The News and courant. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1901-1904, December 05, 1901, Image 8

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2Asthma “One of my daughters had a terrible case of asthma. We tried almost everything, but without re lief. We then tried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and three and one-half bottles cured her.” —Emma Jane Entsminger, Langsville. O. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral certainly cures many cases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hoarseness, weak lungs, whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night coughs, and hard colds. Three sizes: 25c., 53c., SI. AI! druggists. Consult vour doctor. If he says take it, then do as lie 6iivs. Ii lie tells you not to take It. then don’t take It. He knows. Leave it w ith him. We are willing. J. C. AY Eli CO.. I.owe!l, Maas. THROUGHOUT ®Jj COUNTY. FOKD. Rev. John McMurry. of Lin wood, filled his regular appoint ment last Sunday at Macedonia. Mrs. Kate Reynolds and family are going to move to Adairsville. The gin house of Mr. Preston Griffin at Ligon came very near last week being burned up. Cards have been received in this section announcing the marriage ot Miss Lena Griffin, of Carters ville, to Mr. Raiford Davis, of Tay lorsville. We don’t know any thing ot Mr. Davis, but can say of Miss Ltna that Bartow will lose one of its most charming young ladies. The writer has known her from infancy up and she has al wu\ s been possessed with the tru est and most noble traits of char acter, and we wish for her and the one whom she admires a long and happy life. Mr. Fair Dodd, of Atlanta, spent last Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Dodd. Col. G. M. Isbell, accompanied by Mr. Carry Dodd, left last week for Texas. The former on a visit to the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Isbell, and the lat ter seeking a home as we were told. Mr. and Mrs. John Ingram was aroused one night last week from slumber by fire but it was too late for him to save much or ex tinguish the fire. The wind caus ed a general spread of the fire and in a short space of time his home with the larger portion of its con tent 1 .. were in ashes. We hear many of our farmers complaining about the short turn out of lint produced from Russell’s big bole cotton. Ewing Jolly, of Cartersyille spent Thanksgiving day at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Jolly. Miss Alley Mae Arnold, of Rome, is visiting relatives and friends at Ford. The citizens living in the neigh borhood of Fairview are very sorry th; t they were overlooked when the commissioner was arranging the schools for another year T 1 ere is a goodly number of chil dten in the above vicinity that will be deprived of school if some ar rangements are not made. Many of them are too small to attend either at Ligon or Oak Grove. Mr. and Mrs Jeff Arnold, of Lind ile, are visiting friends and relatives in the vicinity of Fair view. Walter Jones and Miss Lucy Hale were happily united as man and wife last Sunday morning, Squire James Madden officiating. James Gore, colored, caught five o’possums last week. \V EST AI) AIUSVILLE. Our farmers have been improv ing the beautiful weather of the past few days in sowing tneir grain and getting their general farm work done preparatory to enjoying the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. FT C. Cunningham ; ccompanied by their son, Ernest, attended preachi.ig at Best Chapei Sunday. Mrs. Margaret Goodwin returned t< her home near Clinton, S. C., Friday after spending some time with her nephew, M. M. Cunning ham. W. T. Hall had the misfortune to get right badly hurt Saturday by a heavy box falling upon him. Mr. C. W. Cunningham,of Nan nie, was in our burg Sunday. Mrs. T. C. Sutton has been on the sick list for some time but she is improving. Mr. Jeff Crump went to Rome on busiuczo Saturday. Gcoige Crump has moved to Dalton. Married at Marietta- Mr. J. W. Grogan, of this city, was married last Sunday, at Mari etta, to Miss Effie Carnes. The marriage took place at the home of the bride’s father, Mr, T. C. Carnes, and was a quiet home af fair, only a few relativesand friends being present. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. J. Morgan. The happy couple boarded the af ternoon train for this cite, and are now located with Mrs. Joe Jones, on Market street. The bride is a worthy and pop ular young woman who possesses many friends. Mr. Grogan is anew resident of Cartersville. but by his smooth dealing and genial manner has made many friends, who wish him and his bride unalloyed happi ness and prosperity. Daughters of the Confederacy. The Bartow chapter, U. D. C., will meet at the residence of Maj C. H Smith on Friday, December 6th', at three o’clock. All mem bers are urged to be present. Mary Wiki.e, Secretary. It Keeps tle Feet Warm and Dry. Ask today for Allen’s Foot-ease, a powder. It cures chilblains, swollen sweating, sore, aching, damp feet. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. I>r. Hull’* Cnugh Syrup Cures a cough or cold at once. Con quers croup, whooping cough and measles’ cough without fail. Best for bronchitis, hoarseness, grippe, pneumonia, consumption and lung affections. Quick, sure results. Price. 25c. All persons indebted to me must settle their and accounts at once. F. V. Turk, Stilesboro, Ga. imo Notice- All those indebted to me are re quested to call and settle before Christmas, as I am going out of business and desire these accounts closed up. All accounts not paid by the first of Januaiv will be placed in the hands of a collector. Miss Lucy Hicks. November 25, 1901. 11. T. Mclntyre, St. Paul, Minn., who has been troubled with a dis ordered stomach, says, “Chamber lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets do me more good than anything I have ever taken.” For sale by Hall & Greene, Druggists. PGREDReiGS, Patent, FINE STATIONERY, And Druggists Sundries. Can be bought at lowest prices from HALL & GREENE. ODRVJGGISTS.