The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1904-1917, October 13, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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FEMALE WEAKNESS M 2 1-2 Congress St. Pobtland. Mains, Oet. 17,1902. I consider Wine of Cardui superior to any doctor’s medicine X ever used and I know whereof I apeak. I suf fered for nine months with suppressed menstruation which completely pros trated me. Pains would shoot through my back and sides and 1 would have blinding headaches. My limbs would swell up and I would feel so weak I could not stand up. I naturally felt discouraged tot 1 seemed to be beyond the h*lp of physicians, but Wine of Cardui came as a God-send to me. 1 felt a change for the better within a week. After nineteen days treatment I menstruated without suffering the agoniee I ueaallr did and Boon 1 1 —i regular and without pain. Wine off Cardui is simnly wonderful and I wish that all suffering woman knew mt Mb good qualities. hUU/,,.: Treasures, Matlaad Bi—mis Iwmgne Periodical headache* tail of fe male weakn***. Win# at Cardui cure* permanently ninetaen out at every twenty cnees o t irregular menses, bearing down pain* or any female we&knew. If you are discouraged and doctor* hare failed, that i* the best reason in the world you hould try Wine of Cardui now. Remember that headache* mean female weakness. Secure a SI.OO bottle of Wine of Cardui today. H |\f* r; <§ LOCAL MATTERS. |> Read ads on back page. Dr. Nix, of Aragon, spent Friday in the city. Buy no clothing till you’ve seen Vaughan’s. Mr. Clarence Taff spent last Sunday in Rome. Harry Wikle gives the picture framing business his best atten tion at the Cartersville Store. Mr. Marvin McClatchy spent Sunday in Atlanta. Make a guessf at the box of money. Fifty dollar bill in front, and get ten dollars free. It costs you nothing. W. R. Satterfield store. HrMiss Wells spent Sunday in At lanta with home folks. The “Perfection” Mattress is the best made, and von can get them at Chapman & Conn’s big furniture house, Mr. Paul Smith, of Rockmart, spent last Monday 7 in town. One price to all, and that’s the 3est—Vaughan’s. Miss Annie Tinsley spent, a few days in Euharlee last week. * Leave your orders and subscript ions for any periodical or book with the Cartersville Book Store. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Walton, spent Sunday in Cass Station. Bright, sweet No. i, timothy 7 hay, cotton seed meal and hulls in abun dance. Call onus. *J.-E. Field & Son. Mrs. Chas. Kerr, of Atlanta, spent Sunday with home folks. Mr. Elmer Goode made a flving hip to Cedartown Friday night. New lot of Carpets, Mattings and Rugs just received this week —Carpets made and laid without additional cost. Chapman & Conn, the furniture rrmn rs J. w. E. Brown, of Stiles- F>ero, spent Saturday in the city. j Can you more than a re l able guarar tetf, and money back >ou want it?—Vaughans’ for Rood goods. r Misses Lucy, Pearl and Maggie I'uron speut Sunday with home ■oiks. 1 l! vou find the price of cotton is ■ 1 r 'ghf, you will find cool dry I l ' l >ge in our warehouse. Try it. |- E - Field & Son. it’s Pills After eating, persons c? a bilious habit l derive great benefit by taking one ■ these p,l!s. If you have been INKING TOO MUCH, , B s promptly relieve the nausea, l c k HEADACHE Bjkthi.' ‘-‘ rv,) usness which follows, restore appetite and remove gloomy feel eiegantly sugar coated, P dr ' e Substitute. • Mr. and Mrs. J. N. McKelvy, of Kingston, spent last Thursday in Cartersville. The daily and Sunday Constitu tion and other up to-date news papers and magazines always on sale at the Cartersville Book Store. The many friends of little Free man Puckett will be sorry to learn of his illness. The millinery showing at Vaughan’s was great —the style and price attractive. Miss Kate Hammond spent sev eral days last week ip Taylorsville with relatives. We absolutely give away one hundred dollars in gold this year. Ask about this. J. E. Field & Son. Daughter of the Confederacy will meet with Mrs. J. W. Akin Friday, at 3:30. Low prices and easy term on all sewing machines, etc-, at