The Cartersville news. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1904-1917, March 29, 1917, Image 6

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tlbe Cartersville Hews Published Every Thursday By The Cartersvillp Printing Cos. C- A FREEMAN, President. * , - I). B. FREEMAN’ Editor. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Year $100; Hi* Month*, 50Cents; Three Months, 36 Cen|f, Entered at the Post Office at Carter jville, Ga , as mail matter oi the se -cnd class. And ono might ask how many tub marine outrages it takes to eoustittite an overt art! With that extra session, the chances of war and the high prices of fjood Mr. 801 l Weevil can rejoice over his immunity from current attention. There is much talk: ol war but lots of people wonder what we could, do but stand and shake our fist across the broad waters at ’em, unless In deed they would wap,t to try us on our own ground. And that would be ‘mother story. THE JpfANDWUmXG A>D THE HAND. It is said change is written on all things. We set* the handwriting and the hand in our affairs as we trudge along life’s pathway. The little sjv foot mound that we see in man* kind’s last resting ground reminds ns that life has its limit ;ind there is a sure end to the earthly existence. j_,et one run over in one’s mind the people they knew a quarter of a century ago, if they have lived that long, arid count how many • are goue and how many are here and what a start Ung realization of the harvest under Time’s uner> ring sc,ythe. Such reflection, though dismal, can be turned to account by causing a serious view of life's limit and a striving to make the best of our tiuie. Mankind is inclined to look away from the and /smal side of things, and this is well enough, for Aorrors arise sufficient without being voluntarily generated. Change is a thing that should he observed and be made a means of benefit. We mean that the evolution of things having worked out the survival of the fittest, as is supposed, we ought to turn from antiquated to modern methods and only ap proved ways should guide our energies. To be counted a fossil is about as undesirable a classifi> cation as one could be subjected to. Who would go go back to days of crude methods were employed in everything because the arts of man had not gained that fruition which was to come through great thought and great effort. Had you ever thougt how the accomplishments of genius could multiply; how one man’s ideas and achievements could be built to by another though this other might not have originated the initiatory principle? I might invent a small improvement to an en gine, but I could not invent an engine. Upon this idea you so often notice how oue invention in a certain line takes precedence and the old one is al together discarded. It is combined thought tha drives forward toward perfection. Let our thoughts run bae?; for a quarter of a * century, if we have lived that long and, grasp the many changes in the material aspect of the world. Change is written on almost everything, even to the things of nature as well as the things wrought or existing under the hand of man. We should not let our thoughts or energies lag in pushiug our own and our country’s interest forward for any dislike of present methods or an unwillingness to yield some set notion that some way is better than one that is popus lar by either its novelty or its newness. Guess the Kaiser might, like Mark gsy the report of his death was greatly exaggerated. - Wonder if Germany considers 'the fish in the sea neutral. FREEDOM EMBLEM. 1 here is much iu*.erest shown now in the raat t?r oi displaying tl\e national colors and Ameriqau ilags ol all sizes seen to adorn business houses and other bladings an d placed in other places ap propriate \ 0 illustrate the national spirit among the popple. And this is well. America first is the great slogan and he whose heart does not throb ’frith patriotism at this juncture of our affairs is a diiveiing derelict and deserves to be marked and ignored. In a few months from now will be enae> ted a scene that is unparalleled in the history of the world. The remnant of the men who figured in a giant struggle for on independent government and turned their backs upon and their arms agaiDSt the stars and stripes will march to these samp stars stripes and alorg the grand thoroughfares of the capital of the government they opposed, and that amid the common plaa lits and cheers of men and women ot all shades of feeling formerly. We are all one now; ail loyal Americans ready to stand by and defend the flag of our country. Wave on, thou beautiful aid glorious emblem and proclaim the cementing of the people of a nation where heart beats are warm with patriotism, enthusiasm, pride and devotion. Legislators having, through disposing of the prohibition question exhausted issues for a time, might take anew flip at the dog law. WHY ONE MAN WENT WRONG. 