The Weekly Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 18??-1867, May 01, 1866, Image 4

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('i '.‘orgia, Giimor f&Huty, X Whereas, Ira Sisson applies tr* me for | Letters of Guardianship of tin* persons aud property of Alien B. Kiss "i, Colton Sisson, W. I*. tSisson, II eikiah Sisson, Simpson Sisson, and Frances E. Simon, minor heirs of Charles Sisson, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my of fice, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said Li tters should not be granted. Given underrnv hand and official signature this April 17, i866. T. J. STALLINGS, Ordinary. Georgia, Gilmer conatf, Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned, that Janies G. Inlow, late of said county, de parted this life intestate, and no one has applied fur administration on the estate ot s id Inlow, and that in terms of the law administration will lie vested in the Gicrk of the Inferior Court, or sonic other fit and proper person, thirty days after the publication ofthis citation, unles.ssome valid objection is made to his appointment. Given under rnv hand and official signature, this April 17, 1366. T. J STALLINGS, Ordinary. Executor’!) Sale. AGREEABLE to an order of the Court of Ordinary of Bartow county, will be sold bolore the court-house door in Dallas, Paulding county, (j i., within the proper hours of sale on the first Tuesday in June next, Lot of Land No. 713, an) fractional lot of 10 acres, marc or less. No. *728, all in the 3d district and 3d .scctimLof guiding county. <snld as the pro perTymf Thomas L. and Elizabeth Carpenter, I te of Bartow <J*;unty, deceased. Sold for the benefit of tin h>i&- and creditors of said dec. April 3. SHMUEL BADOET, Ex’r. eorgla, lliirtotr cnuuly. X Notice is hereby given to all concerned, that suin'- time in the year Win. 8. King, late of Bartow county, departed this life intest ate, and no person has app'b-d for alminnstra t on on the estate of said Win. S King, dec ami that, in terms of the law, a lininistration will he vested in the Clerk of the Superior court, or sont other fit an i proper person, Tarty days after the publication of this oita >on, unless some valiJ objection is made to his t appointment. Given under my hand and of signature, April 1, 1866. J. A. HOWARD, Ord, GEORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY. G. DRUMMOND spp'ies to mo for Letter* of Adrninistration on the estate o, John N. Mayfield, lute of said county, dec. These are, therefore, to cite an.l admonish all and singular, file kindred and creditors of said deceased, to lie and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, it any they can. why said ielters should not be granted said applicant. Given under my hand and official signature, this Ist April, INGO. J. A. HOW ARD Ordinnre Geix'jlii, Harlow county. rnWi) M with* after date, application will be J in nle to the court of Ordinary of said coun ty, fir leave to sell the real estate of Wm. P. II iv, late of said county, deceased. Sold tor the 'lenofit of the heirs and creditors of said decease I. JANE A. H V Y, Marc i 27. Admr’x. Mills* tf Georgia, : Superior Court, ll.xrloav county. : Term, 1806. /’/•event //:'* Hm or, James Milner, Judge. Emzabkth UoflS, ) vs. ' Libel for Divorce. 