The Weekly Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 18??-1867, May 15, 1866, Image 3

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Local. 4®“AII in teres led are hereby notified that, in future, the Legal Advertise' men'.s of Gilmer County will be pub lished in this paper. Internal Revenue Notice. 1 have been appointed Assistant As sessor ol U. S. Internal Revenue for the 16th Division, 4th District Geoigia composed of Cass and Paulding. All persons in the above counties, liable to If. S. tax either in the way of license; income or monthly returns will hereaf ter make their returns to me. Oflice in the Post Office, Kingston C. C. BURNETT... Assistant Assessor.'” COUNTY BONDS.—' 1 ’ hose holding the Bonds of the County of Bartow are required to present them to the Inf. Court of said county, on the 4th Monday in this (May) month, for con sideration of payment. By order of said Court. JO. DAY, Cl’k. floT’Several gentlemen have subscri bed lor the Express and promised to pay for it in chickens, butter, eggs; or something else than money, upon their promises we have relied ; but, so far, it has been a one-sided affair—we have sent them the paper. We respectfully notify such subscribers that unless they at oiiceenmplv with their promise, the paper will be discontinued. TAX NOTICE.—i will be at Carlers ville on Friday, the 18th in*<t. The people oftliis District are requested to meet me and make their tax returns at mice. F. M. DURHAM,']’. R. JfjrProf. Coutis will meet the class in Vocal Music, at the E. Methodist Church, and give the first lesson next Friday Evening, 7 o’clock. Any oth ers who may wish to join, will please bring any Note Books the}' may have. HorTli e man that don’t advertise is afraid that be will have to promise to sell cheap. fc.ScuATcn. scratch, SCRATCH ! Well | do wonder what will cure this nasty, siinkin’, terrifying ITCH ? Uh ! Wiiy, PSORICUN? Aint you well ol that disease, yet? No, Iv’e had it these four years, and nothing wont cure ii. Look here, my friend, just you go to a Drug Store and get you a box of, —, of, Sore l cus, No, PSORICUS, and rub well with it and it’ll cure you *o well that you’ll never have it-again. I’ll warrant that. WSUHi rk’s thk clack to get your money back ! Where, where ? Why, at Thomas M. Compton’s Store, in the Post Office Building, on the West sidaofthc R lilroad opposite the De pot, (■arters>'il|e, Ga., where you can find hacoiF—ham*. aides, and shoulders —niekln pork, mackerel, cheese, crack ers, Hour, French candy, crockery, hardware, factory yarns, Ac., Ac., in abundance, just fresh from market, and going at the lowest market price. He can also furnish any quantity of fresh meal, just ground at the new “Magno lia” Steam Mills, cheap. His house is small, hut his heart is large, he is al most in daily receipt of fresh goods.— Be sure to give this house a call. -••a* County Judges anil Solicitors Gleet. Harlow County. -Turner 11. Trippe, Judge; Wm. J. Conyers, Solicitor. Cherokee County. Wm. A.Tensley Judge; M. G. Donaldson, Solicitor. WJrWc nre glad to holmsHitai the cite when* the old Exchange Hotel form' t*rlv stood, is being cleaned off. prepar atory to the erection of a large brick building, by our catcenivd townsman. Hr. J. W. Curry. The lower room to be occupied as a Dreg Store, and the upper rooms to he /*•/. Mr. Foster we learn, is the contractor. Other buildings ol it like character, will soon be undergoing the process of ercetion. We learn further that the erection of a larce Foundry is anticipated. Surely all these indicationa mean something. sctf-Oi a Depot. —M >jor Wallace,, and Martin 11. Dooly, Supervisor, W. 4’ A. Railroad paid our town a Itnsiv visit, last Tuesday, tor the purpose ol arranging lor the rela ting up the Depot here. We are glad to learn that the work, will he comment cod as soon as the necessary material can be obtained. We have not yet learned who the contractors are. |*. S.—Since writing the above, we see that the brick work, on the Depot, is already progressing, and the wood work will he commenced in a few days. Major Wallace is doing all in his pow - er to expedite the repairs on this Road. The man that don't advertise is afraid to take the paper least he m.glu pcc somebody else'* advertisement and be tempted. B®uQukrry.