The News and courant. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1901-1904, December 05, 1901, Image 4

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Tub News and Gourani. I). U. )' KE 3MIA \,) S- Dilitorn and Pnblisliera. H. A. 4HAPAI V>,j * A M WIIjLINU!!AU, (trr<‘Kp>ndiijg Editor. SITIISf'ISII'TION ISA I KS. One Year. *1 00 Six Months 60 Throe Months sBS rnritsDAY, dkc. , mu. The intimation from the Sum mer il!e News tin t Judge Fite ought not to be elected to congress because lie hails from Bartow is unworthy the broad views aid fine disposition justly accredited to the editor of that paper. Surely this thought did not originate in his breast or brain. According to the latest an nouncements, says the Philadel phia Times, scientists have traced man back 9,000 years, but it took him about 7,000 to get a start for what he has done within the past 2.006, and it required more than 1,800 of these to prepare for what was done in the last two centuries. And about now he is beginning'to make a real start in knowledge and progress.- Man is a great * animal, but lie needs time. Judge A. W. bite was in the city last week, and paid the Con rier office a pleasant visit. In an swer to a question as to whether or not lie" would he a candidate for congress from this district, the judge said that he was not > ct fully decided, but he was being warmly solicited to make the race. Those close to him are firm, in the belief that lie will be "in if,” and that he will make a strong fight. Ii la enters t h e/e will he a warm time in the old 7th, "and don’t you forget it!” —Cedartown Advance- Courier. Tee Philadelphia Record thinks the failure of the republicans to agree on reciprocity and tariff modification as a policy furnishes a fine opportunity for the demo crats. It says: There can be no doubt as to the meaning of Pres ident McKinley’s lost pee h and 01 President Roosevelt’s express ions on the subject of a more lib erai foreign policy to stimulate mu export trade. This is an oppor tunity for the democracy. It is something better, also —an oppor tunity for republicans and demo crats alike who deplore the dom ination of the republican policy by the trusts to take issue with the majority and to organize for the purpose of aiding in the work of HtS '£ AND Does your horse “feel hi. oat?"? What a difference be tween the crain-fed rod th yrass-i'e .i horse! Yhc firs s ny.yr a.a] full cf r hie;, r, th. second flabby, weak and tirec .out before he begins. The feeding makes the difference Children are not alike cither C o is rosy, blight-eyed, full of life and laughter, another is pale, weak and dull. The feed ing egai is responsible. Sickly children need special feeding. They don’t “feel their oats’. Scott’s Emulsion adds just the right richness to their diet. It is like grain to the horse. The child gets new appetite and strong digestion. Scott’s Emulsion is more than food. It is a strong medicine. It rouses up dull children, puts new flesh on thin ones and red blood into pale ones. It makes children grow. Scott’s Emulsion makes ordi .octe—T nary food do its BThis picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott’s Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, | 409 Pearl St., New York. I 50c and sl. all druggists. m iking America supreme in the industrial world by establishing more frie idiy relations with other nations. The Summerville News seems to think Judge Fite is a very good 1 judge bin this is not his time to go ! to congress and that Judge Mad dox has not been there long enough to do his people all the good he can. Strange this is, when Judge Maddox seemed to think one term long enough for Mr. Everett, when ! lie has already had five terms. By this logic Mr. Everett must have learned as much in two years as Judge Maddox has in ten, and it does seem that if one term was en ough for Mr. Everett five terms should be enough for Mr, Mad dox. , Mrs. Lula T. Lyon is soon to have published a book of poems she has written. Mrs. Lyon in her poetical as well as her prose writ ings has shown a striking genius and the volume will be an impor tant contribution to the literature of the day. We publish in this issue a little poem of hers that I breathes a beautiful sentiment and | is cleverly written. 150X1) KMTTION POSTPONED. At a meeting of the Board of County Commissioners held yester day it was decided to postpone the election for court house bond until the'injunction suit now pending is decided. This suit will come up today before Judge Fite, and will probably be carried to the supreme court, and the Commissioners have decided that it would be better to a tit until this case is settled. If t should be in favor of the commissioners an election can be ordered and the j e xple of the county rui then decide whether 'hoy will pay for the new court by bonds or by direct taxation. Thi is an important matter to the coun v and should have the thoughtful attention of every tax payer. A vote againat bonds means to pay for the new cotut house witniu two \ ears, which would make the tix rate larger than necessary. Should the injunction case be decided in faeor of the county the