The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1904-1917, July 15, 1915, Image 1

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-voiu- XII SUPERS COURT NOW IN SESSION Strr igAnd Able Charge By jiige Fite To Grand Jury. lie July term of Bartow Superior p Ur t opened Monday, with his moor, Judge A. W. Fite, presiding, the session will hold for two weeks. Tt e judge charged along the usual lines and dwelt specifically on taxes ttU j roads and violations of the Bun day laws. He indicated that he thought it would he a good thing for the coun ty to vote about $300,000 of bonds uud out of the sum raised by these fourdiyergiug main roads ieadingout tr mu Cartersville could be graded and top soiled or surfaced with some suitable material. He said the coun ty was now t pending about $73,000 a year on the roads and that the bur den of bonds would not be as great as this expenditure. He favored a serial type of the bouds, as he did in the proposed city bond issue and produced figures which he claimed showed that long term bonds with an issue of $300,000 would require al most double the principal amount as the aggregate amount that would be paid in principal, interest and sink ing fund during the thirty years for which they would run. tie praised the work of the county tax assessors aud said that they had added to the levenue of the county; that they had found where numbers of men had uot eveu given in their poll tax. tie spoke of the violations of the Sunday laws by fruit and soft drink stands ai.d such ought to be made to close up and observe the Sabbath day. After the judge’s charge the grand jury retired aud began their duties. (J. M. Isbell was elected foreman and C A. Dodd clerk, wbo being dis qualified as juryman because of re lationship to an official, was suc ceeded by Z. T. Ruesell. The foliowiug c< mpose the grand jury- (ieorge M. Isbell, James M. Dy* surf, Newton A. White, Frank C. Watkins, Newton A Bradley, Jaiues 0. Hubbard, Hubert B, Harris, Max Scheuer. Henry L. Tuff. Newton J Biddy, Zachariah T. Russell, (Jeorge H. Headden, J allies M Barton, Jaiues 0. Jolly, John VV. Jones, John H, 1) McCormick, Cary Dodd, Henry M Dewberry, David B. Freeman, John J. Calhoun, William M. Kennedy, John H McCormick, John H. Cobb. FI FILM SERVICE AF DIXIE THEATRE Good Program Announced For Coming Week. The Dixie Theatre continues to run up-to date line of films an 1 is receiving a splendid line of pari Gunge frQin tlie moving picture goers at pre ent. Commencing next Monday, July 19, tie management announces an inter esting program for all of next week. On (Honda v there will be the tenth episode of the “Black Box” and a two-reel p'ctnre featuring the usual Majestic players, and aone-reel coni’-, edy. Tuesday “1 be P,the News,” with scenes from tne European war and \iews of places of interest through out the United States, and a Key stone comedy featuring “Chester Conklin, the funniest man on earth,” and a two-reel picture fea turing the usual American players. Wednesday, a Broncho feature in two parts and two comedies. Next Thursday, a two reel picture, featuring the popular Thanhouser players, auda Keystone comedy, fea turing “Ambrose, the funny man,” Friday, “The Exploits of Elaine,” a good comedy and two other fea tures. Saturduy, “The Patbe News’ k 'aiu, and a Keystone comedy fea ring the well known Keystone l’* a ers, aud a two-reel western pic ture Mrs. Wyatt Dead. ula Wjatt died at her home near K. COOII | ast Thursday, July sth and v g Juried last Friday, July hth. She vas t j le wj f e Qf Ar^ tbur Wyat a tjaughtej 0 f Mr. Jthn (me* od . She was a good and estimati , ad y aud WH# quite popular with \ whokDew her Messi. R V Eaves and Ranee Poster visited tty, . , la.t week. HIE CARTERSVILLE NEWS CARTERSVILLE. GEORGIA THURSDAY, JULY IS, 1915. THE NEW BOND CALL. “All’s well that ends well," and if out of the little mistakes, the little hindrances and the discussions shall come a realization of the desires of those having the city’s interests most at heart, the securing of sewerage and other needed improvements, even these circumstances will not have been of the most undesirable type. “All things come to him who waits," is the old axiom. “All things come to him who hustles while he waits,” is the new way of putting it. We can’t sit down and benefits come to us automatically, as it were, and of themselves. We must strive for them if we get them. Why can not file citizenry of Cartersville harmoniously work together and get these things that we need? It will be seen by advertisement elsewhere in these col umns that the City Commissioners have