The News and courant. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1901-1904, August 22, 1901, Image 3

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•• tßlp* inw ~% 1 H ■; /£rMS£r\ \* • •] v, *1 it wbp- *i \* • 1 \.*i B 1 ■l V * ,1,1 -* M • ~Y\\\|v m 10 ( i | [I HOUSEWORK Toorouch housework wrecks wo men’s nerves. And the oonstant care of children, day and night, is often too trying for even a strong woman. A haggiird face tells the story of the overworked housewife jind mother. Deranged menses, leucorrhcea and falling of the wonft) result from overwork. Everv housewife nteds a remedy to regulate her menses and to keep her sensitive female organs in perfect condition. WINE" CARDUI is doing this for thousands of American women to-day. It cured Mrs. Jones and that is why she writes this frank letter: Glendeane, Ky., Feb. 10, 1901. I am so glad that your Wise of Cardui me. lain feeling better than I have felt for years. I aiu doing my own work without any help, and I washed last week and wae not one bit tired. That shows that the Wine is doing me good. I am getting fleshier thati I ever was before, and sleep good ardent hearty. Before 1 began taking Wine of daruui, I used to have to lay down five or six times every day, but now I do not think of lying down through the dav. Mas. Richard Jones. | gi.OO AT lUiKRUNTS. I g,]vicr ar.i literature, address, giving symj,- I tons ‘‘The l.adies‘ Advisory Department”, The I Chattanooga Medicine Cos., Chattanooga, iVnn *E. & W. E.R.OFALA Taking Ettect Jan. 13,1901. M, 1 I’AHHENOEB —W NO 2 1 ASHENOEIt—E*M daily. daily . LTCartersville 10.15 am. M fell City 930 an “ Stilesboro.. 10.39 oal City 10.1a .. Tft?l’rv’le. 10.52 “ “ Kaßland tl.lD .. Smart .1U ’’ " 8uke’a.........1215 n •• Grad.v UM " “ Piedmont.... 2.02 Cedartown.. 12.15 pro “ rnrß , Warner's .12 45pm •• Cedartown.. . - piedmont, . 1.29 “ “ Otd.v •• • .. nuke's.... 3.15 “ " Rockmart... 4.04 “ Ragland.... 4.23 rayl’roVle.. 4.30 “ Ctaal City.... 5,10 •• •• SMlenboro... 445 Ar PellCitv . 5.35 •• AT.Oartereville.. 5.15 So 3 Pahsicngkr—West No 4 Pabbenokb— KaM DULY KX. SUNDAY. DAILY EX. SUNDAY LTCarteravllle.. 5.55 pm Lv Cedartown...7 50 a •• Stilesboro ... 0.19 “ “ Grady H.OB " •• Taylorsville 0.32 •• “ Rockmart. ..8 29 " Hock in art... H. 57 ** ** Ta.yl#rgTill..B o3 “ Gradv 7.17“ “ Stilesboro 9.00“ Ar Cedartown... 735 “ iAr attSartereviUe 930 • I So. 35 Passknsb—W No. 84 Pa ssengeb—F. SUNDAY ONLY. SUNDAY ONLY btCartersvllle., p m Lv Cedartown 11.20 D • 5ti1e5b0r0....1.37 “ ” Grady 11.83 ■' Taylorsvtlle 1.47 “ “ R0ckmart....11.63 " •'R0ekmart,....2.07 “ “ Taylorsville 12.13 1-0 "Grad.v 2.27 “ “ 5ti1e5b0r0....12.28 *■ Ar ueuartown..,2,4o “ Ar CarTAi*evi!le..l2.4s‘ Southern Railway 6888 Miles———- One Management, EIGHT SOUTHERN STATES. Solid Yestibulod Trains, Unexcelled Equipment Fast Schedules. DINING CARS Are operated on Soutliern Railway Trains OBSERVATION CARS, On Washington amt Southwestern Vestihuled Limited, and Washington sid t'hattanooga Limited via Lyiicn birg. Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars Of the latest pattern on all through trains. J, H. CIJbP, Traffic Manager, Washington, l. C. W. A. TURK, Gen. Passemrer Agent, Washington. D. r - C. A. BEKSCOTEP, Ass’t Cm. F&ssnpfT Agt Chattanooga, Tenn. H PARKER'S": hair balsam antea and beautifies the batr. mote* a luxuriant . ■*ggr , jjllk Every Woman is interested and should know e2Lk\\\Mi? \ about the wonderful 'X ill MARVEL Whirling Spray VP' The new T*tal Byrtj*. Jnjee ' -m “"d tioa and Suetianf Best—Saf \V est—Most Convenient. 1 1 luuti luiutlj, f? h^ r i,ru s | * t fr it. \}„ iaL— /fete’ TOBACCOSRIT L/UN I and SMOKE * YourLifeaway! >ou can be cured of anr form of tobacco using easily, ma d e well, strong, magnetia, full of life nnd vigor by taking StO-TO-BAG, oat makes weak men strong. Many gain in ten days. Over SO 0,000 , , re< *- All druggists. Cure guaranteed. Book bow'Al advice FREE. Address STERLING EMEOY CO., Chicago or New York. 437 ' How Are Tour K.tdner * ti^” ,Abs ' Sr Vagus Pi Ws cure all kulney Ills, Sara “efree. Add Sterling Remedy Cos.. CTHcagoor N. Y HIE COTTON CROP REVIEWED. Twenty-four Per Cent- Decrease Indicated in Texas’ NUMBER OF BALES ESTIMATED At 2.622,ooo—lncrease Shown In Indian Territory-Okiahoma De clines About Eight Per Cent, Galveston, Tex., August 15. — The News presents an exhaustive review of the condition of the cot ton crop of 1901-02, gathered from reports from 396 correspondents, covering 1.48 counties in the Texas cotton belt. East Texas produced per cent, of the total crop of Texas for 1900-1901, The prospective crop for the district for 1901-02 is 7 per cent, decn as . The coast district produced 3 per cent, of the Texas crop, and an in crease of 21 percent, is indicated. North Texas produced per cent, of the crop, and a decrease of 17 per cent is indicated. Southwest Texas produced 10 per cent of the crop, and a decrease of 13 per cent is indicated. Central Texas produced per cent of the crop, and a decrease of 37 per cent is indicated. The trade has generally accepted the Texas crop of 1600-1901 at 3,450,000 Dales of 500 pounds upon which basis the above percentages indicate a decrease of 24 per cent, or a crop of 2,622,000 bales. The Indian Territory crop shows an increase of 32 per cent which indicates a crop of about 3x5,000 bales. Oklahqma shows a decrease in the probable yield of about 8 per cent, indicating a crop of 161,000 bales. Thus far in Texas and the terri tories the probable yield indicated is 3.098,000 bales. Further deter ioration of the crop is possible with continued dry weather, the check ing of which by rains in several localities might bring about im provement. The chief decrease is in cental Texas, and next to that is the de crease in uortn Texas. Southwest Texas also shows an increase, but the smallest decrease is iq east Texas. 