The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1904-1917, October 13, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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Corn must have a sufficient supply of Potash in order to develop into a crop. No amount of Phosphoric Acid or Nitrogen can compen sate for a lack of potash in \ fertilizers [for TwWji S™* 11 a H al other crops]. A' folL’ liUAt JSgyjL. w e shall he glad f!' >'i J to seni l tree to any '■s!"} farmer ourlittlebook i which contain* valu • ’able information about soil culture. ; RfIAM KALI WORKS, "oh Voz*!*. ”;’ r SftNKhi:i Street, op ’ <Ja. Brotid St ( ——r —- i-~ • ---^t*?**??""*** WITHOUT COST T 0 YOU. In order that our readers may he thoroughly convinced of the curative powers of the magical, relieving, and healing ■ remedy, Paracamph, we are pleased to say tlidt if you will fill out the coupon below and mail to The Para camph Company to-day they will give f-.ii i—4-4-1 ,> £_ VUU a J. UH”OI4-W WOU.C 4-.V.V,. >lf TO 1 ,! suffer from Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Sore Joints, Sore Feet, Eczema, Tetter, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Hay Fever, Asthma, Plies (itching or bleeding), or any form of w r ound such as a Bum, Cut, Bruise, Old Sore, Swelling or Inflam mation, fill out the coupon below and mail at once to The Paracamph Com pany, Louisville, Ky. Don’t hesitate, as this places you under no obligations whatever. Cut out this coupon at once, fill out the blanks and mail it to THE P&RIOSMPH CO., Louisville, Ky. My disease is I have never tised Paracamph, but if you will send me bottle free of cost, I willtry it. Name Street Address. Comity and State (Give full address. Write plainly.) ltemeniber,PAltACAMPH is recommend, ed by surgeons and physicians. Used by athletes the world over. Thousands of testimonials. Guaranteed perfectly harmless. Trie GREENE DRUC CO DR, HARK H. GRIFFIN, DENTIST. OFFICE : Gilreath P.uildi* a (Jn Stairs oyer News .in i I’r'tii in. Office. CARTEKSVILLE. ,5a Real Estate Insurance G. H. AUBREY, Attorney at Law. Loans Negotiated. Office in Sam Junes building Mica JL * JSLakes short roads. AXLE JL light loads. QREASE for everything that runs on wheels. Sold Everywhere. L Mad* by STANDARD OIL CO. * Indigestion Causes CatarrH of the Stomach. For many years it has been supposed that Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia, but the truth is exactly the ■opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re peated attacks of Indigestion inflames the muMM membranes lining the stomach and me nerves of the stomach, thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of the juices of natural digestion This is called Catarrh of the Stomach. KotSsl Dyspepsia Cure relieves all inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach, protects the nerves, and cures bad breath, sour risings, a sense of fullness after eating, indigestion, dyspepsia and ail stomach troubles. Kodol Digests What You Eat Make the Stomach Sweet. Bottles only. Regular size, SI.OO, holding 2 % times the trial size, which sells for 50 cents. Prepared b? C- O. DeWtTT & CO., Chicago, 111. SOLD BY M. F. WORD. PAHKEtVW-- HAIR BALSAM Cleanse, and heeatifice the hair. Promote* a luxuriant jgrowth. Never Fails to Bestore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. HINDEHCOrtNS, ALL OVER THE HOUSE. A Few Simple RMes For Action In Caoa of Poisons. For narcotic poison, or poisons which cause immediate drowsiness and torpor, sncli as eating poison ous mushrooms, toadstools, turpen tine, opium, morphine or chlorals of any sort, administer an emetic such as warm mustard water, then a powerful purgative, and, wind up with a stimulant, coffee or whisky, to stimulate the heart action. For carbolic acid give sweet oil or milk. Let the patient rest, keep the body warm and finally adminis ter a stimulant. For arsenic or paris green mix half an ounce of dialyzed iron with half an ounce of magnesia and ad minister this quantity every ten minutes. Fpr corrosive sublimate, (kept in solution in many homes to.destroy vermin and insects) give immediate* ly white of egg, unbeaten, or plain Hour gruel. For poisonous fish, particularly in case of poison from canned goods, give warm mustard water to cause vomiting, a quick purgative, such as citrate*of magnesia or a seidiitz ! powder, and then a stimulant. Potato Croquettes. When vnn I'nvo'snv i nil notntoos left over heat and mash them finely till quite free from lumps, or, bet ter still, pass all through a sieve. Keheat in a pan with one ounce