The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1904-1917, March 29, 1917, Image 4

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It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. in writing of her experience with Cardui, the worn,mi’s tonic. She says further: “Before 1 began to j c Cardui, my back snd head would hurt so ba !, 1 thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly . !e to do any of my housework. After taking three bo va of Cardui, i began to feel like anew woman. 1 s m gained 35 pounds, and now, 1 do all my housevv ,k, as well as run a big water mill. 1 wish every suffering woman would give CARDU3 The Woman’s Tonic a trial. 1 still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good.” Headache, backache, side ache, nervour ; ss, tited, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of wi man ly trouble. Signs that \ou need Cardui, the worn m’s tonic. You cannot i * a mistake in trying Cudui for your trouble. It helping weak, women for more than .jfty years. Get a little Today! , M Low Round-trip fares for everybody, offered by Seaboard Air Line Railway Company “The Progressive Railway of the South/,’ TO Atlanta, Ga., Southern Cattlemen’s Association, April 4-6th. Atlanta, Ga., Atlanta Music Festival, April 23-28th. Atlanta, Ga., International Asso., of Rotary Clubs June 17-21st. Birmingham, Ala. Grand Lodge I. O. 0., of Alabama, May 7-10th. Birmingham, Ala. Nat’l Federation of Music Clubs. April 15-21st. Birmingham, Ala. United Good Road Association,. April 17-20th. Birmingham, Ala. Bankhead Highway Association, Dallas, Tex. General Assembly, Presbyterian Church in U. S. A., May 17-31st. Hew Orleans, La. General Federation of \V mien’s Clubs, April, 9-14th. New Orleans, La. Southern Baptist Convention, 23rd Washington,D. C. Nat’l Society, Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution April 15-26th. Washington, D. C. 27th Annual Reunion, United Confed erate Veterans and 22nd Annual Reun on, Sons of Veterans. Juno 1 3Cb. For specific rate, schedules or other information, cull on nearest Seaboard agent or write C. S. CROMPTON, FRED GEISSLER, T. P. A., 3. A. L. Rwy. Asst. G. P. A., S. A. L. Rwy. ATLANTA, GA. ATLANTA, GA | Ij# .r|gy “Tj^ local eliminated \ with, the new SELF STARTING REMINGTON TYPEWRITER *& m Grand trizj — FanaT.a-Pacific Exfuitisn Xf you want “express” speed on your letters, learn more about this time-sav ing invention. A built-in part of the machine. No added cost. * Saves 15% to 25% time on ordinary correspondence. Proved repeatedly by users. Write or ’phone for a 5 minute demonstration in your own office. De tailed information in folders mailed on request. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., (Incorporated) 52 North Pryor Street, Atlanta, tin Better Farming in the South HOW CROP YIELDS ARE LIMITED The Weakest Element of Plant Food Fixes the Crop Yield, Just as the Weakest Link Fixes the Strength of the Chain — Only By Fertilization Can the Weakness Be Removed. Plants must feed tjul mients \n a ' ' I,ave ,u he sup .% -r - plied by man if the K rt? atest yields L * are to bo obtain- J. C. PR.IDMORE ed - These are Ny Agronomlst trogen, Phospbo . ric acid and pot fl h. Every fcnii may be said to have a limiting factor of production. This may be a shortage of some plant food element. If so, this should be sup plied through fertilization if the laiv est possible yields aro to be obtained fo matter how much of other plant food a soil may contain, if there is a shortage of nitrogen, for example, then nitrogen will fix the limits of produc tion. Likewise with phosphoric acid or other elements. Plants differ from animals in taking food, in that plants will take foods only when the elements composing them are in soluble form, that is, when they are dissolved water. When erne element is deficient, the plant ceases growing. f To illustrate in* another way, ob serve the picture. Here is a vessel made of staves. Each stave may represent a food ele ment or other • factor of crop produc tion. Some of the staves are shorter than others. Does not the shortest I stave then determine how much water I the vessel can hold, and does not the I Build Up for Winter Clear out the congestion that has disturbed your Sa breathing and weakened your digestion, and re invigorate all the bodily processes to do their full share in cold weather, and thus build yourself up to perfect health. PERUNA IS INVIGORATION It is a tonic- that restores the balance to your bodily functions, clears ✓**>. away the waste matter in your system, and keys you up to increaa ed effort and better health. For nearly half a century thousands /r v have found it a valuabl Min all catarrhal conditions. Their yyr -ffl experience points the wav for you. FERIJNA has stood the // test that proves its va Tablet form is convenient for // i / quick administration. !'leasant to take and easy to carry with you. /// .fy/Y SD/v'j Manalin Tablets arc the ideal laxative. They correct //f jLA/ /'.