The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1904-1917, March 29, 1917, Image 3

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Woman and Society Mrs Gilreath Ditertains Bridge Club Mis. Ben Gilreath was hostess for the Main Street Bridge Club on Wednesday afternoon of last ek. Mrs. Robert Gilreath for top score, was given a handkerv a nd an ice course was serv ,d after the game. Those playing ' vor( .. Mrs. Will Satterfield, Mrs. Kobert Gilreath, Mrs. Lila Mois n Mrs. Madison Milam, Mrs. Will Young, Mrs. Manic Young, M,s. Walter Akermau and Mrs. George Woodrow, Ji • To Miss Jones Mrs. George Brooke was hostess at five tables of bridge oo Thurs day afternoon, in compliment to her sister, Miss Mae Jones. The house was beautifully decorated with vases and baskets of yellow roses and ferns. Silk hose were the top score and consolation fav ors, and were won by Miss Eleanor .Tones and Mrs. Frank Hammond. Mr-. J. W. L. Brown was given a bath towel for low score. Mrs. jSrooke was assisted in entertain ing and serving her guests by Miss Idalu Milam aud Mrs. Horace Howard. Those invited to meet Miss Jones were: Mrs. Ben Gil*, reath, Mrs. rituart Lumpkin, Mrs. Wilbur Ham, Mrs. Cliff Dodgen, Mrs. John Lewis, Mrs. Hampton Field, Mrs. J. w. L. Browo, Mrs. Sam Candler, Mrs. will Satterfield, Mrs, Horace Howard, Mrs. Brad ley Howard, Mrs. George wood row, Jr., Mrs. Frank Hammond, Mrs. Milton Gaines, Mrs. will Young, Miss Christine Lumpkin, Miss Louise walker, of Monroe, Miss Eleanor Jones, Miss Minerva word and Miss Idalu Milam. Contest for D. A. R. Medals The members of the Senior class and also pupils of the sixth grade grammar school of east and west side, are much interested in the contest for the two D. A. R. med als offered by the Etowah chapter for the best average for the year in American history. The contest will close one month before the schools close, in order that the medals may be eugrayed before presentation. Miss Ann Grady was the week*, end guest of Mrs. Milton Gaines. £eg have the cjf' V ■' PP!. highest food PTr value of any UUsfmLr " known edible. but wc Ameri can# a PP rcc * atc only when they are fresh. We specialize in Stridtly Fresh Eggs Our line of staple and fancy groceries embraces everything that can be found in a modern stock and all of the best obtainable brands. You know our motto Courtesy Cleanliness —Honesty Service Matthews 12 7 PHONES 13 Telephone 464 Bridge Party. Mrs. Connor Pittard entertained at ou Friday afternoon of last Week. Hyacinths and ferns were the pretty decorations in the rooms where the tables werp ar ranged. A salad course was served at the conclusion of the gftme, in which Mrs. Wilbur won n crochet yoke, and Mrs. Jack Hill a hand made handkerchief. .The invitation list included: Mrs. Madison Milam, Mrs. Clark Griffin, Mrs. James Whitaker, Mrs. Clitf Dodgen, Mrs. .Tack Hill, Mrs. Prince Lewis, Mrs. Nat Granger, Mrs. Lilly Bradley, Mrs. will Rowland, Mrs. John Lewis, Mrs. Ed Strickland, Jr., Mrs. Robert Maxwell, Mrs. Robert Renfroe, Mrs. George Woodrow, Jr., Mrs. Monroe Neel, Jr., Mrs. Buford Greene, Mrs. Tom Simp sod, Miss Ella Ntel, Miss Isa Neel aud Miss Mildred Lewis. Miss Sproutl's Dance. A pleasant event of Friday even ing among the younger set was the dance at which Miss Jce Sproull entertained at her home On Market street. The house was profusely decorated with quantities of pink roses and early spring flowers. Punch, sandwiches aud tea were se. ved during the evening; Miss Sproull being assisted in doing the honors by her mother, Mrs. C. w. Sproull. Those dancing were: Miss Mar 1 ' gareta womelsdorf, Miss Rachel Stepheus, Miss Caroline Field, Miss Margaret Field, Miss Stella Brown, Miss Connie Tinsley, Mes srs James Knight, Miles Gilreath, Cotin an Milner, Norman Shaw, Joseph Scheuer, Pinkney