of butter, season with pepper, salt and two teaspoonfuls of chopped parsley. Stir in the beaten yolk of an egg and make very hot. Turn the mix ture on a plate to cool, then take a tablespoonful at a time and make into round balls. Beat up an egg on a plate and get ready some dried bread crumbs on a piece of paper. Brush each bull over with egg, then roll in bread crumbs. Fry in deep, boiling fat to a golden color. Candied Orange Peel. Cut the rind into long strips. Put in a pan, cover over with cold wa ter, bring to a boil and drain. To six oranges or lemons allow one and a half sups of granulated sugar and a cup of water; put these into a granite saucepan and as soon as they have reached a hard boil add the peel. Boil hard, taking care that the contents of the pan do not scorch. When the liquid is almost cooked away, take the pan from the stove and add a cup of sugar. Stir until almost cold, pick apart with the fingers and spread on a plate to dry. Handy Sat of Irons. Most women fail in ironing shirt waists because they use clumsy irons. To remedy this manufactur ers have put on the market special ly designed irons. These are point ed at both ends and. also gently curved to avoid sudden creasing of the goods. They are heavily nickel ed and as highly polished as table silverware. Inclosing each iron and fastened securely to it by twin bolts operated by means of a spring is an asbestus lined hood, which serves to conserve the heat and keep out the cold, thus effecting an economy in gas. Cracked Crockery. To make cracked crockery last put two or three pieces of sugar into the cracked vessel with one third of a tumblerful of water; then place it on a very brisk fire. Spread the sirup liquid over the cracks. The melted sugar will ooze through the cracks and soon grow hard, completely stopping the fissures. Vessels employed for cooking food can be mended in this manner. The burned sugar does not give any un pleasant flavor. Hanging Clothes to Dry. • When hanging clothes to dry, first hang up by the thickest part, waist or neckband, etc., because if hung by the thinner part the water would run into the thick part, lodge there and take longer to dry; second, hang up everything wrong side out, so that any accidental soil will not do so much damage as if it appeared on the right side. A Hint For the Cook. It is said if four or five large clean marbles are dropped into the kettie where fruit is cooking there will be no burning on the bottom of the dish since the marbles are kept in motion by the boiling. This simple device is worth trying with jam or catchup. Cleaning the Bread Pan. The mixing pan is •pji' fcly cleaned if a little boiling water is poured in to it for a few minutes ppd a chjse cover put. over —an inverted will answer. The steam softens the dried dough so it will readily wash off. A Kitchen Hint. The fishy taste can be removed from canned salmon 6r lobster by putting it in a colander, pouring boiling water over it and then let ting it stand long enough to drain and cool. THE NEWS, CARTERSVILLE, GEORGIA, OCTOBER. 13, 1904. Bartow Sheriff Sales. GEORGIA, Bartow County. Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Cartersville, Bartow On , within the legal hours of sale, ou the™rst Tuesday in November, lt*o4, the following property to.wit: All that Iran or parcel otiand lying and being iu the fourth district and third section of Bartow county Georgia,to wit: Lots of land numbers 854 355 three hundred and sixty-seven and three hun dred and sixty-six, except one acre In the south west, corner of said lot number three huudred and sixty-six, said tract of land containing one •hundred and fifty-nine acres more or less, re serving the r'ght reserved h.v J. E. Field in deed to James P. McConnell, to use water for stock and domestic purposes for his tenants, and assigns, from well situated about the center of tract, and known as the William H. larm. Levied on and will be sold as the property of defendant by virtue of an execution from City Court of Cartersville, Bartow county , in favor 01 Mrs. Lizzie H McConnell against .lames P. McConnell. Property in defendants po session. Deed of reconveyance tiled and recorded before levy in clerk's office superior court. Bartow county, Georgia, in hook LL of deed page '*7l. * H. R, MAXWELL Sheriff T W. TINSLr.Y, Deputy Sheriff. October 5. 