Newspaper Page Text
We are prepared to offer you a limited quantity of Unadulterated High
.Grade Fertilizers made from the very best materials, or we can sell you
the materials separately, either in bags or bulk, and you do your own
mixing. This is a rare chance to get your money’s worth. Come and
see us. Call on either E. Strickland or A. Strickland. : : :
B,> are having some rainy woa
B at this writing and the farm
Hie behind with their work.
pi Ben Kiee spent Sunday with
■Dallas Young at Mnichiuson.
B and Mrs. T. E. Graves, of
Brsville, spent a few days last
B with their daughter Mrs. .1.
Be are sorry to hear that Mrs.
Bearden is sick.
B Grady Bearden and sister
■ oil'ass were guests at the
fMr. H. F. Cowart Sunday.
Hart, of Ateo, filled his
appointment at Mi. Pisgah
Bj and preochta u very iuter
B Cleve Thomas, of Kingston,
Bi Mr. J P. Gainer Sunday.
Be Minnie to wart ?pent Suns
sßuh Miss liuby V\ iiiiams.
Cora Dyer was the guest of
ißSnsie Craig Saturday mgnr. i
■> M M. E. Huunicuit yisi'
B: daughter Mrs. Julia Ward
Buy last week.
Band Mrs. David Weaver-at-
B meeting at Mt. Pisgah Sun-
Hduce cost of feed-
Illk cows and work an*
by feeding Velvet
Meal, manufactured
y & Mark Smith, Ten-
Mem and Atlantic
blowing is the present seheuw
M '... 10 ; 22 a ill
4:4S n in
{IB 6:41 a m
north bolind.
-41 a in
H" a m
TS 6:26 p in
H 7:02 p in
■'Svilie & NashvTa
'"M Railway
V Jlul departing Time At Caitei.>
B ViHe, Ga.
Ih ''ineimiati ti*S:SST am a*S:4i. vu,
H., a S:0 ain a
mmodation a 10:85 am a 4.40 pm
■ a 10:18 am a* ss-'.”'vw
■ •••• a * <:4i mni :o>m
■ ar,| let wi ** Bto P on sipnai to
Hi- nd i Pass f ß # erß from or t'
H lr oi| d 'h Mr a i‘r d f rom or to neiHj!'
| ear hue Maoon ana beyuuiD
H ,J Pd, Old-Fashioned Physic"
I '' ,u Mart.e Tablets, a whofe
-1 S!< , tborughly dense the
■ ‘rto-n the stomach, tone
B livsr. For indigestion,
H^ B*. 8 *. bad breath, bloating
■ '‘xtipation, no remedy is
recommended. Do not
| ,r nauseate. Give stout per
■ ,T!' free feeling.—For Sale
II rilreath, Drug Cos. Adv.
•Bhilaren Orv ■
| f s=|‘ s TO R 1 A
John R. Young & Cos.
Real Estate and Rental Agents
Cartersvitie, Ca.
It will cost you nothing to list your
property with us for sale or-exchange
until we find a buyer or trade for it
that you will accent.
FOR RFNT —The store froffting on
Market street in the opera house build
ini’: for 1917. Has an up to date oven and
well located and arranged for a first'
class bakery and confectionery, or ran
be used lor other mercantile business.
FOR SALE —We have a bargain to
offer in some good rental propei t.v , both
white and colored people, well local
rented u> good tenants on and
monthly payments.
-m— —-
Poik County Farm on easy terms, o
would eqchaxire tor Bartow- County land
or ity property, What bav you to
offet in exchange fo. a good fi rm?
F<>R EXCHANGE, A-good yvell to
cate >1 Se.OOOf f:: rm to exchana tYr t good
eiean mercantile bnsiWss Can payor
take cash lor > ifference. What ha<ff
you to offer. *
An Honest Letter From an
Ho i :st an
Elios Halbert, Pash', Did., writes:
“1 contracted a severe cold this full
and coughed 'continue )!y. Could
hardly seep at nights 1 tried
several remedies wiihout rtlief
Got Foley’s Hone}’ and Tar and tlie
(irstnottie relieved me, curing mv
cough eutireiy. Ii nn recommend it
for all coughs,” Get the genuine -
For sale by Ben 0. Giireatb, Drug
Cos Adv.
30 acres, more or less,
good level land, 7 room
house, 2 good wells, tun
ning water, large barn, good
orchard, £-2 mile to good
school, on public road and
R, F- D. route, Smiles north
of Carter® ville- If interest
ed see or write J. M. Cagie
Route 4. Cartersville, Ga.
Little Girl Had Croup
Every mother knows ami fear?
croup, Mrs. R. M. Rain., R. P. I)
2, Stanford, Ky., writes: “ily littl
girl had croup every few nights. 1
bagan to give her Foley’s Honey aud
Tar ami that night she slept well,
neyer coughed auy, and the next
day her cold was gone.” Relieves
coughs and colds, cob tains no
Opiates. —For Sale by Ben 0.
G death, Drug Cos. Adv.
Rid of the Torment
of Rheumatism
"Sand me Foie)' Kidney Pills. lam
badly done up with rheumatism and.
they are the only thing that help
me.” A. J. Walsh, Sneffels, Colo.
Rheumatism is stubborn as a mule
—it hangs on like a leech—treats out
your strength—worries you with pain
—drags on your vitality—depresses
your mind —affects 3'our health!
Don’t let it hang on you! Don’t give
up to it! Don’t overlook Foley Kid
ihey Bills! For they work directly on
the kidneys—tone up and strengthen
them to tiie perfect action that keeps
uric acid out of the blood, and clears
away the cause of rheumatism, lum
bago and stiff, swollen, aching joints.