'Ciias. It. Ilnss, I Hale to perfect service : I r appe i ring t > tie ‘, by tb • return of the sli •riff, that the defen 1 1 lit does not rc jiile ill thi . • maty ; and it la liter appearing that he do ■< n>t r-si 1c in this S.ate ;it is, on l , *• i m otcounsel, Ordered, that slid defend >. it appear and answer at the next term of this >urt, else, that rha case be considered in de fault. and the plaintiff allowed to p-oceed ; and it is further ordered, that tills rule be pul. idled in the Cartersville Express once a month fijr four months. JAMES MILXKR, ’ J. s. c. c. c. A true f xtmet from tit? minutes, 13th March, 1806. T. A. WORD, Cl’k S. C. stuff* Of ficururlll, Superior Court, lliirtow county,: March Term, 1 866 /’resent His Honor, James Milner, Judge. Susan Wilkins, A r<t. I Libel for Divorce W. Jasper Wilkins ) Rule to perfect service : IT appea ing to the Court, by the return of the sheritT, that the defendant does not re side in this county ; and it further appearing that he does not reside in this Stale ; it ia, on motion of counsel, Ordered, that said defend ant appear and answer at the next term of thia court, else, that the rase he considered in de fault. and the plaintiff allowed to proceed ; and it is further ordered, that tliia rule be published in the Cartersville Express oner a month for four months. JAMES MiI.NER. J. 8. C. C. O. A true extract from the minutes, 13th March, 1800. T. A. WORD, CTk S. C, Ntnf *of Grorsla.: Superior Court, Harlow county.: Mur h Term, [SG6t. I’resmt Ht > /.iriur, Anus Ahlntr. Jvdge. Silas J Cox, vs ) .., . - _. Kui. M. Cox. \ Ltbcl f° r D ' VOr “- Rule to perfect service : IT appearing to the Court, by the return of the Sheriff, that the delondent doe* not re si le in this county ; and it turther appearing th it she does not re-ode in this Mtste ; it is, on motion of counsel. Ordered, that said dclend ant appear and answer st the next term of this court, else, that the case be considered in de t.iult and the plaintiff allowed to proceed ; and it is further ordered, that the rule be publishes! in the Cartersville Express once s month lor tour mouths. JAMES MiI,NER, J. s.c. c. c. A true extract from tit* minute*, 13ih March. 1866. 1\ A. WORD. Cl’k S. C. Administrator's Sale. BY virtu* of an urtlri of the Court of Ordi nary of Harlow county, I will noli in Car la raville. Ua: tow co. on the first TumJit in June nett, between the uul hour* of aalg, the weal hull of town lot No. I, in the 2ml division of th# town ot Canton ; upon tit'* lot i* a eery roomy store-house ; Uo, the weal half of lot No. 2, in the 2nd division ol said town of Canton : also, lot of land No. 354. in the Isih dtstriet and 2nd section ; tilts lot d -j nns the McConnell Cold Mine lot. and is. doubtless, yooj property. Al so lot No. 131. in the 4th district and section ; also, lot No. 1081. in the 2nd district and 2nd s*ction ; also, lot N’o. 455. in the 21st district and 2nd section. 4M sold a* the property of, and for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of. E. M. Field, lals of Har low county, deceased. ' E. E. FIELD, Adm’r. March 13. I* it). In Equity hi Barloiv Superior Coil if. JAMES W. ARMSTRONG. VS. THEjfcJQWAH MINING & MANUFACTURING CO.. WASHINGTON POE, WILLIAM T. QUINSY, and iaSEPH W. FULLMORE. [T appearing to the Court, that Joseph W Fullmore, one of the defendants in the a bove stated Bill, resides in the State of Alaba ma. Disordered by the Court, that said Jo seph W. Fullmore appear, in person, or by So licitor, and plead, answer or demur, not de~ muring alone to said Bill, at the next term of said Court, to be held on the 2nd Monday in September next; and that this order be pub lished, once a weoK for three months prior to said court, in the Cartersville Express. March term, 1866. JAMES MILNER, J. S.C, C. C. A truf> fxtraci from the minutes of Bartow Superior Court, 14lh March, 1860. T. A. WORD. Clerk. GEORGIA. CHEROKEE COUNTY^ IT7HEREAS John P. Brooks, Adtninistra yy tor of Littletun C. Edwards, represents to the Court, in his petition duly filed and on reccord, that he has fully administered Little ton C. Edward's estate, This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and credit or.-, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive Letters of Dis mission on the first Monday in October next. April 1. W, K. D. MOSS, Ord. GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. rilWO mouths afterdate application will he X. made to the Courtof Ordinary of Cherokee county, for leave to sell the wild and uncultiva ted lands belonging to the estate of lleniy Stnifi lan I, late of said county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. TALU JTT STRICKLAND. April 1,1866. A Jin’r. GEORGIA.jCHEHOKEE COUNTY. To ali whom it may concern : JACOB M GARTH Y having, in proper form, applied to me for permanent Letters of AdmintMration on tins estate of Ben) .Denton late of sui 1 county, this is to cite all and singu lar; the creditors and mxt of Kin of said dee'd, to he and appear at my ofiice, within tile time allowed by la-.v, and siiow cause, if anv they can, why permanent letters of administration .--horrid not he gran:ed to said applicant. Witness my hand and official signature, Apr. I, 1886. WARREN R. ID MOSS, Ord. GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNtV^ 'i'o alt whom it may concern : MRS. FRANCES JEFFERSON having, in proper form, applied to me for permanent Let ters of Administration on the estate, of Thos E. Jefferson, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular, the creditors and next of kin of said deceased, to he and appear at my office, within the time allowed by law, and show cause if any they can, why letters of administration should not he granted to said applicant. Witness my hand and official signature, Apr. 1, 1866. WARREN R. I). MOSS, Ord. GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. To all whom it may concern : W CAGLE Having, in proper form, ap a plied to me for permanent Letters of VlmimsUation on the estate of It >b. Butman late of said county, this is incite iril and singu lar, the creditors and nextofkinof said dec., to he and uppea- at my oilier, within the time allowed by law. and show cause, it anv they can, why p rni fflTru r. ..-r;--. ~| admilustra tion should not lie granted to said applicant W fncss my band and official signature, Apr. 1. 1866. WUHtHN R. 1), MOSS. Ord. J. C. Rls C ISTER, TINNER! TINNER!! TINNER!!! lOlf Work, in tin, in all its branch es, done with neatness and dis- jfe-tjs. patch. Hopes soon to be prepared to do work in sheet iron and copper. *V** t ®iS Cartersville Jan IS a. r. z-mmkrm&x, , *. t*hokry, l.ateof Scranton A Zina-; Eata of Jackson, me ruin a, Augusta, lia.; Miller a Verdery, Augusta. Ga. ZIMMERMAN l VERDERY, 0 Grocers, Produce and commission merchants. Corner Broad and Marietta Streets, ATEANTA, GA. Prompt attention given toconrignments and orders. march 27. 1m W. 1.. <;>n rii. Attor ne v at Law, Ati. AST* fIsOHOIA. Will practice in Fulton and adjoining counties. Oifice 't City llall, with the Ordinary. Rulers to Hon. Joseph 11. Lumpkin, Athens. Win. Hope Hull, Eq., •* Hon. V trroti Akin. ('aiteravilir. Hon. Win. 7. Wolford, •• Judge J ones Milner, “ Hon. L. J. 11 irtrell, Atlanta. Ua. H-n. Wot. Kntnl, ** Hon. J ired 1. Whitaker, *• H *n. M. A. Chandler. Decatur. 7a. J. U. Stewart. Eso., Stone Ml. Ua. March 20. Central HotcL, IVY STREET. ATLANTA. GEORGIA. Rear of Masonic Hall, near Maiket House Call for Clerk or Porters on arriving. VXLAI three story building, newly and neatly furnished. Kept on the principle of pleasing its patrons t p* v j t * proprietor.— Its established character lor good taro and nice lodgings shall he maintained. Board hv the month furnished with and w ithout lodging, at reduced rates. Kiv.J. \V HINTON. Mereti 20. 3in Propriato*. celebrated Clothes Washer ami tl 'ringer, On hagd and for sa'e. in A t'antx, by cr is. J.M. AR. r.CLARKf. STILESBORO' INSTITUTE, MALE AND FEMALE, FOR 1 8 6 S: THE Spring Session of this Institution will open the first Monday in February next, and closes in June ; the Fall Session the first Monday in August, and close in December— 'twenty weeks constituting a Session,) and wil be under the supervision of the following Faculty .