The News and courant. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1901-1904, November 14, 1901, Image 5

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SCIENCE SKETCH. BY A. O. GRANGER. NUMBER 6. WHY IS THE SKY BLUE ? Southern Woman, Light can only be seen by re flection, unless we look directly at the source of light. At night the whole sky is full of light from the sun, but it is only when the moon is there to reflect it that we realize the fact. Before the sun rises above the horizon in the morning (how many readers of the “Southern Woman” have been up at such a time?) its light is made manifest by reflection from the particles of dust in the atmos phere, and we have the same phe nomenon after sunset. Were it not for the presence of dust the transition from absolute darkness to sunlight would be equally sud den. There would be no twilight. If we could arrange a dark room so that a ray of sunlight could come in on one side of the room to pass out on the other side the beam of white light would be seen by reflection from the dust in the room. If the room were well -washed and sprinkled, or wetted down, so that there was no dust, then the beam of light would cross the room without being seen But if there were extremely minute particles of dust present in small quantity, then the ray of light would be blue approaching the color of the sky. This was beautifully proven in 1868 by Prof. Tyndall at the Royal Institute, London, which was founded by an American, Ben iamin Thompson, afterwards Count Rumford, for popularizing science, and has been made world famous bv the labors of Thomas Young, H umphrey Davy, Michael Fara day, John Tyndall, Lord Raleigh James Dewar, and others. When in England recently I saw Lord Rayleigh repeat Tyndall’s experi ment of passing a beam from an electric light through a glass cyl inder about 5 inches in diameter and 7 feet long. When the cylin der was filled with the ordinary air of the room and the ray of light passed through it, the inter ior of the cylinder became brightly illuminated. The cylinder was so arranged that a vacuum could be created in it, and at the inlet end was placed a series of fine plati num wire gauzes that could be electrically heated while hot. When the tube was filled with air that had slowly passed over lEis hot screen every particle of dust was consumed, and then the tube being filled with absolutely clean air and the ray of electric light passed through from end to end, the whole interior was black like a section of the night, there being no dust to reflect the light. Then when a vacuum was made in the tube and the air was rapidly ad mitted so that very fine particles only of the dust were able to pass the hot screen,and the tube became filled with this air and the beam of light passed through it lengthwise, the whole interior of the tube was sky blue. To understand the explanation of this phenomenon it is well to recall the colors of the spectrum as seen through a prism or in the rainbow. They run in the follow ing order: Violet, indigoblue, green, yellow, orange, red. An easy' way to remember the order of the colors is to form the word “vibgvor” of the intial letter of each color. The three primary colors are blue, yellow and red. The wave lengths of light at the blue end are short, and those at at the red end are twice as long. Also the rays of light toward the blue end are much more refrangi ble than those toward the red end In other words they are turned aside to a much greater extent than those toward the red end which tend to proceed more in straight lines, and are not so easily refracted or turned aside, Now when the larger particles of dust PIMPLES “Jly wife had pimples on her face, but she has been taking CASCAKKTS and they have all disappeared. I had been troubled with constipation for some time, but after tak irg the first Cascaret I have had no trouble with this ailment. We cannot speak too high ly of rascarets.” Fbed Waiitmas. STO-I Germantown Ave.. Philadelphia. Pa. $ CATHARTIC jjl IXVdCCttGw TRADE MARK PIOITf*ED Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good, po Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 2**c. 