1904. Administrator’s Sale. Between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in November, 1904, before the court house door in the city of Cartersville, Bartow county. Georgia I will sell, by virtue of an order from the. Court of Ordinary or said county,to the highest bidder, terms cash on day of sale, the following property: All the rights eqiii-t.v and Interests of the estate of M. E; Gordon, late of said county, deceased, in abd to a eei tain one-storv frame dwelling horn-e and lot ia Folsom, said county, lot containli g one aml u ha If acres, more or less, being part of land lot 139 in ttth ditriet am] 3d section, said county, beginning at a rock at the northeast corner di the mill lot, thence east with the Fairmou t road to a ditch near wheat house; thefice nearly suu-li with said ditch running nearly east; thence nearly west with ■said ditch to Ibe southeast corner of olk lot; thence iiorth wil h tile miII lot to beginning point, said estate’s interest in -aid properly held under bond for titles, lroin R S. Bradley, bnlauceot purchase money at piestnt amounting to nearly ninety dollars and due Decent per 35, 105, Pur chaser at said sale can take tianslir of sai bond for titles.and pay balance ofpurchase mon ey dm. and receive warranty deed from said Bradley, ami auiuinisi-i uuo' iirv do In Tern ;t o’ said es*at® Hold I r purpose of pay ;QB'd* bus and distribution. Sept. 30, 1964. JOE M. MOON Administrator estate of M. E. Gordon. Administrator’*! Sale. GEORGIA, Bartow County . By virtue of an order of theh’ourt of Ordinary of said county will be sold at public outcry, on the first Tuesday In November. 1904, at t he court house in Cartersville, said county, between ihe usual hoyrs of sale, the following real estate, to wit: Ail that certain tract, or parcel of land lying and being in the 23d district and 2d section of Bartow county. Georgia, consisting of lot of land number 213, one hundred and ten acres of lot number 1-4. snid 110 acres bounded as follow s: South by lot number 213, east by r vacant lands.. west by \V. H. Bagwell and M. T. Dooley, north b .1 F Bagwell’s land; also seventeen and oin half acres off the east side of lot number 214. and fifteen and one-haif acres off the south side of lot Dumber 183 said lands containing in a!l308 acres more or less. Ordinary buildings on the place, 150 acres cleared. Sold as the property oi tlie estate of Mrs, Sarah Ann Bagwell, deceased Terms of sale cash. Crops aud rents for 1901 reserved. This sth October, 1904, .T. F BIGV ELL. Administrator of Sarah Ana Bagwell, dec’scd . Citation for Dismission. GEORGIA —Barlow County, M. G. Dobbins, irusteafor Mrs. Lei a Graham. Mrs. Ruth Roul, Mrs. Fannie Qullllan. Mrs. Susie Abbott and Mrs. Susie Bui knall. has a piled lo me for a discharge from his said trusteeship; this is therefore to notify all persons concerned to file their objections, if any they have, on or before the first Monday In November next, else he will he dischaiged from cG said trusteeship as ap plied for. G W. HENDRICKS, Ordinary. Citation Leave to Sell Land- GEOItUIA. Bartow County. To Whom It May Concern: J. A. Price Admin istrator de bonis ion ot B. F. Shaw deceased, has in due iorin applied to the undersigned tor leave to iell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on the first. Monday in November next. This October stli, 1904. G. W. HENDRICKS, Ordinary. Citation Leave to Sell Land. GEORGIA—Bartow County, To Whom It May Concern: John A. Stephens Administrator of James M. Stephens, deceased, has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate ot said deceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in November next. This October sth, 1904. U. W. HENDRICKS, Ordinary. Letters of Administration. GEORGIA, Bartow County. To Whom It May Concern: Sarah E. Smith and J. 11. Smith have applied to me lor perma nent letters of administration on the estate of F. A. Smith, late of said county, and I will pass upon said application on the first Monday in November, 1904 Witness my hand aud official signature this sth day of October, 1904. G. W. HENDRICKS, Ordinary. zammm Citation Leave to Sell Land- GEORGIA —Bartow County. To Whom It Ma.v Concern: R. H. A. Adminis trator of Martha Brooks, deceased has in due form applied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased and said application will be heard on the first Monday in November. This October sth, 1904. G. W HENDRICKS, Ordinary. Twelve Months’ Support. GEORGIA, Bartow County. The Appraisers appointed to set apart a twelve months’support for the famllv of F. A. Smith, deceased, having filed their returns, al. parsons concerned are hereby cited to showcause In the court ot Ordinary of said county, b.v the first Monday in November next, why said appli cation should not be granted. This s:h day of October ine* - G. W. HENDRICKS, Ordinary. Bend and twist, at work or play you can’t bseak the PRESIDENT SUSPENDERS and they wont break yon. Trimmings cannot rust. Guaran teed. If “President" is on buckles. 