Union Supply office, Bank Block. Dr. P. S. Moon spent Sunday in the city, the guest of his mother, Mrs. P. L- Moon. Appearance money saved Vaughan’s lor dress goods, shoes, clothing. Miss Mary Lou Wikle leaves Fridayfor Atjanta, wheie she will spend a few days. You get a cash ticket for every dollar paid to us for goods, on note or on account. Call for the tickets. J. E- Field & Son. Miss Gena Moon spent Friday night in Rockmart, the guest of Miss Lucile Randall. Needles, pure oil, repairs, etc,, for all kinds of sewing machines at Union Supply office in the book store. Mrs. Sorrells and Mrs. McKever, of Acworth, spent a few days last week with Mrs. w F. Baker. School shoes, school suits—both to last. Vaughan’s. Mrs. Robt. Crow, of Cedartown, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. F. C. watkins on Douglas street. Turf, rust, proof, number two, mixed and white clipped oats on sale at our place. J. E. Field & Son. Miss Sarah Tumlin was the for tunate winner in the five dollar contest at Bradley’s Saturday after noon. lAL w. ’ . t.. y V. Sli * Ml # - IBFawsTf wGafr vi>;i A Continual Strain. Many men and women are constantly subjected to what they commonly term “a contimlal strain” because of some financial or family trouble. It wears and distresses them both mentally and physically, aflecting their nerves badly and bringing on liver and kidney ail ments, with the attendant evils ot con stipation. ioss oi appetite, sleeplessness, low vitality and uespondencv. They cannot, as a rule, get rid of this “con tinual strain,” but they can remedy its he-Ith destroying effects by taking fre quent doses of Green’s August Flower. It tones up the liver, stimulates the Kidneys, insures healthy bodily func tions, gives vim and spirit to one’s whole being, and eventually dispels the physical or mental distress caused by that “continual strain.” Trial bottle of August Flower, 25c; regular size, 75c. At all druggists. _ flood for Children. The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives instant relief in all eases of Cough, Croup and LaGrippe because it does not pass immediately into the stomach, but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble, it draws out the inflamma tion, heals apd soothes and cures per manently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life-giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues. Sold by Greene Drug Cos. Pill Pleasure. If you ever took DeWitt’s Little Early Risers for billiousness or con stipation you know what pill pleasure is. These famous little pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of all bile without producing unpleasant effects. They do not gripe, sicken or weaken, but pleasant y give tone and strength to the tissue < and organs of the stomach, liver and bowels. Sold’ by Greene Drug Cos. A Sustaining Did These are the enervating davs when, as somebody lias said, men drop by the sunstroke as if the Day 7 of fire bad dawned. They are fraught with danger to people whose systems are poor'y sustained; and this leads us to say, in the interest of the less robust of our readers, that the full effect of Hood’s Sarsaparilla is such as to suggest the propriety of calling this medicine Something besides a blood purifier and tonic—say. a sus taining diet. It makes it much eas ier to bear the heat, assures refresh ing sleep and will without any doubt avert much sickness at this time of year. Danger in Fall Colds. Fall colds are liable to hang on all winter leaving the seeds of pneu monia, bronchitis or Foley’s Honey and Tar cures quickly' prevents serious results. It is old and reliable, tried and tested, safe and sure. Contains no opiates and will not constipate. Greene Drug Cos. THE NEWS, CARTERSVILLE GEORGIA, OCTOBER, 13, 1904. FOR THE LITTLE ONES. How the Little Necromancer Make* Wet Sancf Dry. The table being cleared by her as listant, the witch has brought in a basin and a small bag of sand. She invites members of the audience to advance to the table and throw handfuls of sand in the bas-ri, which is partly filled- with water. When all are reseated she dips her hand