The Weekly Cartersville express. (Cartersville, Ga.) 18??-1867, April 12, 1867, Image 4

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r lt ’TGI*. CHEROKEE COUNTY, «vo mont-lis :,h,,r date rr t, v. ■;! m ni.itSf to lii<! llonora. < < » ofsnitl county for ID ;•! K ' ftc of Burtrm 5: 1 If of s;.jfl run tv fleWaScd. t v .!?: i »T JAFOWLHK, Athn'r f)r Jionis Son. rPrintrr’u If s(>-] ■ COUNTY. •' Low’cr Atlunnis '.u |, ; owlur. r< presents to the petition duly filed and on . (>:: n rd. that he lias fully ad . r ;W l< Fo\vle r ’» es'ate. This ;e to cite all persons concern" U and and creditors, tot how cause <-m,\ t liev can, why said administrator i.tu'h! in>t be disc,barged from bis ad iiiiuis!:.!■ ion and receive letters of dis mission, on the first Monday in Sep innber next. W KD MOSS, lYb’y. 21st 18G7. Ordinary. ■ [.Printer’s fee SO.] Gf jRGIA"CHEROKEE COUNTY, v;'wo months art « r date aP j ,leaiuin will be made to the non. court ol Ordinary of sail county, for leave to sell the Real K.slato of Thomas A Jones-: late of said county deceased. Feb’y. 21st 1807. J R IJItOWN [Printer’s fee SG.] Adm’r. * GEORGIA. COUNTY, Whereas. fT.rrissa Dobbs, ap plies to me lor leUeisof administration .<>n Franklin Dobbs’ estate, late of said T-ntmty decease.f. 'l’liese are therefore io cite and admonish, all and singular tin! kindred and creditors of slid deceas ed to file their objections, if any they have by the first Slondav in April next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted the applicant, (liven under in v baud and ollieial signature, this the 21st Feb’y. 1807. W R D MOSS, [Printer’s fee §ll. Ordinary. .GEORGIA. CHEROKEE COUNTY, ‘'Two months a,ler date a P' ( plication will be made to the couit of -Or !inar,v of said county, for leave to -sell the Real Reflate of Thompson West* b nok,Hate of said county deceased. — T’eb’v2lst 18G7. A D SMITH & .W JTiRRISTIAN, [Princr’s fee s(>.] Adnr’s, Atltnlnisfrafor’s Notice. j s'i EORGIA. BARTOW COUNTY. X Two months after date hereof, nppli , inon will ho m i le to the Court of Ordinary ,->f «aid county, f r leave to septhc following lands. bits* Numbers Seven Hundred and Ninetv . (TUI),) mud Seven Hundred and Nine , tv-live. (71)5.) and Houtli half of Seven Hun dred and twenty-three, (723.) and all that: part of Eight. Hundred and sixty-two (802.) lyingtm the North side of Etowah River, and .■to the middle of said River on said North side, containing, it- Si ,‘i*V -survey, ’One Bundled mi l Ten and a h ill'acres oi land, besides the River, said land being in said couti'y and IS; ite, originally known as Cherokee county, :iu tJje.Fomth (ith) Distriel and Third (3 and) v,1i,viv of film -survey ol sard county, be’hg |, irt . tin- Real Estate oi '..allies r C. Spronll. a- ea oil. Sold lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol said deceased. Hi t; t L). COTIIRAN, Adm’r. KbiZA M. eSPKOULL, Adm’x. Feb’y IS6.'. I GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY, 'v v hcreas J - A - S!,ar P fi Adm ’ r (ii Soioiuan Boatucr, represents to toe' '■mirt in his petition duly tiled ami on iccord, that lie has hilly administered Salomon Hoatner's estate. 1 his is therefore. Incite all persons concerned, : iudred and creditors, to ■show cause if . ■;\ thev ran, why said Administrator Imutd not be discharged from his ad“ ministration and receive letters ol dis* ; iin on the fiirst Monday in April 1-807. Oct. 23rd 180 G. W. R. D. MOSS, Ord. •GEORGIA CHEROKEE COUNTY, WHEREAS Andrew J.-Green, Admii.i tra il,r of \mos Green, represents to the. ( mart, in his petition duly tiled, and entered on receo:d, that he has fully administered A mos Green’s Estate. These nre therefore to erle all persons eoneerned, Kindie,i and credit ors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not he dismissed front ♦.aid administration, on the first Monday in April next. Given under my baud and oilicial cizuature, Oc'oher 5, 181115. * WAJBJUSNR.3J.MOSB, Ordinary. “GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. , . iiercasi, PHII.LIP GRAHAM adminis trator of Jos. It. Harr s. represents to the Court -jit his pi tiuiou duly filed audamifred on record,' that he lots tally administered Jos. It. Harris, ,es a'e a Tins is thetefore, to cite all persons concerned, laud red au I creditors, to show cause, if any ,tl>e\v can. why said administrator should net be di charged it m his administra •ian and receive letters of dismission, on the ti-st Mondav in June next, Nov. 2».