The News and courant. (Cartersville, Ga.) 1901-1904, December 26, 1901, Image 3

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the state road. It Mav Figure In Nex 4 Year’s Poll tics. . .. J Atlanta Cor. Macon Tc egraph. As an offset to the proposition that received a good deal of ad verse criticism last year to sell the state road, the next legislature may have to grapple with a propo sition that has a two-fold purpose n view —the taking out of the Uiiids of private individuals, the Jjrking of the state’s felony con- JTts, and the byilding of a great steel highway by the state from Chattanooga. Tenn., to Savannah, Ga. . . - This matter was informally dis cussed among some of the mem bers of the general assembly just closed, and it may vet crop into the gubernatorial campaign next year. The plan to ex tend the state road from Atlanta to Savannah by a direct line. The project has not taken definite shape by any means—in fact, only informally discussed, as stated. If the matter is taken up it will prove a red hot issue in the com ing campaign. On the one side will be arrayed that large class that does not believe that the state should go into any kind of business —not even the operating, owning or controlling of public utility cor porate n>. On tne ether hand will be that seeming equally large class, who believe that the state should see to it that her road from Atlan ta to Chattanooga should be made a great connecting link or outlet from the west to the Atlantic ocean. During the latter days of the session just closed, a well known repiesent itive, noted for his bus i: ess sagacity, stated that the great mistake made was ever sell ing the old Macon & Brunswick and what the st ite should have done was to build herself the gap between Macon and Atlanta. Instead of that she allowed out side parties to come in and not only build tuat gap, but also to parallel her road from Atlanta to Chattanooga. When the depot bill was under discussion in the committee room, a representative said that as the Central now had ingress into Chat- tanooga, he would not be surprised to see the Central at any time withdraw 7 her traffic arrangements with the Western & Atlantic, and thus in a measure untie up the state road. There can be no doubt that many people--more than is gener ally thought—favor the sale of the state load. Even in the minds of those favoring building to Savan nah the idea is gaining ground that the state will be compelled to sell in self-defense, unless she for tifies herself by building an outlet to the Atlantic. For this purpose it is suggested to use the state felony convicts. According to the pension commis sion the state now pavs for the guarding and caring of the con victs, which costs $120,000 per year, all told. The state only gets $200,000 from hire. They could all be sublet for double that today. Tiie rails, cross-ties and rolling stock would be practically all that an outlay of money would have to be made for, except that $120,000 maintenance fund, which the state now pays out. The state consti tution could be amended for the specific purpose of increasing the bonded debt for this one purpose alone, and the people would be given a chance to say whether they would want it done or not. Talk is cheap, and, like the sea, is ever rising and surging. There may be or may not be something in all this talk, but its drift is given as it is caught, and time alone will develop whether there is anything behind it or not. CASTOR IA FOl Infa its and Children. The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Biliousness I*,.!,!i aTe used your valuable CASOA an<l find them perfect. Couldn't do vitnout them. I have used them forsome time ior inaigoßtlon and biliousness notv com pletely cured. Recommend them, to every one. unce tried, you will never be without them ir the family,’’ Edw. A. Mari, Albany, N. Y. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do . iScvLr Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 25c,fiOc. ... CUFJE CONSTIPATION. ... nO-Ta.RAn Rp'd and min ran teed by nlldrug " gists to Cl'ltil Tobacco llabit. Woman’s 1 me.... I is hard enough as /C it is. It is to her that /vl we owe our world, / \\ and everything m \\ should be made as \ easy as possible for *4- ,T\ her at the time of vy V\ \ childbirth. This f\ ***/ \ \ is just what -<7 \ Mother's Friend will do. It will make baby's coming easy and painless, and that without tak ing dangerous drugs into the sys tem. It is simply- to be applied to the muscles of the abdomen. It penetrates through the skin carry ing strength and elasticity with it. It strengthens the whole system and prevents all of the discomforts of pregnancy. Ihe mother of a plumb babe in Panama, Mo., says: “I have used Mother s Friend and can praise it highly.” r Get Mother’s Friend at the Drug Store, SI per bottle. The Bradfield Regulator Co.