- Rnv. WILLIAM CUN YUS, A. M., Principal, and Professor of Belles Leltres, Ancient and Modem Languages. S. M. AINSWORTH, A. M„ Professor of Mathematics, Natural and Moral Sciences. H. J. McCORMICK, Professor of English Language und Lilera lure. The Music Department to be well supplied RATES OF TUITION P:R SESSION: Primary Class, SHO Intermediate. “ sls School “ S2O MUSiC, $25 Extra The commodious Boarding Hall, uu- - derthemanagein nt of Dr. Floyd and his JvjSFs|i?’ accomplished lady, VerZr will furnish accommodation for boarders and visitors, on satisfactory terms. Boarders will have the privilege of furnishing their own rooms if they choose, and a liberal deduction will be made ; also, provisions of all sor*s will be re ceived for board at the customary price Well aware of the great necessity of a tho lough practical education for the times, spe cial attention will be given to Penmanship, Mathematics, Book-keeping, Surveying, and such practical arts and sciences as will best en dow the student with business qualifications Young men who have lost years from the school room in the army, may now regain that loss; now while they may the better appreciate and improve the opportunity We shall ad vance with the “doable quick,” as fast as men tal ability will admit, on the principle that the pupil has no time to spare— the patron no mon ey to throw away. The Faculty, being “duly and truly prepar ed, worthy and well qualified,” will endeavor to sea that “none go away dissatisfied.” For further particulars apply to the Principa at Slilceboro’, Bartow county, Ga. trU}' No student received for less time than from the day of entering to the close of tfp- Session. Jan. 15, 1866. GEORGIA. CHEROKEE COUNTY, To all whom it may concern : MRS. SARAH E. RUDICILI having, in D ro- | per form, u| plied to me for permanent i Letters of Administration on theestatc qf LAW- i SON RUDiCiLL, late of said county. this is to > cite all and siugular, tlie creditors and next of idn of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time allowed by laxv, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent letters of administration should not be granted to said applicant* Witness my hand and official i signature. Apr. I, 1860. warren r. and. moss. Oni. GEORGIA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. To all whorn it may concern : DAVID H, COLLINS having, in proper foim, applied to me for permanent l.ettcrs of Administration on tile estate of JAU‘->B COLLINS, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular, the creditors and next of Kin of said deceased, to be and appear at my otfice, within the t ime allowed hy laxv, and show cause, iratty they can, why permanent letters of administration should not be granted to said applicant. Witness my band and official signature, Apr. 1, 1866. WARREN R. 1). MOSS, O rtl in ary. 7JA WO months after dole application irilt he £ made to the Court of Ordinary of Harlow comity, for leave to sell all the Ileal I.state be longing to the estate of John Clayton, late of said county, deceased. WARRIiX AKIM, March 20, 1866. Executor. Georgia, Bartow county. Whereas A. J. WEEMS 4 PPLJEB to me lor Letters of Administra lion on the estate oiJ no. W. Weems de ceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear st rnv office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, it any they can, why said letters sh >u!d not be granted said applicant. Given under mv hand and official signature, this 17th April, 1866. J. A. HOWARD, Ordinary. Cartersville Hotel, HY GEO. W.HILL, Formerly of the Tennessee House! Dal ton, Ga. CARTERSVILLE, GA. HAY ING secured the commodious house heretofore known as the Olive House, I 1 am prepared to furnish meals at all hours ; j also Board nnl I.inlclng jby the Day, Week. Month or Year. Mv table • "'ill be furnished with the bent that thecountrx a fiords. and uiy charge- moderate, i Jan 2J EiaiS-lioad house, BY PETER MARSH, CARTERSVILLE GEORGIA. Meal* furni*hetl at stated hours. Jan 23. faeorglti, llarlon county. T PW O Months after date, application w ill be M m.,Je to the C, urt of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the real estate >f David P. J. tinsm, late l -aid county, deceased.