*66. WB L> MOSS, Ordinary, GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. whereas J;u,,ps A - F^ lc r - Ad ministrator ol Joseph Shiplctt repre smits to the Court in his petition duly filed and on record, that lie has fully administered. Joseph Shiplett’s Estate. This is therefore to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause if any they can, why said Adtn'r. should not be discharged from Ills administration, and receive J.etters of dismission on the first Monday iii April 1807. Oct. 23rd 1800. ~ NY. R. D. MOJSB. Ordinary. G'ORGIA CHEROKEE COUNTY. WHERE VS, Lemuel Cook, Adm r ol Elijah Underwood, represents to the eoiirt. ill his petition duly filet* and en tered on record, that lie has fully ad ministered said estate. 1 his is. tlicre h>ro. to persons conet rned, kin dred and creditors, to show cause, if anv they can, whv said administrator plvuld not he discharged trom his ad tnMiistration. and receive letters ot dis mission on the Ist Mondav in Julv, . 1) , . :i. \Y R U MOSS. Ord. ijir's lee ?0J [ GTORGIA CHEROKEE COUNTY. Wltcrc US, Jo in J. Epperson applies to me jto he retired in m Ins administration On the | estate of James B Epperson, deceased. These | are therefore to cite Mrs. Sarah Epperson and admonish ail and Angular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file th l ir objections if any tliev have by the first Monday in Auir nst, 1867, otheiwise letters of dismission will be grained the applicant at that term cl the court oPOrdinary lor said cou»tv. Given under my hand and official signature, this the 2'Jth day of Jan 1867. W R L) .VOS*, Ordinary, (pr's fee 5.6 p EORGIA, BARTOW COUNTY,—Two mopths stf'er v J date aj.plicati' n wilt he made to the Court of Or dinary of said county, at the first regular term after die expirat on of two months from this notice, for leave to sell all the real estate of Wm. A MitCrivy d"it’d, at private sale, for the I.enefU of the heirs and cretlilo.e of said deceased. March 2fl;h. l;t>7. FANNIE COX. Adrnr’x. A. D. XIoCRAVY, Adm'r. GEORGIA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. Two months afler date ’ a P" plication will be made to the court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the Real Instate of E R Finch, luc of said countv deceased. Feb’y 21st 18G7. ' JAS. O DOWI)A, [Printer’s fee §o.] Adm’r. GEORGIA, CHEROKEE COUNTY, Two months afler date a P*. plication will be made to the court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Nehemia Ver non late of said county, deceased. Feb. 21st 18G7. R W Whitmore, [.Printei’-s fee §o.] Adm’r. jtelminislralor' l ß Sale. BY VIRTUE of an order from the Court of Ordinary of Bartow Oouiilv.'Georpia, Will he sold before tin Coart-iious* door in Cartersville, on the first Tuesday In MAY next, ISB7, between the legal hours of sale, the following Tracis or paiceis of Li.nd in said county, to wn." Lot of Land number Eighty-Eight, (SS) In the Fifth District and Third'Hvctiotrof said county, containing One Hundred end Sixty Acres,more or'less. being the p ace whereon Jos, ph 11. Jones resided at the time ol ids death, said tract of land being well improved, n rood Owe ling house, Stables, and out-housee, about One bqndied acres cleared land, the balance tolerabl) a ell timbered. A'so, Lot of Land number Two Hundred and Twenty Six, lu the Fifth D'strict and Tlmd Section cf sate countv, containing One Hundred and Sixty acre?, more or less, with two cahins, and about Twenty five ac es >,f cleared land, t e balance well timbered—good land, with a good spring of water. Als», One Hundred acres of Lot of Land number Two Hundred and twenty-five, in the same District hiil Section, with about. Twenty five acres of cleared land, the balance well