The News and courant. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1901-1904, December 19, 1901, Image 4

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THe News and Gouranl. I>. B. HICKMAN,) > Kilitoro miil.Piiblixhcis. H. A. AH ADC AJi.J A. M WILLIN'(III CM, (’nVrep;>niiliig Editor. SUUSCHI PTIOJf It.\ TKS.' One Year $1 00 Six Months iyi Three Months : rHURSDAY. le4 19, 1901. SHORT LOC IS-, ! * h . Mr. Ruofis Byron apent Sunday in Atlanta. Mr. John Simpson and wife, of Laurens. S. 0., reached the city Mon day and will remain ten days as the g testa of Mrs. A. 11. (Junyiis, at Fair vi-w. „ . , Mr Henry Snow, of Dalton, was in town yesterday, Readers and Writers supplies at the Cartersville Bookbu-re. Miss Hattie Jones- coTnesihoTiiff from Milledgeviile, where she has been at tending school, for < ■’hristmas, ixt hair \ iew. Mrs. Sam Jones, Miss Laura. Jones and Mrs. j. E. Mays, Judge Fite t.nd Mr. li. E. cary were among the visi tors to Atlanta on Tuesday. \uu will finely some . large pictures good enough to adorn a king’s palace. Call and get them at Menkee’s Studio. Pure oil for all sewing machines at Union Supply Co’s, near Post office. Mr. Lem Dixon Knghlt has returned to Cave Springs after a few days visit in cartersville. Dr. Clark If. Griffin spent last Sat ureay in (Jedartowh, where he ex pects to locate after the lirst of Jan uary. Bargains in sewing machines of all kinds at Union Supply Co’s, next door to Book store. Get the best oil for sewing ma chines at Union Supply office alfo the best needles, shuttles, bands etc. for all machines. Union Supply Cos. will dispose of two carloads of sewing machines just from their factories. - ■•<■. * 4 Sir, und Mrs. 11. E. Cary go down tonight to see Ward and \ oke.s in “The Head \\ a,iter.” Miss Alya O'.Veil 1, of Dalton, will be tile guest of Mrs. tSam Jones p.t “ld>se Dawn,” during tin* holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barnwell, of Atlanta, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar l’oe ples, of Chattanooga, spent pan, of Christinas week in Curtersville. N a]vHiMn t 11 the It* ht Liiunii'iU, Price 15 cents; large bottles 25 cents Greatest ;ure on'r rheumatism, neuralgia, soreness, sprains, backache, stiffness, cuts, bruises, wounds, swellings, burns and frostbites. Salvation Oil kills all pain. TO C’lliL A COLD DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the mo ray it it fails to cure. E. YV. Grove’s signature is on each bos. Price, 25c ITltiCfe i PJ % ; MilkU \Jf l | You have used ai! e sorts of cough rerae j dies but it does not i vic'd; it is too deep I seated. It may wear itself out in time, but | it is more liable to | produce la grippe, 1 pnenrndnla or a seri j ous throat affection. I You need something jtl t<a t will give you j strength and build j up the body. SCOTT’S EMULSION will do this when everything else fails. There is no doubt about it. It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw off this hard cough, but to fortify the system against further attacks. If you are I run down or emaciated you I should certainly take this t nourishing food medicine. X 50c. and SI.OO, all d-v '"tats." - f SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, "New York. CAPTnYoiinWb miss reagin. Marriage at Cedariown Yesterday Evening— Return to Cartersville. Capt, Thpa.‘ JjLyon anda party of nieuds'w*t*d* er to Cedartowu in the private car nf r CflLrihf'W s*• Tlall, which was krtttliy%4Uiki>ed for the occas ion, w-as married at three o’ciock f evening to Miss Elizab at the home of Mr. C. U*ji%nw.£Rev. Newt. Turn ing officiatVtfg*, atyd returned toCar tersv ill e y q|U£jJhy evening. The pajtj .jvas composed of Dr. W. I. li*teMHtC. N. Patterson, M G, Dobbins,' H. T. Bradley, J. W. Harri'sj'Jti. Ji.'Freeman, Aloert Strickland, . R.' H. Couper, J. P. McConnell •rtd 'ftC. Crenshaw. The presentk vvere numerous and among them was a beautiful .