in the basin and withdraws the sand perfectly dry. This trick was long kept secret by the Hindoo fakirs, but, like most things about conjuring, its explana tion is surprisingly simple. The sand is prepared beforehand by be ing heated in a frying pan. When it becomes sufficiently hot a small piece of paraffin is placed on it and allowed to melt. The sand is then taken off the stove and allow ed to dry. The wax coats every minute grain of the sand, which when dry does not appear to have been thus treated. A gentle shake of the hand should be given when it is lifted from the water to insure the 6and being perfectly dry. Hook ’Em, Sniffey. “Ifook ’em, Sniffey,” is a game played by any number of persons with a ring at the end of a long cord tied io the limb of a tree. A hook is driven into the tree, and the play ers in order try to swing the ring so that it will catch on the hook. He who succeeds scores a point. In stead of a tree an upright post with a crossbar is often used. Some times, instead of one hook, a board is arranged with several hooks, each of which has a number under it. In this case the successful player scores the number of, the hook on which he hangs the ring. After any number of turns agreed on, he who has scored the highest number of points wins. / The Virginia Reel. Have you ever danced a Virginia reel? If you haven’t you surely will Borne day, and it is interesting to know what the dance symbolizes or stands for. It is an imitation of weaving. The first movement represents the shooting of the shuttle from 6ide to side and the passage of the woof (crosswise threads) over and under the warp (lengthwise threads). The last movements indicate -the tight ening of the threads and the bring ing together of the cloth. In some places the boys and girls stand in the row by sevens to ifiiitate the dif ferent colors of the strands. The Hungry Eskimos. The Eskimos have enormous ap petites. An arctic explorer relates that he-savv a boy eat ten pounds of solid food and’drink a gallon and a half of liquid with much gusto. This same explorer observed an adult eat ten jiounds of meat and two candles at a meal and tells how a boy of seventeen years *ate twenty four pounds of beef in twenty-four hours. It’s a good thing American boys haven’t such appetites, for just thirrk of the butcher's bill. Ths Sioux Doll. The Sioux doll is made of chamois and deerskin. The curious thing about it is that it is perfectly flat. To judge from this one might think that the Sioux babies were sys tematically starved. This ■is not the case, for they are as round ancf fat and jolly as apy children you ever saw. Been There. Teacher Now, Johnny, what does the busy bee teach us ? .Johnny—To keep away from the hive. The Little Gray Owl. The little gray owl that lives up In our tree Is as wise a little gray owl as can be. He sleeps all the day, but at night he comes out To ask the old moon what she’s thinking about. For he fancies the moon and himself of one mind. Since they both watch by night, while by day they are blind. So he scyeeches and calls, and, hearing his cry, A little mouse trembles and hurries fast by. For all the mice know the gray owl in our tree Is as wise a little gray owl as can be. ACROSS COUNTRY. The signs of the times point to an enor mous increase of intelligent public interest in health: to anew generation with purer, •tronger blood and therefore more active, f wains and No phys robust, person uccumbed consump talaria or her germ But with ened sys ! all have the germs lisease. blood is a in a fer condition growth of bacteria— the of disease —because our stom ver is tor- Mthercase and does not proper nent. A ver means lation of and and an ation of s which s a weak •J** for bacteria to enter. To enrich the blood and increase the red blood corpuscles, Dr. Pierce years ago found a vegetable compound, which he called Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discov ery, that would quickly cure the bad symp toms by increasing the red blood corpus cles and thereby feeding the nerves on rich blood. This "Medical Discovery ” also acts upon the digestion and