called an election for the 14th of August on the question of bonds for city improve ments, the election of July 17th having been called off for good reasons, the most conspicuous reason was to change the form of the bonds called for so as to satisfy any that might not favor the long term bonds, and thus unify sentiment as far as possi ble on the move. Opportunity often makes men, as it also makes cities. If we miss this opportunity we may- struggle in the bogs of inconven ience and discomfort for no telling how many months or years, for each time a proposition is turned down, it makes it that much harder to adopt the next time. We often wait for posterity to do the things that we ought to do and share the benefits. We might bring posterity into co-operation with us and let it share the benefits and burdens. This is what bonds do for us. In the meantime we might have an epidemic of fever that would play havoc with our population and have lasting ill effects running through months, if not ye re. And we are even willing, if need be, that these words may go under the head of “Household Hints.” BIG MEETING STARTS SUNDAY MORNING Rev. Frank Wright, Indian Evangelist, In Charge. The Bam .Tones tabernacle meeting will begin next Sunday morning, July 18th, at 10:30 o’clock and will continue through' the 27th. The meeting will open with a thirty minutes song service led by Mr. Wal ter Good. It, is planned to make the song services one of the features of the big meeting and it is to he hoped that, all tlie singers of Cartersville and vicinity will join and help to make tiie choir one largest and best of auv tabernacle meeting. At eleven o’clock Rev. Frank Wright, the ludiau evangelist, will preach one of his best and strongest sermons. He is said to be one of the most popular and successful evangts lists of the country and with such splendid talent as the committee have gotten together, this year’s meeting promises to eclipse all pre vious ones. At three o’clock services will again be held, but the afternoon meetings, will only be held on Sundays. Again at eighbo’clock Rev. Wright will preach and throughout the en tire meeting be will preach twice daily. Professor Homer Huiumontree, personal worker from the Moody In stitute at Chicago, will also be one o f the main factors in the tabernacle work. He will „rrive in the city to day and tonight will make a talk at the First Baptist, church to which every one is cor lially invited to at tend. Key. Frauk Wright and Professor Walter Good will arrive in the city Saturday morning. The committee on arrangements announce everything in readiness to that when the time rolls around Sunday morning, everything wi 1 be in order. Through the courtesy of Judge Fite Bartow Superior court which is now in sessiou and will continue through next week, will adjourn their morning session so as to allow all in attendance at court to attend the services. Hi BEEN DEAD FOR SEVERAL DAYS Negro Woman Found Dead Near Adairsville Sunday. a negro woman named Hattie Middlebrooks was found dead at her home, the old Tom Addiugtou dwell ing near Adairsville, on Sunday morning. From all appearances and the rather yague testimony of a little child she must have died some time Friday night. The door of her home was open aud she had fallen from her chair with her feet reaching back into the room She had evi dently sat down iu the dooi to get cool and had fallen dead from heart failure. The coroner’s jury brought out the facts justifying this sort of a sup tfesitiou. The little child, a boy tour years old, was found at the home. He was very hungry aud sleepy and had evidently had noth ing to eat and hut little sleep since the death of the woman, who was his grandmother. When asked what he had been doing he told them he had been playing about the house. Friday evening a grand daughter of the Middlebrooks woman and sister to the little boy went to their grandmother’s home from Adairs* vi’le. Bhe early went i.wiy to cook for a family some miles off and left the little boy alone with his grandmother. The Middlebrooks woman was married to a negro named Middle brooks t wo or three years ago hut she was formerly named Pritchard and had been a servant in families in Cartersville and vicinity for years. Tne Little Gem- The Little (Jem barber shop on West Main street recently opened by Mr. Ben Day is enjoying a splendid run of patronage. Mr. Fate H. Hor ton, who has been associated with Mr. Day in iiis Wall street place for a number of years is iu charge of same and wbeu you want a first class shave or hair cut Mr, Horton will be glad to serve you. Number 34