-Silver butter dish given jointly by Maj. Jr A. Blance, Col. J. O. Waddell and Editor T. H. Gibson. This wbs presented by Mr.- after the ceremony w accompanied by a most ek*g#fcli£tje speech. Capt. LVon and his bride will be at home at the Shelman House for the present. - The bride is a jnost estimable •lady, possessed of’ intelligence and many superior.qualities which win the irietKishnp of all who know her. Capt. Lyon IS Well known all over Georgia*, .Td prominent in public affairs, and possesses hosts of fiiends. CHEROKEE CLUB BAZAAR. a, if Success’ AYtetp6 Efforts of the Ladles for "the Library. The Club Bazaar held at th Joties. building last Thurs day and Friday was both a social and financial Success. The bazaar was liberally patronized from the °PIP' n L and 1 * when *it -closed on •Friday evening the room was crowded with eager purchasers. w£s disposed of at good prices..uuwi th 6 laches were well pleased with the suecess of their The ; peoplecmb led in the evenfri^ 'hind made it a most delightfurfcaqi£ l gathering. Tbe4y ee imß*#fcor ■ Ikf-two days amounted., t,A'hundred and eighty dollars, and the expenses amounted •to about fifty dollars, leaving, about VJjwp 'hundred and thirty dollai fMdlLiibrary build ing fund. * '* *' V The ladies w!kl had charge of the bazaai deserve a great deal of credit fo.r .‘.splendid manage ment and successful results which crowned ’• the ff ef(oris to raise money fo.L tJie*!ili rary building. Mrs. Alonzo. Monk is the guest of the. city.. Mrs. Monk is stopping overt ®n her journey from Knoxville to-lrer fnture home in At lanta. ' •*4 v Picture frames made to order. A new line of.mrmlchngsjust in, at Menktfe’s. S'tytlYd; • * If you wdut-good Xmas cake buy .flojff Xro'ijh ’.Martin Col lins. The .(wl(Abwrtft4s+P nr V Clay Letter. We give^atfwifc‘hundred cents worth uf watch work lor a dollar and fully guarantee 1 ail we do. tf Jeweler. A full nuts, and fruits., iur*fafEV.kcit^ want in this lit\e aivWa'rtitf •'Collins’ new store — every thiQg/resh. Moon-BTUGsW<ddmg. At the Ka-sC-Sklc CJlflrch Wed nesday m£Sf.u*ip{*';at ’ ten o’clock, Miss Carrie:.otrfy daughter ol Mr. P. 'T* Mo’b'V^aqd''Mr. Rufus Nepolebn iTjryc.cUwefe’uftited in the holy bonds of; Vmvtriujou.y by the Rev. Mr. YV?l)VosJisit :Tlie bride wore a beau ti f ukdiwk,, 'h,Vvy blue, r’ress and hat to match. The church was mo£t elaborately dec orated with cedar, holly and mis tletoe. T , ir£ , ta>'ts’ple stc6d under an arch of €verg*efl. The large ini tial letters 111 silver B hung from the cert ter xsif ! the’ f arch. M rs; Post ell i>Tay.ed Mendelssohns wedding, muveta.*-During the cer vmpuy she p]a££d*t'iie air -from the .•opera,•'•**sl';ltaug ’ • This was the 'first mjtrriage ceremony'in the East Side cfcuYch, and of ; course created quite a; flurry of excitement and j interest-among the members. Mr Bruce is the efficient the Blue Ridge ocre compapY he has’held iowtii*,. p4st" year. Mft and Mrs. Tfrirce" left' immediately for Walesca, wire re they- will spend tliQ.Christmas holidays with Mr. Bruce’s A friends* tvkli them miich joy, happiness*prosperity and long’life.''*."** ... . :u .. .. , . *. ,**s#i*;*b * • 4L2 Ao Soars tie Have Always BotigM dfe 'll iiiiii'iiii Ifi if Else fails. a Iset C4> iih syrup. TaptCs Good. Use g .il t*v drudei-’v W rgwßA<4SwrTaigCT^i For Mayor- To the voters of Cartersville, Ga.: With a desire to represent you as mayor of your city, I now offer myself a candidate for that position. I am no stranger in your midst nor am Ia stranger to the management of the affairs of your city. Everything that I own is within the incorporate limits of Cartersville. What is your inter est is mine, and, if elected, all I can promise is to do what is best for the advancement of both and all concerned. Respectfully, G. H. Gii.reath. For Alderman. I heareby announce myself a candidate for alderman from the fourth ward, and ask the support of the voters of Cartersville. The position is not