Eegir, now, today, and soon you will
again he active and f'-ee from pain.
Mr. Walsh winds up his letter to us
by saying: ‘I consider Foley Kidney
Pills the I have ever used, and
I have tried several different rem
edies,” Tour druggist sella them,
Wood’s Seeds
/ —i I I ■
100-Day Velvet Beans.
T liis new Velvet Bean is rapidly
forging to the front, Both as a for
age and soil-improver. Ai the low
price at which these can be secured
they are really the cheapest of
summer forage and soil-improving
crops, and their use is likely to in
crease to a very considerable ex
tent in the place of cow pe. s end
soja beans. We strongly recom
mend their more extensive use.
We are headquarters for
Velvet Beans, Cow Peas,
Soja Beans, Millet Seed,
and all forage and soil-im
proving crops.
Wrilc for
"Wood’s Crop Special”
givt9 prices and lull information.
Mailed free on request.
SEEBSMEN, - Richmond, Va„
We offer all the most productive
varieties of SEED CORN. Wood’s
Crop Spec ial gives full information.
Finley k Henson
Loatis Negotiated on
Ileal Estate, Improved
City Proper ty and Farm
Lands at 6 Per Cent
: : : : interest : : : ;
Cartersville Georgia I
Notice is hereby given that the books will be open for the purpose of receiving tax re
uirns lor county of Bartow on Thursday, February Ist, 1917. The law requires all real
estate, monies, notes, accounts and personal property of every description, held on Janu
ary Ist, 1917, shall be returned at its true and market value on that date. lam also re
quired to take a census of all Confederate soldiers or their widows who reside in Bartow
C ounty, January Ist, 1917, and the name of company or regiment to which they belong
ed; also time and place they enlisted, when and where discharged.
I will be at the places named below on the days and dates mentioned for
the purpose of receiving tax returns of Bartow County for the year IVI7
Pino 1 Log February 1. all day February 24, all day March 14, ali day •
I'assville February 2, all day F'ebruary 19, all day March -5. all day
Wolf Pen February 3, morning February 23, morning ... March lit, evening
White. February 3, evening February 28, evening March lii, morning
Folsom February 5, all day February 22, all day March 10, all day
Adairsville . > February t>, all day February 21, all day March y, all day
Kingston . February 7, all day February 20, ali day March 6. all day *
iron Hill February 8, all day February 28, all day March 20, all day
Taylorsville February 9, all day March 1, all day March 21, all day
Stilesboro February 10, morning February *27, morning .. March 22, all d:j>
Eulmrlee February 10, evening February 27, evening March 19, all day
Emerson February 12, all day March 2, all day March 20, all day
AUatoona .. February 13, all day /. March 3, all day March 27, all day \
.Stamp Creek . February 14, all day ’ February 2*l, all day ....... March 17, allday
Cartersville February 15-16-17, all day .... March 28, all da $- March 29-30, all (Ih>
A too . . February 17, evening March 24, evening
Mosteller’s Mill February 21, at night 4 March 7, Ransom’s Store, 9to IF
A. J. Nally’s ■ March 14, at night March 7, R. L. Adams, noon
Hobo’s Shop March 9, at night .v I*'arch 7, Barnsley, evening
Joll’ys Store February 27, at night March X, Hall’s Station
, ' March 12, Rydal, morning
March .12, Bolivar, evening
• March 13, Salacoa
. March 15, Gum Springs, morning
Under the law I must complete my work by the First of May anil March 15. Dewey, evening .
turn same over to the Tax Equalizers. I urge every taxpayer of the jJS2 £
county to make his return to me before that date,, as all who fail will March si. Liberty hiu, morning
appear as defaulters. JOHN C. HANEY, Tax Receiver. MaUl! aib^Tsto.* 03 .
00**55*' ‘G
c> ii # *'<
t,AEIE3I ■AL./
Ak your Utugg\,t for CHI-CHES-TER’S A
DIAMOND FkaND I’U.I.S u, HKD at,,l/A
Gold metallic boxes, s-aled with Blue\o>
Ribbon. Taks no other Bn/f jou/y/
ltrurl*i And ask fue CIII.OIES.TtBS V
niAUrtND liKi.Vu J ills, tor twentv-6ee
years regarded as best. Safest, Always Reliable.
I W. B. Rdu*. N. 703-$3.50 j Give StyD, perfectly fitting Gown’ | W. B. Nofam, N0.929-S2.QQ | |
$ f -00 to $3.00 J
At All Dcalora WEINGARTEN BROS., Inc., Now York Chicago Son Francioc* I
years, in an extremely high tax
rate to pay Heating debts and
keep tht' state gohig
Cut This Out. It Is Worth Money
DON’T MISS THIS. Out out this
slip, enclose with 5c to Foley & Oo.‘
‘JN:jr SliHttHd Arc., Chicago, HI.
writing your name and address
clearly. You receive in turn a trial
package containing Foley’s H >ney
and Tar Compound for coughs, colds
and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, and
F®. ey Cal hartia 'l’ahlets For Sale!
by Ben. <’. <i i Ireath, Drug Cos. adv. j
‘ ;E'vou£^a^i^Dßri , •
under size or under-weight
remember r-Scoll *s Emulsion
is nature’s grandest growing
food; it strengthens their fiord's,
makes healthy blood and pro
motes sturdy growth.
Scott & Hiwiif, Bloomfield. N J. u f?