The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1904-1917, June 11, 1908, Image 7

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I YOUNG & CO. [l Estate and Rental Agents, |ot>r City Council Chamber, jdence Phones No. 15 and '245. iM’t" 6 have a buyer for a good I suitable for a first-class dairy less. \\ hat have you to otter? S°°d business house y/located in Cartersville. Also ral v eil located homes at $4.00, $8.50 J 12.50 per month. p-pH We now have several good ® for sale. 60 ac res, 2 miles from srsville; 1 :<) acres, 7 miles from IrsvUle; 280 acres, 6 miles from Rsville; 235 acres, 2 miles from ■sville; 80 acres, 1 1-2 miles from ■k Ga., on L. & N. R. R.; 320 miles from Cartersville; 120 miles from Cartersville; 65 ■Pn, 2 miles from cartersville; 70 Prm. 2 > l-2 miles from cartersville Ihe cotton factory; 125 acre farm ~B acre farm well located on can oad between Whites and cassville; Lres, 2 miles Jrom Cartersville;Bo Pi mile from Folsom; 140 acres, 3 Brom Folsom; 120 acres, 3 miles Hilhoun; 7 acres, 1 mile from Cal ■7o acres, 1 mile from Calhoun; 6 ■ mile from Calhoun; 140 acres, 4 ■om Calhoun; 60 acres, 12 miles ■alhoun; 120 acres, 3 miles from In; 80 acres, 4 miles lrom Cal ■l6o acres, 6 miles from Calhoun; ■, 1-2 mile from Calhoun. EXCHANGE—Some good city Ity for farming land. What have ■ offer? ALE —If you want to buy a home i show you some good residence Irty we have for sale all over Isville, ranging in price from ■sß,ooo both on the east and west ■lE—Some very desirable build ls on w66t side. ■jE—A large tract of good timber ■ Gordon county, fine -ocation ■.lv —5 houses and lots and 20 V lots in the McConnell Sub of Cartersville. Low price and ■ms. —You to list your farm with Bk. If you want it to go. You this years crop or you can the farm. PROFESSIONAL CARDS - fit. W. L. CASON DENIST. i Young Bros’. Drug Store RSVIL.L.E, - - GEORGIA. fate. Insurance. H. AUBREY. Attorney at Law.^ ractlce in All the Courts* Court Only—so Connection with So licitor ot Cherokee Circuit. OS. C. MILNER, Attorney at Law, IRSVILLE, - - GEORGIA. ietice in all the Courts and accept ent in all criminal oases except those 'thin the jurisdiction of Cartersville •t. J* C. McEWEN, ?al Estate and Insurance Office Bank Block, Cartersville* Georgia. W. W. PHILLIPS, )unty Surveyor and Civil Engineer. RKSiPKNCE —CAKTEHBYILLK, GA. All kinds of surveys made and estimates and swings promptly furnished- Careful atten tn given to all business entrusted to his care. f ” UNDERTAKER. OFFIBS. CASKETS and FURNISHINGS Cheapest medium and high-class goods ways in stock. Funeral directing, em dming and liearse. Careful attention i every detail., Rest equipment for fun -al service. Rhone 26. JOHN W. JONES, I". I>. IKE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA ■ERS. INSTRUCTIONS IN FORESTRY w For information apply to ’rof. Alfred Akerman, - Athens, Ga. landing Committees of City Coun ty Cartersville for the Year 1908. Finance —I. W. Alley, chairman; E. s. John P. Adair. Water—H. .1. Galt, chairman; I. \\ . impson, F. C. Watkins. Fights—E. Matthews, chairman; John - Ailair, M. F. Word, H. J. Galt. Streets— M. F. Word, chairman; H. J. all T W. Simpson, John Stanford. Sanitary—T. W. Simpson, chairman; C. Watkins, E. Matthews, i’emeterv —F. C. Watkins, chairman; W. Aliev. J. P. Adair. Fine Department-John Stanford, ■airman; E. Matthfc vs, T. W. Simpson Relief—J P. Adair, chairman; John Word, T. W. Simpson. . . Public Buildings—H. J- Galt, chair-, an. John Stanford, M. I • W ord. j "Minances-M. F. Word, chairman; W. Alley, T. W. Simpson. TRAIN SCHEDULES. eaboard air line railway. ,y. T . 