timbered, nud a cabin on said tract. Also, at tlit some time, Lot of Land number Ninety- K ,u.', in the Twomty-fifi li district and Third sect on of origins, !l\ liherokee now Gordon county, containing Eighty acres, more or !e j s. being the East half of said Lot. Said tract beii g unimproved lands and well tim ber* and. Also, Lot of Land number Eighty-Seven, in the 25th district and 3rd section of originally Cherokee now Gordon county, containing One Hundred and S'xty acre*, moie or less, ab ut Twenty acres of said lot eh are,l, with a cabin, the balance well timbered, the same being No. 1 land. AI?o. at the same time and place, Lot of Land num l,ei Five Hundred and Seventy live, in the J9,h die tret and 3>d section of originally Cherokee now P uld ini or Do k county, c ii'ain ng Forty acres, more or lg;p, the same being an unimproved lot. Any person desiring to «t-eany of the above land will call on citliernf the sdministra ora at their resi dence Tlie s tme being 'oil <er the benefit of the he rs an I creditors of Joseph H. Jones, deceased. Terms of sale, cash. This 2"'h day of March. IkCT. levi nio-vr/K a- Samuel b. jonfp, Adiii nistratois of Joseph 11. Jones, deck!. ASTROLOGY. The World Astonished at the wonderful revelations MADE BY THE GREAT ASEROLOGIST, Madame 11. A. I'ERRIGO. She.-weals scerots no mortal ever knew.— She restores to happiness those who, from doleful events, catastrophes, croeses in love, loss of relations and friends, loss of money. <&<•. have become despondent.' She brings togeth er those long separated; gives information concerning absent friends or lovers, restores lost or stolen property, tells you the business you are best qualified to pursue and in what von wi 1 be most successful, causes speedy mar riages and tells you the very day you will mar ry, gives you the name, likeness and charac teifisties of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers unveils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. From the stavs we see in the firmament —the tr alelic stats that overcome or predominate in the configuration—from the aspects and positions of he planets and the fix ed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of avian. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you but a trifle, and you may never a gain have so favorable nn opportunity. 'Con sultation fee, with likeness ard sd!-! desired in formation, sl, Parties living at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safetv and satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and explicit chart, written out, with all inquiries answered and litceness en closed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentined. The strictest secrecy will he main <• tained, and all correspondence returned or de stroyed. References of the highest order fur nished those desiring them. %ri'te,plain y the day of the month and year in which you were horn, enclosing a small lock of hair. Addicts Madame H. A. PERRIGO, P. O. Drawer 293, Buffalo, IS’. Y" march 1, ly There comcth glad tidings of joy to all, To }on ng and to old, to great and to small ; The beauty which once was so precious and ra r o, la free for all, and a ! may fair, Isy tlio use of CHASTELL A.IR/S W HITE L I «U II) ENAMEL. For improving and beautifying the Complex ion. The most valuable and perfect preparation in use. for giving the skin a beautiful pearl like tint, th it is only found in youth. If quick ly removes Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Blotches, ftj.uh Pahehes, -Sallowuess. Eruptions, and all impurities of the skin, kindly healing tile same leaving the skin white and dear as alabaster. Its use cannot be de .petted by the close-t scru— tinv; and being a vegetable preparation is perfectly harmless. It is the oily art'ele of tin* kind use a by the French, and is considered bv the Parisian as an imlispeibsaljc to a per fect *odet. Upwards of 30,000 bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient guaran tee of its efficacy. Price only 75 cents. Sent bv mail, post-paid, on receipt of an order by BERGER. SHUT I S & CO., Chemists, inch L 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y. GEORGIA BARTOW COUNTY. HOBKRT Speer apples for U**t*r* of sdmii istratioo on the estxie of Ge »r yt* ft. Co- % dscoued A I f.xrMuin concerned »re ti r. hy notified to show can»r. if any On y wtn van! etteis Hiouia not be gran’ed. in ih- tune ;.re-in.