wish to purchase, there is a bill of Hard ware. Just step into the store of J. M. aiul J. C, Alexander, on Whitehall str. They have everything usually kept in their line ol business. Thcv are both nice yuungmeu, and arc anxious to be come acquainted with the people of Barlow county. See advertisement. SC)-~()ur young Irirnd and former countv man, Washington L. Goldsmith, has established himself in the proles* • ion of law in the city of Atlanta. He is a voung man of no ordinary ability, and from ihe success with which he has already met in the practice ol kis pro. fessioii.-we predict, for him, a brilliant career. Wash was as true as ste! du ring tke late struggle He was in near ly every light (ought in Virginia, and was nr er known to llmeh when called upon to meat the foe mdradiv conflict, lie was promoted to the Colonelcy of the 1 ith Ga. Regt., for his daring brave ry and gentlemanly soldierly bearing. He came out ol the contest unscathed. Let the citizens of Bartow encourage and stimulste him by entrusting taeir business, if they have any in Fulton or adjoining counties, to his care. See card. R. Bell <fc Cos., Atlanta, are still feeding the hungry. Their cry is Ho all ye hungry, starving souls here’s a rich repast prepared for you, come, buy groceries and provisions, without asking for credit, low down, for cash. They havs a very heavy stock, and of* fvr*oell at *brt prsfits. Set ad. “ Daily New Era, ” ATLANTA, GA The Cheapest Daily publish ed!!! REDUCED RATES: Daily IS’nv Era, one month, 7a Copts. Daily New Era, three months, Daily New Era; six months, .4 50 Daffy New Era, One Year, 7 00 Daily New Era and Daily N. Y. World, 16 00 Daily New Era and Semi-w. N. Y. “ H) 00 Daily New Era and weekly N. Y. “ 859 Daily New Era and Goily's Laily’s Book, 0 50 Daily New Era and Scott’s Monthly 11 tt() We club with any of the leading papers and’ periodicals in the United States at reduced rates, a full list of which wiil he given at an rar iv day. Advertisement inset ted at Fifty Cento per square. One inch space constitutes asq inarch 20. PRATHER & SCRUGGS. Notice. IN compliance with instructions from the Chief Qr. Master, Dcp’t E. Tenn., I do hereby request that each end every person who is indebted to the U. S. Government for Corn (Loaned them the months of July and Augmit, 186 ft, with the consideration that they return an equivalent amount from the then growing crop.) report to me nt this place im mediately; Lor the purpose of cancelling said indebtedness. lam authorized to receive in lieu ot the Lipni, (if desirable.) Si 25 for each bushel loane/L Very respectfully.* E. A. BINGHAM. Q. M. Ag-nt. Office at V- Marsh's Ealing Establishment. Cartersville. 0.. March 2 1866. Kentucky Threshers, Reapers, Straw-cufters, Corn-shelters, Wagon, carriage, and buggy MATERIALS. I *m still Agent for m *7) ? *ja the sale of those cele nT hrated Threshers, 4 *and 2 Horse Power, and can furnish any and all parts of them new which may have been broken. Also Reapers can be furnished or unv part of them, together with a splendid Corn-Sheiicr and .Straw-Cut ter, madd on the most approved plan for dura bility-nod usefulness. A'so all Materida for W agon*. ( 'srriagrs, mid Btiggi-s, in whole or in pari— flub*, felloes, Shafts, and Poles, Wheels, Bodies. dee., ah made of the best sea soned timber. Call and examine the prices, and 'rf > v pur orders go on at otce so as to he ready for the Harvest and the incoming crop. JOHN .1. non UUL march 27 tin A home FDlt SALK- That very desirable t-act I ■.’ 235 V■ known as the Col. M inor --tfLns. '* now offered f r !