— Messrs. Editors : You say, in a late issue of your valua ble paper, that Col. Lewis Tumlin sys that he will sell town lots as low as anybody else in Cartersville. Will you please inform the public how low any body else will sell ? Please let us hear from you through the press. One who wants to buy. Our worthy correspondent and the public arc respectfully informed that One Hundred Dollars per Acre is the lowest that we have heard of, and that, too, for surburbean lots. Whether it can be bought at that price now, re mains to he seen. Good building lots, near the Depot, range from three to five hundred dollars, according to situation. We hope that our correspondent will not he disappointed, however, it he does not succeed in buying the most desira ble lot in town |or 8100 on a credit, nor pay some miserly speculator, who never sees any good beyond his own interests, a thousand dollars cash foi a lot not worth half the amount, and then go ofl and complain at the exliorbitanl prices asked for town lots, when at the same time, the purchaser may want to buy it lor speculation himself. We have known this to be the case in ibis very place. Let any gentleman who wishes to settle or go into business here go to the landholders anil give them assurances ol this fact, and we will warrant them success. A great many houses and lots in Cartersville are now owned by men residing in other fcutes, who bought them during the war, while rclugees, who, since the close ol the war, have returned to their former homes, and are now exacting exliorbitanl rents from houseless ten ants, or woulJ be induced to sell them at twice their value, for cash. This is also another cause of complaint why the town of Cartersville should never be a It is true, they feel tit no ways identified with the interests ol the place, farther than to turn their pro perty to the best account, and it could not be expected that they are willing to make any sacrifice for the real good of the place, especially when the very citizens themselves vie with them in asking high prices for rents. \Vc will venture the asssr'ion that from thirty to lllty more dwellings could have been rented here at rerau . iterative prices, if they could have been obtained in time. But the great de mand and limited supply, coupled with high rents, deterred many from moving hurt, and drove out others who were already here, and compelled the re mainder to crowd up together in as sina’l space as possible. Ail these disadvantages have milita ted against the advancement ol Cur tersville ; some were unavoidable, yet others were, doubtless - , the result id greed for gain. But, notwithstanding all this, our town has slowly hut stead ily unproved, at the same time, great effort has been made to keep up the price lor rents ; some, however, have yielded It) the pressure ol the times, and rented at living prices, while oth ers a>e holding on to empty rooms. We are satisfied that Cartersville is destined to be a place ol no mean im portance, provided the proper course is pursued in time, to give it a start. Ami we are not alone in tormuig this conclusion. Hear what a disinter ested spectator fifty miles off Ins to say about it : The population or Cartersville. <'' cording to an enumeration just takt n, is 757, all told. Well, great result!* ol leu flow Iron* small beginnings. Carers vjllo is in one of the richest aaricultu. ral sections of th* Slate, and wc expect it will grow into a vety considerable town. The above paragraph we clip from the Atlanta Commercial Bulletin, and is in keeping with the expressed opin ions of scores of others w hose opinions are not the result of sectional bias, both as regards the place and country sur rounding it. Hut a mis step now mav forever blast her prospects, ami consign her to the moles and bats. every one who feels interested in the prosperity ol our little. village, hold out inducements to good people by rendering this commu nity acceptable to surh, and selling them homes on, at