— Sold for the lenefit of the heirs at.d creditors of said deceased. MARY A. JOHNSON. *I’ T - L Kueun. SILAS O’SHiELDS, 44 Fashionable Jul TailOr Crter*iils, Ua. *pr 17 GOX&HILL. Grocery Merchants- Cherokee Block, Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. Have now in Store, for sale 1 boxes Virginia tobacco, various grades, J. UU 100 gross Fine-cut Tobacco. 50 bbls Crow’s-pld Bourbon Whisky, 25 “ Honch old Bourbon Whisky, 25 “ Robertson county Whisky, 10 “ Gibson's XX Rye whisky, 10 “ Gibson’s XXX live whisky, 10 “ Gibson’s XXXX Rye whisky, 10 “ Gibson’s old Nectar Rye whis ky, (1840.) 40 | casks Cognac Brandies, 5 casks Jamaica Rum, 10 bbls New England Ruin, 10 “ Old Port Wine. 10 “ Old Maderia Wine, 10 “ Old Sherry Wine. 100 boxes Champagne Wine, ‘Mum,’ ‘Cabinet.’ 40 cases Claret wine, 100 cases assorted Liquors, *2O casks Porter, 20 casks Ale, 10 Packages Holland Gin, 100 boxes assorted Candy, 50 boxes Oysters, 50 boxes assorted Pickles, 50 easesi boxes Sardines, 200 Joz. Blacking, 50 cases Green and Black I'eas, <fcc. March 20, 1866. Administrator’s sale. BY virtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Bartow county, Georgia, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in June nett, at the Court-house door in said county, between the legal hours of sale. Town Lot No. 1, in the town of Cartersville, in said countv, the same being forty feet front by two hundred feet hack, on the East side oftlie Public Square in said town; the same being a vacant lot. Terms made known on the dav of sale. Patrick wansfield. Adm’r of Morgan Sweeny. Deceased. Apr. 19, IS6G- TmGlmucr Wholesale Dealer* in GROCERIES AND WESTERN PRODUCE Collier"* Buildings, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. KEEP constantly on hand a large supply of Corn, Oats, Rye, Flour, Bacon, Lard, Sugar, Coffee, and soforth and so art’i. All of which we offer to the Trade at the Low est Market rates, at Wholesale exclusively. Apr 10. 3m J. M. * Dealers in Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, TANNER’S TOOLS, WAGON MATERIAL, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, AND &'£ M M £,. Whitehall Street, Atlanta. rg-iyewyv BEG leave to cal! the a.tention of Farmers and Country Merchants ffUIT 111 iTB l n their large and extensive sto-k of the above articles, which they are p epared to sell at a small advance on cost. Dealers will find it to their interest to give Us a call before making their purchases, as we are prepared to fill orders at reasonable rates. J. M. i J. C. ALEXANDER. Beach and Hoofs Old Stand, ff’hitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga. March 20 F. CORRA. L, DE GIVE r. Corra Cos., Whitehall Street, between Alabama str. and the II ai Iroud. ATLANTA. GA. W holesa'e and Retail dealers in BRANDIES. LIQUORS, FANCY GROCERIES, CANDIES, PRESERVES. C RACKERS, PERFUMERY, 4 (\ Tobacco, Sc gars. Pipes, Lamps. Oil. Slc. March 5. 3m G 1 lIORUIi. ILirtotv county." ( All persons indebted to the i state of Ben jamin Turner, late of sit l county, deceased, ■re hereby notified to make immediate pay ment and those holding denum.s against the estate, will present them in terms of the law. march 20. 