*>aie. A large, beautiful Creek runs tlooiigii tins tract. It is bounded on ore side by the Western <A Atlantic Railroad, and lying about i and l | miles f'om CartemviJle. Linitow (formerly Cass) County. Ga. It will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply to inch 27 Im JOHN J. HOWARD. FUIINITI RE, Cottage anti Teastcr BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS. WASH-STANDS, Cane-seated CHAIRS, Tit*. Safes. JUt rfcfivrd nn<l fir on rrnsowh! terms by LOEWFNSI RIX <k prCIFKK Carters*. iUc, (ta.. March *2 i . P-• P. Z .MMSIWAN, p. a. VPRDIHY, L ite of 9 -ranlon i Zini-; Imt of J tcLson, merman, Augusts, Ga. M. lera Vcrderv, A Ga. ! ZIMMERMAN VERDERY, Grocers, Produce and commission merchants. Corner Broad snd Marietta Street*. ATLANTA, GA. Prompt attention given to conriqnmen!* .ind order*. march 27. liu W. L. GOLDSMITH, All orn cy at Law, ( Atlanta, Gsorcia. Will practice in Fulton and a ’joining counties. Office al City HnlL.with the Ordinary. Refer* to Mon. Joreph H. Lumpkin, Athens. Wm. Hope Hull, Eaq.. •• Hon. Warren Akin, t'aitensviiie. Hon. Wm. 7. Wofford, “ Judfe J imi'i Milner, “ Mon. I. J. Gartrell. Atlanta, Ga. Hon. Wm. Ezzard, *- Hon. Jared 1. Whitaker.** Hon. M. A. Chandler. Dtcatcr. Ga. J. B. Stewart. Esq., Stene Mt„ Ge. March 20. Central HoteL, IVY STREET. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Rear of Msaonic Half, near Majket House. Call for Clerk or Porters on arriving. \NEAT three story building. neavlv and neatiy furnished. K-pt on the pr:n-iple ot pleasing its pat-on* to pay its proprietor. Its established ebararter for jpiod t.ire an 1 n- e lodg ngs shall be maintained. B '*-d f.,- the month famished with and wahout a; -e *ored rxe. RIT. J. IV, JUNTOS. Psoricus I Fscricus! Psoricus ! ! Will certainly cure the Itch ! T have ITCH, utc -*■ Psoricus ! j 1 y )N 7u Scra,chto ° Twh.use Psoricus 1 / and be cored of the jQ rp Q 13 ('ll is troublesome, get a !i OX of C!IS arid be cuied. P S WORM US WiH aUe TETrrR CR RING ' PSORICUS is prepared bv S. R. KRAMER Si CO.. Druggists, Atlanta, Ga. For 9 ile bv W. L. KIRKPATRICK A CO. Druggists, Jxn. 15. Cartersville, Ga. BOOTS, SHOES AND JLEATHEII. WE would respectfully an nounce to our olii friends and patrons, anti the public gen erally,that within a tew clays h* will open the largest sU. sk cf BOOTS, ’ ’SHOES, iN w LEATHER, AND SHOE FiNDiNGS, That lia* been opened in the South since the war. W c havt already a part of cur stock, which wc ofler (h ring superior advantages tor purchasing) much lower than the some gooda have oeen sold lately. Call on us, at our new st ore, Cherokee Block. Veaeidree str., ATLANTA, GA. MERCHANTS supplied at New York pries. EDDIFMAN & BANKS. • Feb 37. F il E S II Cotton 5 for Sale, or Will be exchanged for Lint Cotton and Dried Fruit, at the highest market price, by J. ELSAS & CO. Cartersville, Feb. ILS. The Puhi i c are here by notifi ed t! iat W. L. Kirkpatrick & Cos, HAVE Jl.-ST KKCfilVen A LABGE STOCK OF 1113 iiest Drugs and Medicines ever before offered in Cartersville, consisting, in part, of tin: following articles: All the preparations of Murcury, Iron, Opium, And lodine ; Extracts. Acids. Dye Shifts, Prints, Oils, Putty; IsJsss, f'aini ISiii dies. Varmshcs)* firiman, Fancy. Castile, and Toilet Soups; < undies. Borax. B.'nok Lead. Surch. Sulphur, Soda. Potash. Sor.odont, Bay Rum, <‘(. og:.e, French Br.uuiy end Wii.cs for utedical purpo se.