50c at dealers or bv mail postpaid. C. A. EDCARTON MFC. CG. Box 463, Shirley, Maos. %'S. 1 ; • 5 'sSV-v.f?. ■ ,* O *M, ' *! fr- \ '■ , ! Sf.eds V A ' ;7 . \ ?“■ ■ , r-V' , l hy V. * .U V.-v> '" , ’ •i mut at the luii'vv it. Att * V i -l 10 •'* A e'tu..* . p*s' ,xi(* f.’eetoaU \ s * ♦ ■i* '-‘m &. CO., i Cwoit, Wich. CASTORIA. fleer, the A ll* Kind I°' J Haffl B ° Uglß Receiver’s Sale. By virtue of au order of court in case of H. M. Powers el al. v*. Watt H. Miluer, administrator, elc., et al.. No. 27 to July term, 1904, Bartow Superior Court, the undersigned us receiver of the estate of me laieJ. ** . llasne, deceased, will sell, before the court house door in tartars vllle, U orgia, on first Tuesday In November. 1904, be' legal sale hours, the following as property of the late J, W. Harris, deceased: •No l. Lots numbers 571. 572, 573. 574 aud all those portions of lots numbers 50* uuu 509 lying south of the public road, running in an east erly and westerly direction through said lots, known sometimes us me Mission road, said lots aud parts of lots constituting one contiguous tract. No. 2. Lots numbers 579, 580, 581, 044 645 and 663. constituting one contiguous tract of laud, auu subject to a right oi way in favor of the purchasers aud l heir assigns of tracts num bers 3 aud 4. heremailer advertised, said right of way to extend irom the Kuharlee public road, sixteen feet wide, running along-the east sides of said lots 653, 644 aud 681, from southeast Corner ol lot 653 to northeast corner of lot 581. No. 3. Lot number 643 and the following por tions of lots numbers 717, 724, 789. 796 and *6l, beginning at the northwest, coruerof said lot 717. on said Euhariee public road, thence running east along the uortli line t said lot 717, and along said Euhariee public road to a point elev en-sixteenths oi the euure uorch line oi said lot 7*7 irom the northwest c rner thereof, thence ruunlug south and parallel with the wist lilies ol Buhl lots mentioned ill this paragraph to the center ol the Etowah river, thence westward down said river uud along the center thereof to a poiut whcie the west liue ot said lot 86* crosses •the center Oi said river, thence uortu along the wesi line oi saiu lots u,* uliuueo in this paragraph to the beginning point: ihe tract thus described cousin uting the wist eleven sixteenths of said lots 717, 7-s, 7-9 aud 796 and tile west eleven-six teenths ot nil of lot Mil lving north of.the center oi Etowuh river: said tract, together with said lot lid i, coat.tiuiug le7 Acr* s, more or less, ac coidiug to original survey: uud the right lu use the rigut'ol way described tn tle-TcXI preceding paragraph. No. 4 Lot number 552 and the following tract otiand' Ai, those por*ious of lots numbers 716, 72,., 7>B, 7uT. 860, 861, *96, 79. 724, 7 1 7, inclUue*, within tue i....owing boundaries: ’ia-giooi,g as a on ti e Euourlce i *,ud and on the north On*’ o* sold- lot *l6 thee* -eighths oi the . 11l ire i ligtn ot sold north line ot said lor iron* (he no tlrwest corner ol snid lot, I hence running soils h [.arailei with tile west Hues ol the lots non. *1 iu t(i:s paragraph and along the division one between the Hums an*, fiprou.i places, io a j point in tile center oi rue r.**>aa *i-.m ouiu*.', sen, I hence - west waru down lh< c* hler o said j fiver fir a point where a line drew u oue south Irom o point on the uortu line ol lo* 7*7 on said ! Lulmrhe road five sixteenth., o* the enure north ime of said lot 7i7 irom the northeast thereof would cross the center ot E* owaii river on lot 861, tiu nee un n along salt! U**t-Jescribed line to tire point h.d'elubeloie luenUuued on me uortu line oi said *ot number' 7i7 five-sixteenths of the entire length of sum last-named lot Horn the a, ribeast corner tuereot, l hence east along the Eultarlee road and along north lilies o said lo*s *l7 and 716 to the beginuiag point: t lie luuds tiiu.ulcSL-iibeil eoustitut.iig the west three-eighths o. lots 716, 7i'i, 7(8 nuU 797, and the west ihl'ee eighUis of all l hat part oi tot uuiuoer 800 lying north ol the Etowah river, auu the east tlvi-six- : teeutlis o. ah that part ol lot number 861 north of tue Etowah river, and the east uve-sixteeuths | ol suiil lots 796 789, 724 aud 7*7: said tract just oe.