40d J. C. SIMtA Adm’r. 4 LL PERSONS indebted to the ertate of W H. Leak will piease come forward and set tie. and those holdi: g claim* agiiust the sam will present them in terms of the law. March 20. W, H. PRITCHETT. Admr. ] i |f i No. 1 COTTON PLOW h>. for *a!e lUU by J.IUJ C VLEXAXDEK. Atlanta, Us , apr 24. CLOTHING, Hosiery, j Dra M Etes, Sewing Mac. Kneedlcs. Collars, Shirts, Cloths, Gloves, Scarfs, Cassimeres, Suspenders, Drawers, Vestings, Neck Ties, Tailors’ Trimmings, Trunks, Valises, Umbrflias, Gents’ Famishing Goods, IIANKERCIIIEI-’S. We are prepared to open the SPRING SEASON with a stock of Ready-Made OLOTHIIsfG, Manufactured from New and Choice Fabrics, and of Fnequalled Exfenf, VARIETY AND STYLE. THE MERCHANT TAILORING Establishment Contains all the choicest products of SEASONABLE FANCY FABRICS. as well as Staple, from which we are prepared to Make Garments to Older, in the most eh gant style. EfeSy-Oentlemen from a distance desiring to order from us, can have Samples of Goods sent them by mail, on application. Oar Prices stiall Itc as Low As any house in the Trade. HEiUiI.VG &. LEIDEN. GLASS FRONT, WHITEHALL STREET, Atlanta, Ga. march 20. hc2m3s4m Grine tf’ Farrar , WHOLESALE GROCERS,' AND Com mission Mcrc Ii an ts, Marietta Street, ATLANTA, GA. A. J. OR ME, It. M. FARRAR. References : Phinizy & Clayton, Augusta, Ga Wrirrht & Alexander. \V. H. Stark, Savannah, Ga. J. R. Powell, Montgomery, Ala. <V Norton, “ Richard Peters, Atlanta, Ga. Clayton, Adair & Purse, do. Neweombe, Buchanan & Cos. Lou Guthrie <Sc Cos., Louisville. Fishtr & Warden, Bt. Louis. march 20. M.R.BELL&C"., (Formerly Bell, Mcore & C 0.,) Wholesale Grocers, commission AND FORWARDING MERGHANTS Marietta Street, Atlanta , Ga. Consignments are solicited, which will re ceive our best personal attention, and the For warding business carefully and promptly done, march 20. 3m IJ. I SJ RICHARDS. Bank Block, Alabama Street, Atlanta, Ga, ESTABLISHED, (1855.) Booksellers ami Stationers, and Dcaiirn in Ml SIC, Musical Merchandise, Ot ! i Pens, Fine Cutlery, and Funry Goods, Sheet music for the Piano Forte & Guitar. 8*5?" Books and music sent by mail on receipt .if the | rice, promptly. J‘rice.l Low mid term 1 *A. March 20. ly McNaught, Ormond Cos.. Keystone Rloek, WHITEHALL STREET. ATLANTA, GA. OFFER FOR SALE, at retail, and to the trade, a large and well assorted stock of Hardware. Cutlery, Uttns, Pisto'.*, Gun Material, liras* Goods. Agricultural Implement*. Circular and >ash Saw*. Gum and Leather Brltir.g. Pack ing. House Furnishing Goods, Plated and Plan ished ware, Carpenters’, Masons’. 'Fanners’, and Shoemakers’ Tools, Wood and Willow- Ware, Carriage Hardware and Wood Work, <&<-.. and will he happy to sec their friends at their old place of business- mar2o 3m A LL person* having demands against the of William I*. Hay, late of Bartow county, deceased, are hereby required to pre sent them to she undersigned, in terms of the law. and these indebted to said estate arc re quired to make immediate payment. darch 27. JANE A. HAY.Adm’x. FUR SALE A NEAT, -omfartable HOUSE, with out . \ houses, and four Acres of Land attached, situated about one mile from Cartersvjlle.— For further periiculg-* apply to Maw* 30. J. A HOWARD. Eamsaur & Baker, Druggists AND •Apothecaries) Gilmer Sir., Cartersville, Ga. Where may be found, at all times, a well as sorted stock of Drugs, Medicines Perfumery, Fancy Articles, PAINTS, GILS, DYE-STUFFS, GLASS, PUTTY. &C., &C. w e se” and fresh medicines. Prescriptions put up with accuracy, and it al! hours. We respectfully invite the public to call and examine our stock for themselves. Feh. 5. lumber: lumber.! W. P. MILAM & CO., respectfully announce to the Public, that they tire now prepared to fill orders for Lumber, having got their Steam Mill into opera tion. Orders left at the Drug Store of VV. L. Kirkpatrick & Cos., or at the Express Printing Office, will be duly forwarded to the Mill and piomplh filled. The mill is immediately on the road leading front Cartersville to Mi lam’s Ferry, three and