6:50 a. m J 37 Leaves * 0 .0n.. m 133 (Daily except Sunday) 3;jP -137 (Sunday only )••••;• * / * * PcMdules shown above are as inlorma wfand are not guaranteed. CHUiViMY ANIMALS. Certain Beasts end Other Beasts They Do Net Fear. If nan's ont-estor Imd been the majestic mastodon instead of a ma licious and destructive ape the fear of him which has become a hered itary instinct in nearly all animals would no doubt be absent. Wher ever man comes in contact with birds and beasts which have never been molested, as in the arctic, these display no emotions btst those of curiosity and disdain. The classic example of alliance between animals of different spe cies is, of 00-urse, the friendship be tween man and dog. When to the strength and cunning "of man’s monkey ancestor was added the speed of the dog an irresistible com bination was secured which ended in the perfidious enslavement of the lower creature by man. Birds are nothing but snak-es which have evolved feathers and wings during countless millen niums. The ineradicable hatred be tween monkeys and snakes ha3 been beautifully changed into the friend ly tolerance between birds and men. Owls, which are instantly mobbed by all birds should they appear in public, find friendly shelter in bams by reason of their rat catch ing proclivities. The long legged birds, such as storks, pelicans and cranes, have also procured immuni ty in most parts of the world. Among the fishes sharks extend a peculiar protection toward a fish of the remora family, which, too lazy to propel itself through the water, attaches itself to the larger fish by means of suction ridges upon the head. In South Africa, where insect life is perhaps more abundant than in any other part of the world, sheep may often be seen placidly grazing while birds of a certain species hop busily about their backs engaged in the destruction of insect parasites. The lion, which will kilf and eat nearly all species of wild game' nev er molests the jackal, who, slinking behind him, finishes the half eaten prey. Hunters will hoar his long drawn howl succeed the musical roar of the big cat when he comes to devour his master’s le&vings. But the lion has an inveterate enemy in the honeybird, which will fly toward the hunter and lead him through the thick bush till he has pointed out the lion’s lair or sometimes a store of honey.—Harper’s Weekly. Merely a Question of Spelling. He was the engineer of an ocean liner and prided himself on his knowledge of electricity. On one of his brief stays at home he ac companied his wife to a party. The subject of electricity coming up, he indignantly combated the idea that it was possible for two people to produce an electrical current tlirough the body of a third by sim ple physical contact. His wife and a friend said they would prove it and, leading him to a window, told him to pull up his sleeves and place both hands flat on tho glass. They then, on the other side, took a firm grip on his wrists. At the end of a few momenta his wife said: ’‘Don’t you feel a pain, Willy?" “No,” he replied, and returned a like negative to a second and a third inquiry. At his third response most of the company began to laugh, and it sud denly flashed into his mind that the pronunciation of pain and pane was the same.—New York Tribune. When I Was a Boy. A boy who had been spending his summer in the mountains was un expectedly joined by his father and took the opportunity to ask 1 for a new tennis racket. “What," cried his father, “anew tennis racket! Why, I just bought you one a nxmth ago. No, sir, you can’t have it. Why, when I was a boy I didn’t have tennis rackets and all those things, let alone having new ones every month. This can’t go on. Look here! What are you going to do about it yourself? Some day your sons will want anew ten nis racket every five minutes. What are you going to do about it ?” “Aw,” said the bov, calmly wink ing at his father, “t’ll put up the same old gag. I’ll tell ’em about when I was-a boy.”—Judge. The Marks on His Barrels. “You will get there yet," an ad mirer once said to Explorer Peary. “You become a better explorer every trip.” “Well,” said the other, “there are tricks in every trade, of course, and as we live we learn. I knew an old grocer in Cresson who had learned a lot. I stopped before his shop one day and looked curiously at a great line of barrels of apples, some mark ed with an A and some marked with aZ. ‘Why are these barrels marked differently, Uncle Josh?’ I said to the old man. They seem to be the same kind of apples.’ They is the r-ame kind, son, 1 the old man re plied, ‘but some customers want a barrel opened at the top and some at the bottom.’ ” THE CARTERSVILLE NEWS, THURSDAY, JUNE n, i 9 oB HOME MISSION NOTES NANNIE HAMITKR ALLDAY. The Home Mission Society will meet in the parlors of the Sam Jones Memorial church Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, June 15. Again we urge all members to be present—this the tirst meeting of the second quarter. PROGRAM. Conference hymn. AMERICA FOR CHRIST. We claim our land for Jesus, Its vales and towering hills, Its cities full and hamlets, Its brooks and gurgling rills, We claim its wealth for Jesus, Its lowly poor we claim. Its native-born and alien— Of every hue and name. Around us souls are dying, They perish at our door; The land is full of sighing And sin, from shore to shore. Gladly we toil to save them. From death to make them free, For Him whose life He gave them Far back at Calvary. Prayer. Installation of officers conducted by Mrs. Lovejoy. Hymn. Bible study for J une—Matthew 22-28, conducted by Mrs. D. B. Free man. Reports of officers and committees. Resolutions concerning county farm and jail. v To estabish a reading room on East Side. Mrs. Jones will tell of the “Work of the Woman's Board held in Louis ville. 1 ’ Mrs. Jones attended these meetings. She is a fine talker and it will be to the interest of those en gaged in home mission work to hear her. CARTERSVILLE POISON FACTORIES You Will be Surprised to Learn How Many There Are. When food is retained too long in the stomach the poison factory in the digestive tract works overtime and there is giddiness, confusion of thought, despondency, heartburn, sleeplessness, nervous trouble and other symptoms of indigestion. The general sale of Mi-o na stomach tablets puts within the reach of every one a reliable and positive cure for all stomach weakness. Mi-o-na quickly cures the worst cases of in digestion, and the pain and distress which is often felt after meals will soon disappear, such is the wonder ful curative power of these little tablets. M. F. Word has seen so many cures made by Mi-o-na that he gives a guarantee with every 50-cent box that the remedy costs nothing unless it cures. Try Mi-o-na on this guarantee and you will be surprised at the quick relief. Uptown Matron (to agitated footman) —James, what means this Intrusion? Who are these vulgar people? James— Don’t blame, me. mem. They rushed right by me at the door, mem, and hup the stairs. They said they were set tlement workers, mem, and studying social conditions.—Puck. Pineules for the kidneys. 30 days’ trial SI.OO. Guaranteed. Act di rectly on the kidney and bring relief in the first dose for backache, rheumatic pains, kidney and blad der trouble. Invigorate the entire system. Sold by Young Bros. Drug Cos. “Why can’t they write an American grand opera?” “We have no peasantry to bring In as a chorus.” Bees Laxative Cough Syrup is recommended by mothers for young and old, is prompt relief for coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness, whooping cough. Gently Laxative and pleas ant to take. Guaranteed Should be kept in every household. Sold by Young Bros. Drug Cos. Cholly 1 perceive—ah—you have dropped youah English accent. Chappie—Yes; It's so awfully Amer ican to be English nowadays. Buck ten’s Arnica Salve Wins Tom Moore, of Rural Route 1, Cochran, Ga , writes: “I had a bad sore come or. the instep of my foot and could find nothing that would heal it until I applied Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Less than half of a 25 cent box won the day for me by effecting a perfect cure. Sold, under guarantee at Young Bros, drug store. He—So Mr. Slimpurse has proposed to Miss Hope DeFerd. She—Ves; he has a passion for the antique, I believe. Wood’s Liver Medicine is for the relief of Malaria, Chills and Fever and all ailments resulting from deranged condition of the Liver, Kidneys and bladder. Wood’s Liver Medicine is a tonic to the bowels, relieves sick headache, constipation, stomach, kidney and and Liver dis orders and acts as a gentle laxative. It is the ideal remedy for fatigue and weakness. Its tonic effects on the entire system felt with the first dose. The SI.OO size contains nearly 2£ times the quantity of the 50c size In liquid form. Pleasant to take. Sold by Young Bros Drug Cos. The civilized nations of the world strike 3.000.000 matches every minute of the twenty-four hours. Americans use up 700.000.000.000 a year. Foley’s Honey and Tar has