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Bterttnf H.wi.ily (Dtnpnaj. Chlrniro, Montreal, S*w York, til UA Tft DAP Sold and guaranteed by all drug liU - I U-DAU K j ß ts to CI UE Tobacco Habit. ARP YON Wl<sF A great many people suffer throuea ignor lUU >t IOC ance. Thev don't know that for all innam mation there is no remedy to equal Mexican Mustang Liniment. am easy way and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang Liniment and with this gargle the throat at frequent intervals. Then bathe the outside of the throat thoroughly with the lini ment and after doing this pour some on a soft cloth and wrap around the neck. It is a POSITIVE CURE. 25c., 50c. and SI.OO a bottle. IT MAY RF Yflll have long been troubled with a running II If IHI DC IUU gore or ulcer. Treat it at once with Mexi can Mustang Liinmenfc and you can depend upon a speedy cure. are burnt and only the extremely minute particles remain, they re flect the more refrangible rays at the blue end, being those of the shortest wave length, while the colors having the longer wave length pass ou without being renec ted and therefore without being seen. Near the surface of the earth the dust particles reflect practically all wave lengths, and so produce col orless light, or what we term white light. But higher and higher up in the atmosphere the dust parti cles become infinitesimally small, as they must be in order to float in the rarifled upper atmosphere, and so reffect only the blue light, hence we have the beautiful blue of the sky. The white light near the surface of the earth dilutes the blue as we look up, and so over large areas of land we have pale blue sky. In mid-ocean or on islands, or penin sulas, such as Italy, we have the blue sky of greater depth because there is less dust in the air; and from the summit of high mountains che sky becomes deep blue because of being above the larger particles of dust floating in the atmosphere near the earth. , One of my sons is in business in the United States of Columbia, South America, and he says that the sky there is much bluer than in this country, and that the stars shine more brilliantly at night. This is because Columbia is a very mountainous country, and being near the equator, with the Pacific Ocean on one side and the Carri bean Sea on the other, the high mountains condense the enormous amount of moisture rising from the water, with the result that ex tremely heavy rains are of almost daily occurrence, hence (.here is very little dust in the atmosphere. The Aeronaut “Glaisher” re ported that on extremely high ele vations the sky lost its bright blueness and became blue black; the explanation is that from such very high elevations the thin blue atmosphere is projected on the in tense blackness of space where there is no dust. The blue color of the deep ocean and of deep lakes is explained in the same way. The water is full of particles of extremely fine dust, so fine that Tyndall estimated that centuries would be required for its quiet subsidence. The larger par ticles more rapidly sink to the bot tom, leaving the smaller particles to reflect the blue rays of light. Harry—You have been free to sav that this is the most beautiful place you ever visited; but I notice you have not paid anything for your board yet. Fred—Oh, I know that. That’s the beauty about it. —Boston trans cript. “C” With a Tail. The “C” with a tail is the trade mark of Cascarets Candy Cathartic. Look for it on the light blue enameled metal box! Each tablet stamped C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. All druggists, ioc. Kodol Dyspepsia Cur* Digests what you eat. World’s Great Fever Medicine Johnson’s Tonic doss in a day what slow Quinine cannot do in ten days. Its splendid cures are in striking con trast with the feeble cures made bv qui nine. Ifyou are utterly wretched, take a thorough dose of Johnson’s Tonic and and 1 ive out every trace of malarial poi soning The wise insure their lives and the wiser insure their health by using Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic It costs oil cents if it cures; not one oent if it does not. The Royal Month and the Royal Disease. Sudden changes of weather are espe ciallv trying, and probably to none more so than to the scrofulous and con sumptive. The progress of scrotuta dur ing a normal October is commonly great. We never think ot scrofula—its bundl es, cutaneons eruptions, and wasting of the bodily substance—without thinking ot the great good many sufferers from it have derived from Hood’s Sarsap arilla, whose radical and permanent cures of this one disease are enough to make it the must famous medicine in ihe world. There is probably not a city or town where Hood’s Sarsaparilla lias not proved its merit in more homes than one, in arresting and completely erad icating scrofula, wnicti is almost as se rious and as much to be feared as its near relative.