assimilation of food, so that the blood trets its proper elements from the products of digestion. Feed the lungs, stomach and heart on rich red blood and you have surely a healthy body which will throw off the gCrms of disease which lurk everywhere. Get as -hear nature’s way as you can. A medicine made entirely from botanical extracts and which does not contain alcohol is< the safest. Dr: Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery contains neither alcohol nor narcotics. TO BEAUTIFY YOUR COMPLEXION IN IO DAYS, USE .. Satinola .. THE UNEQUALLED BEAUTIEIEK j,v .. -- ’ ■. *r v . r*"T (pwvrrq i % W- Sc ' **/*>:?■ ■&' t ‘•r • V 4“ 1 ' \FEW applications will remove tanorsallow ness nurl restore the beauty of youth. SATINOLA is anew discovery, jrußnintoed. and money refunded ifit fails to remove Freckles, Pimples, Liver Spots, Black-heads, Discolora tions and Eruptions. Ordinary in in ays, the worst in -0 days. After these defects are rcnidv. and the skin will he soft, clear and beautiful Price 50 rents at dru;? stores or h.v mall. Thou* ands ot ladies teetifv to Mu* merits of Safclnola, Mrs. It. A, Foster writes; Nashvill . Tenn , January 2, 1904 National Toilet Do , Paris, Tenn. Gentlerneif: T have used your SA ITXDLA and EGYPT!AN PItEAM ever since t.hyy liuve been on the market and uiihesttat.iuKl.V sn.v that they are the best preparations for removing discolo rations and improving the complexion tiiat I have evei known. I your NADhNE FACE PO o DKK as superior to any on the market. NATIONAL TOiLET CO., Paris, Tenn. Sold in Ctirtersville by 31. F. WORD and a!! leadis*** dru iro *ists. a Notice. At a meeting of the Directors of the Atlanta, Knoxville A' Northern Rail wh o Company, held in the city of Atlanta, at the office ot the Company on the 12tli day of September, 1904, the following resolution was unanimously adopted, to? wit: R solved, by the Board of Directors of the Atlanta, Knoxville and Noith ern Kailway Company, that said com pany, pursuant to the authority pos st ssed by it under its charter, do ex tend its railroad or build a branch road from its line ot road as be einafter spe cified,and hereby designates as the rente ol said extension or branch road, to be from a pointon said railroad near where Cane creek crosses the same near Cam bria in M/M inn county. Tennessee, southwesterly through McMinn, Bradly and Polk counties to a point where the Connesauga river crosses the line be tween Georgia and Tennessee; thence Irom said point south westwarrllv through Murray, Gordon and Bartow counties, in the state of Georgia, to and into the city' of Cartersville in said Bar tow county. RESOLVED, Tiiat this resolution designating the route of said proposed extension or branch, he published in each of the counties through which the same will run, once a week for four weeks as required bv section 21(>9 of the Civil Code of Georgia, of 1895. H. W. OLIVER, Secretary Atlanta, Knoxville <fe North ern Railway. VIRGINIA COLLEGET For YOUNC LADIES, Roanoke, Va- Opens September 26. 1904. One of the leading Schools for Young Ladies of the South. New buildings, pianos and equipment. Campus ten acres. Grand mountain scenery in the Valley of Vir ginia. famed lor health. ’European and American teachers. Full course. Con servatorv advantages in Art. Music and Elocution. Certificates Wellesley 7 - Stu dents from 30 States. For catalogue ad dress Mattie p. Harris, 30jun8t President, Roanoke. Va. Only Wennlm-. AlvjjviiaMe Lmlic-. DrufftfA tor CHICHESTKH’S ENGLISH HLD J*o4 mu Id metallic boxen. *eaied ¥ JT* 1 b, *’ ribbon. Tukt* no other. Ilefu*- > 'Y- Ijunfcrom ‘*ubtltutJon und (Tj llhitn. Buy of year Druggist, - r • n<i 4c. iff and Keller for Lad lea.