->e 1 »>y 1 Given under n y tiaaU aa» nffi iai signature this t e Jjaii g#y March, i'kl. J. A HOWaRIV. V-U .. rj. AFFLICTED ! SUFFER NO MORE! When bv the use of DR. JOINVILLE’S ELIXIR you can be cured permanently, and at a trilling cost. Thcastoni hing success which has attend ed this invaluable medicine for Physical and .Nervous Weakness, General Debility and Prostration, Loss of Muscular Energy, Impo tenev or any of the consequences of youthful indiscrct on, renders tt the most valuable pre paration ever discovered. It will remove all nervous affections, de pression, excitement, incapacity to study or business, loss oi memory, confusion, thoughts of self-destruction, fears of insanity, <g,c. It wsi restore the appetite, renew the health of those who have destroyed it by sensual excess or evil practices. Young Men, be humbugged no more by “Quack Doctors ’ and ignorant practitioners, but send without delay for the Elixir, atnftie at once restored to health and hapincss. A perfect cuie is guarantied in every instance.— Price sl, or four bottles to one address Sf 3. One bot te issulticien to ellecta cure in all ordinary cases. ALSO, DR. JOINVILLE’S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the speedy and permanent cure of Gonorrhea, Gleet, Urethral Discharges, Gravel, Stricture, and all affections of the Kidneys and .ind Bladder. Cures effected in from otic to live days. They are prepared front vegetable extracts that are harmless on the system, and never nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breath. No change of diet is necessary while using them, nor does their action in any man ner interfere with business pursuits. Either of the above mentioned articles will he sent to any address, c!ose/y sealed, and post-paid, bv rnai/ or express, on receipt of price. Address u/l t orders to BERGER, fSHI TTS &Cos , Chemists, inch 1. No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y. WHISKERS AND MUSTACHES! ITtORCED to grow r upon the smoothest face ’ in from three to five weeks b;/ using 1)R. SEVIGNE’S RESTAURATEUR CAPII LAIRE, the mosi wonderful discovery in mod ern science, acting upon the Beard and used by the elite of Paris and London with the most fla'tenng success. Names of all pur chasers wdli be registered, and if entire satis faction is not given in every instance, the mon ey will be cheerfully refunded. Price by mail sealed and post-paid, sl. Descriptive circu lars and testimonials mailed .free. Address BERGER, SHUT'I S & CO., Chemists, No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y., Sole Agents for the United States. march 1, ly BEAUTY. Anbuni, Golden, Flaxen and Silken Curls, PRODUCED hv the use use of Prof. DEB REUX’ FRISER LE CHEVEUX. One application warranted to curl the most straight ami stubborn h ir of either sex into wavy ringlets or heavy massive curls. Has been used by the fashionables of Paris and London, with the most gratifying’results. Does no in jury to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and post-paid, sl. Discnptive Circulars mailed free Address BERGER, SHUTTS & CO,, Chemists, No. 285 River Strce'/Troy, N. Y. Sole Agents for the United (States, inch l,lv Reparator Capilli. Throw away your false frizzles, your switches, your wig Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig : Come aged, come youthful, come ugly a«d fair-, ' And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair. REIMR.4TOR CAPILLI. For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever cause it may have fal en out) and forcing a grow th of hair upon the face, it has no equal. It will force the beard-40 grow up on the smoothest in from five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from tw'o to three months. A few ignorant practitioners have asserted that there