least, reasonable terms. (<nu Among the valuable accessions to our community, in the way of enter prising citizenship, is the settling of Mr. J. W. Hilbert, in our midst, lie was formerly a eitixen of Atlanta, and was there engaged in the Hardware business. The firm was known and 1 distinguished as Htw-on, Hilbert ,V Hurr. lie is a gentleman of au enter prising spirit, tine business tact, and s good and useiul citizen. He pur* chased an elegaul and beautiful lot in | this place, about the hr?; ol January last, since which time he has been en gaged in building and fitting up a home, and has recently removed his family to his new home. lie has also purchased a business lot, and is preparing to build a concrete house, with a view of re-commencing his old business in this place. Will our neighbors in Atlanta please send us up a few more of the sort of men, and they will bring us un der lasting obligations. CARTERPTILLE PR / 0 URR ENT. GOLD. 25 percent premium. SILVER 17 ” COTTON,? ft, BACON, Hog round, 023 ButtOr, country, 25 (a) 30 CORN, white, 1 30 •* yellow or mixed. I 25 MEAL corn, 1 40 CHEESE „ 35 @ 40 -CANDLES, adamantine, lb 40 Star, 35 COFFEE. Rio. ft 35 @4O java, 50 @ 55 COTTON SEED, ? bush 1 oo Thread, hunch 250@ 300 Osnaburgs, yd 35 @4O {Shirting, 25 @ 35 Sheeting 35 (a) 40 FEATHERS ft to @75 FLOUR, ? bbl 10 50 @l3 50 GUN-POWDER,? ft 75 a 1 00 HIDES, ‘fry ?ft 10 @l2 IRON. I2i@is LARD, 25 @ 3<> LEAD 15 @ 20 LEATHER, ?ft 4 ° ($ so Upper, 50 @ 60 Harness. 50 LIQUORS, ? gal. 3 00 @l6 x Whisky. 3 00 @BOO Brandy, French, 800@16 00 Peach, 400@ 500 LIME, ? bbl. 2 50 @ 3 LUMBER, green.? 1000 fi. 25 00 Kiln Dried, 30 00 MACKEREL,? * bbl. m@ 15 Kit 4 @5 00 NAILS, ?ft 15 a2O RICE 15 0 20 ROPE 25 @ 40 SHOT, 25 @ 30 STEEL 20 @ 30 SOAP,? ft 5 0 20 SALT sack, 3} to 5 00 Barrel tb 2 02* STARCH, vft 15 <3> 10 TOBACCO. Too 1b SUGAR, brown, 18 (ti 10 Clarified A2l tb clarified 820 (a) 22 “ C2O It) Loaf A cr 25 0 30 SYRUP, cane 1 Its TALLOW. ) 20 (til 25 Sorgh. 1 0(1 POTATOES, Irish 3 6’3 00 K . 150 sweet 2 50 VARNISH, gal f) 00 CHICKENS' grown 40 cents apiece. HAY. 82 25 per cwt. EGGS, ? doz. 15 cents. The first notes of a stationary steam engine greeted the ears of the citizens of Cartersville, on Tuesday evening last, verv much to the gratification ol all sizes and sexes of our population. The‘Magnolia Steam Grist Mills,’ pro pelled by a 35 horse power steam en gine. was “acf arunnin ” on that mem orable evening. Quite a crowd of the male citizens assembled at the mill to witness the turning of the fi-st wheel by steam in our growing village. All hands seemed to appreciate the fact that this was an important era in the history of Cartersville. Mess. Stocks & Goodwin, proprietors, have the hon or of introducing the enterprise in our midst. It iserteted near a pond o* water —a large lime simple—near the punlic square, immediately on the R id Road. The building is a two story, wooden building. Three sets of French Hurr Mill Stones will be run, two for grinding wheat and one for corn ; in addition to this, the proprietors intend manufacturing Sash. Doors, Blinds, Furniture, &e., as they have steam pover sufficient to carry on all this, and even more, work. They are now grinding for 1011, which will be a great Convenience to the people in and around this place, who have heretofore had to send so far to mill. See advertisement. Water. —We have olten heard ob jections raised to Cartersville, because there are no springs or running water nearer than Etowah River, two miles, or Fettit’s Greek, one mile off. It is true, the citizens of town have to rely upon deep wells lor drinking and w ash ing water, hut the place can he abund antly supplied with cold mountain wa ter, by going to a little expense. One aud a halt miles east of this place, is a fine, never-failing spring, sufficiently elavated upon the side of the ridge to throw the water into the streets w ith but little il any excavation. The wa ter can be conducted through woodeu or leaden tubes and thrown into the pond near the iSleam mill, and from there to the River, uature has provided a channel to convey n off. The pond will be a sufficient reservoir to hold water for stock, gardens, and to sup ply any quantity of steam machinery. All this may be accomplished at a cost of, pc;haps, not more than ten thou sand dollars. It is true, it might have been belter had Nature supplied us uuli good springs at our doors, hut as this is not ihe case, we should thank iully receive the boumy wherever we find it. liipley & Wood, Agents [Suceeasora to T. R. RIPLEY.] Dealers in CROCKERY. CHINA, AND GLASS WARES. 