* Dec. 2d. Dec. 2d.- On Monday, December 2d, OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Will be open, and a larger, better stock was neyei open in Cartersville. DON’T FAIL TO SEE OUR STOCK Before choosing your presents. We have cheap, me dium and fine presents for old, middle aged people —a well selected stock and one WELL WORTH SEEiNO. CALHOUN BROS. Deo. 2d. Dec. 2d. DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful fffl ;g? r Js wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright's Disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work, in private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney orbladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer 61 Co., Bing- f J hamton, N. Y. The .J regular fifty cent and Home of Swamp-Root, dollar-sizes are sold by all good druggists. Traveling Library- Those who have a section of Cherokee Club Traveling Library will please, at their earliest conve nience, leave it at the drug store of Hall & Greene in Cartersville. The books are very much needed. Anyone who would like to have papers, such as The Chris tian Observer and Saturday Eve ning Post, for distribution in the country can get them by applying either in person or by letter to the undersigned. Mrs. M. L. Johnson. December 3, 1901. K. of P. Meeting Notice- A rngulttreon vent ion of C ir tersville Bilge No. 42, lOiiituf.iw J be?* y of Pyt ni a -t, will l>o rmlil in th-* Castle Hail * PJUI, ai’7:3o p. -harp. Work in Ist Rank. O. M. Milam, C. C. W. H. WIKLE, K. K. TO CURE A COED IN ONI DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the monoy if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. Pi ice, 25c cures made by Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It is the great medi cal triumph of the nine teenth century; dis covered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent kidney and blad der specialist, and is EG2N2/nY IS WEALiTR, A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNED. CHANCE OF A LIFETIME.^ Once, and Never Acain, to Buy the Best Goods at the Best Bargains NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE T. R. Jones Building, Bank Block. Is now Offering the Grandest Bargains Ever Known to the Public in the Liu e of -CLOTHING- ' Of the finest and latest for men and boys, recent!7 -mrchased by our New York buyer at FORTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Everything else such as Jackets, Capes, Skirts, Dry Dress Goods, Uundervear Shoes, Mats, Caps, etc,, etc , to be sold ONCE AT A GREET SACRIFICE.^-^g^^ They are made to sell and to wear well. Great Offerings to Early Comers. J amulowsky & Zaoller, Prop’r 3. Itcornll |—PAINT—I Removes all Corns, Bunions and Warts, ink vyA without pain, speedily and permanently v A ~ AU Dmvclsts sell Abbott’s ~ /vk Y 'jb /;.\ - Last Corn Paint. LIPPMAN B.IOS. Vn Sole Props. Have opened on east s : de Public Square an elegant stock of Staple ?nd Fancy and invite the people of Cartersville and Bartow county to call aad see them. You will be treated right and our will be sold as ycAi can buy them any where. OPERA HOUSE, Thursdav, December 5. GjRACc [OG*AN. ;<* -IN- . ~ FIRST APPEARANCE OF a. E MMEYILLE’S Magnificent Production of HUMAN HEARTS An Idyllic Play of Homely Life Arming the Picturesque Aikan as Hills. SUPERB CAST. A THIEF IN THE NIGHT. How Catarrh Rohs Its Victims of Health and Life. Catarrh Is the most Insidious of diseases. If neglected, It invariably reaches the bronchial tubes and lung-3, rendering them weak and susceptible to consumption. P. P. P. (Lipptnan’s Great Remedy) Is the only logical treatment for this loathsome disease. Catarrh Is now recognised as an affection of the blood, and not a mere local trou ble. The best blood purifier is there fore the best remedy, and the best blood purifier Is acknowledged to be P. P. P. Under treatment with P. P. P. the sickening discharges, with hawking and spitting and offensive odor, quickly disappear and perma nent and radical recovery soon re sults. Messrs. Lippmax Brothers, Savan nah, Ga. Gents—l have used nearly four bottles t r t : —1 _ I .. , _ of P. P. P., Lrppmati’s Great Remedy. I was afflicted irom the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. Your P. P. P. has cured tny diffi CU /Li * 3re , lin ßK smothering, palpitation °f the heart, anT has relieved me of all pain. On*, nostril was closed for ten years, but now I can breathe through it readily. I have not slept on either side for two years ; in fact, I dreaded to see night come. Now I sleet soundly in any position all night. lam 50 years old, but expect soon to be able to take hold of thi plow handles I feel glad that I was lucky enough to get P. P. P., and I heartil/ recommend it tc my mends and the public generally. Yours respectfully, A. M. RAMSEY. I he State of lexas—County of Comanche.—Before the undersigned authority’ on this day personally appeared A. M. Ramsey, who, after being duly sworn, says on oath thatthe foregoing: statement made by hnn relative to the virtue of P. P. P. medicine is true. A. M. RAMSEY. Sworn to and subscribed before me this August 4th, 1891. J. M. LAMBERT, N. P., Comanche County, Texas. Prj (Iflppinan’s Great Remedy) is superior to all sarsaparillas and the most • r% r . scientific and successful remedy for old sores, pimples, blotches and all diseases of the skin and blood. Pp* n (Lippman’s Great Remedy) is well known to physicians, who prescribe it . \r . P. largely in their regular practice, the formula being printed on eveiy carton. Sold by all Druggists. Lippman Brothers, Lippman Block, Savannah, Ga. IN —-— GRRTERBWLLE. Selling Out at Cost MY ENTIRE STOCK OF GlotfeSlps, Hats; Dry Goods, Etc. Now is the time for you to get your Bargains Come and sne at once the goods roust be sold as I am going to make a change in business by the first or thd year. Don’t fail to see me before you buy as I will save you mane). - J. BERNSTEIN At the Blue Front, West Main Street, Cartersville, Ga