is nothing that will force or hasten tne growth of hair or heard. Their as sertions are false, as thousands of living wit nesses [from their own experience] can bear witness. But many will say feow are we to distinguish the genuit-e from the spurious ? It certainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of the Preparations advertised for the hair and beard are entirely worthless, and you may have all ready thrown away large amounts in theii purchase. To such wc would say, try the Reparator Capilli'; it will cost you nothing unless it fully comes up tb our representations" Ifyour Druggist does not keep it, send us one dollar and w r e will forward it, postpaid, togeth er with a receipt for the money, wlrch will he returned you on application, provided entire satisfaction is not given. Address W, L. CLARK & CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, N. Y. SI,OOO REWARD Hunter's Speciiic. riTUE great English Remedy. 1 A certain, speedy and pleasant cure for Gonnorabeea, Syphilis, Pain in the back, Incontinence of Urine, Diseascso the Bladder, Seminal Weakness, Kidney Diseas s, Piabetis, Siotie in Bladder, Effects ol Murcurv, and Gleet. -—lt cures in from five to eight days. —lt requires no change of Die'. —ltis no and sagreeable to tak". -—lt imparts no odor to the breath. lt gives tone t e who e system. —lt removes impurities of t e blood. Si iil, wholesale anti retail, by WM. H. TUTT, Wholesale Druggist, Augusta, G-a. jan 2S.wfm Pure Peruvian Guano, TX)R GARDEN PURTOsES, Just re.'rived, a l 1 h>L for sale by Bo*X i KKAMEK. Cartersville, Ga , 2t. liC7 TICKETS iN TIIi " ° A ' STATE LOTTEI:Y tor 111 onic Orphans H me, to be drawn i:i ATLANTA, aI’KIL 17ih, 15»7, for sale hy sir. r.\ rxiLLo. CatlersviJV. 6a., M !,. 1-07. B«<K. dealers in SSSSI, Chemicals, Paints, &c., &c. Proprietors of Kramer's Hair Restora tive, Psoricus, Universal Bitters, Nerve & Bone Liniment, &c. Cartersville, G-a. WE beg leave to inform the citizens gen erally, and physicians particularly, that we have on hand a large, well selected stocK of Brugs and Medicines, and are ready to fill orders at the lowest prices. Being aware of the great adulteration prac ticed in preparing Medicines, we have made arrangements to have this done under our own supervision, and will warrant all our Medi cines pure. As we buy in the best marKets in the country, and buy entirely for cash, we can supply our customers with goods as cheap ns they ran possibly he bought elsewhere, We will duplicate my bill of £-oods bought south of Louisville. Respectfully soliciting your orders, w r e are Yours verv respectfully, Feb 8, 1857. BEST & KRAMER. Tin V. JOHNSON, KIHGSTOH, DRY-GOODS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, Agent for Va. Salt Works, and Land Plaster, Highest mafket price paid for DRIED FRUIT, COTTON RAGS, AND COTTON BAGGING AND ROPE, and Revenue Tax paid on Cotton to those who wish to ship. Oct 5. ly I HAVE m y large Ware-House finished. — Parties wishing to store Cotton with me can do so at the usual ware-house rates. All cotton "botrght by nie hereafter wi 1 be weigh ed at my own ware-house, thereby avoiding the disagreeable necessity of drivrng to the Depot wish cotton, E. V. JOHNSON. Kingston, Nov. 1 VAfTEPPS & TIPPIN, Wholesale Dealers in Groceries & Produce. Alabama Street, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, H AYE in Store and to arrive : 400 Bushels White and Yellow Corn, 200 barrels Flour. 16 casks Bacon, 50 barrels Sugar, 20 barrels Syrup, 20 hall’barrels Mackerel, 50 kits Mackerel, 20 boxes Soap, •50 boxes Crackers, 20 barre's Crackers, 50 'feoX'es Star Candles, 20 bugs Rio Coflee, 40 boxes Cheese, Green and black Teas, Citron, Dried Currants, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Slacking, Starj'h, Soda, Copperas, Nuts, Figs, Dates, Raisins, Pickles, Catsup, Cove Oysters, Sardines, Tomatoes in cans, Condensed Milk, &e. ":co;x'&~h ILL. n.a r e IVow In Store: BARRELS RYE WHISKY, 50 barrels Bourbon Whisky, 50 barrels Robertson Countv whisky 50 barrels Rectified Whisky, 30 barrels Peach and Apple Brandy, 30pkgs Cognac Brandy, 20* kgs Holland Gin, 10 pkgs Jamaica Rum, 10 pkgs New England Rum, 25 pkgs Port, Madeira, and Sherry Wines, 50 cases Champagne Wines, 100 cases Wam poo and Brake’s Bitters, 100 cases assorted Liquors, 25 cases 1 bos Sardines, can Oysters. All of which we olTer to the trade at very low prices. COX & IIILL. ATLANTA, Ga., decl3—wtf riEOItGIA, BAB row COUNTY.