1 saw an old man the other day whose career set me thinking, writes Clarence Roe in The Progressive Farmer. He is a naturally a naan of kindly impulses, a good hearted man. He is a good neighbor He has never been a sot, and has never figured in any court as a law breaker or din tnrber of the public peace. Still, this man has niiued his life by acts of dissipation and immorali ty. What I wonder is whether this man is to blame for his broken life, or whether thecoinmnrii ty or the 3tate is to blame. I doubt whether that man is naturally at heart any worse than you or I. possibly better than you or I. But he grew up unlettered and in an an individualistic neighbor hood, a neighborhood without community spirit, and without well developed social institutions. Vnd the craving of every human heart is for vari ety, color, something to break the monotony of the common round oi life and work. “If that man had had an education, if some worthy and ennobling interest had come into his life to engage his thoughts, I doubt whether he would ever have goue off into those practices whose consequences now shame him and his kin,’’ said cue of his friends. And I am inclined to be lieve that this friend was right. Or if there had been a wholesome social lit" in the community, if he had gotten interested with a group of others in singing, or baseball, or social parties, or anything that offered a change from the regular routine of life, I doubt if this man would ever have gone off alter the baser things of existence. And all this suggests the moral duty 'resting upon each of us to help develop neighborhood or ganizations and wholesome agencies of recreation. Your child is going to got interested in something besides eating aud drinking and working. And the way to keep him from getting interested iu something bad is to see that he gets interested in something that is not bad. The best way to keep down useless or obnoxious plants on any piece o land is to set it to growing useful plants. The land is going to grow something, aud your child is going to grow something. Get your child to take up some hobby; get him or her genuinely interested in something—in school studies; in read ing good books and papers; in playing the v iolin, the piano or in singing; in baseball, basketball or tennis; the corn club, canning club, pig club or de bating club—and you dou’t have to worry ranch about that child getting into bad habits. If a fellow has ice put in his beer in Georgia, he will have to spell it “bier.” THE GERMANS ARE FIGHTERS. Whatever may be the linul termination of the European war oue fact will stand out welt proven, as it was believed by many before, and that it is, you may put the Germans down as good fighters. The German is of sturdy blood, rugged as U'j physical attributes and mentally strong and 'the German ppople have shown that in the attaining of me great}**'-1 in learning, art, science hd scien* tific mechanism they equal if they d'o not distance any people in the world. They cue at tin* front in enlightenment and progressive achievements. And yet back of this all is a ferocity'and courage that brooks no obstacle. Their conduct in the present great struggle will Cnai a magnificent page in world history. It looks l-tea pity that the lives of so many men who were doers in the world’s affairs should be cut d.own under w hat seems to be a mad dream of military prowess and expanded power. Write it down though as you go along. The Germans are fighters. And, likewise, you may say there are others, as the clash of forces has well proven. In the great Franco-Prussian war in the sev enties the Germans under such leaders as Prince Frederick William, father ot the Kaiser showed their tichting spirit and military skill and in every place when called mi they have evinced the same. Recent demonstrations in Europe might be said to be somewhat tinged w ith Czarcasm. PRO R A ELY OVERDOXE. The fake prohibitionists, who were guilty of the demand for an extra session of the legislature to shove up prohibition a week or two for the pur pose of serving their own political ends have pros bably overdone the thing. I'hey may have formu lated a law so unprecedentedly drastic the peo pie won t stand for it, and it may bring about a re action in Georgia 011 this all important question. The real prohibitionists were chiefest among those who opposed the extra session as an ill ad vised thing, and these opponents expected to see just what they are seeing; a few figures posing as apostles of temperance each a Moses leading the children of lareal out 01 bondage And who are these? Mostly lecent converts to the causa and for preferment and the flesh pots. Geoigia needs a stout law but not an insane' one that would require a compensated state stnelK icg sentinel. Governor Harris asks for what he asked for at the first and iudites anew message. We hope the cause will not suffer. Since the above was put in type the Governor has signed the bill and it has bwome a law, and it leaves out their oooftmssion proposition Children Cry for Fletcher's ICASTORIA The Kind You <Have Always Bought, and which has been in usd for over over 30 years, has borne the signature of —rf ami has been made under his per- SBe "fci. its infancy. Allow no one to deceivo you in this, ffll Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jmvc-a^good are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the hetdil; of Infants and Children—Experience a gam. Experiment. , What is CASTOR!A .astona la a harmless substitute for C .stor Oil, Paregoric Or ops aud Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant, ’it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency. Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and uatuial sleep. The Children’s Panacea— The Mothers Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS In Use For Over BO Years Kind You Have Always Bought r , P>A ** V * vc K K city. Not Bothered Ant Aiore So-called rheumatic pains, grippe aches, lame back, sore muscles or stiff joints are the iresult of over worked, weak or disordered kidneys E. L. Turner Homei, Ky., writes: “S'nce taking Foie v Kidney Pilis I have not been bothered any more,” Strengthens weak kidneys end help rid the blood of acids and poisons,— s For Sale by Ben. C. Gilreat.h Drug Uo. adv. An Easy Way To Reduce Flesh Drink Hot Water and Take Tassco Havejpl you otieu warned for a med icine to reduce your flesh? Something the/t does not require dieting ealistbe 'nis? Well right here you have it in ;> -grain tassco tablets, which you may se cure at any good druggist. They are pleasant tcMaka, perfectly harmless and cause no restrictions of habit or eating, and reduce the flesh little by little, until you are down to the number of pounds you wish to weigh. Too much flesh is undesirable, as most quite stout people will readily admit, and it detracts trom ones good appearance; makes one Hum sy and short of breath. There isn’t any reason why anyone should be too stout, when there's this much-tried, perfectly satisfactory rem edy at any good druggist. Tassco tab lets (don’t forget the name)are recom mended by physicans and are guaran teed to be perfectly harmless, liefuse substitutes, it you can Yot come to our store, we will mail tassco to you. free Tassco coupon THE TASSCO CO. Boston, Mass. Send me by return mail a 50e box ot your wonderful obesity treatment, I enclose 10c in silver or stamps to help pay postage and packing, Get Rid of Tan, Sunburn and Freckles 1 by using HAGAN’S Magnolia Balm. Acts instantly. Stops the burning. Clears your complexion of Tan and Blemishes. You cannot know how good it is until you try it. Thous ands of women say it is best or dl beautifiers and heals Sunbv*n quickest. Don’t be without it a day longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail 75 cents for either color. White. Pink, Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFC. 00., 40 s®. Sit St.. Brooklyn. N.Y. CASTOR IA For Infants and °hiidren. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of HEW HOME nffibi Sold by— G. M. JACKSON ft'SON The firm that appreciates your bustness Cartersville Georgia NOTICE. We have sold tc D. h. Howard, our Livery Feed & Transfer Stables, located at Cartersville, Bartow County, Geor gia, Mr. Howard assumes,ail current accounts due by said stable, anti all ac counts due said stables are to be paid to him. We bespeak for him your kind consideration. United Livery, Feed <* Transfer Stables. By C. W. Smith, Treasurer. 1-17 ’l7 Bt. GO WANS Positively Believes Colds. Croup. Pneumonia 25c, SOc, SI.OO at druggists W—fi. l n..., l inwiwii in. HOWREN’S MARKET fffl HY NOT always •‘ ?et the best when it costs no more? You find at all times best Kansas City beef at our shop, also Miller & Hart hams, as Good as the] Best. Phone I us for all kinds of fresh ...eats, I C. C. HOWREM Phone 364 No. 10 East Main Sire. 9 ! PAINS SHARP I AND STABBINgI "•CoSrSSaJ Pinkham’s Vegetable I Compound. a Ogdensburg, Wis.-“I suffered f 9 female trouble? which caused : . El jj • ■ qitfdPr , ’ L-T< khum : '‘\ H relief and six cured me All women who have ♦jouble of any kind should try LvZp9 Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound# Mrs. Etta Dorion, Ogdensburg Wii9 Physicians undoubtedly did their 29 battled with tins case steadily and<2M do no more., but often the most W,® treatment is surpassed by the mediciSH properties of the good old fa.,Sß* roots and herbs contained in [ vdu V Pinkham’s Vegetable Compoun.r If any complication exists ii write the Lydia E. Pink ham Medico® _o., Lynn, Mass., tor special ireciuivi® SELL'S THE V.ERy|BKS' - ![‘-'lt A'LMUiI 1 STAND A RlfriD TcS’’V i | iiiiswfsr, ij THE PURITY of all of the meats-we sell I beyond question. Wesubjl all our meat foods to the I verest, most critical tesl Make a purchase and test tfl truth of this statement. I L. F. SHAW & SONS CO.I ti'/W. iiliiii St . Cartels?!,! Money to Loan At Low I C o s 1 , ft PAUL F. AKllfl when Tubercul# Tnrgatefß,! get fresh air, sunshine enfl above all the celbbuiidingn energy-producing properiiim of scorrs kmulsiomb Its prompt use often tuberculosis. tOLtVSIODKEyPW