* ATLANTA, GA. Write fer our free illustrated book, " Before Baby is Born.” Dime Novels Catise Crime- Cleveland, 0., Dec. 19. —Dime novels were responsible for the murder of Emil Goodman, who was killed by Griffin Mayo .and Frank Strong. The third lad im plicated and who is at large is also a confirmed novel reader. “Mavo’s folks told me,” says Detective Doran, “that the boy 7 was always reading when at home. I made inquiries as to what he read and found it was dime novels. Then, just out of curiosity, I in quired of the other fellow’s and learned that they were also addict ed to the habit. Besides this, the whole three are cigarette fiends. HE KEPT HIS LEG. Twelve years ago J. W. Sullivan, of Hartfort, Conn., scratched his leg with a rusty wire. Inflamation and blood poisoning set in. For two years he suffered intensely. Then the best doctors urged am putation,“but,”he writes,‘‘l used one bottle of Electric Bitters and 1 1-2 boxes of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and my leg was sound and well as ever.” For Eruptions, Eczema, Tetter, Salt Eheum,Sores and all blood disorders Electric Bitte-rs has no rival on earth. Try them at Young Bros. Drug store will guarantee satisfaction or re fund money. Only 50 cents. Seaboard Air Line Railway. The (Seaboard Air Line Railway re cently inaugurated a modern arid up-tri date service of Cate Oars upon its •‘METROPOLITAN LiMiTED,” which leaves Atlanta daily at noon This service is the par-excellence of luxury and anew departure in dining ear ser vice in the south. The menu is upon the highest standard and the tables are constantly supplied with all the deli cacies rhat the markets afford. The service is A-la carte-pay for what you ord r—and the prices are extremely reaso able. The “METROPOLITAN LIMITED” is one oi the fastest and most superbly appointed trains running between At anta and New York and is composed of Pullman’s most palatial drawing room sleeping car- and dav coaches. When you travel “ask for tickets via SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY.” Money to Loan. A limited sum of money can be borrowed on farm ing - lands. Apply to Jno. H. Wikle, Att’y* A Good Cough Bled cine. I find Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is an excellent medicine. I haye been suffering from a severe cough for the last two months, and it has effected a cure I have great pleasure in recommending it. —W. C. Wockner. This is the opinion of one of our oldest and most re respected residents, and has been voluntarily given in good faith that ethers may try the remedy and be benefitted, as was Mr. Wockner. This remedy is sold by Hall & Greene, Druggists. The Surest Prescription For Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and qumine in a tasteless form. No cure —no pay. Price 50c. D Cady’s Condition Powder •ire just what a horse needs w hen in bad condition. Tonic, ulood pur ifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in to i tit a horse in prirje mndi. tion. Price 2 1', cents per package For sale by alldruggists. Home Courtesy- The Watchman,. > Why should we treat those whom we love and with whom we asso ciate familiarly every day with less courtesy than those vyho arc almost strangers? A few homes we have seen where pleasant po-. and uniform courtesy were the rule; but usually the more con stant our intercourse with a per son the less is the care to be cour teous, This is not because we love the strangers more or do not wish to retain the good opinion and love of our friends and family. It seems to proceed rather from an almost unconscious perception that the only opportunity we shall have to make a good impression on strangers is by our courteous man ner in the few occasions we have to meet them; while we feel se cure in the love of our families’, and are not impressed with the need for treating them with even the ordinary forms of politeness. In many families where genuine respect and love prevail, the hab itual manlier of the members to ward each other is such as to seem to visitors really rude. Think over carefully your usual manner of speaking to the members of your own household circles and compare it fairly with your man ner toward those whom you meet elsewhere, — Perhaps you may be startled at the contrast. If you are, try the effect of a reasonable and easy