-c.ioed, together with sai.l lot 582, couiaiuuig 15(1 acres more or less, according io original survey: together with the right to use the right oi way described lu paragraph number 2 here ü bulore. Tue lauds described in the four next preceding paragraphs wl.l be first offe.ed separately: an.* then all the lands described in said paragraphs will be offered in one body: and the best bid, or bids, win prevail, subject to confirmation by the court. All the lands hereinbefore described are •ii ihe 4th district aud 3d section of Bartow county , Georgia. No. 5. One vacant lot in Cartersville, Bartow county, Georgia, containing aboutone-hal! acre, more or less, Bounded south by Neel str et, west, by the T. C. Miluer residence property, north by Rowland st. eer, east by vacam lot of Norris. No, ii. Oue vacant lot in farters vllle, Bartow county, Georgia, containing about one acre, more or less, bounded north by Main street, east b.v ttie Thomas V\ utkius property : south by Bridge street, west by f ass vibe street. No. 7. The u-uuivkled one-null ot one tract of land known as “Miiner *k Harris .Manganese Land,” cutisistiug , I lots numbers 269 and 272. and abour 59 acres out of the Houtli side ol lot number -73, all iu nth distinct aud 3d section ol barlow county, Georgia. No. 8. Oue undivided one-half of the follow ing, all in fifth district ami third section ot Bartow county, Georgia: All ores aud minerals in a cer tain tract ot 199 ucres, more or less, of land formerly known as the ‘‘Martha Carson tract,” being parts ol lots numbers 238 and 267, afore part cuiarly described iu a deed irom .Martha Carson to Thomas W. Milner, recorded in book “BB” ot deeds, page 663. clerk’s office Barlow Superior Court, together with all rights of way and mining lights and privileges specified in said deed; and also a tract ot 40 acres out of the east side of the said Martha Carson tract, said 49 acres now known as tue Miluer Land:” the whole described m this paragraph to be sold together. No, 9. The undivided one-fourth in the estate in remainder, uiter termination ot the estate lor life or widowhood ol Mrs. Florence J. Harris, iu the following tract, all In tourth district aau third section ot Bartow county, Georgia: The place known as the “Harris Place ” on the Burnt Hickory aud Mission roads, and consisting of the south halves of lots numbers 418, 419, the west halt of lot 448, the northwest quarter ol lot 446. inid all of lots numbers 417, 440 and 447 reiereuce being made for particular description of the eetate thus to lie sold, to the will ol Ihe late James VV. Harris, Sr., deceased recorded iu book “B” ol wills, pages i74-5, Ordinary's office, said county. No. 10, One undivided sixteenth of ull the min erals in that portion .of lot number 274 in fifth district and third section of Bartow county, Georgia, particularly described in D. J. Guyton’s deed to Harris, Bar-on Kjilght and Fuekett, recorded in de*d book ‘JJ,” page'697, clerk’s office. Bartow Superior Court; aud one undi vided fourth of a certain thirty-acre tiact of land (excepting and reserving the minerals theri ln and thereon)) particularly described in C. W. Guytons deed to Harris. Barron, Knight and Puckett recorded deed book “JJ,” page 696, clerk’s office Bartow Superior Court: all the prop erty described in this paragrap to be sold to gether, No. 11. The east half of lot number 551, in fourth district and third section oi Bartow coun ty, Georgia, No. 12, Thirty shores of capital stock of Cart ersville Laud Company, of oar value ol one hun dred dollars each, to be sold one share ut a time. No. 13. A certain tract near Kingston, in six teenth district aud third section of Bartow coun ty Ge irgia lying on Two Run creek, and known as the ‘ Harris Mill property. ’ All sales are subject toconfirmationby Bartow Superior Court in above stated case. Terms; Ten per cent when property is knocked down, fi teen percent, when sale is ’contiruved, balance on January 16, 1965, purchaser taking bond lor title and executing purchase money notes for balance unpaid, with eight per eeut interest, from date of sale. This year’s crops and reals re served. Possession of tanning lands deliver*il it end of this year, but purchaser having ingress and egress to plow and sow gram,not iniertering with crops of tenants. WATT H. MILNER, Receiver o: Estate of J. VV. Hams, Application far Charier. GEORGIA —Bartow County. To the Superior Court of Said County. Petitioners T. W. Baxter, John W. Akin and Paul F. Akin pray: 1. That they be Incorporated for a period of Twenty ;20) years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time under the corporate name and style >f “CHEROKEE OCHRE COMPANY.