//A the habit of constipation, arouse the liver and help the //■/ .rt/y j* & kidneys. Your druggist has them. Long Distance i! HBL Always Gets Q u^c k Attention r^. /'■ j jfi||l “I always answer > !3pSF Long Distance Tele -7? ffl r phone calls promptly. 'I *' Usually it means prof itable business or an opportunity to settle a .problem quickly and satisfactorily. “When I talk to a man over the Long Distance Telephone 4t is like being face to face with him. I can inject my personality • into the matter and win his confidence with out loss of time. “The telephone, both Local and Long Distance, plays an important part in our business. We have a Bell Telephone on every desk' and the time and traveling ex penses we save make the cost of our serv ice one of the most profitable investments.” Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY I shortest plant fond element represent i ru lr re ny a stave, limit the possible • production of a crop? If, for instance there is only enough nitrogen in the soil to produce 20 ; bushels of corn or 175 pounds* of cot i ton per acre, while there is enough i plant food elements "of other kinds to ; produce enormously more, how then : 'an rreater yield be obtained than the xiitrugen will peintit? The problem f plant feeding is, therefore, no ,simple one. it has en i gaged long and most careful invest!* ...lion, of scientists, who have delved | deep into the mysteries of how plants feed and what they feed upon. On the Iba -is of the mo exact knowledge thus obtained, modern fertilizers have been i manufaci ured. Soil deficiencies, or j Mimting factors,” modern fertilizers ! are designed to remove, and to call 5 into fidle -t a< Poll the natural re ! sources of the soil. Since there is a limiting factor in I all soils, it is worth while for each ! farmer to undertake to remove that ! limitation. Intelligent use of fertiliz >-rs will accomplish it, if food elements Ibe this limiting factor. In no other way can it be done than by the help of man. He must bring to the plant the food It. needs and cannot find when this is the factor limiting production. The plant, of course, must be given the best of surroundings. It must not only have plenty of plant food, but the soil must be properly drained of excess wrier. It nffist be well supplied with lime, and organic matter; its moisture must be conserved, and weeds killed through proper cultural methods. These things man can pro vide. Therefore, if man is not the ''limiting factor" and lie looks after the plant food requirements, the greah est possible yields will occur." PASTURE VELVET BEANS. Inquiry "What is the most profit able use of llie Velvet Bean?” Plant the velvet bean in the- corn and get a double crop. They dp well together. .Plant an eaiiv variety and fertilize for a good growth. The most economical use of velvet beans is to let cattle feed on them in the field and t hen to turn under the vegetable matter remaining. If there are not suflicieni cattle on the place, get them and feed them. Why go to the expense of gathering beans, grinding and shipping the meal off to some one else to feed and gat tbs benefits’—J. N. HARPER. All Farmers desiring to get U. S. money at 5 per .cent, through our mm FARM 10AN ASSOCIATION • Anf Farmers desiring to get U. S. money at 5 per cent through our National Farm Loan Association, will ment at the Court House, at 10 o’clockTiext Tuesday. Per manent organization will be perfected, By- Laws adopted and officers elected. If youfcanfget money cheaper than this, we ndvrse you to do it, but remember that Our organization invites and will welcome V ou > if you have financial character and some-land to back you. \ C C. PITTMAN, Sec. & Treas. Florida—Cuba AND MARDI GRAS Personally Conducted Tours So Jin* following Popular hinter Touris\ Resorts Jacksonville St. Augustine Palm Beach la in pa Miami St. Petersburg Key West Havana Cuba Matanzas Ncn Orleans Mardi f ras Operated During the Height of the Fashionable Tourist Season, these Tours to the Laud ot Sunshine and Summer will be personally conducted by experienced repre sentatives; who will look after all details and arrange ments, leaving patrons free to enjoy the quaint and interesting sights. Make Reservations now, as the accommoda tions, which are all of the highest class, are limited. Write for Booklet and Information GATTIS TOURS | Tourist Agents, The Seaboard Air Line Railway (RALEIGH, NOR TIJ CAROLINA MV DEAR READ® jjßpPi ■ REM EM BER THE OSAIENT CO. gg V, li Soils For Cash. 1 Do not overlook this tact when you are ready tOibuyf Hard ware, i can and will make niy business worth while to you. Sincerely Harry L. Osnient | Working i‘or The Osnient Company rt*"'- n * A 1 For the succe* of you B *^f ffißi Burpee $ Seeds Grow XjJxfS) i the Leading American Seed Catalog for 1917, tells the Plain Truth V v Mi Ja Quality-Seech. It is mailed free. Write for it todsy. A postcard will onng W. Atlee Burpee & Cos., Seed Growers, Philadelphia^!