4iid House Furnishing Goods. glar ano'fi’rtVroof SAFES. Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Gj - April 17, 1866. Tlie New Furniture Store OF geo -3?. zevrAziek,, Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA” Over Eddleman &. Banks' Shoe Store, Extraordinary Inducements Offered. ro Purchasers- A large lot of new and tasty articles of Fur niture and Carpets—fine Brussels Car pets at .$2 to’iJi3 per yard—now being received which I will continue to tt 11 at the Lowest Figures. . FARMERS! FARMERS! Look, to your Interest. To the Wheat Farmers of Middle Georgia and Alabama, I have orders for 50,000 bushels of Wheat, for which the highest cash prices will be paid. ‘ I also call attention of Farmers to have their fields cleared of stumps and rocks, as I shall have the best Reapers, Made for sale, or to Reap on Shares' This caution is necessary, as no Reaper will suffer his Machine to enter fields only at the risk ol the farmer, where these obstructions are in the way. Now is the lime to do this without dam age to the crop. apr. 171 m TJSIE / HAIR RESTORATIVE. DO YOU WISH YOUR HAIR TO AL WAYS LOOK GLOSSY, LIVELY, ami BRIGHT 1 If so, USE KRAMER'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. Are you turning grey ? Is your hair fall ing out! Are you troubled with itching ol the head ? Has your hair a dead ap pearance? Do you wish to keep rid of dandreth and all Head Diseases ? If bo, USE KRAMER'S HAIR RESTORATIVE. It acts upon the roots of die Hair, cau ses the natural grease and coloring mat ter to come out, and KEEPS THE HAIR IN A HEALTHY CONDITION. There is no more pleasant Hair Dress ing in use. Many living witnesses are in Atlanta and all parts of Georgia who can testilyTTTWPfpuwvl-rtlT-r-m ,>f MIDI’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. Read the following from a well known citizen, and call upon the Proprietor who can cite you to several citizens who will cheerfully testify to its effica cy. Atlanta, Fcb’y 20, 1866. Mr. S. H. Kramer: Dkar Sir : It is with pleasure I cer tify to the efficacy of tour Hstil* Restorative, as several per sons of my acquaintance, becoming pre maturely gray, upon my receomiuend ation, used it, and I am happy to state that in every instance, (ami many came under my observation,) it proved ef fectual. I would recommend it to all persons w hose Hair needs restoring. E. P. RICE, Exchange Broker. PREPARED BV . K. K R A M E It, .foul Sold by / Druggists Generallyj. April 21, 1866. JOHNSONS& GORDON. Wholesale Dealers in Groceries, &c., BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS!!! arge and varied stock of Liqit o r s , to he sold at Cost!!! 1)EIN<; desirous ofdiwontijiuingthe Liquor ) Trade altogether, we vfiil positively sell our entire stock AT COST! Consisting of BRANDIES, WHISKIES, GIN, RUM; WINES, CHANPAGNE, AND SO FORTH. Metalic Burial Cases, (FISK'S PATE XT.) Cash or Short Time, with approved securitv JOH.NSONS & GORDON, Alabama Street, .{tlcnto, os, apt Cl. Psoricus ! Psoricus I Psoricus !! Will certainly cure the Itch \ IF you have ITCH, use Psoricus ! I DON T Scratch too much, use PsoriCMS and be cured of the IT O IEL ITCH is troublesome, get a box of Psori- CHS and be cuied. PSORICUS wii; cure TETTER OR RING WORM. PSORICUS is prepared bv S. R. KRAMER £. CO.. Druggists, Atlanta, Ga. For Sale by w. 1,. KIRK PATRICK & CO. Druggists, Jan. 15. Cartersville, Ga. : The Public are hereby notified that W. L. Kirkpatrick & Cos, HAVE JEST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF THE Best Drugs and Medicines ever before offered in Cartersville, consisting, in part, of the following articles:- All the preparations of Murcury, Iron, Opium, And