“ 2. That the common capital stock of said cor poration be Twenty thousand dollars with the privilege of increasing the “nine from time to time to a sum not ex ceding in the aggregate five hundred thousand dollars, with rhe right to Issue preferred stock I otu time to time to an amount not less than live ihouwatfd dollars nor more than oil- hundred thousand dollars; on such terms and conditions us may be agreed to by the majority of the common capital stock; the object of said corporation being pecuniary profit ,1. That Its principal offlceand place ofbns'- mas be Cartersvtllc, Bartow county, Georgia, with (lie right to establish branch offices mi Other places of business within or without Geor gia as may be date* mine*' b.v a majority of its capital si nek or o' its directors. 4, That the particular business of said corpo ration be mining any substance taken from tbe ear b, arid nan ilactu ling and preparing the same into an.v marketable form, wirh tbe right to do any thing else incidental to such business or conducive to its success to the same ex cut as li said corporation were a natural person. 5. That said corporation lie granted the power to receive, in pay merit of its common or preferred stock, or in payment of bonds, notes, or other evidence- of debt t 6 be issued by it, property of any sor*, at. such valuations anrl on such terms as may be agreed to hy a majority of the corporators, or of the capital stock then outstanding, or of the directors, such valuations and terms to be conclusive in the absence oi ac tnal fraud; and that it have all powers incident to corporations under this law of Georgia, JOHN W-. 4 HAUL F. AKIN. Pettloners’ Attorneys. Filed in clerk’s office Bartow Hnperior Court, October 4, ISO*. W. C. WALTON, Clerk. Sis Have been suffering from Impure Blood for many years, having Boils and other Eruptions. Having heard of S. S. S. I de cided to try it, ami am glad to say that it ha 9 done me a great deal of good. I intend to use it, as I believe it to be the best Blood Medicine on the market. Cleveland, Tenn. W. K. DETERS. For over fifteen years I have suffered more or less from Impure Blood. About a year ago I had a boil appear on my leg below the knee, which was followed by three more on my neck. I saw S. S. S. advertised and decided to try it. After taking three bottles all Boils disappeared and I have not been troubled any since. Geo. G. Ferttg. 114 W. Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky. Newark, Ohio, May 23, 1903. From childhood I had been bothered with bad blood, skin eruptions and boils. I had boils ranging from five to twenty in number each season. The burning ac companying the eruption was terrible. S. S. S. seemed to Ije just the medicine needed in niv case. It drove out all impu rities and bad blood, giving me perma nent relief from the skin eruption and boils. This has been ten years ago, and I have never had a return of the disease. Mrs. J. and. Atherton. >*vr-s, / c-~rv Write for o'ur in X flfi Fook on blood and fm. • v'i skin diseases, ' Wk. . Medics! irMc** or any special in-' \i{ i'T \\ formation about Ikjfa kjl your case will cost j’ou nothing. The Swift Specific Corjpany, Atlanta, 6a. Tax Assessment for 1304. GEORGIA, Bartow County: Court of Commissioners of It ads and Revenues, Bartow county, Georgia, September term 19(11 It is Mrdereii by the court tint there be assessed, levied and collected on all the taxable property in said countv and on the digest for the year 1904 the following tax for county purposes for said year 1904, towit: Twenty five [351 cents on the one hundred dollars to pay any lawful indebtedness of Bar tow county past due and to become due, the necessary court exoensps for the year, includ ing the salary of the judge of the city court, expenses of commissioners court, corouors fees, expenses -f lunatics, public buildings and for any other lawful charge against the county not otherwise provided Mr. Light [Bl cents on the one hundred dollars to pay jurors tier diem 3en [4O! cents on the one hundred dollars for a public road fund, as authorized by law. Four [4].cents on the one hundred dollars to pay commissioner of pauper farm and support of paupers. Jwo 121 cents on the one hundred dollars to pay bailiffs fees, non resident witnesses, fuel, stationery, etc. toThree 8) cents on the one hundred dollars th pity jailors, sheriffs and other officers fei s, coat they may be legally entitled to out of the county treasury The foregoing items making the county tax forthe year 1904, flfty-two[s2l cents on