111 the coast district there is an increase, due to the fact that boll weevils were more scarce than last year; there were no disastrous floods, and lhe crop was not injured by hurricane, three events which contributed fo rhe serious curtail ments of the crop of 1900-1901. SECRET OF SCHWAB’S RISE- Got His Start by Not Grumbling Over Doing Extra Work. McKeesport, Pa., August 15. — A story is told here about Presi dent Charles M Schwab ol the Uni ted States Steel Corporation which will show a good many persons who may not know why President Schwab became what he is. The tale was told by an engineer for whom Mr. Schwab, as a boy, car ried the chain. Everybody down here knows how Mr. Schwab be gan life as a grocer’s clerk at Brad dock. Next he carried a chain at Homestead and later was a draughtsman in the Carnegie works. While holding that place young Schwab came uuder the no tice of Captain William R. Jones, who was general manager of the Carnegie plant, and whose name is synonymous with everything good and manly. Captain Jones was killed at homestead by an accident a few years ago. The story is that Captain Jones at that time needed the services of an expert draughtsman He ap plied to the head of the department for a man. asking for the best man in that place. “I have no best man,” saici the chief. “They are all good.” Captain Jones we*t away. The next day an order was issued that to complete a certain piece of work all of the draughtsmen should work two hours over time each day for several weeks without pay. All of the draughtsmen grumbled except one man. Captain Jones came along next day and said to the chief of the draughting depart ment: “Howdothe men like thatorder:’’ “They don’t like it and all aru grumbling except one man,” was the reply. “Who is that man?” asked Cap tain Jones. “Schwab.” “Give me Schwab,” said Cap tain Jones. * From that day tbt* vomig man's success began. The man who told this story was asked what he purrrATM Is Guaranteed thought of President Schwab. He said: “Charlie Schwab has no equal as an executive in the steel world to day.” The mother who would be hor rified at the thought of letting her daughter wander away to a strange country without guide or counsel, yet permits her to enter that un known land of # womanhood with out counsel or caution. Then, in utter ignorance, the maiden must meet physical problems whose so lution will affect her whole future life. Dr Pierce’s Favorite Pre scription has been well named “a God-send to women.” It corrects irregularities and imparts such vig orous vitality to the delicate womanly organs, as fits them for their imporant functions. Many a nervous, hysterical, peevish girl has been changed to a happy young woman after the use of “Favorite Prescription” has established the sound health of the organs pecul iarly feminine. Every woman should own a copy of the People’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, sent free 011 receipt of 21 one cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. The same book of 1008 pages in sub stantial cloth for 31 stamps. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. WHITE MAN TURNED YEL LOW. Geat consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogartv of Lexington, Ky., when they saw he was turning yellow. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered teiribly. His mal ady was Yellow jaundic He was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was ad vised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes: “After taking two bottles I was wholly cured.” A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 50c. Sold by Young Bros. Druggists. <9 C&'j&mrur Thia signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quiaine Tablet. the remedy that cares m eoM fm erne day What most people want is some thing mild and gentle, when in need of a physic. Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets fill the bill to a dot. Thev are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by Hall and Greene. Letters From Abroad- There is no better way to keep posted in detail of the progress of the world outside of the United Slates than by watching the “For eign News Notes” published in the Chicago Record-Herald. Over a hundred foreign staff correspond ents of the Chicago Record-Her ald are located in important cities abroad. Their duties do not end with the transmission of news by cable, but also coreespond ence by mail concerning all im portant matters of any interest to readers in this country. It is worthy of note also, that in addition to the work of its own correspondents the Record-Herald receives the full foreign news service of the New York Herald, the New York Tri bune and the Associated Press. CURE ALL YOUR NIRO WITH Pain-Killer. A Medicine Chest in Itself. SIMPLE. SAFE AND QUICK CURE FOR Cramps, Diarrhoea, Colds, Coughs, Neuralgia, Rheumatism. 