lodine ; Extracts, Acids, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Putty, Glass, Paint Brushes, Varnishes ; German, Fancy, Castile, and Toilet Soaps; Candles, Borax, Black Lead, Starch, Sulphur, Soda, Potash, Sozodont, Bay Rum, Cologne, French Brandy and Wiaes for medical purpo ses ; a large lot of Patent Medicines, Ayer’s, McLane's and Radway’s Pills ; J eady Relief, Cherrv Pectoral, Sarsaparilla, Ambrosial Oil, Vermifuge, Godfrey’s Co-dial, Bateman’s Drops, and a large number of articles not enu merated. to which we invite the attention of physicians and the public generally. When In Town, call around and see our stocK. In addition to the above, we have on hand a largelotof fine Smoking Tobacco, We will fill orders from. Physi cians promptly, and flatter ourselves that we call sell as low as any party South. Prescrip tions faithfully confounded. Terms, Cash. Be sure to enquire for IV. L. Kirkpatrick & co’s DRUG STORE. CARTERSVIELE, G.v. Mardh 13. 1800. S3 && M -Keep it in miml, THAT THE BEST 1L 3 ED* !1 Is burned at the Ro gers Kiln, by ). F. LEAKE & CO, 4 LARGE supply kept on hand. Orders promptly filled. Address us at (lartcrs vi lei Bartow county, Ga. March Id. VAN EPPS & TIPPIN, Wholesale Dealers in Groccrlen and Provisions, Alabama Street, near Whitehall, ATLANTA GEORGIA H A VE in Store and to arrive : 60 bags Rio Coffee; 20 bagiJava Coffee, 20 bids A Sugar, 20 bbls Extra C Sugar, 10 bbls Crushed Sutrar. 2(1 bbls Porto Rico Yellow Sugar, 6 buxes Brown Sugar, 20 bbis Golden Syrup, 20 kegs Reffned Syrup, 20 bids Mackerel, 100 kits No. Ma.-kercl, 6 bbis Pickled Herrings, 10 boxes Cod Fish, 20 kegs Soda, 50 boxes Candles, Pepper. Spire, Ginger, Mustard, Oysters in cars, Catsup, Pepper Sauce, Lemon Syrup, Pickles Sardines, Concentrated Milk, Figs. Raisins, Prunes, Almonds, Nuts, English Wal nuts, Pecan Nuts, Filberts. French Che.tnuts, Jellies, Soda Crackers, Butter Crackers, Peach es in cans. Black ami Green Tea, Soap, Cop pers?, Extract of Logwood, also Corn, Bacon, Lard, Cheese, &c. apr 17 lin FOUR-HORSE AND TWO-HORSE K ENTUCKY Threshers, FOR Sale ON A SHORT CREDIT. In view of the present scarcity of money, l bavc concluded to sell a lew nf these CELEBRATED THRESHERS on short time to responsible men, to be paid for, promptly, on the FIRST HAY OF AUGUST, 1866. Aiwa re w Iteap e r , on the same terms. Apply early so as to have the Ma chitus on hand in time for harvest. J. J. HOWARD. Cartersvilie, Apr. wlutl T.M. & R. e. .CLARKE, E Accessors to T. M, CLARKE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in En glish AND Amer i c an p it r b In a r t. in part, of 20,000 tbs Plow Stool, 100 Bars Tyre Iron, Hoop, Band, and Ilorse Shoe Iron, Nail Rods. Horse Shoe Nails, Trace Chains, Plows, Dorn Shelters, s, raw Cutters, Carpenters’ Tools, Building Material. I Bellows and Vices, Mill and Cross-Cut Saws, Files of all hinds, Leather and Rubber Belting, Hemp and Gum Packing-, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, Flasks, Ac., and all other goods kept in the line. Also Agents, in Atlanta, fo- FAIRBANKS PLAT FORM AND COUNTER SCALES, which wesell at Factory prices, Freight added, T. M. &R. C. CLARKE, Corner Peachtree and Line streets. A TLA NT A. GA., Feb 27. 6m W, W. CHAPMAN, J. W. RUCKER. .CHAPMAN 4 RUCKER W holesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, (West side Whitehall Street,) Atlanta, Ga. (ghifr'j co,l fme ourselves strictly to the k Wholesale trade, and, from long ex perienc in business, hope lo share a liberal patronage. We would especially in vite the attention of Merchants visiting our eitv, to the axaminatiou of our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Wo have now, in Store, and are daily re ceiving, a large stock of GROCERIES, PRO \ ISIONS, &C., consisting, in part, as follows: 800 bbls. Flour, (all grades.) 500 bush. \\ bite & yel. corn, 10,000 lbs. new (clear sides) Bacon and Hams, 50 Bags Rio cofiee, 75 bbls. Sugar (dif. grades.) 30 Doz. Planters’ steel hoes, 150 Ivegs Nails, and all other goods usually kept in the grocery line. March 6. 