new to me and I am satisfied that I can serve the best interests of the people. It may be possible that I cannot be present at the election, but ear nestly hope to be remembered by the voters. W. Henry Milner. DEATH Or MRS- WITCHFR. Dies Suddenly at the Home of Her Sister Mrs. Akin. Virginia A. Witcher, widow of the late Dr. Witcher, of Polk County, died suddenly at the home of her sister, Mrs. M. F. Akin on Monday evening. The family were around the fire in the sitting room when Mrs. Witcher remark ed that she had to go to her room. In a tew minutes the family heard a fall in the part of the house where Mrs. Witcher had gone, and on going to her room, found her unconscious on the floor. She re vived sufficient to indicate that the pain was in her chest and expired. Mrs. Witcher was a sister of Mrs. Akin, Mrs. J. S. Pruther, of At lanta, and Mrs. Verdery Battey. Her husband, Dr. Witcher, was killed while serving in the confed erate army. Mrs. Witcher came to Cartersville a short time ago,on a visit to her sister, and was in her usual health, when she died so sud denly. The funeral service was conducted at the home of Mrs. Akin yesterday morning by Revs. G. W. Yarbrough and A. W. Bealer, and the remains were car ried to Cassville for interment. Oranges, best Florida fruit at 25c per dozen at Martin Collins. The best watch work cannot be done lower than our prices. All work guaranteed. tf Baker, The Jeweler. Asa preventive as well as cura tive medicine, Hood’s Sarsaparilla is pre-eminent—its great merit is fully established. All persons indebted to me must settle their notes and accounts at once. F. V. Turk, Stilesboro. Ga. imo Notice- All those indebted to me are re quested to call and settle before Christmas, as I am going out of business and desire these accounts closed up. All accounts not paid by the first of Januaiv will be placed in the hands of a collector. Miss Lucy Hicks. November 25, 1901. H. T. Mclntyre, St. Paul, Minn., who has been troubled with a dis ordered stomach, says, “Chamber lain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets do me more good than anything I have ever taken.” For sale by Hall & Greene, Druggists. SIOO lteward, eIOO. Tho readers of this paper will be glad to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science lias been able to cure 111 ail its stages, and that is catarrh.- Hall’s Catarrli Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical Maternity. Catarrah being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous suriaces ot the system, thereby destioving the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors havt so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars fo anv case that it fails to cure. Send tor list ot testimonials. Address F. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are thebest. Itching Skin Distress by day and night— That’s the complaint of those who are so unfortunate as to be afflicted with Eczema or Salt Rheum —and out ward applications do not cure. They can’t. The source of the trouble is in the blood —make that pure and this scal ing, burning, itching skin disease will disappear. “I was taken with an itching on my arms which proved very disagreeable. I concluded it was salt rheum and bought a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. In two days after I began taking it I felt better and it was not long before I was cured. Have never had any skin disease since.” Mns. Ida E. Ward, Cove Point, Md. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills rid the blood of all impurities and cure all eruptions. For Alderman. I hereby announce my name for al derman from the Third Ward and ask the support of my friends -it the elec tion on second Wednesday in January, L 902, aud if I am elected will promise to look to the best interests of the city. Kesnectfuliy, TOM D. WATKINS. We are requested to announce the name of H. M. LANDERS as a candi date lor alderman from the First Ward at the ensuing election to be held on the second Wednesday in January, 1902. I hereby announce myself a candi date for alderman from the First Ward at the city election. Janury Sth, 1902, and respectfully osk the support of the voters of Cartersville. JOHN R. TRIPPE. We are authorized to announce the name of Mr. Geo. S. Cobb for reelec tion as alderman of the Fourth Ward. I am a candidate for Alderman from fhe second word, and if elected will endeavor to serve the city faithfully and for her best interests. JOHN C. HILBURN. Report of the Condition of tub First National Banß Of Cartornvllle, nt Cartersville, in the State of Georgia, at the close of business, Dec. 10th, 1901. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 9115,911 61 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 477.77 U. S. Ronds to secure circulation 12,500.00 Premiums on IT. S. Ronds 610.00 Stocks, securities, etc 2,493.47 Banking-house. furniture and fixtures 5.000 00 Other Heal Estate Owned 5,70.00 Due from National Ranks (not Reserve A (tents) 26,319.20 Due from approved reserve’agents 19,219 25 Internal-Revenue stamps 35.00 Checks and other cash items 4,623.91 Notes ot other National Ranks 1,175.00 fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 51.44 Lawful Money Rf.sebve in Rank, viz, Specie $ 11.212.00 Legal tender notes 9.03U.00 20.242 00 Redemption fundwlth U. S, Treasurer (other than 5 per cent.) redemption fund 625.00 Total 9215.163.55 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In 950,000.00 Surplus Fund 3,000.00 Undivided profits leHS expenses and tax es paid 6,613.73 National Rank Notes outstanding 12.500.00 Due to other National Banks 1,45<.69 Dividends unpaid 51.‘0 Individual deposits subject to check 141,329 93 Cashier’s checks outstanding, 90.00 Total 9215,163.55 State of Qeoroia, County of Bartow, ss: I, J. H. Vivion, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. H. VIVION. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16t,h day of Dec. 1901 SAMUEL F. MILAM, Notary Public for Bartow County, Georgia, Correct -Attest: J. A. STOVER. 1 J. R. WIKLE, (-Directors. L, S. MUNFORD. J Raw An Yssr Kidneys t Ur. Hobbs' Sparagu* Pills eare all kidney IBs. Sam ple free. Add. Sterling Remedy Cos.. Chicago or N. Y. Kode! f&yspepsia Gun Digests what you eats ToungMan We want your trade, not only for once, but all time. vm 1 U l may not be able to buy anew suit but a tew db d> vp Cp Cp will make you look as well a 11 and neat as anybody if you buy your HATS, SHOES AND SHIRTS from our new and up to - date stock. We make a specialty of bright stylish NECKWEAR FREEUMHIIU. 4 CHEERFUL CALL fjf I1 >. .* F ‘t tf *• — —TO *4; v; Ghrislmas Bilyers. -v # : 'r;. - 4 • -••• =g= _ , ■ , p C iI m > > Beautiful Goods, Never So Good, . Never So Cheap.: 4 t \ V * *•' ; ...* ’ 1 !■ : . i-n; - ! t f A ££ pM *" • • \ 1 OUR FINE DISPLAY OF j -• t HOLIDAY GOODS . K ‘ • fj IS OPENED AND READY. „ r , , ’ - , ~v * e v -* ' ; . , r ( The Newest Novelties, the Best Most Appropriate Presents for One and ■ All at Fairest Prices. v-' . Do not fail to come in and see our Christmas attractions in ! I •* * * ■ .'i . r*. tH Fancy Goods Novelties! " i . . C * rt ’-t;,- ’ r ” . , V • f. * -■* * / Toilet Articles, Notions, etc.> ,** .*s* I We claim for our holiday display general excellence in quality, i . A *• $0& U" f. -k f '_ 'A great variety and very reasonable prices, making it beyond question or doubt the right place to get the right gifts at the right prices. ' • ' *-, < • Whatever your wants may be, we can meet them with beautiful and appropriate selections. f: We solicit a comparison of goods and prices, knowing that our Holiday Stock will make friends, outshine rivals, please everybody and I sell itself on its merits. rl REMEMBER e:;. !-A . ■"* *f Fresh Christmas Candias- FROM NUNNALLY'3.*” fife 4* ' 'B Jfi 4Hfefc £1 • M. f. V©R M ..., "* ■ *fc y -tv ■ tH f't The 1 '