adaptation of your “so ciety manners” to the members of your own family. They also may be startled at first, but you may be surprised again to find how well they will like it. Dr. Hull's Dills For l.lver Ills. One pill a cote. Box, 50 pills, 10 cts. Cure constipation, liver troubles, billiousness, impure blood, dyspepsia, female com plaints, stomach and bowel dis orders. Dr. Bull’s Pills never gripe. Of Benefit to You, D. S. Mitchell, Fulford, Md.: “During a long illness I was trou bled with bed sores, was advised to try DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve and did so with wonde.ful results. I was perfectly cured. It is the best salve on the market.” Sure cuie foi pil;s, sores, burns. Be ware of counterfeits. A Physician Testifies. “I have taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have never used any thing in my life that did me the good that it did,’’says County Phy sician Geo. W. Scroggs of Hall County, Ga. “Being a physician I have prescribed it and found it to give the best results.” If the food you eat remains undigested in your stomach it decays there and poisons the svstem. You can prevent this by dieting but that means starvation. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure digests what you eat. You need suffer from neither dvs pepsa nor starvation . The vvors case q lie kly cured .Naser fails. Saved His Life, “1 wish to say that I feel I owe my life to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure,” writes H. C. Chrestenson of Hay field, Minn. “For three years I was troubled with dyspepsia so that I could held nothing on my stomach. Many times 1 1 would be unable to retain a morsel of food. Finally I was confined to my bed. Doctors said I could not live. I read one of your advertisements on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and thought it fit my case and com menced its use. I began to im • prove from the first bottle. Now lam cured and recommend it to all.” Digests your food. Cures all stomach troubles. Health and Beauty. A poor complexion is usually the result of a torpid liver or irregular action of the bowels. Unless na ture’s refuse is carried off it will will surely cause impure blood. Pimples, boils and other eruptions follow 7 . This is nature’s method of throwing off the poisons which the bowels failed to remove. De- Witt’s Little Early Risers are world famous for remedying this condition. They stimulate the liver and promote regular and healthy action of the bowels but never cause griping, cramps or distress. Safe pills. Ladies Can Wear Shoes. One size smaller after using: Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder to beslaken into the shoes. It makes tight or new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bunions. It’s the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures and pre vents swollen feet. blisters,callous and sore spots. Alien’s Foot-Ease is a cer tain cure for sweating, hot. aching feet. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c Trial package Free bv mail. Address, Allen S. Olmsted. I-e Roy. N. Y. “C. C. C.” on Every Tablet. Every tablet of Cascarets Candy Cathartic bears the famous C. C. C. Never sold in bulk. Look for it and accept no other. Beware of fraud. All druggists, 10c. Mexican flustang Liniment don’t'stay on or near the surface, but goes in through the muscles and tissues to the bone and drives out all soreness and InilaiuiuaUuu. . *, A, i* •: ' , ;• . - : For a Lame Back, Sore Muscles, or, in fact, all Lameness, and Sore ness of your body there is nothing that will drive out the pain and in flammation so quickly as Mexican Mustang Liniment. . If you cannot reach the spot your self get some one to assist you, for it is essential that the liniment be rubbed in most thoroughly. Mexican Hustang Liniment overcomes tho ailments of horses and nil domestic animals. In fact, it is a ilesh healer ami pain kilter no matter wiioor whut the patient i& FOOD CHANGED TO POISON. Putrefying- food in the intestines produces effects like those of arse nic, but Dr. King’s New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surel), curing Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Fevers, all Livet, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only 25c at Young Bros, drug store. O J&L. S3 •s." <E> iTXX*-..' Bears the s in “ You Bought Signatr.