3,n • James D. Buiee, A. P. \\ ood. Biiice & Wood 5 DEALERS IN G r SYWI7C COOKING, PAR- O 11/ > LOR and OFFICE. A large lot oi’Tin Ware, ON HAND; A I,SO, MANUFACTURERS OF TIN WARE, of all sorts, Work clone in Sheet Iron. ROOFING, GUTTERING, etui all kinds of job work, Orders for any stock on hand promptly filled. Orders for any kind of work will be faithful ly’ and promptly executed. Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GA. Feb. 27. 18G6. 3m M.R.BELL&C” Produce Factors, AND commission merchants. Wholesale dealers in all kinds of Grain. Flour, Hay, and Pro duce generally. Mur let la Street, Atlanta , G*. Consignments arc solicited, which will re ceive our best personal attention, and the I or warding business carefully and promptly done. Atents for the sale of DUPONT'S POWDER. " Wc arc now keeping a large supply on hand, of Blasting, Rifle, and Sporting Powder, which we can oupplv at low rates. may 8. man that don't advertise lii.% store, because the. printer won’t do it gratis, was in town the other day. and complained ot hard times and dull bu siness. He's got anew invention on hand, but is afraid to name it, for fear that lie wilt have to advertise, or get out a patent for it. The same man cut •;tf iiis cow's tairto make a pot of soup, f.r fear that some gentleman’s dog might gel it. and he'd lose it. Thank Go dress w*;'ve got no such merchants, in our town. T. M. COMPTON, I Dealer in DRY-GOODS h GROCERIES, Hardware, Crockery. BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, ri UN WARE, Drugs and Medi- j J| ieiiies, Dye Stuffs, Factory yarn, j!"', cLy-” v!:J Stationery, Meal, Flour, Bacon, lard Medical Liquors, Cotton Cards, an I, in tact, a general assortment of leHding n'ticlo.s. Stme on west side Western & Atlantic. Railroad, opposite D'-pot, in the Post Oflice building. Cartersville, upr. 1, 1866, iy Jefferson Insurance Compan y. For Fire, Inland, Life and Marine Insurance. Chadded capital, $2:10.000. Office at SCOTTSVILLE. VIRGINIA. ITIUNDS in ested in best stocks and real ; estate. No Company ran be mart sul | vent; with ample means to pay losses, none shall he more prompt. Apply to jyo. W. W’VFFUUD, Agent. Cartersville, Ga., April 24, 18i.6. t v A. L. Pitts, F. C. Moore, of Tennessee. formerly of Chultag’* A. L. PITTS & CO., GROCERS -AND" COMMISSION MERCHffe JJHVE on hand a limited seffply of Family Groceries, generally; also a good Lot of CO "TO t YARNS, good APPLE VINEGAR. BUT TER, EGGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in EXCHANGE. Refers to Wm, Crutchfield & Cos., Chatta nooga, Tenn., and J. W. Wilson & Cos. Nas • ville, Tenn. Cartersville, Ga., Apr. 21.3 m L. L. Abbott, W. L. Abbott, B. F. Abbott. ABBOTT & BROS., Commission Merc Ii a is t s, Whole Sale Dealers in produce AND groceries, Whitehall Sireet, ATLANTA, G Y. (Established in business in 1858.) WOU L D respectfully an nounce to the people of Northern Georgia, that they have now on hand, and will keep con stantly, a large slock of CORN, BACON, LARD, FLGUR, MACKEREL , CHEESE. COTTON YARNS, BAGGING AND ROPE, SYRUP, PEPPER, SPICE, CANDLED,- Sugar and Coffee, VIRGINIA AND NORTH CAROLINA TOBACCO, Leal her, tyc. dealers ami planters. | Who are in need of Com. Bacon, Flour, Ac., in large, quantities*, can have their supplies snipped direct to them from ihe west by send ing Uni i orders to us. ABBOTT & BROS. mill stones, Wc are agents for the sale of tb* retrbraic^ French Hm r and fisopiu >1 fll Stones, and age prepared to fill all orders Ur the various sizes on the most favorable terms, Feb. 27. ABBOTT & BUO.\ A, W. MITCHELL & BRO., commission merchants, Cornu of Whitehall and Hunter Strcels, Atlanta, (.a. All Produce, Cotton, &c., consigned to them will receire attention and prompt returns made on all trans actions. Jan. 8. 1888, Circular Saw Mills, AND STATIONARY AND Portable Engines. W E v ‘ r >‘ ,ar ? e 'y engaged in the mnn- TT tifactnre of the above Machinery. Orr Mill*are the SYst Premium Mills ..f the melt States of Ohio. Indiana and Illinois. Th r ,„ wishing to purchase address us for price n rid description at Hamilton, lbitler County Ohi- Y\ e are but twenty-live miles from C.n'd n ,„' OWRNH. I.A.NE DYER £ COr Apr 10. Jin