25 and 50 rent Bottles. tiE WAKE OF UJUTATiONS. BUY ONLY THE GENUINE Pi-kSY DAVIS’ SOLD BY YOUNG BROS.. DRUGGISTS. A LUXURY WITHIN THE REACH OF ALLI - • - A Tablespoonful to a ftip IS THC RULE TOR MAKING COrrtE I. Pi ibis 111 BUT %OF A TAILESPOOIFUL OF Wi-M Lion Coffee ..M U 7 will give you stronger coffee than a tablespoonfnl I\Jsn _ 11 of any other kind. Here is where you save money! USE LION COFFEE! J l J Always insist upon getting it. LION COFFEE 4 J r is absolutely pure, and not a coffee which is glazed or coated with egg mixtures or chemicals in order Watch aur naxt atfvarttaamant. to hide imperfections. - ■ ■ • "■■■ In every package of LION COFFIE you will find a fully illustrated and descriptive list. No in fact, no woman, roan, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to their happiness, comfort and convenience, and which they may have by simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). WOOLSON SB**CE Ct>., TOCEDO, OHM. , WHAT’S YOUR FACE WORTH? Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, a Jaundiced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin,-all signs of LivwW Trouble. But Dr. King’s Ntw Life Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complexion. Only 25 cents at Young Bros. Drug Store. It Saved His Baby. “My baby was terribly sick with the diarrhoea, we were un able to cure him with the doctor’s assistance, and as a last resort we tried Chamberlain’s Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy,” says Mr, J. H. Doak, of Williams, Orc gen lam happy to say it gave immediate relief and a complete cure. For sale by Hall and Greene Druggists. A Ministers’Good Work. “I had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a Jiottle of Chamber lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy, took two doses and was entirely cured,” says Rev. A. A. Power, of Emporia. Kansas. “My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week, had two or three bottles of medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or four days without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no re’ief, so discharged him. I went over to see him next morning. He said his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they had been running off so long that it was almost bloody flux. I asked him if he had tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea rem edy and he said, ‘No.’ I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take anothe * dose in fifteen or twenty min ites if he did not find relief, but he took no more and w,s errti-veVy en-reci. I think it the best medicine I have ever tried.” For sale by Hall and Greene. SANFORD’S SHORTAGE GROWS- Experts Say Floyd’s Tax Collector IS #35,657 Short. Rome, Ga., Aug. 15. —The amount of the alleged shortage now held against Tax Collector V., T. Sanford of Floyd county iss3s,- 657-18- The expert accountants, B. M. Marshall, M. S. Govan and Foster Harper, finished their examination of the books at noon today and submitted their report to the county commissioners which states that there is a deficiency in the accounts due the state and couyty to the amount of $35,627.18. The commissioners have called in all the tax fi fas issued against those who are behind, as shown 0:1 the collector’s books. The greatest number of these papers are still in the hands of the district bailiffs. The charge made by the grai and jury was a shortage of $34,089.14 After the careful work of the ex pert accountants it is found that the amount will be enlarged almost $2,000. The representative of the bond ing company and the attorneys of Sanford have been holding a secret meeting here today, presumably looking toward a settlement of the matter. Quite a sensation was aroused when the announcement of a big increase came from the account tants. Two bills for embezzlement were found agaius’ Sanford on July 1. He is under heavy bonds to answer the charges. From a preacher a*d his w ife My wife, after taking your K.K. IK. Liver Pills, likes them better than any liver medicine she has : ever tried. I also have used them myself with very satisfactory re | suits. Rev. A. D. Echoes. Shady Dale, Ga. OA.BTORZA. Bern the 1 S', (I ’ ■ : , i , k'acwaeer! 1 -- - ■ 1 8 1 A CABTORIA, Bear* the /) Kind You Haie Always BoiJgH Farm Loans Negotiated. MILNER & MILNER, Attorneys at T^avr, CARTERSVILLE. GA j Commercial and Corporation Tractue and Collections. Offices with Judge T. W. Milner over Bank of Cartersvilie. DR. WILLIAM I. CASON, DENTIST. 4 Office: Over Young Bros.’ Drug Store. _ CARTERSVILLE. CA. DR. CLARK 11. GRIFFIN, ~ DENTIST. OFFICE: — Up Stir, Opposite Word’s limit Stors, CARTE} SYILLE.GA. Educate Tour Bowels With Cascarete. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c, If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money.