the one hundred dollars. Iti s further ordered that the tax collector of said county collect said taxes hereinbes for elevied as provid and by law. It is further ordered that th ; s order be spread upon the minutes of this court anil published ia the News and Coorant for HO days a copy posted at the court house door for 80 days nd a copy furnished the tax collector as | required by law Done in open court this 7tli day ’of 'Septem - 1 her 1904. JOHN 8. LEAK, W. M. TURNER, T D. HENDERSON, VV D ROWLAND, It J. RAIDEN, Commissioners of Roads and Revenues, Bartow countv. Oeorgia. A true extract from the minutes this 7th September 1901. R ,T RAIDEN, oard Commissioners Road and Reve- Petition for Charter. GEORGIA, Bartow County, To the Superior Court of said county: The petition of Geo. S. Crouch, J. H. Vlvion. N. M. Adams and T. VV. Baxter shows that: 1- Petitioners desire for I hemselves their asso ciates and successors, to he incorporated for a period of twenty *2O) .years with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time under the corpo rate name and style of •‘FAIRFIELD MILLS COMPANY” 2. The object ol said corporation is pecuniary profit,. 8. The particular business to be carried on by said corporation Is the owning and operating of mills for the manufacture of cotton, wool and other fibre, either singly or in combination into cloth, yarn and other products which may be manufactured from such material, directly or indirectly, including hosiery, and the converting of any similar raw material into any manufac tured product which hiay be made therefrom. 4 The principal office and place of business of suid corporation to be in Carfersville, Georgia, with the privilege of conducting o eratlons and having branch offices elsewhere either within or without the State of Georgia, as may be deter mined by corporate action. 5, The capital stock of said corporation to be Twenty-five Thousand Dollars with the privil ege of increasing the same to any sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate One Hundred Thousand Dodars on lhe vote of a majority of the capital stock; with the right to pay for alt or any portion of said original or increased capital stock, either in cash or In property or partly In each; such property, when taken in payment, of any capital stock, to be received at such valua tion as may be fixed by the corporators or the stockholders bv a majority vote; such valuation to tie conclusive upon all persons in the absence of proo of actual Iraud. ij, i'eiiiioaei-o pray for .-.aid cOrpOFAtloh el? powers incident to corporations of like character under the laws of the State of Georgia and any other state where if may be doing business; and that said roiporation have also the power to sell, mortgage ami convoy, auy and all of its rights, powers, properties and Iranchises, either absolutely or as security for any indebtness which it may incur. JOHN A.V. and PAUL F. AKIN. Petitioners’ Attorneys. Filed In Clerk’s office. Bartow Superior Court Sept. 7. 101. W. 0. WALTON, Clerk. Libel for ffivsrcc. Lizzie Highfleldi j D *}. e Superior Court of Charlie lOghfield S f Rartow County, Ga. To the defendant, Charlie Uighfield: You nre hereby notified, required and commanded, per sonally or Jj.v attorney, to tie and appear at the Superior Court, to be held in and for said coun ty of B irt-w, on the second Monday In Janu ary next, then and there to answer the ulaintitrs libel lor a total divorce, and in default thereof the court will proceed ns to justice appeertnens. Witness the honorable judge of said court, this the-7th day of Sepienr er. P.ifM. A. V\ . FITE .1 S. C. r. c. Notice to Debtors Creditor*;. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of Robert, Chapman.late of said county, deceased, to render in an account of iheir demands to us within the time prescribed by law properly made out, and all persons indebted rdk said deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. This oth day of September 104. r W. M. DODD, W. H. LUMPKIN, 6w Executors of Robert Chapman, RmSKTONIYCUKE iakw Kidneys and Bladder RlflM THE NEW Interchangeable Mileage Tickets OVER THE , SEABOARD 1 flir Line Railway are on sale now by any agent of the system at $25 Per 1,000 Miles. and are good over 15.000 Miles. covering the following roads: Atlanta, Knoxville and Northern Rail way; Atlanta and West Point Railroad; Western Railway of Alabama; Atlantic Ooast Line; Louisville and Nashville Railroad; Louisville Henderson and St. Louis Railroad ; Nashville, Chatta nooga and St. Louis’ Railroad; North western