Daves, Carl Waldrop, Hugh Young, Charles Young, Gaz White, Ralph Garwood, Guy Gaines and Paul Gilreath, Jr. U. D C. Meeting. There will be a very interesting meeting of the Bartow chapter U. D. C. on Tuesday afternoon, April third, at 3 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. Robert Renfroe on Market street. A musical program has been arranged, and Mrs. Sproull Fouche, with several others, will make interesting talks. ‘Party For Visitor. Complimenting Miss Mae Jones, { of Cauton, Mrs. J. A. Miller entei tained delightfully at bridge on Friday afternoon, Mrs. Horace Howard and Mrs. W. M. McCall erty wou the top-score and couso lation prizes, aud a pretty favor was presented the honor guest. A salad course was served alter an enjoyable game, and the guests numbered twelve friends of the hostess. Dance at Ftowah Club Despite the bad weather of Fri day, a very delightful evening was spent by those who attended the dance at the Etowah Club. The Aus ley orchestra, ol A tlan ta, furnished a bright program of dance music, v an<l the chaperones were: Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey For rester, Mr. and Mrs. George Woodrow, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Madi son .Milam, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Nelson,Mr. an and Mrs. Milton Gaines. Others dancing were Misses La Grange Cothran, and Katherine Graves, of Rome, Miss Irene Malone, of Marietta, Miss Ann Grady, of Chattanooga, Miss Louise Walker, of Monroe, Miss Lucile Stephens, Miss Caroline Young, Messrs. Vivian Waddell, Guy Northcutt, Johnuy Griffith, of Marietta, Mr. Gray McClain rock, Mr. J. H. Smith, of Atlan ta, Messrs. Toroert and Bicker stoff, of Aubrey, Messrs Buck Pat terson, Fred Knight, Mr. Robert Knight, Evans Strickland, Earl Scheuer, Pete Lumpkin, Clarence Shaw. Jim Shaw, Frank Jackson, George Tinsley, Wofford Gilreath, Warren Granger. Veterans Meet at Club The Veterans wiii meet the tlrst Saturday in April with the IT.1 T . D. 0. members at the Cherokee Club rooms. There will be an appro priate musical program and re* freshments will be served. Every veteran and alt U, D. members are urged to attend. Mrs. John Lewis is spending this week in Acworth with her mother who is seriously ill. Mrs. Simpson Entertains Club. A rook elnb, which is destined to give much pleasure to its mem bers, has-recently been organized, and held its first meeting Friday afternoon with Mrs. Tom Simpson at her home home on Erwin street. Mrs. Buford Greene and Miss Jessie Wikle assisted Mrs. Kimp.< son in entertaining her guests. The membership consists of Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. J. X. Weems, Mrs. Fred Radebaugh, Mrs. Will Leake, Mrs. Milton Gaines, Mrs. L. VleGinty, Mrs. Frank Matthews, - Mrs. William Townsend, Mrs. Zim Jackson, Mrs. Charles Cam on, of Stilesboro, Mrs. Will Rowland and Miss Lydia Jackson. Mrs. Corra Harris, of Pine Leg, spent Tuesday in the city. Mr. fohn Calhoun, of Texas is visiting relatives here. Mr. Quilliau Jones, ho i at tending Emory College, spent Sun day and Monday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones. Mias La Grange Cothran, of Rpme, was the guest for the dance Friday night, of Mrs. George Woodrow. / Mr. Gray MeOlamroek. of At lanta, was in the city Friday. w Miss Vail Jones, of W es ly ean College, accompanied by several schoolmates spent Sunday with her pareuts, ' Miss Irene Malone spent f rid ay and Saturday with Mrs. Lindsey Forrester. ■ nm ■ m Miss Katherine Graves, of Borne, was the guest Friday night of Mrs Madison Milam. Invitations have been received to a miscellaneous shower for Miss Delta Norcross, to be given by Sam Jones on Tuesday afternoon. Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the liniment tingling through the flesh and j quickly St ops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The be£t rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LINIMENT 1 Good for the Ailments of Horse*, Mules, Cattle, Etc. , Good for your own Aches. Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $!. At *ll Dealer*. Bridge Chib. Mrs. Lila Morgan entertained the Main street bridge Huh on Tuesday afternoon. Alter lhe game, in which Mrs. Young made top-score, tea and sandwiches were served. Mrs. Robert Gilreath will sjhmwl next week with her sister Mrs. George Ferguson, in Rocknmrt. Mrs. Harry Womelvdorf left Thursday for a six week’s stay with relatives in Chieign. Wood’s Special Grass Seed Mixtures Best for P rm&nent Hay and Pasturage Yields. Put up In proportions as experi ence has shown Ifest suited for the different soils and purposes for which they are recommended. Enthusiastically endorsed by our customers. Wood’s Seed Catad©£ for 1917 gives full information, to gether with letters from customers giving their experience. Catalog mailed free on request. Write for it and prices of any Farm Seeds required. T.W.WOOD&SONS. SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. Sow Wood’i Evergreen Lawn Gr*n for beautiful green lawn*. Write for special Lawn circular. Mother's Troubles Mother’s unending work and devotion drains and strains her physical strength and leaves its mark in dimmed eyes and careworn expressions—’she ages before her time. Any mother who is weary and languid should start taking SCOTT’S EMULSION! OF NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL as a strengthening food and bracing tonic to add richness to her blood and build up her nerves before it is too late. Start SCOTT’S ILk today—its fame is world-wide, 1 No Alcohol. XI r Scott Sr Bowne. Bloomfield. N. J. V I6r* FOR SALE. Nancy Hall and Porto Rico potato plants $2! per thousand by express. De liveries after April 25. W. T* Goode, Tifton, Cia. I hnroughbred Jersey hull for the season at Ander son’s Stable. Money to Loan In amounts of SIJOo and up, n Farm Lands. AtOpercert. interest. Apply to A. L. Jobnsey, H. F. D. No. i, Hex 12 Cartersville, Ha. Fine Mammoth Jack for season 1917. Weighs 950 pounds, 14 hands high. Will stand at our barn, one half milt* east of Gassvtlle. O. G. and |G. C. Mathews. | SWANS DOWN I || Clean,Sweet,Nutritious Flour ll IN our sunny, modern new plant the wheat -*• is brushed and scoured, ground, purified ||Jj and sifted —again and again—through the finest meshes of silk, till just the softest, light pgi est and richest of wheat flour is milled and pill uu me maiKet. Make Today's 'Biscuits With It jjj| Swans Down will set anew standard in every woman’s baking of bread, cakes, pies, biscuits and other good things to eat, for its use will assure a dependable delicacy of flavor and lightness. Biscuits of Swans Down Ip have a wonderful K flaky, silky crumb. V* Igleheart's “ Self-Ris- [ e mg" Flour, made from / “ FLOUR MADE Swans Down, is also a j j gc od thing to depend on. i T v - if RT9ROTHKRS I Bflwfc&llZtjSff] 1 CARTERSVILLE GROCERY COMPANY. Distributors. SHAW’S GASH STORE Begin now to prepare for That Rainy Day x 3 lb. Maxweft House 82c with purchase of $1 total 1.82 5 lbs. good bulk coffee 81c with purchase of $ 1 1.81 Cj'ucss at the Octagon Window —“Thanks Awfully” J i til Stl<l w Phone 244. Walton Building. D. V KEITH, Manager T F HASH A, clerk HOTEL RAND = Bell, Main 1740 Decatur Street, Near Pryor, Dluqouully Opposite Kimball Mouse One Block From Five-Points One Block Prom Uniou Depot ' ask Outside Rooms srecwl _ I () R Rates 50c, 75 and SI.OO pates for SPECIAL • PARTIES WEEKLY KATII FREE of tvw> or RATES more - ATtANTA, GEORGIA L j £ Ml / lf l L.aaiing j 1 * J white * \ */ 10c All Dealers \ JQHHKmSctH TKtr. 9. DALLIT CO., LTD. \ *f " gw>rt,.o,w T.,iuyuTbi>,CTf|. \ SUBSCRIBEF^ra^^W