-e /jP , nf C - /• KgeSol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Tutt’s Pills This popular remedy never fails to effectually cure Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness And ALL DISEASES arising from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion The natural result is good appetite and solid flesh. Dose small; elegant ly sugar coated and easy to swallow. Take No Citation for Letter*. GEORGI A. Bartow Countv. To illi whom it may concern: W. E. Quarles has applied to me for perma nent letters ol ad mi nutratinn de bonis non on the estate 01 David Quarles, late of said county, unit 1 will pass upon said application on the first Monday in January, 1901. Witness my hand and official signature, this 2d day ot Decem ber, 1901. G W, TTENDRIt ICS,Ordinary. Citaciou lor Lett,ore. GEORGIA, Bartow Oountv. To whom it may concern: Robt. L. •Smith lias applied to me for permanent letters of administration on the estate of A. B. Smith, late of said county, de ceased. and l will pass upon sain appli cation on the first Monday in January, 1902. Witness in.v hand and official sig nature, this 2d dav of December, 1901. G. W. HENDRICKS, Ordinary. Citation for Dismission. GEORGIA. Bartow Countv. Whereas, W, W. Roberts, !minis- Iratorol Mrs A. N. Roberts, represents j 10 the court in his petition, dulv tiled j and entered on record, that ho lias fully I administered Mrs. A. N. Roberts’ es tate. 'J'his is therefore to cite all per sons c meerned, kindred and creditors, to show, if gpy they can, why said administrator should not oe dis charged fiotr his administration and re ceive letters of dismission on the first 1 Monday in March, 1902. This Decem ber 9U>. 1901. O. W. HENDRICKS,Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of Merideth Anderson, de <•.• as<-d,to render iri account ol the law mands (at once) in terms of the law properly made out Persons indebted to said oeceased are hereby requested to nuke immediate the un dersigned. November 18. 1901. JOE M. MOON. Adm’i. Est of Merideth Anderson. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Notice is hereby given to all creditors of the estate of Linford Abernathy, de ceased, to render in account of tliei de mands (at once) in let ms ot the law properly made out Persons indebted j to “aid deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the un dersigned. November 18. 1901. .TO El M MOON. Adm’r. Est. of Linford Abernathy. Leave to < >ell. GEORGIA, Bartow County. To whom it mav eoneein: Joe M'. Moon, administrator of Meredith An derson, deceased, lias in due form ap plied to the undersigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of s dd deceased, and said application will be heard on the first Monday in Jan uary next. This D*cemhr2l, 1901, G, VV. HENDRICKS, Ordinary. Commissioner’s Sa’e GEORGIA, Rartow County. v\ liereas a judgment and decree was re ered in the case of J. M. Net,!, re ceiver, vs Hanes Milner, Maggie Sprouil and Katy Patteison, No. JB, J uJy term, 1990, Superior Court ot said county, said decree and judgment being recorded in book “M” 01 minutes, page 125, appointing me commissioner and euipow* ring and directing me as such commissioner to sell certain property hereinafter described under the same terms arid conditions as sheriff’s sales are held Now therefore, I, Pan) F. Akin, com missioner, will sell before the court house door in Cartersvilie, Ga,, on the first Tuesday in January, 1902, within the legal hours of sale, for casti to the highest bidder the following property, to-wL: One certain tract of land con taining one-half acre, more or less, formerly Known as the Austin Benham lot, lying and being in the city of Car lersville, ol said county, and bounded ori the north bv Carter street, cast by Jones street, west by t lie negro public school house lot and south l>v the property of Albert La ty re nee. As directed by said judgment and decree I will sell as commissioner said above described tract of land in two parts, separately, to-wit: That nartof said tract of land claimed by Maggie Sprouil, being ope town lot fronting east fifty feet on Jones street, and running hack of even width two hundred feet, more or less, and bound ed on the south by the property of Al bert Lawrence and on the west by the negro public school building lot, as one tract, and the balance of first above de scribed lotas the other tract. All the improvements situated on said tracts will lie sold with and as a part of said tracts Said sales will divest all claims of J. M. Neel, rect ivor of the estate of Lewis Tumiin and Haynes Milner, Maggie Sprouil and Katie Patterson. December 10,1901. PAUL F. AKlN,Commissioner. Pnhlin I UUIIU UUIU< On the first Tuesday in January, 1902, before the court house door, in the-city of Cartersvilie, Bartow county, Geor gia, between the It gal