cured many cases of incipient consumption and even in the advanced stages affords comfort and relief. Refuse any but the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar. “They tell me you have cured your self of chronic Insomnia.” “Yes; I’m completely cured.” “It must be a great relief.” “Relief! I should say it was. Why, I lie awake half the night thinking how I used to suffer from it”—Lon don Telegraph. Libel for Divorce. Etfie Moore vs. Sum Moore libel for di vorce, filed to January term loos Bartow Superior Court. To Sam Moore greeting; • It appearing to the court that the de fendant does not reside in said county [ and does not reside in said state, it is therefore ordered by the court that ser vice be perfected bn the defendant by the publication of this order once a month for four months before the next January term of said court in the Car tersville News, a newspaper published in said January term, 1909, and answer petitioner’s complaint, as in default, the court will proceed as to justice shall ap- I>ertain. April 14, 1908. A. W. FITE, J, S, C. C. (A Rule Nisi in Foreclosure on Realty. Mrs. A. L. Earle, *] executrix of Sam- | uel Earle and John _ P. Cheney, guard- ! f oreclosure of ian for Richard 11. y Mortgage in Bar- Earle 1 tow Superior Court vs. j Jannary term, 1908. The Georgia Ore <£ j Furnace Cos., It being represented to the court by the petition of Mrs. A. I*. Earle, executrix of Samuel and John P. Cheney, guardian of Richard H. Earle, that bn February 14, 1891, the Georgia Ore A Fur nace Company, by its president and treasurer, executed and delivered to the said Samuel Earle and Richard H. Earle a mortgage on certain real estate lying in said county, described as follows;’ All that tract and parcel of land lying in the 21st district and 2nd section of Bartow county, Georgia, known as lot number 728, and contains 43 acres, more or less. This lot is also known us the “Crow Ore Bank.” Latter part of the descriptive clause of said mortgage contains the fol lowing: “And this mortgage is given to secure the purchase money for the same.” For the purpose of securing the payment of a certain promissory note for $5,878.28, executed and delivered by the said Geor gia Ore and Furnace Company to said Samuel Earle and Richard H. Earle, on February 14, 1891, due March 1, 1892, and stipulating for interest at the rate of 6 per annum, upon which note there is now due the sum of $2,152.87 principal, to gether with interest on said principal sum from June 27, 1898, at the rate of 6 per cent per annum. It is ordered that the said defendant do pay into this court by the first day of the next term the principal, interest, and cost, due on said note, or show cause why it should not pay the same, or that in default thereof the aforesaid mortgage be foreclosed and the equity of redemp tion of the said defendant therein forever barred; and that service of this rule lie perfected on said defendant according to law. Done in open court, January 15th, 1908. A. W. FITE, Judge Superior Court, C. C. GEORGIA, Bartow County. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a fcrue copy of a rule nisi granted at the January term, 1908, of Bartow Superior court in the case therein stated, and that the same is a true extract from the min utes of said court. - Given under my hand and seal of of fice this 15th day of January, 1908. \V. C. WALTON, Clerk Bartow Superior Court. Tax Receiver’s Notice. I will be at the following places on the dates named below for the purpose of receiving State and County Tax Returns for the year mac Cartersville—June 1 and 23, July 2, 10 and 11. Wolf Pen- June 2 [morning], 10 and 27- Stamp Creek—June 2 [ and 2ti. Allatoona—June 3 (morning), 12 and 25. Emerson—June 3 (afternoon i, 13 and 24. Stilesboro—May 22, June is and July 9. Taylorsville—May 21. June 17 and July 8. Iron Hill—May 20, June 16 and July 7. Etiharlee—June 4 and 19, July 6 Kingston—May 19. June 5 and 15 Adairsville—May 18, June 22, July 4. Sixth—May 25. June 29 and July 13. Cassville—May 23. June 20 and July 3. Pine Log—May 26, June 8 and July 1. Salacoa—Slay 27. June 9 and 30. Barnsley—June 6 (morning] Linwood—June 6 [afternoon]. Whites—Slay 29- Bobo —Slay 30 Sugar Hill—Slay 28- Bead