—conf umption. VV. T. Wesson,Gholsonville, Va., druggists, writes: “Your One Minute Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction. My customers say it i the best remedy for coughs, colds, throat and lung troubles.” SAVES TWO FROM DEATH “Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of wheoping cough and bronchitis,’’writes Mrs. W. K. Haviland, of Armonk, N. Y.,“but, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King’s New Discovery. Our neice, who had Consumption in an ad vanced stage, also used this w on derful medicine and to-day she is perfectly well.’’ Desperate throat and lung diseases yield to Dr. King’s New Discovery as to no other medicine on earth. Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c and SI.OO bottles guaranteed by Young Bros. Trial bottles free. Cheap Rates to the West. The Western cfc Atlantic Railroad and the Nashville, Chattanooga and St Louis Railway will sell round trip homeseekers tickets to all points in Ok lahoma and Indian Territory <*n the following dates : October 15th, Novem ber sth amj I9tli. December 3d,mid 17th, Ticket's good twenty-one days from date of sale. Stopover privileges will lie all lowed fifteen days going, at any point in Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma and lu ll ion Territory. For rates and full in formation. call on or write to JOHN L. EDMONDSON, 2m. S. N. P. A . Atlanta, da. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Tlift’s Pills will save the dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable him to eat whatever he wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to assimilate and nour ish the body, give keen appetite, DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar coated. j Take No Substitute. NEED OF WATER DRINKING- Something Particularly Necessary For All Neurasthenics. A well-known nerve specialist has said that “all neurasthenics (that is, people with unhealthy nerves) have dissiccated nerves and suffer from an insufficiency of fluid in the tissues of the body,” It is probable, says the Youth’s Companion, that we all, in more or less degree, even w hen not con scious of any definite symptoms, are suffering in some part of our system for the lack of enough fluid, and especially of enough pure, cool water. We know that so nicely' Is the human body adjusted and adapted to its uses that one part cannot suffer without all suffering. If the nerves are dissiccated, or dried through lack of fluid, then it is certain that other tissues are also suffering from the same lack, and that the wheels of the wonderful machinery are being clogged by reason ot waste matter which is not washed away. We see by this that water does for us a three-fold service. It feeds, it washes, and it carries away the cinders of the body furnace; and through the want of it we are ex posed to many and great dangers. The tissues become too dry, the blood is thick and its flow slug gish, and the retained waste of the body sets up a condition which the doctors calls “autointoxication,’, or selfpoisoning. This condition may give rise almost any known symp toms, from a pimple to heart fail ure, and is really responsible for most of the semi-invalids with whom the world is largely peopled. To obtain the best results from water drinking certain rules should be observed. People do not all need the same amount, and it may take a little experimenting to find out just how much should betaken in individual esses. It has been stated by some physicians that five or six pints should be taken dur ing the 24 hours. Of this only a moderate quantity should be taken with the meals. It is mistake to take no water with a meal, but it is perhaps a greater mistake to wash food down with water, especially with ice water. The best time for water drinking is at night and early in the morn ing' It is well to form the habit of slowly sipping, during the bath and while dressing, two or three glasses ot cool —not ice cold —water. Two or three more may be sipped at bed time, and again two or three glasses an hour or two before luncheon and before dinner. In a very short time the value of this habit will become apparent in the resultant general improvement in digestion, temper and appear ance. The Anarchist Movement- American Review of Reviews. It is, perhaps, unfortunate that the word “anarchist,” like the word “socialist,” should havecoine to be used so loosely and indefi nitely as to include men of widely different ways of thinking. Thus; all the followers of Count Tolstoy, and all believers in the doctrine of non-resistance, are philosophically anarchists, because they deny the right to exercise authority,—and without authority there could be no such thing as government or state. But the adherents of this cre;d of non-resistance are, of course, as much opposed to vio lence against governmental auth