hours of sale, to tiie highest bidder (terms of sale cash) will be sold at public outcry, a certain obligation and contract to pay money, made the 17th day of October, 18W, to G. Y Layton, or order, by G. VV. Verner, By which obligation said Verner lsed to pay said Layton, or order, two thousand dollars in annual instalment* of S2OO each on November Ist. Ipoo, and 011 Ist November each succeedir g year thereafter S2OO until said two thousand dollars are paid; each instalment to hear interest at 8 pei cent, after matur ity. Upon default in payment of any instalment, then under said contract whole amount to lie due and payable, and said Verner in default of payment to pav rental S2OO a year, and sale of land to be void upon election by Lavton. I nstaimentof November Ist. IptO, alone having been paid to date. This obliga tion represents purchase money of 130 acres, more or less, of land in the sth district and 3d section said county bought bvsaid Verner from said Lav ton under bends for titles b> said Lay ton—land formerly owned by M. C. and J. C. Reynolds. Purchaser will get a good title, and can foreclose notes, or possession of land under the contract To he sold by tiie undersigned, tinder and bv virtue of a contra t and pledge of said obligation to undersigned for borrowed money, past due and unpaid, Decern her 10. 1901. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Cartersvilie. Ga. Citation for Dismission GEORG I \, Bartow County. Whereas, James Uren, administrator Of Timothy Marsh, (Colored) represents to the court in his petition, dttiv filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Timothy Marsn’s estate. This is therefore to cite all persons con cerned. kindred and creditors, to show cause, if anv they can. why said admin istrator should not lie discharged from ids administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in March, 19h2. Decern bar nth, 1901. G. VV. HENDRICKS, Ordinary, Citation for Letters. GEORGIA, Bar'ovv County. To ail whom it may concern: W. E. Quarles has applied to me for perma nent letters of administration on the estnt° of Catherine Quarles, late of said county, and I will pass upon said appli cation on ti e first Monday in Janua. v. T!Hi2 Witness inv hand and official sig nature, this 2d dav ot December. 1901 W. HENDRICKS, Ordinary. Rheumatism Rheumatic painaare the cries of protest and distress from tortured muscles, aching Kits and excited nerves. , The blood has 11 poisoned by the accumulation ol waste matter in the system, and can nc longer supply the pure and health sustain ing food they require. The whole system feels the effect of this acid poison; and not until the blood has been purified and brought back to a healthy condition will the aches and pains cease. Mrs. James Kell, of 707 Ninth street, N. R, Washington, D. C., writes as follows: “A fes* months ago I had an attack of Sciatic Rheuma tism in it* worst fortr. The pain was so intense that I became completely pros trated. The attack was an nnusuallv severe one, and my condition was regard ed as being very danger ous. I was attended by one of the most able doc tors in Washington, who is also a member of the fac ulty of a leading medical college here. He told me to continue his prescrip- tions and I would get well. After having I filled twelve times without receiving the slightest benefit, I declined to continue his treatment an* longer. Having heard of S. S S (Swift's Specific] recommended for Rheumatism. I decided, almost in despair however, to give the medicine a trial, snd alter I had taken a few bottles I was able ta hobble around on crutches, and very soon there after had no use for them at all, S. S. S. having cured me sound and well. All the distressing pains have left me, my appetite has returned, and lain happy to be again restored to perfect health. jgggj Die great vegetable HF'' purifier anti tonic, is vbs the ideal remedy in all kjp® KJO hwft rheumatic troubles. ’k3s>r There are no opiates ot minerals in it to disturb the digestion and lead to ruinous habits. We have prepared a special book on Rheumatism which every sufferer from this painful disease should read. It is the most complete and interesting book of the kind in existence. It will be sent free to any one desiring it. Write our physi cians fully and freely about your case. Wa make no charge for medical advice. * , THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Bartow Sheriffs Sales. Will he sold before the court house door in the ;own of Cartel sville, Bartow coifv, Ga.. within the legal hours of the first Tuesday in January, 11)02, the