- ; u Dig lot of Patent Medicines, Ayer s. Mef.:*ne sand R-idway* 1*111*; i eailv Relit f. Cherry Pectoral. Sarsaparilla, Ambrosial Oil. Vermifuge, Godfrey’s Co-dial, Bateman's Drops, and a large number of articles not enu merated. to which vre invite the attention of physicians ami the public generally. When En Town, rail around ami see our stoca. Iu addition to the above, we have on hand a large lot of fine Smoking Tobacco, and hr splen did assortment of Kentucky mad* Leather aa . is at Cir South. \\ p \Ti!l fiil onion from Phvsi promptly, am! flatter ourselves t!mt vte can bdi ah low an jny ti'L* 1 Gthlu.iT com| ounJud. Tvrmi, Ub urc to enquire for L. Kirkpatrick & co’s DRI (i STORE. CARTERSVIF.I.K, CO. Mardh 13. 1866. m mm mmm Iveep it in mimß TIHT THE REST 1,1128 Is burned at the Ro gers Kiln, by J. F. LEAKE & CO. \ LARGE snppiv kept on band. Order* l rumptl* filled. Address u* at Carters* I* Ua.-iow •ounty, G. March IS. Caoorsrla. Bartow county. riV.VO Month* afterdate. application will b* T made to the Court of Ordinary of (id r unity. for leave to sell the real estate if Divid P. J hnton, iate of raid county, deceased.— &n'd f,>r tha benefit of the heirs an 1 creditors of said deceased. MARY A. J<FI A SON, *pr. 1. Execatrx. f.corepia, Bartow county. IUKE W- GINN haing ap.plie l to be ap jpointed Guardian of the [wrsons and pro ertv of Terresa J.. William W'., John T. 11., and Luke C. Ginn, minor* under fouiteen years of see, re* dent of said County This is to cite ait persor* concerned to be and appear ai the tP' :n • f the Court of O binary, to he h"ld next after the rxp : r i; ■!. of • ,i ty da;, s Iron, the firpt pc -;i i: t i i,.' or, an J slow cause if anv tiiev can, and why said Luxe \V. Ginn should n be entrusted with the Guardian*:) ip oi the person and property ol said minors.— \V;tnt' -is bund and official stpriaiue. Apr i. y HfV. ARD. Onfinan. T.M. & R. C. CLARKE. 8uo to T. M. CLARKE, Wholesale ami Retail Dealers in En g l is Ft AND A in eric -a 11 Parbtoau. /CONSISTING, in part, of 20.000 Ibt Plow Steel, 100 Bars Tyre Iron, lloop, Band, and Horse Shoe Iron, Nail Rods. Horse Shoe Nails, Trace ‘'haitis. Plows, ■ Corn MlnTlers, Cutters, Carpenters’ Tools, Building Material. Bellows and VLc*s, Aii ! and Cross-Gilt Saw's, Files of all ■kinds, licatlicr and Rubber Be’diti-, Hemp and Gum Packing’ Pocket Table Cutlery, Lulls. Pistols, Flasks, &c., and all other goods kept in the line. Also Agen.ts. in Atlanta, for FAIRBANKS PI AT FORM AND COUNTER SCALPS, which wc LiUt factory prices, Freight added. T. M. &R.'C, CLARKE, Corner Peachtree and Line streets. A I LANTA.-GA.. Feb 27. fi ni w. W. CHAPMAN, ~R wTrUCKER. . CHAPMAN $. RUCKER, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, (West side Whitehall Street,) At£itu lik 9 C— a . m#, confine ourselves strictly to the Wholesale trade, and, from long ex perienc in business, hope to share a liberal patronage. We would especially in vite the attention of Merchants visiting our city, to the axmnination of our stock before pure!lasing elsewhere. We have now, in Store, and are daily re ceiving, a large stock of GROCERIES, PHO \ IsJONS, &L\, consisting, in part, as follows: 800 bbls. Flour, (all grades.) 500 bush. \t hite & yel. corn, 10,000 lbs. new (clear sides) Bacon and Hams, 50 Bags Rio codec, 7"> bbls. Sugar (dif. grades.) 30 Doz. rianters’ steel hoes, 150 Kegs Nails, and all other goods usually kept in the grocery Hue. March 5. 3m M.CAMY & CO„ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealer* in si? e and I c i is c fi , |Kissits ? DYE-STUFFS, GLASS, PUTTY. AC,. Alabama .Street, AfiJlflfa, Ska. Country oruais filled promptly end al the 1 oit-t prices. Prescriptions car, fully prepar ed day and night. Feb 27. 3iu J*me D. Buice, A. P. Wool. Buice &. Wood, DEALERS IN C’i'i \\ r i/C < or, KING. PAR ij 1 \ 8 LOR and OFFICE. A large lot of Tin W are, ON HAND; * LSO, MANUFACTURERS OF TIN WARE, of all o;t*. <*rk <!