ority, on the one hand, as they are to the exercise of coercion by the government itself. Quite apart from philosophies, creeds and doc trines, the anarchist movement is the extreme expression of individ ual or social discontent. It can doubtless to some extent be hunted down as essentially treasonable and criminal; but it must not for a moment be forgotten that a very large measure of freedom of speech and general liberty is the best safe guard against the dangerous plot ting of anarchists. Nothing has been more clear since the assassi nation of President McKinly that the fact that this great nation as a whole is absolutely untainted with the horrible virus of anarchism. That there are anarchists here and there in many towns and cities is evident enough, but they are not part and parcel of the community; they are extraneous. Their assas sination of the President of the United States has had no more effect upon the firmness of our in stitutions than a puff of dust from the desert might have upon the Great Pyramid. Hilda—And when you was in the army )-ou actually had to sleep on the ground? It must have been awful. Hugh—Oh, I don’t know. It Aasn’t altogether bad. It had a compensation. There was no jan itor, for one thing, —Boston Trans cript. Poison Poison ivgStJf arc among the best known of the many dangerous wild plants and shrubs, r* ,-/ 7/ To touch or handle them '*7 /Csß& quick 1 y produces swelling and inflammation with in- V// tense itching and burning of the skin. The eruption f soon disappears, the suf ferer hopes forever; but almost as soon as the little blisters and pustules appeared the poison had reached the blood, and v : H break out at regular intervals an-., each time 111 a more aggra vated form. This poison will loiter in the System for years, and every atom of it must be forced out of the blood before you Can expect a perfect, permanent cure. Nature's Antidote hi) vw Nature's Poisons, i9 the only cure for Poiikttt Dak, Poisorf Ivy, and all noxious plants*. It ht Com posed exclusively of roots and herb*/ Now is the time to get the poison out Of Jrota/ system, as delay makes your condui t* worse. Don't experiment longer with salves, washes and soaps—they never cure. Mr S. M. Marshall, bookk<-eper of the Atlanta (Ga ) Gas Light Cos., was poisoned with Poison Oak. He took Sulphur, Arsenic and various other drugs, and applied externally numerous lotions aud salves with no benefit At times the swelling and inllammation was so severe he was almost blind. For eight years the poison would break out every season. His condition was much improve I after taking one bottle < f S. S. S , and a few bottles cleared his blood of the poison, and all evidences of the disease disappeared. People are often poisoned without knowing when or how. Explain your case fully to our physicians, and they will cheerfully give such information and ad vice as you require, without charge, and we will send at the same time an interest ing book on Blood and Skin Diseases.. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. GA. Libel for Divorce. Eva Little Pugh, alias 1 Liberal for di- Eva Little Fowler I vorce, Bartow vs. V Superior court Andrew Pugh, alias I July term, Andrew Fowler. ) .901, To Andrew Pugh,(alias) Andrew Fow ler: It appearing to the court, by the re turn of the sheriff, that the defendant does not reside in this county, and it further appearing, that he uoes not re side in this state. It is on motion o f counsel ordered, that, the defendant ap pear and answer at the next term of this court, also, that the case be considered in default, and the plaintiff allowed 10 proceed, and it is further ordered that this rule be published in the News and Con rant, a newspaper published in this county twice a month for two months prior to the next term of this court. A. W. FITE, J. 8. C. C. O. August 12, ltjOl, A true extract from the minutes ol said court, L. W. REEVES, JR., Clerk. Leave to Sell for Reinvestment. GE< >RGI Bartow County. Notion in hereby giveii, that, on the 20th day of November, 1901, at 10 o’clock a. m , at the court house in Cartersville, said county, John W.L. Brown as guar dian for James R. Brown, a minor of said county, will apply to the judge of the superior court ’of said county, for leave to sell, for the purpose of reinvest ment. an undivided one-iiair interest, belonging to. his said ward, James R. Brown, a minor in the following prop erty, to-wit: That certain tract or parcel of land known as the lourth (4th) division of the estate of Elijah M, Field, late of said county, deceased, awarded to Carries. Field, iiy the commissioners appointed to divide said