a half miles from town. Feb. 20. Metropolitan Enterprise. Ur eat (rift Hale OF THE NEW YORK AND PROVIDENCE Jeweler’s Association, Capital, . - - $1,000,000. Depot, 107 Broadway. AN immense stock of Pianos, Watches. Jewelry, and Fancy Goods, all to he sold .or ONE DOLLAR each, without regard to value, and not to be paid for until you see what you will receive. CERTIFICATES, naming each article, and its value, are placed in scaled et velopcs and well mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent by mail to any address on receipt of 25 cents; five for •']f! 1; eleven for $2; thirty for $5; sixty-five for $lO ; and one hund red for sls. On receipt of the Certificate yon wil> see what you are going to have, arid then it is at your option to pay the dollar and take the ar ticle or not. Purchasers may thus obtain a Gold Watch, Diamond Ring - , a Piano, Sewing Machine, or any set of Jewelry on our list, for ft I, and ill no case call they getTf’S* Titan One Dollar's worth, as there are no blanks. A gents are wanted in every town in the coun try; every person can make $lO a day. selling our Certificates in the greatest sale of Jewelry ever Known. Send 25c. for a Certificate, which will inform vou what you can obtain for One Dollar. At the same time get cur circular, containing Full list and particulars; also, Terms to Agents. Address, JAMES HUTCHINSON & CO., March 12. 3m15 l 197 Broadway, N. Y M BRIDE, DOSSER & CO., CORNER OF HUNTER AND WHITEHALL STREETS, Atlanta, ca. Importers and wholesale Dealers in Croc Ii tri), China and Glass Wares. Full lines of SSiUIFi’S, C. C. CHINA AND GLASS "WMMEj at prices as low as any house in the country, We nay no jobbers or importers profits, but bring our goods directly from the Potteries of Europe, and Manufactuiies of America, and can offer goods upon as favorable term* as any house in the South. Goods carefully repacked for the country trade. A fiac asoo. tment for sale in the original package. Assorted Urates very low. april 10.3 m “ Daily New Era,” ATLANTA, GA The Cheapest Daily publish ed !!! REDUCED RATES: Daily New Era, one month, 75 Cents. Daily New Era, throe months, §(2 25 Daily New Era. six months, 4 50 Daily New Era, One Year 7 00 Daily New Era and Daily N. Y. World, 16 00 Daily New Era and Semi-w. N. Y. “ 10 00 Daily New Era and weekly N. Y. “ 859 Daily New Era and Oody’s Lady’s Book, 9 50 Daily New Era and Scott’s Monthly,.... 11 00 \\ e rlub with any ot the leading papers and periodicals in the United States at reduced rates, a full list of which wiil be given at an ear ly day. Advertisement* inserted at Fifty Cents per square. On* inch space constitutes aso inarch 20. FRATHER A: SCRUGGS. .A.. JiC. SEAGO, COMMISSION MERCHANT. Atlanta, Ga. (ESTABLISHED. 1*52.) WOULD most respectfully an nounce to the people of Bar tow and the other rou,blips of C.ierokee Georgia, that he has and will keep constantly, a I irge stock of Coffee. Sugai, Molasses, Sorghum, Cane, New Orlcan*, &c., bacon, Clear Side*,Hams, Shoulders, and Lar.l. flour, Fancy, Family; Superfine, and all grades, very c lica |. corn, White, Yellow, Mixed, and Corn Meal. hardware, Hoes, Axes, Trace Chains, Andirons, etc. Dealers and Planters Who require Wge quantities of corn, bacon, flour, and other western products, can have their supplies shipped directly to tin m from the west, through my trieiids there, by sending their orders directly")' A. K. SEAGO. COMMISSION MERCHANT, ATLANTA, GA. Saw Millsj and Log or canting machines. I ;mi agent for now regarded the most celeb si ted Saw Mill and Stationary Engine Mai ui.ic tarer it the United States. Some .of his ntiiii will eut 2500 licet per hour. Orders carefully filled without charge to the purchaser, by A. K. SE.