the following before making your tax returns, and the tax list carefully before fill ing it out. lam required to administer the prescribed oath to every one [except sick and infirm persons and non-residents who can take aud subscribe to the oath before any of ficer authorized to administer oaths l I will be compelled to refuse to accept an.v return not regularly aDd duly sworn to. lam not al lowed to copy any returns from last year’s di gest. All property of every description, money evidences, debt, etc., held on the fourteenth day of March, 1908, must be returned at the fair market value. It is the duty of every freeholder or agent to make returns of the names of all tax payers residing on their premises on March the fourteenth, and es pecially of all colored tax payers between the ages of 21 and 60. Answer every question on the lists. All city or town property must be returned, giving its location, street, etc The given names of all tax payers must be given and returns must not be intermingled with that of other persons Many changes have been made which will appear by reading the tax lists carefully. I trust all persons will give their returns careful attention and avoid trouble for themselves and the tax receiver. My instructions are imperative and I will be compelled to reject returns not made out and filed as the law requires. Tax payers are urged to be prompt in making returns, as the time is necessarily limited/by reason of the late beginning of the rounds. J. W. ADAMS, Tax Receiver- Sour Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervous ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol relieves indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural juices of diges tion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonlo and reconstructive properties. Kodol for dyspepsia does not only relieve indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravervewood. W, Va.. sayr— “ | was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years, Kodol cured me and we are now using it in milk for baby.” FOR BACKACHE--WEAK KIDNEYS TRY DeWITTS KIDNEY and BLADDER PILLS—Sura art Safi Prepared by E. O. DeWITT A CO., Chicago j KiLLTHE COUCH 1 ■akd CUKE the LUNGS jOr King’s ! Ikit Discovery I FOR Colds® J32t*. 1 AND A‘.L THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. AP.ANTEED SATISFACTORY Oi; MONEY REFUNDED. PARKER’S HAIR BALSAM EKgSggliJcgand beautifies the h*?y T VKfc&hoN & Promote# a luxuriant growth. Never Fail* to Restore Gray, Jcjpi to Youthful Color. ' J „ Chtch §ea;p diseasri Jt hair falling. ■T-.’C, ar.d tI.UU at LUMPKIN SUPPLY CO. INCORPORATED. Mill and Mine Supplies, Builders’ Hardware, • Carpenters’ and Mechanics’ Tools. MINING SUPPLIES Blasting powder Dynamite Fuse Caps Wheelbarrows Shovels Picks Bar iron Spikes Bolts MILL SUPPLIES Pipe Pipe fittings Pulleys Shafting Boxing Belting Hose Packing Valves Brass goods Hangers BUILDERS HARDWARE Locks Hinges Butts Nails Corrugated Roofing V Crimp roofing Genasco stone surface roofing Shellene roofiug Tarred paper Ridge roll Valley tin Lime Cement Wood fiber piaster. Prompt Attention Given to Mail and Telephone Orders. Phone 65. Bradley Bldg. Snowdrift HOGLESS LARD It is a recognized fact that no 1 “Snowdrift” user ever uses any other cooking-fat, for “Snowdrift” the Standard of quality—is purity itself, made by Nature in the green fields of the Sunny South. The top-most grade of cotton seed oil refined by our 1 original Wesson process. No ' hog-lard in it. Wholesome, eco- 1 nomical, digestible, healthful. As 1 good as butter for all cooking 1 purposes, and much cheaper. 1 ~THE • SOUTHERN • COTTON OIL •CO vta New Orljiavs-Chicago, HUISKAMP SHOES “WEAR=A=LOT” Write E. B. Harris, Southeastern Agent, Macon, Ga., For Georgia, Alabama, Florida and the Carolinas. TOOLS Hammers Hatchets Saws Files Wrenches Stocks and dies Pipe cutters Pliers Anvils Bellows Forges and blowers PAINT, LEAD AND OILS Sherwin-Williams House paint Varnishes Buggy and wagon paint Roof paint Lubricating oils Machine oil Cylinder oil Linseed oi! Gasoline Cup grease White lead AGENTS Wheelandsaw mill machinery Stationary engines Boilers J. I. Case traction engines and threshers Alamo gas and gasoline engines.