Elijah > . Field s estate, to-wit: Beginning on the east line ol lot numoer 910 in the 4th district and 3d section of Bartow county, Georgia, at the southeast corner of the 3d division of said estate,runs south 8 chains,thence west 91) chains to Pumpkinvine creek, thence along down the creek to the mouth of a certain ditch, thence up said ditch to the corner of the Hd division, thence east 99.25 cnains to the point ol beginning, being lots or parts ot lots of land Nos. 910, 911,912, 913 and gI4; also the north half of lot number 898, all in the 4th district and 3d section ot sain toon tv, and as appears of record in the hook “C” ot distributions, etc., pages 182 and 183, Ordinary’s office said coun ty. This application for leave to sell said property will be made lor the reason that the guardian cannot give it his per sonal attention, and the income reai/.ed upon the value ot die property and in vest meiit is very small, fluctuating and uncertain, and because the proceeds of this sale can he moio advantageousl v otherwise invested, securing a more certain and increased income, This 22d Oct. 1901. JOHN W. L. BROWN, Guardian tor Jas, R. Brown, JOHN 11. WIKLE, Att’y. Application for Homestead. GEORGIA, Bartow Ceuntv. James H. Ford lias applied for exemp tion of personalty under section 2828 et, seq. civil code of Georgia, and I will pass upon the same at ten o’clock a. m , on the 12th dav ofNovemhei, 1901, at my office, This2lst Oct. 1901. 10-23 2t. G. W. HENDRICKS, Ordinary. Three Papers a Week FOR ABOUT THE PRICE OF ONE Tlie News anil Courant and the Atlanta Twice-a-week Journal for 51.50. Here you get the news of the world and all your loc-1 news while it is fresh, paving "very little more titan one paper costs. Either paper is well worth SI.OO, but bv special arrangement we areena b.ea to putin both of them, giving three Papers a w eek for this low price. You cannot equal tilts anywhere else, ami this combination is the best premium tor those who want a great paper ami a home paper. Take these and you will keep up with the times. The Semi-Weeklv Journal makes common cause with the farmers and publishes hundreds of letters from them on farm topics, describing their expe rience in making crops, etc Besides general news tlie Twice-a- Week Journal has much agricultural matter and other articles of special in terest to farmers It has regular con tributions by Sam Jone*, Mrs. W H. Felton. John Temple Graves. Hon. C. H. Jordan and ether distinguished wri ters. . , Call at this office and leave your sub scriptions for both ptpers. You can I get a sample copy of e ther paper I ere ' on application. Bartow SaerifTs Sales. | Will he sold before the court house door in the town of Cartersville, Bartow' county, Ga., within the ,egal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December, 1901, the following property, to-wit: A ract ol land containing one hun dred acref, more or less, in the 221 dis trict ami ill sA't on of said county being parts of iota numbers four and five, con stituting and known as the Nat Dun alioo place and being the property con veyed by John r Kav to Nat Dunahoo by deed .ecorded in book “CC”of deeds, page 3TB clerk’s office, Bartow Superior, court. Levied on and will be sold as the property of the defendant, Nat Duilahoo (abd In his possession) to sat j isfy one Bartow Superkd’ Court iuoft gage ti fa in favor of Rounsaville Bros,. : e CarterSYiUe Milling Uompanv, Og lesby Grocery Company, Martin Bros Fiemister Brosi A Heggie, Gaines A Lewis, aiiUJ. .>l. v'eacn Ot Go, Dunahoo Brothers, a partnership corn* posed 01 Nat Dunahoo, Warreh D Dun hlioo and Nat Dunahoo. Property pointed out in said fi fa, Also lot of land number 274 in the 4th district and Hd section of Barlow coun ty. Levied on and will be sold as the property of Etowah Iron Company to satisfy one Muperior Court subpoena tt fa in favor of Charles T. Culver vs. Eto wah iron Company, in case of Etowaii iron Company vs. D. J. Guyton Prop eity in defendant's possession. Also at same time and plar'e, all the die interest or estate ot P. H. Reynolds in the following property, to wit: Lots of land Nos. 13,14, 15, IH.’ 17,57, SH, 59, 5*5, tio, 85, 82, **>. 