Railway of South Carolina; Bal timore Steam Packet Company; Plant System; Brunswick and Birmingham Railroad; Richmond, Fredericksburg ami Potomac Railroad; Charleston and H estern Carolina Railway; Washington Southern Railway; Chesapeake Steam ship Company ; Seaboard Air Line Rail* yta.v; Columbia, Newberry and Lan fen a Railroad..; Georgia' I 'Railroad; Wesiern and Atlantic Railroad. For further infurtnation relative to sell t... s, reservation of sleeper acoorn mouat *■ ‘e., apply to .1. I*. Von nOHLKN, I'rav, Pass. Agt., 110 Peaetnree t. Atlanta, Ga. R. M. COFFfjY, C. r and T. A., lid Peace freest. Avi*iiii<i, Oil— W . C H IV its i'i A N, ss’t. Uon’l. Pass. Agt., J* Manta Ga DR. WOOLLEY S Opium and Whiskey ANTIDOTE Will cure iiermancntljr at jour own home. Mr. T. M. Brown, of D'Queen. Ark , says; "Over seven .v.ars uno I was rured o. i fie opium habit bv your medicine, anil hive continued in the very best of health since. M W. M Tangtall of Lovini?-itoii,.Va , says: “I am gln,d to nay that I firmly believe that 1 am entirely anil permanently cured of the Drink Habit, as I have never even so mueh as wanted a drink In any form since I took your era 1 motors now 18 months ago. It was the hest money t ever invented,” Mrs. Virginia Townsend, of Shreveport, La., writes: “No more opium. 1 have taken no other .etnedy than yours, and I make no mistake when l sa.v that my health Is better now than it ever was in m,y life, and I owe it; to you ami your remedy. It, has been twelve years since 1 was cured by your treatment.” Dr. Woolley has thousands of such teitimo nials, with permission to use them. A treatment with so many recommendations from Physicians and cured patients must be good. Or,WoulTej’s Aniiilnte has imitators (as all good articles h ive) —perhaps you have tried someoi them but there is nothing like IVoelley’s. 1 thas stood the test of thirty years. No man or woman who uses opium or whiskey in any lorm, or who haH iriends so afflicted, should hesitate to write to DR. B. M. WOOLLEY. 1 06 North Pryor St- P. O. Box N0.307 Atlanta, Georgia. for his book or. these diseases, which he will send FREE AND CONFIDENTIAL. Atlanta and Birmingham Air Line Rail wav. Went Bonnet East Bound Read down Effect N’'” fk lAO3 Repo up iN os.— ■*></* 89 23 21- 22 24 88 AM PM AM PM AM AM ( Ijrtt N) (LAN) Di v’ex. D’ly ex. mon sii.y. Cent Time daily, mom. .. 430 822 i. Atl (WiAry). a. 730 11 45 .... 250(i 20 10 20 Cartersville... i159 30 220 302fi 31 1028 .. Laids 5059 22 204 317 643 1042 . Stilesboro ... 4539 11 149 329fi 52 1052 Taylorsville . 441 901 1 33 3437 01 1101 . .Djivitts 432 851 1 17 3 49 7 06 1105 Aragon 4 29 BJ38 J 3 1 12 402716 11 14- . Rockmart'... 417 8 3:< 101 4097 35 1131 . Fish Creek .. 358817 12 41 4257 41 11 38 ...Grady 350 81012 30 4 46 8 04 II 57 a Cedartown .1.332 7 48 12 13 528 . 1243 l.Esom Hill a 250. . 1138 585 12 48 ..Warners.... 245 .... lj 31 543 ..1257 Palestine 238 ...11 20 603 ... I 16 Wilson Ridge 218 ... 10 55 616 .. 129 Piedmont., . 204 .... 10 44 635 . 147 ... Prices 147. .. 10 25 657 204 .Tredegar ... 128 ... 10 05 220 ArJacksonville Lv 110 710 258 Lv. Tampa... .Lv 12 38 951 720 315 Ar... Dukes 12 22 935 7 25 ... Lv Dukes (L.kN) Ar 9 15 8 20 .. .. ArAnnislon “ Lv 8 25 3 50 ArGadsden.(L&.lN)ll 45 ... 410 •* Attalia “ 1125 .... 3 19 Lv. . .Dukes .. .Ar. 12 15 .... . . 329 Hebron .12 02 .... .... 3 42 Ohat'-hie ...11 40 .... . . 415 Ragland 10 55 442 Ethel 10 20 480 In man 10 17 .... 452 Coal City 10 00 .... .... 514 Ar Pell Citv...Lv 930 955 Ar.,. Birmingham (So. Ry) ..Lv 610 ( Exceniing Sunday.) Close connections as follows: At CartersviUw, Ga., with W. <& A. E. R.; at Rockmart, Ga., with So. Ry.; at Cedartown, Ga., with C. of Ga. ljy.; at Piedmont, Ala., with So. Ry.; at Pell City, AJa., with So. Ry. Direct- connections in Atlanta for points east, northeast and southeast. Going for Chamberlain’s Colic ( Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Don’t put yourself in this man’s place, but keep a bottle of this remedy in your home. There is nothing so good for Colic, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery and Diarrhoea. It is equally valuable for Summer Complaint and Cholera Infan tum,and has saved the lives of more children than any other medicine in use. When reduced with water and sweet ened it is pleasant to take. You, or some one of your family, are sure to need this remedy sooner or later and when that time comes you will need it badly; you will need it quickly. Why not buy it now and be prepared for sneb Ml emergency? Price, 25c.; large size, 50* 7