<>rie in Sheet Iron. Jmd A Iso. KOUFING. ! GUTTERING, sad ail kinds of job work, Orders for a' v etor!; on hand prompt!? filled. Orders for any kind ~i work will ha faillilul ly and promptly executed. Peachtref Street, ATLANTA, GA. F<*b. 27. 1 BGf>. 3;n call and see us. BLACKER. HANCGCK & CO.. pleasure in announcing to the eitl | yens oi (lartrraville and vicinity, that they have on hand, good stock 'f * Family and a adec t.l assortment of tin ware, which th-y off to tile public at Reduced prices. G v- us a call before making your y*br hiseg. The h'gbest CASH ;,-| — .or ■. , :s, at the Lowest market prices, axeiisnfed for i nnnlry Prodtiff. GarVeravil!., f.r 77. ). Ri'nfc OfGcorßia,: Superior filial*low CVlllify.: March TeM a, I'resent His Honor, .James MilucrM l Rule to perfect service: | ‘'’’‘^7 IT nnpraring to the Court, l,v the the rSherilV, that the defendent aide in this county ; and it that she dors nut reside in this .State ■ niu'iou o! i <■.ii f eI, Ordered, ti:at ant aj.jicar and answer #t the next i, court, else, that the case lie .considj^B> ; '. fault and the pk,infill’allowed to it is further ordered, that the rule he { SB in the Cartersville Express once a mH ( tourmonths. JAMES MILN^H J. S. C.K A true extract from the March, 1800. I’. A. WOuH (Tk rV Stale Of'GCOritla, : Superior C'lH Bai'fOW county, : March Tell,™ Present His Honor, James Miluch, Susan Wilkins, "| vs. J- Libelfor W. Jasper Wilkins J Rule to perfect service: (“S* IT appea ing to the Court, by the the sheriff, that the defendant -i if- in this county ; and it further tliat lu does not reside in ihis iStalc ; IB'a nlotion of cocnsel, Ordered, that am appear rid answer;'* the next n ' ioBBI court, else, that the case be considered MB fault, and the ] ■ I;i ati IT allowed to proceJMj i: is -further ordered, that this rule be in the (’artersvillc Express once a four months. JAMES- Aill.NE^H J. 8. C. ■ A true extract from the ttiiiiuiesM March, 1800. T- A. Cl’k Male OfGcOl flia, : Superior CoB Bartow county. : Maich Present Ills Honor, James Milner, Elizabeth Ross, A vs. i Libel for Biv^m Chas. B. Ross, J Rule to perfect service : IT appearing to the Court, by the the sheriff, that the defendant does side in this county ; and it further that he does not reside in this State ; motion of counsel, Ordered, that said ant appear and answer at the next term court, else, that Hie case be considered H fault, and the plaintiffallovvcd to it is further ordered, that this rule he in the Cartersville Express once a mofl four months. JAMES MILN" J. s. c. rfl A true extract from the minutes,M March, 1800. T. A. WORD,H Cl’k y.B L. L. Abbott, W. L. Abbott, 13. F. aI ABBOTT & 800 1 Commission I Merchant* IVholt Sale Dealers in produce AND grocerie Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, (I (Established in business in 1858 WOULD respectfully nounce to the peopli Northern Georgia, that t have now on hand, and will keep t stantly, a large slock of CORN, BACON, LARD, FLOUR MACKEREL, CHEESE. COTTON YARNS, BAGG AND ROPE, SYRUP, PEPPER, SPICE, CANDL Sugar and Coffee, VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROL! TOBACCO. Leather, tye, dealers and planters. * Who are in nerd of Corn, Racon. Flour, f in large quantities, can have their supp K.iipj,. I direct to them from the west by hk ing their order* to us. ABBOTT * BROa mill stones, - -3 We are agents for the sale of the re lehr*' French X3rr aatl BTsopu* >SI Stones, and are prepared to (ill ail order* the various sixes oil the most l i .'arable *eri Feb. 27. ABBOTT & BROS A. W. commission merchants^ Crn*r of Whitehall and Hunter •trw* Atlußfit, Ga. Ail Produce, Cotton, &e M consign to tlicm will receive personal attenlic and prompt returns msda op sH trn arj'c *. J*n. t. ifef#.