88 and 89, in the 17tb dis trict. and 3d section of Bartow county, Georgia Levied on and will be sold its he property of P. H. Reynolds to satis fy two ti fa . fiom city court of Carters viiie, s lid county; one in 'avor of C. M. Howard for use of officers ot Court vs. P. H. Reynolds, and one in favor of C. M Howard lor use of officers of court and for witnesses’ lees v. P. H. Rey nolds Property in possession of de fendant and pointer/ out by W. W. Roberts. Also at same time and place, that cer tain real estate lying in said county and being one-half acre, more or less, in the city of Cartersville, Bartow county, Georgia. oti the west side of South aven ue, hounded 011 the south by what is known (at the time of tire execution of this mortgage) as the Rice lot owned by S in H, Galloway on the n >rth h.v the A. a. Skinner place, on the west by land ot A. I). Gilbert and on the east bv said South Avenue. Levied on and w ill tie sold as tlio property ot A. M Foute and Mrs. Laura A. Foute t > satisfy one Bar tow' Superior Court mortgage ti fa in tavor of The Mutual Lite Insurance Company, of Kentucky, vs A. M. Foute and Mrs. Laura A. Foute. Property in possession of F. Uresham and pointed out in said fi ta. K. L. GRIFFIN, Sheriff. W. S, BRADLEY, Pep’tv Sheriff, N. M. aDAMS, Dep’ty Sheriff. November sth. 1901. Commissioner’s Sale Valuable City Property. GEORGIA, Bartow County. By virtue of a decree granted by the Superior Court of Fulton county, Geor gia, on the first day of February, 1901, in the case ot Roby Robinson, et. at., vs. the Southern Mutual Building & Loan Association of Atlanta, Ua., A. M- Finite et. al., pending in said court, the under signed as commissioner appointed in said decree, will sell at public outcry, before the court house door in Carters vilie, Ua., within legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December, UNO, to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described real estate, to-wit; All that certain city lot containing one and a half acres of land, more < r less, known as the A. M Foute home place, wncreon he now resides, in the city of Cartersville, Bartow county, Georgia, bounded on the north by Neel street, east by Soutli Avenue, south by lot of J M. Neel, and west by lands of W. J Neel. Said sale to be made pur suant to said decree for the purnose of satisfying tlie debt therein adjudg< U against said Foute and said property in favor of J. A Anderson and M.‘ A. O’Byrne, receivers of the Southern Mu tual Building ife Loan Association, of Atlanta. Ua., said debt being the bal ance due on loan made by said ssoei*- tion to said Foute, and secured by the deed ot said Foute, dated July 12th,1890, and recorded on pages 64 and 65 of book ‘•CC”ofthe deed records of said conn tv, conveying to said Association tlie above described real estate to secure said loan. Said real estate will he soul as the property ot said A. M. Foute, so that the right Title and lien of said As sociation and its receivers aforesaid upon the above described real estate by virtue of tlie deed aforesaid and ot ss-il decree shall be transferred from the land to the monev arising from said sale, and so that the purchaser of sad real estate shall obtain title thereto, free from the incumbrance ot said deed as provided in said decree. Said decr-e and the sale thereunder is now proceed ing for the use of J. M. Neel, as trans feree. This November h, 1901. JNO. H. WIKLE Commissioner. D- afness Cannot bo Cured by local applications, as they c*nn i reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafne-s, and that is bv constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining or the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can he tak- n out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing wi 1 be destroyed torever; nine cases out 01 ten arecaused bv catarrh, which is nothing out an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh)that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cm e. Send for circulars, free F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold bv Druggists,7sc Hail’s Family Pills are the best. Libel for Divorce. Mariah Youngl In tne Superior Court vs. -of Bartow Countv, Ben Young ) Georgia. Libel for Divorce. No. 2S f July term. 1899. To the defendant, Ben Young: Yon are hereby notified, required and com manded personally or by attorney. t<< be and appear at the Superior Court to be held in and for said county of B 11- tow on the second Monday in Janu ry next, then and there to answer Ihe plaintiffs libel fora divorce, and in de fault thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain. Witness the Honorable A.W Fite, judge of said court, this Julv 30. 1901. W. REEVES, JR., Clerk Superior Court. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all credhora of the estateof Thos. C. Barron, dec-us ed, to render in an account of their de mands to me within the time prescri* eit bv law. properly made out. Per* ms indebted to said deceased are hereby 1 requested to make immediate payn ent to the undersigned October 9th, 1901. H. M. GREEN, Admr,.