following property, to-wit: All in the fourth district and third section ol Bartow county, Georgia, and consisting of the following: Ail of lot of land No. three hundred and seven teen (317) containing loriy acres, more or less and the west na.f of lot ol land numlnr three hundred and.thirty-two (332) containing twenty a res, more or less, together with the following de scribed mineral interests in lots as fol lows: All the minerals in the hill in southwest corner ol lot number two hundred and sixty-four (2(i4) in the woods and not enclosed in July, IH*6, and supposed to be about five acres; ail the minerals in the south side of num bi r three hundred and lilteen (315) in tile woods in July, 1890, and supposed to be between live and ten acres; all the minerals in that part ot lot number one hundred and ninety -one(191) lying west of the road running north to*the Guy ton’s and supposed to be between fif teen and twenty acre*; and all the min erals in No two hundred and forty-fi ur (244i containing forty acres, more or less: with the right of ingress and egr ss and the right to timber tor null ing purpose- as well as the right to wa ter to wasli ores; the right of ingress and egress to minerals on No. two hun dred and sixty four (204) is to ne con lined to a roao along the south side of said lot running from the Rowland Spring road to said minerals the grantee to be at the expense of putting in and keeping up gales. Levied on and will be sold as the property of the defend ant, D. VV K. Peacock and in his pos session to satisfy an execution issued from judgment rendered by Bartow Superior Court in favor of W. H. How ard vs. said Peacock! Peed of recon veyance fiied and recorded in clerk’s of fice, Bartow Superior Curt, book “JJ” of deeds, page 508 tor levy. Also at same time and place, one house and lot in the city ol Cartersvine, in said county, and known as lot num ber 15 in the Peacock survey of the Tumiin property, and containing one half acre, more or less, and fronting 102 feet east on Jones street and bounded on* the aoulh 245 feet by the colored Methodist church lot. anil lot number 14 of said survey; on the north 205 feet by lot number 18 of said survey, and on the west by lot number 10 of said sur vey. and occupied and in possession of Frank Hutchins (at time of levy. July ii. 1900. Levied on and will be sold as the property ot the defendant, Haynes Milner, to satisfy one ti fa from Bartow Superior Court, in favor of J. M. Neel, receiver of Lewis Tnmlin's estate vs. Haynes Milner and Kiiis Patterson. Levy made by 11, R. Maxwell, former sheriff. iso at same time and place, lot* of land Nos. 542, 012, 014 and t>lo in the 4tb district and 3d section of Bartow coun ty, Georgia. Levied on and w ill be sold as the property of Etowah Iron Com pany to satisfy two ti fas from Bartow Superior Court, to-wit: One in favor of Georgia Iron and Coal Company for use officers ot court vs. Etowah Iron Com pany and one in favor of if. J. Gut ion for use of officers ot Dour* vs. Etowah Iron Company. Property in possess‘on ot defendant. R L. GRIFFIN, Sheriff. W. S, BRADLEY, Dep’tv Sheriff, N. M. A DA MS. Dep’tv Sheriff December 11th, 1901. Notice to Debtors and Creuitors- Noti<e is hereby given fo ad creditors of the esta'o 01 George Y. Layton, de ceased. to render in a. count of their de mands (at once) in terms of the law properly made out. Persons indebted to said'deceaseo a e hereov reque-ted to make immediate pa> ment to the un dersigned. November 18, 1991. JOE M MUON. Adm hr. Est. ofG. Y. Layton. Citation for Dismis*iou- GEORGIA, Bartow County. V liereas. John P. Stegall and R. B. Stegall, executors of Emsbj Stegall, represent to tlie court in their peti tion duly tiled, th it they have fully ad ministered Einsley Stegall’s estab* This is therefore toeile all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if anv they can, why said exec utors should not be discharged from their executorship, and receive letters or dismission on the first Monday Li January 1902 This Oct. 9,1901. G. VV. HENDRICKS, Ordinary, Citation for Dismission, GEORGIA, Bartow County, Whereas. S. G. 11. Barton, adminis trator, with will annexed, of James Barton, represents to the court in his petition duly tiled, that lie has fully a - James Barton’s estate. This istherefore tociteail persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cans--, if any they can, whv said administrator should noi be discharged from his ad ministration, and receive letters of dt mission on the first Monday in March, I 1902. Tilts December 9th. 1901. j G, VV. HENDRICKS. Ordinary.