—Whereas F. R. Hu \JT son applies to me for Letie sos Afiuiiubt ation on the tstate of Thomas K. lfusor, late of C fib county deceased. This is to c'.te all concerned, both kindred and c-editors of said deceased, to show cause, if any they can, within the time prescribe i by law, why saiil lct'ers should not be granted to sad applicant. Given under m.v hand and official si nature, ibis the Ist day of April, 15.7. J. A. HOWARD, O.d’y. liar tow Sheriff Sale*. OX the first Tuesday tu May next, within the legal hours of sale, will be sold before the Courthouse and >or in C irtersvijle, Rartow c unly, the following pro pe ty to wit: One t<-wn tot in Cassville. containing four acres, more or It-s . know ns the property of Thomas Espie; levied on is the i rojierty of Thomas Espie to satisly a tax ti fain favor ol (he state of Georgia and Rartow county, vs. said Espde; levy made and returned to me by a c ustable. W. L. AYCOCK. Sheriff. Apr.l 5, IS6T. A. M, FRANKLIN, D. 8. Postponed sale. Al-o, at ‘he same tune and place, will be sold, lot of land No. 391, in the v*lst district and 2d section of Bar* tow cunly ; Rrvi. and on kb the property of J. Vfinkfield, to satis y a tax fi fa in favor of the State of Georgia and Banow count .vs said Winkfieid. Levy made and returned to me uy a constable YV. L AYCOCK. Sheriff. Aprii 5, ISi)7. A. XL FRANKLIN, D. 8. Notice to debtors aml creditors OF Ch rles B. Stone, late of Bartow county, Ga., de ceased, is hereby given to come forward, thosehav ii.g claims i-giirst .*\ \ es'ate to present ti un in .erina oi u.e l»w. and th »e ir deb.ed to add estate to settle up wbhoui de »y. A. C. ’! KIMBLE, AdmY. Ap. i; b. \ NS;, ivd HARDWARE. 1. M. X J. C. ALEXANDER Dealers in 3 HARDWARE, CUTLERY, 2s Iron, Nails, Steel, BELTING, MILL SAWS, Agricultural Implements, MINERS’ TOOLS AND SUPPLIES, MECHANIGAL TOOLS, of all Trades, METALS, of all kinds. COACH AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, AXLES. SPRINGS. LOCKS, Builders’ Hardware, AXES, HOES, SHOVELS. CHAINS, PLOWS, Bolting Cloths, MILL GEARING AND CASTINGS, of of every kind furnished to order. In fact, every thing kept in a first class Hardware Establishment. All of which will be sohl low for cash. J. M.& J. C. ALEXANDER, Whitehall Street, ATLANTA, GA, Oct 19. wly Atlanta card. A. K. SEAGO, [Established 1552.] Commission M e r c li an t, Office and Warehouses corner MITCHELL AND FORSYTH STREETS, Atlanta, Ga. tT 7~0U1,D return thanks to the people of YV BartOW r and adjoining Counties for the liberal patronage bestowed on him during a period of fourteen year3. He assures them of his determination to merit their increased patronage. Atlanta Wholesale Market. THIS market is rapidly becoming the great wholesa'e market of the Interior We would only invite the reader to consult his pecuniary interest in determining where to make his purchases, A, K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Ga. Atlanta Cotton Market. have unsurpassed facilities for the VV sale of Cotton in this market, and for shipment to New York, Charleston ir Sa an nah. Liberal cash advances will be made when desired. The ac ive competition among buyers in this inuaket, and the great competi tion of the various through freight lines to New York from this point, gives to .Atlanta superior advantages as a cotton market. A. K. SEAGO. Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Ga. Rope and Twine. ORDERS for thess articles promptly filled. A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Ga. Groceries, Groceries. A LARGE stock of Coffee, Sugars, Salt Liverpool and Virginia, and a general assortment of Staple Groceries, constantly on hand, all of which will be sold at Louisville prices freights added. A, K, SEAGO,, Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Ga. Western Produce. m ESPECIALLY Com, Flour, Bacon, ®>c. is kept in large supp ! y, by A, K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Ga, 2 1-2 Per cent Commission. /fpffrilLL be charged on the filling of large 'Lkyz* orders from the west. Shipments wiil be made to any point desired. ■by A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Ga. Wanted, sf\r\r\ SECOND-HAND Gunny bags ,000 by .A. K. SEAGO. 7 Commission Merchant, Atlanta, Ga. Limber Yard. E ha’e'an extensive Lumber Yard, and can find ready sale for almost any quantity of Lumber, Laths, (a)c. Con signments solicited. A. K. SEAGO, Commission Merchant, Nov 1, 1866. w6m Atlanta, Ga. Samuel Clayton, R. A. Clayton. S C LAYTON & SON, DEALERS IX GENERAL MERCHANDISE. CARTERSVILLE, GA. Store Room in the Corner room of th* NEW BRICK BUILDING, ADJOINING the Bartow House. Would respectfully invite the citizens Cartersville and surrounding country , To call and examine our which consists of DRY-GOODS, CROCKERY, SHOES, NOTIONS. HATS, TIN-WRRE, STATIONERY, HARDWARE, and a general assortment of Family Groceries. Mr. URIAH STEPHENS, so long and favorably known to this community, is with us. He will be pleased to meet Ins friends, and wiil be ever ready to supply their wants. Our TERMS are CASH, and we will be contented with small profits. No trouble to show goods. Come an 1 see us. Feb dfh, 1867. I W. H. Gilbert, COMMISSION MERCHANT. CARTERSVILLE. GEORGIA. YTTILT. BUY and SELL GOODS and PRODUCE ON COMMISSION. For sale Ikf celebrated BRINTLEY STEEL PLOW, and other Jigriculrural Implements , -"J WASHING MACHINES, at Factory prices, freights added. On hand and for sale, Low for Cash, Cook, Parlour and Office STOVES. GROChRLES L PRO VISIONS, lion. Steely Nalls. Axes. Shovels, and other Articles of leading Hardware. Decembers, 1806. —w6m ABB OTT & BRO S Commission Merchants, And wholesale Dealers in PRODUCE AND GROCERIES. Wliifclmll Street, ATLANTA, GA, We have now in store and for sale zt lowest cash prices vhe following goods : 1350 Sks unmix’d and white Corn. 400 bbls superfine and extra family Flour. 10 casks clear Sides. f)0 kegs Leaf Lard. 214 Bags Virginia Salt. 50 boxes cheap Tobacco, 10 bales Cotton Yarn—B X 10’s. 50 bales Timothy Hay. 1000 extra fine Grain Bags. ABBOTT l BROS. Commission Merchants, Whitehall str.. ATLANTA, GA. January 17, 1867, r| 1H E exercises of this Institution will be ( resumed on Monday,the 28th inst., under ti.c supervision of JAMES G. RYALS, Principal, Assisted by J. D. (OLEINS AND HENRY McEORMICR. Rates of Tuition, per Session of 20 weeks: Primary Department, sls 00 Preparatory “ 20 00 High School, 25 00 Incidental Expenses,.l 00 Music,. 25 00 Board can be had, inclusive of every thing but lights, at $17,00 jjpr Month. The earn est, hearty co-operation of the community, in the establishment of a School of high order in their midst,, is most urgently solicited. Stilesboro, Ga., January 25, 180 7. wtf AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF GENERAL [STONEWALL] JACKSON. By Prof. R. L. Dabney, D. D ,of Va, The Standard Biography of tho Immortal Hero. The only edition authorizad by his widow, and published for her pecuniary bene fit. The author a personal friend and Chief of Stafi of the Christian Soldier. Wc want an Agent in every county, (Send for circulars and see our terms, and what the Press say of the work. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., feb Atlanta, Ga. FORCE'S BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ARE now receiving their Fall and (Vinter Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, the largest ever brought to this city. These goods camp direct from the Eastern manufac tories, and will be sold to country merchants and the tr ,de at N. York prices, expenses add ed, consisting of Mens’, Boys’, Youths’, and Childrens’ wax, kip,calfand bull'Brogans and Balmorals—Boots, of a 1 siyles, thick, wax, kip, calf, and the finest qu lities. Ladies’, M i sos’, and Childrens’ Boots and Shoes, of every style, all made to order. G, H. FORCE. B. W. FORCE, formerly