commissioners will give the people an opportunity to vote for bonds at a later date, and the election •will be ordered in time to meet the payments as they fall due. The county has already spent about eight thousand dollars on the grounds and foundations and it would be worse than lolly to abandon the project when we are s 1 much in need of anew court h ABANDONS hfri Chi_d. Nogro Child hound Fastened Up n Housu and Mother Gone. The two-year old boy of Alice Reason, colored, was iound alone where it had been abandoned by its mother, in a house near the railroad in the north end of town, on Monday evening. The child had been there for about forty-eight hours and no telling how much longer it would have had to stay thus shut up if a sister of its mother had not passed by and saw its face in the window and gone in the house. Alice Reason left here Saturday night for Rome, taking all her household effects with her, and it . as supposed by other negroes who knew of her going, that she took uer child with her. The child was both cold and hungry when found, and the city authorities being noti fied, took it in charge, the sister of the absent mother having agreed 10 give it temporary shelter. It may be sent 10 the poor house. A warrant having been issued for Alice Reason charging her with desertion and cruel treatment and the authorities at Rome having been telegraphed to accomplish her ar rest if possible, she was arrested by A. B. Watkins and Tuesday Constable F. C. Watkins went over and brought her back, she is now in jail. I) af n ss Cannot be Cured ■iy local applications, as they cannot 1 - acli the diseased 'portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, ami that is bv constitutional remedies. Deal ness Iscaused by an inflamed cou lition of the mucous lining of the Kus achian Tube. When this tube gets in .lamed you have a rumbling sound or mperlect hearing, and w hen it is en tirely closed dealness is the result, and tmess tiie inflammation can be taken in and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destro ed r ■ v, r; nine iasi s out often are caused iv catarrh, which is nothing out an in lallied condition of tiie mucous sui aces. We give One Hundred Dollars for anv •ase of deafness (caused by catarrh )that •1 not he cured by Mali’s (.'atari-mJtft re. I -end h>r circulars, free Yr F. J. THENE i A CO„ Toledo, O. Sold by Druj:gists, 75c iJ.. I’s Family 1’ lls arc- th 'test. Society Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bain well, of Atlanta, spent Sunday in the city with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cary. __ • Mr. Claud Jones, of Marietta, was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. George Ciouch last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Womelsdorf on November the 27th a girl. Mr. Bradley Howard, of Atlanta, spent Tnanksgiving in the city. Mrs. Sam P. Joaes entertained at an elegant dinner last Week in honor of Misses Caldwell and Black, of Kentucky, the popular guests of Miss Julja Baxter Jones. Mr. B. L. Fiemister, of Atlanta, spent Sunday in the city. Miss Sallie Heyward returned last Thursday night from Wil liamsport, Pa., where she spent two months. Miss Mayme Hudgins has re turned from Laurens, S. C., to the delight of her many friends. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam K Abbott, of Atlanta, on November the seventh, a son, Mr. Samuel Kendrick Abbott, Jr. Mr. Hunter McConnell of the “Tech” spent Thanksgiving at home. Miss Eula Foute, of Atlanta, is visiting her aunt, Miss Laura Rob erts, 011 Erwin street. Miss Lottie Cowherd returned Saturday night from a short visit to relatives in Atlanta. Mr. Tom H. Milner has been spending several days in Cedai town this week. l>r. Pull s Pills For 1.1 vur Ills. One pill a dose. Box, 50 pills, 10 cts. Cure constipation, liver troubles, billiousness, impure bloo J , dyspepsia, female com phiints, stem uii and bowel dis orders. Dr. Bull’s lulls never gripe. Mo liter Cray’s Swts'i .waders For Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children’s Dome in New York, cure fever ishness, bad stomach, teething disorders, move and regulate the bowels and destroy worms. Over 30,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all druggists, 25c. Sam pie free. Address, Alien S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. DON’T tTHT THIN get fat; get nice and. plump; t lere is safety in plumpness. Summer, has tried your food works; winter is coming to try your breath-mill. Fall is ih; time to brace yourself. But weather is trick) ; look out! Look out for colds especially. Scott’s emulsion of cod-liver oil is .he subtlest of helps. It is food, the easiest food in ‘the world; it is more than food, it helps you digest your food, and get more nutriment from it. Don’t get thin, there is safety in plumpness. Man, woman, and child. For Alderman. Thereby announce my name for al derman from the Third Ward and ask tin siippi rt of my friends .t the elec tion on second Wednesday in January, -'hi2, and if I am elected will promise to lociK to the best interests of the city. Respectfully, TO.VI D. WATKINS. We are requested to announce the name of it. Ni. LANDERS as a candi date tor alderman from the First Ward at tiie ensuing election to be held on the second Wednesday in January, IHO2 FAIRLAWN Jersey Bulls. BEST BREEDING. Registered, solid colors, for sale. One seven, one thirteen months old, one mature. At reasonable prices. Also B. P. R. Cockerels CHOICE, BEST STRAINS. WM. BROWNE, Cassyilie, Cia. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of Merideth Anderson, de ceased, to render in account 01 the law mands (at once) in terms of the law properly made out Persons indebted to said oeceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment,to the un dersigned. November 18, 1901. JOE M. MOON. Aiim’i. Est 01 Me. idelh Andeison. NICE OLD QUAKER LADY Cured of Catarrh 4^ By Peruna Jwl y After 20 Years' MRS. POLLY EVANS, A LIFE-LONG FRIEND OF PE-RU-NA. ••My wife {Polly J. Evans) says she feels entirely cured of systemic catarrh of twenty years’ standing. She took nearly six bottles of thy excellent medi cine, Peruna, as directed, and we feel very thankful to thee for thy kindness and advice. She did not ever expect to be so well as she Is now. Twelve years ago it cured her of la grippe. I want to tell thee there has been a great deal of Peruna used here last winter. Peruna does not need praising. It tells for its If. We can and do re ommend it to anyone that is afflicted with catarrh. ” As ever, thy friend, . John Evans, South Wabash, Ind. The above letter written by a venerable old Quaker,Mr. John Evans,living et South Wabash, Ind. tells in his quaint language his experience with the national catarrh remedy, Peruna. Osi $. fell §OO. i>. Crouch | CLOSED ALL BAY ! THANKSGIVING. I k We have many things to be Thankful for. We [ thank Him each day for his manifold blessings ! Thankful for your past liberal patronge, ; Thankful for our many new customers, Thankful we have efficient Clerks to serve you Thankful we can show you such a large and well selected stock of Dress Goods, * Thankul that we can sell you as good suit ot clothes as can be manufactured for the money, Thankful we can give the house wife just what she wants in Table Linen Napkins etc, Thaiming you again for your past patronage. \ \ fie. S, Crouch Geo. S. Crouch City Tax Books Open. The City Tax Books are now open, and taxes can be paid at the oouncil chamber from 9 a. m every dav until December 15th, when the books will be closed. Nov. 12, 1901. 2 d S. P. Satterfield, Citv Tax Collector. Row Are Your H.ldner * Dr. Hobbs' Sparagus Pills cure all kidney Ills. Sam pie free. Add. Sterling Uemedy Cos., Chicago or if. Y Cantaloupe Seed. M. Fugazzi & Cos., of Cincin nati. make a specialty of Rocky Ford Cantaloupes, and being de sirous of seeing nothing but the genuine article grown in North Georgia, have received a lanje quantity of Rocky Ford seed which they are now offering for sale, and growers expecting to nlant some will do well to write them. 2iNov3t The Quakers have always been ch * actenzed by their untiring carp relieving the suffering of their own poor, and are hospitable, sweet-spiritel and gentle people. They universally wear plain, unobtrusive clothing, not L much for uniformity, as to escape the ever-changing fashions in drees. Their honesty and veracity i s known. Hence this letter will be rear! with interest by all classes. Could any words be more to the point, could any evidence be more than the above persuasive, direct, sin-’ cere letter? Systemic catarrh is a’con dition in which chronic catarrh has per vaded the whole system. Catarrh first begins by localizing itself in someone or more organs of the body, but very soon it shows a tendency to spread to other organs. If it is not checked, the whole system becomes invaded by this insidious disease. When catarrh has reached this stage of course it has gone beyond the reach of all local remedies. Nothing but a systemic remedy can reach it. Peruna is the only remedy yet devised to meet such cases. Peruna eradicates catarrh from the system. It does its work quietly, but surely. It cleanses the mucous membranes of the whole body. It produces regular functions. Peruna restores perfect health in a natural way. Anna P. Nichols, Vice Grand Baxter Rebekah Lodge, in a letter from 906 Main street, Kansas City, Mo.,says: 41 My friends rec ommended Peruna sohighly that I pur chased a bottle to try it and have never been sorry. 44 At times my system became en tirely run down, I could not sleep well and lost my appetite. Since I have used Peruna I feel like a different woman and hardly know what it is to be sick. I congratulate you on the merits of your wonderful medicine and wish you continued success.” One of Dr. Ilartman's free books on catarrh, sent to any address by The Peruna Medicine Cos., Columbus, Ohio. Registration Notice. All parties not registered for the last general elections held in 1900, and who are now entitled, can reg ister with the tax collector up to and including December 3rd, 1901. Registration books will be open at the several places attended by rue for collecting taxes, and with John 11. Cobb at court house in Carters ville. This 20th Nov., 1901. F. V. Smith, T. C. Anna P. Nichols.