\GO, Agent, Atlanta, (la. Orders , F >r India Rubber Belting., bolting cloths, merchant mills, smut machines, corn mills, wool carding machines, burring machines, traveling thrash mach’s, stationary engines, etc. Will be promptly and faithfully filled hy the manuti.cturers; piovided orders are addressed to A. K. SEA GO, Cos minis si i > n M ere limit . AT),AN I A, GA. Paper hangings, paper borders, 500 samples may be seen at, oir office, eempriking every varicti now in use. Dealers and l-uil era are assured that we are amhor’zed in defy compel it ion hath i*. quality and price. YVe will t) tier great inch! re me ms t-i cirTT~ ers. A. K. SEAGt'. COMMISSION MERCHANT, ATLANTA. GA. February 20. fim. F. M. RICHARDSON, Manufacturer and wholesale dealer in ALL KrCDfl OF Tin and Sh cc t Ir o n W A &i M House Furnishing Goods, generally. COOKING, COAL, VVCOD AND WROUGHT IKON S l o v e s . Roofing done with iv-utne*.* ‘ttml pateli. ATLAN'I’A, f!\ March !>• 3m few rr*■ iAcres of L>to<J, ■.d .-■ erir Certersville, to KENT. A; p'v t" i'r. W. Yv LFAK. M.ieb . CHEROKEE PILLS, Or Female ilegulator , Cure Suppre**ed, Ercenite amt J’, tinful Meimti-uiition, Green _ fj Meknee*, Nervous and Spinal Af- O If fe linn*. J’tiin* in the R,u k , Mi 4- Headache. Giddme.t*, uml nil riis t Twtffi.jri ease* that spring from irregularity, by removing tlie cause and all tlm etfi-cts tlint arise from it. They jßarc perfectly safe in all cases. w re]it when forbidden by direr - JL tii ol *, and are easy to administer, (yraSawß? Jr as they are nicely eugar canted. .Bf ■ jjr They should be in the hand* of igSjK every Maiden, Wife, and Motjier *'7 Ladies can address 11s in perfeet confidence, and state their com plaints in full, ns we treat all Female Complaint*, and preparo Medicines suitable lor all diseases to which they are subject.—Thirty-two page pamphlet, In a sealed envelope, free. The Cherokee Fills are sold by all druggists at t’ per box, or six boxes for |. r i; or they are sent by mail, free of postage, In an ordinary letter, freo from observation, by addressing tlie sole proprietor, Dr. W. B. MEEWIN, 37 Walker St., N. Y. N. B.—Cherokee Pills No. 2 aro prepared for eptcial ca*e*. when milder medicines fail ; thes* are sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of Ik Vie price of each bov. Db. WRIGHT’S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, Or, Essence or Fife, Cure* General Debility, Wealc nr**, Hysteric* in FetnnUe, tufmt ' f Palpitation of the Heart and ’efSEßbMjißi-'fiii nil Sertoli* Di*ea*e*. It re — stores non- life and vigor to til* aged, causing the hot blood of -~f f 7s-i’/Zl'/.V’e! youth to course the vein*, res- Jl™ mhZiUd iitti |? rln # tlie Organ* of Genera new lift "—to dee* t "’ n - rentonug IfnpoUncy and title Elixir rejuven Debility, totaling Mnnlinee ate the tyntem and and full rigor, thus proving a overcome dUetue. perfeet “Elixir of Lore," re moving Sterility and barrenness in both sexes. To the young, middle-aged, and aged, there Is no greater boon than this •* Elixir of Life." It gives anew lease of life, causing tlie weak and debilitated to, have renewed strength and vigor, and tbo entire system to thrill w ith joy and pleasure. •-Price, one bottle |2; three bottles |5; tent by elj troas to nnv addrfHH. Unr medicine-* nro. sold nnd re comm ended hr all rcapcctable dnifTirUtn in every part of the civilize<l ewmo unprincipled and nlc*ra. however, try to deceive their eu&toiner* by Rclline cheap nnd worth less compound* in order to n ake money. Be not deceived—for the*e medieiuca and take no othera. If the dnjgiri.-t does not keep them, vs rito to ns, and we will aend them by oxpreaa. c.irefn|ly packed, free from obaerrntton. ne wiil be pleaded Lj receive lctten* with full si?enunH tn regard to an ▼ disease with which lad lea or (rcntlcmen aro afflicted Address alt letters for im*dieime, W*. r ndvlee, to the s-h* proprietor, Dr. W, E. MEEWIK, 17 WaTi*: gt„ E. X.'