of Charleston, will be#lad to see his old customers. Atlanta, Ga., Sept 26. Jy FARMERS’ Land Plaster! rjIHE BEST FERTILIZER NOW IN USE, just received and for sale, bv A. A. SKINNER & CO Cartersville. March I, T Slierill Sale, lI’ILL besold od the first Tuesday in April next bc/ore \\ the Court House door in Caitersville : Tne lollop ing property to wit: Two Mul-s, a two horse waggon, and two stacks of Fodder, said property levied on hj virtue ofau attajhoient in favor of Joseph Ford against Andrew na, me, levied according to an order oi the Su perior Court of iiartow Cell. tv. IWch, 22,1*6;. W. I. ATCOCK, Siitnlf. - =— ' L-JM USE EDWARD WILDER'S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Byspepsia. U S E EDWARD WILDER'S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Liver Complaint and all specie* of Indigestion. U S E EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Hitters, It will cure Intermitent Fever and Fever and Ague, and all periodical diso rdere USE EDWARD WILDER’S Stomach Bitters. It will give ifnmediate reliefin Colie and Flttr USE EDWARD WILDER'S Stomach Bitters. It will cure Costiveness. USE EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BIT I'ERS. It is a mild and delightful Invigorant sci Delicate Females. US E EDWARD WITDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a safe Anti-Bilious Alternative aU tonic tor all family purposes. U S E EDWARD WILDER'S STOMACH BITTERS. It is a powerful Recuperunt after the frame has been reduced and attenuated by sickliest* U S E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. It is an excellent Appetizer, as wcllasStren ener ot the digestive forces. US E EDWARD WILDER’S STOMACH BITTERS. As it is being daily Used and prescribed be all physicians, as the formula w.ll be bunded any regular graduate, edward” wTi,i)Ek, 80LK PIIROPRIKTOR, w o. 215 Main Mrcc t, MAItIiLR FRONT, LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY. I « FOR?SALK, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY RSOWINE & VOX, W HOI ESS ALE AND RETAIL DRUOftISTS Corner Whitehall and Ala. Mn ATLANTA, LA. Nov. 9 1 y New Marble Yard. S. B- OATMAN, For WILLIAM GUAY, Importer and Dealer in Italian, Work adilte, and White Rutland Statuary M A It B L E. tWK are now receiving and have in store, a large IfliTT desirable stock of finishci’BAjnMU | j and rough Marble, which j we offer to the public onE, t the most reasonable terms. Owing to the high price of marble at tins time, many peisons are kept from purchasing. I propose to reduce prices so that all ran buy. My facilities are such for purchasing the ma terial, that. I will be sati-died with small profit* and quick sales —such is niv motto. Wc are prepared to furniu.l in the best style, Monuments, cirved and plain, Dux Tombs, Tablets, carved and plain, Head-stones, Urns, Vases. &c., and Furnishing Marble of all do scriplions, With good and experienced workmen in all departments of business, we hope to merit a share of public patronage* Designs of .Monu ments and any other work in Marble, furnish ed gratis. Orders so ieited and promptly filled. Office and Yard adjoining Be Ivuc Hotel and oppo ite Georgia Railroad Depot, ATLANTA, Ga Dec 6th, 1866. ■m The Simon Pure Peruvian ©Hit, FOR GARDENING PURPOSES, exprrt ed daily to 4 arrive, and for sale at the Drug Store of BEST & KRAMER. Cartersville, feb 15. J\ W. Q-A.TJT &c CO.» UNDERTAKERS. AJLE prepared to furnish Metalie Burial Cases ofall Sizes and of the latest im proved patterns. We also manufacture, and will keep constantly on hand, Wooden Coffins, ofall descriptions, from the cheapest to the finest Rosewood finish. We in'end to furnish Burial Cases an! Coffins cheaper than ever be fore offered in Atlanta. Orders by letter or telegraph, giving alee wanted, will be executed by express. Person* at a distance desiring the disinterment and re moval ot friends, will save time and expence by giving us their orders. Undertakers will consult their interest by calling upon us at our ware-rooms. Peach-tree Htreet, op?' sit* Wesley Qhap-I Church, Atlan a,Ga. * Oc» 19 sixmo