** in Utter, bt r*> A £*** Mail. iOJßit* I estimonrals Sold by r all Chlehetrr Chemical Cos., ■muon llni pw. Indlami I*lll LA., i*A- .w v-Z, X • Bearr th /? Bn Kind You Sara Always Bougltf g STUDEBAKER \ M WAGONS. % m There are more Studebaker Wagons in M use to day than of any other three makes ■I combined, and there must be some £ o °d;jjP reason for it. If you expect to need a 0 m JSk wagon this year, come in and find out V KNIGHT / Hardware Cos. Making the Same Mistake Twice Is Like Hitting a Sore Finger You make no mistake in selling or storing cotton with us. Highest prices paid, satisfying weight guaranteed. WHAT BETTER CAN YOU GET? Equally as strong when it comes to wheat ferti lizers, we sell the best. VVe buy and store, cotton, produce and all farm products. W§ se fertilizers. We job groceries, meats, flour and mill products. Wholesale mercantile and Holton Cos. 808 11. McGINMS, iVop. Alton B. Parker.^; tl.c rm V YOL'LC wo?,LD Every Day.” TIJ; WORLD ’ L r-V f Cleveland. Cryan on THE WORLD. *lt nui. ■ ••,< •(>■>.' <- , ... 4 rt r •: VOffj,!) never during the lK%t if the i>< -t, . rrt.iir ( , . , ' ’■ < .'■/ yrntu considered itself a fir.-fra ’■■'in ' ’ /, ' V' ”• /•* promised to spread and of i,r • K , C . \ f J ■ dir ulcaSf and it has done so, prtnetplms iU that lane bj tjn: >/ ( r:>. > so, with entire indeprnd- YORK WORLD the re>uf mi./h: \j *' ,u ' r ,f machines ctnd plat oar,: been reversed."- Grover M ' e • •' 7 •;:'*;/ the dictates of its i . - , . ... ' —f noted, with tipprovaL lend and Letter to Th- World. Mnv 10. • ” • ,i- .i. r-> nn in the Com -1903. ; UKU]-.-, lely lu, 1! 03. THE W.OkLD IN THIS FkESID NTIAL CAMPAIGN. Sehd $1 to the N. V. WO ”.,D an i you will deceive THE WORLD eve y Vvve'.. d:if ler FOUR MONTHS from the day your st I r- r'ption ;s i ccc ved, including every day of the President ~ 1 Ca paig 7 \ The regular price of the Daily World four wort /is* is $2.00, BOTH SILB > 01’Till. G 'Wv? U) <TIGU. L\T: L' Y AND FAIRLY GIVES FJRST NEW 5F NEWS! e I 'HE WORLD as the “Chief .1 in .tmerica of Democratic Ideas” will be 1 the most ir.te;cedi: £ r.ev spr.pcr in the country in this Presidential cam -9 paign. 9 It already has a m::h l:.:';;:: ? ”y drcnlctim then any ether morning news paper in America. We are beginning a campaign that promises to be memorable in history. By t single act of inspired courage the Democratic leader has restored his party to its old place as the instrument of enlightened reform, sane and practical liberalism, clear-headed progressivencss and constitutional government. While the question of the standard of value remain.-d an issue all other topics were submerged and the Democracy cop’j-not play it* historical part. In the absence of that restraining force the Republican parly has rioted In imperialism, centralization, militarism, extravagance a:;d privileged injustice. Now the time has come when it can be called to account. Once more a wisely, bravely and honestly led can raise v. Ith hep.fulness Tilden’s old war cry, “Turn the rascals out! ” The Democracy is ready to correct th: abus-s of a monopoly-breeding tariff, to promote trade with cur neighbors in Canada, to cut short the insane rivalry with the military powers oi Europe in armaments made needless by three thousand miles of ocean, to substitute the. reign of law for the personal caprice of an arbi trary ruler, to rest re economy and integrity in government, to bring arrogant combinations of ca. '.ai under . j. sirui -t and to olscowrage the permanent ac climatization of the American tiag in any country in wtiich the Declaration of Inde pendence is a seditious document. To U- -..-inn.ent c; these ends The World pledges ail its energies. ‘ To encourage die | rcni.l ‘ ><oi i. f iiul>* for the rampaigi a npecfnl caminitwha of :. > .or mil. wilt he itilotveil to ajfentc or parties forming cluks of ten r u.e in any town. An active njgeut \v:Htol la every elect ion district. Write for particulars. Sample copies tmpplied free on application. | # * Every siihKerlplloii will he for ti e l).th.'Y Horning; World for FOUR months from the date il heuebon. This ofler is for nsall ) (nbscrlliers OXI.Y. Address ’l l.y. W t.i.i.ii CAMI*AiG,\ CLUB, I'utlt. | •er Buildlntf, New Vore —-t- iORPEE’S SEEDS ;s;,r„ „ B , ““ ■K ■ *■ ■■ —— It you want the choicest vegetables or most beautiful flowers you should read BURPEE’S FARM ANNUAL FOR 1304, —so well known as the Leading American Seed Catalogue.” It is mailed FREE to all ° Better send your address TO-DAY. W. ATLEE BURPEE <& CO.. PHILADELPHIA. 3